to and comirte a Torce, fcr r.. An a feather ttcne, tue uim the ccmrome acd smen of ihe Umttd Sat, Sint the Blxtiry r?o BE il tnactti by th: Sinatt and butt ej Hiprestn(ativft f tht Vtittl Stttzi tf.ivutitti CtngJt vttmhUl TbatWmvthbfUic.-ct; paiscci -the twenty fifth Uy of !rch,one thouwnd tight hundred and four, cMuled u An act forUjcr to prouct thccomipcfcc and seamen of the Uoitctl htaic, ainst tht Barbary poivew,? as is contained in the first section of the sid act, (nd tthicb rcmcxlnd coniii.ueU in force, for the time therein rnniion eJ cn act, entilukd 14 An act to rcvirc an3 contirrue in force, tor a further time, the Crst section of the act, entitled " An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United SUtcs, ugvint the Uar buy powers," passed the nineteenth day of Jftnuary, one. thousand ciht hundred andcightO ni1 lhc samc hereby is rcrived vl contmutd in force until the first day of January, one thdusard e'ght hundred id Un : Provided Aowcpct that the addition-' al outy laid by the said lection, shall be cpllecttd on al! such poods, wares and merchandise,, liable to pay the same, as shall hare Kn imported prtTioui to that t'ay; - v ; . Sttuirr tf 'd lut of lUprttenlXi ta, CtO. CLINTON. . Vice Pmic'cnt of tic United &taw mni ?rniiat tf tie Senate, Tiaaary 1U. llJO. APraoTir, . TH JtFFEUSO.y An ict for the rtiietof Aojstin Serry. 'T'J'E if "rJiaed hi the -Senate-end JD Hrsiecf Representatives ef the j U cited states oj Atntrtcafiu yonrcjj mssevibUdt Thai the ptopet account ing officers of the treurf be and hcy arc-hereby authorised to Settle the account of Auustin Serry, for merly a boatswain on board the U. States brig . Sophia ; and that they sdbw him the pay and emoJu .mentsof a butswain,' from the fif teenth day of October, one thtosand seven hundred and nihety-slx, Ontil the sixteenth day of February, one thousand seven hundnd and ninety-eight ; and that they pay the bal ance which may be found due to the aM Auustin rr", out of any nio nies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. J. B. VAKNUn, Stealer of ike Heme tf Kepretentallvcs. CEO. CLINTON, . Vice Hrtttdezt tie United Stater and IttiJrnt of the Senate. )axan 12, lbW. Appro vsd, Tj . JLFF&KSOH. j An act aothcrisirg payraentof certain rcnjKHisby ihe Sccreiar) oX Var at ib5 teat ofovtmnnett " . BE it enacted By ihe Senate and House of Representatives $f the Vr.iied States cf America in ilongrtf sscrfM:&, Trwt trcry pensi' ri or ar-rear-gc of pension that shall be due cx the taird dy of March, ope thbu- , eand eight hundred and nine, ofthzt may htreafitr become due- it aty ofnctr, or soldier residing in cither of the United States or the territories thrrcrJ, in which there has not been appointed an egent for the payment of pensions, shall-be paid al the atat of the j;oTcrfimem of the United States,, by the Secretary fur. th AVar rJepartmcnt, and the name of .the pensioner shall,. on his applica tion to thr Stcretaxy at War, be transferred from the books of the state in which it rx orrgmally'inrc-. r.istertd to a registtr to be opened for that purpose at the War OfBce of the United States. J. B VAKMimt; : ' Speoltr of tie IJt f tier.iduTet, STEPHEN H.URADLUV, Pruutrj f the Senate, froicmporei Jinvaj r, :b(J.