IE ?i : AND -mamma I Ottrt tre ttLcplSinofPa!rJeUfctf)ptlcet, d b v pit f y r age ,t o H ej Jt f it1je , .ft- warp iVS''"- MdKto ATVftVlARCH ?Jl6; 1 807, 1 - ' 'Mortfl mme uazette - - 4 i premtCoiAt fv.-f 4ei without . de minu; r j cede't ntUuttor;aprostcu tionthe qutionobetermmed is wBeTthcuse u.Ar in what mace ;A what nlace thev are to be tried: Stud mWr" KVViaiiWad accurate K MttfSif this cnduiry STS3feSboeir.t no such ;; Sifttned of thejj,5on, under.thc u,fiuecc,of no FBMaWIul tptany lUn whom the ..wttta P,. 1 - - i tl Will' II IIIC OWV. the specific,ttegerotight a- gainst tlie m U$ ing war against Igates. As there is no crime vhich can inorCVxciteag?tatthe passions t n th trasom-H)harge dc- m s w-k armTur ffj A & & m -. . - . ma fore e which' U'Js made a deliberate . lore wnicn u- f ,i aAl t,mpora;.enqu;rynVhether ; tn'th&law. none cahrbe. more joVmB, noneVrhdrt; ?ropottantv to the citizen or;totlW government- none can more alFetttthe fet):pf - T2aWWtthcs.MhdtvoLtno9p ca'amities jjJbjicK? resufe rrpfn jfie extension ot tryisottos pffenfies; qF minor importance; "that ;gteV damenta: law wdefihes and ju . mitstV various1lerihe,nts pCour; ? government, has given anjle on tKe .subject both to the legislnUAre apd lhc court of America, whilVjiei ther carl Ge permitted to transcenf-v . Treason against the U. States; shall consisronlv in itvwac war a-5 nainst theni; or iq adhering to their enemies, giving uiem aiu uuu comfort." To constitute that specific crime for which the prisoners 'now before the coirt have. beeri"'committed, war must be actually levied against the U. States. However igitious J ',.may be the crime oi t on pinng t ) I subvert by force the go ermnent of our country, such conspira:y is not" treason. To conspiie tp levy war, and actually to levy war, ardis-, tinrt offences. The4 first must be brought into operation by the as4 semMatre of men ; for a purpose treasonable in itself, or thejfact of levv'mg wat eannot have beejlcohfc roitted. So,far,has ths principle bten carriedtpltj in a case ported by entri,; andtmentroned in sorai modern i;tieatUes on tlpr minal law. it has jcnetcmWed that the actual enlfitment 6f;taVn to serve against the governnient; does not amount to levyingyr. It is true that in that case thr-sqU 4iers enlisted wet e to serve ;vith5 out the realm, but they wensfea listed within itt and if theehhsf-1 ment lor a treasonable purpose could amount to levying Wary theu war had been actually levied It is nQtthefnteriuon of thefeourt to sav tHaf no individual can be guilty of this cri m e f ho:. has' not appeared inarms against hijcoun try, ; On ther cphVaiT , JFWtr be S ' I- - . actualh lnid,,thtiS, itaVboay U against the U b. is not treason, .of men be a ctuallv 'assembled fori unless Combined with an attempt the purpose of eSeCtirtg by force a i j to carry suchombinalioh or cou treasonable pvlrposali thoAe w ho .; sptracv into execution ; so me ac per.orm anY7parw h6wevef minute or hwevcrjtepdpte frorajhFlcee; of ' action.--and -whd;' are-actually )A4vuufl ViiV.rvfc"ril AtiVni rMit vait.ll IU U)U' UVUVIfll VUklfliUVM itre to oe fonitiereas -traiiors. But there mis be'iiri aetualassem S force connected with the 'intention' 11 tling of medf tht jUerionible leVy I imdh 1 pujpose, 'constitute ajcvylng o war. .' :i::l'Y ; x Cffmc$:ic:fttijH-fc ri4thpse ct the which iliiJVtariscrapeten deiinca ana iinuvu iyf kwith - Tatous" circumspectrm at- tempted to grmecuncir umuawM by proyiiinghatiBO pewon hod be convpted of it, unlpsaontte testiuifmV'of two witnesses- ta