RALE1 GH AND 4 North-Carolina State Ourt are the plan of fair deH htfVt Peace, Unwarp'd by party ratje, to live like Brother!. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1S10. No. do IS. b 1,5 1 s 9 Gazette. - .-1 FEMALE EDUCATION, r arc ULY to ti.e Ku'fS cf this Ft3. . . A V. h .nt, m thr fir.. , j r .-VKC'a'Ue Ausvntc I rJcr Ov- t?Z " i--cd. Mr. N.cw,v n, b'e I' ' tlx rttrc Ac .demy in thi5pl.it. Gen . - j ! . f .ish i,u.hfd l':tenr rt-put i iis ,' ... .. ,c.3nn-cifl vi:ri 'he School, wa ' rd ' ,fr 4'c- afr dcrs rriiJin a' a j wr-e -centfJ from aticnJm b the ir. . of i-f wvather Tre r " w si,r, 'n Exams nar..in nf I , rClj jrs m Spcl.i-g and Kead-.f-K. art! iu- f ti advanced in ii!.-h Grar.im .r , , yAt re, U , t r kPr.d djy. thr higher Clas-r rc d 4-:- ,M b'j:-' vere, ad .v i n-.t 4ftj .rJ o tt.e liiittir l r. b rl, . , , ; J, the I" r cf he G- ;$. tui I . :t J Siemens at r Vnri (rc:, :.r.s "t three V u g I.aii- s, Mis 5 iivtt, M W'..iv ai.d li C Io ( " x it .v-d. a d 'hf Ltercs-s t';e div .. . . J j a hanj e a-d "p Si v ! ' V -a-v; L- i s ty Mr. a U , -v in yr.-aJf ft .!nst-l a. -J ihe "o.-t.-.j r, x - v . . I i . . ir. it r . Uv Ik. .) .1 f I ft a Mu Ah x : V . i e n t Mr , . i- 4, M r. it Ch. 1 '"' . d .,Vl . . .t-A-a u.'V s f.co .S r.u ti an: j ,f ,;, t n.it pr. giess i. Drawi .. a l Pi v r. ; I iv 'ic i bi rd anu m.i v- 1 1 Lke j ; rvjA on ol te C rrpar. L:.C'-"-fa?i ih) t. c ju.ee wht: a has a-tr.H. tj r.e ci tr'i riiJ. avt rs t hrnve t r.is s-l.--. i. J lo:iaai iiil.or-.i i r. l'u hit ;;),.! . I, re-c r-.rnc wc on :i.c St!, i t J . tta'. u J r-iitiaT.. itipcn .enda're ijiur.- i "duii .1, I). awing and iVm.-'.; I)- ixTi lM,"..r, andrr ti.f d ta i n oi Mi l-.x ciit L Vt.Uer. v. hoc C ac i v. y d well kiivn to icqu.rt i .. c r.T.en: To ir.t r xv. u have been plc.vc l to encnu n;t t i lib. u'in, ne tn.u rs nii tatrtal l. . r.ti ts, with an a i,rin . ihat tlu c tt T.iitcJ Cirt and i'tert.on which have hi titiiu Ixrn totowed, shall cocan.ui. undiTii t.vea. Tr.e na-.y advan irs rtcuh.ng ftom th-nr te:n tt y I rned into t-laises, induce h m to r. ;.Tit 0. iKiinei to j. ace their Onldrf c. u ii;r los dir.c.ion, to let the rn at. tf '. iiijvai- j. 3.o: a:cr there c nr.t ;.c r i J l.n "v:i J- Ii-r i ot Hoard ?c T"'tiOn in th- vri j .-( dMiKN eic ptet) ijj jx i a" i um Lad rr.jit k lur:. shed wi r. a i ..;$, Co-.r.irpai'e, blanket am! atU. Th; r 'yv'n TV,::-"noma's arc autcxe t t'.? !V jt .v-fi ct i a i nav ix ii.tl n-.' t trc.-i. t c Institui yjt : H. t- : j-s e.t by Mr. M oJ cai to a' S 1' v iu;'"-:i of tn' Vou I.aitw f.r . u..di. r ms tiiri-cucn lor s me c nni i. . Jo ;. "t. I at tr.dcd a: the tirre -pt-'n,..-.i. J. i c rr v s'- ncd m sc., r heard 'hi r l . 1 c. -r t .r-.i.r in the tr ct rr.ai ner, the n'C i,,rs, .n l.r,i5ti tf ra- n .it, 1 1 itt jr . O ;ri; .1. a aJ the Uu" ol the tiioiKj, i;c- t " t a-.c t j .. Irarains; t ) h ve c -tn t ti tj a. ; U the .ox.. s r- 1 ui las. 4 r? .f ; au tv, ;..cc !iat t ; ic, as not aiatrd ir. t.-c ifi.i, h..t i -he .u itiarv fc .-re .'ft or iji.ni aye Ixtn rmd by the Yu .; f J, t) i'.i n ;tj a. trrmrtt ihitrticl la- ft. -a n th- a tit u m tlraicties ot Sornrv to f. cw. : c Lav j'd tht-r a ien in, and n cir ti:ftirjf s ie Uci cr.wned wil'i uncommon wi-es . 1 f .k I uuld nciratt lr ni he in-- "i t Mr. M illegal and r,i Awstants. eie i toutcan- hat the utmost j. a. n hav-. ixen tjca by tficO III Co -.VC.i. Ihc m St ptni. t:;.j uvtul nstruc oi, to i heir lJupd, in the , l-it a a cas e t :ianticr, and in jus ice to ' I;, tucicrs aid l'u,i ismu.i ajy. ti.n I nc. t r. lwc lip Jul an tianonatiuii which .u . jo ran, '. t c oi.. s V MLilI. NICHOLSON - .rt ; f cit vi'.o .vre pterrn? tturlng lv? L: L.xa , ntu.r. t .Mr M rdec.u's Tu r"' ,.!..