f4 mi-?- 4. If tv' VW I "' ' - VJ. T' lOrtS rti1l W Act to amena, an act emmcu - mi . r - , - , nr r An act -Wlrtntine Comtrissioners to extend the hvuauaiy line of this State ancUhe biatc ot; fefSouthrolina? passed at Rale'gh in the yeaflSOS. v. ? ? P?VHEREAS bv the 'aW mentioned aa, poweT ahd authptins MM$J pife;Coifer, t6.eii.er into arf corona he may deem moladvilable ,for -;tta r'iu--r-i:u--j r r rrUtivr in the? exten ion ana .etiayiiin-.i vw toSundyne elw S State and the Slid States at South Carolina, and 13 thpre fa aia, That nothing thcreuuTHamed m w n w a . mm v-rww n rvmr t m w a t . a. a a J . bl. wmm w f Keikirt'hijodred and threes "And whereas, doubts are entertained whether the, - ?'i'L',- i r ." m t 0 .l- k,.i.inH inhr hundred and'- tpprbvilionary, clauie in tneaa paucu m inc ycdi unc "V"- -"T" r p-three, & not by the woviftj in the aB of one thoufand eight hundred and four n?ade. mfrJziu:' well as to the State of Souih -Carolina: SH3EiEaEXSfflinfrarf3i cpramitjcdlbyperfons mak.Biconvcvance. lipohforneffecfe by ' pcrfons ,toncea!irigfthe p'ropehv of infclvcnt Or :(httl 0ttetcrkdc Jny, court ' oftrecord in this State, if th; nIaihitff'BV liirrifeir, his agent qraltorney in f&8, will make an affidavit (latincr rWjtfeefcndant has'tio vifible property to. knisfythe fame, or on which an eUflOftS and, that h& or the has good reafqn to believe that the defendant ms fVaudiiiently-conveyed his orvherproperjtyajroid or delay the oavment of bis or -her jutt debrs, or that foine other rVrfoH or perfons is, or are inblelli0n ofproperty belonging to 1a concealsihe fame, thee court in which the faid judgmfnt hath been. or fiiall be rendered, fliall and may at any time while the. faid judgment is in, force, order a fcire facias, or fcire f ,ciafes, as the cale may ; be, to be lllued agamit and feired on the perfen or mo have relation to the State of Georgia as well as to me Mate 01 ooui i ncrfens claiming any cftate, real and perianal, tinder anv fuch convevnmv. or l-:"Aiii;whcrea$ ;fuch wViTipnary 'd&uii can anfwer ho valuable purpole, ictar as j - . pt.rn or perfon'a , cbarge.d in the affidavit with concealing an v. miv Itf- - v o . c.:'?: ;' .;'j-'i.;v; u imnlimcnt to an amicable and 4 v it respccis. inetaie- 01- ocurgia. Aim may uv, P1M...r..- - Jpeedy aauutmeni ana tettietnent 01 pounuaiy uClWu.. . .is a ?iti therefore-mania oy-tnecnexai ijniiuiy vj -wtc ; md ii ttrebr t Pvijo in the ud pa lea ! .ttuirl ihr hundred and four, entitled An act to amena an f I'-fl' a yi'kir.t;' rrtimiffinhprs .to extend ihe boundary line of .;of niiiK nalina. nafled at Ralegh in the year one 'L&Mc-Ji :LilJ:LAA tv M&n-nnt ronftrned toentend of nve any relation to the vStatc of Georgig any thing therein contained to the con- irary iiotwuiuKiiiuitrg, - - As t -r- AAct to reneotin ct'pcd lronol th. General As-mMv tmiJed Am.c for s ' rncbrpoTai :ng sod bstabi hiftg a Banl;, Cythe narr.e and title of The State BauK Ox.-:- &E h'uiacteMv the GtnercTAffmblv of tkeSfht; cf Xcrth Caroline, find ii m ,h,.A Afiorzv nf Ihe . fdme. Thai the -a ct ruiu d t the Utt irliion V toflhe General A fremfih , -em idea ;J An acl fcr tncorpcfattng-1 d efhbhpg Bank, bv the narne and iitle of ,Th- State Bank of North-Carolina," be ahd the fame" is hereby repealed and n nk vo? :i. U, And be. it further cnaclcJ, That all the monies iubfaibed and pi! into -the hands of anv of the conirnifTiOiiCrs eppoirued by the afore laid aft, u un ;jiiediktJy after the pafii: rfius be refunded and paid back to the -'pcrfo;i 'oivpeiOns