i. . nM.r:i5'S4i'- s-Hti berBr. -t -v; i j. xMim'moMm pja rjf$mm' ; .iiCM ; wVh, fe Vl fiUtrPWirt6fentwrvfthe,U L ArVxr,ri, - ;-:,2; ' lUkoived-That the ttnfon ofa iiuraf-i -woull .mcurxcxptncer bUtilho. c,:wxkv.li'" .-V:i s a t 55 i e u dl ?! Lit ir te t- 3-' r: it; a n.) tV ar. iiU t lai-. en- ee J- ith. & V.v t .or i: ta to . $d ov nidi cvt- it--.' av( ex rfeV xnst .Titter dtict cor: iory -.t, .m,Vt rtf l.rjmiotf. contains Th Vr l htr bf oScrtrimth4tetSQnifasittffJetndi.J medmt of theXistino-lAWs ofJl , bcs " 't-.i.JLa r- iotfsr. imertmgintonnatiqr ndeViaUy; -ceiyrrotothc. President l -, boVni; tion?ConriCbk p&kto. Since, thtt 3atft Off mmcisagc Htalrf 'IwniJton ,"titlMtr LawbttSCX or jaW ; HcitH the, fefe'!of 1 oMw IinaAMonCrefKr Mukf Ko Ki-pfi irervfrnm 1 Moore; J.efc.fKnrowt -Mirmford;. VfSSzV-London; to .MOOttel Sever,s SloturSteiH SjbuthifiS Union, v ing on the a,ifrt f KafrpBTur Tr- - J - ' -" - v Ct " " , tion ofGonorrcss. MAHbo'JJiotling Fotnthf Snbcrir tHf mfbtofih ?.fofbidlthb - ' tiNfrom " biW- cbThhiuhlcWd EGHO? MA:?d Jack ' tfoaft brtOfi:CSponaeBCC5 " between iffneai inexact, thg e letters be. notptrmiited to bb jft other i.Clothing not recollct4 " formal pWVd;i t " A Ay I'eaoniadWerint uMVifa. tP m Jfi.t;JLfrJKyjrJ iftChhni.coflnty, Deep RiTer,vre. lehe'inesWa aqdlettcriei h jf Jfe f " get Wm. '''V? " "t"' ; . gauni ibxUrtcttve the kbove Reward, Vlaia.ou the table , E . ?,V, JOHN BRYAN., fOrdeftd' tBat Mrl John Ran v. K B it is 2pecti th bove.'men. vi.I-.LTx IK PfU;n 1 Tf Hancock- Counry, .Giotgia, . :twoeatU9.m4oiUu;' VDeepRWer. ChatharaV v . - j The 4f6llow4tif nieswger was re ; : 7Vn Dollars IReward. tV ' t'4-; '1 ' ' ;. v;.vlV. from eSobWiil' on Wednesday Ae JffTied thfc act-1; entitled - A aW 34 Year old 2 lathed between a TellowUk s anakinc -provrson for defraying xM and a, black 3omplexinv ithVemarlabiy tAn W VinVn'Pncrmti smaU to HtookVihim iWt Woe deposit it .ampngrthe TOlKm the . office of rthecreary:t)fStateV ' m;srranyrife)Coifty,ekr tUYiirginl ikfr: IX : yjXJetJItS'ti? ' 1 ne a 1 purchased Vurti of Mr Tbomai rL vj - ,'.i - rv' ' 'Krtbreath or that Couty . t I' j- Metotvid. Ttixt tht iniunctisn ox necreet . t et him ara.in. ihatlVneceive the bove imposed on?1lbft7oceWing,,which,rhavell Reward; "and" all reaonbl Charges paid . tht prejeat aesMOn; be remored. . Oh the question lhat the farther. considcratioa or the, said resoiu r tibahtf npsrpWdxuqtUtlleUast MciidaWfimdiith;."it -LJ- -i.li.: :JUi.'i,-a: t r Vv'TS?" WUIUi"C- r, vfl'- ; . , Our members voted, .Messrs, AHton, , JOJlfuojry.', BJafiWedgei Kenan, M.'Farland. Winston & JlVyansj i yea t vMesirs. Stanford and W fllif rosi fiVf& Mr.? Holland abseut. ' f tMoSik;i 2iiarch24.: ' , ' ni VAU5nA;Viiw.