"'rf-'' -v. Carson, CoHi CY.r.i:trv M,,kins. P" Hawkins, r' V. Jtfnes, la; ram. K.ng. H0 J H!- Unicr, Leima.nl, Mohon, r MTa-land, M'Ne'l, Mebane, M Lcnun, MoMey. O'Kelly, M,,Ku c.,dc. S '. I'aeT, Thnmp Farr,h, w. Williams, Whha- due on, Jr Mr. Allison, Byler, Brash- 2 - nr.Mr. aloidworth. Burroughs, eVJr Cochran, Clark. Cooke, :o:tlt' nividson, Dobson. Dolton. Da ,j2"'r'J: GJmour, Glisson, Hatch, farmer, I1"' r,.;w. Mav. Msndenhall. Mit- M'MuUin, Nelson, N.cholson, Nix c vih Owens, Picket, Perkms. Tearce, on'r Porter, Pearsor, Richardson, Ro ?A R08e'l. Riddick. Rlnxles,. Smith, b Snruill. 5-ieed, Sumner, Smart, c0tr' T WiUiams. Washington, row.S.VVilliams, Wynne.Whitehead. W '"ht Young, Yarcey. 77. On the second reading of the bill' to amend the Penal Laws ot this State (commonly called the Peniten tVrv Bill) U was rejected 91 to 27. Th; yta5 and Nays were as follow : s. Messrs. Bryan, Bler, Bright, rocJdwonh. Boazman, Burroughs, Cherry; roffi id. Clark, Campbell, Dozier, Hoyle, King. Lve Molton, Moore, Ma w Menlenhall, Nicholson, Nixon, Picket, Riddick, Sumner, Tarver, Thomp lon, Vhiraker, Wright. 27, s xr ays -Messrs. Allison, Allen, Brasher, B-yaii, Bulo-lc Erawer, Carson, CoI.ms, Carter, Cochtan, Christopher, Cuoke, n.;,l.nn. Dohon. Davis. Farrar, Farmer, Trench, Gilmour, Gl.sson, G:lchns.. G 'oima-, Hatch, Kill. Hudgins, Harvey, H'ir.fs, Hunt.'W. Hawkins, P. Hawk.ns, Horn, Hulme, Hor.ibuckie, J. Jones, Ives, Jarvis. Jordan. E. Jones, N. Jones, In cram, Koons, K.lpatrick. Lowne. W. La nier, Lennard. S. Lanier, Lcatherman, Mwan, M'Canne, Mcodyr Mou-ing, M'Farland, M'Neill, Mask, May, M'Len nan, Moblev, AVin. Mitchell. M'Mnllni, Nelson, Nash, Owens, O Kelly. Parish, Perkins, Pearce, Phifrr, Porter, Pearson, Richardson, Robards, Russell, Rhodes, Smith, Slade, Scott, Sproill, Sneed. Saw der, Smart, Simmons, Theams, Turner, R. ' Williams, W. Williams, Washington, S. Williams, Wynne, Whitehead, Young, Yancey.-9i. Tff'elnetday, No?. 27. Received from the Senate, a Re solution appointing Messrs. Mar shal, Franklin and Little, as a com miuee, on their part, for the pur pose ot taking into consideration the present state ot the University.-' The Commons n.-nned Messrs. Wright, .Wm. Hwkins, Murfree, Lowrie, Nash and Campbell, of this com- ! raittee. A message was sent to the Senate Drowsing to ballot to-morrow morn- I ins; for a Brigadier-ueneral ot the 1 Uh' Brigade m the 4th uivsion, no rainating George Graham for that j appointment. The following bills were presented, and received their first reading f By Mr. N. Jones, a bill .allowing Constables commission for receiving money on executions ; By Mr. French, a bill authorising the persons therein named to collect arrears of taxes. By Mr Yincey, a bill to authorise Wm. Gill, late sherUF of Granville, end Maurice Sm'uh, the present sheriff, to collect arrears of taxes ; By Mr. Carter, a bill to amend the 3d section of an act passed in 1300, concerning Wrecks ; Bj Mr, Robards, a bill to repeal pan of the 4th section of an act pas Sid at L-ule Little Kiver in 1715 : By Mr. Byler, a biil forming the north side of Buncombe and the north-west of Burke county, inU a separate and distinct county ; B Mr. Dj'osjo, a bill authori zing -the county court of Stokes to make compensation to their commit tee of Finance ; vBy Mr. Pickett, a bill tp autho rise the Administra'ors ol John Jen nings, late Sheriff of Anson, to col lect arrears of taxes ; By Mr.