r . . . i - - ' ... . ' , ' ' , v -"-' J" ji " .I r m-" "tii '-'-.- --.- : - ... - ,, , i-;? ....in " r rn :n' i'mt"w'" ' " ry'' m " l- ' v - .. 7 V ' - TruRSUAT. MXrch 9, 1809. , : i ' - - . 4- n ' ; No,494. , tu I 1 95p sait)arttp4 -7; iM BVW ... ST A Jt f'rStendiDg thctcm of aed.t n . :rt rrraifi casis. na tor tCCnuC irwiu" -, -- , , oner panxcy t , 1 1;- ; B' iru inacfa b 'tte Senate ana druse & Represent o; Unite i Stiiuc.jwrr 7' b.,nds giren, tubsdjucnt lo the. dale of theict U which ihU act u4a sup ple merit, for duties on coffee, suaiy pepper, indigo, Cocoa; and wmeiiay fni v,!,itrrftwcntY-thfee cents per fjiiion, and which rtraun unaiid. o for the wmc'aiticles which pay ar- mc hereafter i.r-ny ol tue'pons oi the United States, and;vlulst tne acC entitled An act hjing.ari cm tar on all fthi and vessels; in the ports, and harbor if,the Uttitcd Sutcs,M shaUtoninus in force, niay be suspended; subject ho. vevcrio all respects to the condition and provi sions nude andvrovi icd ia the act of the tenth or March, one thovud .rtht himared and ctkbt, to w.uch thU act is aMbotonent l ,Prov(icdA f That nothing herein cqutabiea su i f be construed to exCend to iniporta I ttons made In vessels dispatched u:i derpermbsiinS granted bf the Prer fiideiU of the United States tn pursu ance of powers io Mm vested bf the sevetUli section of the act, entitled An fCt in addition tq the actt en titled An act supplementary tothe act, entitled" An act laying i em birgo nn all ships and-vessels in. the, parts and harbors of the United Stitcs. . ' Sec 2. And be it further enicted, That iftnc a n juat of any ba-id ven far the paymeat of duties on the importation of coffee, suar, pepper, iadigo, cocoa be trino. pay to a dury of twenty-three cents per Rallon,marfe Jubsequent tQthe passBgc of the a:t to hicri this " a supplement, and act hate been catitlrd .fs an cxten-! slon of credit, shall hare been previ- ( cusly paid, the inoney so paid shall by the proper collector be refunded ; to the person. or persons wno snau hive paid the aarneor m nis,i ner. or their, aent or ajrxnu, on his or their ivjn.a bondwith sureties, in the same manner and on the same terms, conditHns And restrictions, and pn a "compliance of. the. jperson or persons recetvin the ind enc !rfTi.btfri.Utd. with all tne nrovi- sions of the act to vthich: tois s a suEplemxnu s. - , Speisr oftbs Ilutpf Rtpettttaicuu j lbu. i;urtio. Pice ftruSent V t$ United Suttt cnJ PrttUnt fft&e jSatate. Jzarjl2,lS7J .ArrROvaOt ' An set rcr JitiJingW ItJi2n Teiritory . ' into two teparatt government. , BE it enacted fw the. Senile end, ffjate Representatives the Ui:ed Sta'es cf America, in Can$refs cts'v.Hed, Thi romyad -after' the fi.st day of Mrch next, elt tnat pn of the Indiana territory wfiiah lies "rest pf the Vahash. river anda di rect line drawn from tha. sati;Va, bash river and Post Vincennes, cltfe north to the lerritoriat, line. between the United State j and Canada, slnll, fonhe purpose of temporary go?crn-mer.t,cwat-tute a teparate territory and bs ca:! 3 Illinois; . - Sec. 2. And leit ftirUcr enaBed, That there shall be established with, in the said territory agoverftrnenf:ia a'l respects similar;, to that provided by the crdicsriee of Congress pars ed o;i jhc thtrtcenttf day: of July; one t thousaad setcn - Kundrerl and eighty-seven, for the erothtntof the territory of tfcti UoiteStates, r.nr:hrKCu pf the river- Ohio ; . and h7 an act pssed on the seventh day ci Au-ust, one thou sahoT seven hun-t-red anJ eiKhly.nlncV entitled An ta Jto provide for the (fbvemrnent of the territory north-west of the ri-vcr.hiD-ami thejnhlbitaots titere oHb Ul be entitled-to, jmd cmoy all end singular the riglits.iprititeget and advantars, granted and secured to the-people of tht territory or the Um:ed States, north, west of the, rj vcr Ohb.by the said ocdiaance; , - t5ee. X, Artd be it arihe.enacte That the officers fur the said territo ry, who, by virtue pf ,thh act, shall be appointed by the President nf lhi vice and consent of the Senate, shall rcspeciiveiy cxc.rcic;tc'04u." era, peiiorm the samettuuuc? u receive .tor tneir crvicc vuw. --...w compenisationsas "by the ordinance aforesaid, and thc-lavrs of the United States, hve been provided and cs tablislied fir simVarlBcers ln the Indiana terrjtory. . Andthe au'tc aud emoluments of superihtendant ol Indian affaire siiall be united with those of jvernor '.