- aiW!!W,nWW Was eeiva.lfom the.jmsiKnt.i,, , r To the Senate and Jfouie of jReprcscntattvc , cf the W 'State. . I commuuicat&'to Congress a letter'Wn'tU rcteived: from the - -' - ' -ri 't'' '-'-'l' i -W1ier lcnP."f7ineu. -iiest rtKe return of U is rpqbested. - Mar'tbA.. h TH: JEFFERSON l,Vi !0ri nVotfoii qf Mr. licb that ,Ae rn r.0i:M,: . w ii oiuupR.:- -'s .: ; t. fwffljihat th injanction or 'secrecy , . impoc t?u 'the procee'dinffs ' which have ,.yecn ira nsaaeu wun cioiea acor ur.r.nsr t ine present ss$on; 6 reauea. " v r " t ij -1 li 1 2 ivfortniffht,' ".I f .-r -iX.I 1 U".. ' M,V s;l j" nmend We;said resolution 'bv ddf-f ' ' Fatv Msrcf .5a: J r . ; y4- Tsl i gtpendlheKp frW&-4ftt,;c ia;-fo;:hf from the. committee appointed on -ft I 1 VVHIiVI lliifl AIU( U1IICUU and passed -m the negative yeas 61 naj 62;;; . 4 , tAy,:v;. f t Ouil Tftt.njlers'' voted the ,-sanie.jOnWs iuestiojir.asf op'ilVe last, tycep that IVir Keji2.h;vecl iivthe ?iegativoii tlusC . Another motion wxis then made andiecdndedib,; "am'endi the" siid resoliftionlVins'ertm afterihe .wdrd thfifWwW&V- frdm'ancl alter the, end tf the. present fesiion , ot Con cress. ;"rnnd passed ivtr the - ' Oux nKni!rH'Otc4.6n'fpis qcestiotfjasr letU-e, except lhatJVir. itenan Vastiaseritv uirtber ccnsiderat-otan .said UjUJiiiwiviccui. t -Srriy V , U iV ted EVci, mild hi pperr&ht Cye-bvth out J I Expect he4wmal tootoGra$iv Creek, Stokes Connt, ' Nr C; 1 , t 4 . - March 13th, .180. O- , i 1 v , . j: Landstmd&egrocsJir Sete,? THE; SUBSpglBEIl afters for 'SaIc the 'Tract of Land hereon he iiowlivea, in CaiWeU County, conuining IJapout twortnoqsana Acres, a iumcient II qtatntity of which i '.enclosed fender good Fences for twenty Hands to work, with 1 suitable Houses, Orchards, &c. There is I j above one thousand r Acres of, prime Ti- bacco JLand of his Tract to dear, plenty U Timber and well watered, and said by "Mf those who know e I-and. to b the best - ,n Caswell County. InduJtence .will be j gjvenfer one .halt of tht Purchase Money 11 Also about forty Jikely, Nerroes, among- whom are some Mechanics;' particularly aj SJ! tp" h!J -Trade.- The whole of whcK Proper ry, if not disposed of ar.PriTateSatepreyjous to ered to thi r"V v fjv; . ' THE IIUSTEES ol iheRlTTS the . V 4n- PitUborough m respectable Famaitsjo sixty JolJarsper YeM, : 1 v " . B-tOGHTFOOT, Sec: ApriM, J80.j' v"' -.'f. ' 1 4j .1 "-in .( , . 1 - .i,T. 1 1 I I I IMI - - J - r- - - ' "if l - ... - - - I II I ' W- :-anfltf:;'.': ;: - - ujousel cj ,jscvT3nwu y-r j,v-Jf : 4- , v,.. . ' the memorial of the trustecM, the institution- for the-?t education . of reported a .bill tor mcorpdraUng Wn institution .in;the7eity jof AVajshing ton,intheJdtsirlct ;df .Cdlamhia promotion and diffusion, I learning and scientet! aodw drranting f 4oV the .-.-i-i i-' tiki.-. --ti:.'- -r.tti t V 7 ilf; JDawson reported a. Wl cr UCiCllWIU 1UC UOiSS jilUU U.JIUUUJS orthe1 United Statesjsnd fdr.hut!dr tuiQ tcivaiu puuuu ova w wn ut saidcity ;T which-ws cdmmitfedj jmi'ef beituua;".ir'tl United Sute,- ad teqds to the Intiocf motion of an "ayUitrarj.' government I 1 tlifrfij: J ? 