v . . V . v-v - rs?;-,., - ;. " urf wrth pirns of fai deli fitful pce t - r V- ; .'., : L 4 " ' ' -Tr - - v J t" ? ' ' ' UnwVp-dbypartTrage, toUvehkeBrotheti. . , , , . - A T . , . ty s . g4 , , - , ; Thprspay, April 16, tsoy,"""" . "-t"' . V, - ftft V " i I 35g au AN ACT Coftchlnz Invalid ..-Pensioners. L Jj ft at Attt rted.bY thi Scnat&Gita. Honk of Rewintdtives ofthe United States of Americas in Congress" asstm- bled, Thar the Secretary 6t W ar De, nrl he is hcrebv dirtcted to place the-following named pcX5ose claims have been transmutcw of ihvand)p1nsionersJ)t thc United r States, according to the rates, dI)u to commence, ai ic h mentioned, that is to say ; ; , WirJiarH Fairbrother,, at tne raie of threedollars per month, tacpra mence on the 26th day 1 May, one thousand tight hundred and sx John de Voe, at the rate ' two .IrkUarR and fifiv ceMs o'e'r month, to commence on the first dayjof Aup:usf , one thousand eieht. hundred and six Peter Demarestjat the rate of three dollars and seventy-five cents pel month, to commence on me nrst day of August, one thousand eigni hundred and six. Stephen Oefden, at the rate of two dollar and fitly cents per month,1 to . " . i p r l j,: . nmm, nee on ine iwcmv'uuu uuy if AugusU oni thouiiuid eight huiu idred and hix. John Brry, at the rate of five dol lars per month, to commence on the second day ot Sepjernber,. one thou sand eight hundred'and six. John King, at the rate of four dol lars per mon h, to commence on thtr eighteenth day of October, one thou sand eight hundred and six. Robert Ames, at the rate of five rirt Urs iier month, to commence on the eighteenth day ot October, one thousand eight hundred and six. Charles fiowin, at the rate ot two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence -on the thirty 'first d y of Ociober,one thousand eight hunared and six. Francis L. Slaughter, at the rate of three dollars per month, to com mence on the fifteenth of Noveoiber, one thousand eight hundred and six William R'J Keck,, at the rate of fourdollars per month, to commence on the twenty-second daj of Novem btr, one thousand eight hundred Slid six. SpafFord Ames, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence on the eleventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and six. Josiah Jones, at the rate of four dollars per kno'nth, to commence on the twenty -Second day December, one thousafrd eight hundred and six SAmuel Dawndney, at the ra'e ot two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commtnee on the twenty-seventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and six. - Eliphalet Eastohi at -the rate of ..... . .. five dollars Mr.pdklfi:t6.'Commence on the thirty-firstW of December, eighteen, hundred md.six. Joseph JUigon, at the rate of three dollars peitrrionthj to commence on the eighth day of January, one thousand, eight hundred and seven.- John Hubbart, at the rate of three dollars per month to commence on the eiglith day of January, one thou sand eight hundred and seven'. Daniel Guard, yat the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per mouth, to commence on the twenty-third day of January, r cne thousand eight hun dred inu seven L; . EUsnlFprbcsj at theVateof three dollars per month, to commence on the twenty fourth day of January , one thousand eight hundred and seveni Alexander Simontbn, at the rate of three4 dollars per month, to com mence on tiie nmtluday of January, one mousana eigm nunarcd ec seven Tate of twenty dollars per montnMo commence on the fourteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and six. ; ! , Jonas Fyrnsworth, at the rate of ten dollars per month, to commence on the second day ot September, one thousand eight hundred and six uenoni liathaWay, at the. rate of n dollars per month, to commence . - mm . a v i i cres pursuant to a iaw vv, w.v dollars per month, to tnth ofDriU one thousand eigm , , . ,-rhlh dav 0f 3anu Knnrlred and six, on the pension niennfi i thousHl eight burred JPd,?ht "Jf d 'x- rh,iM. uTk. K , Jabss!Pcndleioo, two. dollars ant; " i U3tuu. -'ai- Tjifc; I nth sikth ilay of September, one thousand .eight hundred ana six. r Thr Marshall Baker, at me rat kJt' dollars per month, to commence on the Uvremytninth day t of September, one- thousand eight hundred and six. ' v " rt James I)ysart, at. the rate oyen; dollars per moiah, to, commence on the eighteenth day ot Uec.emDer,oiie thousand eight hundred ana six, , ; L Henry Ten Eyck, at the rate ot