- - -fi. i i . . it ! i' i-.ii 'ii Flit" - ijw -,"v -, . . v n . i i , i v)'-ki . . i " : j r'-f "ii""i i f i ' .7 1 w v ii TO "ft Csx.oatfft.s. ffopii 0F MASsACiii)ss,rrs.;-i pic of the United Dia f -JlsachuseUs, the came of list or'RefMcd .fv. vnti & British Sub) tit t We zmc of the facUUoils mtjonty r Uhf virtnallr rtCOff-. in Tour 6 , uc: litcd the degroajog uuk w Bti'h Parliament i; vfftt tn 0 tvh&tsocvt rictifto any power on rw, v hare, wlttn trie nonor dence of our dounttry required, dis- played thermal energy ot ine nauon, coTcrcaus nag ced the enemy to sue tor peaccju hh own capital; they have conuuu- irougn me siurmj European ar, in -and now. when the wrongs ind' injustice of the. bclUgc- suddenly intolera ble, th'ey hate stized hold of the last and only anchor 01 npc iciw p (rti thi neuce fcfthc country-re , ff-ta of which havebttmihe aanng bf our rhcrchanis and underwriters rrvt'trviai hankruntcv and in case iiuiti 1 y Should Jhe tiritish goverhrqeat send a respectable fore say i or iq men, to land in this state, thefedera-iuf.- who are heartily sick of & re- '""J . II u pubUcan governroem, as wcu u.H order t Uincinnaui wuuiu Ju.....w i smA i r rl f f" tnt" to a man, anq aga vu.v(u- protection of bur late graciousovc reign, and put a final end to the U; States." T Tnnn the two first objections We have only to ay, that wy gentle- man whfi wishes to see trie umzw nian Mercury from which wer-opy the leiter. may do so oyppiy w t tht Aurora office. i ' . -H , . To the third cavil we cannot out Si To this .laic hope should fail, they have observe, that its. nature attords utvtr," 'by prepared for the last appeal of na- strong pre8umptiVf vldlnctth?1 i ..I..:.... fhir inp. irci iuiia ii licit! i' k . inn eraiiicooy m lrvV Americans to navigate the ocean to ,UCh pert and places as they think cxpcJent to license, W cotofsuch taies ai they shall see fit to impose, i a gracious indul etnee, which ought to havebcen embraced. Already haVc they driven fbm the council of the nation the , AK ACT Authorising; the Secretary of the Treasury 1 to pay rotuVomptrciifr.onne ircasurjr, iri trusti "tlic amount of ceruiin Bil& draw n by Jolih Amstrong, minister from the nitel States to the Court of France, on the Treasury df. the -United States. .BE ti'cna&eiLix;tKi :Snaie:&nd 'Houit of tfeprtstntbUves vj the Vnu ted States iof mcrtcaiinngres as "sfTnbted, ; That ; the -Secretajry of the Treasury beand he" ts hereby autho rUed and directed, to pay into the Hands ofthe Comptroller of the Trea sury of the United States the amotint id cash, of ike bills drawn by John Armstrong muuster irominc y1" tedtatcs to the court "of: f ranee on the Treasurer of the United States, in favor -of Nathan Pre res, Denton and Hall,' pursuant to ,a-liquidation made by the crovernment of France undet the convention, concluded he- tween the. United btates, ana uic All these measures. the advocates , . wrirr exoected toes- of the resolutions would have had re k hv nllihbu or denial of such French govern meatf qh the, thirtieth Tn ih nw. however, tneii . ? l ulministration have not done : 1 hey have hot entered into an alliance with France & continental Europe, against Great-Britain, when invited to it by a direct attack on bur national sove reignty, and when the pulses of the whole nation beat nign ior icyq6 son of art old patriot, wnose nrrm - , f Qf lfac resolut on5 :..fv and talents BO esscnu.uj - - , , And for what reason f is it oecau the politiral information and diplo matic talents of the former, coxten lire with the various interests of the United States in their foreign & do rs estic relations, woutd be less ser viceable to our country, at the pre sent crisis, than the counting-house itfll and .nice calculations of profit md loss which distinguish the latter ? t r;ti nnr think Co meanly of those a v a common cause with hfr against and wc DUbU5 France and her allies. Would the f , roihtheGlaseow gen - . ... 