-:. i -N6rWW$tate Gazette, .' '.- ' K't 1 "Y'.i 2 AN:. -ACT Wary be. atittieVebythprjse States. SfVc tjl ricf WwinP" county Mstn si. Hetn sKalt asii&n and coti vp y estate ot veiy itcsv?lty" lhai he iias no estate; ana has uov :se;f:eaKitFK pf;1.'.; oefificate,s sttmv hatJhas clone in the premVVIifearn producing wjvcate 'tbhe marshal of the istrtfftColu fiatii a , ht shall discharge saidiHeam fr the certificate shall pegtftKal th'J aid Hjarn has wxisficd the Secre tary, or agent asdloreiikl, that Sba'd no pstate. and. tit course J4; jnade noaai gpmenthen heA s Jni "Hearo shall ei hrJyloKexcute'iu the marshal,' "cShgtJon 'payable td-the rnite 3tatesrfoV rSau expensWhit, h'ax' 17 ti equebce .'if fiisy 1 i.;pJ cocment, IveWeht ' ciTr'. in this act hall6eotiriaei; $0' ftf charge any other -Vp i'froro'ii 3iablenc:s 10 be imprisonVd byvytrtu of the txeciition aforesaid' Jibr it&' ltae any estate which the saidHearri jtoyhereafttr acquire,, from tflujtfe; iiess to satibfy said Vecu ioniv Spec&crcfjte Hwse of )?epresehtathc$; ?t ,;iGEC CLINTON 'I: : yice-Fmident rf tie Jutted Siatet, and President at u senate 1 TIL J SITE KSUN ' , AN ACT ,7 exter.d the pnvt;r nf granting avtus of injunction to the judges of- tie district courts of the United States . BE it enact. ;by tht Senate and JJouscof RtfirtiCTilhtives of the United States of tfmrricaf in Congress assem lledy That from and after thep2Urmg of this act the judges of the district Courts of the United States shall have as full power togfant writs 6f in functions to operate -Vjthin their r- pecttve ; ditrictsas M now ext rci$ec by any of ihe judges of theupremev1 court ofthb Umttd .SUleiindcrhe arae rtdes,rreguht)ons and're?trt tion.s as are rSFfstibedAy4he scveraf acts of CoAgve- estjlishingthe' Ju dietary qi ine juhjcu staic, my;iw Torthe contrary not vitnsT an mng: Prcroidtd: that (became lallnotX Unless so ordered by thcirc.u:t"coiUt oontihue; lonrer4han to the ckcuit cour, next ens'uing not shjtll jMVrn janctioti )e issued by a ,dUtrj9ttjrSge, S t n - A n mt l hL. fate ttft v I- 9 . 1 t-asonablntVriie tof?p? to circuit Speaker 1$ the House J ' Kepreseittotfct'x GhlQitGi: 0 1 4 NTOK; Vice-Prtitdent of tic UMHe4'Siaiett and ' t i x-rf entiftee senate Approved Feb. 1J( laJZX-- To anne Certatn shares VnWiteihs to the du r.ct of , MissjS)ppi,an t$ autho se the bu'.lalng acustom-iiousear New4Jt BE it enacted'M'iht., .Senate and House of fiepreierfyftvpof thkUnited rate or s.jf- . -i7i,'inFrrj ox iri&i alter tht cxt. al the iyeV Ohtii, .rid tf teks ictalsoaU th'n uci v davtr1 LI ' ' .'' ' 'i tliMi es r.nd Wat andf the'verf t emptying irf v the shoves aiyU,. tef . the tivefs ' 'on; t jlpwf benefit ol 1 he'UiiUed -St4ie if i he the said transfeifd alitor in partofjiispro liet kintehijoMallTi. pay.. sbal! maktiait of fthe dlstridof