i I- - i. , - '4.; " i . Oaritralhe fclaniof fair deHthtfulpeV-. f;'-r ' j " ' f- ; ' ' ' ' ' , , ' " :. . UnwarpM brpartvrle. talfvtf lfle Broths .M ' .k ' Wi - . . , ..- ' v' . !-; - . V. 4 , OTifirmirts ams to land in 4he district 3E it ecUdWfH House of Representative of the United semUed, That alV.the decis.oradc by the commissioners appoint the purpose Q?amUg HaS If persons clairninfflands in te dir trict of Vrnceunesm favour of such claimants,, ast(ere(J; in scripts Offconshich haven transmittla lf the commission trt tP secretary of the treasury, according to lawe and tl isame I are hereby conhrmeu.v - i . Sec. 2. bmfVrtktr etactcd, That the confinnatipns of grams of land, made in the said district of Vincennesj by the governors of :he North-west and Indiana territories, prior to the estlblihment v the board of commissioners aforesaul, and in conformity with the act, en titled An art for granting lands to the inhabitant's .and settlers at V tr .cennes, and the I Hinois country, . m tbe, terriiOry north-west of the Ohio, end forcoiifirmTnthem in their pos sessron, : fee, and the Same are here by confirmed ; unless when actually rejectee byHjie said commissioners; although the persons entitled i mi lahd, may not have given notice of their claim as required hy the seve ral acts making provision For the disposal ofttle;l)U; lands in thr Indiana territory i Provided h- a) ver That no oilier clainis shail be con thti secuom than euch as have' been enttred dn the territorial records, have by the com inisstners ftfpfesaidf been inserted in 'heir reports,, transmitted as a foresaids - ! ' ' .Sec L And be ii further cnafad, That the sever .1 persons, or Uie U- gal represcnta yes ui ic ov persons, to whom or to who e as- Signs llIC SCVtll ia.C3 v wiv .... of land near.Vincennes, knowtl by the name of the " Upper Pra: re." have been heretofore confirmtd. be and they are hereby respectively tpnfirmed in their claims to the rvs pective tracts also claimed by therri and in their actual possession, lying in that tract.oi land conUinirig tvvo hundred and forty-foiir acres, wjiich is known by the. name of uContinu lion." and is ituatfcd between the boundaries of the tracts already con firmed and the river Wabash Sec. And be it further enacted. That the several persons whose claims ire confirmed by this act and had not been actually' located prior to iheitabjiShrnent of 4he board of commissioners, W n4 thty are hereby authorised to Wntef , their Ifc cations wnn inc. regiici;,ui i.c ia.u office of Vinceniies, on ay part ol the tracts set! aside fbHh purpose Dy Virtue OI I lie abM iuuimcu(. an act respecting the claims to lands i; the- Indiana territory and State of Unio, ana in coniormuy vii nie provisions of that act : Provided, That stich location shall be made prior to the first day of July on? thousand eight hundred and e ght j and the right to ahy perion who shall neglects to locate- prior to that day, shall become void, and for ever b? barred; t g'--ifif-,, : t ';:-':". : ' Sec. 5$ And be it further enacted. That every person,' or the legal re presentative of every person, whose claim to a tract of land is confiirrtecd by thi act,- and who had not pre viously obtained a patent lor the Same, from the governor either of the territory north-west tot the Ohio or of the Indiana 'territory, shall, Vhertever His claim -shall, have been located and surveyed, be entitled to receive from the register of the land 6Hice at Vittcennes, a certificate sta ting that the clawriant is entitled to receive ape.ht;.fQ ,$u.c:tfajtt' of iand by virue of this act ; for which Certificate the register shall receive one dollar; and which certificate ahall entitle the party to a putefit for the said tract, which shall isstie in tike rnanntr as is provided by Taw for he other lands c.f the U., States. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted That the rtju ter and receiver of public monies in the district of Kas- kaskiastbe allowed till the firsj day )nvesigation oi ciaim iu.ibhuhi pfi1cers;'ard the tler of the board pehsalibri of five hutidted dollars in full lor his service in rel4ubh to such claims. .'