, i7 y" I, ' 1 v. ? v .-A - " a"? '4 f ,ren stock holder thus subscribing" with entr o the sakl agents, shall be entnled to receive the dividend incite old six per IJvnl deferred, cr threpe cent, stock fubYcr.bcd by them, respectively, wmch SaU be payilcon that day, from which i? interest on the new cernhe.tes shall JoUence.' And itshall be -the duty.of the ,a:d agents, respectively to transmit, be fore the end of each quarter, to the regis ,'er of the treasury, and to the several com doners of lours, resretnphca 7 . ....... -nwrprtificatci (t stock SUJ- tnbed, and of the. new certificates issued by them, during such quarter, m ovaerti.at the proper credits may be entered on toe hooks cf he treasury, and of the corals sioncrs of loans, as the cas may be to he holders of such new cemucates.., Ad the ,aid agfms, before they enter jfcfron the or F their ! i shall aho become bo una hh rn. cr mere sureties to the satisfaction oi the conni&tBners of the sinking fund, or of-the secretary of the treasury, m the Tjonal su.n of twenty thousand dollars, wiiii Condition for their good behaviour m the;r ""s:S -And be. it further exacted, That the holers of eld six per cent, dt fer r.-d, or threTper cent, stock, who may he come subscribers, as aforesaid, either ii the United States, or in Europe, and who, on the first day of July next, and also or. the day of the subscription,' shall be reii dent in Europe, may, at their option, which must be made at the time ot sub. scribing, receive the interest accruing or the stock created by virtue rf the preced in;; sections ' of this' act, either in tkU States, as other creditors, of at Lor don cr Amsterdam ; that :s to say, the steel:, holders residing, at the times abovemen mentioned, in th dominions cf Great-En tain in Europe, at London, and at therate of four sh.liings and six pence sterling, fo each aoUsr ; and ihe slot-holders residing, at t Uptimes ab?vmentioved. in any other mrtof Etirope, at Amsterdam, and at the ratebfowo guilders ar d a half guilder, chr rsrit money cf Holland, for each cj"l!rr ; in -.vhich last mentioned option the condition shall bs expiessedin ihe new certificates to be issued, and the credit or credits, to be g;ven to-the proprietors thereof, shall htntpTer. and shall thereafter be transfer- able "only on the baoks of the treasury? Presided however, That the interest thus payable in Lcndon and Amsterdam, shall iiot be pa able until the expiration cf six calender months from the day on which hesar.ie would be payabb in the United Srat?. and shall be. subject to a oeductio:' ct one balf ofone per cent, on the amount payable, fcr ommibsion to the bankers pr-yinfj'rf.e same ; And provided also, That every proprietor of such mock may, n UT r. : d ;;. .-iC' his certificate, receive another to .ure amount, t . .e interest wneier-i i be payable arly in the c iiitod i in the same manner as taataccru irs on ilu stock held by persons residing m t'rt: United States. , Sec. 6. Jnd b-j it jurth r enacted That the same funds which henf. f.-u-have been, and now are, pledged, by law r the payment of the interest, and frr redpmpMon cr reimbursement of the r.tock which may be subscribed by virtue of. the provissons of tins act, shall remain pledged for the payment of irterest accru ing on the stock created by reason of such subscription, and ibrthe ledemp'.ion or re Iriibutsement cf the principal ct" the snme It shall be the duty of the ccmmiss:oner3 cf the Sinking Fund to cause to be applied, and paid out of the said fund, yearly am' every year, such sum and sums as may b annol y wanted icfedschr.rte the nnr.u? ir.reres: and charges accunug ryi the "ock w'r icirmay be created by v-rtue ;f this f tt. The said ccmmissorTs are hereby authcrised to af.ply, frcm tirr.e ;o time ri:;h s.im and enhis out cf thesa'd fund, a they majhiivk prcper, towards redeem i'1?. by purchase, or by n i nhursern.en, in voiiuu niity with the provisims of this ?ct, 'iiP principal of the said st ck. Andth -annual sum of eight miilinft cf dr llars. vested by law in the said commissioners, .nail be, and continue ap'propria'ed to the payment of interrst and redemption of the public debt, uatil the whole of the stock v. 