, Oariiretbf pliniof UifWrghtforiieace, r :, ' V4,J,aTp,46vjwft7r3e.toHviikebrothc-! 3 ,' , ,' .' VAT . v k - ' : '- - i m i- Paffcd at the Seffiori of Alfembly ending on the adft Decembcr, 1805. . 1. v . 1A Thp fair! tiorooration mail notlfet a v w , - - r- 1 - to Smck. unlefs it be rmmit . lively, w uauuv. v. v.. w... 7 fnund hecetiary to ao 10 ior me puipmc ut jcuimg ii- w. ;. - 71 which may be advanced Dy any uanK in tawng upaiiu.piy iii&.iuc uuiw.iu 7 r. . . , "... t 1 -rv O ' r: J" . 1 f" I knl Va tsKl rtt a w t m niiv ir n ir n i iir- i iiirriiiix iimv nun imii. ill vaiiia man ww. InSrCS Ol. VH J-aiiv w uyii uv. .; w.. v t ' "O it par, or above as the market-prtpe may oe, wnencver opponunuy micu w j "with convenience i ot; the nufiber of fhafes fo purchaled in, do fo with convenience i yJna provided th( Cetried, as parties or agents therein, fhaltfbrfeit :and lofe trebe the -luei gooas, wtres, mercnanclie ana commodities in whicp iuch dealing ahd trade; Jhall 1 ha been; one half thereof t0 the ufe of the informer, and The oiher halferebf: to the ufe of the State, to beTecovered'vhh:CQfts$TO P ther perfon,ofany of the Banks hereby eabli , or capital of the laid Bank Stock, who ill all commit any frayd ombtzzletnent r touching the money or prbperty of the, Bank, iHall be liable tobeprbecutedm the name of the State, by indjttrrient, in any coiirt of law irl: this State ;' and upori. -convicuon tnereot, man, behdestthc remedy that may ue nad by actien, m tne j nunc ofahe Prefidepj and DireQors of tke State Bank of Nouji Carolina, for the jfeaud aforefaid, forfeit -all his fhare or fhares?.6r flock in tfie faid Bank,; to' the President, Directors and Company thereof, a:bc:reiT.tfercaftcr;rcfedcrd incapable pi holding any office of truft or; profit under this State. ; "And 'whereas it would greatly tend to promote the" Agricultural and Manufsc- turing Interes of the Stae, if this Bank fhoijld te authbrifed to make loans on rt til l - ill - . i: , . - j- . .. . ... - A . I , .1 hall not exceed at any one time two thouiand lhares : Ior man tne uia orpci- j:raore exiended principles than have heretofore icen adopted by limilar initiu- , I ration, 'direclly or bdireBlv, deal or trade in any thing except bills of exchaige, j! dons in this Siate, : ; ' ; ; ' Hc U'll cold or fiVver 'bullbn, or in thcfalc of goods really and truly pledged for money XVI. Be ii enact ed That the pireftors of the Bank hereby eftablimed;.ifiit::' -lent andhut redeemed in due-time, or in goods which fhall be the produce of its ? and they, are hew by aauhorifed and empowered, on the application of any farnler, ll: l2lids: Neither fhall the faid corporation take more thin at therftteof one-half per .mechanic manufacturer, or other perfon, of thia Stated to ogena cafti'ccount i nrum for thirtv dav. for or on account of its loans or difcounu. 1 1. No loan with fuch applicant, for any fum not lefs than one hundred dollars : and horex- L ceedingtone thouiand dollars; wheieoJithe party obtaining fuch exfh account may4; li. draw, fettlement (hall tske p!ice femi -annually, the party drawing the cafli paying an in- .-' jterefl for what he may fo draw, at opening the account, fifty dollars at anv'one time, and whereon a ht rate of fix per cent, to be 'deduclctfori : to.be allowed intcrefl on all funi; retumrd,' fro til th titnc oi payment : Provided hoivevzr, that no peifpn'fKid! obtain the benefit of 'any jfucfc cfh account, until he flyJl give fuch w ton able or hmded fecurity, as the j Dnelors of the? principal Bank, or the Branch Bxnk, wherever the application ffi-ill DC maue rri occurs v. mnv rcnnirc : HrniuffL.-'xhit tvr fhall not at.anv i tim DC more than ona hirh of thelfnck or the rmnnn.r ?nr Rrnrh Kank. lersf 011P by the Directors of . the faid Bar.kt refpectively, on Tuch'cafh accounts, ailowiri fifty thoufand dollars to be the iloc.k of the Branch Banks. , V . ' XVII. And h it further enafted, That the bills or notes of the faid corporation originally made payable, or v;hich li2il bve become psvablc on demand, fhall be j receivable in all payiaents d'ie to the State of North-Carolina. And the public monies oi mc iaie may oe acpontea in tne Jbank thereof, whenever lying inac tive. And the Directors are hereby authorifed to ifTue their notes for ail th- pa per money fo dcpofited, and by whomfoever depofitcd, that is to fay, for every ten Ihilhngs thereF one dollar, and no more, over and above' the Teftriftion by this a(t piovided ; and pafs the lame in exchange for their notes, in fuch propor tion as the Directors may think for the benefit and fecurity of the corporation. XVIII. And be it further enacted That the dividends becoming due and pay able to the Slate femi -annually, fhil be paid to the Treafurer of this State; "who, on receiving