Natchez, Vlwshal! to rantttiimrjorihr :liUnitedcl!r.thet sanie' Trunne eoniUbsl. e!Vjipne ?bj the liecors'offche faf districts pf tHe ; limited Svafcs V!an4ach of ;te ;i'4''HedV('ibe fees paid iii' relation cieldmeisiirert)eptend; f rerisveririirof esseli alfell. receive ar annual saiary oi; -one imnurcamiL fifty dollars- h' ; v- :. v Sec 3. Jitd h itj'ttri enacted, Thai the coHecjdfKHdliMct of Mississippi slia'li0!ufrficler, of anytemporary regtsfaned to a vi ssel of 4he Umt'Sta'-es as. afori aid, issue a psrmanent regis ter tr such vessel ; provided that t tit.. roaster. of;tjnch vesselball take the Visual oathid perjbrnv.all the other eondioris'o ireci by, the re gistering afctrgjht t shaljnot lc obliged .to pVej.. n4w bond to. iheskid o llecori. V-ip"-tc4. Jnd kit JiMkfr inaticd. SUj Hi much of anv act orvaU-as; erects i!ny of the-slitireX or :.waters n.exed by this act 10 the Miosis ippi district,, into separate distric ts, til and the sameis heTebyVepealed Sec 5 . Andjl: itjithh& Enacted. Tim thevbfeeitury- levTrtryJ band he herthy notiseona 4tVeo eI rio j - . Y ililVjpdii a'Smeconyf r.;ei.: .nerun.ieo v- r.-1 :.j torn .1 tcntyiho pVopriated. L httebv ap-l ieTbf j to ..j expense; o directing jthv : WiA.i? I . fi. 1,: will d W f jJY;UIUtICJ'-ll I iditu. ,tt , r l l:r rf i Ic R'Mse' 'Representatives. CLO' CLIN. f ON, sited W the Seiiaie - metii with ,anVAdvcT!isejnent, which fcitdeonrjin MrDavisou's Paper of the 9th. b May last, from W'arrentcn, wlierein y MotheryvMartha Jfiill, cbserves she has purhisd ty instate, I arh tinder the d s agreeabteJnecckSTty cf mformingr the Public tO(theicdntrary. .Self preservation is cne ojfihVfirst laws of nature, and it compel s -me to take this only method of securing to rrryselfa su(Hc"rent rnanTtenancec ft r my fu turet years't I therefore for warn all persons1 f frpr; purchasing afiy Property, fj-om, byf 1 plunder any conveyance my M other can TnaKf, a snenas not nnw,.ncr never naa, .any fee simple irr any Estaie whatever If ixt explanation should bQ.uecessaiy, 1 aha;i always be reudy tti give it more at lef.gth, t5 ; HUXHY. HILL. Franklin, Feb. 9; l807. 'V WILKES WUN'i l' J aa uary 19, A . 1. 1 807. TXJB inform the Public, that he v v GHLANiM AU S C HOOLP at lc m' thia, has recentty removed to the Court house4 where it witl couth. lie a few months, ma lare and sri'uabte house for the business of such an iiistitijtionl'timU a lwus ab6u half a mile out of town Can be finisht!d foi the direct p)jq of the "Schfiol., -Students may obtatiibyirding In'Twn a the different prices pr 45 nd 4fi, dyin the Vicfnity; afSand $tt). i u)uon,'Vi ihe Latin and XJneli Languages, .English Grammar,, Rfietor.