-Edmund Jones, a bill to amend an act coacer- ing proving wills, granting letters of AdminUuv '(lm, kc. By Mr. Lowrie, a bill to enable MuckknUurg county court to provide for ths better securing, transcribing , r . ,-tJ'i"' legorus in e rvegisteri Uihce- Kecetved from the Senate, the following bills which also received their orst reading : A bill to authorise the county jeurt of Randolph to lay a tax to de. !-yFexiienc of building a couit house, in said county ; M$?l.to establish a separate clec- airllie house of John Cameron, r.n,uM Uj vumoerianct coaniv, jnd to repeal an act passed in 1803, wallowing the time of holding elcc- A bill f)r allowing compesatfon to hr AJ,embers of the General Assem D,y. Clerks and Doorkeepers ; And a bill to roptal an act to es jfWsh a road and ferry at Elizabeth iy in the county of Pasquotank. A joint ttmmittee was anpointcd uexarrllMe tngn)ssed bills. ' H,J Cumrr.s added Messrs. J'rae a:ui Sueecl to the committee ?nted to revise the Mi.itu Law., Messrs Wrijh: and Nash to 1 w-' Hor-Tbuckle, J Jes, Ives, jar ,lU'T lorwrs. Koons, K.lpati-ick, Love, S. tlso added Messrs. Franklin and vtnval!u tr iN lntpr pnimmi r-p. The committee of elections, to j .itiom referred the petition of I Wm. Vines, complaining of theun-lj election of Frederick Grist, from Seaufyrt county, and praying that! !us sept wight be vacated, reported, that after deliberately investigating; the evidence on both sides, they hadj not discovered any illegality, and; therefore were unanimously of opi-j iv'on, that the prayer of the peti tioner might, to be rejected. Con curred with. Thursday, Jfovt 23. A message was received from the Senate, proposing that immediately after balloting for a Brigadier Gene ral, as yesterday agreed to, the 'woi houses proceed to ballot for a Lteu'i tenant Colonel Comm. of Cavalry j for Fayetteville district, nominating for this appointment John Clarke, ; Robert Cochran and Lewis Moos e, j Another message proposed the ap-! pomtment of a commute, to enquire into the propriety of fixing a limita tion of time to 'all ''applications for land warrants, in consequence of military services, which was agreed to, and a committee named. A resolution passed directing the Committee of Finance, to enti1ire into the nett proceeds of each branch of the Revenu?, and into every other branch of the Treasury Department. Mr. Cooke, uom the balloting fori a Brigadier-General, and Lieutenant ( Colonel of Cavalry, repotted, that! George Graham Mas duly elected to the first office ; but that no person ; had a majority of votes for the Cu-j lone'cy. 'Another hiiot wasimmi diately had, .when the name of John j Clarke being withdrawn, Lewis! Moore was duly elected , ! The following bills were presented,' and received their first reading : j By Mr. Hay, a bill relative to Exe- cutors and Administrators ; s By Mr. Russell, a bill to autho rise Matthew Norris, late Sheriff of; Carteret, to collect the arrears of!' taxes due him ; v By Mr. Nicholson, a bill to em power the county court of Perqui- nons to lay a tax. for the purpose oi recting a house for the reception j ind employment of the poor, St". By Mr. Slade, a bill to repeal pari ; if an act to regulate the practice of Physic j By Mr Phifer, a bill to repeal an ! .ct passed last session, entitled an 1 Vet to repeal so much of the 10th f ection of n act passed in 1795, to lmend the laws heretofore passed tonccrning court-houses, prisons. kc. as directs the manner of paying guards, Sic. , By Mr. Cooke, a bill granting a separate election to the inhabitants,! of the upper part of Wake county, m the north side of Neuse river. Received from the Senate, a bill for establishing an Academy in the county ofBuncombe, which passed its first maiding. ! Mr. Morgan presented the peti