C.rtll. E'f C.mjtdl. r,vk Henrr Erarts, ' ti- u,juir. lVHIr Ham- l".'5iih; Urn. 1L Hay. - iHass Ionics. Dr Kanscm M,B a m ix . - f " J ,TSirN'Jhv,il 2, ISar.uel H Jou J sbct'ffvf Wake unty, Henry' Joues: r Afi.br Kmr, William KirKsaan, fii Kin J. k '- X. Mrs. Sarah Larley. S. F Lambert. j dvrard Mort: 2, . Jir.fi'Mnn, tootsy Mortjan, Benjamin" MajtUrd. w, C. Mitchell, W.tfiam Marshall. uif Martin, Henry !cnng. ; y.G3 Niott 2,"- foa& Nichols, fisei O'Kenr- JchnOweo, Her. Owen. 2- . i K.'Dtti Pureey, --Francis Philip, latPorif. Seb Pouk, Thomas. Proctor, Ciuo Petble. . ,' f . f. Jer HcyrroftPeleg Ro;ers, John nba;3,- Wi.uatn Kccnee, .iviucn . ima, John Q.'Kencher; ' r ThoTnas Saidm. The. Sim2,Vro- lata. S-oo Smith, Wm Sugg, JeeJ Svzg; Di d Stone, wra jras, auann 3imj. f NJjm Theaters; Mi. PefgjTur yr, Usr-d Turner, James Turner, Ho latTraweek. ! r. Jnrcph Wright 2, ChatlesU icfiee, rtwlWilfar, Vrlry aVliitaker, Kly Wrxa, Nathaniel Wtmrn. CyrnsWhi turr. rkr.t Wood -aid, Wm, Wood k WiJiam White, Stcreai 12. WM.SHAW, P. M Ou Uuudred Dollars Utward. RAN" AW AY Ctlsturtaf fibtlctt.ftcv the Subtctiier Suborn and JDaiie'- It t iwpnoxd txtlfy tvok Tvitb tl eei, likely dark jTtt ue!Oirj ncnj mt, u i jori oUi with ft wh.te tpot in his fore (rti, itd kit rear hind foot white; a da ii no f rey Maret abact 9 ) ears old, rilSVaHl hth. ThetaHes: oftht Mu ktha .Scar on one of hit: Wrists, ifc:ht on the Cap cf his Knee ; the rtr it Uw and thickset,- with i scar ra errtrrh:s lft Eye jborhyounj, but fctVflnTe thtn tsrtnty. Thir rcrkirg Cms is Seito Ccttcn. but thtj have rrit theti i' 5cd Syracsdowo Wfttt. raa. ere a detp Orange crlcurj a Elar Sc"d Cloth Coat) and rarxjui mued Era5j,in Pnta!o-s ard Coals. ' The r4."tt1ud2 U2 yds. WooUen Blue Cloth, Jutb-.' 5t wrnaway - They tcXia eld Said!t wiihlarge plated Besses, ir.S:aT-p aod Kcd Pad-lnj, "the Lea rt:r? ; a cun?ry rwtlkdMeatJIag, an ipVfi DirBrtdlc, scmelcadin; Lines, taia'Fdle. It is supposed theyar SBttgf rTemiesiee cr tbe Miami. They UrtMcrey. and one has, taken a R fie, 6cetSfr aMotV.et Any person who will Irs; the said Mulattoes and Hones to the Litcribct, shall receive the'abeve reward saibureatonaLleexpencespaidhun by Jho WILLIAMS. SHERIFFS SALES. mmmm , , WILL BR SOLD, I rfe tjCT cfVTt irttfk rovgQ, cn Fridqy the "-rb aj of Jnftn text, fHE following Trtctfl of Land, or u rccch thetecf as will be sufficient h u'.tify the Taxtt due theteon for the Ju IWo, trgetner witb tnt costs, &c, ICO acres, g.vtn m by Joha Alien, lying 'e Elk n creek. 2! icrt, b John Checks on dx J &j hj jit. Kajris, on the wavers of tin creek. V3 co. by H-nry Pratt on do. 3:5 do by Eltiha Chamber., on Fish "icieek 4 ' rs fcOd.. by Tandy Carter, cn the waters fte Ta-ikinnver ll'hix Ctiitora Cogsheai on the wa- cifi rtuiv.rj crk. tl do. not given in, be UaCa. on dc bngirgtoBow- . Wi-v. given .in by Jacob Hinshaw, frZ .orry liue, w l34xby James Jchcson, on theBtushy tauin. kia by Zechariah Holbrook, on -",r5 rhr er water,' v : 3i. by Jesse laioatdi on do, ttcV bf Wib, ?ca1f, on Sandy creek .Oix br Iuatl Wallers, on Hoaxing " " ., i ;. ' 0 56 