the same overt act, or.oa cdn?ssjon m , np.n court; ni.navc .vyn- hit more sate' tat.; tuP;shjTt .0 such c- . .hould M! xcitp. and which 'a flexible defiM- tioriof the crime, or i;cbnstrcjj6a., wl&ich would render it flexble might bring into operation." It is therefore more safe, as well as more consonant to the print ipW otiir constiuimHtiatfthe ffms of treason shculdrnbtie etendeU, . - i t-ir.,Kn'j byttp-tO.doubrfuLcMCT,; i the eonsVitutional 'de finition'shQUld receive" sucn;puuJ3uiucuvu ui jrislature In "us vvfedom may provide A :Totompleiethe crimfe'ojievyihg arfd the asse mbla g ;e ! o f si Vbody ? o f mcnibrltHe purpos? of. carrying if ley y mg? f "iv ar . sgairisu the U .o." but'ito-consmracy for jhxs objectv v Iii cbnfpVmi'with the prinf? pies, nplald j'owrVj have been the clc-cision-lieVetofore made by the JudgesSojf the U. Statest heppinions given by Judge Pateribn and Judge IredeU in ta- ses before them, imply an ctul Assembling of men, though the ;xathe-fdesigned to remark on the pilfpoVe to Which the force was to be, applied than on, the nature oi the; fbrCe itseif. Their opinions, hovcvWcantemblate, the actual mMQmetier Qlprce. Judge Chase in the trial of Fries was mpre explicit. He stated-the jDptnioh of the court to be, i that jf a body of people conspire and 'meditate an insurrection to resist or oppose the execution of any sta tute of the TJ. States by force, thev are only guilty of a high misde r meanor ; but 11 they pro. eed0 carrv such itftetition into execution by force, thatthey arev guilty of the treason of levyinwarjfanti the quantum i.f .thfiforceavloyed ntitner lessens nor increases the crime whether by one hundred or one thousand persons, is wholly immate'-iaL" u The; court are, of oprlVonV, 6ntihuejkJtpase on mat uccaaioii, Hi4viay .puiiiui nation or conspiracy tOlt ,ey war i ttfal force or violence must be asi-d iariursartccqf such design to lev war j but it is altogether imrhate- f viol mVi ntVi ir tW frirri- i i it i! I'll f V.fcV mi't., v. V wu - ncient xo etteciuate tne oojeci , uu 1 ItfN aKramtjthe.lf.StatestJix-r L must ; 'her, an ictuat sstrnblager of tnen ,for xhepurpose-ot exeeutirig ti treabnahle' design 'Ilnthe cat how bfrbVe. the cpurt'dcsirt to, Qvertnrn the government ot tne.U States I'tq Je w-Or!tans.fay:Tprct? vouta' nave,ueen uimici iui wu-.a fdes gnwh ichV i F -crri cd into ;xe". cution'.Vwould havebeea treasoh, The--appHction of these general f prmtiplesthe particular case be The , position to be con tdered"jtkat-if Ge'&l Eaton: Thi- gentleman fconnects in .one state ment ihi- purppH t)fnttrnerous con- ' " Vri .1 ''ll 1 t D rersaiions neiarvvun ioionci ourr rdmnllfiVcatelcr"vahcUs rcritniiSa brbiects which seem to have" beten evolving in the. mind of the pro jector. r An expedition against Mexico seems to ,have been the first and most, mat ure d part of hi s Man if indeed it 'did: not consti tute a distnct and Separate plan, npon the success of which other n hfrnesstill morealftible bu. not yej well tngestcmig ;t de Pnd.jF Maps and otfirinff)rinaV iigrireparatory' to its eejcution, md which would rathrr Indicate tha it. was the immediate object, nan oeen procured ; ana ior a con siderablc jlme, in repe?.ted conver--aiions, the whole efforts of Cil.liurr were directed to prove o the witucos ho was to hav&he!d..a !iiih com-: Uiand utuler him, thejpfacticubtlity,. 