" . j . j. i . tl'H nl ' v. - 'X' . v Mii it shoiiM V.av? com- 1 'vi .;u W an'actual s05 tge, ft, ' .-lor- tne cviiicnwM- COLONEL BURR mau z-, ,ru j o.v 1807 OnMomhVthe 2d mst, an au i i ' - 'v -: ' . . nf nronrrtv of masters, t.f slaves' W W Aaron Bt . , . OSKStk lriWsucb Trll" of ' "arzvcas, would .pf-rV.: fefbtf " W-hg. :.v. ' .,.,;.;,; This w..ul be ;"CAi;trir.h Aron Burr w .s re crririqe, destruaive ofcfiS ' v . The mee'jnpc of particu ,3 LHocfe of men ncl their marchi f r.... ot oarl'ul to a .iUce . :rzvous. would be surb t hp-.riicular vorih -used by M Swariwottt are, thauCrL Brr. ' - r . r UnAv of 7000 myn i f v'h- 4 erm Vv vine in this plc 1 'nir norts tht 'hcTWefcftsemblt(V, u.e - 1 . -rv.n.mil 'it the H! Jf! r tcn.ion be against the .U. .States, 1 vvinr ar. .It it barely irn port v them in his service: the fwouK iwtra mount to levying war co-md u ;eAr i answer such inifof indictment as might then and there he exhibited against bun Colonel Burr appeared on the aax Mentioned nvhis recognizance, at t. ntled.bv his counsel Wi'agi 1 Sbitd is & Lvaian- Hiirdinsq. -.th- Uon. I . Rodnet 'rtnd Peter B ; Btuin, a jurt o? cvcntt-two j rrreiioldtr appeared in court, and j three 1 r)M I I1C iv 'uywi v " ; I )f dieir najr&er sei teci )t S 1 hr : madeithhut Want, and thorny ; and thedo sericusU-re. j frtei that so much caussnoujfl be I given to the enemies m I nous qonstitutipp, to rejoice insucu measures being addpteti in a ncigu boring Temtoryvfa if sanctioned !,r the Execivlif our country. mmSS enacted by- thS$m Neis MPM! Hmsc of Represtntm y .Jo-.AM That itnrhgjfrhe.m.ber. of the motion carried- ut'n:1 -.. bv Messrs, JacUon, Alston, Si Bper. Bur welt arid ojC04 ItSNeispn, Limer, Lly, Lhyd eas and naysand theW .;nn fabric in the dust.: thr court 3s .1erp.nd inquest- rn .' T. Rod - ey trien deHvcrer! to ; . . nitrtnffhecsit k and impes- l; i thought sufficiently ;a?pr . the t0nrVwas ud- ) that the latter:is . U Harned utut! ten o'clock the 9ur- tl,e term used: The fact 0U i h Mr v tn if taken in -the former sctrse I cee.v.ir.n us.) m ,d tn, takr , ii i Poihdeter, the Aitorney-gnci nl, he public view,;thatifthe avn,v Ua. m -ved ;tttC court to U ge . , heu ctW assembled, cither -o U 6T.and jur.v He sad ,uta;t;r , i ;-;-. then ct it..tiv"i ..-. : c 1 v-. jt . dence of such aft-oib ins wowl. haVe been laid b-l'jre the court. Th ' ordi ued by the prisoner m refi-ru.ee to seizing at .Ntfiean. & borrbvvini; perhaps bt foics.from the ba-ik, though . muic.afui a tan - rob -.and consequently ..ynpoviin m hiirh ofiVnce da n t 'di innate M spei.itic c. ime of levins w.vr again:, the U. Spates. - I therefore the Qpimon nl a-m-jority- f the Court, tlm in the ' of Samuvt SwartwoiU, 'here -sufficieiit evidence of his levying w: i.guin.s: 'he IL States; to ju'tny -commitment n the charge ,ftrc .son Against Enckl Bollman he re less tcsumoMV. ' said by him to sopf.orihch ,.ir that; the tnterpnim whi he "wj: enag, d had an Bthcr obje-1 t ; u vus stated in ihv let er of Col. B .rr. Agamst lim, tberffore, there is ih. evidence to support a charge f tre sn . That both he prisoners wer-- 'gaged .'in a most culpable entrrpr.2 aaint '-he donvip.ions of a potr -peace with thr U. States, those w.ii. admit hr mdavi' of Gcx Wiikinso;. nnnot d.