...--..aw-k r. r '. 8TWoD. 15. Vrith tV. tpttfl'&si'e of tue ri'.rih cf the .Kusebv? troops, v. e I ;u e received the- T--.roving crvs Utters from Lemb.-rg in G ddi era, dated the aUhcf August: " Genci.ils S fund: Whyroter h u e been successively sr.t here b v thr court of Vienna, to direct the march of the Russi.ns. i h-tr rmv i? divided i tto two bodies, one of which takes its route t'rorgh eastern Gallicia, and the other by tbc northern, towards Lublin and Cra .ovin ; the last body has not yet entered Gallicia. The fi st arrived on the 2-3.h of August, at Brody; it marches in six columns. It is confirmed that a third bod of Russian troops are 2Ctir.!!y con centrated at Wdna, in Lithuania, and-'is to be followed by s ver d e thers. T he court cf Ber'in h iv ing refused a passage through its states, the corps of the army cf AVilni will continue its route thro' Gallicia. sr.PT. 16. The Austrian have alreadv ta ken possession of a great part oi Bavaria. All the country situated H-etween the Inn and the ls-r is overrun wi.h their troops. Gen. Kit n. in, who commands the corps of the army which passed the Inn on the 8 h September, is about to jtransLr his head quarters to Mu nich. The principal cities near the Danube or on the borders of the river, between Sir tubing, Pas- 5 sau Landshut, VilshtfF and other f plar.es have already already an Austrian garrison. fRANKFORT, SEPT. 11. Our List letters are of the 3d September; they give the news that on the 3d a general order of the day announceil to the army that the new commanders of the troops have been1 officially nominated. It is therein said, that the Emperor will repair in person to the" armv, having under him General ?Iack and Count de Greenville. His Majesty-will set off for Lintz on the 3d September. On the satne day Archduke and the other Generals ore to repair to the armies in which they are employed. The Archduke Charles is appointed Commander in chief of the Austrian army in 1 taly and in the Tyrol. The Arch duke J'hn, his brother, as his assist tant in the command ; and Baron cle Z.ich is to perform the functions of chief of the General Stuff, a post w hich he has already occupied in the army of General Melas, unuer whom he served in the batde of ivlarcn", where he was taken pri soner ; the Genera! Baron de Huf- J fenhurg is also to have a superior posv ii the army of the Tvrol, un der the orders of the Archduke : Charles. The: chief command of the army in upper AtliU ";u is given to the Archduke Ferdinand, die son ot the present sovereign ol I3risgaw nnd.of ihe Artenau, cousin germ tn to 'the i'lnmcr' r. General Mayer is chief of the siaiToi Ms arm v. During the absence of the L.. peror, the Elector of S.dsbourg, hi- brother, is charged with the direc tion of business, nzPT. 1 V. Letters from Vienna mn-.unre. that a part of the baggage o" bis " Majesty the Emperor and oi th. ir Imperial and Hoy al Highnesses the Archdukes, is already sent off f r the army. The Monarch a III h;st .repair to the ca;r-p ol Vvlis. fASLE," SUFT 13. We reai'y b-di-ve in (h's coun try that it will be very d Hiei.l. for tue Helvetic confederation to main tain it-, nevi trail tv in the new conti- nen;ti war io auuut. co n.encmjr. 