1J da. by Hch Ntpper on King's t1 Watfr. l0c b Jacob Hauler, cm VaJkinrirtr 4-'by Jar.a'han MCalbi,on d. 13 oVi b? Wn. Underwood, on the wa tfTaikiru - ! . Jio by Richanl Jscks, GUdy creek t J2 - Iuuh Baker, oa Hontir ctk to hi Ic;eiihWuiri,;rx.do. v ' , i: Jctc Faspatrtck.icnilcr.t-. cr - j ., (jf 'U f. hy UbMfRnrM. on do J -- do. h7 KjcLard Cot, ca CntsY 7 - .nil, i ' j - J il'- b; Sim Scotr.on Grassy Fork ev tol ytTi j( fhc prc?rrT Lg K'bntsch, bnGr.ssy K.rkV. : Kir . J1- Ivson, ptx Csscrttk lfiS:? S in, tb lycfertf cl fete) i W ca.ike waters cf Bear: icattci? inrorm thetri and" the cdmher will appear ii M9 ikaTiltikaif Irt 0.IT, C 1" Oor Subscription L'ist is stULsmall V- bat w i aw ta v . - v we are assured it wue Terr roanaiiT m fcrease'wheo ius ocwrt tSaf; the papjeT wilFwitfi certainty be ;puUishe3..! Thtsc assvranes are . tJur guide. amh'op. '': 'J 'Men of.'gto'tcs,-if learning, and of hb', arrraT5on,who ar . willing to devote a' por tion, cf their 'tfufte and - ta!kt;ts.ttt 4h in t roct ion aud ejj i ert a i n me n y ot th t if f el- 4w.u;irra5,.wjii-Dfta tne otf rycrrir aftdeaiy eo receive their Effusion an Lcsa s and tMirlorarouricauons are re- spcctlBlly foliated " ? v ' v ' ' ; . JONES and HENDERSON. v XafeitK Julj-liX 1S08. .. . - ' State cf - North'Carclina . . Mcntgotr-eTy Ccnnty, '. - . .. ' : ' ' CaJI'tf JPitdt and Quarter Sat'icnt, tful Patrick Boggia nal Jttachmt. 1 Lodcwick Kee . David Damos Garnishee,' levied, &c. iT appearinp; to the CourV that A tbe Defeodanr i nit an Inhabitant of thif Srate t It U order e1t thar, publication be made threv months in the llaleigh Re. gister, tl.at unless the Defendant appear at our next Coirt,to be held for the count ot Montgomery,, on the first Monday in October next, ad re,p1ev and plead to Iirue, jadgnr.ent fi'al-wili be granted, r- ; rate, " JOHN SMITH, c c. - NOTICE.' 'T'HE Sucrtcribcra having qualified x t at; the: last May Term of Chatham County Or urt, as Executors oi the Es ate of WILLIAM COLDSTON, deceased, late cf said ccunry', rjuest all person having demands against the laid Estate, to present them for payment withm the time rrqu. red by law, otherwise they w-li be bartcd of recovery. Those indebted to the ,5tate are rtqucsrd to make immedi atepaTment. J AS JOHN ALSTON. JOHN MED A N. THO. GOLDS TON. A XOl E LOST. A Note which Miles Alhn had of . John Ship on Fi.' "er S) p, due Dec 25. 1S0B, and which was soli to the Sub crHr, being lost or m-s!a:d, alt ttersons are forwained from trading fir said Note, as the subtciiber has never received any consideration fc the same. . 25. JACOB WILFONG! FOUND. . On the lCth day f March last, cm the read leading tr.m Halifax to Lewnburg, ; near Sw4t Creek Budge, old Leather Pocket -Bock, ccntuin ihtrty-ore dollars, v:x two Notes cn the Bank uf Cajje Fear, one fpr $t. dcllcxr, ttr A.-Kt ferule viirt and ere J0'eo.i the Bnk cl f.evvcem Jor ten dollar, ard two fcr five dollars each. Alio two pair of Lsd.es loi g SilkWCilaves. The laid Pocket -Book also contained a Receipt riven by O. lit mi to John San kg toe. dated butfak. Dec 30, XS05, (at a Ncte on 1 m. Town; dec to Johu Goode, ard a-ngiied byaid Jchn Go xJt to said Sink fjn, fcx tne t'jnx of 70 and ore third drtlars; likrwite sendry other papers ot bur l.ttle value. . 