1 I I r - . . i tlemnn. from the contents ot wnicn , . . the reader will be able to aeter- n letter beinff writterl for the JMer- curv. or to any person In .Edi n- burg, tor it appears uy letter to a gentleman in tnis cuy, whirK letter is also (the original! in the hands of the editor ottnc: Aurora, that the letter from New York was addressed to a person in "..wn,, throneh the ave Wl5ncu 2UUU ?" "I fuT,T.: Ft." . tiaea iaw"w"w""T- " t"-t think not. They nave no amcu newspaper, and irom wai storms of the revolutionary tempest G Brita-n and mt i f ' , EdinblirK paper into the haven of peace tana inpc common cau5C hcr against nubllsh likewise an extract dence, to roase way iui v - man. who was then tried f .nd of the resolutions have wish ed such an alliance ? No doubt they would. Ah ! that's the rub. Anc ror not doing this, and uniting our destinies with those of that nation, ithcr to fall with hcr, or by Biding in her support to remain a subordi nate and dependent nation," the ad ministration are to be hurled from their seats, to g.ve place to men who .:n nn Hrcir..tr m ermpe to tne 1 ill n. - . n o .:2. mmA T.riti fflfc fhp inde- ;ho have done thisdeed, as to .ttn-J ;Hf tTrnS rion at bute to them so sordid a rocuve, is '7'" , " r mwtf fu . -.. t u'm r.r h.n tlt.n the shrine of her power. r men ucuutc mv mu"' - 11 ' ... r . , J vinMir.tinr alike II Fellow-Otizrvs I Awaice irom Jnrvindi-nre of his vour letharcv, and see the danger ik arewion o' that surrounds vou ; the wiles pre rxruuu y 'ti . u - - , 1 1 ten izaic or paring to ensnare, are ciccpcr iau . your are aware of. Be on your guard! ! of J ir.j -l.ii i. fmm thirtich day pi j XOU ltldlt iica a6 BRUTUS, day. Of April, in the year one thou sand eight hundred and threeljland also, the amount of tne bills ; drawn by the aforesaid minister, on the said Treasurer-: of the United btaies, in favor of Joseph Sands, pursuant to a liquidation made under the conyen finn fltoreskld. which sums sb baid to the Cbmptroller, shall be held by him, in trust, to pay and satisty such j i . persons, ana in sucn proporuows, shall be adjudged or decreed by the courts hereaiter specmea ; ana ic said sums shall be by the Coroptrol ler deposited in the officexof discount and deposit, in the city ot wasning of the Writer, and ton, for sdfe-kceping, until such judg- rmmrrv acainst " . .. . , ... m. pretensions of cu the oeuigercms, supporting the measures of the ad tnii.Utration, best calculated to se cure the peace, and preserve the re sources of the nation I And is the litter to be preferred because he may be willing to sacrifice all Uiese rights and blessings to the sovereign claims or pretensions of ene of the bellige rents I Judge tor yourseivca. f ready has this ephemeral majority so improved their brief authority, a to pas resolutions in censure of the measure of the constituted authori ties of the nation ; giving as one of their reasons, that certain resolutions w r nM(l nv mc u'iiuci iw irom the AtJBORA, THE VIEWS OF THE TORIES. " . The letter from New-ifork to" d oersori In Scotland lately publish- ed by the state committee of cor respondence, cf Pennsylvania, has excited some senttbiiiiy at im. x or, where it is dated ; the mode in 1 ; onnmhufion and suDbort which it has been treated, is cu- of the same measures. Mark the rious ; in regard to its authenticity, logic of this reasoning ; from it we it has been said first, that it was art to cortdude'that if some pledge not published in Scotland, but in themselvesto support the constituted vcnled here j second, that if pub authorities, it