'In.. greatest activity prevails in a"! the La.iions t r r.tiaing the quota ot u.tr, ucoijncu lo protect ii.e .inn . J n a act. on. tne part td nc uti al;: aud to occu;v 'the. -urt n. Viu.nij, the Kihne- .... . ..'(' 1:1 - , I t. OIV it S. ' i 5 k .ic g ana cuun.iis o 'rtost ol tie c.iutoiia have b.cn con- V..kcd to dehbefrtie on the tin u!ar l. turoi liiv lHiidaroiu.iii r. 1 .c t t':is objv ct, aiui to d t i ui.u rumb:r ol tioops ot vviu. h it hh.th be corr.xsc-d. 'i i!e lano.oiim. i as g;vci ojd r to ciiaw th t t iT.nils oi S'Vit-ri.tuo ,JX (j . r.dimcm oi j ;;-is tioi,oui .ii m--' toulit'A oV thr Cir.bou L.ni x nence r.t- w Uj is Ut i-nu.L i t;4, j. ' ei.;s t(? ii.. fx- -in 'K i oi i . . ,;. 1 it.: . frht chicmt journal n n u.i fetom es that the Emperor 6f 6f Germany, without any previous negotiation '' or exphnation, and without a dsc laration cf war, has invaded B varin. The elector .has retired to Wiitzhurg, where the wool' ot die Bavarian army in as. em ied' sr.PT 4. Cardinal Fesch,' cur pv.dster plenipotentiary, at H me, has pre sented to the Holy Father, in the name of hh Imperii! and Royal tai.stv, e'ght magnificent pieces of tanestry representingscenesfrom the new Testamer-, two superb earpets of exquisite workmansnip, uvo chandeh- rs of the fieaest beauty, and a service of plate lor ihe table. st.?t. 25. ?vTarsh xl Masscna,-. general ir: "chief of i!e armv of Ivalv, arrived j.n the lOih Fru thlor at the head ! quarters of Vdla France; the day loilowmghe visited the fortificati ons of Mantua, a-ad in the evening depart d for Vallegdio, where he will establish his head quarters. Gen r .l Jourdan passed lately through Lvons without stopping, on fm wav from Italy to Paris, SEPT. 27. Imperial Decree. St. Ciojd, ,2J complementary day. year 1 J We, Napoleon, Emper;.- cf the j French, Kingot Italy, have decreed and do decree what toows : There shall be. formed three bo- dies of an armv of reserve. The first sha I have its head nuarU rs at - n i m u i ! ed bv Marshal Brur.e; it sh.dl ex- tend horn the Somme to theScheld, and shall comprise the departmt.rts oftlic Somme, of he Pas-de-Calais, of the Nord and of the Ly:. I he second shall assemble at Mav enct, and shall be commanded by the senator Marshal Lcfebvre ; it shall comprise the departments of i the 2j5th and 26th nvlitarvdivisi ons. The third shall unite at S'.i as- j burg, and shall be commanded by the senator Marshal Keller man ; it j shad comprise the departments of i che '2d aad 6th military divisions, i Ail the corps destined to make a part of these three bodies of re serve shad be cariie.d to the com pie merit of wit bv means of the re serve. There shall be formed at Remits a flying camp of grenadi ers under th orders of General of Brigule Boxer. 1 here shall he formed a r.cond flying camo of Alexandria, departm nt of ! nr. ti. r - t .lit V II' go, under the orders of a general of brigade. TherV sh.dl be a't:ih- ed to e tcl'. of ihese bodies a divisi n of iighi horfcartiil.ry. '1 iiese be- ;j dies itre d strne i to m i'ih vh ,j i'ver their prer.er.re m.iv be nece:-; ' - i vuy. 