I, hr'wb- ,w:cd mihc corporation the k ItaLcIaifroi ny. indivi-. cf.ttuybodr.poliuccr corporate u Ji;such there be. Thil,bcnt?rthc c!iniioCirion ihttitt itbt of preemption in ci ' tticT of the'district caat or west t.f -pcztl rWcr, shall intct fere with each . btrur, chc rcspster, , and receiver., public m'mraarr hereby authorised io their rtspccilfe districts so to re gnlatt their ligations as to prevent such interference , v - J; B. V A RN U M " - .Su.i'crcftlx HwfiJttjrttaitoUKCxr . : XiEO CLINTON , Vice-hui tftt United Startt, Ai-provW, March 31. ' 11 ' Ttf : JEFFERSON. REVOLUTION in SPAIN. CirtrJu AZdt JsJf iheeujicil of Caatil. YO U have, for twenty yfcars together, obeyed -with? uncxecp. tiorubU loyalty, the august roon irch'of Spaio,tVrtrcaiiTog in. thq steps of youf ioreUthers; you nave made Suitable returns to his pater nal love, andahafed.We4tcon ccrri which the couucil expressed .to'his majesty rVspcCUDghiabdi "cttjounn the day following, that on which it took .place ,lf we puj.ia.'xcd his success jiN accession to the throne, it ' was .merely to cini ly with' hi: supreme com nianls. We wool i h.ve loni; ctn-tinued -.ulimisiive autt frithlut ' to hiV iuictMF we tud under hat hi kbditioaana re t thi vTown- was nm a i a.pjmta wunuic rcuiaiw: suuuknAodA freedom. , r ' ' i-Vr since Charles IV. made it liV'utndttbisab'dicauoahAdbetrt lirted iro(nbim,ic that be- dcem; . cd hime'f fully entitled W resume the crown, : the. bpard xjF- govern- ment, : the council of Castile, audi th'e wh.Ie nation; havn been- aox Vibbalv waiting for the-decision tf : a question cf such hVgbLrimpdr. ta'iice ; ant) the council Have ex- amintf ly vrith' the greatest cnV t;cn, the locumcxU :iipon .vidch" the powerful empire who basbben appointed ior thai purpose, a groUudrd his determirfauon.'-The mot importaoCQf tfiese arc sub i'line J here ;.and in .the optuion , formed by the council, thty have tic certainty, "that they have not . dti;ed'lrom that wbtch the au : f ct party him-lf wouU have a -d -pied, "if ;lcss complicated cVr tu.:iiuhxcs hil not' opposed thar coiivcrV ItiJou;tetl!y unfor . Auntc, thut'theunlotl of; the Fa Jii. is of thi3.reop!chas hot ct" . .uken place'; hut tjijs mufortune will pnive lcss.distrVssiag to their benaficent heaits,: asthe result of the i ate event holds out fhttering kt'pti for the future, and the nation v i;l hortfy be eaabjed to proceVd, with steady steps,: in the career of . her happinesl and prosperity' ' , 1 hoc hopes begin it bcfrali zrd, since the king has appbintcci, t supply his placn In. the .govern- ment wi tnesc emgoomsv a prince whr., without any otherlinterest than ihat'of Soaia. already evinced by his bene hreni'-aod unremitted txet tions tl the beud of hjs'jirmyiJ deritcs" himsclt i with' eagerness and Cie mottr. suitable means, to Fh4tcver is conducive tcrher mory ju,d felicity. 1 w,- : i . sharej isti the f cpf tmentsj qf1 th coui)CiV yicvmi ihe crisis of .. the prcCcdin? tvehts'in jhe'same Ihv aQdxonsrdirs .'the deternij.. 1.1.- .t . ' - . W rj.Voat;aopceu.uy tne wisuom o the" . trihupAl,5 id V whiclf IC ui&: scribrs without restriafoa"; fi the fuifilrnt'ofithclrreocabTc de trces of Pro viilence which" nctec, ; . fAiaiea rtUi6uipecU " to'thttir sovereign apd . W the ; by 'which thcrafe 'governed. The phociplc. docuiaehsijaottd and svhich the ! council rcl Aken ": Keld bu the tjth ..iql :tfce ':"prt: sncc cf tKci rexccHenci e marquis Labailcro, Uon; Fo. .Gil;.