U.:--'-;.''rS-.' v.s A 'LIST AMERICAN SKAMEN,;-.- J a detained 't the British service n a.it of documents 10 pryvc uiw Jut. As the former places of re-Vl- e if these men are unknown at the rtment of State, their friends are ' "fis manner requested to procure proof K'ir citizenship, with descriptions cf l"r Persons, and reward the same to f ctictary of State, in order that pro P plication may be made for their discharge. 4. M'Comnell enry Wdliams iobert Talman . Thompson rnom-", , vvi:i:m Smith .der')-"v Joseph M'Kedder Nathaniel Tolman John Lowe Jonathan Archer Varies W.U.ams rbomas Church, 5amuel Wilson Nicholas Powers i.hn Burmore gm Wright 1 ,hn Fredetftk William Wheeler ;ohn Bailey I oh n Farewell ohn Truman ,shua Porter Timothy Small Isaac van Blaken Michael Nugent Richard Mathers in'aoin Lusina W. S. B-wd Thomas Fatten jUirhew T.lton ' Rk'hard S trainee j )Sworth Cole George Sloan Thomas Cr'ppen jihn Dennis William Clark Janus Newall Benjamin George lames Stud Jinn Stewart Thomas Jones K cholasCos.on Cito Martin Daniel Dyswn Richard Sixty the Peter M'F&riane Jihn Hu-.m William Hayes J'in Love James Campbell Alexander L.irl;si Stephen Lewis Fivncis Edmonds V. illiam Cole Gror je Dmant William Podd a"ob Khan William Lynns William Wilson Charles Chossan Ifcnry Bowling iSihvard R'ibinson Edw'rd West ford Ge rg Gray Samuel Hills jliii M Walker abez Choat Ee, jamin Noyes . Huer, alias Jack GcTe Birch . Jim a smith Samuel Dahon Amhor.r Puitcas Henry Feathers HeTiry Chapmon J?hn Lavvsoii William Armstrong Siruel Rcwsoa Sa-nuel Ll'wd Cl.arles Harrison jr.hu Walker Thomas for.es H.-nrv VVa;ers - hotiii M ;'iivay phn Ke.d rrjdsricu Rhoads hunts G een , Giorge Campbell ntaamel Curtis Wil!i?.m Snerrard Richard ;ohnron psrph.Vil.ion On the '8tb nnstsrtt A BOND given by Richard Dearing J T nitric. fi TV-r. Hnnrlrrn il.tVl J AilltO ' -t. J - .ww Dollars. lue the first Monday in December next,, dated the-5th day of last month, ar.d assigned the 18th mst, by Benjamin Forsyth J ro piyseif ; which Bond I torwam all 1 er. sns rivin trading or bartering tor, and th Obligors from making Payr.-.eni therefor to any Person but myself as I have neiuie assic-ntd nor traded the same. JOSHdA BANKER Gennar.ton, Stoles County, Oct. 12, 1805. Joseph Muratt Joseph Woodfcon f John Jones James Lassley Charles. MitchU William lilechford William alias) Jas " Deal .John Ferguson" William Wall, jun. Marens Stephens Samuel Jenkins William Rowland John Robinson Godfrey Winslow John Jcckson J hn ; Woohcot James Leppen John Seym. ur Edward Rors Francs Davis ' Joim Smith Thomas Manning James Lynn Ludonnill or Lion Donneil David Coleman Zeneas Swift Edward Miller William Bully James Wornist ley Arcl.d. M'Keicnine David S-Tinord Frederic Rkcdes James Watts Su r.uel Sother Jwiiii Rice Antnony Nelson YVitliam Bond Thomas S:monton J-hn Mitchell Thomas Edwards J-.!eph Perrin - W'Uiam Mines Edward Moore Henry Bowling John Slocum George Watson Thomas Morris Samael Brown George Watson William Wall Kbem-7.er Bucking ham James Wilson Josh. W. lam an Phil'p Ford (alias) Caroline Thomas Srmonton John Read John Walsh John Thompson George Walker Daniel Merriduh John Johnson William Duck John Howes Thomas White Samuel Lloyd Peter johnson Daniel johnson ohn Thompson George Mars George W wson Dar.iel Mrrrndith Widiam Finlay ic-l'.n Grant Abraham Hainard jphn Miller Lifl" Young Thomas Pennock deore Walby jShn Rohinsn To y ourntymen Tailors. 