-tc, Stt.;iia l3 paid -najf- annuaily. f tos SimuaryiiaS ex.su d two years irt ths county wnh"fne very geuetal applausVof those Gen :lemev who havebeer subscr-btrb: It lists' had twn lxnibioris whidr have rhetwith alrtiobt ijnjvtrsil ap pioliation The. Teacher; otthjsnAcadeii.y it strictly atjentiv tritbef ifterests'ot hit, k Pupjls,i studrou to protrfcitt t.hr:f improve ' j meutootn iniiteiaUieanornorality the i.iuatrr of this Sdtool ts undoubtedly As hfaitHv as any v&tlier or the evtinent, itx i g every physical advantage that cm ,ac 'cfuetfromVir, waicr'arrd eminence ; Fron tlteh-altUinessof ti pjacc f tie cheapness u of board, 'knd the" .generaLsaustaction iha. the- TeacJier of ', th is Academy' na gi Vt n, b;tn u his schoUst.e dcipune knd m'or deptjrtfneot! we reqfiinm ? it to chose Gt r.i, tlemcn who areilesiTous av pumng ou vtn onsto'a'Gramrf'ar Sch;4 iq.pu thena he . . c, . . . fr rfifl' J.BrtiVy - -. , neanapta gooaanu sutucienrnmise 'o srve" as atxee and i)lace;p f ile-, posirlpr. tr- . 1 . - ,cutbcj cua; s-atnti'. . . 1 me sum 01 tirVJNG isnme short time past RALEIGH ACADEttr.k EM 2 ? . iaysijiES hjrve now the sa- tisfacrton to state ttlat this Institution has at' lrth'ariSen tan J&t ' high degree of respeci&hiht and jusfulwess "hich tias'evei;. JenVeVtoewhTroin their exertions tne ahil ity jf 'the Teaci iers, th.e many ad yi(ntagbg ;.ef, itsi cal sirditjoti, and the fa ; vourofiL-njrpus knd . eAVghtened Piiblic: THerjberfe!tti expected; ftom the zeal and tp&epifpT the Rev. Mr. TruKiR, Prir.ci piV:ja" t U e I n s.i t at i on " 6 av been a!3ti:i? d amiy Vealized '; and the liitaslng favour f tbe Public have enabled thefl'rustees.to; emj)Vv ais Preceptress in' Ftrnaic De-' partntent, Mrs. Boavbn, .f Favettev'..lV Lady eminently' distinguished for- correct essljraatinerft and kncfwlecge of Jit--ieiariaod jhe elegatit Arts, and .who has for hjany year procured for thfc; Academy at Fay-ttevtlle, the Ynrited reputation of being theliest in the :-stae for -the uca i'm of Yonb Iadies . sod it ij hoped ai.d, and eecied tb t , her emlavai to Raleigh w4ll;"ioiTn'.nisli'he-pJeSsBC useMiies& also been employed a AAistarit fTeach. rtisvtriojraj character is itaexcept i- n abi hH-attan;Tnnts in Literature and Science are" varioits and extensive squal to t du-, ties of Ins ; appoiattneDt, and worthy ot h:s asaociate Teachers. "Mr hurch Vs, alread irt the Academy Mrs. Bowen Will arrive un the first -of Apnl. "In tht Male Deparinfent will be taught the Languages, Arts and Sciences, usua iyj taUMir in me ..Arnertcaii oiicea ana vca- cemies. And n the Ftr&aic Departvienti English jfammr, Gevgriphy, the use of the Girbes, Needle Work, Pa.int.ing, Em-; "Arvdery, jielles Lettres,.H'sror) ana the Hudimieats of Na ur A i'hilusopiiy and As tronomy. Term. M Tui ion are three .and four Dol ar auartrr f r the 1 wer and m'ddle Classes, a-d five J) i'Jars for the highest branches ot he -ciences y.: Board can be had