'rch rr.ay.be created by the preceding fac tions of this act, shall have been redeemed or rciinhnrFed. Sec 7. And it further enacted, 'I !.t there shall be allowed to each cf tht a; uts to be appointed by "virtue of this act. cmivd by (hem, for .jjrinting, s'vatcn?.ry and postage, 'a sum of three thousand dol us a full c'mpensation for the.r cer y ces The said agents, and the .commis-'l--'r: of loans, shall also be dlowed uch lal surn as may be actuallyand ne- Ua - . : l . i if . iy expenuea lor tiie clerk-hire requi- b.te i r carrying this act into , eiTect. And lor defraying the said compensations and .iii-..wanccs, ana sucit outer tontmeenr i.ir es as miy be i.ncv.rrcd for carrvinp this, act into efiVct. a sum not; excet?:ivg si vteeMi thousand do';!ar, to be paid out ot ,"y m.'nres in the tieasury not othetwtsr 3propriated, is hereby aj)propvi"ated. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. i rat whensoever nc ice of reimbursement shall be given, as piescrjbcd by the second a d tlflrd sectic-ns of this act, thecm.fi v :;rcs interdt-d to be reimbursed, "shall bo designated therein. In every reimburse-viv.-nr, thenreferer.ee shall be given tosucli h. iid. rs Oi certificates as, previously to the I'd notice, shall have notified in wr ttrig tl--e treasury c'.epartment their wish to be ve;'mt -irsed. If there shr-u'd not bo apph-e-i'irrs to thje trearnry r.Tt.Ticient t'ji rtqutrf th, payment ofthe who!.. sum t.o be- applied t.''iat pui"tr;se, the secietary cf "t:.. s..e;t-f-' ry, aiur yayin? -fl' oil JiUir.s for tin- nav- n ct.t o! winch Dpplicatioris shull have Oerw r-:.Jc, sl'.a'i d-jtern ine by lorv.'hat o'her ccrrti rates shatl he reiin!iiirs?d, si to "'affc up th.e whole amount to be discharg - r ar.d iu cape the applications ihall ex coed tho amount to be discharged, the secretary- of the treasurr shall nvc:??d to (.e ermiuc by lot what applicaluni e on tied toproriv of "nav men'. hah be bee 9. A:ia bz it furtt -rffactfd. I :it the ufiiTs nnpo'i-.ted v ii tn6f tins i ? i'v vi. nvriii, v.jiM'!.ii,Moii .soi loans, ti' .ali r.-n ve ;u.d :.rl m such, directions ad rt'gu'.a! tier.s, a"? shu:I! be pr --crihed n them i ,- thr sectetaiy ot the ticasurv. lo clung he t xecr'ion cf this ict. 10. Ar.d be it further enacted That nothing in this act contained, shall J&c cjr.suucd, in anywise, to alter, abridge, -,;"'iSb impair, the rights of those credu&Qtld NA I. MACON. anfi a creat degree 01 social har- or the to theloiii ciiated b) virtue of this act. NAT. MACON. !&ySUea&er the Home vf Representatives. Z GEOKG-L t LINTON," Fice-Preudcnt of the United States, and President of ibe Senate. Approved Feb. 11, 1807. TH. JEFFERSON. State qforth-CaroUna, . , Bertie County Court, May Term, 1807. 'i Kennetli Clark , jC Original Attachment. Cadcr Barnes and C Wm Carney. -? r DER ED, that sixty days public Notice be given to the Defendants in this suit, by Advertisement in tiie State Gazette, that unless" they appear at the nelt Term ot thifc Court, replevy their property, and plead to( issue, final judg ment will be entered up against them. May IB. JOS. BLOUNi D. Cikf; LETTER Remaining in the Post Office ji ' Raleigh, ai the quarter ending the 30th June, .1807. And: e w Adie, Agia Andrews 2, Us vu? (Vndrews, Absalom Alston, William At kins, Andrew Najh, Wrdlis Ale.pnlep, Jehu Alston, sen. Hczekiah Bleds5elrs. I'atsey liiickell, Henry Fusb, JiUush Miss Betsey Barker, ames 3attfe, Jo; Curt, ll chard Bennehan, Wm. Browii, Eso; Elias Bowden, Wm. Cain, John Cur tis. Blblmt Cooperi Robert Campbell, Miss Sylvia Cooke, John Craven, Drury Dunn, jams Daniel, Turner Doterry, Miss Ann Ford, Joshua Fletcher, Henry Freeman, Henry Francis, Joseph Galleher, Dennis Gr.-.dy!'