- -V ' Sec. 7. And be ii further endctrd, That the public sales of thfc public lands in the district of Vihcennes, may be continued sijc weeks) if the term of tiiree weeks, now prescribed by law shalt not be found sufficient & offer: all the land Wilhin the said district for salt. ' SecV 6.: And btHj Jit rVijtr tnattit That persons entitleclb c riRht of pre-empiion id lands in the Missi sippi: territory, hall be allowed till the first cUy of January next, to make the first, jmymerif of the pur chase money of such land. ; iJATliS MACON, Speaker of tbc xte f Hefiretviiteiti&s. S. SMITH President cftb. lSentfe firo tempore. Aptirovedi March 3, 1807. AN ACT To puni h rrauds commuted on the Batik of the Un ted State. RE' it enatlrd by the Senate and Houf ofXcpr ftntatives of the United States of America, hi Qongr fs af m A. rf, That if any person si.ull falsely make, forge or' counterfeit, or cause or procure to be falsely made, forged r counterfeited, or vi5lingly aid or assist in falsely making, forging or counterfeiting any bill or note in imi tation of, or purporting to be a bill or note issued by order of the presi dent, directors and company of the bank , of ths United "Slates, or any order or check On the said bank ot corporation, dr any cashier thereof, or shall falsely aUerj or cause or procure to be falsely altered, or wil iinglv aid or assist in falsely alttrring any bill or note issued hy order ol the president, dirtcmrs and conv nv of the bank of the Uniied Stat 8, pr any order or eneefc on tne saui bank or corporation, or any casniei thtreof, or shall pa.s, uqer or pun- lish, br attempt to pass,, utter or publish as true, ahy f,Ue, frged or counterfeited bill or note, purport ing to be a bill or note issud-bv the orcer oi. uie, prcsiucxv, tv-win awv. company of the ban! of the United States, r any false, torgtci oi coun terfeited order or ch-ck upon toe said bank or corporation, or any ca shier thereof, knowing the same to be falsely forged or puinterieued. r shall pass, utter or publim, or at tempt to pass, utter or pUbHsJi, a trUe, any falsely altered bill or note, issued by Order of the pr-s'dent, di rectors and company of the bank of the United State, or any falsely al tered order or check on the said bank Or corporation, or , any cashier thereof, knovvtn?:, the same to bv falsely altered with intention to de fi aud the said corporatiOii, or any other body politic, or person ; eveiy ttiich' pe son shaitbe deemed and i.djudgedu'diy of fltbfly j and being i hereof convicted by; due course of law, shall be sentenced to be impri soned, and kept to hitd labour,- tor a period not less than three years, nor more than ten years, or shall b imprisoned not exceeding ten years, and fined not exceeding fie thotj a-Mid dollars : Providedj That no thing herein contained shall be. Qpn striied to deprive, the courts of tht. Individual st ate of ajurisdif tiort urn fcder the laws of. the several states, over the offence, declared punisha ble by this acU , , H .Sec; 2. And lie it further enacted. That the act, entiiKd An act o punish frauds committed on the banit of the ' United Skates," passed ;he twenty -seventh' day of June, one t thousand-seen Jiimdrerand ninety V eight; shall- be and the same is here by tepealed i Provided neviftheleiir That the repeal of the sy d act shall not be so consirued a? to preVent the trial," condemrtaitort or pumshirient Of any person or rrsons charged with, or guilt J. ofa :ytolaVibn of aoy of its rovUionir, previota to the pas initf this net, i t . : t----" - KAtlfr. MACON; ... Meak&4fi& House of 'keprceeniflthxs V , GEOUGE CLINTON, Vtx-Ptesldent vf tbe Untied Statet and f.isiaeat of we senate - AM ACT Makina: eealineilsatintv to Mevixil2ew:is J? and Clarke, ,andtheir cpnjajijohsl il.enAcied fy the, Ijjnnti ana t df;Repreftntativ Ue U" rifled, States f Ateericai injCgfagress fyfcmbkd. That the serctar of -war. be and he is hereby directed. Ho is sue land warrts to Meljiwetner