'J'HE Subscriber wishes to employ one or two J umeymen Tailors, steady Men, well acquainted with the Business. To such constant Employ will be gien. JOHN RABOTEAU. Raleigh, OctoUr 25, 1805. JOSHUA SUGG, Within one Milecf the State-fonsein Raleigb Respectfully informs the Members of the General Assembly, that he will board six or eight Members at six shillings per day, and feed their horses t 2s, 6d, per day. Oct. 25 Bearding. TTHE Subscriber living within one quarter of a Mile cf the State-House, informs the Members of the ensuing Gene ral Assembly, that be has prepared himself to accommodate 12 or 15 boarders, and wili also take 40 or 50 Hcrses. Henry H. Cooke. October 23. Boarding, 8?c. THE Subscriber returns sincere A Thanks to the Pubi c in general .for their pas: Favo.s which have been bestow u;on him since he has kept 'aTavern ;n"tlns City, and r. forms them that he continues to keep a regular House cf Enter. ainmei'it, far the accommodation of aii these who rr.av ;hink proper to call upon h;m ; and that he has prepared himself to enter.ain o5 or 40 j Bowrdtri throughout the Geaeral Assetrnkiy: J He will also keen Horses in Town on mo-J derate Terms. J AM11.S MEAUS Mxieigb, October 58, liiu5. points, which ra3 to be the signal tor a general massacre ot the whiles ; 1 not evenj to spare the babe at the breast,1 was the order ofthe5r inhuman' lender. ProcLi matiobs were prepared, offering freedom to the negroes ; an'd it it untlersto(;d there are emissaries oi: the cewst and at Natchez, that had their parts assigned in this sangui nary plot. Happily inforrnauo.; was lodged with the Mayor ol their intention in time to avrrt, for the present, the dreadful calamity." - By an arrival at N. York, New Orleans papers to the 2f d S :p. arc received. They contain nothing! important. The Viper, Hriiish privateer, was cruiiing off the ijatize, and boarding every vessel gojng m or coming out. )n me ISth Setemier, the Marquis de .Cassa Calvo issued circulars to all the Spanish officers in the territory, requiring them to repair without delay to Pensaccla, to join their respective regiments. Tie North eastern mail 'to Fort Studdart and New-Orleans, was robbed near Tuckbatch town, (Creek nation) and the rider shot.-2 The port manteau was afterwards found cut up, stud most, of the letters and! .packages pillaged. On Sunday last (says the Nat chez paper of August lb,) the citi zens cf this placewere alarmed' by the parting and fall into the Missis sippi of a greatpart bf the bank un der jhe bluff, which carried rith it a great number of houses So little notice was hid ol its ir.cving, thai several lives were nearly los: in th- vess J, as rtsnrxts her coming-to w-- John Inskeen, itq. lias ac,ff.t Raleigh , . MttNDAV, Nov. 4, 1 805. We learn that General SteeU j has accepted of the Governor's ap-i pomtment as one of the cor.nnu ruins, provislKni'miiy, , hovevwr, no person received injurv excrpt m 1 U?e loss O: considrraiile :;ro;j -iav. The scene lasted at ir.tervVi, fur se veral hours, and vs truly vvvTa!. Had the circutvstance o::curred iu the night, it is lii;;h!y prrr.Ll. that a ttiir.Lr of live-j. wcjukl r.;:vL been lost. T her chm in thr- ixfiit K appears to be about ZOJ fcrt wijcj iiua betivcen 0 and 50 uct deep, a large -strcum ol tie ir coki .?ater prcvipitates iafl(,ot a gravely bot tom impregnated wiih ore, through the chr-31 into the Mississippi. Among tnc prm-jipal sutxtfrers a bioners for adjusting our boundary H to PtoPt rty? ica- are