. David S. GocdlceS, - Lewi's Hollo Tpan, Mrs. Henry Hunter, 'Win Horton, Karnpypn Holland, M cajih Hill, Will am Hudson, " Daniel Horton, j-hn Ha"rrison3. Samuel Holrtfes, .James Hendon, Lewis Jones, Darling Jones, Nicholas-, Jordan, Mathan'el Jones, C T. Mark Jopl'n, Law Jackson. David Justice, Peter Kennedy, Jehu Lowry, Miss Peggy Lane,. John Li gon, Jacob Lilcs Joseph Lumbly, Ja.hum Lassiter, Azariah Long, Wm. Lashley2, Isaac Lane, Wm. Mann, Drury Mediing, C X Mant.avV, Edward Morris 2, John Moiley, Archibuld M'Elroy, M ss Sally Matthews, Rajchel Mocre, Arch. M'Don nangt, Wm. Marrict, Jamea P. Mdler, M.ss Ann Massinburg. Turner M'Invail, Mrs Milley M-orrts, James1 Moultrie or Mark Barker, Members of James Moore's Meeting-house, Osbom Nicholson, Noah ichols, John Owen, James O'Kelly, Col. William Polk 0, Mrs. -Cathar ne Pattilio, Mrs, W. Peek, Imy Phillip, H ntonPughi Messrs Putney h Bell 2, David Royster, Frederic lligsby, James Rig by, George Roberts, Joi;iri Roberts, John Roan, Geo Reding, Willis Rogers, John Rex, Johr S i'urr, John bpairob Self, Mrs Sarah Swt;g, John B Shaw, Elisha S:ms, Benj. I'hompscn, Barrel U.ley, W. W-Williams, James Wright, Esq. Pleasant Wood ward, Jordan Worsham 2, Charles Win frte, Thomas Wooc, Catron Wilder, W. White 7. WM SHAW, P. 'jpHE Subscriber having, a, the last term cf Wake County Court, qualified as Administrator on the es tate of Jonathan Bnckell, dec. tho.it havir.p; claims against said estate are hereby notified, that unless thty bring forward their accounts or other claims properly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, they will !e barred of rrcovery. Notice is also .MVen to those indebted to said estate, hat unless 'they make immediate payment, such measures will be taken as to ensure a speedy collection of aid debts, the situation of the estate not admit' "rng of dtlav. MARK COOKE, Adm'i. Xqtuzh, July 8. fit Ll " - j Raleigh, TnuRSDAYp July 9, 1S()7. The Supreme Court 01 this State comniertceciits session in this city on the 1st instant, is still sitting, and will probably continue for sonv days, as the docket was a pretty 'urge one, and the discussions cn every important cause are protract, ed to a considerable Icnpth. The Cou'st consists of JudgejgXlall, Locke, Stone and Lowri The anniversary cVPTimencan Indcpendeoce was observed in this city, with that spirit and unanimity which characterize the citizens of this pluce on all public occasion". Tlie day w.as ushered in by a gun at the break of uaj Capt. Joneses Troop of Cavalry and Capt. Peace's Company of Infantry were on pa rade, and with the rest of the ciii zens, at 11 o'clock,' attended at the State-Mouse, where an appropriate liscourse was delivered by the Rev. W. L Turner. Vfter which f he Declaration of Independence wa3 read, and seventeen guns fired in honour of the Union. At two, a Numerous company, consistinp; of his Excellency the Governor, the Judges, Gentlemen of the Bar, other strangers and the citizens, partook ot an elegant and plentiful ujnner provided by Mrs. Casso The following toastsi prepared by a committee appointed for the pur pose, were alternately announced lv thp President fCiovernor Al. andr) and the Vicc-Presidtot . 61 and a great degree 01 social mony prevailed : t TdASTS. 1. The day we celebrate immu tability lq the principles of '76. 2. The President of the U. States. 3. The memory of Washington : May the services which he rendered to his Cotintry'be forever engraven on the hearts of Americans. 4. The Revolutionary , Army of the U. States, who fought and bled iii-&efence of the Rights of Man. 5. The Patriots and Sasres of the Revolution : May their successors, through all ages, continue. to vent rate and emulate their Talents and Virtues. 6. The Government of the Union : May it always prove our sheet anchor against JJpmestic Treason an d Fore ign A g&jssion . 7. The State Governments, free1 sovereign and independent. 8. Hional Honour : IViakwe ne ver 'wfnFatriotfVnilp'ish,' or CUraetto defend;;it The memorof ; t;ex Seamen wholflelgpil sarifieto British Outrage : ay thecatrocity of this act produce the adoption . of su h measures as shall secure us from fu 64 ture violence, and Maritime Rights on est.ib!ishpur a firm foiin- dation. 10. The Militia of the U. States May they s m become an armt! and well -trained body of mtti. 1 i. The Judiciaties of the Union : May our laws ever be administers in the true spirit arid principles cf our Government. 12. Agriculture Commerce an Manufactures the sure sources ol wealth and cbnifoit to every Country which attends to their improvement 13. The Arts and ience the) will enlighten our Citizens and em bellish our National Character. 