-ubt. ran tlat no part oi ti.i; crime wair.ommitted in 'he d'tric of Columbia, is a-p .rent. l .iiiheiv t iI.m ii v..?iirnii (minion of i!v UI c III - """'" 1 court, tht thy cannot .be tried ii.! ibi- district. '".fl'Jaxy read on the paTt ofjh r nrosetntibn. is unueisogd to app! only to offuices cortinufted ;n the l:f-h stis," or in aiiy river, hav. v bd on or bav,'not vi hiu the jif.isUic" Uon of any particular State. In tnesc ctses then i- no court which haspa- ticular cognizance of the t nmeyanuj ovA 'ht-i etbre the place in w hirtv n.c oimitul shall be apprv!iended, or. i: ht- b apprehended t here no court h , ex Insivc jurisdiction,' that to wh; !. h- shah be hrst brought- is sudsiuu te l Xor the place in which the oficne was committed. But in thi case a tribunal for thi trial of die offener, whercV,'r it m ty hav. been corntni ted, h.d been pro vidtd by Coogiess ; and at the place "wbe.V: the prisoners were seized by . the authority of the comm-pder mj t hicfothere existed VCnAPW orl lo him bv the court he lid not j discover anrtestimony which fir i ! t'V' orT-nce charged. .inst C-v. j Burr, within the utrisdi. tion of the i .nurtsofthelissifi-dppi Terrier ; ! t'V t the $unr'?mt:Cou-t of the Sln- HOUSE of RfclP.iSfclN f ACTIVES. Thursday FeJ.6g-j Mr. Parke, from thb'nimittee to whom was referred the petitions ; cf etrrtnm persons cailmg ,tliem: Mvr-R .. committee of theijliUpt); ! country, and rimrmsy6f oer per-otiSn tne ioruic " av. . ..m "!,;. f n(4i teri itorvi triad . tune divide the Lndidna tcrn-1 torv,' in which toe House coacur-. rc"d. , . . f An act making provision tor thr disnosjt of the puni;c lauds sUt- i ted between tiie.Uw S..-.mititur ' Uflct nvlt , the Connecticut re serve rtioulof tiieLafbresAd act, baU . -Mr. J. Randolph spoke against agreeing to the second member of rheimotroo.; wnicn was earned. Yeas 46 - Nays 43. When the whoie motion was a- 'gffeed to Was 44.Nays-59. In this debate ' all-the Speak-rs "cieclaVed themselt'esin favour of repealing the.-ekities? on-salt, the ikersity 01 senurvveknt and vote a- Vos6' from tbeod bjwhkh it w.ts neopponenis.ojti me monon ;on tencfeiJltbat it betrhe. the Senate, lU ,troed 10 abi idKerm6dor ffeHVanv'mtnr whatever? the j 'fjilUtcomplete ana. aosom nfc nrotertv of ihcowneor mast 1 ' 1 jW :ur - tmrrif in fir', ol an.v suave, tjuui Biaw 1' . .4.-.rtA Mill'! existence, ana '"' j. . ,ft' L . .,v,r.? Kwtfer. or' mast'e'r, as aforehaidv ivhaU PQtf subectcd to n d'sabittty, or.lw- ole to anv nue, uciii.vh .-"'--, "ture,ViLhough such mastef ofp wn er, or"w-1 -nt;f rnih transpoijted (' , ironr'Ju1 tentaolsey. th 1 W olher tfcfrtW pjaecfin ajrwt oi less burthfe'ndhan forty tons; rU.indb:prinariveaTCriat He; enro.ssed to a commtUee oi;tne wnwe - r. J. Randolph Varmiy, oppo sed t'.is motion.' t Hest(brth the dee: stake the VjuthTrTStcs h.d - ,s .u;.i i erntory v.'as ixu a tuau , f olner purposes, wp,- riaa i l' criminal jurisdiction, either ci 1 pr-vii cr civil, and could tAke co )UaMce.o.my of points rft verv t - d in theresnectivetircuit cbiifls, the third tifliChd