Mr. Lee, Boston, the widow Chisholm, the estate of''L)anitl liarny, and Ivlr. JoliA Callcnde''. ine with S. Carolina : and that the': ai mdustnous younz man, iroii. Commissioners were to meet at Lancaster Court-house in that State, on Monday last, agreeably to appointment. A report on this subject will probably be m:uV earlv m tne ensuing session of tht Ge neral Assembly as Gen. Wclboi and Col. Moore may be expected 'J Li.vance iioliander joshua Tho;T)5on j:r.e i llney IphnFrish r rar.cis Bainacoat Peter Lewis honn Masun A:a Thompson William Ciiojaa John Huet )"hu Bost-n Peter Wittsmot h 'hii Griffui Ipmes Goldsborough Charles M'Bride Richard Edwards himes M'Pherson john Holmes Menry Applewhite William Stuuiiford W'iiHam iarvis '.phn Downing 1 toV.n Bvrens Francis Wood I mm Dana M.itin Dull Rota! Tavbox Duvid-CuJ joi.n Magrath John Holmes On Thursday Inst, about 100 n "i tOu;b'a; Capt. Hutchinson, of the jj s'.iip RcU lim LiverpxM, fell in ... tl with tne Frcn.ii private c r sciioonei fi Superb, Capt. Dominique, and was onicril o bojr.d the piiv.t terr th liis papers.- Tl is or Capt. H. iinm-r.-iiatreiv comr,beJ to attetd their duty as Legislators j u : r.i - r r At the election for Brunswick I county, which did not takf puce ' nil the 14th ult. General B. Smith' vritn : but no sooner h.-.a nv got oa ws elected Senator, and Mesi,r. i board than he was surrounded by jL.enard and Parish Commoners. 1 hi teen or twenty rrenchmen, Spa- and mulatto's, who with the-offife of Maydr.of the City x f Philadelphia, to which hejiyd been. elected fjv the citv' andcrnlhoh -ouncils The Philadelphia;, jers anticipate from this circum unc, a beneficial change ja tfje j.d ministration of the polite. Col Burr has bee.i appointed one the directors of the Indiana Ca nal Company. 3 On Thursday, the 10ih imr. th :egi 3 lature of Connecticufconv'en s d .it NcWr.Haven. The session was" opcr d as uua! by a pech frora .lie G overnor to both houses. i h : iddrrss is of a loc al nature and co -tains nothing peculiarly interest' n;r to the citizeaa of other states. T' llousciipt' Representatives mae choice of Timothy Perkins, jun. Esq. Sp-aker, and Sylvatius Bac.c :uv and Noah Webster, Esquires, Clerks. f OntheJihuU. 'Mr. Weaver cf Montgomery county, and his son, a young man, re turning from mar Icet separated in the evening at the Springhouse tavern, the father in a chaise, taking the Bethlefiei road, and the son who drove tb waggon, that which parsed Nort:i Waits meeting house: half an hour aher the father had got home, th wa'ggon arrived at the door with .hi: the tiriver. The family were a-. larmcd and eet out in search of th.-j young man, whom they found mur dered on the road opposite Mr. Jones's qaarrv. It is supposed i the wretch who perpetrated this j unprincipled act, must have shot j him irotn behind a wood pi'e, and re .. i-.e dwt.tined and sent into ij then dispatched him with the butt ht Dotis. The I)ia h clear- ,'u:nd of the pistol, as appeared from a out :ro:n Amsterdam tor Gti-I the marks on his head. It is pro- I 1' in ov.rvss, '.vnen she "his country. Yet from the cor espondence between me, or rathe jii my part with tffe great men i; office, you will be able toju.jg how stands. I conceive th! the seizure wis made of her,s well is others at, the same time, on l'a ground ihet no act had been pa- sc 'iy the Congress of the LXnitec. states :xi meet that of Great Bi itaii. outinuing- the treaty- in fu'Cor r on her put t for one year, ending vn tlie 1st ol June, 155. Fnur. y ' i private conversation witn cut Charge rixlFaircs in Lon-.lon, then .ippe:,rs iittie inclinalioti on the part ol the American government for its renewal, and perhaps the . sei zures weremadto iiluce our mi nistt rs to represent suc-ntcessity.' 