fm most of the Publi Houses, and iurnany- gericee! private Fm - 1 liea t60 p'ollar a year,' Washing, Bea 14114 ana. r ircwoou uiviuueu. . . .y he,Tfear ts divided -nto, two Sessions. ii pe nrst commences or tnenrsioay 01 jaf nuararid en 's the Saturday iVmediatelj? precedins'iiie,lai M iday 1 iv May.. , f he , setomjesln; tens on the first MoilUay 4n fUiie, and ends the Saturday irnmediater T,peceeiaute.4Biru. mo may tn jw. v jn fe,,wh:ich isuthe 4f ,the mtetu g ot ne OenerdrrAsemb y" Each , Session is - d v:dta 4majto wtianers: At tne ei.es 01 wtwvii u and E jhlbihon', tfiew eie is a puohc Exami; jatioii of cue Students, and at:a-i 1 1 eikl ofeacn quarter a private onev . Pt1.'" f1i HinT; liner t Arirlpmv ii cniriniK ard conveij.eflt.vsirtiateu near an eaceile 1 Spriaud-in-A'part l t.e t(jwn whoiiy jnahUcp by-pr)vas families Tfie. superior heil:h;5 otituleigh' is too Wv;.l known to regdrrcl!ew-rrienuimeh rNnlWihl Riiny "advantages vhich this IniMuioi f)Sse&seS vtne IVustee f eei jun Vified in" onSdenily iuvUinVcPafeiits and GuaM'ans; ioV.seiwl theirCh Jdreiin 1 J viVarttsuvtisPLce ior ftVet, Eiucaoorvl wives jbjrtheir asautJuicei that tne grev.si a;tentinn and Jijigence sni.lt he ased JQpre serve the.mOral;ynprg.vcf the 'manners au .iromote fO;tue:ur(ioati tne .auciton Ol t ile" I lUUI;.i WHU UWr Uw lUHUMIltCUi 1 , ' ' -. t ' '"-vi " - " ' -f. their guidance. - , . v ,v- . Signed by vrder andjn J&baff oftbe , . ' ... :tV tfW ILL! A MN aVHITE, Se Ila!e:zh;' Februiry ly, -1809.r . . . FUR SALt&&- " L Valuable PUANTATON in Anson Couaty, oh tlve-Souih Sid-, o. Peedee' Kiver, Cumainingab-iut Seven lt".t dred and thirty -Acres a fuTt proporuo' which ts LowGroOiof the iirst quality, and the uptanttanrtme tor tne culture ui Cotton JietweerVglity and One hundre;' Acres are cleared atjd udet tenceahd iu -good order f6r cultrvanon. .; , T . A great Bargjiii maf 1 he had; tn the Land, and a lioeril Credit will be givn for thej'd'rchase-jrrtonet Fdr farther pa : titulars apply , to the , .Sub'criber,, neat Wadshrougu, r the said Uojuuty lOct. 27, 2 liGBHiKT HOY . C j?lF?r DOLLARS 'REWARD tiUOKE the. Jail of, Anson couniy,. -oVthe Night of the i u.:phMA M Lindon; chii jred with? Hotse, steal jW ite i a tout.vved-set .nan, ab lt five.F'te seven, 'or ei flit Indies high, withliglu san di Hair i about. Fnrty. Years of A'e. Ju- hiose remarkably turned up and .appear rO'have been woKe 1 neaixne Kewaidam all, reasonable Charges will be iive: (v appreaeriding said M'Ltndon, a id deliver 4ug him tot re Shsrff of this Countvl. . . ' JOsPU PIJKETTi lVniieborvugbiAns6n Count Feb ,41807... ru h;s under reeth' ;-He calls,- htmselt R an,wand has' a Certiri'caie ot chard Freemanand hj ,i.n?anc potion, Witlrhina,- purporting tp b '.,;n hisc4ate? maste'if Ttiocias Everett ci orihujntfctland- county' intyW MVaxinfaifr bui beafoteri"' - ich is suacici to l'he -Qw.