- jrc dec ate. that then per f.n J7':?, rac-tJcl iht.t m. it sa t;um expt-cta. ' ll.e rrat'i'-.cka and crr coh ss ol t'.: ?: iiv.,1 u in ise rnja?td in th d ti- " o otimrrar, ins oiy ami vaeo it ... tatr c sctral qhestir ni .u? to th-rm M and cl re Ex.. to nation, cvi- - f'yi.-i.r,A!,f ?p, I c aiicu en tScir I a, iv.l as ;reit asfOua ai d attcnt.on on --;-Utftlr:r it. the it. KOB r. COCHRW, minuet i LLLls G. lil.AK... Ite,tJj. WILL HUN T. Crrn.r Ctf NlCHUl.sON. H.rren. JviuN l l.L, K'.t o it t: vt tr i WM. UUtrlN. f Hi 3. Gu'JstEH J ll'tirrentnn 36-3; V.ALUAIJLK xeguoes i OH SALE. 1 HF' a: the late dw-Hirr hevr trkc. Oet-'d. rn I-.itrll n lj.ari.l.v ik. l . . " n IhTn C- o .Tv U rn btOK... s. itS'iu 'tf it, r ' . ' t A. li'ii t" ,jt r nieral ilssrmbljj DEBATE. Fridav, December 15. Th? HiM to provulc iov t!ie KtMletnption of the J'jptT' tin'.". dr:viitf il in the Ban!; -f Newbern and C-IVir, and to regu late thr and Hanks, i'-in, on its cc'.d Trading in the House l i;jinm'm Mr. W . W. losi-.s w shed to ptijposc in amendmeot whirh he thought, and which he hoped the H Mise would thin'v imp rant; and, fromitsimpoitai.ee, he I . a 1111 t,.,p tl tne would stispenu mcir jun- , m.nts upon it, uivil ie naci oiicrcu nis i ns iu its su'i:i'i t. lit hdd to re- retinal he h.i not a fcrfbet kno.vler!o;e ' f thr Mioj.' t ; but he trussed he was miTi ien'.iy well acquainted with i't to be i )ic o .J'e uch leasona in f .vour of j i. nv io. -5 w-.uld induct he lloust. to ; 1 oncu' w it f i h'tn in opinion, llii mo ! t on was. to s'uke oir s j much of the - t 3 . 5-h ai.d t, it c ; io..s ol the , ii.ll . i U'd'othr ii nkot Cpe Feu.' In order to tn.i )le the llo'isr to coint a corrfci unsion on tr.is tiurbM ui, . Mr. J. wished o call their ai.Lii'.ion to he v iiia'ion ol i h .tih'c tt I n e toe : r cstii'dishinv; th seJi.fik wvic j-..,sa- : rd. At til l tlllt' perv fl- poCi,IU 1 U"p;T stuns of ni.mei, had it in tin ir ier t do i;aoH r to do ev.l. Men j ; s-i'-nv; alTluen-'e were ot iicrullv of a ' Tanpini; disposition. Thebc peisoosi n (! it in tht i' iMwer,'nnt onlv 'odepiivc he poyr and needy w!io applied to th-m ; tor ' li f. of a part '1 their propr rty, j 'nit, lv txoilmant interest and small; i -.u "ctC-: e loans, to deptne thttn ot the 'hK- id h-r property. Yc well; (kti )v, said he, tiut men wno arc cm . '.at tasked in 'heir cir. uirtancei will o tmfe to b 'rrow tuon. y at tti cnor 'tious intcr.s'. until ihi ir sitiiations be jcme d iprrate, anil this disposi ion is 'r j i n Iv encouiuped by those who have money to lend in this W3y, until hty ict the property of men, which I - . . I.-..-.. I . u . r-. .C infl.iflrrir II. I, liat lllCIII d IIIET UI IIIIIU3U J IU protur-. This sitratnm ol liiin? seem ed to call for a hank e 'a'lii hmem. and the l.eislatore thought proper to pass h- I ws whii h irirc tht lijt.ks in tiues- i- n itcncc. A I! who c h'se to su!j- rib f -r sh .re- in them dul so, and the il r.ks vent m'n npeiation ; and no on i was it seen h t niotu V'( oidd be !t in tl Irotn them at common in'erest, lia: ihtre nav a and cry aaint nrm f'onithe capit thsts who had here i T-Tt hitn in the huhit of chai in 25 tad .'0 p rcetr. f r their money. i he H tik. by ih. ir chjrter, re limited to m per cent, on their loai'S, which jniav be obt niud, not only by tht rich, 'np bv nun in m tilt. rate circumstances j nd :w)d c .trader. l.tt us tinjuire, , :id he, v hethe th. se ii tiks iiave act i tl up to tin ir ch u '.er. 1 le wjuld speak j dont of tlu- Hank of Ujpe-Fear, beciuie of that he h .d Notnt knowledge. It a man wants relief frotn this Hank, be his circumstances what they may, ifi iie b inj-s ser.tintv, h will be uccommo- lated. lie had hem inlormed by 'hv.se ; well ir(jiainted with the transactions of; his Hank, and on whom he h;d perfect ' r-.