-i Provided, That (he President of the Unicd atcs sfiall have full powcri m the tccc oT Congress, to appoint , and com mission i officers, herein Autho rised, aud tbetr commissions siialt continue in force tinitl the end of the next sKn ol Co igi ess. .. AeA 4. And be it further enctled, That so much of tne ordinance for the government of the tcrritoty of ne United States nortwcst.of . the pnio river, as relates to the organi ze ion of a general asserabiy there. hi. ttiid urcscribesthe powers there of, snaf be in force and operate in iue Illinois territory, whenever satis factory evideuce.shal: be given to the i;uYenior;ta5reot mat sucn is me mh of a;majortty of the freehold ers, not withstanding there may. not ;ctherein five-thousand free male inhabitants of the age of twenty-one years and upwards a Provided, Thx until there shall be hve thousand free male inhabitauK of twenty-one years and upwards in said territory, the whole number of representatives to tne general assembly shall not be less than ae ven, nor more than nine, to be apportioned by the governo. tr tne several couniies in the saia territory, agreeably to the number of free males of tne. age of twenty one years an.l upwards, which they may respectively coir ain",- . . ; Sec. 5-. And be it further enacted, rbrat nothing .in this net containeu shall be construed, sot as in any man ner io affect the .government now ii. orce iti the Imbana territory, further than to prohibit the exercise thereoi within the Illinois territory, frim nd after the aforesaid first, day of March next. Sec. 6. And l. it further enacted, That all son, process and proceed ings, which, on the first day of lafch nsxi, shall be pending in the court of any county which shall be included withm the said territory of lU;noi&, and also all suits, process tnd proceeding virhich, on the said first day of March -next, shall be pending in the general court of the Indiana territory, in consequence of any writ of remoyal; or order fr trial at bar, and which, had been rcf moved from. aojr. of. ths counties' In cluded mhitrthe limits of the tern t rry of Illinoja aforesaid; shall, in all things concerning the si,me,be pro ceeded pm'and judgments and de crees rendered thexcon, in the aarhe manner as If the said Indiana . terri tory hi4 remained undivided. 'Sec. 7 ArJ be it further.tnaBed Thau nothing m this act contain ed shail-be so construed as to pre vent the collection of taxes which may, on thefirst day of March next, oe due to inev inuidn cuiwijf u UndsJyintn the said territory of II- 1 bee. 8; Akd be it further enaCled, That until it shall be otherwise or- dercd by the legislature ot mc saiu Illinois territory; Kakaskia.on the Mississippi river shall be the seat of gover.nment-tir Uie saia imnais icr-i J j.b.varnum, 0 - "Speaker tfibt Ilue of Rep tHcniaiixu, J;; MILLfclDOC,, . - Pi esiJat cj y tbi' 1 Senate fro-ttnipcyc. Fefcruary J, M.