'j he minister of vviir is I . '.uvrgt d with the tieeution of the An impefi.d decree orders that here-hhaIL be formed a corps of Horse veiires of the three lust win s, tthe rat" of tix (ot each depart ment, to be uken fron among ihohe wiio shall o3"er themselves vcluntaiii ; or in default of suJi, to be (!c-s'.goated by tae prefect. Th -.Wiites must be of sound cor, . titutions, -,tnd mast have of their own Gr from thdr relations, ase- urc lcv.p.u. ol 200 francs a yea:. Kis M:j sty the Kmp,rorand j Xing SLtciffar thc artiiy on Tucs : day List, 'i he Emnress set iff th.: E.vim ror, and i to l"..i:ow.;d b(- ilr. Tal!r. rand, tU t.i.niue lor io:e gn alfms, j A Fa.' is r.aper cf the i!3-:h Sep-u- m 't ci.-;-;i.i;is a vciv icnjr.hv iXjjc.sauHi o: t-.e reciprocal conduct jol rutneir aid Auniria, from the j .;.e;u e -at I.t:;evidj. i. d bv the mi ... . ... "'v' 1 '--v i.;a.i5 in tnc oe- ! cn ihL 2-Zi of Srntr mijer. 'I hr .i i'v nhu &ii UuS: Lus ex- Ail-; :h n . j:'r c uhi h.-.ve n.Jth ' " 1 -ic o ..-uiuii'- mut to ' iA,L ' lt- it- became cv ident that ! ! SVcI'. :t,;lt 'o'wj ts-:, which i o- i ce-ded Ijce-dta v-va suLh r.n i.j.i- r.ou ijne, ' d v.i.h iev io "uibiv- om!u to i lfva.', vs only a new itie ho-! t r l... ia:i:i ; th:u A ii rcvoi - ny ci eciuiu ;ti v-ar. tiiai hoc even li'l !Oi ger rce to rtt(.rn io ti,t Mt. ; ctian-t oi ;,-. n. !:;.-- ,. : u n.at a ,1,.. I , i . grenadiers at th'e town iNappleoii, tht I..i.;d oTSamut-r Moshv, 'ec?as'.i. a under the orders of n general of i s-ecbly to the acts of the Gcr.'tra! Assent brix.;de. 'I'here snail oe formed a j j '' a,,d I'viacd ; or o ., n , - . jf n.tiwi.-.e the l-'l.o-itiii s ptiuo; sha-i b- ta third flying canvi (F gren itiers at J k-n pr co.;fe8ss ar-J judAtuent enter ac l' C 1 ri;!l: n H:i:,tStrV' 1 5rtivid iM.dcsturatV j'pmvrn which Intl fust" in fust" lri-a'ii kb' with 1 tfr alliance, could no longer spare the blood of her subjects, tie price or vhich she just receivechl "A further explanation viti the Court of Vienna, .being thus become impossible; the way of ! arms h hence forward the only one I comoatible with honour. Let England applaud hrrself upon having at length found allies ; let her rejoice that blood is about ' to flow upon the continent, let her ! flatter herself that her own will be 'spared; let her hope to find her i safety in the discord cf other ; . - .... . states. Her joy will be ot short duration, her hopes will be 'vain, and the day i3 not far distant when I the rights ofnationswili be at length ! avenged. " The Emperor, obliged to re pel an unjust aggression which he has m vain endeavoured to prevent, his betn constrained to suspend the execution of his first designs. lie has withdrawn from the snores of the ocean those old bands f.o victo rious, and h? marches at. their head. He v. id not lay down his arms be fore ha has obtained full and entire satisfaction, and complete securitv both for his own states and those of hi, allies." Jut received from Ihi'.addphla By th? Trin er lerj ;f, GIBIiUN's HMory oi the Decline ir. I P.l t t 1 L" . . ( nv. !i ui i.