- and Oouaald 0?Farnk dembera at the hfd i.gpyeriimcntparthVftfU DeAreir.BibcrOnhe'i0ih cn,t Tocmb, I put Sno iht- bands y jun m. decree of Ktdiaiion. .bands of toy auUt iriefca ful ally the mptrcr cjf .therehefr, iUng tr fiJy,' Bd;jt. is nqtoridu?' that mson could pot, fnducelus Iitk penal antfroyal majesty to ackiipiyt ledge him in: that capacity, I so-: Icmnly declare iliat the deed pt ab dication, which Ilsubtcribcd cnttie 19th of JastiMonthi U null and void in all its pans ; and, jcVeforci it is my,. will that ; 'yiiu shouldinake.. it known to oil my subjects, that their good King who luveS therm wishes to dedicate thfe rcmairfder oT his life ti unremitted excrtioasfortljeirhap- p'.ness. .I provi'iohiily confirm tri their situations the members oi me present board of government, and all ihe civil and military offiecrs who have been appointed ever since the J 9th of March last. j I intend to go and meet my august ally the Empe rorof the French, King of Italy'; af-uc-hich I will send further orders to. the beard; , r- . ; ; I, THE KING.. Sen LorenZfft JfiriLiT, 18CS". lo the Suprceie Board of Covernxect. , Zttttrfratn bit Majevy the Empertr franc to on J9ji L-xmi of Atturias. , " "BaoTRKl I have received your Ioyal Highne, letter. The inspec tion of.ycur. Voyai J fcuhtr's'paDtrV triusi havv; already, cb .vinced you of the affection v. hicb I ever borc him i undethc present circumstances you "will allo.v me to speak t your High nes TviihfrankncsSc candor. I hoped that, upon my ai rival at Madrid, I rmsibt perauademy Jllustriou friend I to maksome ucceksary refurms iiv bis nonunions anq iij some degret to atily the pfiblic opinioTf." Tho Prince ot Peact dismUaiori appear- td to me necessary tpr lus nappi ucss andthat oL hit' people. The .event in'the North hve retarded my Journey, .tn the mean time the occurrences at Arunjuez have taken placed 1 clo not sjc up pr a judge or what has bapDened. nor of' the conduct of the Pnpce of Peace f out .fhat I Jcnow is, that Kings should hevr eriuVetheir 5 subjects to shed, blood in i doing themselves justice. I pray' to TJod, that your. Royal High ness may . n ever experiehce it. It j would not suit ibe'iflUTcsts of Spain Uiit a rj?n9e wng aa xnarnco a Prmccss ot the itoyai ramuy ana who.hassolohg go7crnecd the King dom vhoilld He uerscc.oted. He ha no friends left ; nor would you- RoyalHighness have any, if you should one.day be unfortunate. The people jj'Udly aeire the opportunities of making themselves amends far r he t e fcpect t hey she w u s. Tt on can -not. try tlie prince; of -JPeace. ; hi? inmj, if-.ho is charged with any, jought to'beibund.in -ih's rights of thc'ihronc. 1 have oltcn cxpresse; jny WVb', rthat the Pnnctj'of Peace might'oe dismissed ; 1 ltvbeui more, urgent, ii has been owingjto my fiiiiUtlshlp for;rvng Ch-itSes, from wIHjsc veak part laluy J cduie to turn ray eyes. ' Oh; wretched hu.oanit) 1 rjmbcUi:ty aud trrot.I uch is our motto. All this however, may br reconciled let the Prince of Peace bc'banished from' Spam, and profTcr bim an assylu'rri in France With rcfpctt to the abdicadon of Charles XV. it has tuken'p'.ace at a time when my armies occupied Spain -iand Eutojifind posterity might believe" thatT havp sent so many troops fwr the sole rjuipbse of driving my friend and. ally from the throne. -As "a nctghbomjg sovereign, L,am J JDOuna to