-.If proved. Tit t JCf tH-HbUW. ESCAPED FROM JAIL. hrxTlIEUE & on the nighi 0 lio, wbahad $eirir commnted; oiv chtisa of ? ;lany to ihe " jjul of Person Cbuuty, brolce thererram, aid nave' uotVince.be I Ueinl ol. f hereby fiTer aj-revfard of On ihxidrti doUf,tor the tppehension aJ Securing ot -fte said tacni, ana twent)- Ave tar the ajprehcai nand scevrtnj o tne sad Fui to tharttfnr nay. be tiroui Leo Justice on tne chaises Ia.if. aa-Rtt ihe SI a.itu tt about L or; 22 ycxn 01 agf, fret-8 ar tt 1 ache hgip darklun, ira bIHr ees anL. d-sw u look. Fox is 4 i yers of ajc, aWatiS teet 6 or 7 t tisj, his a ttiirf vua0e',1ght bar.aiid btiit -yrs. - ' Wl MmSiACx , re. jul . ' ' .: Of tlx President oftlf Mated a; To Governor 'Tykt'a letter to him,enck sing the Address 01 tne vencrai n.iscraui vi a Vireinhi aUo hjs 'answer to the address. Sk I have duly received ydur favor of, the 1 1 t"b covering the rcsq- lutions 01 me .jcFvE?"y;5r Virginia on; Our. ioreigu reiauou and an Address to myself on m jr ap-- proaching'.retiremcjati and: i -asife leave, through' the same channelto return the enclosed Answer. o-. hingVcan give me . more smcere sitiifaction than this kmd'And lionor able testimony from the General As sembly of my native statea state tn which I have drawn my , first, and shall draw ray latest breath, and 10 which P retire with mexpresaiK pleasure. I am equally sensiop i rour goodnessjn the approving term in which you have made' this communication. 1 ne concur reuc of a veteran patriot, 'who, from the first dawn, of the revolution to this day, has pursued unchangeably the same honest course, cannoi out oc naitering to his fellow labourers. 1 pray you to accept the assurances ot my sincere esteem and respect. ; TH; JEFFERSON. His Excellency, Gov Tyler, rO rHGNERL AS5SMBLY OF vjrg$niaw' v: I , receive with peculiar serisibilty the affectionate address ot the be heral Assembly of my native state, on my approaching retirement from the olnce with which I have been honor ed by the nation at large. Having been one ofSthose wtio entered into public life at the cummencement of an xra the most extraordinary which the" history' of man has ever yet pre sented to his contemplation, I' claim nothing more for the part I "Hay tcted In it, than a Common merit of laving', with others faithfully endea v ired to do my duty in the several ttatious. allotted rtSe. ' In the mea .ires which you are particularly leased to approve, I have been aid led by the:.wisdom and patriotism .if-! the natibnar Jegislaturc, and the arttie and taJerits of the able co-ad-jurors with whom it has been my happiness to be, associated, and to vhose valuable 'and faithful services I with pleasure and gratitude bear witness Jc . - ' ;. t From te'monlent that, ta - pre-4 serve our rights, a change j of go vmment I jfcciroe,r ' necessary, no dMibt could be entertained that. a re publican form was moconsorfanf with reason, with right, with t he free- dbni of mah, and with.the character t and situation of'-ou fellow-citizens. To the sincere epirit. of republicanism are naturally associated the love ot country,. qevmton , 10 its iiDcii.ii3 rights and its' honor.' Our prefer- ence of that fotmrof government has been, so tarusimea dviusw? cess,' and the jprosperity with Tirhich it has' blessed ui. - In no'porfion of the earth were rilefiberty aod pro perty- ever jsn securely held ; and it ts'With ipffdite satisfaction that, with F drawing fom tjitj active sceneis of life, I see the iacfed deposit f theie blessings committed to tnose 'Wno ares sensible ot-their yaiue, anu ue tefmiped to dcfencljthqmt :.r'i It would have, been a" irreat'con'sb- Jation to have left'the. nation; sunder; l.t he assurance 01 a conunucu pcu.ee- Nothinir has been spared to effect it : . and ar jio othcrl period of.-.his-. tory would stiClv efforts -haTefatlcd "mj e.ure iti ;KoV neithej belligereni rnrettfiuls td hav been injured by us, ljf,cdn say inaiweiiavecin&uy in ?tance dqiarted from the tost; faith fufneutraUty:;: and certainly none will charge dsvfith avfant of for bearance. t ... . -i. -'V; " Iq the desire of pace, t3nt jn full .confidence ot safety from our.ynity, lourpdsitWaml our esouvces,lhaIf retire In to t herrbooajijof ijrny' at vye Utate, - endeared" ro' ine Jiy every; tie 4 f t hich; can attach tmxn;heart.. The aVsurances"pf your atipxWtioiriM nt in mv future .hauDinesvrs and Vhat the- supreme. iuIer ;of- the - uni verse may hare-: dor wjntry under ni s i sieci al : caret will ; bet a hiong the atestbf