&iK, 't&Aid;Nekro is reqje'sted to .me i 'A nrove'ius property and take station f arrt theTrpteeajioy pledt .i-;; nviMirTKn ' To Wake Cvuntjf Jailcnxbs A& 'lnst. , 'A NE:H:0f of a'yellowi , S- Complexion, 25" YcaVs of Agev et! finches turh.Unm tfiiade, andt tvas a AtzO Tavern at the Red House. ' "jpHE Subcri.ber begs leaye to in form : Jtis Friends and. the Public in ier.eral,; ihat he has lately leased the well ;.oown.TAVERNvat Ute Ued-llouse, itv as .v til Couritv,- N. Caroliia. owned by . Mr. Thoftias Jefireys, , The Buildings, are jXgf andcqnveniehr, haVihg te(eRooms so arrangldj that the weary. XraVeilexrcari it any tirrie-find a pieasant rare at entirely 4 icmovea trom; tne bastu.ot tue.crowdr f he-greatev artv the Building hai beett lately erected, and tiie bVattcd newl. e- J pa reru ; inerc.are r amcs an otner necessary Arrangements, calculated toren. der his House agreeable to Yrayenersf ' lie pledges h'-.mserf . so Kwp attenriVe il Ostlers; - With all kinds o rain and Fof rage for Horsesj lthewisea wc ' He delay " of ; time br topp ng-tcrou'. . .Went.' . -' ,; - , C''le' calcolares 00 tetctvnig B'Mersrom--among ihoseAiiott.sg UauUemea. oaVe sent to xhz fjy o Acadc ij , jaicSpxiot ce than ftaif a nnU. dtatlXeasure PaifntsaniGu'das; thagwai af'T much as pdii:b e, attend to. the jnortls of ; t:iusc Suoiieis who- board wiiAhrmiand rtha'c t'heV shalihiv?,pfiyate4 Rooms,. t?uh all necessaries, euitftipwss icons . From the rea trOubie and expense he has been at to make his a nrst..ra;e l aoI:c His Lease" cornmer.ces at Chvistmts, by v h.cS nWe n'e shal be there, ready lor t,he: 'ception o f Travellers. - ; ' - UiC 11 A R O OG1L.BY. Bjilsborougfi Superior Court, -x , . . . v THE, following Causes are retained onine Hiilsuwrough ockcc for;lr;al a: tie next J. emu wnicn wiu tunuwuw wi he third Monday in .viatcn : 1 , 1 5troud Gaines 33 ."' ,:'2' L.psu mo w Spame . .-. '. 3 iuiul w Seaweh 4, Herring W Irny. and Creatfc 5 Littlejoiin rtfa'iier ' r o O Daitwl j Pet.dy and Barker .7 Kubonson w VVasr . . v .:' ; S Tne State for the use &c. - and adi . I 9 V en hush Si Co. w Lf , , . Itf Stroud Hunter '. . 11 J .ne and Astj w Gain .r 12 Collier v' VVilsou and RobeitB lo Caiycion w Pulliaia i-I.Cain-f Johnston . 15 itniircrw'Scarcy ' . , 16 irotui t Hunter ., . 17fLocvhaii v i)ishca 18 ,ikiii vs fucKr-. r - . 19iiinuh Uc w Williams Sec Washington Per'san - . 21 Meixane rJMe jane's Executors 22 Clay and iiurwell vs ferson 23; Putham vs Speiue 24 iliiiu., Ci'roubeli fit Co. vs Johns-.oU 'SuClay tw. Puw n& Admuusuators AtSd'The'samc vi tne iame 7-6f;- KjHin VS-.JUC W t.S "T 7 . f; d - iPeyko i'aejn; 34 l'he same to Hawkin a;o;41avkiu. 