1 ne ung vviiiiam and iVivtr-., ! iasteroy, captured on her passage from Charleston to Amsterdam, acd carried into Yarmouth, has been released, on paying coste. Ths drcisioa in this case deter mines the principle that the late or ders ot the British government for bringirg in American vessels with, cargoes, tiot the produce of the United States, are only intended to apply (us in case of the Essex) where the aeutrai toukm her cargo originally in the colonics of the enemy.... Tim ex. The American shin Dispatch, of Philadelphia hi been detained! m iUiland on suspicion 01 h.?r iia ving D.itcn property. The Maria, irom Khode islanuto Anisterdam, .md the Culeiwuia, Hwr.derson, frc;m Am-i-rdatn to Charicston. ire sv on, as ' he '-pei ty ot Anc.ricauTi balilc that th villain determined 011 mcrt bai't nt Phusdeh.hin an ! mi; . r. . .. : ... ; 'u I ijy tluee weeks without molestation-;, but oa her weighing atrehor .aid standing c'Jt, she was detained bv two B: ;lish gun bris. She the murder and robberv at the ta- an immense quantity ol tioliars on oard, 'i he Briti'ib .uyp'jse thai her ult:m ite destioatiou ws the Cape of Good Hope, ani not the river of Car.tcn, ad that the dol lrs were for the payment of tlu Dateh H0003 !statined in that set titrne'nt. They observe that a very cxtfeivtiive fade has beem carried on .v the Dutch, ijt this way, Tor a great length of time. vern, v.-here vouni? man ! prudently permitted his purse to be J s .en into which; he was putt big j r o.me change. But at the report I ot the pistol, which was heard bv was la'.ieu with ury goois, 2nd hii all the. neighbours, the barking of spencer james Fetnerstone Clias Hiett William Soala Andrew Mansfield Barns. M'Xuit joh'i Hankerson Samuel b jossph Wilson VV:Liiain banders james Doyle 'Joseph Hex is Isaic Ga:ne .George V. Eddy George Famngon j ht Hansford james Gray Tli'nu3 White Richard Dawoon " Joseph V leraon If K:c:ir.rd Reed john Brack or Brock john Brown BenjaminI. Hunt Wl'iiaili Vlladil j.- hr. Rick, jn. alias john tJeiiben josejdi Hi'xs Koberc Coul son New-Market Pall Races com- ' menced on the 12d ult. The Post j Sweepstakes for 4 year olds, n- trance 200b, was won by Mr. Mosby'i Chesterfield by Diomed, beating Mr. Bates s City Point by mariis. violent threats anti much abuse, drawing their knives and daggers, were proceeding to take his papers by force. This Capt. II. resisted, but shewing eaeh f his papers se parately, they were satisfied of the Dungannon. The Jockey Club j property being American, and told Purse of 4J0S 4 mile heats, was I him he might proceed. While won by Mr. Wilkes's Surprise bv ; Bellair at two heats five horses t run. The Proprietors Purse of 225& 3 mile heats, was onby Mr. j Ball's Escape by Saltram at 3 heats. ' Four horses run..- The Pout Sweepstakes for 3 year old colts, 1 entrauce 200S'vas won by Mr. M. D. Johnson's Carolina, by Saltram. ( Seven started. The Handy Capj Purse of 300S entrance 30g, was ; won by Mr. M. D. Johnson's' Cceur de Lion at 3 heats. Fourj horses started. .ino.BuptisteDestando Sanmel Ihuwa 301m fcreene W illiam Hawker Samuel Carr David Collin!: Edward Moore lB Haley JOhiVLrndsay 1 nomas 11 owe -3'nCoKlaiid havid C'lleman -William Hereon or: Harrihoii ... J 1 llnill.