commeucc; ary, one xht hundred and seven johiv Li itkrjate of twenty dollars per' motfthi tb commence on the thirteenth ,day:or!j"anuaiy, one thousand eightjidhd seven. ; . Thomas HarrisSe rate of.fif- i teen cioiiars a monni, m tomuicww. ! ' .'u .ui.:l A v if rf fiber. . one UIJ -lUCi V4, V w ; thpuahdpigbt hundred and six. ! DieliBall, at the rate often dol lars' per month, to commence on the seventeenth day of February, onej thousand eight hundred and seven, j Sec. 2. And be- it further enacted; That the pensions of the fallowing! pei sons, already placed on the pen sion list of the United States, whose! laims for an increase of pension have iceti transmitted to Congress, pur-j uant lo the act aforesabe increased to the sums herein respectively an nexed to their names, he said m- crease to commence at tne times herein mentioned, that is to say : Seth VVyman, four dollars per; montlv, to commence on the sixteen' h day of June, one thousand eight hun dred and six. George Bradford, five dollars pe: month, to commence on he fifteenth i;ty of August, one thousand lght hundred and six. Abel Fuvncy, five dollars a month, to commence on the. twenty-ninth:., day of August, one thousand eight;! hundred and six. Qharles Scott, five dollars per , month, to commence on the fust day of September, one thousand j eight hundred and six. Ephraim Bailey, five dollars petf! month, to commence on the fourth;, clay of September, one ihousand ; eight hundred and six. Asa Ware, five dollars per mctuh, ; to commence on the ninth day of j September, one thousand eight Enti tled and six. Daniel Hicky,five dollars a month,! to commence on the twenty-Fomth! day of September, ,pne thousand eight hundred and six. Daniel Nutting, two dollars p r month, t6commence on the seventh day of October, one thousand eight hundred and six. Abel Woods, five dollars per month, to commence on the tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundrtd and six. Joseph Moirill, five dollars per month, to commence on the twenty- fourth day of October, one thousand' eight hundred and six. William Neley, five dollars per; month, to comnienceon the twenty-' fourth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and six. Elisha Frizzle, three dollars and seventy; five cents per month, to com-! mencepiklbehird day ot Nov-m ; ber, one thousand eiarht hundred and Six. William Blirritt, five dollars per I month, to commence on the third thousand day of -November, oue eight hundred and six. Benjamin Smith, five dollars pet month, to commence on the third da f of November,, one thousand eight hundred and six. George Pittman, five dollars per month, to commence on the first day of February,' one thousand eight hundred and seven. Austayu$ Alnck, . three dollars andHfilHy-three cents and one third V ..... .. fifty cents per month, to .commence on the t wenty-seven th day of Decern bl r, one thousand c'ght hundred and six . . . Wiat HfnlVy-j fiye dollars, per month, to cornnlence oplhelt wenty eighth day of December, one thou sand eight hundred and six. ; ' , Edward Evarts, 0ve dollars per J month, to commence on the fifteenth 1 1 day of January, one thousand seven hundred and seven. - Moses Wing, five dollars per tiionth, to commence on the twenty fourth day of Deceutbcr, one thou sand eight hundred and six, John Gavenough, three dollars per month to commence on the seven teenth day of January, one thousand eight hundren and seven . Richard Hardin, live dollars per month, to commence on the eleventh day of September, one thousand eight hundred and six. - Jonathan Holton, ten dollars per month,' to commence on the eighth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and six. Jonathan Wilkird, five dollars per month, to commence on the eighth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and six. f. Thomas Pearson, thirteen dollars thirty ihree enis and one third of a cent per month, to commence on the twenty-eighth day pf July, one thou sand eifihundred and six. Johp - faynard, six dollars per mont'Wcpm mence on the twenty - iiith day of July, one thousand eight hundred and six. Thomas Avery, sixteen dollars sixty six cents and two thirds of a cent per month, to commence on the bird day of October, one thousand eight hundred and six. Ebeneztr Coe, twenty dollars per month, to commence on the thirty first day of July, one thousand ejgh hundred and six. . Ebetii'Zer Bancroft, six dollars per monlh,to commence ontlic thirty first day of October, o;i