1 he owner may have the same n applying to the subscriber, iivir.g tn Franklin count; , on Crooked Creek, bv proving the same, and paying the cess a. U expenccs tor this aavtrmrrocnt. yu.-e4, 18UJ. THS.BROOxME COMMITTED To Salisbury Gael, on tbe k6:o cf Jure last. A N African NEtiRO FELLOW, wha cannot speak a woid cf English. He j about 5 feet 8 t t 9 nchcs bg', and appears to be alxju 25 or 20 jear ot age has lest all his ices on hi ;U foot, and. all his toe nails on h ri. ht fvt. i'hib Nrgro r-as itkei up atcai seven miles to the r.mhast ot St:bury. lit com elec tion is dark, and he hsi lost two ct h i upper fore teeth. Tbe owner is desited to apply, ay chargers, and take the Ne. gToaway. JOHN 11 AM 1 UN, j r. Salic), ju y 18, COMMITTED To the Gael of Rutherford County, on the 28th ut. A NEGRO FELLOW, of yellow Complexion, about 5 feet b or 9 inches oigh, abftut 0 ytart of age, well made, call hitruelf Jack,-and sa that he be locgvtoa Mr TbumaMaj, ot Newberry District, Sou h Carol ua. Th owner it reqees;d to prvve his property, and pay cnaiges at thelawoiTeers. NOAH HAMPTON, j'r, ' . Jfojr SO. ' I-oktunatj: NUMBERS " in ' 1 cd?fV JcwilLry Lottery, Drawn al the Uuiversitv, june-13, lb'JS No 87 a priie cf g60. No 33 prize of ffid.. . Nos. I, U. 38. prizes ot glO No. 39,-76, 23, 6371. 91. pnaes of S3. Ho. 77. taj 96. 43. 20. U. 82. 3. 54.. V2, prizes ogazNos 31. 25, 70, 7J, 36, 5, 13, 49,. 58. 7, 2i; 81, 5, 72, $2, 10a, 42, , 4,166, -prizes of a dodar and a ha :(..-.- . r. TWO Peron;:with each a Car . . 'and iloi'se, are wanted to take. round u.tbt Countr.tO'CcUect Hagl for the Ka, tetgu riper fiinu 'ly is uuuainat kiqmv. fceefore uermmedtctemj mllect ihero. KSuchware ;"and vaaWe to 'endure hard plcrr pexsons'to" cia aua uvxaroi ilay lein; Says- r-.lou wur nave been tnfortncxl otEcve;aiT;Aiptrn. can .vessels navxeg-ocqn cuuucm . - : . iu' ii. iit: pribciply-Jti .taoseque nca Qftheji haVin r-. i atied rani ace-raiter bdund to a ,fotf Vde latrjl Vyr jjijfi . : .Two.veftJi bdoDginito the ij.. orates, vi. tne snip ouzu anq the: achoouer H6pf , are confernni ea in consequence or . naYin'ai? pauhes of the irench 'gqverorrfent on board L Am asureartnis wa without th'knowIeUge ;;'pf tHe maacrevK'j plight have rfes-. troyed these paper?, had they,qeen aware their ship woaJH havcbeeS lest by the delivery of thejHlettera- to thexaptors of thrirnts; In the prteent gloomy aituar tion of things masteraof shipaijt longing to the Drifted Stteanre. airatd. to "engage for almoU ny-' voyage, bei ne so liable tdf iei2ure' and confiscation oVi.boxbsidt'Vapdi many have preferred rctdrmng to America to acceptliig atjy freight that waj oot mallt ladc!H. very dull, VVeM-indW pradttfefviry idw, but flour frm. 63s. to 65 s. per sack of 2 SL butbcli Cept. John Ho.rtont who lately, arrived at. Sdg.lIarbordVam Ma chiasinfofms that he saw there a hund-biU, issued from St. John's, which ave an account