-!l lr!ln-.rn! , M .-..) Samuel i t : d Francs Lamott Teter Har.vy Pcter Lauiies Lewis Willi an. Sherrard Koinrt Ci'. i-b.e-j i6eji: iilake Will ititn jurvis alias y z. I a lmari Clement Colrin Peter W'ils m orLdward Moodie 0 ... . j '-evi il...;i ).;i C'hailcs L jvv Linjiic.L-v Turner 1'tle l.I.r.or G i.iert le .vis war.! !...-. . tr.n .... . .. IT I'!.. (')., - ilrliot IV.lli-j.r. '1,. ..' The New-Orleans Gazette of the 14th ult. sayi, " We can state, from a source that may be relied i on, that any army of 5000 men are on its miurch from Mexico, to strengthen the Spanish frontier of Lousiana We cannot but think j it would be adviseabie for our go-j vernment to throw a few thousand troops iuto this country". Even, though we should remain at peace jit would be well o shew a state o preparation ktv war. I, fapA A letter from New-Orleans, da- ; ted Sept. 6 says: " The topic! of conversation, at present, is the I arrest of a wh'te Frenchman, now ' lodged in jail (I understand uorn l 3 . ;Mai tmicoj vnio was attempting to effect an insurrection of the free might pro Capt. H. w.i undergoing this et mination, a Lieutenant and six 01 the pnvateer'snaen jumped into the Holla's boat, and going on board the ship commenced a most dis graceful scene of plunder, breaking open thi chesta in the cabin, steal ing every thing they could lay their lianda on, and otherwise.'bchaving like 'savages and pirates. On Cipt H. returning to the ship they were about taking away his boat upon his refusing to give her up the priva.teer8.meii struck him, several times, and threatened to stab him, but finding him resolute and deter mined not to give up his property without a struggle, they went 01T. Capt. Hutchinson was informed by some of the crew, that they had engaged a ship off ' Charleston bar.- which they supposed to be a Gui nea man ; and, that they h id four men killed ia the action. The sails' 1 and rigging of the privateer were much cut, but htr hull did not ap- I pear to have received much injury. The Alexandria Advertiser says that the brig Washington, Capt. Cornhill, 01 this port, with stores for the squadron in the Mediter- rai.e.MV has .been' captured by the the dos must have alarmed him before he could commit the robbe- 11 the mvr.ev was found-in r as Accounts from Cadiz of the Sd August, state, that there were up wards of 0,000 barrels of Ameri v an fiour in the harbar, for which ss!e cuhl be obtaiiud, altimigh luL'red a: prime cost. Tommasi, the Grand Master of Malta is said to have hied at Cata ua oa the 1 uh June last. An As sembly of the Gramd Chapter was immediately summonsd, and the Bai li Curaciolo elected 1113 succes sor. Ttnma crrrson. President of tke United States, and his pre.de ressor 'John Ai'tms (siys a late Londcn paper uuder a llaguc date) have been .nominated members ot the Society of Sciences at Hurlem. The Yellow Fever has nearly subsided in both the cities of New York and Pennsylvania. The Duel between Dr. William Upshaw and Sic el Co. a Jones, Eq. I both of Jlichmond, V. is stated to j Ith'i- tot- nlarr mi thp evniino til (.lie u;.. uu , i.ii. i-iji iiuiiu 1 shore. They were prevented by ! -1 j r' ' tu Z3,.'t i-UC Will-i HUM l-lOft&lUg lilt- x uiu- mac sooner. Thry fought al three feet distance. Mr. Jones is said to have boen wounded in the up per part of the head. The ball, iil-u-t having entered the forehead discharged