-t .t..inii r,mj):r , us cv ! price 22 dolls. i Mis i tlie ;:rst Air.ene ii Hl:non .-f tais cdcbraicd wcrk. a;-.d .s.-jvin! io the L-iv.l:;. rd.tbn, vrh-ch stllf r jij Alsr., tl.e 4h vol. East's Terra Rc: r T:v 3-i of -linj.ase's do Mac is:.!;) a )d I'cruve cn v::!erics A in w .'jitloii oi CI l!ert cn du. Stry'a Select i. -it of Mradii: Cass . f Im;)eac!;!r.e:itb in St. N Yor; U.iiics'.ic li.nctla( rJui, 5v. ' ' O.y. G.i!es mzy be bad. Copies ;i' i!-c G'.vvn.or's and Treasurer's Ccmn-.u:i:caticiu to ihe Legielaturc. Sta'c ot " I'-'.mh Ca: .'lii.a, ") bahsuu.y ti .s'lict. 1 StiX'r' ir C'nurt of Law, Scfite-ubt-r Term, A I). 1305. It f ie su-.r Luclet D.::ss at"', wife vs Ji'n.imn M.tsuy et alias. " JT is 'ordered bv the Court, t'.i r Atlveiliioiv-eii W made s x sue ; cessivi; s i he Cf.:rt-H..i:s.- i.-e Count-. ot Syii v aud in Sta-.i.- G'rte, uotif-. in R-Vocrt M'-5. zwAcA t..iu M.'Dani.'l. 'ho a.re rr.ae.-.- :;cfca.hi..t in thh. -pc- :ti ,: ai-d v. hohve "jrof t'.rs Sta-e, l'-.r :!. n t. j appear at the ' .'. Court to he hohlc.. i- i ; tne d-sij-ic: i Sahsbur- on ike r.i.je.eentl- diy cl i.ext,' a n J iie-.v' cause, t an" thev haw, w.ivTiie'j;ct;ti.:i.pis shou'u n j- fini.ee in if ir parr . in liie oivis-.t.) c: ir-l i .- L ..vJinjjiy. MONTFOK f s i o:;,, tJIcr'-; of Salisbury Suptrior Court. fX-t. 21, J ""o' ;a.' Kandolth col-ntt. y Court of iY.-as a id irtcr Sessior..) ' -.-. Cl Ivf. iC , ..rM. JtZl, J4J. uenj. a:u, u- Oatk, returned to tb:s Court tVn. M.crc.3 NT thUC-.se, the Sheriff of the County has returned the Original At- i taciure -!t, bein,r on tl.e undivided In- I terest oi the Defendant jo a Tictcf Land contaiui;; 4J Acres cr tl;ereihos, lying aud being on the Waters ofUharie river, ad joining; the Lands of Whi h-ck Arnold, Jo hiah Sm.baand William I'homp'son ; and it being. ihe wn to the Court, ti.at the De fendant ii an Inhabuar.! of an i'ner State, It is ordered by rhe Court, that all proceed iUt n the sa:d Suit bj s:aed for fne spa;t of nine Moiths, and that the Cler.i A.l ver.ise the Suit, with the order made thcrcii. f r the space three Months, la GJ.Vv. RalsighHegisier, that the Defendant hix'; nave notite, that uUbs he ap-pears vvi.hli, n:ne Months, replevy the property levied or put in b id aad plead to issue, J udgmeii. wdl be ea'.errd against him. J HARPER. Clk. JV Virtue of a Writ of Vendition l-Jiilxionas, issued from the Circuit j Court of the United States, for the t d.oi. ict of N ill; Carolina, on the 15th day cf Juiic 1 3;)5, at the instance of j Suchanan,Du;dopvkCo. vs. Thomas, C ;rson & Hugh Cunningham,- th t Ldiovving tj ucl. f ancj mc itjone(j jn j said Venditiosri Exponas, u i:i be sold . tor golu or silver, on the 21st day o , D .cember ricxt,at the .Market-Housr ; in Hiiibo-oug6, viz, 75 acres cf lam ! adjoining the Town, of Lexington i On- oLhci l; act adjoining the above, I 'd the line of said Town, containing j 110 acres : anoihcr tract joining said Town of 130 acres; and 35,000 a , cres lyinq i.i Montgomery County in i he f.iik betwten theYudktn and Roc ; ky-R:vef, and joining the line ofCa- harms County, tiic property of Tho S niils ,i 3 aeccai.d ; and 500 su , i-jes oti irc ;.'uirs . ,f Swearing Creek, n.jiv-s Lor. Lexington; 610 CreS Oil llccnV t!ltv:k- R TtiiTxe fnr. S .