enquire, miownat jias ta chrilicejpvctious tot acknowledg IpgV fins 'z abdication; . I Uxerr fore iin" tb'conTeiieOwith i , your royal highness upon the subject. . Thci cauiirjn with whicfj I have hitherto pJocecdccUt these aHiiirsJ oUhC to wiii una in4mei lftacuoii;. orany. CCfcnpliorir." Kver . Qiiurojti your i es'cm. : V halKing.Crl'arles inform I vd me cC th Kt T October1 last. was gtcaiif tyutcr uuii. i mcui nd'l rlaitcv rayscliV;that I have contributed, by my uggestions,lo tfoeir haypy-is'ug'' ' i", . ' , Your, ro'y - al Vigtjpevs should dread the conse quenc?sv of 'popular comuibtiens'; some,pf rrry scaticrcd bold'tera. may be assassinated, out such excesses cc old ' only bring' ruin upon Spam j . '; ; r-Iloy u I Hi g b n e ss . knows alt the deceases xif. my heart you ay:seei.tliat ramJ8gitaled by va- xicmncef swaicn .wan io oe nxeo.. ercoU J will deal wit h you as I have dealt wi'.h your ;RoyarFather :relr upon my wish to rejco)cde - every thine, and. to MndoDnbitunities to grvc -you proois 4i m y. affbctioa and regard. And' 30 1 pray Cod : mar keerj you," brother iuader "hisbqly na wormy piottction. ;f - - - NAPOLEON. jv ' Perfiotious.mu'arenieav tng tp bribgftita upon you;;1 ami wouldrajri upply yOu wuharrmi,. that yTDdinlgbt, W against the, f refecfi? troops,'lWxipUs,reci: procaUftbsttr rou up against them ana tnem op agamsryou. vvnat could "Jbe the result of such sinister intentiorls lj Norther',-; with out J doubrthanthe devastation of Spain and calamities of every descrip-, uon. The" faciious minds, from which f had so muchrtobear, are l as yet in agitation j and under cir cumstances equ ally important and critical, I am. concerting matters with my ally, the Emperor, cf the French, concerning whatever is connected with your hdppinessv But be surehot,to listen to his cn- emiesj the'Vho exasperate you affaihstUini, thirst for your blood, and are ithfcr tpe : ene miesip r our n a t to n j p rthe : n gem sr o f : n gla n rl If you heaf ken. ib, them, you will occasion the loss of vour colonies, the division of your provinces, and- a long series of disturbances and 4 evils to you country. . .cmtrc-rust ray expe rjencr, and submit to the authority which I fcold from the Almighty and frbrii jrriy ancestors. Foil ow my example,, and believe that he friendship of ,the Emperor of the French,' our ally, can alone save Spain and make her happy. r k,Bayo4ne, in the imperial pa jace of goVenunerjt, May 4,.1803. Ltiii KING. Zjtltcrt irtdciin tke Royal Dicret tn hit Im . JQTKEa-7r.My absence and in fimitiesiwt allowing "me 'wholly to,dedicate myself to the unremit-, ;ed exertions required For the go- vernmcnt of my states, the tran quility of irty kingdom, arid the preseration of my crown, it has struck.me,.that I could do nothing better than to appoint ,a Locum, teiru, who, invested with.the.sii pre me authority, which I hold from God and my ancestors, should g - vern and xuletor. .me ana in my name7 over all the provinces of spam. . .v In cocsf.fluetlce whereof; vand having previously consulted the welfare of my people, and my wish to rescue the. monarchy from the precipice intd which the malevo- ent, andtpe enemies of the peace X the continent were on the eve of pi unging i t ; . duly appreciating, on the other hanu, the emtoent virr tues.or ,wmcn your, toiperiai ana rwyal ..Highness khas guen us so many prpofs,ahd ihe great services you have done us