is a good reason with i:shed in Scotland, it was not writ- others for resolving to rtslstthem ; ien America; and third, that mine upon view the biasokhis mind. AN ACT North-Carolina, a AOinAIkb tj 4... r port of entry ; to ch.nge the ram or k rl'ittrirr of Naniemor. to ihat ot b H - - - - - - J w . a tn milrc Augusta, in uie district of Maine, a prt otjdaivery. Be it enacted the Senate and Hoitfe or Rr6refentattvs ot tne uni ted States of America, in Congress troi and aucr uic une next, a district! shall be formed out of the district of Edenton in North-Carolina,. to be called the district of Plymouth, which shall include and comprehend tne rivers Roanoake and Cashie, and alj the waters, creeks and harbqra ue- loncintr theteto; The town of Ply mouth shall be the port of entry and deliverv : and Windsor and cjkcvy arky, ports of delivery. A collector ments or decrees shall take place I Sec. 2. And be it further enacted That alV suits' or proceedings at law, or in ecuity to establish claims a trainst. or. recover the whole or any part of the sum so depOsjtcd on ac: 1 count of the buls rawn m tavor oi Nathan Freres, Denton and Hall, shall.be commenced oh or before the first day. of November next, in the circuit cotirt of the fourth circuit, ho! den in the district of Maryland, 8c all proceedings at law or in equity,to esta blish claihls against, or to recover the whole or any part of the sum so de posited on account of the bills drawn I in favof; of Joseph Sands, shall be commenced on or before the day aforesaid,, in the circuit court of the second circuit hotden in the district of New-York, or in the circuit court of the district of CoUiiobia for Wash ington county iqsaid district, and ny or either party aggrieved by the judgment Or decree of either of the said courts, may rcmove th'e same n. Um ennrm mnrt ftf the United for the district shall be appointed, to in the &me manner, and on brUenefit, or oti his account) fehtejpi accept of, agree.; for, untfertak;o0 execute . an y such con tract or ajgisee . mentVih the whole, or in part; eveg memberd offending shr lVfpr tc-V ry such o&ncfei upoi cohv ctionthereV of, before f Inycburt of the. United States, bloMhe territories '. therep having icognijince of such,-offence, be adjudged guilty of a high jnisde meanori and shall be fined three,thou- saod dollars ; and every such con tract or agreement as aforesaid, shall , moreover beabsolutely vpid.and;of no .ffect ; Provided nevertheless k ThWm aU cases Whercny sum or; ; sums of money shall hatc .leri ad vanced on the iai t of thetJ ftlteflv States,' in consideration of anv such:" contract or.agreement the same shall ft befbrthwitb ,reia)d;iand in case of refusal or delay Jb rt pay the &ame when, demanded, by. the proper m-:1 Cer' bf the department underrwhbse authority such contract of Agreement shall Jiave been made or Vntered ih to every person so refusing or de laymjgi:--t6gether;.-svith his surety 6f : sureties shallbe forthwith prosecu ted at law farj the," recovery bf any , such sum or sums bf monejr advanced j as aforesaid.; r- -. t,-p- ; Sec, And &pt further, Vttatltfl That nothing herein contained skill extend, or be construed to extend to any: contract or agreement, made or entered into, or accepted by aiy in--corporated company,, where such cfori- tract or agreement snaiio maqe ior the general benefit of such incorpc- ration of cbmpurfjr; nor to the pur chase or sale hills of exchange or-, other property by . any member - of that if some have endeavoured to to strengthen the arm of government against foreign, encroachment, u is sufficient apoiogfr for others to at tempt to pawlixe it i iri short, that patriotism and treason loyalty and rebellion, are the same thing. But tl is not to expose