-. iU I 0V j . . . . ..VCJJK 'ii, -iijo OO acres on Dvcea- i Creek the nroertv of Ilt'i'rh Cu-L r.iiig'iuin ... o - -- If. Sheppard, D, M. 64 Jt tie frat.MMi 'Jar.aarj t4he : C'rur, -House in J,i"taiuxi.t, t ire amntj - j ', - Ln.iuin, m tin SttHn 'f AVf 'J-d.rdlinui ' HE Uowincr Town Lots and' I.a:-1, or m much thereof as wil! ie M uiutient f.t pay iJie Taxes due 'thei-ewt for ; ihe year loA-, with epics ai.d charges, viz. LoU in the town of Lincolnton, ia-tje nvrtb- E;h-o.;nth parrs f No" 5. Ten-el yemh parts of Nu. 6. Kleven-twcU'th ;.-ar s jfMo.7. O i?-lia!Fot" No, 9. Sis-seventh ar:s f No U. Seven t 'h'li pans of No 11. Feurteen-iifteenth parts of No. 1.5 No. 16 Fifteentli -sixtee'n'h parts of No. 21. Fourteej fif-ee.i:h par: ( No 22- V1.c-,.4.i Vl o. , c o..c .,.ltti .4 i,B in etui tt-ven tn ire sju. J.ost square. One-fourth ot No. ii, .Oje-iourth of No, 9 .One-f. ur h of No 11. One half of No. 1'2. Oiie-eihth of No. 18 JiOts cn tbe S Jlsist Suaie ofsii I rr. 1 nree.f uVfl:sot No. 5 One half ol No. e. O i?-f.:urtli of No. S. One-f urthof i;a 10, No. 16. Three-fourths of IT-?. 17. One-fourth of No. 20, and one-hlf of Xu. 23 L: t cn tbe S ) Wcit Square cfthesai I tmst-0e-half of No. 7. O-e four h of No. 10. One half No. 11 One-half of No. 20. and one-haK of Nr '22 of which-Lots the owners are unkrt'-wn. uOO' Acres of Land on t'e waters of! I-u ciiinaii, creek, tuid to be the property i John O.iof.k. 3-j0 Acres of r.atid on the waters of 3uf-JJ tal:t- cree, a u to he tJie property of a ctrain Williams., 3jIJ Acrfs of Land on the vatrrs of la aian civek, j ming C 1 Phifcr's land, ori-g-nally gra fted to Ardi .n D jii'nam, dec ov j)Ucr.idatcii the ITm ol N jvemkr, A .D 1790. 70 Acres -f Land on the wafers of the Li iiL' C.i'.T.vb'i cr.'e!., said t" be the pro perty of lV.ih m. K03ERT PAT TEilliOX, Si ff. RUNAWAY, F om tbe Sulnct iocr, an tbe ib of JJitrcb .;, A NF.fi no MAN, or n yellow Cimj i x-'.n, -!)..u 20 years d: straight well bud:, b th? r.air.e of Taplyj v .11 j r.hahlv pass for a free Tvlaiv He has a scar or. his Chin, occasioned by a tall lrn y'UTTg. Wrsoever sh.all give in for nation cf the said Mulatto to the Subicr.btr, or lodge Tin-, in a.- y Garl, sc that he may be rcc c red, shall te v.-tll rewarded for tluirtr.'u-bl--. GP.O. HEKNI.ON. ir..xf Omut", Kov. 30. y LIVE LIE PT. E S'. D c l iber has for sab at an I'r.om lio- 14, in Lasso's Tv ?!", Levant Assortr.-.ent of JEWELLERY, .-. Iiicii he will dispose of on very i w terms. As Ins &:aj in this city 'ill be oi.l for a ic.t- days, he hope: an ea;ly attention will h? paid to this Advert'.st mnt. r It t-i y Ladies or Ger.Lmen wish to r h s Jevlhry at theii.own houses, they -. .It he ai td u-On. N.'V 3J GliO. REUTER. LIKENESSES yT olpokd resp,-ct:i.:iy infoms the La hesand Gentlemen of Raleigh, v,lv u,v.n;ed Optical nli-neatinK P AN i TO ME TEFt, atah.u a little below Cas- I so's l avern, at whxh a Loiton Machue was f..i-1-..eily kent ; bv wh eh he cuts the n'.