14. The American Press : Mat a the propagation of useful and im portant Truths be its leading object 15. The btate of North-Candin 16. The Univeisity ol North-Ca rolina. 17. Good Neighbourhood : M . no religious or political difference of opinion interrupt the Harmony of Society ; however men may vary in sentiment, may they all agree to bs kindly disposed to each other, as Brethren of the same Great Family. In the evening, a Ball was given to the Ladies, which was kept up, with equal spirit and decorum, tin near twelve, when Propriety the best gtlardian of public amuse ments, moved an adjournment, which was immediately adopted. At a meeting of the Wake Troop of Cavalry, at Raleigh, on the 4th inst. the recent insu t offered to the Flag of the U- States, and the wai ton sacrifice of the lives ot three American Seamen, by the British ship of war Leopard, and the cir cumstances in relation thereto,were taken into consideration by the TroopJ and the following resolu: tions were thereupon adopted r Resolved, that the attack made by the British ship of war Leopard, upon the Che sapeake, a public armedVessel of the U. Statesfcwasa flagrant violation of ther ghts ot nations, ot our neutrality, justified by no alledged eause, abhorrent to every senti ment of honour and fmmauit) , and receives our indignant reprobation. Res Ived, tha- the coi duct of oar fel low citizens of several of the seaport towns m Virginia, in resolving to withhold from British armed vessels all aid anc com tort, until satisfaction has been rendered to cur Countty for the injuries and insults it has received from the ship Leopard, is const?! n&ot to the true spirit of the - American.. Pfcope, and is entitled to Our entire appro bation. Resolved, that it is due to the honour of the. U- States, that the prrper authorities make known the particulars relative to the aliectgcd cause of this outrage. Resolved, that it is due to the brdiiam character oor Navy has hitherto sustained, that an explanation should be given of the cause why no resist an cS'was made on the part of Ihe Chesaiieake when attacked ; and also, if the trigate was unfitted for tion, the reason of its' beiu, sent to bea in that condition. Resolved, that the conduct of the Exe cunve, in its relations with Greats Britain (so far as known to us) and the solicitude it has manifested to preserve peace with that pove$ meets with our approbation and applause. ' . Resolved, that the Spirit of the Patriots L who eternized the day we are now assem bled to celcbratepur principles, our feel ings, and the convictions of duty, require that we offer to the President of ihe United States, one Services, to protect the rights and. avenge the w;rorigs of the Nation ; and that we pledge, to' the atta nmeflt of those objects, our lives, eur lortunes, and our sacred honour.. , i , Resolved, .tha.a respectful Address be presented to the President of the U. States, expressive of the sense of the torogoiu Resoinuonsy-and tlxat it be signed by the Captapi on belialf of tjhe Troop. . Resolved, that a copy of these Resolu tions be sent to the President of the U.iited States, and that they be also published in the newspapers.of this city . By the Troop unanimously , CALVIN JONES, Capt. Test, Louis Winston, Sec. We learn that the squadron off Virginia uispatcneti a messenger t 4 Norfolk, elcmandlnff perrhission to fi the 200 hop-sheads destroyed) and tne Xko nogsneaas aestroyeo; ana in case of refusal, threatened to bombard the town. The citizens of that borough, it is said, returned for answer, ' that they were pre pared for the latter, in preference to aiding the enemies of their ccttn- try," " . .- : .- In consequence of this -threat' Capt. Decatur lias equipt his Gunoatsf to cooperate with the. neopfetsin thei, detence. -k The Norfolk cornmittee on the subject of the late Outrage, have resolved that the permission grant ed to the British Consul and his fa mily, of holding, cdrjiespondence with the .commander of the British squadron) be rescinded- that, it is highly t Xpedient fo repairfort Nor folk, and place guns tHere'for the defence of the place- that a com . mittee be appointed to examine thfe state cf the magazine, and to obtain acorrect "account of the powder in tfie borough ; that the public eki gencies require the preservation