tion cf sundry inhabitants cf Camden county, praying for a revisal of the Militia laws, which was rcferied to ; the commute: on this subject. A : mes.vagc irpm the Senate, pro ; posed balloting for u Council of State,1, n.Hnr..a nig for that -appointment, i j Laurence bmitli, General Kenan, ; Robert Burton, Reuben Wood, Ga-I bsac l Holmes, Samuel -Matoa of War-i ien, Gen. B. Whitfield, Lemuel' Sawver, W,n. Brickel!, John B ranch, I and Ivouert Cochran Agreed to. : Friday. JW23. j A message -was received from the Senate, Agreeing to ballot this mom-! iug for Council ot State, and adding; i;o thi nomination John Ingbs and . 1'heophilus Hunter. 1 Mr. Phifer ws added to the com mittee of Finance, atul Mr. Binfoi ;1 to ths coiiimiti.ee ot rronomons and Grievances. Mr. Dobban,,from the balloting ; for a Council of Siale, reported, that' the following gentlemen were: elect ed, viz. Bryan Whitfield, Samuel Alston of Warren, John Branch, Ro bert Cochran, James Kenaii,, Reu-1 ben W-jJ. and Robert Burton, "Es quires. J. liC lUllOW 'lli- V.X1C M CeilLCUj and received their first rear. i fig : ! By Mr. Slads, a bill to appoint j commissioners to lay off and esta-, tablish the dividing lines of the coun-; ties of Cliowanj Pcrcuimoas and j Gates ; By Mr. Jarvis, a bill to compel uhe Public Register and Entry-taker of Hyde county, to keep their 'oSces at or within four miles of the court! house. - Mr. Hay, from'-tha committee to whom" was referred the Judiciary Bili, reported a new bill, differing in many respects fronrthe one committed- hut retaining the principle of establishing a Superior Court in! every county. r Received from the Senate, the I 1 1 foil awing bills, which received tneii j first reading : j ., ..-.i; -xi'STit ,t ."n.T. .:-. v ni r.'rr.n.. . ,ny ana s-aolisn urn tounclarv Imc Ik,; ' ! .;'.! ' . 1 1 .ni-f w. VV -ibw nnn I ran ir in I i . 7 . 1 f A hill to ascertain tne nilctafff I . k?;1 Mtssrs. J ILBrv Lt. br ;.n. '! which sholl be allowed to pilots, at Ocacock Inlet, ttr.o the several sounds and river? to which vessels rr nn:,; come in over the said Inlet, and for other purooss thrrein mentioned; A bill to authorise the county court of Pasquotank, to lay a tax for the purpose of building a prisor slocks, and repairing and finishing the court hoiise, Sic. And a bill for altering the time oi building the Superior Court for tht- dlstrici of Morgan. The bill for forming a new county out of Buncombe and Burke, was re jected on its second reading, per haps by a single vote. After which, Mr. King, v!io vcled in the mij'ny Uiovrd IVm a 'reconsideration of tlx. i question of rejection, when the vo:c was reversed, and the bill ordered to lie on i he table. The bill further to compel persons bound by law to work on the public roads, was rejected on rs second reading. A message was received from the Senate, proposing to ballot to nior tow morning, for a first Major of Cavalry in the legimenl cf Fayette ville, nominating John Clarke for a -poi n tin ent . C on'cu r re d in . Saturday, 2?ov. SO, Mr. Whit.iker presented the pe tition of John Eaton, praying to have a certain sum ot money re funded, which lie states he has un justly paid Hamilton 8 Co. by a recovery at law. Referred to the committee of finance. A message was sent to the Se nate, proposing to ballot lor a first nv.ijor of cavalry for the HilKbcro i regiment, at the same time with the j major oi the rayette regiment, no minating James Cochran for that appointment. A committee of Emancipation v;is appointed; and a so a com-; mittee lor consols d.