who have to fubferibed and paid the kmc ;f any law to the ctnttry notwith (landing. : Ah Act to exc!de! from the hener of Clrrpy, persons tVuh5f? house in thy day-time. a: . to extend the le. fi cf CVJ v o vcm n conv-ctd- of c--t in wb. WHEREAS;doubts are entertained whether any perfon convitied of robbing a boufe in the daytime, ahhouh no perfon be ihe rein, is entitled to the benefit ol Clergy, to remove inch doubts, and to provide an adequate punilhr itientjor fucb oifences, iff h!v nf tie Xhitt cf Narth-Carolina and it is hereby eva:t'd bv the authority of the fume, That if any perlbn or perfon lhall break any dwelling hoiife, (hop, warehou'.e or other out-houfe ther-to belong ing, oruherewith ufed, m the day time and fehn?o-il1y tUe Away any money, goods or chattels, -off trie v?Tue of twenty ihil'inus or upward, thocin being, although no perfon fball be within Inch dwclhrg houfe, fht p, warehoufe or other out-hoii'ei or mail comfort, aid, aber, alM, couniel, hireor command anv oerfon or perfons to rommit fucb oiknee, and being thereof lawtuuv cotv vlcled, or being inditled (hall ftand-mute, or peremptoriH challenge tnire than thirty-five jurors, (hall fufler death without benefit ofcletgy. And whereas donht air-entertained, whether, bV'the law in ufe and force in ths Scatefthe benefit of clergy can be allowed and extended to women conviciea 01 cenn feinnitvis-. for the removal whereof, J II Be it further enatted by. ins authority aforrfend, that v every caic wncre amount, upon tne lei Vic m goods or other e (late, for the ufe of the defendant, or for the purpofe of ena bling him or her to avoid or delay .the payment of his ;prber,j till delts, in which he, he or they (hall be commanded to Appear at llex (ucceedlng term, and declare upon oath, and in . writ!ngVvbcthef he ogffi:6Qds,ortS'.in pdffeflion 'of. or claims title to any money, goods, or otherlaieirLr per (onal, under any conveyance macTe by the defendant upon aiiyTecrettruft and whether he or (lie he)kts or is in pojfelrton of any nicrro.ther eilate, or was at the time of rendering faid judgment, or at ahlncein P'.-flefTion of any money, goods , or otlrer ellate, under, any (ecret ifeltve;to. hold ihe fame for the ufe of the defendant, or any other peribn to eao1ebiiri or her to avoid the payment of his or her jufl debts; and if the ;'Tcire iciaa fh; 11 be returned, ferved by delivering a cqdv to the party; againil whom ic ifi'ues, or by leaving a copy at his or her dwelling, .aiid. the party fliall appear, the court lhall proceed to require a declaration from ,him5orvher cm oath, a alorefaid; snd if the party fo called into court 0tall acknowledge that he or fhe does hold or claim propn ty of the defendant i i manner aforefaid, the court fhali and m3y order the lame. to be delivered upor made fubjel to the jud rent of the plaiifitf; or in cafe the fame or any pan thereofjall be money, av in cale any part of the property fhali have been ufed, wafteftor deftroyed by the parv, the court mav give judgment for the plaintiff againd fuch partv, fop (the amoun; and Talue of the monty then held, or which has been ufed, as alfo for the value pf any ot.vcr property (to be atcertamed by a jury) ufed, wafted or dHlitTyCd, ad acknowledged as aforefaid to have been received in mannev afo.idfr die ufe of the defendant, or any other perfon as afbrefaid; but in caie an" rerfon called into court in manner aforefaid, (hall deny that he or (he holds or is in pofiefiion of, or claims title to any property real or perfonal