75; Kesol vt J, Tiwt Drovialdiv uiVHt t be .ude hj jayrtoreiideAnpfccer mhfc tp,Mdi civil ,e: uiKkr.thj8, United The t question was, talen onhee 1 lbnsvithoutdebatcry -1 C yfti second was Agreed to- JLyii f 4 . On contcumn: iriththc-cotximiu Cf -',01 ,thevWnole in their i agreo went to , thefirax TeaoTation de ibrte ensued. Metsri. J Randofph ana j.viay support can "onenrrence PibcUeyiGlvWCtmpbell,.',. R. KeWBariy,' ISmiUcv SioanBrd' wellRheiof Ten.rTacVsbk Kcllv. Dawson Elmer, ajid Soiithard op- ' The friends r of, the "resolution aayocatea ..lton f ine grpunq tnat tr? coostitutiori, by giving to each House of. Congress ftheii bow er of judging of he returns.ahd .'duafifica nous ot uiejr ncmocrsf autponsea tliem with k reference totfiis nbirit, ta give a -? construe tion ta the -corf suiuuon.t wnicn .incy .coaiena is tne j lis t cpntructionydectring the place oi a contractorunaer tnegoyernment incompaiipie .wun asear, m tne House i (and the insisted tnat the tonstitutional ptbvbifjn vlhat tio person holding nm .bfiiceundfcr the UBicca otaies;sriaii a memuer or eitherHouseduirinhis continuance, m olhe, : lnciudeci couttfetors un v On theiOtKeYiide; it was gene-1 rauy cvnccMco:uiaK u was niginy desirablt that some' .'provision,' ei ther constitutional , pr legislative- should be adopted to , exclude contractors-from the legislature. 15 ut that the members Wre bound to sipport the constitution, and wete not' jat iberty to.gi ve it a coastrucv Uon It Wplid not - bear. r They de clared a contrac t, and an office to be distinct' things. They disapproved going , into? a comstf uctioa of the coostituiion on abstract ground ; but declared their readiness ta act upon ? any particular case rwhich. might be presented to them, and their opinion that this was the" most correct course to, pursue. Some gentlemen likewise expressed theirJ willingness jo unite in thepassage of rak law prohibmng anyofBcer of the Umtedf btates to' enter mt a contract withym member of cither House s ' ;atlfday, March 2. v . Mr. Newton proposed th fol lowing amendment to the Consti- con. tract urtder'the'govcrnment of tha United btatcsyorwho shall direct iy orinairecuyiipariicrtpate m tne emoluments of such contract, shall (tecapable of holding a - eat in the oena.ivor rsouse -01 xveprasenia. try e of the-U nited States." luiicaValso, to amend" the consti- tuiion-i it was tor uic purpose 01 dirextmg the several States for the' choiceoi Jilectors at rresideataQd Vice-President,' by the people. " fMr.'Ja'cicsori submitted twobillsi tfier one supptementary to the'acV to extena junsaiciion in certain caseitq the temtdVialxoutV 1 and the other to aniend the act to divide ineanoianaerriiory mtoiwo sepa rate coyer; mcnis,' anu ior otner state b our affairs' ;withrfd'rcign na- ? Tbe thjrd v;as agrjeed tovwithont1 3 ; Whcnuhti coTnmitree rrosir au4 repotted anir:;,1agtecjnts, to .the rnintinnii.- v. . 1 cViV .Jj,T. m tnc report oine committee anpr Messrs. ,1 fiskiEbpesi ; Alston. gosca it, wnen tne oucsiiorias? tajtea about 4 o'clock toy Was and naVsVVeas siNavs 86. -A, iutiou wmcr :waa aaoptea wiuiout irirranu"tpnaJ3a;xra9iuyuou igr ' ino K v divUWfV.t Iir' egibafiu&iorjvisd. ' U&H&,? l C2fr$Vw render, any dmeef m theNrmror FwuN ' 1 .t,,,.