the absurdity of their reasoning, the falsity of their ostensible pretensions, that these re sclauons are adverted to it is to open to your view thi real object of tiiem. One bf the advocates of this mea sure hath unhesitatingly avowed, that he cared not whether the em bjxgo were a good or a bad measure, he would seize the occasion it offer ed to hurt from their seats the pre sent administration, and place in th.tF trari men. whose measures no person in N. York ever wrote such a letter for the Caledonian Mercury, nor .such a letter to E- dinburg. We copy the letter ome more the better to.reiresn tne public memory on the subject. Extract cfa Letter from e-o.Tatl, dated IQib December, 1807. u A war with Britain will co welt nieh to ruin this country, on which . ti t account the letierairepuoncarvs, wno possess roost of the wealth of the-U. States, and are joined by the English merchants, and the very respectable society of Cincinnati, are doing all they can to prevent a war. On the other hand, the democratic republi cans, who, though they have few res would be .directly the reverse of the a th and lcvcnu f v4W4 . :. ;rw consist mostly oi tne rooDiuiy, are i:nil keen his oifice in the town of Plymouth,' who shall j be entitled tr nrivf three ncr cent, commis sion en all monies by him received, hri account of the duties! arising on goDds, wares and mercnanuiAc iim-i d district, and on yrj w - j the tonnaere ot snips anu w - . f r t the other emoluments and ices oi oi$ fice established by law. ! , Sec. 2. And be it further Enacted, That from and after the thirtieth day of June next, the district of Nanjt moy, in the state of Maryland, shall be called the district of St. Mary's, ahd the collector shall reside at St. Mary's river, which shall be the port of entry and delivery for said district, and Naniemoy a portof deliveiy on- ! ly, to which a surveyor Ishall be ap pointed, who shau be enuuea, m au dition to the fees and emoluments already allowed by law, to receive a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars. i Sec 3. And be it further enacted, That the tovvfi of Augusta in the dis- ! trict of Maine, shall bej and .hereby is Constituted a port of delivery, to be annexed to the district of Bath, and subject to the same regulations and restrictions as other ports of de- Congress, where the . same shall b . ready for delivery, and tor which, pay- ment sthaltbe made at tne ume.pi' making or entering into the contract : or agreement.- f ,:-x - , Secf 3. And be it jitrthcr tnatted That in every such contractor agree' ment to be made or entered into, or accepted as aforesaid, there shall be , inserted ah express conditiou, that nc member bf Congress hall be admiU' ted to any share.or part of sucHcbn, ' tract or agreement, orio apyeiiefie to :arise thereupon: ' Qv&f'p? JSocMAd be it further ehkdl That if anyfecer of the Unfiled States on behalf of the United States shall directly or indirectly, make; or oter.itpny contract, bargainj, or agreemeht in writing or other1 wjsef pother than such as are" herein excffte wiH' any member of Con gress; such officer so offending, orl convictipn thereof before ?ahy court ' having jurisdiction thereof sliall bir deemed anu taken to pe guilty ot a high misdemeanor, and o be fined in a sum of three thousand dollars;;-. SvAndheh That from and after he bassinsr of this act, it shalf 6e the dky of thJ the same terms and '"conditions, as appeals and writs of error are now prosecuted from the said "courts. ; bee. 3. JLnaoe njuriner enacicu, That whenever a final" judgment or decree shall be entered up by either Secretary of the Treasury, Secretanr o; tne saia couris in iaui a, 11 0j vyar, oecreiary 01 me XNavy, ana son or pefsons who may have esta- I the Post-ma!ster-e:eneial