of a greut naval engagement in the Meditcr ranean, in which the French were defeated. The ngtjh, acknow ledge themselvet to have lost 5000 men,. and three ships which blew up during the engagement The following is an e&tvet .of 'a letter from aii American gentleman in England, to his friend in the City of Washington. " Speculation are gtuhg ori, as to the contiouancofthe hmbirgo which the friends of th present ministry did not suppose could i:nd tbe tci felt- tiucdyihsy, are lUl cr'ing but, a they; have been these three months? that the first arrival Kill brinar arxounta oi an instirrcctiw, and jhis they rio doubt wjsh and would encourage; no doubt they will be disappointed. Between France and England we have a difficult course to pursue ; to remain Within ourselves, will therefore be most to our advan- age. Another letter.-..." By the' last flirivnl here, it is stated that the United States are on the verge of n insurrection, in consequence of the Embargo. Although I have no letters by the vessel which is said to have brought this intelli gence, so disgraceful to oar coun try, 1 have nevertheless, pleogtd myself that it was an infamous calumny cn the people of America. But tnefcc account, howeKer un founded, are believed by many here ; and have had, the effect to prevent d repeal of the orlersf council: the ministry no abut, calculates on deriving a benefit Irom a commotion of the. United States. . 1 hope the next news will be more congenial with my feelings and prove to the European woriu, tne laiucy ot creoiting eyeryyiuic rumour, propagated by the entr mies of the only free government on earth. , An extract of -a letter from a respectable gentleman oi Jamaica, dated May 27th, to a mercantile friend in Richmond, says, 1 J nits' here are truly distressing. Every article of . provision? very ! scarce. Flour at yflO the bbrrel, owing to thia infernal Embargo. Although your careful f governrnent , is j so watchful, twp yesscli i made their appearance in this portiullpf fisur; at thesame tirae roakiog an ;entryk at joUr Custom - JTouse Clear rdt iii ballast, ii" ccllctil&ltsZ&iht first butsetvrbeyjwere ordefedi to acpart,- out as me-zJ'24r TTrr- chants arc ever generous, they rhide ' a- 1 . - Ti-: --a: :rj- r appucauon ,to toe ucrvernor. lor aii . - - r " 1 moH7 wer;.aoy bther. - articlefv acccraio? to 'laWv ea,x ana granny jicmviuc via, i havebeen, tent into , thi$j djfnct,l council rland oxirvforfcbctnR be Iri ; fd reeUlHorfi cnanis,' 5ina snejrr mac.oAir,tCTOaari gorbas not operated so favbrD'yto inc . in napianis pi in pryyiugc as gro add reasoni witH fmadmenis in vairi; and Mr. J .uhingten's opm.ons art wcli known to be uue ofthe men who will cnjleavor to revenge our independence, tiiough it may ruin their best customers, and destroy their revenues.; We stop the press to ann-urice; that a French national brig, of 16 ijuas arrived in ihe Eastern iJranch t .bia:-fo cnooby? immc.1Ulitf)y1nj in France, changed, 9 ve :are told, i Urich dispatches, .Was.Fed July 16. uy tne arrival at Jooaton 01 tnc schooner' Swallow, from Halifax, we learn thatthe