-. irT.u ,lJ.-;i',ai, w w -W--, rA, Mr Charlea A.ttiU to Uiu Rebecca Lett.: . m, i HtowriomrWasrtierrea so much pi navyo? vne u-meapaDie;Ot noia-il v nvj -v.. , .r if, (i llth mcssaae, ofthe , sTreaident atill tno-anv civil brHc .Oa motionH ' OV . . 'V AU the U; SaViytVWnh ;ku to vrhich protection pught to be grarir te d t66ur.Vetse)sob; pur"e6asts Una ftHeVirstln g liws! he , ph srvfl' thMF a rnnitriirttri' hfi Prevailed which :.ventta deny-the,' .pr piecwp?.uey un , rnariuc icajuc t vom sKore." fti jSllfeVeoTbtdlei tion ougnt ta Jje extended W n greaterrfdtant e ? iat"i t- ougq t Tisiewts'Aoppltf roads iri ihV t,har,they had piseQ a bin,; to. earn' into,ekect prpViSiQLi i.,the 8th secttondrthe retijUfe grants tf lard,1snf4vi,dihV the disposal Sif the taVds'of theltniteri Dtanesv souin -oi tne: state oi $. cn neSsee.V,;5 - ?: ' t ' vThitf biU relates to" wKa ge neraliy . dendminatefi'the' "Yatao Haims. and went to countenance a compensation to tne various. ,iai- mants unaer me oeorgia specuia ttoh; ; y$f v&V) After various motions to amend and postpone . the bill, the Yeas -and Nays were .taken da the, ques iio a shall the bill be rejected" aijd wereias follows i , 3 . JSutler, CkuiykiitorM:Cl'tirK J. -Clty, Mi Clivp C?on, Cbzjff 'Jbateson," Ee&h Eppe9j'Gatiictfx Goodvyn Gray, Greggi JLeih, Mat Farland, aritm, Maimers, f; "it. Monre, ST. Mcor!yw.i Morrow, Mum- Jiarutolpb, T. AU KtvidotfiJb, KJbfiJ n. JbcKardf, Sammont, SantforJtScuer,SfQah WiUrni Wynne and FTiu?o-62. 1 j NAYS Mcttr; AUlon, Bat itr Set ton, Bickxil, CmtopbtU. CbandierrC&ft t t:dch, Cool, Cr&voninsbit!dr Cuttx Oan Darby DaveJorttigtxrElhcrtEtli, EUner,Elya iindlcyWitk, FovfcrBfGruii, Hatting. Rtlmt, jKoitgb,. J acbtonltyt Lewi, Z,Ycmt lf'CreerytZ?er. J6rrQi, Jiwe- Sellir. Sel'tmeman. .yi.CySSutbiStanknu Stedtttan, Sturgct, Ttiggartmlmdgt To ngyt ijuoma, i. nr.yJoomjuon,..xrajt Van ftftptefoer, Varnrt Wadivortb, Wtthij M. Wtlliatn nd frawu.-54 - . r Mr. J. Raudolph moved thatthe House should adiourn. He said that a few days ago the 'House ad iourned on account of the .death of , . - v.- , . i ' ' uen , Jackson. t-: xievnopea uiey would now adjourn oa account of his resurrection; vPof he had told him; that If he could give a death biow to the Yazoo business he should die in peace. Tuesday April i. fThc house we;i$nto a commit- tee -on various bills relative to the .Michigan territoryii' - Various a-. mendments weremade JSeVeral atmpts were-rnnde to fix he sa lary higher than 2u005 hut it was naaitynxeat that sum, tnejudges 1000, and thesecretary $5900. The bills weke ordered for a 2d reading. . OA morion of Mf. J:' Randolph; the house took up tha repdj of ;he; comratttee qithe.whoie onftht re solution proposing to prohibit mif ; Ftsrynd -civil officasbein united in the same-person. On a motion to. concur in tneir agreement to it, it was negatived, 51 to 91. . Wednesday AntUS, , ' .Ml hV-Mi j: Randolph