-lArovD, THV JEFFERSON. An ACT for the r?hef of Andrew Joseph BE Tr enaCted by the Senate and se of Retresmtaiives of tht United States cf Amertia, iv Conf iss attrmitcd That there be paid to "Andrew Joseph Vtllafd. the silai'oL one thousand dollars, out ot any mo ney in the treasuty, net otherwise appropriated, for his 'extra semces andexp-ncc ia the mode cf mouuting -. -) rannnn Inr naitenes construction, for the use and benefit of the United States. , i ). b. vaknum; . Stealer the Haute of HepretentaUvee, STEPHEN K. Bit AD LEY, Prtident oftbe Senate prctempare. January 4th, IW9. Approved. TH t JEFFEV1SPN. ' AnACT- iaiheirthe time the next - , : 'mcethig of Coagresa. ; - BE i nkcf by ' the. Senate and House of Representative cf the Unitt d States ej America in Congress assembled, .Th4 '.after the aujourn-rnctit- of the present. . session, the next meeting of Congress on the fourth Monday of May-nex. . t J ' B. VaRNUM, ' Speal of the Uotue of Represexaxivct. . r GEO CLINTON, ' : Mce.iyeui&nt f the Unad Scaftt and . f President of the Senate, Tinaart 20th, IB09 Amoved, J 7 ' . TH . JEFFERSON. An Act for the relief of Esmond Beamoht. . BA il enacled'by the Senate ond: Huuf of Heirefentativ,st ef Mr. 6'mW States, ef America,; in Long t ess afsemblcd, .That Edmund tk-iimoot, 'now imprisoned in ihe State of - Connecticut, shall tic ai'd hereby is released and discharged from all cbim and demand of the United States to a' certain ju'Igrhtrti Ciir a peualty of four hundred doI lani recovered, with costs, at tfatir suit, before the district cou'tfor the district- tf Connecticut, holden at 2stw H-vcn, in the month of Au gust, eighteen hundred arid six ; sa ting and reserving nevertheless, the right and interest if any there De, which.belongs to any other person: J U. VAKJiU.M, Sealer tf tlx Haute qf. liefrttentativer: Pretifenttf the Senate Jrojemp tpurex TIL: jEFFERfON. fULlilvo ur wvoninuiuii, 53-Read and Ponder J ! J Extrtct of a Circular Letter cf Central WASHINGTON, to the GOVERNORS of the' KTrrarSTA TES, bearing date June 18. 178J .'.... u There are four things which I humblv conceive are essential to the vll being, I may venture to say the EX1S I ENCE of the United btates, as an Independent Power. 1st; - An indissoliikle. UNION of the States, Under, one Federal head. 44 2ndly. A sacred regard to puD" lie justice . . , : . Cdly. The adoption 01 a proper peace establishment, and, 1 ( l 4thly . -The prevalence of that pacific Scffiendlf disposition among the neoole of the U. Stales, wmcn will induce them to forget .their lo cal prejudices and polic ics to jnake those mutual concessions, uhich' arc rtcuisiie (b general prosperity, pd, in nme instances, to sacrifice their individual advantages to itie inter est of.the community , t. , Thtse are the. pillars on which the glorious fabnc of our independ ence and national character must be supixrted. L-.berty. is the basis, and whoever would dure to sap the firtin daTionpr .overturn trie structure, bin der whatever fpecious pretext, he may attempt it will ment the ter th execration and the severest pur nishmeni which can be inJUctcd py Aithouch it may. net be neces sary or proper' for me in. this plce to enu r m o a pariiciuar vjiaijuianiwn f the principles of the Union, pd to take un tHe creat question which has been frequently ogiUted,. whe ther it be expedient and; requisite for the btates to delegate a large proportion of porer to Congress, or not : yet' it will be a part' of my duty, and that ofjj:very true patriot, ,io as sertr. without reserve; and , to insist unothe foiiowlnff posi(fons.'