-uiivr into one! i all bills for transcribing records. j j I ne committee or propositions ; reported in-favour of placing. Vv:m. Richardson on the pension list Mr. Williams, from the ballot ing for major'?, reported. J. Chuke and Jas. Cochran were elected. It being agreed upon to ballot immediately lor 2d majors of ca valry for the Halifax c Hillsboro' regiments, Joseph Hawkins was elected for the: fir t, and Thomas Rix for the last oifice. A message, was received from the Governor, inclosing a letter from the Attorney-General,rclative i to a fraudulent certificate, which was referred to a select committee. The following kills were pre sented, and received their fint reading : By Mr. Allison, a hill to em power Jas. Young, late shcrilf of Cabarrus to collect arrears of taxes By Mr. Clarke, a bill pointing out the duties of ihe sheriff trus tee in Richmond county ; y Mr. SUule, a bill to alter and repeal the -d and 3d SLCtions of m act passed in179J, t prevent the introduction of contagious diseases a so far as regards port of Edenton ; By Mr. Rhodes, to authorise the exportation of pork or other I ,;:.lr f-riivisinnB. fr.-r ii innivrtinn : j alsoa bU, lo arnend and c3t)lain an ' , .-o . . '. . a act paaaeu in i au, 10 prevent uic hauiing two seines in Neue, ?;r. liv Mr. J. Moore, a bill autho rising Martin Keller, to hawk, &c. Ri- Mr. Robvirds.a bill to amend the 4th section of an act passed in lTii3, which makes provision for'. the payment or witnesses attending county court4:, so far as respects Carteret county ; By Mr. W. HawV'ms, a hill re specting the Warrenton academy ; - By iir. E. Jones, a bill autho rising Richard Allen, late sheriff of Wilkes, to collect arrears ; By Mr. Love, a biil empower ing Samuel Luske, former sheriff of Buncombe, and S. H. Williams, the present sherilfjto collec,t arrears By Mr. Savyer4 a bill to autho rise John Hamilton of Pasquotank, to dispose of certain lands, &c. by way of lottesy By Mr. Pearson, a bill to repeal part of an act passed in 1803, di- i rrt;n rU(. mo;J of annointin-con -...u-.f;., stables in Rowan, &c. The bill for forming a part of Burke and Buncombe counties into a separate county, was rejected on its second reading, the yeas and navs on which are as follow : YAS Messrs, AUiaon, Allen, Byler Brasher, Bullock, Brower, Carson,. Col lins, Cochran, Clark, Campbell, David son, Dobson, Dolton, Davis, Farrar, Gil inour, Hoyle, Harvey, Hunt, Hay, Hor.t: Hulme, Hoir.iuckle, E. Jones, Koons, Lowrie, W. Lanier, Love, S. Lamer. Leatherman, Moore, M'Farland, M'Neal VXebjuic, Mu.sk, :nnan, Meiidcahall, Bright, bi.Hjdworth, Boaznun, Burroughs. Cherrv, CfffielJ, Career, " Chris'pher. Cocke, Dzirr, Farmer, French,. Grsr, Gbs-son, Gilchrist, Godm:ii, Kach ITiil. Huugins, Hines, V. Havk:r.s. P. Haw--;ins, J: Jones, Iv-?, Jarv-s, Jculan, N. Jonc?, Ingram, K lpn rick, K.ng, Lfj. narc!, Molton, Mrcan, M'Cai :ie, Mowlv, ' Monnng, May, MuriVee. Nelscn, .ix.jn, 2ash, Owf-ns, Parish., Feikirs Pearce, Pear.i, Richar'dscn, R Jjarrs, Rv.sft li, RicMicJc, Rhodes, Sniith, - Scoit, nnv'l, Sawvrr, i.irMier, Simmons, V. Williams. J. V lliams. Whitaker. S. W. -nam s, Wjnm-, Whirphc.-'.d, fright 57 . Up"m which Mr. Leathevnian nved for leave and precented a lor the division of Rowan j ity, whU h passed ihe first time. ; 'r. Whitc.:;er prtsent..;d a peii- J countv icn from the iniwi.ant of h'.d comb andsom- ucijc ining counties, praying to ha'e a r.e'.v tcur.iy e rected; which !ein read, M". V. presented a bid t) trcct a new county out of thti etrtme part of Edgeccuib, Waw, N:bh nnd Johnston, whit ii vtas rejected on its first readTng. RcJeiph Mondav, D; 2, 1805. This tlav commences the first session of the n.n ! Congrt s:. of the United States. If the two hotttes should be focned on the first-dav, we m iy,ptrh;-ps, be able to furnish our Readers, in the next flepister, wih the Pre ikli.hts communica tion, which is expected td be all import:m'. On Monday last, Nathaniel Alex ander, ilsq. bf M"( k'ei'ijurg county, was elected G' v.