j I have resolved, with the consent and approbation uf my great .and faithful ally, the j. peroc and Ktog, upon ; ppomt- ng yonr Imperial & Royal High- ucss mv Lieutcnant-Gcneral, by .nc decree, which I have iust is- sued to trtiJoara or Goverument, md which is here, annexed ;. eh- . . - . treating vcu, rnnce, to transmit t to,thm,.and to accept ot this ap poiiitmcm,wnicn wiurestore peace to mv- mind. And so I prav God may ktep you, orotner, under nis holy . and worthy protcctiou. brlAKLtb. bayemne, Ma 4"; 18ufL Appoinuricnt of the Grand Duke of Berg to ihe h;2h dirnity of Licuteiiant xtne-j To tec $uja(jine (Loxrd of G&ctrnmcnt. ' HaVmg (Teemed it proper to jiyextrie same airecuon to an ine otce itfr Kin btn prirh & M evr tothe security o,f. the. property of inuiviauavL,"et to tne maintenance of tranquility ajgainst both internal and external foesr I havethought it royjduty, in order to attain that iibject, to appoint Xjeutenahtyge leral'of the Kingdom, iJUrfheloVed brother, the Qiar;d Duke of fie rg, jy ho, at me sa me time'.cotnmands the troops oi Jour aUyJtHe Emperor of the French.; T, '.V'Xf-'bl. " ' ' And therefore, vrp i cmrhanB' our:,-Sdpreec rCuncif p(;Cttlet and other councils, tHecMnc eHes auucnccsarj dom. thcCaataiis-rencral.G ecute anqcmorce the. execution of hjigrdefsVa bcirjgj puir will.as Ukwise thatj as liieutcnam-nrral otHe King uooi, nc.snau. .presiqe. over; ine Board of GovernraelatXett r i . ..... fc. "-r .W.- of Berg heute Aantgenerai of the kmguorrV, WrrH' Vjifeenal;. and royal highness having confirmed the members of all the tribunals in their respective places,, the coun- cil- has lssuel under the, same jdate , a royal 4eree enjomihhefim partial and Speedy aominiStyation ot justicie, and directing stamp pa per to bear the worJs, Government of the Lieutenant Greneral- of the Kingdom. . ; , The King; .the Prince ofMu rias,! and their highnesses Don Carlos and Don Antonio,. nave re no mice d the crown, and'theff right to. the sarriel is appears by thelfol lowipg documents : . ; .a. . ,iJ lrave tkpught it proper to.giVe rsy bcloWd subjeitshe last proof of my pa ternal love for them. Their happiness, the peace, prosperity; preservation, add integrity of tiie'dominvons whichDiitne Vfoa4eiice.: has? pu ndi&y, tovettr trie nt, have, bee; daring "iny xeigfi, the only objects f 6f rpjrlnceaaaitt solicit a Je. -Whatever dispositions andrtieasufes have been adepted: ever sineTny accession ta the throne of my ancestors, tended n that just end, norcould they tend to any other: t present, under the extraordinary cir cumstances hi which 1 have been placed and see myself, my conscience,' my ho-. iioUt and the 'fair name wtiich I leave to pos'ierity, imperiously ieuire foir me, that; the last act of my sovereignty shoula exclusively be directed to the'promstion of the same fend, namely, to the peace, prosperity, security and integrity of the monarchy, tlie throne which I relinquish, and to tne greatest happiness of my sub jects of both hemispheres , i- And accordingly, I have ceded to my ally and dear friend, the Emperor of the French, all my rights to Spain and the Indies, having stipulated that the crown of Spain and the Indies shall continue jn dependent ahd entire, such M it has been under my dominion ; aad likewise, that our holy religion is to, be not only, the es tablished religion, but the only one pro posed 'throughout the territories