! ; That I vinless tht,tates will suQef f Con- gress to erercisctnosc prerugauwes they, are undoubted jy vested. wth by Xbc QonstitutVonr every ; thing munt very rapidly, tend to anarchy and cottfusion ' That it is indispen- .aDic to me) nappines pt-iqe .moivi- l uat States lnat thtrc should! be Jcxlgtd, somewhere, a Supreme Pow- er,' ta regulate andgbyern "the 'gtrie-1 rai concerns 01 uc i-iiicuer4;eu ,j;r-nublic- fith6t. .v7nich "the Union cannot be-oring 'duration., That there muAt be a faithful aod pointed tance btate with t demands of . ' t IIP1 fatalfconsequ That syhatet Wi.h. ircst - considered as oitiK to irid let ur ) wwiwa. we can StatesliO participate of rence the.fruirof the revutwni. th essential' b;ueat;ofv civil soclyi under va form.of,.goyrn. mtft so freehand tintorrupted, so hafpily uariled agaiast the danger of bppres.ipni as has beefl, dtv.sed and adopted by th;s arUcMof Con-, ftderatton, it wUljbc a subject of re cret, that so much blood' and trea sure have-been lavished for no pur tSose ; that so many- sufferings. have L-n encountered wiihott a recom- iCy ana that 90 .many sacrifices h Uze.n madtr' ibi.viin. ;; Many ftthrr, considerations' might here be adduced to prove, that without, an entire" confo"nniy to the spirit if the Union, we. cannot esist as an inde pendent power. ..It will be sufficient for my purpoe:tamertion blivoAe or two,, which seem to mc'.of . the greatest importance. i is"oniy;.iu : our united character, ai an empire, that our independence js.aclinow. ledged, that our pover can be regard- -cd, or our creoit supported; among foreign nations. . The treaties of the European powers wilr? ,the Vqited btates of America,Wkave no va lidity on the-dWsolutfon of tthe bu nion. We shsJl be ieft.nearly in a state of nature i -brwe rnay.find by our own unlnpp experience,; that there ii a naiclrTOsjary ! progression Irotpfihe exlteme of an archy t the extserae oi iypi"jr and that Uraost e,a sity established rtfi thejwmji of li berty abused to lientoaneis' , . . Such ras the:Foicebf the orna ment of human Yature.of rue disin terested patriot,, of f the Genera! of r.rMiu .sour.d is xalcuiated to cover the ehemis of? iadisHolubkl union" with shame and ignominy, io unnerve theirtriatbrous aims, and (to form a rallying piint To every true patriot and lover. xA the iAdependencr: and ireedonof coulry. lNSURRECTfOH REBELLION, pjSSOLUTKfr ofthc UNION, 1 It must be I town to the public. betfin to be spoiirf of by certain peo- pie of lattr as piibable events..: Uut no judicious peiifjn need be) alarm ? id on thisV ac:&mU: There is no real danjref cof Ihetr taking place. JSo man who isr t,an ignorant fooly or an urincipli villain, or a com- oound ot both, laniemp:aic mu . . 1 . 1. stJte of thineb within the utmost hnnndc of urobsiilny. He. is a fiase Hhellcr of the hiqtt. Portion of the federal party in NAjv-Eggland woo says they e disposed to separate tlW Uj r4Ur than subroit to the laws : ,and,he mfiwH deceives him self. who imagines; thU the vorthJessr part of rtierfc have iU courage to at tempt such a project Villains are generally coords and tot-onein an hundred of he federal disorgan izersdare alters pt what, they might wish-.others td execute.:, As to. a; raivisjon of tlVetates,' we believe not drre tenth part, the pefapie 01 was sacbuset ts could be prevailed on to listen to the measure; , The firs,& indeed the only .consequence ols ? civil commo.ioo would be the rKs tmrtinn nf the F.ssex Junto and their ad herents, w hertVer the trial shoulo; 1 bfe made. The, vengeance vnc .i whom theiropobnents m action might spare from immolation.'