annuallv tn fished a right or clai m to the whole iay before Congress .a statement of or any part ot the said, sums so paio an the contracts which have been to the Comptroller, and deposited in made in their respective tkpartmeht virtue of . this law, the said Comp- during he year preceding such h troller shall direct the cashier of the port, exhibiting in wsuchstatement said office of discount and deposit, to the name of the-contractofVthe arti pay tne . amount recovereu iu uic iice.or thing contracted for, the place party or' persons entitled under uch wherc the article was tojbdeliverJ eaeer for a war; As every man in this country has a vote for members Of Congress, the democrats cbuse al ways persons of their own stamp to represent them.' .They are proud always of opposing the federalists, rum 01 system of measures pursued by the administration for which they ore to be htnled from power J They have retrenched the expenditures of the government, they have managed the public revenues with so much prudence, as in the course of seven are nu m this , . . . r.-mJ .. ... rii .... w-0 , - r-CAV Ar. 71" they abound : there are at least' 10 tan y virtnj ; T to 12-demoCrats, Should war ac n a: takplace, thisis the heartof judgment or decree so rendered by ihe said courts. ' J. B. VAKNUM, Speeder of the Mxtit ef ' Representatives t S. SMITH, President of this Senate pro tempore Approved, April 25, 1808. ! ! i TH: JLFFERSON. . , AN "ACT dencetning Public Contracts. , - it enabled by thi Senate and ' Houfe of Representatives of the Uni ted States of, America, tn congress ax- ed, or the thing perfofmethe Wrhf to be paid for its performance or feS .Kveithe ate, and, ourjatjop .f (hi contract . '. r; -. -h BVARNUMJ , SpedHf oftbkMouiB of Xcprhentaiiveij t . : 1 , ', . S. SMlXH, .PresMioftbeSeVtrofehipei: Approved, April 21 . 18C8.V " . TH : JEFFERSON: AMR1CAN HEMP; scmblcdiThtX from and after the pas- sagre ot" this act, no member oLCor- liverv in the United btates ; ana 1 p-ress. snaii, - uirecuy, .or'-ujuuy, ' 1 . . . . - II . 'tfi I X 1 ..Li'.a..V ll"Oi".ii-. - iri.:- ,t . . . , v . . tr 1 v., . there shall be appointed a surveyor,!! nirpseiipr oy any puicrpcrsu wai, 11 osfv, 4ew-x-ona9n, xwew-iorK ITllZ Secretary of , the Navy wili receiye, until ?tbe 1st oti November nexty. i'rdposats fr fu'rniihing water t ot ted Hemp or the growth of the U. States; to oe oenverea either at jPortsmout N to reside at the said port of delivery, who shall he entitled to receive a sa lary of one hundred and fifty dollars annually, m additioix to the otner emo luments allowed by lay. . v I. B. VARNOM; soever, iiitrustforliimioriorhii BaltiraoreVNotfolk; , UAftr. r on h, AheonnnerlrMmn C Charleston; S. C.'Sa- vsnnah, sGeo. or. New -Orleans or hentfit, or on his accounVunde taie, execute, hold or enjty, in the whole or in part, - any . contract or acrcemeni hereafter to be. made or enterco , into wim anyomccrw( inc. United btates, in their behaii, on "VFor well water-rotted and well cleaned J. Atnericaii. KemT the Secretary of the JaVyg disposed to allow a liberal price a lieyorid the usual price bf such hemp when I Ii te.Totted, 1 n upn nmm. in .inrir Liciidii. wnii,. . - . 7 . ri-v . -, 1 , 1 1 "it I i Pruidaxt of die Senate A no raved. April 25th. 1808 V THT JFEFERSON i , 1 1 rUIILiaia Ull .lUC.Uail Ul, Hit. vimwu IIWill Kt niPcnt tn. crtt. fh nr4an.i An t. pro tempore. ' IJStaCeSj; andjf any meraoeitjpf Con lithe' place where, and .the--time twhcnr it W , -j, . iress i shall, directlypr; indirectly, tl worna oe aenverea. . . 'r ' himself,-or by any other person what Say Bepartmsfit May 3, 1,' 'i i 1 rT m .7" I T JJi k , the United States, and truly the ca TcJS r& Pir Hl $?cvti) ijj rost f tr ai tiltr to te ill! I-1