packet, with tiiitr on board, hacl sailed forEngund Our affairs with the Indians be. tween this pb ee and Naichc2,(says a Nashville paper pf jutie 9y4itci. Dccoraing truiy arming river day wt heariby('pas8ingVtravilejrs L A i . f " - - i - 1 ; of the; repetition ' of ggr3sI6J a very Bcrtuua.; nauirci.ayssnSO much h is been 'tbej alarm eicttctl, that considerable danger " isT appre bended in passing tfic ; wilderness; ' We mentioned jitely 6 thfean thority of a i very respectable geir Itleman, the dsjath of GepI,SheVi Col-ector of jtie porr, oitrmcix phb. ? It&ytsus wncerplear to tnforrriucMei formation ikjincjrre : The xcitizcswfiAhn have preenjecl :6nd'cV'; nral vWiikinson, 7 conaiulalipg him on hia honorable ;qu)t$tO; iirk.k ,Vin i 1. . 1 a.iv.vt.'r 'r" propriate-aDswervMi-. M ejor Svann ? pavi.n.tiea his-ppO!tnenta thc Armv civthe lJnitedv$tatesr, Xiobeft lirciltvhis sdeccasoh . - t vred upon the duties of thWtomce onthe Xt instantioyiWhb munications rvtKeBej(x must hereaiterieaddtestlvfwl !? The: leTOlaXur''fitnta Kcted a resblutioafdr the interfe-j tracts: on a ccounCof tlieita13rk0i: ;..vaovcrnorr:ATa rv$au ,w .Amcrui; Senate . of Pjinnsylvania vcr'v n pened In Savannabi?on the evening oi taestn insr. aooucnau dsst. lip leg. ,c 1 Stottjan tstrqct bV a . flash hi t 50 mci nf-gshfads r of sjantedgect in the secijiU.stbry WmtdsiiKs. of rti-French- covert mmmMmmMm' ;f!r fl 11 rrrnrt oK thw Wf)Mfti'frriiif.-Hrtffttn J thtwhil f liedjswuW 'eeirbna;BiHr - l sbcii-beconca't6lz;m ScJecitenfeV ?f 1 1 l .Mnrqeianu.vmucnvciistress pas . il-.- j ;j .iiresuuca irpm iqoperacions orine-tfw. . .i Ordcin touricUthmanuiac, SSpg? : j' his convicttbn. tliat America wis aL2-2iik-i S i i ; ';i ; wijigtodndiaad toopopuiou : V ; 1 4julit to be checked! Toll ji-r Ii ' 111 ' . oe ven per&ons nave iace ky oaicq m"3Mtimore,y nonefci A r n V ? h Trr. iw ri p h! h rtt ri idnifmer fit ) SaeaauKftfliaS cien O ClOCK a neiuvvcfcpj4rtwiLC93i S fct C.Hf3 vvAtclU 'tref"un9it die y riirp vv-uiiamj lacvof thrssSerfibt m w lai i' vii 1 iirni" 1 11 iir, llii,ci a on capacitv. to percve, .and ' ' 'J futidq pUr'Sul?K!i sic' to tne woria mat our citizens jt- A writer ttfi.iH' tracted?f tirKier:t and pr03r&riytyer cmue, wuhout maKtt?gyuow ahecs for'the beayiiytof je;etbaf p1blrim i i ainly thevembarc k ? ;aotne.mQniIi " S-fjj :the,jd?fficultie.cy-eetice jriv- -;; i Jl geiiioktlelDB W' travagaoce rhad?:froc .. ! 5 ife dtstraWa!o'f th-iS enibargo Is v no iE oretfifeeafjletJriS With the eTnhArra-Sjtmftrfts armsrlim wesses-ansmgjrpmjtfjtomang produced it'thV-$t tneivioience ot Quriorein ejir ; nailing tko'MhMI KiHV. y.'L.'.tt v'". 2. . . strcc'tion, is ;cuittvi!ofinn lliewxmndr whichrerieHp jpotirjerjibargo wetetejn cnariclT lH&rirdera-ic impssiblto; restore : trade; to it&S: lndfca ;i-liheepuialv: mnajvcdemp'aiontew : tarembaiorioT feirtpett3lexitiesVis;tm f : wnen iwev: neaoen all tirxjrnet crnai.lxs ' !' i'HK TatelymaimorMie - ' Wf 4 raWatreniyraiixt -.If V ti Ji ';Mr.3ar;Bdtonc jU .iliji I ,-r4tU Ml . ,' '. ) . r ' ; -. , , . I- . .-A -

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