Lewis and Wifoam ClarkeV: for one thodsand six hundred ycres each ; to ! Joliiv: Ordwa, " Nathanlejryor, the heirs or Jegal iikesewiyes cf Cbrlfs. Floyd, deceased k rick Gass, I Ailliara Bay toibbnXol jins, John Cblten rier Crozitte, Jfo-. seph Fielvli 'Ueobeiv-Fiefc Kobert Fraiier, SilAs Goodrich, jSrge it- '5on,Tfi!erttas Huk (lt'Pcts La braches, .JIoluK JklNeal, John Shields; George SlfciPionj John Potts, John Bptistc Iier'Page John B. Thompson, WiUiamVerner, Richard Windsor, PeteWstr, A lexander Willard, Joseph' White house, GcOvge DrlyaiV, Tousain ClurUme, IUchard Wrorfofigton, and John Newman, for three. hundred and twenty acres each ; which Se veral Warrants may, at the option of the holder or possessor, be locattd With any register or registers of th iand'offices, subsequent to the pub lie sales in such offices, on any of the 'public lands of the United States lying On the west side of the Mi1-' s ssippi, then and there offered f r sal , or rray be received at the rate of two dollars per acre, in payment of any such public lands. Sec 2 And be it furth er enacted, That double pay shall beallowed by the secretary -of war to each of the be fore named persons, agreeably to the time he or they may have servec. in the late enterprise to the Pacific O cean, conducted by Messrs. Lewis arid Clarke, and that the sum of ele ven thousand dollar be, ?nd the same hretfyis appropriated to dis charge the Same, but of ohy monies n the treastiry!4iot Otherwise appro priated, t- ti; . NATiWACOK, Speaier of tie H ofXeprcsettattees. s stoi ni, ' President of the Senate pro tern. Approved March 3, 1307. TH. JEFFERSON . . , AN ACT Pot the relief of Damtl S- Dfrtfer BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ttet of Atactic a in Congress assem bled, Tlv t Danid S. Oeste. , of Pro vidence, and State of Rhode-Island be idistharged frdm his imprison ment upon a judgment obta ned a-jrainst- him in favo.ur of the United States : , Provided however, nat he shall first assign and convey all the estate;, real arid personal, which he may now-own or be entitled to, to some person or persons, for the use .itid benefit of the United States, un der the direction of he secretary of ;he treasury : Provided alfo, Tha! tlie said judgment shall remain in full fbVce against any estate which the sdtd Daniel S-Dexter may here after acquire: and that process may at an? time betherebn isue4against hersame t And provided; that no--hVng contained in this act. shall be construed to discharge the , late su ijervlior of the- district of Rhode - Island from any legal liability for not taking bonds of thq, said Dexter foi the faithful discharge oJVh'rs duty, , f r i NATn. macon, ; SpeaW of tKe kouae of Repteserttatives ' X ' S SMITH, Prestlflnt cf the Senate pro tempore Approved, March 3. 180Z. ;, . . ,.- TH. ju.f FERSO , "State of : North-Car oUnay tietlie County Cburtt ; 'February TerW, 18(;;? 'tib.itGrUnfron versos')'- ; Petition . 't$e' Helri vf V i fdr ' ' Bcj; rartingtrtj dec Jf fJP O AVER. f rfbbearincr; to the: satisfaction of tins Court, that jMtiain Stapleion Anne his wiro of the JJefeudants in thU suit"ai4Tn6t. inlia(itaiDt of this State. It is Ordered That sixty days nubtx; notice Ae give, to the 'safid Will tartr. Stapleton artk ;nnfi ki8iyriFe, Uy .adVertjsenieHt in the ilae;gh Ceffjstcr," th'af they be and appear ef re ttee J ustices of this Court, to W held for tai Court ty' atthejtlourt-Hoiise''iil Windsor on tiie second Monday ot May next, then and there to put in theif an- 3wer to the p'etitn u oi rlie petuioixer or judgmenf wiU' be taken ainsrt6emj&ro cQiijtnso . . . lest, The imported Morse V: PHCEfNIf i'., A oeutiful dark chesiiut? -ftiit& KanHs three inches high, rime years old rt;Vsprjn&l of superior .bone AioV substance, with un coitiinon rrtuscular MJwer5,eleg3U action, and aconstitution und.oti6tediy soaiidv As. a raBeh$ is equaj to any horse of his age, Jvaving won: eight ti-mes ont of eleven, "m, three years. As a bipod Jiorse,,lua$upe rior is not to be found, bVng nearly , ,cori, necteii with