pai?setl.. Th Sniaejr taiii betorattm w f r- -,.1 ktousc aictterf'om;the 6ecrearf, i of the rreasury, ' transmitting d MS re nil criminal proeufnis . .1Y,n!V thr snorts of the , 1 UUUIW.w ... nn;ina;e.'ci)uiij ! S for the hst ear. A message . wa received trom La.Utes 01 cue i cryu" - 1 rved-thSttin order U se- 1 1 ?ur - the pub'.ic satetv tn territo ..I. fudges ought phaieuKitcty tflc i.vev the-'Accused- tbMi trihunu: 4 i upetcnt to trv and' iaisb him, v guirtr of 'the:' cb'argfct-aiU-cied ? 111st him) vfliicbheT might le jrailv do, and therefore iftV.ctu.vh --vent the contempUted uuljan XT) n -. - iti-jn -atramst deX co,an x ntaU jr.v.o'.ate the lawi, aa! V w v. (- ':i.;sti-tutuon ci trie L -iredititcs. ; I:, thr (ore hoordMiat inasmuch ; the Atiorncv nrosecu:ing for the J LVii; d St.ttcs h id no bills .lor&hg . msi iCr-ti :n of tn ' grancUur," Vnitt til -v would be dis, h irgetL r " Col. Ijarr.madesfTeral obsei va: '.thins agaih-t die motionttnd re-wj Al-1inl6'!iiii;ntsipc the1 mv. jury, he had, h that therefore they : ui-lit n t to be diMnissed. n tne 1 motion the c. urt was divided. fud-'e Bruin det 1 ired himseH op posed to dithai g'ng the grand ju-., rr,- unless Col Burr was also in- iiantiv discharged trom hir recog . iii.'nce.- x 'c j The"'-tf.orn-y-r-ener:il then'with- d-.--:w, and 'the gra:ul jury were di- t ected to r tire to their ro-.urf. .;wbo ' ia,the course of the da retuhied ;ith; sundry .pAsscntment.iY'r teem tt unneciisarvp fejnajirtlU .tL L. 1-A..,!L 1 t d on -iriv r.b1 l&ehibitecl' to" the l 4ted on thfir amendment to" the; Virginia miiitap ;cvratrant. bill ; j Vrom their dijifreemcnt to which; ttti. House redded Ayes 2. --message wm received trom Q-rt. t.:'nicr that thev hd ioas-ed hill in 'additum, 10 . an n l for Lv. i.rgcuta roulirom Cumber land,' iularyiaud, to the state oi' Ohi. C i hr bid appropn ites 2JP,0Q3( d-dte.rs, p ;val)leout of the proceeds ! 'f tlv sale of lands in'thU m: irnVnrdiau Iv arresting thmva sioBtcfr n mmt b;ttte atti sec ti oni rlcl t W consequent tieCes .sitf of pl?ssm;treVexpIaoatory iaw this s'essJiiViwW''-'00-1 be done, ;uuiciiiirrSsied' the House without Vleliv, as it was inthe power ofaing'e member of the Senate to; present the passage .a bill unless-read on three scTefal da s. He a '(led, that he trusted; if this bill did notfpnss, thr tin Virgin in delegatibri trould wait on the Pre slJenti-'Vio'i're monstrtte a 'gainst his ciiitig his siuction to rhr Act hu h had ,nsed. 1 . '., j and Rhea of fen. advocated tj reterfnee of the bi'l to a committee of the who:?, ti.d its being ,M-inteJJ preyioiljfeWon. Thejl Oiiinf l$v Heferfed to,a committee of thei whale tomorrow. , - , ;ffy ? , , TfreiBousr resolved Itself m ;o i committee of etHotet; Ir.; R:sart in the chaif1 -on nhelbill" matins; appropriations izv the sup port of government forthe,yearl: Ti .-. v f . 4 ?e ' - ttothkdyt.an-vverthfe end con- r.V le fner)ds:of vthe nation, on tje3otfi4f 'hniii urged the poli v of pgtstunyepmeau in their pow- er't6''er'6rnKm an object ; andilecla'redheir confiuence, that on a ponr node f standing oelweea the" two nousesric wouiu ue ac- compiiahed. - A 5-Ooti a$ the last; vote h ad heen t keh4 a motlouwanadc that the committee should effisist of three members. .t,..;.''