-vner of litis State ! for the ensui'r.r; year. An express was immi'di'if ely sent eff to inform him of his election, and lie is hourly ex pected. If ue M-ccpts of the up-upiMjintmi-nt (and we have no reason to doubt i) an election will, of course, immediately take place in the Salis- I 5;u;y tiisuitt. for a 'Member of Con gress to supply tlie place ol Mr. Al exander. The fallowing gentlemen were on llryan Whitndd, San ud Alston of Warren, John Branch, Robert Coch ran, James Kenan, Reuben Wood and ilolx-it Burton, Esquires. 'The Penitentiary Bid has been . again reject u witnout occupying mucn ot the time ot .the Lgisla lure, y 1 votes to 27. Though the principle up wnicn tnis Din is 11 1 oreuieutecl s-'cnt. la.'Iy aclinowIedS' ed tobecoirect, yet die situation of this b ate is not thought. lo be such as wuur.i at present warrant its a clop lion. .The committee appointed to en quire into the expediency cf establish mg a Sl.v.te Bank, have appointed a sub-committee to draft a bill for this purpose : and believing as we do tb.t such an iiistitu'ion wculd not only be a very gr.-at accommodation to tile citizcit; cf the State generally by tinnir.iir.ig a c.rcu Jti'ng meciiun that wt uid be everywhere current, to replace our present ragged pa per, but produce a very considerable revenue to the state (without epe::ce or ri:-k) we cannot but wish it may be cat l ied into effect. j A correspondent in our last page complains, and very justly too, of the unfitness of the house in this city appropriated for the residence of the Governor. Should the Le gislature think proper to act on this subject, the present Government House (from it3 advantageous si tuation for trade) would command a price that would almost build a good House in an eligible situation. Such a one a might be found on the public lands adjoining the city, about 500 acres of which at pre sent lie waste', and '13 of no use to anv one. A small portion of it would, in our opinion, be very well appropriaVid for this purpose. One of Many also complains of the inadequacy 01 the Governor ox lary, we leave it to our readers to judge hovrj.tstiy. It is the same now, that it was when the Gover nor was permitted to live at horns now he must constantly reside in Rale.ch, where he is obliged to purchase every necessary of life at marker. These situations are greatly diiTereut, and it would seem only reasonable, that the Legisla ture should consider this difference. By the Representatives in the present General Assembly from Ca oarrus county, we learn that the Proprietors of the Gold Mine in that county, continue to collect that nrecious metal, though; in smaller ouaaii'.iss than heretofore.' We crs '-r-.u a.o, ir.ac in? cr..? mTi- frmrM:nS 1aV?