-.st aecura.c L ikci..3st-s in Prnnle. cf hve in-ient sizet, at ir-m 2.- cents to a d-. hir each. FranicsanfG!13,atal,wi.cc. : J 1 ' V?i " i l-n Likened paiaud cti Glss "ftn a new j( Y Mr- Bloodwoi Jll, a bill to in- i'L'i i'.i.VZf .J, jfev. o'K ! c-!pcratc St. Tammany' Lc-Jgc, .j'No S2, Wilmington; PROPOSALS jj r-y Mr. Hunt, a bill to empower Tor pubK ung by Subcri:)ion. ! Robert Worke. sh i"iff of Ireucli, :u I a Vu.'ume ociui.., price in ward ' T?SSAYS, Literary, Political and D aiiatx. Ey Lemuel Sawyer, Liq o Njr:h-(JaroIiMa. 'i i.i r. ric w ll be irinted on a boautif:il -ype z d Viilu n jujjcr, and will conta.n a j-.ut Z J'j J'f-s. Subbciiucii received by the Printar hereof. IIOU1S1 COMMONS. Jbiiif, Act 25. iMr Jones, from the balloting f-r a Governor lor the ensuing yur. repined that Naihani.d Alexuuier, fcls-j. was duly elected ; he. having 108 voL's and Co!. Kniamin Wil littms e5. Col. Tayloi's rrae had had been dropped. The reignaiion cf Thos. Childs, as Brl'gadierrCicneral cf tne 1 1th hri gade of the 4th division was received and accepted. The Speakers cf the two Houses were directed by resolution, to dis- patch au r.xnres. to Nathaniel Alex. andv;r, informing him that he is elected (iovcrnor. The resignation of John Col well, Major cf the Simpson rci.ient of Mdi.ia- was received from the Se nate and accepted. A committee was appointed to take into consideration all applies tions made! fur the collection of the arrears of taxes. Mr. Hay, from the coromittee to whom was teterred the bill to amend and supply the deacieucy oi the sc veral acts in furce, directing how' deeds of gift and bills of sale oi slaves, shall be authenticated and perpetua ted, reported the bill with umk.ud menCs. I he folloingbills vere prcSjnlcd, and pa. sd their firsi leadiiu' : IIv Mr. liuy, u h,l! U rSi , r ; i - -t '-L.-iii ij'.ti.ivt.. : """"T""' PP t'l'P H .iv Mr. lias I '-I- tl 'i-ihri natch ir.-.i, !,tc teivi Comity, U) 'culK-(;r ;;ri' 'J :iue hi in ""! tne v - i- v "' 'ti 1 1 r v vorced fr-.m iicr i: i llill'llt ill I r-.xi... i ' ?? I -anil Li... .,..v, jj.wv ! r ...so name m.,y be altered t0 that -'''-T ey- h:il ; which he,!;.- reatK a i aon a- preserve petM-.ju into eflVct, vhich . reo t tirr committee on pv " l h. following mess dfeeivfd fiora the Governor : ' GENTLEMEN', I have tUe honor lav Ix-W 1 fof r-n,--.vr nC i '3 I Ifiialf nf bic Moi,. f,... . , -j ivjT exte'vl;r the boundary line between this s ' and the State of South Ca-c;; also an ofTicial copy ff the pr'V ingof the Kino; In Council 0n 7th of June. 1771, with a nup' the line as ex'emLd uml.-r tZ dcr the year following, bv Comny!s" Mom-rs on the part of S6a'.h-Carcl;r' only. " As this report contain-, noi!,i, conclusive, and the subject is to h- gain discussed at the meeting of tjle f hu Ortn i rtr ice inno n C t States at' Chariot' e, in this-ta.', the 3d Monday in January uex. ! might be impioper for the arumcn's used by the Commissionets on eat!) side to be publislied while hc maiu-t is pending. I would, thtrefjrc, ic. commend thai this report be iq in bot'n Houses for