conve)ed or delivered for the purpofe of enabling the defen&am to avoid of delay the payment pf his or her juft debts, or that he has hetd any fuch pro pertv, and ufed or wafted the fame, the plaintiff may, if he or (he thinks proper, nqtiiie an lflue to be made up, and the; fads tried by a jury, as in other cafes, unci judgment fiiall be given accordingly with cofts ; and in cafe any verdic! and judgment fiiall be given in favour of any perfon called on under any fcire facias, or in cale he orlhe fhali be discharged bv his or her declaration -on joath, v ith out the trial of any iffue, he or (he lhall be entitled to the fame cofts a if he qv fhe had been originally fued in laid action. . " II, BeHl further enacted That in cafe any fcire facias fhali be returned ferved, hi manner herein direBed, and the party againll whom the fame ilfued fhali fail to appear, the plaintiff may enter againfl him or her a judgment by default'; but before executing any wiit of enquiry, or entering up any -final judgment, a fecond fcire facias fhali iffue to. the party requiring him or her-t4 appear -and fhew caufe whv final judgment fhould not be entered up for the larno mt of the plaintiff's jiand, or the amount which "the platntifF (ball in his affidavit ft ate to have been trVth hands or poflcilion of fuch partj for which ok laid fcire facias in manne r he reiii dlSre tied, the a man beinT cohviHed of anv felonv, may demand'-'the benefit of his clergy plaintiff m-:v enter up judgment agamft faid party, with cofts as aforefaid, if a o;uan be conviaed of "the fame or like offence, upon her prayer, to hjve,jt in, Arid be it junker enacted. Tha.t -when any judgment (hall beiven bp the benefit of this ac; judgment of :dea:h (hall not be. given againfl her, but fiie any juftice of. the peace out of court, the plaintiff -pay make an affidavit, i fhkll (uffer the fame puniihroent as a man mould iuffer who has the benefit of 'manner herein direcled in courts of record, upon which he m.dl be entitled to' bis elerev alv wed him in the like cule. ' eajry up to the next iuccieding court of pleas and quarter (eifiiinsiq be held I IL And be it further enacted, J 1 mvaii acts aim pdi ui. u-i cuau -wuimi ji rrr tne county jn wntcn. iatu jimguinu t -given, wiur wc 'ax din-jayu, me war the meaning awd purview of thisacl, and contrary t0 the tfue intent, and. mean- rdjj, jujlraient, aid all papers relating "thereto ; and upon vvnich the faid cour ing 01 tnis mci, arc ucicuy iv ana m lt 4r hr tt further, znatted. That tr t v 0 J. ' r fcw J T ' from and after the palling thereof, y oid. al fiiall commence and be in force . ..) 's ,., ai Jjvof a judge s comrmmon, ttony lnnungs ; ior an any tv ftiirllrr ; a (cheitors djtto twenty (hillings ; ft 81- Art' An r.. a -t ei i in ar.d tix th : I WHEREAS the prefent falary of the Gdyriu's private Secretary, inclu &ng his fees as allowed by law, " are 'teundvto belJdequate to the fervices by him performedj . B E it exacted h the General JfeniUy of thSlate of North-Car -c-hna, and it is hereby exacted. ay the ainhoriiy , of lhejkaf., Tat horn andafter.,the paffing of this acl, the priv.atevfecretary of the Governor fiiall be allowed, the Turn of one hundred and fifty pounds, and the folldjing feesiUnd ny others whatever, viz.' irn"y genera! s ulu, iwqi- nators in congrefs ditto, ' -.iu.i: ,j : ' T.!L J ' 1 I. - rr r : f' -. : "T!? .11 . ' t wen t V f n ill 1 o gs J for any commuium tor a ptace 01 pront, we uty minings-; a , teflinbhial, ten faillmgs; jutpenhon of a grant, feven