-'ianre for he was hune!f neiihet a Diitctot n.-raS orkh' Id i) that tht Di - re. lots always pr f.rred ih bonds of M M.c.h persons for act om mo !atitn .s hey i I ' !t!i v d stivtl in most n-cd of the mo- ; nev, whe c tin -eruri' v was one xccpu ; onable. N m n i-uld s ate an ins.ance of improper p.itiairy in the diction lllcir papci, and at the same dme that ; of his Il k nd-echlh Dir. c r, are j , hcy h.,( sulTered thtir Notes to :e de .men . f he high st und!ng, and ot t he j preciated, t hay had a so depreciated our 'greatest pnnctu dity an.l imeirtity. If!jj)aper money. He did not put much ( there be any fault in them, it is that j j rii(u ;n the generosi y of Rnks, he had I liny art too . ireumspect. The law es- no tp)n.n whenever th. y loaned their pa jtihlishinir the Rank permits hem to j pt.rj lhcy took CJirc to "nave good sec u- "' o e ii ui. n ucposi s a. wen u-. i theircapital : but he h.-rf been told by.ij acquainted with hanks and their jone of the Directors appointed by the IS ate a man wh- s veiacity no one i u!d doubt hit this Rmkihas nevtr et issued Notts to the amount of hrcc j times their capital, nd therefore not e (! llaroi .my deposit,. ne could not h lp remarking to th- honour of this ; Lstabbshmen , that when a consul ra - hie portion of the town - f W Inn gtoo j was destmye'd by fir , it he. I out a I h- Iping hand to die dis essetl sulfeters. : Such as had not money to lebuild their houses, wete accmtnio latrd a' th Rank .on tnoitgaing thei- lots. m Men almost uduced to be.rafi. with nothing, per n ip, but th lo tin w hich th ir Ivni e stjo!, v r-t bv the ft itntil; a .d lihr-ial , aitl ot tht R .nk. aain raised to comfort , and coasemjence. Follovv the Directors of this Bank to thtrlrofTi csof Di coiii.t. It will br found that 'ititi of the firs character for im puru.'li'y, uprri;htnt's and intcirity are appointed to m.mar tht.m. T.ie conse quence has been, that in these odnces, as well as in the principal Hank, men having the r;rcatet wjnt of money have a wuys h (1 n preference in accommoda te n, vh -e t'.ieir securities were suffi cient. This, said Mr, J. is a course of conduct that must meet the apprnba- i lion, ivit only of this L egislature) but of every Vine-st man. - i V f itL us eiuiuire, Saul .j, wnac are lh imUlCt; ,Ilcnts lor the Leqislatute to . - He n,M it to be the duty of the house, before they pro ceed d to lav a t.x on this cm pora ion, ! t'l eniju re whether its stockholders de rived fiom it any ireat and peculiar ad vantages ; u cause they would not im po'ie a tax vrhich was not founded on rea son and jti ice. idiis Ji uk, sa.d he, di vides f tily 8 p rent, whir li proves with what can ion 'h y have conducted their business. And so -no-'crate an income does n )t pr. sent a fit object for taxation a-, tljrre is scare, ly any man who does ii'.i make more that; this by his money. The next "bject of the bill seems to t to lav some restrictions on the Di sui h law be passetJ, the-house ouht to know on v hat irr und these res riuion are made. 1 it because the Directors h ive -iCted impi cperly h .