thousand eight hundred and six. William Worihington fifteen dol lars per month, to commence on ;hc nineteenth day of November, out thousand eight hundred and six. Ddvid Hawk-), ten dollars per month, to crmm .sice on the eighth day ot December, one -ihousano eight hundr d and six. Sec. 3. And be it farther enactfd That the pension ot Benjamin Bart 'ett of Massachusetts, who w:is em ploy -d in the service of ihe Uf iieu,1 S'ates as an escort, spy and guide,! at the pay ot one dollar per day, dur- J mg hostilities wiih certain Indian! tribes," iq the year one thr uaiid se-j ven hundred and ninety-four, and vva'i disabled by beincr wounded whilst in said service, be increased to fivs'doll'irs p -r mnn h. Sec. 4. And be ir further enacted That the. pciiiioiih bcco.mrg xuch by virtue of ibis act, shall be paiff in tht same manner as invalid pensioners are paid, who have heretofore been placed on the pension list of the United States, under such re'ric- tont and regulations in all respects,! as are prescribed by the law? of tin United States in such ca-e provided I". M ACON, , Speaker of the House of Representatives. S SMITH, resident (f the Senate pro tem. Approved March 3. )ti07. Til. JEFFERSON CELEBRATED MEDICINES 'T'HE following celebrated Patent and family Medicines, have been in use throughout the United States, for up 'Vards of dght years past, during which v, me they have probably cured more per sons than all the. Medicnes heretofore j made public in; America. Many of then (independent of their superior emcat$) ary sold for less than the Drucs ot which thee are compounded could be purchased at a Retail Stare. . 1 - H AMILTONs WORM-DESTROY-ING L02ENGES, the enly mild, ta& and infallible Remedy hitherto discovered it rny be used by the most dehcate Fe males, and the youngest infants, With per fect safety. - - -V j '. ;t ' k- Ha- r.iltons Worrh Destroying Loieiiges there is reason to believe, have within 7 , years past cured upwards of Two Hundred Thousand Persons, or both sexes, t every aget and in every situation, of variouF dangerous cornplaintsarising from Worms and from obstructions or foubiess in th. stomach-and bowels, : bears !no analogy whatever to othemof a simiiar title, so commonly complained of as operating with violence, on the contrary, a particular ex cellence of this remedy is its being suite. to every age and coftstitu ion -It. contains nothing but what is perfectly innocent, and If so mild in its operation, that cannot ?niure the most delicate ureffnant ladv. Oi thetienderest infant of a weekMbld, ihoul 71 no worms exist in the boiy, bwt will with outnain orripae. cleanse the stqmact and bowels of whatever is ioul or offensive, and thereby pfeveut the production ot worms stnd niairy fatal disorders. The liozenges are particulaHyy emcacious io carrying' off alt gross humours aritt etu tions, feyejrish.iuitl -bltfoas complaipt aid are the safest, and mildest purgative thai caii b used on any occasion. A dose ot this medicine given occasionally jjjf. tKe warm season ; vtrill elfettually prevent vomiting and purging of cl.ildi-en,1" a ''dreadful disorder, which annu.allyjdestfO) thousands of! the infant part of our citizehsi It is like ;vtse" the nfildest and most ceftahi remedy known, and has .restored, to health and strength a great number when in an advanced age, of the fatal complaint. ! Par ticular and plain Sustruct ans are given for every part of the necessary treatment m such cases. . - . . . Children generally take this rrjedieihe vvjin eagerness : navmg a pieasmg uppear ance, and art agreeable taste.'' ; HAMILTON'S ELIXIR, For Coughs, Colds,. Asthmas and the Vhooping' C ougpr " and -celebrated for removing "approaching . . . Cowsumptioris HAMILTON'S ESSENCE and EX TRACT OF MUSTARD, forte Uheu matism, Gom, PaTsey, Lumbago, Numb nesi,' White Swellings, Sprains,' Bruises. Pains in the Face ai.d Nee, IN FL ALIBLE AGUE aKD FEVER DROPS. ' Recommended to the Inhabitants of low marshy Neighbourhoods, where the wdr ion of Agues,-Remittent and Intermittent Fevers preva.l, asihe only certain remedy SOVEREIGN OINTMENT FOR THE. I T ( '- Hia cert ai n t h re , by once u&ingt THIS preparation (which is warranted not to contain a particle of mercury or, any pernicious 'ingredient) has Wen in use up wards of twenty years in Europe and for eght years m the United States, during which time i. has never failed to perform a cure; and it is so innocent that it may be u sed on the youngest infant with