m ur own hands, of every means )f defence, and that persons who hold 4 quantities of powder be admo nished ihtTepf, and desired to hold it for the public service. By an article in a Baltimore pa nr, it appears that the British ship M::L.hipus has sent 12 American vessels to Halifax ih the last 3 days. The Officers of ihe Chesapeake have complained to the Secretary or te Navy, pf the premature su-'ren' !er of that tt igate ; and Commodore Decatur has been ordered to succeed Uarron in thecommand.of the vessel. On Saturday last, Robert Mac donald one of the seamen woun ded on board the Chesapeake frigate, died at Norfolk. His funeral was .it tended by nearly four thousand ci iztns. Minute guns were fiied from the ar illery, and all the Ame rican shipping hoisted their colodrs alf mast. A grand procession -was ormcd and a discourse was delivered: on the occasion. Thefoihxying Proclamation was received by the last MaiL 0 By THOMAS JEFFERSofr, President of the U States of America. A PROCLAMATION. DL'HING the wars which, for some time, have unhappily prevailed a rnonJth., powers of uropefhe U. S atesjof Amer ca, firm in their principles of peace, have endeavour ed by justice, by a regular discharge of all their national and social duties, and by every fnendly office their si tuation has admitted, to maintain with all the belligerents, the accu tomcd relations of friendship, hospi tality, and commercial intercourse. Taking no part in the questions which animate these powers againsr each other, nor permitting them selves to entertain a wish but for the restoration of general peace, tliery have observed with good taith ihe neutrality they assumed, and they believe that no instance of a depar ture from its duties can be justly im puted to them by any nation. A free use of their harbors and waters, the means of refitting and of refresh ment, of succour to their sick and suffering, have, at all times, and on equal principles, been extended to all, and this oo amidst a constant recurrence of acts of insubordination to the laws, of violence to the pei sonl, and of tresspasses on the pro pel ty of our citizens, committed by bracers ot one ot Uie belligerent par lejs' received amotilus.' In truth uhese abuses of thejlivfs of hospitality have, with few exception, become habitual to the commanders of tht British armed vessels hovering on our coasts," and frequenting our har bours. 4The have been the subject of repeated representations to their government. Assurance&have been given that proper orderSbould res train them within the limit of the rights and of the respect due to a friendly nation ; but those orders and assurances have been without effefctif no instance of punisrnent for past wrongs has taken place xt length, a deed, transcending all wc have hi therto seen or suffered, brjnhs the public sensibility to a serious crisis, and our forbearance to a necessary pause A .frigate of the. Coiled States trusting to a state of peace, 8c leaving her harbour on a distant sen$ vice, has been surprised and attacked by a British vessel of superior force, one of a squadron then lying in our waters and covering the transaction and has been disabled from service with the less of a number of men killed and wounded. This enormity r was not only without provocation or justifiable cause, bjut wasjcomrmtied with the avowed puiposeF .taking by force, . from a ship .ofjwar'of the United States, a part of her crew, and that no circumstance might be wanting to mark its character, it had I been previously asceruineiM.hat the I seamen demanded wtre native citK -.1 J- zens of the Uunited Stages.. Having effected Ins purpose, be rcturned to i ajichor with hi&felua;.lrbh within ovf , I jurisdiction. Hospitality under 8UC&t .7 circumstances ceases to be .aptty:" and a continuance of it with' socit-lu) n controlled abifses, ' wou!c nUTSi by multiplying injuries andsirntatrfe4- t,ions, to bring on A fupture'between the two nations. jThis extreme re sort is equallytipposed to the inte- 4 rests of both, as it is to assurance of r the most friendly dispositions on tbe 1 part of the British government, in he midst of whicli this outrage has been committed In tliis light the subject cannot, bti' present to