. : .Jhc. abe i. n : ...xi nffiect, at 3 distance from . .scine ot U Wiglit'possibfyietff tarndFf thess of ifr earsi if ihe pobiie resentment, which they take uch incessant p cite, could be allayed so easily- .gj .curs or so icaKoiwMJ.-. ' I! and rcwcTcd & be J, r ingjr- f tne. couirytr fti ntloenctjhc minds. them Vri (eirrvsVup, for trjey i wiirVnly ihiurtbse6 feder,a- most prudent jnanatrement xts -elec- tioneermg' -measures they ctaoouly feaiq, the. lfedfcTalistrafew ote.: where they are.nr1 Cfwhleractetff But in'no rei'pectMs'tKeAinion fif jthe" 1 states to "be jeopardised bjr ahese, proceedings. rThe administration may, be -'dejjounted its : nieasures misrepresented and vilified, and e- venfa' change in clectio prqdupe "1 wiihout' infpaiiinertKe federal com- pact; in y t9XJy&&$- the lead iri opposition tothe usurpations- -or the general ; .adminbtratibn . by .remonstiinces peti tjons and piib I ic addresses. tr Njp vvrhland -itfu sed tbico-bperaf e With her.-: ' put her cause ;wasr just,' and prevailed- The obnoxious1 laws were' submitted to. with the exception ot a tnnin con vulsion itj Pennsylvania, which was suppressed as tliat of Shays was, all in M assachu setts would be ; th- people resorted to theiconstituwon aLmbde of redress, and v elected re presentatives .wfio removed tie ob jects of. dissalisfactioh. i.Tie oppbr 5ition.of;that day .were republicans, they conducted legally and.propeTly i iheic nrincibles and. their objects were RoodJ anil . laudable, and they. were cr.ovnea wuu suvcj, t opposition 'of the present day are combined with old Tories (ia promo ting the views of CreatrBritain m a rhntest with our covernment ; they act seditiously and illegally but their aim being so hosute, to the interest of the countrr. thv meet with the I'ninrobatKjntof the solid .part pfthe community; and Iheir" euorw yjll pe rewarded" with" the public execratiari . ' . ; ; . ' ' 1 ; -; - ; . . ana contempu - . or TpE riRXiNiA baftists to tee rRESIDENT, WITH HIS ANSWER.1' From the Baptist General Meeting of Cor respondence of Vuginiao the President ..or the Ujruted butes. : i,. - Sip. Actuated from pure motives as We believe' you are, about to re tire from public life, the applause of niS consmuents, iDuf mih relations, must be a pleasirgthing to a statesman. : We, as. ;a religious society, offer you, sir, our applause. We do k pordiallyi , Ypumay re ceive approbation from toiirces that are iriore conspicuous---but from nonef wes believe, that are more sin cere.: , Attached to arc hunch goverb ment of he freest, kind, we must be friends to him, r who is a'friendto' iherrclrtsjorconsQience. Many: say I iheyare trtenas to tnese, jignu J,we .believe them, because heyrsay . irv-- BuC from yoii we hvehettetCproofs;i fi rfc'e whole tenor qf;yotir: public lif exhibits undeniable evidence of your Oil Wavering TrifP.MsJP liberty. Your eenaie? aclmtt if, some bfhemwefear enerniesr fnr t hatv"vt-rv reason ; Th e heterb t igneous i unutti of chdrch and state wary never.congeniai ioouu piucipies -liut wnen weemernuer, .inairoii as tcv out principM dissiuidn; hieeypu h are ascla ed'the PresTfteii.ttal- ihairi.Kho' of no nieaitrfei pryW cbmpIetetyQaayo former un.e oj uppwnaraii.;.! tuc wholes then,oixTour;',puotic-Micr.wc inffunfiiendlysebtiments thetoChtw? tian rcuioi. Your con duct' evinced the contrary, Ana w it was better to answer them- by c tibnfitliarrhde as you pave Decn,. 