the inform-ivi of the Gcner.d Assembly, w;th ,.r sed doors. " d the origiiul retur.itt' J to the Executive Departnunt, soaS ro prevent any p.rt ci the srg men.s bein published, which tni. cnd to impede t:;e final ant( ainlca ble terminal-.n of tlie conlroversr r question. JAS. TURNER:-" Tnis message was according read wii h closed doors in both hou The fcnru.'al report of the PubJ,c Treasurer wan received, read, ai referred to the Committee of Finance. For a copy of it, see the first page sf this paper, Tueiday, November 25. A message was received from the Senate, proposing the appointment of a Committee to revise the Militti Laws, naming on their part, Messrs. Wellborn, Graham and Franklin, The proposition was agreed to, anil Messrs. J. Moore, Cochran, Coflidd, Rhodes, Cooke aud Edmund Jones, named on the part of the Common. The following bills were prcscrded, and received their first reading : Bv Mr. Love, a bill to amend sa ! act eiU.idibhir.g a town at Brunswick 'I rr,,,.. ,rv,,- , B-V AV' Wh:tehead' bll! to au- ,n5C counly-couit ol ash, to I appc-iM L Ornnussioners to examine ii the. lte:ii'-r Rnnks. d annr.h.t i ,- ,. , :u ... i r , ' collect arrears of taxes ; liv Mr. Hav a bill to secure to Margaret Buie, wife of Donald Baie, such property as slwe may hereafter acquire. Received from the Senate the fol lowing bills, which had alio their nrst reading : A bill to prevent negro slaves, or free negroes, from administering medicine, or presuming to practice j Physic without obtaining licence ; A bid to alter the time of holding the, 'several elections in the Cojnty of Blatlehj and to grant two 4olher separate elections :. A bill to inc jrporate a company for improving the Navigation of Tar 1'viver, and for keeping the said na vigadon i.i good repair at all season; A bill to authorise the persons therein mentiouc .l to collect the iU rears of taxes clue therein v A bill further to compel persons bound by law to work ;n public loads, being able-bodied men ; A bill to authorise Thos. C. Wil liams, late Sheriff of Montgomery tf collect the arrears of tuxes dus him; ;A And a bill to amend an act for es';:; tablishing an Academy in the tovrn of Nixonton. iA Mr John Moore, from thd Com mitlce to VFiiom was referred ;tte v message of the Governor, accomfto nyiug the petition of Duncan M'Far land, the Representative in Con;jre of Fayettevi.le distdct, reported rtcommendmion 16 the Clencftd As sembly tj i-ue a coinmisskm to die Judges, of the Superior Court, em powcri..g them to hold, a Curt oi Oyer and Terwnner at FayatcVilie Tor the triul of suiJ M'Farlaftu', hi' tl?e cri;i.k.s with vi.ion he sta:iu charged. After considerable deba'e 'which not beiMe hp..--ii.;0 of we o.u 1,01 . hear) 'the rto -rt was ic a ! . 2 A ' jlorn. ;4tnd: yarist ton, J ker.- eu f 11 . loihe jlayl( lulrr ris, E I.an 5,101 chelV phif bard; S-.mr Vx "Vri: to a Stal ti3r Tht Bh Hay 6an PicV on, Bry; Car l)av Tre! ifln Hor Jar grar nier M'l nan Nel Per Jtic Smi R. S. i ai 1 sol aha nil 05 re o ,V a r .nj 11 mi TO ar sh th 1: .It nt st zi tt !ri n i (ie 1 V I ' Uik.ll t iiw.. .ith;ei iJL ttl !. TV u, 4 0.