rnpratersw-v''; , H!?X :l I''TU 4 JEFFERSON- OF TrfE METHODIStS TO MR. JEFjt BON, WtTH HIS ANSWER. TOgTHOKf 'jEFFEHSON,r :ssienhUi: States. ;S Sir-As you are aBotitiVofuntanTy taesin the important (ielm of the itiion' and from -your eieyated, tho' eViticil situation, dscend-tb the dife- itity ,pf a private cittzenwe thought iv a uuiy incumotDEon us loexpress the high Qpinlon We.entertaih of tjie valuable services yoii have rendered toovirfcbuntty. , ; r'V ' VVeHveriolorbypurenemiejoa the com mencement of your tesi- ilentiaf career thar" yoar prioclnles uance evealed religion that ' w.e might burn our .bibles, for the floix!! jl . r : a . . .- . 11 1 t A i art oi- junueuiy. wouiu us ppenu upeft thefolldVerSvof Emanuel, and t-eligion would bebamhed lrom the states'rOf Ithk Unioji hut ve , :tre happy and Thankful that'it is in our povv?r to " say, ' that so -far from, its having beep. the case- we satitinder oji'r' vine. and our .fi-tree,' wbfsfiij) ping :-GodY'agree ably to the dictate! of our own conscience none making us atraia :ana lurtner, our societies, m genera, vllTrqughout "the ! Union, have experienced an astonishing in crease, and 'thousands hafve turned from the error of their ways to seek nappiness in the God of their salva tion. '.:r:i 'Agreeably to the precepts of oiir holy rel.giori, we try?as much as Ueth in us,ttbj'eaceablylth aU men, and thatVe pay securan lio, ;est Uveiilibod 'foouf'espectiy4-:' miLiet without coveting the property or-infringing :. the 'rights of our fellow-citizens, we corice i ve i t to lie ou?fdul ' "attend AVitn boristahulti-dustVy- tdTorr respective'" avocations, : notwithstanding this, vre are Convin ced that the "important gift of rea son was not fm parted to us without qauseV therrefore we read, retlect and examine "- for ourselves, in. most cases which involve the happiness and. peace of ourselves, our families nd our country : it is from hence ,ve are enabled to' state, that when our national funds "wprtf exhausting. ur debts and taxes were rapidly irt- ortftising by ,the aiistakeh policy of-a rormer admimsirauon : when our aeameh'vrere murdered and bur naV fbbal 'fiag insulted within the pre ciricis ot our own jurisdiction -when restless,; ambitious .and infuriated, men, io accomplish their .own- viewsf aTed ifermcntatien. in th'ewest, so as to decoy our thoughtless youth and some of - pur sageitizens from the line ofprudenee and? the path of duty Uvheh the liorrprsjof a biobdy war. had inundaud Eumpe, and the wide spreading stoVm threatened buj .&untryvf4w--'w'lh painful solici- ftu'de.the important task fm posed on yoUfrwe admired the vvisdomrCool- ness and prudence ol your conduct, and are' 'fully- persuaded Mhai ' the measures recommended by you and pdoptedbythe ieg'lature,f4ve aa- tonishea anoy con lountjen ine Testiess governors of Europe and saved your Jj . -JN.ot iiaing naa .tne auvan'Oge 01 ilbe rat education, and 4 being sta tioned in tlnfe mor lowlyisrents bf utexie have nbthtijif tb-pmrnend; hUs xa Jour notice but the prightnsi tbf-ooJr-' hftentioh ; Aliis-.vfiemg; ihei lease, we ardfujly 'cyihced Hia0u j vy i 11 no I :- espisc fheday vbaina 1 ! hnwvpi, out accent tma. numoie tn- bf gratitude in the-way it1 is in d and it :rs73iot wish ttf littrude upon! jrluable timei'; bc cauie; weightie&atte irrcEs your " retention, theft fore cqrfclude by pbservrngjiy ith an apostle .suph ' we'hav vve gi ve UntoCyo -'j rSmf the God.oall grace a&sisand 'sutopoft, your, last ".public effbrfcbV: vtjwrSvisdhira'n "idenK.tadi3pel tilt:. -1 .vj- xtrtJtdt ir-Ir . -1 itecuncr m our 3)oiuicat nori2D-may. ;desceBd witfx: vbti tbaieefut -mid; habpjJ .relirenientf rhererV nay,aia oy- yourunaisyour suv;- :tssor. m te nd xn you have , ifdsekiwir cbuJwejn this flucttja- f. fctpg.' lifef marj you, be safely otn- ttnmeu u inc ooaotnv giv.uwvwt. 