10 a cwibiuci aui. I time.7 ;an declarations. , upon thdt "Christian 'systejrappearto-us, th weiTrsctbely :fimjne..ojj: aty, manV'wha is -williiig'tQ, restrain his jinlawAil anlitesV rrfltS."doc!rihe vkV1--! " ""o- -r' i 10. n, uoKuwt ' -" v V js as( xepugnao to.our feelnigs. ; fJSSWi s.;fyou imrhedijttclf wUhjn'ouf pmvinc; Igwus'Jywc wis, as cT hyioxpi&t oUr senlimeni. are. persuaded thar nothing ' pri you houai thlt fa&i Remedies' tabthcr jandworse. evils. ,- 11 we are -uj;umhwh , this,;we 'are teady?ib support! the; gf- vemment pt our cboicei In; stronger and mbre efficient, mesbrs- Some 4 nations. like -some iMiMTA respects- wisuonu iuicivj v -ttefflrto'-haBlacusiia the mo$$t ; efrgibfc Tponditioh Tn true esnrTeCy , -eviu;: but ive' beraKem;cbeerfuIly hopbthittheiftoyanyope justice only ''weh;xberced -ft.--: TVusJine in a Cod of JuMibewe 4 r not fear; theissUe Wje6nceistrug. glcd-forou , hem;, r -:' W' i Wire3 almost td. V man lavcra ble to that su'eccssor )Hio;ris; most :. . v likpiv' inr rireserve "the Spirit of Vthev jresenf idminisVatidrv. VVeVhope he may fall on more prbplubus times , nan.his preaeces5or,priii. ,., r be equally capable to avom ineu-c-vils. In ybur retire met:f from the bustles of ppbHc iilewe deVpuUX wiihvou eveVv blessincfetneisniiles of flea ven. the' approbation of a vit tubus mind, the auction 01, a; grate- ful people-' ; and iahataiter .manjr years of ralthdjhappiney grey haitrs may go aowirj y the grave. A$ ', j: v v Signed dV; oraer i "ic, "-pi" General Meeting of Correspencej of Virsirilaf in w hjchSr jcia-' tiontsiere represented by t ye legates " ; : V V- Ifi fc -" 1 - President; of the Sf-t . : ' y : :-r; R. " The above f address was icnt on, immediately after, its date, Te PresideSt's reply as also,; with out delay r committed! to the ,'mail but fhrouj fa (he: post office iildid pb fctfm'ei toahd until thth int ;Thisxpiains the rea- v f hcv were not nubiunea soontl: ' , R. SEiMPLE, V TfiE pBLESIDENT S Rli?LY IT3 ih a deneral Meeting of Correspond I enc0it tne aix gy?v.a-:-"w- presented; ar Chestertieta vinia I.CuanW youi fclloVctizens, vo'tfr. fafftttfenate i adclressn abd for re- ceive th satisfaction your appro batibnof my' mbtivesifbr retircmehu In feviewipg theistory of the times . through which we have - passed,;, no x portionv bf it gives greater satisfac tion, on reflection, than that which- presents the fTorts ot the friends, of freedom, and .the success fwith which they were browned.-- VVe.have solved, by tdir expimei, the great and interesting question,; whetb-er, freedom of religion Is com natible with order, in government, 8c obedience t6 ihe lavvs nd ptf e have? , experienced the quieas . well a the : comfdrt hich resets from -leaving , eyerV etopresfireelf tc openly ;v bsc! rinciplestnf f cligion whicli J endtfeemerus his owif rea- therserious onvicttori of his-; tdw n : enquiries U..-. w iMsaP source pf Sftx content. ha ver- nbtlimfc1 pnr eTor Yourselves. -r-5 which hewdlseilnrfr rewcIts, o", , J;Y -v-VXL t'j j hiehtbf rnef t ilern; tnacwe; mea- 4 1 wtps wratii yy- 4" i : chacteris femarklytheen ImW, wereifaitSta .0u-r Mmi: acksceiwMjfWil : Mm ciUdrirbf thitia iWft t rettionV althongri it may nDetnari.; : wiv.rydiyidi-t hrm j durdsi reSc7d lgti$d& Store &ay2 1 fl li fi - IV. -

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