. ? ; On putting this'question, it w is found that there watlot aouoruiT of mnibers present A cat ; of the House1 was' tnei ordeicd, for tfie" purpose of riotth the absentees. '-''. . " The call having beeri jnade', and a quorumjrMj;r,Q 'pre-' fhout 8 (ejoek.. , .. ' Ou S4iturdiy the House, passed the genrafrpfitio.n.i 1,' 4nd severaf oxher bids of m'moi consi deratiouik" transacted a good deal ot other business. Afcommitefwas appointed on the motion oTStr. Jackson relative to a repj;atf;Qi tne uuiies on sa.i, Sc; fforh jyMh'c'omrnttVe; Mr; Fisfc' preehrjl a bill correponH j ig in Us obJtts Ayitn the intim xfohof ,rj ton on movmg I t JM'recomrriument of the aopropria- tiqn43UL;;-wnin was;Eeierrea.i a llje qaesuoti yas UKen .ran re?? ferrine the' bi'l to' a.tommittec ot the whelcanq arricdAycs Byi V r u ' "V luT ' x' ' ' I i OT'i n WiircamTneVicV; ndie 6th of Apr.l nextsf t-After fihng the"v.inoabI?n.i,ltodc.thjf fw: utfJW$y'Jt&: the committee1 rose and .reported d V A mbuoif'wasd9ape.to'rnafcr r Hls'NltY- TjlOM - O , jun ec Hie ttbd-e Yesbveiitself into;' OinlasVmodc ugh br.d Hut53 pommrtiee pi ,uc -Tn9ie..nuuse oiau yJmvsBORQtiGff. Faces' a committee 01 ihc vuu-- were. a pp renepdd ;,:gis.iritej: but by the military potto, ''''lHeiHtoakrbe given by law a rigii tti try the persons so -e:zcd-.in uuy place vhibh the General niighl se lect. 'and 'to which he might direct them to be carried- , The act f Co .gress which t.he nrisoners are supposed to have viu lated, describes as ollende. s those ,.,hrvln'm- or set on foots or proftUc t r,...ri',i ihf mean 'for any o'.Iit.V- iv ex '.edition or enterarie, to be cat riu: n from thence aamst the 'ft o:iii!iot;jof-a freign pvinccbr stutt ss ;tli whom the U. S. aie at peacs. There is a want of pre i.-ioo w the d'srrinti-.n of the otTe.nee, which; nilghl .product some dfucdty in de- tiding what cases vvoild come wrh-fe- iU But several oAques'.ions . ,.;ise, whicVvac. urt couistmg of lour , j 'tt.iges hi'QS ltseU unable, to t.eciue ; t: die'cfore as tiiscr,ibie with whicn . . 1 1. . t:.e prisoners saou ta-icu a on tne . L -v L w-mi taVtm- andiAvere,' iveas i r A hill to amW'thct.emid ;orded to-tw pnctep.v VJVtft Wd a-4 th rnnft f rbf iJommittee cf the H 's. 1 1 is 1 1 , act to 1 sation . - : , "h? ,.v -vj. , regulate and nx thecompea-v ;df cU rks, &t "?vjH : m v. i .1. I i.:r iei thecomm:ttre ro (c ahdirepotted ) ilieJ&ni Vwlri h Vvas orderpci to "stj thirfrreadiug to-mofrpi y.nriesdav - evening,, the fratid jury- were tiischargvd, and Coi Burrdemanded-r,eeise !rom j nis reeognizauce jhi the court j .erased. Medta poi appear mi court on TJirJaJrnbrni 115,41s was explVted,,nU1H a dnv or two, it J vas reduced to a certainty that he mad made his escape. We understand that h is Excel-., lencv, Cio5fefncr VVilliams-iatendeid. to i oh the person oi Col. Burtf1 theifrrtoment he was discharged liy'the judicial -authority, and has offered bv, proi lamJUpu a reward 01 yjuunouars iorrus; : apprenen- TheHouserf Representatives continued in uninterruptedession i 1. . - t" -1 on Friday tna X7m utujrom ten