35 ' Camlied vs PeceisbQ V v- --t 36 Jsnes;ioiieitor.General i Ellison' - 37 Tneainew the same 38 Th aame the sarh . ' ' ' NorflVe't;t?AtufteIl.:, ,. '' ' 4i0 Johnston w &ftMmf ' 41 Slavers vs trikwf V : 42 ffieame w iheah;. 43 Cooper Hargrvesv" 44 tialiaru vs Viggin ' " . 4j liurchens . t O'flriant -AV 46 Burnet vs.. tprd ' '. ' f " v 47 Anderson 'vs Jclfeta , ; 45 ti cks w aUset - i v, . . ;r ' :r , 9 Blatid w Fraaier . v ; i, . ; 1: 5:J rijie w the same j.' 4'" V' 551 Huifida) and Hinton w.theJjmie r 52 'iie same, the sarne ; , 5 .Har s ana bright Ward, : ' 54; tt'cMii$tr,VV auefr;;.,' rW . ' ." f' , 5oC Carr flton ApLemore ; - jo M'Qn'.tocfa "p Cantriti . . , -Iebane1cnur t.MUrioch , f . '4tVVunvfeWest v- . ' ' : f:Str:PoWeJH5 - ; 4 i: iv6l41iur tdn w.Hamiltoh , v v J';6liaiiiel w tlvhand . : Jb3 jCHsoiir't' Loetatart o4 1 he same Wne ame " 05 f tie same vs LdLnhatt and Kay 66 The 6ame vs Ray- , 67 AtKiuiou tw Parvior , : 68 M'Neill c Ptace and others , ; The State W William Hoao " Same ha liannavm ' 'Tev, J ' ,.S. BESJTGN TbeJblUfvih'i ore retained; m tbe Jrgvmcn: ) r- 'X Buctiver and W ife vs William 5 X Robertson &c if vs House admr. tc .'S ' 1 urrentiUe Murpey feZlovnng on ibe ScfrkTaiij Boik'tt .;, d LiulejohuSi JTisLpn tire wer fiiotherh '.' 2 Owe.vaud V'ife Ff Hawlfmi ..' "''3" Lewis w C ipeTand and Btui'net 5. Bowm trr tc Satterwhite's -Execm ls. Act of th? )ast Legisiature has House, and the assuU ty aud auenC.ou tha Vie pledges him&elf io bestow, h- hvpes he 'lltalf rflA-iih'tKc patronage ot theub-, . aii. reix&k general eatistaccuuN , r a 9- ifLtms aCiit,KCach Howeil , . SMDebS : Viass(?&q tnzt ine pujiors, vv ttnesses,?K. 11 a peculiar ativa rw.'aXt aiandatVwfcnmicemenfcfttie,li readerajtva; - Assortment of TOribmeMTllriJl? ,a Medicinal Store U ystTeetFay ' ' ' ettev.lle, which he off fcrjSalWy' - - . -MR, MILLER JJ AS .engaged , toj tVacK,theaboVe Brinches,of "the1 Polite. ArtLrTvTi Psic.ans and Families In theCcoWyrc shallihe.gupphedathe. Wst Write, " - and on rms that cannot fad tosatisf-. " V' FALKENER's Tof LJOou School in Warrantor. Belfig enjaged by the patrha'geof many resoecbble ftui&if 't tbe'trest devtihisYnrfs entrti l& that,' . " Seminary andanucipite&, that is exeti ttcrts tn hc diacTjarae df ;duty,aL attach; htS jBmpl overs; ? ro nsi r .ftii . miancd o'the r favoury I Jan V , ; , TWi - DoUars Reward. - JUNAWA-V frpni-ihe bdbsciibef " hvuir in-rin?e Clouatv River, a Negro Man named fi)W. iTef a tall, hvttr Fallow, S;earid 'nie merly belonsed toa Mrj ThbrnaaTrntmari. . of Gates County whjfe I expect h will !n tn rrr. . Arm- D.ii .Jv v m) H1 . V . :5.- v ' if .