of this "monarchy. You are to Understahd it so, and comniunicate the saune to the other councils, to the tribunals of t(h kingdom, to the heads of the provinces, both rnili ary, civil and ecclesiastic, and to all the justices of my kihgdoin, that the last act of my aovereignty may ccmKr theltnow iedge of all Uirouf hour r&y Spanish and Indah dominions, and that you atid they may concur ir carrying into execution the dispositions of my delrfriend, the rh peror.Napoleh, whos a-m is tha.mam feuance of psice, friendship, and a union actwcea France and Spain, a'd 'We pre venting, of excesses andopularcbmmo tions,. t'ae effects of wluctv are invariably found to bt public calamities, the desola tier, oi tarr.iltes, ana tne nun or all : Grvcn at BajQiine in ihe Imperial Pa lace of Government, May 8, lbOS . ..,, ,. I. THE KING. 2j tie temptrarj ocn:arijjf mj Zvbn'cti cf Castiic, " ' Don Fernando, Prince b 'tis turi as, and the Infantes i. Carlos and T). Anto nio grateful for the love,, and constant fidelity which ali the Spaniards have dis played towards them, and deeply concern ed at seeing them, at present, a prey to confusion, . and . Consequently.- threatened with the 'greatest calamities j and well knowing that, vhh the greatest part of them, this originates in the.r gnerance both of the motives of the conduct of their highnesses upto, this moment; and of the plans which -have been devised, for : the happiness or the country, they conceive it to be their' duty to give them tbe'safu tary irfformattbn they stand in need of, not to impede their execution, anci at the same time, the'cTfearest probTof the love which. they bear them. They arc, therefore, under the neces sity of makiog known to themT that. the circumstances under which the Prince, af ter the abdication of the Ki g hiifaiher, assumed therein? of government, wheu many. proVintes of the kingdom, and' all thcr iroa'-ier towns', were- cCcuped-by a great niirnberof French troops, Vhd up i; wards oi o'jjW men ot; the same Jiauon were stationed.iu the capital and ts envi rpns that these cuco.RSJances anil Veve rl facts whxil could not be knowu) to othir psirs uis, convincedthewr hihnes&ea thai,; suoiiaed.wiUjidariger5, tliey:bad lytu (txiinae tbe C0UiSetWiVc!. 5hca5tt be actcnaed with the tw4Stev:ix n 'co.nse-: guetvceo f wb icK,". tfc ay.r6sbled poa i. tuigut for lybni; . ;'f:. lj. V.is Ko soontt had tht: Pfinc'e reached mut "townl Iha trerrViceTexDe found that xhtbf'grflMw'jic. tested against hrs )atcadoiri aerim to have been forced 'irojna him andas the Prince had 6phaJU belieydtr to hate j neea voluntary, when he.accepteatthe t (crown, hel was induc!"hlshlv that 'such; a protest eirSted, ad ahortly after his father icsiened it,: in hiil name and ih'that of his olVdynaitjl ittfayoi et -themperor of ih .Irrench, that -thfe latter conauhag 4fae ggl Vo.jrinatd priht sdetj Ah person and dyastyhji 4tv 'Iri ta:atateVirfrifia) ihdr fOYali yinos&cs iin nt9coiajuewion tye :Uiai ion. -iivh ichv t hejhdervt a'i jikewjsVah cih whic'Hiiialn .u hice Spain.1 ,ii UaH'iitfi:W-hcS: eveji atttrC;H.4ta iarwsin suort)ntAeim lV; M uc xatajr as jt wmuop arf at Ua&iysti&i and .of th upr.faica Amooll 'Hscacenngi crt :thwhccarrtti that tUe. respecitiTjtcr copcutrehCeiJccJ otibevt hignaesses taeec9eir: lights to-pthat JhrorVaawuiraaejby Fcree , appom tmflc j.the - G rand Du . Hutu .i v n j nc 5 ;ons.eque Ate, soar, rfea&lcsjfcuedi