'I'lt ' y . uie eiMcri 'e, nr.u uj trjKujini- q him the means by which jit was to bexirccted. " T'-ns deposition exhibits the va rious schwtnes of Coh Burr, and its i ! materiality- d jpendslon ici.nectmg the prisoners al jhe bar in sue!) vi JhOC,schemtsiis werfcreasonabl. . fo' this piirposV the aflMj3i,t of Gen. WjikinsonT conu'rehnlli&Afn'vits bo dy rthcubs&hce of a ictter frck.TCcd. JtaryV or rather an xtrajudicial ida: Vit inafte before a p rsonot dppeaf-infftoc!a.atiai-v.rtUe, and contains Utesustanbc only of a- Iclter,vof wiuen ivc orjej;Kueis reiinear.oy mc -v a . , , . prson wha made the atunayit. f 'The bbJc4ction'that;tlief affidavit s xvajuditlaUv ;reiolyestst4f tritoahV tju otioit whether onfernAgii ma)' Vfndvlt tlkciii before an;fliddvlt:raade asiheoiiiTatwixoT acommJtment ceasestto beText cafb IdicUlatHl the, person no make it iWpeatteaF'lhew mitriienUhaxl bchtss'acu'by the rh'a: peiorewuuuiinc unrjavit was tcide;lnaCap.arTid5yit,made be fore orus'agtrateo'uM1iut' ify'a commitrnenthKanothef jVughi tti many ca,ses be protlucfiVQ of great inconysnienQet- afjd doe-ot appear iKeptibliT of abVserif r?e?virity of fne remncate oetestanusne),. aucn . . . . : . 1 i. :.: ''- I an atuay!- veems acmiasiaiexjn. tnt principle" thAi . before tlpud i !it upoti.his trial, all theptotecdirigs uie ex arie, The jCourStbercfore ivr ruled thtSibjectfon$ 1 hat which5.esttpns'.thearac ter of the person Srio hasn1dirs.oc casion aaminiaterea the baWtsOtlext Ui.b.tonsiderejfY ,0t t he certificate rphi theflRceof the dVpi tmeiit of stafhWb insufficient by tKe council for the pri soners, because the tai'f doles not re quire the-appointment of magistrates tor tne territory ol N. Uncans to be certified to that office, because the certificate is in i'.self informal, ami because it does not appear that the nnigistrate had taken-ihe'oath repii ; red by, the act of Congress. The first of these objections is not supported by the law of the case, . 8c itie. second may be so readilv cor reeled that the coil rt has proceeded to consiaer tne suoject as u u were. orrected, retaining however any'fi nal decision;, if againt the prisoners, until the correction shaft he made. vVith regard to the third, the magisr irate mu it be presumed tp have taken theyrea4utsit9 da hS, sinche is found acting as a magistrate. ' y Dn the admissibility of that patt of the afifidav)t which purports to tie as jtiir liie sbsrance of the' letter frori Col. iiurptu.ycii Wilkinson as, the I t tltAlltt intOSllM! tl atiAlM ... f ias taken place in the court. udgea aro "of opiaidn that v & ifbre the: court will depend on the stimonywfiich' has been exhibit ed against ihe accused,; ciyetihjihiriruit cptirt V'the ad mission of thts ttsumony crsat add sertotis;obieclicn? hate- been made.' ttr hahQtia.uretl.lhti' :s.a !wi- such testimony delivered in the. pre sence of, the Prisoner on his tralt would be totally inadmissible, neither an it: be considered as a loundation tor a commitment. Although in ma king a commitment the magistrate ioes not decide on the guilt of the prisoner.; yet he does decide on the irobable cause, and ,a long and pain ful imprisffimeht may be the conse quence of his decision. This probable cause therefore nught to be proveti by testimony in iself legal, Sc which, tho iromj the nature of t the case it must btex parity oughtj in most o ther respecu, to be such as a court and jury might hear. Two judges arft of opinion, that in this incipient , stage of the prosecu tion, an affidavit stating that the ge nera! purport of a letter . -y be read, particularly v. ere the pr.