- V the ae;nccUanvd;.all feasonaLle Ex 1 Kienceir hatl. xv5 - t i r r ,-r : v hirar willdeliverMltoinAshallrleceiv . v ' JAMES WHITJjELL. '' r l-t--. ,! t A I'M XlXlJUijf " . '''.1 . ..Uii! . TE roturh a y t fd n? "the place lf he, Lotcontirs lenc Acre or lrpunq,: ,whjth is f well : 111 closeit wihfPlank, .Tnere is iexcellent Wactr dit the Lot,, gecd iStahles aad every- other corAiuiencersniubie top a Tavern! ; The Subscriber being jdetermined to moye to the Vestern enntri, will seilitfls Pro ' perty low; ana recewe in part ot ; panien t; a jegi-o riowr-,tnc o pLiance in tasn - S? SALES? : WILL BE SOLD, "" f5br:f(ZVie,flf'Ct'; s hoax tn Wcbond County . - ' " On CO much of a Tract of Land ir Waaid-Cwnty, eivewia bv DuncaiyCarv. ry3fi will satisfy the Tax thiie; f for t b& year im frn,-t ae Cou$ accruing thei-eon i2e29ii'fiMi.lo. 4' V. " " """v' i- " ' v.;': - tiElV BOCKS, :r V . T GALES has just received th . -TheLrft ot William Pitt,' ' ' Do. of Lord Nelson -1 ;. r ' Th Revolutionary Plotarch; eohtainini B iograpl ncal nd secret Memoirs." of ; the ao:iaparte;Fami!y.' 'r " , , - ecmi;story Of yjei Covrrt of St.CloJd. History of Bonapartei with an Acco iut jf the Battlf.Austeilitz. , - ETfDl'"mrte5-a h?toistry; MUUSt, .and -LOT-of theT , wVwh, as a-Public H6tiseis oiiil to i ? ' iLroviiiA.i-,1 111 , 1VWII JUL. JTllilSUU . . ' , i I tCRBiy- liEAJEMtfRfcN CER,foiv tje v f rCfTVf he doticentrated'"' ' - Ut -i -ViQtXytr&ftTLLWW BARK, y . where itsold tn IJotrles, with prcper - unectonsat one pillar each : and by 1 his appctatmeiw, by iJ GaLs, Rh?!gh, aiid very-useful inVaUcbmr5Jrtrt'.iar" requirelrgedOTes ofthle BarkJ .and an ex-j 'f1 1 ceUentpiventativrajrayst:thcnVenirr' ' 4 Feyer of Charfestc-n, and the ebmmort vers whichareojrevilenf )S thcjiijtrJrJ v t, . This Balk is.abr coniern t'kt&i- wiu j wK6iag iue meo cat PHvsiciau -a the t?f and liotl IlW f f.v: pers, or tne comroon pte greater (UtX s. V gree, .wjdeh-hasaiove.t Gm'f? ' ? f- Hospital, inLondoh, vhere f is nowHie 'J r oy,kinaase'.t:p O'kvarjViatetirst' , s If oasih France, says, 1 Iti iepatation toi; , ' Itoucharnuhit ; eiorntotiSrcit wa8 ;theoniy spBC'esOf ISark employ ed"; patticularlyih an tijsorder peann.ih; the leairdanroni, and whxiV retio4reda certain and speedy reiaedy ; ai.d that hi tin Safely assert that oht'of sevei d fiiudreds, lie does not recollect even one cas nwhichit faUed." - . Paagh Bark id substahcef is genera!? ridcbmiftdit'ded,'.'yei the $ tottaEjueni y; will not bear suchlarge.repeated doses as ar' sometimes ueCesjOry. JTfii inconvenience . obviated by the iiie bi the" Conceiitra'cd tllnctrirei as it ean be ven'with greater Aavaniagc, ana racf' uaetyioarce witrt iie,stmchitK ty enlarged by any indissoihulematter,whicU I is evident. the Bark , in its .Original iia'tS . .11 itatn a ie 1 spopr f ul only cf this Tilu: ore being equal to a large dose of ttie Vw - Vir rtr'm civ rimt tini? nt it iZlkt-fTkyrcttn 'j A mm -1 -1 .a 1 V i ',4 4 SV;'' - 4' if ; -1 V.J' j f'4 s1 s 4' J I. 1 1 f i if. ' i i 1 a :t '.Iff 1 J l 1 1 I' 1 ' 4 !. 4 - 1 ..'V.'.