o'cldckV'A. JK'tojeigrTto'clock in the eventnff. inl on Saturday sat ninff. from -teffiffi'-M-'tb five 'RiM- when an adtqtmimrnt tp.ok placf;vt ven o'-: :loBt,- Indisposition "prey ed us f0 pending tbeVening sesso'ffi?e U day.; writs like wise prevents our offering at pre sent ftny aore than aconeise notice of the moU miporifeft)' occedings, res'er'ttnff'-their detail 4 lor a luture papery. , OritFridav, Mr. 7- RvMbh made an animutct'ipeech in order to sherr thtt-.thll 'se ction of the, act pjroiiVnitlir.'trfc importation "of s ayes! into the U, S. involved the exercise qf a power not possessed bv Cougress, which was subver sive of the rights' of property ol the holders of slaves, and which might eventuate in their general eirlfnci- pationj and concluded by aSKing leave to present ubill to explain & amend tint act. I AfteV some remarks from Mess. Go'dsboro, Quincy, Lyon, Fisk, and Smi ie, Mr. J. Randolph va ric 1 his motion, so as to appoint a committee to bring in a bill. This motion svas agreed ttv .yes 81. j . A short timeafter Mr. Randolph 1 presented irom the committee the ; followiniexolanatoi act. , ' ' Whefeas doubts have arisen, j or may arise, touching the con- struction ; of the 8r.h section of the ! -act of which this ac vsexplarfato: ry ; and whereas Congre.'disclaim auddisavowali constitutional right it cum 'Fi . 1; 1 .Jul h, i comini -ted,mle,coiul caibpnly h:xct them to be dischu'getl. flhi is d;.ne.wi h the Jess reh'cance, be c uise khe discharge does n.pt' ac qui a from the on-nee which thrc this J erritory or given any . c 1 ... : ... At t Supreme Caurt, bell for i.e fttiishsttibi venic.iy, at the limn of Wctsbyhgwn, an 'iiezJuj the oci oj February i Lij( . j f he grand jury cf the iYfissis- s;ppi territory, on a due investi-i gdiion of the evidence b'r6ught be- j lore them, are of opinion that Aa ron Burr has not been guilty of j nv crime or misdemeanor against ; ih lasofthe jUuited States or of j .. 1 1 .. A.,.. !.,...!' C i - 1 1., p'.r.tMbie- cdus- 101 saptju -nig uu.v .1 o jasion ior alarm o. mquictudt tq ho: good peopie of this Territory; j a V V- . it ).". - f have committed ; a. id," if th')i.e vhos i.i.n'y ii is to : protect,, kth - nat on by prosecuting . offeiid-i s against the iuvs, shad supp sc who h.:ve ben .;lrvig4l with trcasoa, to be prooer -jbic --S tbr; purshment, , hey will, , . .'s p spsS iU of less V see ptionabie wi. yj iy, ad when able to ay ,u , cm , I.'Ce the ofttiv e hs been cu.n 'usotule iVvi-U pioceedihgs . i"t UV i t grand jurr present ' m - v I y v grievance, the late military eape- aititin, unnecessary as tlicy con' ; ccive, htted agtjiHist the person and I property of said A. Bu r, wbeie no resistance his been made to the ordinary civil Authority. ; fhe grant) JuryruLsb present as highly detogatciryip tt efdignitybl this ouermueiit, the armistice fio called conciuded between th ! whdkon'theWp 1 1 V7 ATst6rmo ved that th? house rShouia acrim resoive eitseii ;iw-w a committee of the whole qn this hill,v and said his purpose wasncasF the should, to more a 'jieTriet;; tion repealing the ,dtity df;8..ceft on salt from tne 1st of Julv'tfiit of 12 cents from the 1st JanlturyJ and continuing