-son in pos session of it vi at too threat a distaiice to admit of its being obtained, that a compliment may ix; lotinavit on i'. Under; this embarrassment it was deemed necessary to look into the amdayit for the pufple oF-diasoycr-ing whether, if Emitted, it contain: matter hch wourdySMfy the com mitment t the; pti&ners at the bu the. charge ofetteason. . '-.; That tlie Jetter from pol Burr to Gen. Wilkinson relates h a military reherprize meditated by the firmer. y-is not been quijionetl- If this en J ti!rp-ize.tas ag -inst Mexico, it wnu.'d amount to a high misdemeanor ; if lagMhsSanv f the territories of h tjSfbr rif i;V its progress the sub' Yersio:ii6the government of the U. S in a:iy(4of their leiritories, was v. mean clearly 8cpce3sfirily to be cm- ployed, it sucrrineaji formed sub 1 staixtire pru t of ths pl4n, the .issern- i Oigeujoi jmen 10 eruci wouju oc lev' iiig-wiar against tbe U. Spates. I 'The feiier isf .language which foviashe3ino,t!iHtinct view ; tiic de 4i4 cXtivritrTh co-operatioiij,-ha vec Vr5j5 hicE&Statd'i hlTbrt pointl slrongly to somtS x petiiO'i agftinii iie lerruones J$!3aTn. After milking thee general statements, the v.Yrter becomes la .!;er mra e5:p;:.cit, and says, 41 Burr's p!aii ut" operations to move down j rapidly fromthe Falls -on the 15th of NTovcmber, with tne fi sr500or 1000 men J?t tig'nt boats, nxiwxonstracting for 4hatv parpoe, to bt a! Na-chez between the Svh and 1 5th Decem ber,, there to meet Wilkinson ; then determine whether it will be ex- peujenKin tm nrsutnsjance to seize Baton -Rouge. TJie rpe6pleXotv:ths ?cpiintryd. which we set led" '4 Therijif rio expression in the; entenceswhich would justify, a su these sentences-wnicu wciuii lustuv a sus picion that jatiy , territory of the U. States was the" obiect of the exne- dition. For whjat purpose; size on .Baton R-uge? VVhy engage -Spain 4ga'nsj tr.ts euierprize, u it was oesignem toe r 'i-rl k The people of the country to. Which we! are going arepiepared in rtrei Ve . Si" This lantrnsfoe feriWii Niany appropnaie to a u)reigri,coun.3 try. it win not oe contenfttnat the terms would be inapplicable to $' t rri Tory ilofithe. United States, but other terms -would more aptly con vey the uie'V ami iiurr seems to con sider himlselfils giving information of which Wilkinson was not possess- to. v neu i- is recouectea tnat ne was the Governor of a territory ad joining mat Which must jtvc tei--T threatened .if a territory Qihe U. States was thivatened and that he commanded the army, a part V4 which was stationed la that terrhorv the probability that the information communicated related, to a foreign country, it must dc aamiueu, gauK strength. " Their agents now with Burr say that Y we wiU protect their religion, and win not subject tnem to a-to reign power, in three we ks ad will be st ttleo." : Y This is apparently the language of a people who, from the contemplated I change of jtheir political situation. fc-ared for their religion, and feared that they wotVH jjenade the sub jects cf foreign powers That the Mexicans, should entertain these, an- will hct;nsubject .:Jhetn,!jtd -fbrejgi? Pq weKlirthreeweek all wi'U": be prehensions was natural ai d would readilv he believed. 