'where jttie vricked ccaseTipm lrou bling an&th&Sy.eafry are at rest,' oigneo 111 ucaan 01 me apcieiy.Qi me , Methodise f;Bpistopal ' ChtirchTot -5Ht)sbu.rg, Pennsylvania, Kovem bci26At ios: ... . .,A j-tr , ;JOHNAVRENSALI-, ft , Scrcctary and 'Local Deacon .V? ROBTMMiLHI WY, Sen. . ; . . . 1 Seriror tfteivaril bf the Society, "r - vndtfas. Leader kir ' ' THOMAS OOFiiK, Jan. , , . . i -V Ccw deader 'I PRESIDENTS ANSWEH K To the SpcTety f the lethodjst Church at ( . " Pittbbifcg, Pinnsylyarua, 'T "J - 0; m3JcA4ndebted, fellbwHciti 2ensfoVyb friendly add resabf Novefiber 29, and grarified bV this exoVelsioH", of; personal regard ' to my sei u - i tuvjng ,ever , pee-n ark , adT Vocate for tHe freerlox of Jrftligibus opinion and .exercise, from, riQ. jpet son ce hai nly v as an abri dgeme tiCoj thesejsacred rights jo.be' apprelient ed les;than from myselfiJn jus tice 'to anexccirent t fconstrtution it ought tb'l5e xbserved that.tt has nojk placed QUFreHgt(us 'lightsi unfler ie power of aoy ubljqjunctionaryl The 'p'pver J Hhere forewas wanting, not less thah ihe will, to Injure tHese K The times 'in Avhicji. we live, fel-low-citixens, are rndeed-Umes of .trod. ble rx,such s-tio age has yet ' sen or perHapsViU eYer see'agains ''"Xo avoid te(r 'calumnious inSue'rice has. ' r een our duly and endeavor, and tO effect itf reat sacrifices have been necessary;',' They .have" seen ihat " . . these' necessities' wer forced by thg wroi.gs ot'Otht rs and they haye met dsvith tjjeieal wiiich ihe crisis calfe4 forf yV hat course we are' finaljy td . iake'f cannot I yet ,be ;foreseen - but J reading, erefiectirig and - examining ipr yourselves .you win nna your, public .uhctiouaries, recording to the besi of teirjudgments, uiitctifg yobr, affairs, without passiori or par tfality, with av sirigle view tb youft rights;and best ihtcresuAnd it idf the .apnrbbatiqn of .those who4 thus feadj reflect and examine, for tieni, selves .wiiichi i&- truly condoling tiK the persons 'chardwiib the gUidi ince of VOur affairs.? For that Dora rtion of yourSappfobatibn. which y&ti etie pleased to bestow on rhy conduct, Xam" truly thatifulnd offer, niy sincere prayers for, your vvelfare 'an a 'happy iasiie to our; country frora tnediffic ultits imbendhig over UtVj J :.;.-Ttt : jEFFJgRSON.! Washington jDed-. 93809.'. v- , , - "tEE Trustees of the felizabeth ..' Ta4W Acadeniy wish to eApyel gymah ' or' disdnguishe3abifrtasas Principal Teachrtve p?fessioal fieri if ices. 111 all .Jrobijj.wdree wtBL ijespectful aiidlbaf cdaagement yVbyf comrhtioication 'oii the' subject wUl e duly attended t&f . By 'orderJof (the Board i 8 ' ' ti JvWRIGHTi Sec'ry .f rnrri n im r tfaving beeri ppbrntej4 .Attorney ' in fact by the iurvivjpgpartner otnc late firm of J.& J. Fairesof Chadotte,' Meckkabufg couiiy;:I hope. that aU. whoi 1 1 are indebtedtoiald Una wdl cdnift forward auu TiiaiiesecTscmeTO wixooui ueiay4 astis is desirable that the business Should jb clbapit'those wlo.do not thmk projier 1 to atteridothia jotjc plcaied should they havtf td setde agreeable to law. rY 1 " ; '"f H. &l bUtilTON.J" . 7 JST. B: Tshalf attend tM coam of Mont-'" gornery', Anson,' Meeleiibia'Ro.Wan;:ad Iredell, at otfier lirAesand ihall geheirailyf be ttf: Oftartotr for the prpose"oi attehtU s SHERIFF'S SAJLEJ r ik&tfrvrt:borse biliuncD&ibe Cixj) tn" " rSaturdajf tbcbvf March next, 4 S' O.'nwcb of-the .tbU6ying.VI"raai ' 5aflsVft satiity the'axes. due fhereofCalrul eapeite e attvertislji yiii 55bii"eresgivn in by Joau Evinsv ' ; -50a do-; dof,r!VV George hn-hant. 260 do'r i6 do' do" aow'a Step v. , ! - . loO- do4" cfo ;;b 4Vib"aTTi Ctda-. . IW do 300 do 50db 4 do i2ya do1 , j20.do ' luJ do- - ? 30d d 240 db' do do' V bVLAVidiam Sentc do-' do'' tk to ri' do do do do : ,".b&ge R usseil M ! . ; bf StepuiirtJabojL ; 'by;iiic tghtofrftL i v by lticiiard M&tingy . byaiaiilpViiiduie ; itimAp$4ji m il t by .'bdtanatrayif i ; i r H r VsVl i! 1.. 1 Ml United u:es, by and ?ith the ad-. Feb;l6,l5W) 1 JOHN LOHGIHESf Bkij : 1 c r - - -.

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