the fame, fnall take the half of fuch dividend ''prid call unnn tKe ferric . . . ' . ..r . fhall be made by the faid corporation to any Government or State to any tmount u.x., nrlirc Trftrir.iiflv author! fed thereto bv a law of this State, la. The T.UUv vvij ujiviu j.v..v.y J bnrlc of the- faid corporation fhall be aflignable and transfertble, according to fch rules and regulations as fhall be prefcribed by the laws and ordinances of the fame. il. The bills obligatory and of credit under the feal of the fid corpo ration, which fhall be made to any perfon or perlons, Ihtll be afhgr.ble by en- dorfement thereupon, under the hand or hands of fuch perfon or pcrfoni, and of his or their aflignee or affignces, fo as abfqUitcly to transfer and in veil the pro perty in each and every aflignee or aflignccs fuccefTivcly, and to enable fitch afficmee or affignees to bring and maintain an a8 ion thereupon, in his, her or their Killc UiKirVi mav he iffiird hv order of the fjid - corporation, figned by the PreGdent, and countcrfigned by the Cdfhier or Trea furer thereof, pramifing the payment of moncv to any perfon or perforn, his, her or their order, or to bearer, though not under the feal of the ftid corpot:ion, fhall be binding arid obligatory upon the. fame, in like manner and with the like force and effect, as upon any private perfon or perfons, as if lfTued by him or them in his, her or their private capacity or capacities, and fhall be affiliable and negotiable in like manner as if they were fo iffued by fuch priVcTte pet fons ; that is to fdv thofe which fiall be oayable to any person or persons, his, heripr their order, fliall be afiignable by end'orfement, in the like manner and with the like; ffect as foreign bills of exchange now arc ; and thole which are payable to beaier, j flull be negotiable and afiignab-e by delivery only : And all notes or bills at my time discounted by the faid corporation, mall be, and they are hereby placed on ! the fame footing as foreign bills of exchange, f that the like means may be had for j the recovery thereof againfl the draper or drawers, endoifer or endorfers, arid jfr)r faid amount in the paper rironey of thrt State, and in the pretence of the Pre- with the like effect uf-ge ox CiiAom to the contrary bz mad vifable (except fo far as relates to- damagrs and inrerefl) a:f law, e contrary no:with?iandina, 14. Hlf-yearly dividends fha!l e of fo much of the profits of the Bank as fhall tppcar to the Directors a4 : and once in evqry year, at a meeting to be held for the choice of Di rectors, thofe of the preceding year fhall lay before the ftockholders for their in formation, an exact and particular' ftatement of the general amounts and fta'e of the vrporation, of the debts which fhall have remained unpaid after the expira tion of the term of credit f)r a period of ; treble t.hc term of that ciedit, and the a failure -in the payment of any part ofany fum fubferibed by any perfon, copart nerfhip or body politic or corporate, the party filling fliall forfeit (the hrfl pay ment made to the Bank, with any dividend which may have accrued prior to the time of makmg the fecond, third, fourth or fifth payment (as the cafe may be) dating the delay of fuch paymer r. 15. The Directors aforefaid fhU commie the management of the Branch' Banks by this a6t -.-authorifed, to the Directors 'at the places at which they .arS eflihlifhcd," under fuch agreements, and ftihjett to fuch regulations as fhall be deemed proper, not being con.rAry to law or to the confli tutioiiof the Bant, and m rd!o w to tb'ofheers thereof fuch compenfation as they may think fit. 16. i;hc Leg! flat uvc ill all be furniflied annually with ftatecnti ofthe amov.nt cf th2 c rpitl Hock of faid corporation and of the delts due to the fame, of the mcies dei ofited therein, of the notes' in circulation, "and of the cafli in hand y and fhall have a right to infpec") fuch general accounts in; the book of the Baras fllall relate to the laid flatement ; Provided, that this a& f h al 1 not be coiiitHfrd to imnlv a rrUt nT in rnrdiiTt ihe account of anv individual or indi- dtuKj or anv body politic or corporate, wun the 'bank. . 17. 