1 They were, it 'heTeprestsnutioii miade of thjKir dis positions be correct, 'about 3 to bfrce UhemselveS in the power of men who i",ccu it laun citierent lrorrt theirs, and who, by making them dependem on England or the TJ. Sates, would subject them to a fo reign power. -r That the people of N. Orleans, as a people, if really engaged in the conspiracy, should feel th- same ar preneusions, and require assurances on the same points, is by no nreans so obvitms. '': There certainly is not in the letter? delivered to 6en. Wilkinson, s far as that letter is laid before the court,' one. syllable which has a necessary of Jt tlatural rtleretice to an nter pt iaegainst any territory of the U". tales. Y That the bearer of this letter must he considered as .acquainted; with its contents, is not Ib'b' controverted. The letter and hisowi declarations evince the fact.' ... ' After stating himself to have pas d through New, Yoik ant$ the wes 4Crn Stdes and teritoriesr without insintmtibat hetha&perfiu med,oa his route Jnycwhatcvc which. wds connected wit' the enterpnze, , t states their objects to be ' to carry n expedition to the-1 Mexican pro i;ces.M W-' , Y This statement may be consider :d as explanatory of , the letter ol: Col. Burr, if the expressions of that " letter could; be thought ambiguous But there are otheir dec 1 rations i ide by Mr. S wart Wout, which coh- sMtute the difficulty of; this'case Qn an enquiry f om Gen YWilkinou, he said u this territory would be revolu- tor.izvdThere the ptople were ready '.o joif them, and that there would b some svUing, he supposed, at Nv.)(tearis., . wfelfhesfe wprtts import thavtrf , yernment esplisnea by the Ufiited States, in any of its territories, was lobe revolutionized by force, al ho 1 merely as a step to, ,or a mean of execuung some grearer r.r.-jec s. the desjgwas -unquestioifably trcasona- pleana any assemblage ol men fof thiit purpose, would amount to a le vying of War. Bu; on the imp&rt of the words a difference of opinion ck iss Some of the Judges supse they reier to the territory against which the expedition was intended others to that in which the conver sation was held. Some consider the words, if even applicable to a terri tory of the U. States, a alluding to a revolution 'o be effected by the people, rather than by th partycon ducted by Cohurr rY- fia whet hr this-treasonable in for that pu-poe, previous id thaffer" rest of the prisoner, in order to cdn summate the crime as to him j and a majority of the court is of v pin n ttiat the conversation of Mr. bwart fewout affords no sufficient proof of srich asiemhling. - tentlqiirbe'reilly inlputable'TothQHiH, i plan & not,;iidmutedr;h mnst:he been cirfi iWfeh- VV f siThe prisoner-stated, that Col. Burr, wth the support of a powerful association extending f rom N. York to K. Orleans, was levy ing an armwd j; v body of T0Gip'mn from the State ot'fi M York,,and ihe Mestern states andr. terri ories, withr a view to cany aiY expeilition to the Mexican territo- ' ties. That the association, whatever may be iu purose, is not treason, has been at'reanystated. w That levying an army may or may hot; be treason, I arid that-this depends on the inten- uou wun wrucnu is leviea, aud oti & point to which the partie have 4?&cedy has besen also suted. The )lSer enlfsting of men without as se moling thena. is nt levying, war. The question then is whether this evidence proves Col. Burr to havu advanced so far in levying an arm v as actually to have asimbled the It is argued that mce it cannot b nec ssary that the1 whole "000 men should have assembled, their roin-men'-ing their march by detachjYi jnti to the plact- of rendezvous, mu-st LwJ sufilrient td colisliiu'c he crime. This position is ct r cct, uUh-sotQiU qua;ficaii n. li cannot be neataj' that the whole army ;should aaSeiu y bleaad ihatUii YSfftgu parts iit "A III il 'A hi 1? f -1 i 15 V 1 I t r I' 1 J HI U4 i 7 r -1 s - a' -vY i-

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