-wbo ini.r- nased a qua il of ;nd last year t a ! ' pr. r :th, the expecta ioh ol finding Go:d in it, is about fn eftnb'ish woiks upon the land, .nd s likely M smceetl." Smnll j.ifct-s of do'd, we are ir.formetl, h: ve been found srvei al.miics from ;hc place where it was firt dico vered. I he L-rjs'ature. of Gerrg'.i m?t n the 4.ihu!ti John Milltdce hn he-n re-c!tctcd Governor, without o'-posiiion. The LcisPture ( f 3. Carolina was to have m t on the J8th ult. out . fit our last accounts from thence, there-had net hsscmbled a quorum of c'th r house, At a couit ct general '.sessions held in Newhc ry distil t, South- Caroiina, the grand ju; y present as gvi; varices, 44 the neglect of is: and navigation, theneglect of thi erection and supporting of seroins-i t it s for the instruction of youth.; and that a pcnitenthiry for the pu nishment of criminals is not estab- Ii hed." Elhs Jlaile, Esq. is elected a member cf Congress to represent die united distr:c'3 cf Pendleton and Greenville, in South-Carolina. A very advantageous treatv has been n ide, we undrrst; nd, by the. President of the United States, with the Chiefs cf the Creek na tion ; by w hi'.h a la ge cession' of land is made to the Uiiited States, and the ngit jmvc n to open a direct road to Niw-Orieans through the territoi v of th-2 Creeks. The U. States on their pait contract to Dav the annual sum of 12,000 dolls, for eiht year", and the annual sum a il,0Oo dolls, for ten years thenccT cniuing. The following letters, the con-. tents of which are derived from a correct source, exhibit, in livelv i - lors, the deplorable state of the Algerine nation. Although we have so lately experienced the ef. fects ol their barbarous injustice, we cannot avoid commiserating the abject and dreadful condition of a nation consigned by despotism to the lowest pitch of misery. Extract of a Liter from. Algiers, da ted JuLj 2Bth, 1305. , ' " ' In my last I meniioned the mur der of the great Jew Busnach by a Turkish soldie r in this city the 28th ult. and the next day thy soldiery rose nd killed every Jew ihey met with and plundered their houses. from that day to this the city has been in a perfect state of rebellion the soldiers setting the Dey and all authority at defiance. To add to this state of wretchedness, the whole country cf Moors, (Fremesen to jConstaniine" have risen up in arnu, rigamsl the Turks, being determined to shake o!f their voke. " The city of Fremesen has long dncebten taken by the Moorish ar- ny, and accounts state that Oran cannot hold out much longer, being ut 01 provisions, and deprived of the necessary supply of water. Eveiy essel that goes in there the Dey de- 1 M tains, lo be reaoy to lake ott the f arks when they could hold out no ioni'er. " The city of Algiers has given O- ran a partial rebel at times-with grain but tan do no more for the present, us the want of that article here i3 the source cf the greatest troubles. Nothing of the provision kind can be had from the neighbor hood of the city of Algiers, as tho Moors are all in arms waiting tho fate of Oran ; after which, it is be yond doubt, they will urn. their whole force to this place ; therefore all the grain that can be found near, the city i conveyed in by the order of the Dey. The Turkish soldiers . to a man left the barracks the 25th inst. and marched cut cf the town contrary to the orders of the Dey where they held a secret con ferenca of three hours and then returned to town again. ' On the 27th instant the soldiers as before held another conference the result is unknown but the Dey, Divan, Sec. are in the greatest alarm for their own safety, and are con stantly in session in the palace. - Extract oj a I iter frorx Gibraliar djtid Sept. G, 1305. Bj our accounts from Alicante I find that six new Deys weie succes sively massacred at Algiers, also the Jews Bacary and E-Obsinaco, thtir fa milies and other principal Jews. I'liey wanted to pro; laim ihe Mic:-.l Hadge as a seven h Dey, but he mads his escape and-got lo Alicante !" DIED. At Newbrr, on the 7s.h uh. Mr Job WVt. And on the 13th, M: s, .An-n Pas teur, consort of jVlr. AL-.r i'.eui Ui Lui "e- x'ji'C