1 he Directors in.Ti keep fair and regular enisies of their proceedings, m a book or books to be provided for that purpofe ; and oi anyneftion-vvherewo Directors fhall require if, , the yeas ancTnays of the. Direciors voting fhall be duly, infertcd on their ml- nutes, imd tbole.nimutes he at ad tunes, on demand, producea. to tne UocKhold-j ers when at tcjieneral meetirWoz to the Legitlatuie, who (hill bje 'authdri fed hereby i to Teqiiiretlieifame. t3.?No Prcfrdent or Cafhir of the Bank fhall be directly pr indirectly cOricerned in the purchafe or tale ofa.ny of the public flock or funds, un- der the'pehaity of ten thoufand dollars, to be forfeited one half thereof to the ufc cf the State 'and the other half tothe ufc of the informer V hor fhall the Cafhier be allowed. to carry on any mercantile bufinefsthaji that cf the Bink, under the penalty of live thoiifartd dtdlars, to be recovered by any perfon fuin for the fame; 19. A f-ir and correct tiltbf the ftookJVSJifali be kept in a book to be pro Cured for jhat purpofe' and ' ih.eireacftvthalr''tan up in the Common Hall of aid liank, all the iames of fuch flqckholders one month, before any election of ! Bircctors fhall take place, to the end that public Information' may be 'iven to the parties of their co-proprietors' and ftockholders. - jl&'L : ' ' X V, Be tt enacted, That if the faid corporation, or any per fon br perfons for rto the ufe of the fame, fhall deal or trade in buyingcr felling any goods, wares, Merchandize or commodities whatfoever, contrary to the pro v i iions of this ' aE all End every perfon or perfons who mall have given any order or direction for fo dealing aul trading ; and all and every perfon or perioni who fhail have been con lidcnt fhall deface the fame, and alfo as many notes as the faid Bank ;fhall have -. iiTurd for fuch .amount, and report the feme to the next General AiTemhly; the other half of fuch dividend paid to the Treafurer as aforefaid, he fhall d:pofk m the faid Bank, .until he mall be by law authorifed otheiiwife to employ or didpoie of 'the fame. ' XIX. And be it farther enacted. That every ' fubferiber to the fhares of the Bank hereby eftabiifhed, on producing the receipt for the money they Jiave paid, of the commifBoncrs hereby appointed, or any two of them," fhall entitle him or her to vote for Directors, agreeably to the regulations-herein prefcribed, fo far as relates to the firfl payment; the fecond, and all other payments, till each fhare.' fhall be paid for as this act directs, ftull and may be made either to the commit oners appointed for the county of Wake,' or to thofe appointed for the counties s of Burke, Rowan, prange, Halifax, Chowan, Craven, New Hanover or Cum berland. And if any of the com;iioners by this act appointed, fhall die, re f ufe to act, pr be abfent from thc-Statc, the Mcmbers of this General Affembly from the counties wherein fuch commiffif ncrs now refide, fhall appoint feme other dif crcet and proper perfon, to fill fuch vacancy,; .who fhxll have the fame power and authorities a? the commiffipnefs appointed by this act, and their receipts fhall be asjbjnding, and of ike fare force and efficacy as thofe of fuch other cbmmifiiners; any ihing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. The expence of tranimitting tnr monies ano lublcnpiion trom the ounties relpettiyely, to thecom miffionersof the counties wherein thir fuperiof courts are held, as before cnaBed, fhall be defrayed and paid by thefubferibers in each county. And for the trou ble aiid ex pence of remitting the fubferiptton papers "and monies from the counties . of; Burkei RowaiiPraige, Halifax, pbowan Craven, ew-Hanover 'and Cum- berwhdv'ittP..th'e cmnit.mQive.r&tpy .this ad appointed for the county of Wak, the rnminioners for taut jatl menuonecouiuy iau pay to the commiffionersMrorri idtljftrict counties, fux:fccotr A a. jinci ue u jizriTier cnanta, t uai wncn any pprion, copartnermip or body politic, fhall be indebted to the faid corporation, on any fingle or penal bill, bond tor note, duly executed or endorfed, or by reafon of the acceptance of any bill or order, or by any other ways or means whattoever, and mall fail to make pay ment, the PreGdent, Direclors or Cafhier of the faid Ifank, or any of iti bran ches, fhall caufe a demand of payment to be made in writing, and ferved on the party, or left at his or their place of abode ; and if the money fo due mail riot be paid within ten days thereafter, the faid P re fident, Directors and Cafhicr or anv I of them, may,.on motion, in anyof the courts of this State, enter or caufe to b(? entered up judgment againfl fuch delinquent debtor and his or their fecuntiesti in the fame manner, and under the fame rules, regulations and reltrictions as the Treafurer is now authorifed to enter up judgments in behalf of the State ; which judgment fhall be final anaVconclufive, and from which there fhall be no appeal j any law, ufage or -cuftom to the contrary notwiihftanding. A AI. And pe it furtner enacted, i nat it any perron man, oy piiiiung,vritzn, or engraving, or by any other ways or means whatfoever, counterfeit, or atten-H " to couhterfett, anv of the bills,"notes or checks, emitted by the Prcfident iand Di- " . . . i - -' . rectors oF.the Taid Bank, or any part, word, letter, naraet emDiem or aevjee co i 3, h. li :- L '1 ' . r

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