itself from the back part of the head. Whether it pe netrated the skull or merely glan ced along tne bone, our inform ant is unable to say. The wound 15 not supposed to be mortal. D:. Upshaw escaped without any injury. his purse. Phil. Paper. Miliar, hss the following remarks upon Mispent T'rne : Hours have Thing's, and fiy up to the, Au thor of time, and carry news of our usage. Aii our prayers cannot in treit one of them either to return or-slacken his pace; The mi--pence of every minute is a new re cord against us in Heaven. Sure, if we thought thus, we should dis miss them, with better report, and not suffer them to go away cmptv, or laden with dasgerous intelli gence! How happy is it, tnat every a iur should convey up, not only the message, but the fruits of good, andstav with the Antk nt of Days, to apeak fors before Ijis glorious throne 1" .LIED, At this place, on Thursday last, Mr. Edware Hants, carpenter. In the vicinity of New-Orleans, on th 7th Septernbr, Col. Thomas Butl;r, of ihe Uu.ted States strmy. iieople of color and slaves. His Suitors ,,;rUe National I atellija.iarM l)!a" had f'r PSrd, that, Sn-"! t:"--'-' p:t:-" inxae AiU,t;jten days irom the tune of his i u:ii .,i.,i 1 o-rtection, . Ahey were' to have :nv o uu-.es ! commenced operations by firing the jf may be ! ei:y of Nev;-'Jri.-ans at diifcrentjj pursue 1 1 J ir.!U!-.i tic u-.VS i s '. x m r 1,': ' - .1 ' A ! u(s auu c tiueu miu rvige- A k tter from an American gen tleman vkued Bristol, (Eng.) Aug. 29, 1805, to his correspondent in Boston, says, l Austria has decla red Witr against Prance-'. at a loss what cou " ion 1i with the Returns from all the counties in Pennsylvania, i relation to the Eln'tion of Governor b.ave not yet been received. The present Go vernor, . Thomas M'Kean, will doubtless bi re-elected, though h:s majority., it is expected, will not exceed 0,0 JO. Gov. M'Kean has rcmovsd Samuel Bryan,. Esq. from the ol fice of ComptroMei'-G.eneral, a;.d appointed George DutF.eld, Esq. to his p'a--e, and John Kean, Esq. . . .... .. r -v 1 Keg'.ster-Gcnerai m p;ce or ivir DuTUeld. The two persons disp-a re in favour of Mr. Snyder's .a certi rse to j j ce :l ttvre lificaie 11 eieeiijn. VERY IMPORTANT. " Ncv-Tm-k, Oct. 23. " We hasten to communicate to Vou the. following important intel ligence, received from Messrs. Hammond nni Holmes, pacsa gers in the Susan h Sarah, Mar ner, arrived at Newport from 5ordeaur, which p ace thsy left the 1 1th September: " 150,000 Russians were posi tively on their march for Italy AH the troops in the south of France were marching to meet them A body of French troops had taken Venice ar.d Naples The " Afim; of England ' h. d left Boulogne in three uivis'ons ; one of the divi sions passed through Lisle on the: 3d September for the frontierr. Austria has not yet operly deciart d what part she will ct m the con test : but she has 300.000 men ready for service, and 60,000,003 florins in her treasury. There was no doubt in France of a com bination having been formed be tween Russia, Austria, Sweden, and the Porte, aad that they would all immediately act against France. Pru-sia h not decided. Bin-,:- purie was at Paris. The entire return of the Penn sylvania election, give Mr. M'Kean a" majority of 5,998 votes. Ti.Tinihv Pi: kins. iu:. and Lewis" j r R. Sturkts, have been electca :o voi. rrtss from Connecticut, m pwee o iieosrti. Gr'wold and Cocdaru. f

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