eien. private property. ir,d ,ww-; . uShe country, Which scutes for alpn,pettdof nme, nd in an infalu manner, ihepower and prosperity' 0f th! Spanish naiioti-theur Toyal ghi.esJ proot ot tberfjgenerosity, of the iZxeih bear the, Spaniards, and of the g atefui sense which they entertain of their ' ment, : by sacrificing, -.as fir as in them l esi their personal interest to their advan tages,.and, for this purpose, Idh-r-jig izl they have adnered, by ,a separate convea. Ition, ,tp the eessi&n of their rights to the throne, .In conseqaerice whertoi, Vhey release Jhe Spaniards' from all their oUu. gation tfl tWslrespett and exhort them to look to" ibie fCOmmon ihtereks of th court fry, keeping' quet; .and expecti their happiness from the Wise dip'ositj0ilg and potferjof theEmperor Nipale'an : by hir raUyisub'missiori to which, they w;il give.their Prince arid the two Infanre tni . strbngestjroofs of iheir loyalty, as their highnesses give (to thern of their pater" nal affecrion, by Vesignm j all their cliims" "and disregardiiig'rtheir own interests to make them happy which, is thconJy05, ject of their wishes. - r ,; V ,v ! I THE PKIKGE. :,.:' - ARLOiTOKIO, 'JBcur Msaux , May 4 r "" ; TRXttiliAJD, JUNE 27, , ;;lwo reyolutioas have tak-ri plage in Sjjain. since the 15th of Marih. ? pne preceded the abdU cation' of htrbld iing in favor cf the Prince of As turi as. Theothr the resignation of the Prince la iavor of the father and as they could notagree amopg thirfr?selve3f they wt.nt.to Bayonuc to submit their differences to the decision of Bonaparte, wko has laid violet hands" on the Whole fdrhiiy, indad ing the Prince of Pace and seve ral of the grandees, . and keeps them all prisoners. He has made the King appoint M urat Ueutenant general of. the kingdom. Muat is'in Madrid With 54,000 nun. The provinces have revelled a gainst their authority and agaicst the authority, of Charles pro claimed Ferdinand VII, the law fui king, and called upon all faith ful Spaniards to take up arms in defence of their religion and their country.. The supreme council of government is at SeyiileJ and in.. Andalusia alone 150,000 men are in arcis lt would ; appear they rise en massed o& massacre .all who do hoc wear , the cockade which the council has ordefedlhat every man.. ?hall wear. Wear& beiore now inpossfssioa of Ga'd'i and. the Spanish navy, which t-e council; have agreed to deliver Atbnirai Purtfis and GenSpencer,;whs expsditica. it now appears j was sect oui to fa vour the:Kirig emig'hoa to Mexico Six ErenchhigSioJjtlie line are also iri the inner harbour ; but they are in cprnplete j sbpardy, nora man darego;pri shore, apd Adm. PuTVis irin tlieir rear with. Vk ipTl Tfeplace of C0z, ' tor eold Gf oy erriorSoland to pieces on suspicion oi his being ti? ihe incriint ere st. 3 ; The Freich merchants : ajret all on board the rcncrishrpsj'ri4tfe o meain of saving their live is; to .stujenj der thmeJvurVlSte khey landed.they'vTould be hunJci like wtld'beasts h the peJp was; afte ot &tfam oan f3th;of Jdn One Mhd&$ry$et tdalitc Subscriber a RVsh- Z-OrT'--"-"jr. - i . x.'-.i-ta' -hallt1hi3ftto ftok an oldaaadIelariS pia?e-Wjwwvj, r; ar he;d mmMvi rsahscribe "I -V JL CO 1J.V . A . J?i 2tt; Chara- . .'riBi,rr:- tuition' "- - - 1 that tt ey too e wr, tr,em, .a hea'draiid his near Jhi8d,i"t-t"ev rwitthera trfeooca Swaosdown i

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