the greatest safety. The proprietor is so conhufnt of this vegetable qiniment be ng an intaiiible remedy, that all ;he venders o. Le'& cele brated patent and family medicines are an thorised to return the purchase money, should any person certify its having failed, tc perfoim the pTomised cure. Di-.HAJiN's aNTI-BILIOUS PlLLb celebrated' for preventing and curing all h- std isoruKsViJireri proceed frpmancr , s a e of theBilesuclra Bilibus Chol c, H l;;;Ui rivers, accajsovior removing tiaoi-i tuil Custiveness, Sicknrss a: the otonuch, and severe Headache. . PERSIAN XOI IONT, for beautifying the Skm, als'b a certam.cure for Tetters kmgyorms, Blotches, Freckles, Pimples, ScurlSr' &c. DfAjf LIP SALVE, a pleasant lneparatJon fur c'uo)p'dand sore Lips, and tA.ry; blemish of the L;ps, arising from c L is, fevers, ftc. speedily restoring them ar.a a uuiiic; a delicate softness. ilEsi.RATVii TOOTH POWDER. r'ov i he Tee:h and Gtlms, strengthening ; f them, pn.-serv.ng the Enamel, and whitening ul the 1 ecih. Dr. HAllK's VE-U'ATER, a sove Remedy fcr diseases of tht E) es, whether ihe eilcct of weakness or of accident, n- vcrfai ing.to cure those maladies which succeed the Smallpox, Measles, &c. UAIIN's GERMAN CORN PLAIS TER. TOOTH-ACHE DROITS. ANODYNE ELIXIR, Forthe cure of the Head- AcheV , Sold at Ralt gh by Joseph Gales only i and wholesaleby the Proprietor, at the Pa tent Medicine Wareiieuse, No. 56. Mai- at-n ine, Ae at-i or, wnere may b-; seen a mulf'plicry t f Recommendatory Letter trora -many public, and other -well known characters, which the limits of an Adver iisement dx not permit. to be inserted War Department FtBkuAiiv 23, 1805. JvTOTlCE is hereby given that separate Proposals wiil b rectived at the Office of the Secretary for the Deoart- meru cf War, until 12 o cloclt noon of the first Wednesday in Jun next, for the supply of all rations that may . be required for tK use of-the UniteiLStates, from the rim day of October 1807? until tte 30:h day of September 18v3, both day mcli.ive, at the following places,. V'tZV. 1st At Niagara, Detroit, MichUimacki- vf Tfrnrt Wi'nf TT1 1 l " ti 4 nfr - xt -.v. ,.., .v a.. t. piace or piacrs wnere. troops are or may be .-tatianed. mar bed or recruited withi.nhe S ite 01 OrrioJand Territory of Itjichlh, .d.at.any- place or places, within the In- h'ana Territory, north of the 4lst degrei ..f North latitude. . ; 2nd. At the new military post opposits 'lis-mouth el the Hiwassee, and within the CheroHee nation between Tennessee ind Georgia, and on the Tennessee river, and on the road between said river and Nash- TecrUited.Avithfn the states of Kentucky and l ennessee - r . thenVer VV a bash, at i ort Mas&ac, New Madrid. Chickasaw Bluffs, Arlcurisasu Nat-hei and Fort Adamsr",aud ai any plat r places where troops are or maybe sta tioned, marched or recrt'.ited in the Missis-. sippi-ten itory, except the county of Wasti ) ng ton, and at any place or places in the Indiana territory south of tne 41ut degree of north latitude, and fifty miles east of the Mississippi riven 4th. . At? SuLouis, St. Cliarles, Kaskas 'a, Cahokia and at any j)lace ur places where troops i are r m-y be stationed, marjehed or recruited within the enrittvry- of Liana, north of tur '..Madrid, and .soy lc ttaces. jsk Uieiia tbritpr' within fifty -n riyejV and, outh f the 4jUt degtee of north . latitude Fort; jassac exept ft '-v,v-" LPirit CoupeC Oaeheta,,Natcnitwhesp peiousasinaKapa, rort btoddett, fort St.; Stephens', and at any; placeor places wnerd '. troops ire or may he stationed, mat cfeed'oe v' rectuited within, the territory of Orleans -pr In the cobnty oY Washington in thfe-Missis sippi territory and 4t,any plor.place drf the wesr 'sid of , the Misiss ppi rivet beloV'ArkafisasT:-- .J . V Separate 1 prQpbsafs will also b? rece'VedT as atbresaid, for die supply of all rations, which may be required for the use of be United Slates from the firstday of janua ry 1808, u "the 31st day uf December ot the same year; both days inclusive, within the severalstates hereinafter mentiored, v: 6th. At the Oa)mideO!d Fields, antl ; at any place or. nlacfeswhlre troops are 6 maybe stationed,, marched or t. ueru ted wlihin tliesrate uf Georgia, and on the In dian boundary between Georgia and thtt v ,JCreefe iiatioit. , 4 -vfXy ' ' . L Tth. At Chafeston, itoekymotint pfi the head wafers of the Santee, and at any place or places where troops are or may bd stationed, marched or recru ted; within th States of North and South-Carolina. 