the beat IaorseseVer hi. -kng--IsikI, viz. Gqdolphln Arabian, old Herod itndclipse. Hi's cohi are Inferior to none this fcotthtTy ; as aprodbt1 vbich. the first of his get appeared;- last Sprusg, the consequence vva, he had more rpaVes than any other irhp'oVte'd hobe tvithra ttvc circle of try acquaintance. I have several of his colts; which may he seen, and should not fear to make a trial on the TSrf wiilv the colu of any, other horse in America. PERFORMANCE. ' The Calendar for 1801, page 126, he won a sweepstakes otilOO gumeas tach,,a cross th Flat, severt subscribers Page 136. he won a match for 100 guineas each across the Flat. , Calendar for 1802, iat B'Bary, a Sweep stakes of 100 gu.neas, each carrying 11 stone, two miles, rive subscribers. Calendar for 16v4, Jage 16, Madding-, ton meeting Winchester course, he Won a sweepstikes ol 10 guineas eacii, carrying 12 stone, 2 miles, 12 j subscribers two to one cn Pheriix. Pae 17, a p.ate value 60 guineas, given by the: club heats aiiut (wo and a quarter miles, he carried 1 1 stone 6lbs beating two others. Same pae; Mr, Higga Pjiemx, 10 stone I2lbs. beat Mr Uynuloss'a Majpiej 9 stone 9&s. half a mile. 25 guineas. j Page 67, Blandford, July 24, a sweep Btake of 10 guineas each, 14 subscribers, Mt. Bigg'i ch. hore Phenix. by Uragon, vlked over, two mile heats Page 67. Handicap sweepstakes i 5 guineas each, Mi. B gg's Piieiux walked over. PliLNlX will stand eiisumj season at my stable, ten rhites below the ;own of Hl. fax, and six from j Pollock's ferry, and to be let to Marts at ten dollars the single leap if pa a down iliculd the mare riot pr.ve in Voal the first Cover, tf-r ten dollars nvrc, payable the T5th Feb. 1808, they, may continue the season, 1 wehty dollars the season payable the 15th f eb. 1808 half a dollar in the Oro4m jn every instance. Those rrentkmen who have put mares to I Phenix and hve tailed to get Colts, shall be entitled to the Season at half price, Go4l and extensHe pasturage, and er vants board gratis, but ho hab'lity tor es capes or accidents of any kind. Those whowisH their mares fedj musk send the nio.iey with them as corn cannot be had on any other rerms The season com menced the 1st of March, and ends the 10rh f August. THO.B HILL NUN AW AT, From the Subscriber, at tte house of Mr. Jebsy Jonts; jtm in Wake county, eight miles from AtKius's ferry 014 Cape Fear, bn the 2Gih ot March; 't'WO NEGROES, a mati anrj his wife, by the names of Jeremiah and. V:det, The fellow fs about thirty years old, abViit 5 fet 8 or 10 inches h-gh, well madei tree spoken, and very black. His wife is of C yellow complexion, and very tall. They liave a ba.tf cloaths with thein made of new cottdn cloth. 4 It is expected they ate aiming forTeiinessLe, rf James River, ab'out bid JameSt9wn, where the woinan was raised. Ic is supposed tfcey have a free pE3s wiih them. .'",' . Any person who shall appfeheridthk saiA Negroes; and bring them to me, or confine .them and send me word, so that I get them again, shall be Kantlsomely rewarded for theii trouble and all reasonable expehces. ' DAVID WINSTEAO, , . Nash County, TarKiver,.ene mil Aprils fremTayloV Tavern. NOTICE. T'HE SsXribSlMving qualified Idministrsttrixb the Esrate of GREGORY RE1LI.EY, deceased, le - am I 1.1111 I (tuests all thos to whom the Kstate is in - debtea to present their Accounts tor l.qu datton and payment iwithin the time li mited by law, or they will be barred of ii covery.. Theie vVho ire indebted, are re- quested to settle theiv Accounts by jfoteof ' mbetvcjsiK tVlfA HtlLLEY, .; .';$" I l" Adrtii'dstratrixi .ADVERTISEMENT. -'pHg Subscriber ! having qualified .March'ranlclln Court list, as an Executor t the Estate! of James M.ubry, aejeieaseif, "hereby givenotice to all Per- sons bavin claims against the said Estate iu onng incmiorwdiru wuiiiu tne r: me pre sribed by lav?, or they Arill be barred of I recovery; and all those who are indebted. are requested to make itrfimdiate payment to ,f J A Mils MUttRY. Exr. March 24, 18U7. A PAIR OF TVELV.LNCH LOBES 5- : Fr S&lft at Jo'sepU Gak 'a. Store STATE bF NORtttifeA'Rbl INA',il ' .r, 4wHRTroRD C'oVJitiri jf , February Trms lfei' v Moses Snmner; 0 -v-.a - i . : Joseph Sbmnr. ' . ';,,!'' ; " (, J? tfjp&Pb Sufnner, 7tt6e landtf Mr. 