reported ,bili- supplementary to the act making 1 there are in tha hands of6tmili' tialzibjOOO fife-artts, tl26,ODO inlSepubiifmagazinw. prdpriatlda'of eiOOOfdr the.w-1 mifacttrinir df armml'ZJ Vi jl v;lA bUhauppteloeataryt h ihd tefritodCMichrgajaii&c., II were jreaa aniru ue cc pasat;u. ti Spalding, Stanford. &tX.Tbo&ijxoii, Trigg, Tfk WbitehilL Jt. WbiiMML m R.WlUiani, of certain citizens of tha TJ. on irregular andmot so latVThei? V I the government pi prance. ; ReC.-, J cdatetitl alaini butiittie inre$t. , hf Mr.Varnum maderepprti gtv- ; j y n : -MS. micrciupj- ucwu ui. uic vurarungwjn coun-aouse,; a- i tten to which the mttiurisit, Vliia; with all iu records was-?; pretiat armed, by1 which it appearC 1 destrdved bv fire n tha i9tH:uJt: -! f ne nouACToos np uie jpp ot;ti S thejcoamlttee etvuiei whole da1!ttrfeitcr.noW in HUlsberqugh gaoU.; j James IitrJeA , . A,x. V1 W saihlicse 7hnPAse. -At vionthelandof,' 04', tsf vpriAtta ; k -iing' on tbe ; 4TM-tmHyinefe;cassfXiAP , p- that ra pursuance 0, tJhe fiiet'-p b&etn-V HyoftfMs State U'thiVsVinudifanJ Jjrovt fdetathe 01ndantdrpear an&f iiead ithlnihe nrnejimued by4a,?o;hrt- ' k tiivea nd warded aaaist himi . 1 v. ken, up ad prteeeaed pjhssco tbvTerm awt thatTthe-causes be'trieil orvl ; continued atxoitKag-tha-er tn'ejaro5;SJ j' pfeted upothe dobkeV,v -.Teste, Vi h.,i.',.i iMi.r. ;,.n i. ' 1", j 'o'( Keg"rd U6sr;ntmc4man(F- yr ilnjm-hetl..W HfsdrVsVwneaIrent off conUd of ,-grer Plaint Htry .lori.i 1 - huwu wuu.t f ill), i t- j .MJiy B-iJVi ' 4 h;a EuUvtn look out af hjs eyes ;tWwhteV ot bem are inci tn rtio.be ri ;. he: 13 ab Eghtee$ orineteeXeafi oldFfve seven or eighVllncheS higb" Mt$l when he v-entlF I cannot faLirly aet i cawiHi aafTii- ' a no, recollect any ikular Quirks5 abo Ktnv' y 'Whoever .ill apprehend K1 mjj&': ria bring thm to mevsnsl! be entlv Jlrf tU-. i k.-iJ -ixr,-j iZ-ic, r .ui.f&i ilftri v Rewar aroKfrDe-batsUibeStjBsn; Ti delivered tiS me In Nrth-CiroUvaVHafrN ! shaHbe hksomWardaVlJl? C v Jt is supposed, they wUtairtt farT&Vj. aiyerj4,f I ' ?; Tleign ' J';i, We have dleasiire in ItithHC'fohat T Governor AfexanderCreflidb. I : this city, dn WednesdajlNnlrig' U last ; and thoughdmewhtK&reblei 1 from his late siefchess; Kf IblaHd K attend to buitafcitsV 4J wuimeiii WweLv cr- t.ti ' ! ? An firrlviil at tfiVHfSSm jCanton, brings att rtnccour.dF thi 1 by the. British. "Ipe Wttis-f ca-"ri pitulatiott, exeeiAedUheadth ot at sea, fwlth asquH qounts tOiWc uaneoi Aqoaope " ; The ship Unfljd Starrived at Bal.timbrcn ilie d inteti aher a ' short passaged pf'ef dbyg .tf dm I London ; hsr :bcoUnts"Verettir61 : i are 14 or 15 ciava'later than xttii& heretofora receivedT Admber?)r! of, London papers df;date V3 " . VvGovarndr Langddn. 'dfiNe,wVi j I f! 'Hmphifa,w re-elected 'without. pojttd gobert MiUsi.has given in td the I M HnWrn rnnrhomV.na-i N I Im jpddf Var Penitentiary Houses aV f jj jiP sons.' f heretofore helcUast the Jfirstl . Jj cnaracxexs jn tn; oiaie. nave ueeu, ' i i n 1 s ft 1 5q