-cause thev have mad too lare emissions ol then N tr s ? N S'ic'n pi"cf is bef r. the hou e. Independent of our having n rtliL to impose any other restrictions than are cont ined m its charter, why should we lay restr clions to prevent possible at)uses ? He knew nothing, ol the rnj steries ot Harikm. All hisknow ledie on the subject w is derived from liv.nj at the seat of the Bank of which iie -p .ke. Mr. J concluded with siying, he was' not disposed uniu ce'isunly to consunn the tinv of the house, He hoped a ma jority of the house w-.uld aree w'nh him to vnke out of 'he bill th se parts ol the sections which he hid named, that hail relation to the liank t f Cape Feor. He did not mean by tlrs motion to in duce a belief that tiit Dueciois of the ! liank of Newbern had acted improper- j j y. lit h.d no knowledge of that insti- itution, hut he had no reason t) doubt j ! but they had acted as correctly as t he I Direc ors of ihe Rank of Cape-Fear ; hut he w ished not to speak of that which did no come within his kn ovlcde. The Directors of the liank of Cape lar, he knew to be men wno could not act o-therwi-e than uprightly, and theref te lle wished to have their institution ex cep'ed from the operation of this bill. Mr. Dpkw sid it grieved him much to'disagiee w i.h his friend f om Wi -niinton ; but he could not consent to make so insidious a distinction between the two Ranks, though he w;.s constrain ed to s y that he had not heard so much complaint ag in st the Cape Fear as a gainst the Newbern Rank , but. per haps this might have been owing to Ins being more immediately within tile vor tex of the Newbern institution. Mr. 1). wished Uo accord to the Di- rec,ors Gc rjape Fear Rank due praise for iUc accommodation aff-rded in the rase of the fire ot Wilmington, though ht. na(j linl tJt.f,)re heard of it. All that )e h t(j heard -f these Ranks was, that ,uP.. had nvf-rwh, imed ihr conntrv with nt or pnncipil and interest, tic vv s ! Directors, and believed they were gene I rally avaricious. He was for making j no distinction between these Ranks, j i'hey were linked together and must I share the same fa.'e. He was sorry the i J present motion had been made because ; he had intended to have rtserved what he had to say on the subject, until the (juestion on the bill came fully before tue li ise. It was said, that Banks are of great s rvice to ;he conimuv.i y. He acknow ledged they were, when properly, con ducted ; iaiit the reverse when badly nan ged. These Ranks refuse to pay old or si'Ver f heir notes ; they of r.r in ex iii lire for them the most r.- get. ot our aper currency only. Yet ; tuey continue to isus their notes in ; . large quantities. The consequence is, ; that they are gi ea ly deprecia e with i them our State currency, whi h, before I these Notes were pur into circulation, were always as good as gold or 'silver. ; ! He held in his hand ii Petersburg pape-, ; in winch was a Price Current, and j North-Carolina Bank Notes and Cur rency are s id to be at from 7 to S per ! cent, b low par. This is a discredit to the S ate, and he wished to rerhove the evil. But the g p. Ionian from Wilmihg- j ton stated, that the Rank id Ca'oe Feir ; I nvi led only 8 per cent. This he ac j j knowleded .was moderate when com pared vvith the enormous dividend of 15 per cent paid by the Newbe rn Bank,-' whose capital is 50 per cent ies- than that of C.'pe Fear, Rut 8 per cent,, is large interests T ie Virginia Rank, whose stockr is a million of dollars, di vides 6 per cent. only. The gentl-jTian says he is not sc 'qua'mttd with the myste' its of the Rank ing business. Have they, then, thtir se crets 6c mysteries which are not to be discovered to the people i He had heard ell of secrets, and secret Service money in ether Governments ; but shall the people' or North-Carolina be tcld that they have erected a Corporation which j has ts secrets, and mysteries, hie sup posed some of These secrets had relation to the Ranks ".yAzT'i.'rt their own notes. He did lot say in'.i he Bank of Cape j Fear d'd thi, but Report says another j