that, government, and strengthen themo- " tives to an honotHble -.'reparations off the wrong which haseh.done, atf&V to that effectuftl, control of its naval commander syhtch alone cah.jnsti.fy the government f the Cnjted cftates' in tne tsercise 0 those hospnajmes it is now constrained; to. disewtihut- : In consideration oriijfl.9 circum stances and of tHe righrof every na- fdn4to regulate i s own poll ceyttTpro- ' r vide for its peace nnd for the safety of its citisens,. and consequently to, refuse the admission of armed ver es-iiptots haibors and waters, ew thfnsuchipmbers cr of such des criptions, as are inconsistent Wvith these, or with the maintenance of the authority of the laws,' I have thought proper, in pursuance of the authority specially given bv law, to Usue this iv.yfPROCI M ATI ON hereby requiring li attned vessels . bearing commissions uncltf the gc- . ye-hment cf Great-Britain, now ew ther within the harbors or waters of ihe United Stately irri mediately an4 without delay to depart trm the same , . and i nte rdict i n g:tbe' en t ranc e of all the said harbors anr4vaters tq the said armed vessels,and to all others bearing commissions under trie authority of British government And if the said vessels or any of them, shah fail to depart as aforesaid or if they or any others, so interdict v ed, shall hereafter enter the waters or harbors aforesaid, 1 do in thai case forbid ail intercourse wi h them or any of. them, their ofHcers and crews, and I do prohibit all supplies and aid from being furnished to them or any of ihcm. And I do declare and makeknown, th:tif any pqcn from or within the juriitiictipnal . limits.f the United States shall afTord anaid to any such vesse?, contrary to the prohibition ontajned jn this Proclamation, ei ther in repairing any suchj vessel, or in furjrti&mf or crew,- wiwsujjpiies otany Kincf, or in anjrraanner whatsoevenr ifanv pilot shall assist in navigdtingany of the said armed vessels, unless it be for the purpose of carrying them in the first instance, beyond the vlt? . mits and jurisdiction, of thijXIiffieJ'j -fc States, or unless it be in thse-pfr a vessel forced by distress, or charg ed with publicjTispatches as herein after provided for, such perstn or persons shall, on coriut.tion, suffer all the pains -and pennl ies by ihe laws provided for such offences. And I do hereby enjoin and re quire all persons bearing office civil or military within or underlie au thority of ihe .United Sfates, and all others,citizen.s orinhabitants thereof, or being within the ame, with vigi--. lance and prpmptitude to exert their respec ye Authorities, and to be ai ding and assisting to the carrying this Proclamation ai;d ever part thereof into full effect. v . .-i Provided nevertheless, that if ahyif such vessel shall be forvcxt into ihe harbours or waters of 'the United States by distfess, by the dangers of thfsea,pr -b the pursuit of an ene- gofehmeilUte shall be a public paCKetytprnne. conveyance of letters and dispatches he c'qmmauding of- 3 ficer immediaiely leporting his ves sel to the collector of the district, stating the object or causes of enter ing the said harbors or waten, an'd conforming himself to the regula tions in that case prescribed under khe authority of the laws, shall be tallowed the benefit of audi regula tions respecting repairsf supplies, stay, .intercourse and departure as -shall be permitted under the same authority. " 1: Inlestimony whereof, I havercaov sed the seal of the Urited States jo of;afuxed. to thtse presents & sigrd the same. - Given at he City of Washington . the 2d day of July, in the year seal. of our Lord 1807,' and ol" the? sovereignty and Independence u of the United es the 31st. v Ty : JEFFERSON. By the President, Ja. Madison, Sec. of State. 4, The Virginia. Federal Court ha' ddjournti 'till the first Monday in August.: Most of the witnesses ,on behalf cf the United States have left Richmond. General Wilkinson and suit's; had gone on to Washington Robt. Houston, Esq. has been appcintedSec. ofStatereunessee, in place ci Wm. TXIaclm, resigned. WrB&Vr tnem. barged. . witq4iPiness from, their W-.. 1 r. - -A "ft r-53. mm Pi- .v - 3 - ,

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