8th At Norf Ik, and M any place ok placee where troops are or may Efestationdk , marched, or recruited within the state oF Virginia ,g.t .. f;v" , . 9th. At F01 1 M'Herjry, and at any fcracd V peaces where troops are or may be sta tioned, marched or Tecrajted within the si r teof Maryland and distr ct of Columbia ,10th.. At Fupt Mifflin, Carhsle, -and at v iny place or place where troops are or; . may be stationed marched orv jrecrai ted within the state of Pen sylvan .a east ojFT the- nvmnta.'ns and within the states bit, New-Jersey and Delaware. 11th. At Pittsburg, , and at any place places, where troogsare ormay be, stationed marched or recruited Within the state of Pennsylvania, ve6f of the mountains. 12th At Fort Jay j Wst Pdint, Albany Schenectady, and at any place or places where trovps are1 or may be stationed nurched or recruUed. within the state of Nfw-York, Niagara and its dependencies) excepted - 13 h At Fort Trumbull, Fort Wolcott and at any placeor places where troops arei or may be stationed, marched or recruited within thi state 0P1 Connecticut. Rhode- Island and Verm. nt. 14-h. At Fort Independence (Boston har bour) and at any place or places where; troops are or mat be stationed, marched oe recruited within the state of Massachusetts hetown of Sprmgheld and the district ot Maine excepted, s I5:h At Portsmouth and Portlandj and? at any place or places Where troops are or inay be stationed, marched or recruited within the state of New-Hampshire afttifthd district of Maine. 16th. Proposals will also be received as aforesaid, for the supply of all rations which may be required bythe Unitea States," foi the troops wli ich are or mav be' stationed mai ched or recruited wfttxih thep. town ofe Springfield in the state of 'Massachusetts'". arid lor tne armourers and other persons employed i the United States' armoury at. har placelrora thelst -day -of January 1803t6 the 31st day -December thd same year, both days jjidiiye ; ' A ration to Consist pfMoepotJd and one quarter of beef, or three qdaners of a pobnd of pork, eighteen ounces ofbread o,r ourji one gill of rum, whiskey or brandy', atid aft the rate of two quarters ofa1t, bur quarts of vinegar, four -pou 'ds' qJi,tSOap, and ond pound -ind aTiilf of candles to every mm dred rations. The prices of the several 'component parts of the rations shall be spe cified ; but the United States reserve the right of male ngsuch alterations in the price of the component partsuif the ration afore said, as shall make thepria: of each part therepf bear a Jstprpportion to the pro posed price of (lie ivhole ration. The rations arc 1.0 oe lurnisnea in sucn quantities, tUC there shall at all tirries, during the term of? the proposed contract, be sufficient for the consumption of the troops at Mii6fiilimack inac, Detroit and Chikago for six months in advanca , and At each of the other pests on the western waters for at least three ntonths in advance, of good and Wholesome' provisions, if the same shall be red u bed. t i -usp-io ue permuteo to. all and tTery At is aiso.to oe permuteo to all alna; ; of the commandants of fortified plac s o V p,,stsV tj xail -oi, at seasons when the same j . can be transported, or at any time in case of urgency, such supplle. of hk provisions j in advance, avm thediscretion of the com , mandaut sha t he Helmed proper. If 'It is iuodrstdbd that the coiitractor is td ; at the expence and risk of 1 issuing the 8unnr?es id the ttonn. a,,. tW'.u l sustained by the depredations of an enemy, or by means-, of the troops of tie United U$ ted States in. .tr or! m .). , ; tov1 asT aforesaid. o the lnn!,t,nni r lit two or Tnnrr'r.nn f rrprlitaKlL -..,. and the certificate of a commissioned officer, ,..,. 1 . g. . . slat h -xnoxircumstances or tne loss, and the amount jl3he articles for which - com pensation shall be claimed. 1 The privilege is understood to be reserved to the United States, of requiring thatnoiic of tne v-tppbes which may oe furnished un. der suayi of the proposed onf tacts, Shall hi issued, until the vdpplies which have eeri cr may be furnished under contracts now in force, have been consumedj and that 3. supply in advances inay always be requ.it. at any of the fixed posts on the seaboard 01 Indian frontier, not exceeding tnretr mon . ht, 1 , . - . H. DKAit r.rv m ai February 25 180T. . Sccratirj cflXif . A' f . he . 1 . . : -j'- . -yfifc -1 T-'- :

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