tne iieai;errntan fund A id until the 1st of TanuatMlrieifCJ After a few remarks f oc&sete ral ntienien, thi motion vvas'is afMced t.) Av'b-i 39 NaTs S3V priacipii'v; on the grouarof improprietv' of iQiroing'sut ll ' provision 1:1 the approprutipn 011, fhe report of the committee ( the whole on the appropriation bijl- wis then consujereu, anti tne ,oii prd?;red to be engrossed for a third Vending. ' - - . , A rues lige was received frm the Se.ii.jte, stating th t the v had bsb)one4 until the next tesion. tfu bdl relative to the redemption J ox tnetr.iic ueoproviaing tor rie'rSisementlSFthe 3 p. cents in caemiuie refusal of the hold ers to doirje into th new loan. Mr. Alston m-vfd for leave to bring in a bid for the repeal of the duties on sait, & This jnotion was declared bv the Spcthe House to be Out j ot ordirjt standing rules ot tne House Irequiring a day's notice of such motibn. ( Mr. Jackson then moved for- the appointment of a committee to en quire iiito the expedtenty of repeal-' mg the duties on salt, and conti nuing-for a limited time the Medi terranean fundi ; J i '( A division of the question was calied forJ -; On agreeing to the first part of tne motiofj, : a long ano interesting debate ensued It was advocatici Now rising four years o!dt TXT ILL sUnd the ensuing Season, ' ' ' whirh will commence the renth f "larch and end the tenth of August, a: rr.y taiie at the liedll-'usein Ca well County, and ir-.ll be let to Marcs. at six DUars tne Leap, Cash ; twelve Dollars fhe Season, parable the first of January next, a." I 24' Dollars t insure a Mre to be w.ti a!, which will be dema ded if . he 1'W Hicvtt of the Mare is chauz'.d. The hub- scrsber lJurjtied trom the most ufHj.i'.s- jianeble authority, to sar, that Li-nzt if;rftriked among the best stallions in tn s tJouty ; his Uol-s not bei.g i lerr i uv, fttt'd he behift remarkaiie v;re Foal gutter iv 1 it i is. lj Pf DIG REE. ' , X do fcereby certify, hat Mr Sterling iVuffiiv's Biy Horse Citizen was foaled, in i798rmy Frooerty, that his s'u-ewas Mell lU HaftT.Camin&V Wildair. - a w t. v r , . w J - ' Vjand dsQi JtervaOhscuTity, great gtWddam Diina.hy Guudius ; great v.reat gravi dam 'ilry.pter by Stars it g, "t 6ftfi impoited Mae Siiver. Both S Ivcf And.Srarhng xveife'fqt by the Belieize At- biun jn England, ,r,f ,VVM. Jtu iirtUiJAA. ' CiyG PERFORMANCES. "Ocrobr. 1801, Nevv-Bruo'swick Sweep stakes.' for - 3 year olds, two mile heats, ... t r. . '.jr.. "ocii.. ,.v. nn- tniWy uoitars ennance, ou ius, c:' -r trVilqrVeUVVilke1s g. f PerfeC- fl:ti?r., b'Bellair; - 1 1 Mrv S erlXng Huffin's b. c Citizen, . bVMeIlzar - - 3 Mr. IoMv Druraracnd' g. g. Buck- Mr: tGnlSn. tith's b f.--b', DrllicVkd Fields g. g- V. , Dare-Deyjl,-: - - -EachlheaVruum three m-nutcs fattj vei Seconds. i V a ' NewTJrvmwick meeting, October, , 1 -450 06;i:usYftciilebeais, tree M. ages, weiglCks ss.V New.Madveu ?vir-StrlttigMSb. Ji Citizen, t - by-MlzarAf - ' . Mr. GfiSnbtith'a nS bv "la &taaier1fs Kce, nr Pasteur's i;'.!rtt Ui " ,,,, Snfacorirat.Warent n, t. f d between the bc,)bnde, modify or .rdSepdSfii6ht S - - TUvTr- r, vtt "4 f. 5.' V

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