'tf$eelJrj&ri-aihbuming ioP6l'9 72, ; yindxaryitbee tbc eatd eifcr attend ;AbtGpunJ$outk - in ':. Wintrmb the fourth Monday th . February net . fl&e. and there torde'-farioh oath, wpaiPrnfierfa of taid jpb Sunvfet eiaifn ihu TT being uek'feil tolthe Cooti thstt Joseph .Srn4erf44 luhabitarttf Without ,the.tSute, ft toot iiteci x That, Pubticaticn be made inshefRaleigh. JUgjster for three Mpriths tttotjng thejai4 Joseph Sutttderlthat htafid appear at the end.thftk&fi?&ity: and replevy the Pfopertjpo MlmiA", J odgment will he enUred ajiltVdfc ' ' . , .' Copy, . k .. - . lorr. DicltiNsVj fciL: v 'State of Nafth'CarqEnkk Nash County ! Superior Court 6f Law tfBqu&jft : Term, 18U7. i s ;. Jarnes Viyrett, - -- .. . Arthur Dew and others; t T, appearing to the Courtj , tnac Cornelius joiner; oftp of the Defendanti j in this Case, is an inhabitant of the Stats, of Tennessee 'li t tbcrfore brdtfta, that unless he appear and mike JthswerV on oift ! before the second day of the next Term o this Court thit the Bill betaken faro eon ft csq as agai nst him; and tljat pablicatioii -of this orderte made, three weeks in the Raleigh Register. . , : ARTHllR ARftlNTOrl.Clk&M; STAT 6F NbRtH-.CARDLINA," 5 . HSRTf ORtt-CoVNTY. . February Term. leO. Annts Wiles,") 4 w, T OrlpiuilAttazJb$tctit James Carles. J . v . - s RETtrao Levied dk eore, Ahcjfc Suie, Lucy,-Jenny Either, kannab Anthony, ?faci and Nancy. 1 - tT appearing to the $arisfac!iooY the Court that the sa;d, James Carles ii , ot an Inhabitant oft) is Sr t ' Ht i tUml fort ordered, That three Meruit public No : tice be given to tht: said James Carles, (b Advert'sement in the Rrdeigh I Register) the Act. pf,tbe. treperal Assembly an-sucit . cases direefs, th. unleis he Ue and appear at the next Term of tile said. Court, yiz. oiy the fourth Monday of Mayhex:; replevies the said Property, arid pleads to he said' Action, final Judgment will be had aainsC him. , By Order, JO. F DiCKl NSON, Clki t -7' : " ;:; r' " ' Toung Ladies Boarding ScftsoL .r . . MRS FALrtENER , . .,1; tSEEMS it a ;.duty Vincornbent "l liotn the very gfcnerous a t) constant, patrolfage theas leceiyed, to. notify, riit or ler to prevent unnecessary ttpuble,r,thac from the i irnber tf Pmpds she row attends ad a few others she has en gated t(j tak& after the Summer Recess no fuTdier jplI'K cation need be made. , X'C . She respectfully inform s the paletjf and! FrienAs of the Young Ladielnor she ias the pleasure and honour to preside that the . Holidays (which she . propose sVi all continue two weeKsj vwill commence oi- Moiiday the 18th of May ; and thougU, he mean not to insist upon a punctual re-1 tut n at the expiration, yet efo-yoiiclU little rnoffe tim may be lost a possible-- ' TiTahentom April X ' .'-' i . .. LOST,. in the night of the 5th of MatcfiLion th road bet vreeh Suffolk &. Summejrton, Va A Red Morocco PQCKET BOQKf coutvning e,ling!.parjrrxnt.i'4 ; H about thetH oU: phe d.iW J 1 Mtil:t.?.a. Octrfberf One Ao.-fSM Uue nott ,ot , uuti on Jtiarfy Hitlrloe ! " Benjamm Ward, du h Oetober. One . . ap. oi mwhh j mn v ara, que mjciotjera One d. of 45 or 50 on -Mr Oardnec oS KdcBtoo : .Which Notes I hereby ibte-af 4 any person from trading-for , i. NEILY S.,PATTON. - WiHe Cdiiuiy, April U n il VAMP MEETING 4 r;a ' : koticE. ;iA?f?i; C$ Friday thV istK'da oT Hiii , ; next, will Commence s Camp Meeting i't the v live Branch Meeting- house com mcidy calledToole'sMeedh-House) about - five tniles from arb fugh, neafthe direct road ieadrnglfronf Tasb'orough to Halifax where it is reqruested all Friends of Keli irioai will attend with their Tents, t The meeting will continue four days perhaps longer. . i j . JOHN BTJXTONf, P EldsU jr , v JAMES BOYD, Aitittcuii. I AptU5l8or. : V FOX SA LE, , , . -I ! r v Chean a few lCecsof - ' . S r t n -f 'vSfi Mrlut Apply to Uif Jfriattf; j us. iiuuuii i g w 11 Si