iiank has done it, and he could not say Cape Fear had not. Rut it is . said the Bank of Cape Fear ought not to oe tar.ed, because it divides only 8 per cent and because it has been of gre d benefit to Society ; but he be I evtd these Banks acted in concert, and i ti at they couid well atTrd to pay a tax, a id why not t x them ? ndeed they ought each of them to nave been charg ed S2C-000 tor their charters, and if the legislature had then understood .as much of the Ranking business as they do now, this, or some other large sum, would have been charged them for the privilege granred to them. He hoped the question for striking out would be disagreed to j Mr. V, V. JoneS remarked that . -I toe gentleman from Halifax had taken up an expression of his, which he seem- ed to lay a greater stress upon -than it ought t bear. I h ul stated, said rr. J. that I was unacquainted with the secrets of the Banking business, in the same w ayrin.whit h I should speak in i-efcnence to the husmcss of a company oi Mer chants, who a'l have their secrets in trade, which they are unwilling to ex pose to tlit public eye. The gentleman cannot sav the Directors ot the Biitifk ot Cape Fear have acted improperly, but insinuated that the Directors of anoiher Bank had sk ived their own Notes, ' He supposed the gentleman had some knuw 1 dge of this kind of business, whichjled him to suspect others At all events, he hoped as the gentleman had nochairge against the Bank qj," Cape Fear, he would not object to the proposed amendment. Mr. Gaston was suipnzv-d by the motion of the gentleman from Wilming ton ; and was somewhat in doubt whe ther he should give it his support or bp- I position. He at first thought he could ' not conscientiously support it, because knowing, as he did know, tha1 all jthe miserable clamour which has been rais ed against the Bank of Newbern, had) no foundation but in ignorance and maaig niiy, he could perceivt.no reason fcir a distinction between the two Banns ; fiut, on a little reflection, he found thai he could not consistently oppose the mo tion ; because, believing as he did, ihat all the sections of the bill before jthe. house, are either unconstitut onalf or monstrously unjust, he could not object to any part of them being struck out. , Ano'her reason which induced him to act in this manner, was, it was known 'hath re resented Ihe'commercial town n which the other Bank is established, and that, as he regarded the honour and interest of his consti u- nts, he snjould .eel mt r sied for the reputation of this Institution, and were he to vore agains the present motion, it t.iight be, suppos ed that he was apprehen ive, if left to j themselves, the Directors of toe N. w f hern Bank would not be able to stand he scrutiny with which it was threa ten d, and he rt fore tlut.he was anxious to keep them coupled together ; where as this was so far from being his opinu ; on, tha' he doubted no he should b- a 1 ble to shew that all "the rumors which It . . ... nave been repeated to 'he iniury ot that insti ution, were false and aluc thcr unfounded. I But Mi. G. said, he sho uld notttis Ichargt all his duty were l - not to rtfef : to soms remarks which fell from th ' gen'lemenfrom Hl f.xi ; He would, notj. . follow - him th- oue-h a!! his extensive (wanderings, but a part of what he had 5 said called for notice The gentleman i had sh-.'