tnuims and Hx pence; for aitixmg the feal on rant,. two (hillings and fix pence. P . And whereas an act . puffed in the year one thoufand feven hundred arjeighty lo.tr, chapter ninth, rirecf 5 that The letter books of the GoernorMuld be carefully pre ferved in the 'offices of the clerks.of the General Affemblf which i law from experience has been found to be incoVwenieni : for remedy iiereof, 1 1. Be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the clerli sof the General A flembly (hall, at the clole of each and -finery feffion df theJLe frTlature, deliver to the private fecretary of the Governor tieier book, for the purpofe of being depodted in the oificeof the Exec utiyepd further j that ihe clerfs ' of tiie General Affembly db deliver to the GbVe'fjroiS private fectetar all the letter books of the former Governors which are no$ remaining in their office fince the fourth of July, ope thoufand feven hundred a.tid;feventy-jx, to be like.wiie depolited in the..xfcutive office. Providedanr that it (lill be tne Ipeeial duty of the Governor for the time eing tp he the fe bt thi m, produced befbie the General jIembiyw 1 1 IV And be it further enatied That all Iaffand v heteiofoYe made, that cQine within the purview of this' acl, (h'a)l be and the . ia rue are hereby repealed. ! v upon? n ion made by the ulaintiff, (hail and may order a fcire facias in manner herelrr direcied, which lhall be proceeded on in the iane manner as if the fuit had been 'originally inituted in faid court. - IV. And be it further enacted, That aff aci and parts of a6ls coming withio the meaning and purview of this apt, are hereby repealed. An Art o e )coora e Owners of F; rries to build Bridjes..'forvtht rOnTenknctof Travellersr . WHEREAS pafling rivers and Targe water cqurfes- bridges in(leadv of fervrboats, would tend much to, ditpatch, fafety and nvehiencei 'For cn con raging, therefore, owners of (ernes, tq ereel bridgesvin lieu thereof, BE"i: it enacted by -the GenerelAfl0bl?;cffa Northar(inei,asd Ht is hereby enacted b the authority irj Ae iMc3jt W -Etlt tfkfeelXe tlie p:io- prietor of any (errjall prefer ) water courfe, 4nud of: keeping iferry(hali be at liberty toolib uridef the fame rights affiHn the lame niabner by which die ferry is clairned and. held, and under the fame rules, relaxations and reftrictions Of other toll-bridges' here tofore eftaBlffhed- by law z-JZrovicfed neveirtlielef, that no more toll fliall be de manded for pafling any bridge creeled in confequenee of 'this aci than is granted by law tor the ferriage, unlets by agreement wun the: county court, wno are. hereby authbrifedftr grant and advance as far as twenty-five per cent, and not more : And JnSoided further, that in all fuch bridges1 the proprietor fir-ill creel a draw where any ater courfe is frequenily and' commonly ufed by fea vefMs or mafted boats of tonfidefable burtHeh. - An Act lbr5iftShtrVtf Kx:n:orft aod AvUihisiiMioiV'Wj 'ccrta.n av-s, BE it iiiaUed fyiftra hereby twtted by the authll the paflingof act", thVlrovifibns' of -''arf'fS paffed -SlfevMeville iri. -the vear one thoufsnd (even hundred and eightytiirie, eKliUedH5An r aft direclinq the mode of proceed- Uecefexf!debtQrwhere the perfbnal eltate b w instaeainfi the, real eilate of tnmrifnt fnr. r!if na?mnt. nr di V?Kfo i -'fl-tl Ar1 V,m. ArrLlKQ to ektenct tii ekecdfoiiriadmini rules, re- .iv:iiicuviuj i?u&UY. uicaaia set reouirea, any .;iawt cuflom tdje contrary riptirhfuhdm f v r- aff or

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