-m himself to be unacquainted: with this su ject, and had made asser tions which had no foundation on facUj This he knew wi h rspct to the banjf,j of Newbern beta is ejts coduc had ver be. n before his eyes. The gch t erndn frorn H lif x had r .ted 'he capU, ta! of the B nk cf Newt ern as beintr 50f per cent less than hatof-tht B nk Fear, whereas it. is 100. per cent. g; eatert the stock of Newbern being &2QQ9o6o & that of Cape Fear g I'OO.OO'O oidy. He states tbr.t the two Banks act in c ncerU Mr, G. said, he must be permuted to say, that he had the honour of being: one' of the Managers of the Newbern Bank his intertsJ in it was not large, but it had been the wish of tht pat- ons of the Institution that he' should take part in itv managemeut. He .thtrefore was e rj'ablfd tt speak from facts, the jrehtleman from Halifax by sta ting that the Bnks cted in concert, wished to insinuate that ihey did so 'he more effet tually to injure the communi ty. This, sai-l Mr. G. is the only con cert with which they act. One of the Bnks will receive the notes of the ft her in he same way tha they receive their own ; and three times a year they make a settlement, and which ever B nk hus a sut piusage of notes, receives . the amount fiom the other' in specie. This is all the connection the Banks have with each other. But the gentleman has saidvthat the Bank of Newbern has b-en concerned in shaving its own notes. He bad not statea from what authority he said this $ but he (Mr. G.) would, make art asser tion, for the truth of which he pledged his honor, that, fiom whatever-source he report cume, the fact was not so. That such a thing never did happen in that Bank, and that any lapphcation' of the kind would be repelled with in dignation. Mr. G. s-id he would go a little ftTr ther, if the House would not consider nim an egotist. Bur, in what he was ; ibout to ay of the Directors, of thc Rank of Newbern, he wished it to r considered that he excluded himself He believed the characters hf these flc .. lemen might be put in competnt vith ther characters of any eleven ra in North Carolina, not even except1, the gentlem nfroriiHalifax -men wh' words would be as soon taken as most men's ,bondb not only men permanent ly fixed by the strong ties of property and family, but men of the first infor mation and "the, nicest principles of ho nour. Men of this desctip ion could not thus be charged with truth. Some gentleman reminding Mr. G of the question, he concluded with saying! he should vote in favor of the motion, and take another opportunity of expressrng his sentiments upon the merits of (he hill. Mr. Drew observed, that one story was .good while another was told. A to the wanderings with which the gen tlemanfrom Newbern hadcharged him he left it to the house to decide whether he or that gentleman had wandered most. Mr. D.' repeated "what he had said about the depreciation of our barUs notes ; observing that they had driven erery hard dollar cut of rhe State, and that he coiild not cross a ferry in Vir ginia w'yji them. With respect to the capital of the two Banks, he said heobta necl his know ledge on" that subject .fiom the la.W3 which incorporated them,; ic which he, read that the stock of the li -nk. of Cape Fear was tb be 250,000 dollars ; and that of Newbern 200,000 only, and that the latter divided 15 per cent and the fqt mer but 8, could be accounted for only on. the ground of the Ntvvbtrn Bank having issued more- No es "than they art authorised to i.sue. Mr. D proceeded tj nolice the subject of ..ha vingNbles ; in doing which, beir g too jersonal in his observations, he v as ailed to order ; and some Meo;dxv, jna king the great warinth that appear ed in the house, took ihe oppority of noving for an adjournment w ..ch was carried. j f Debate to cc-'.imied.J y May be had at J. G&les's Store t'r.ce 7, PniCri & isTROTHKR's I MAP of FOR TH CAROLINA., On Canvas ana Rollers. i 4 ifl ffi! I ! "I II I! .(I ft l'i. 1 1 1 K-flt B:f! mi U KM J: ! o