RALEIGH fgF AND . ' V North-Carolina State Ou' re the plmi of iideltghtful Peace, Unvurp'd by party rsf., to l'e Brottr. THURSDAY, APRIL 19, .1810. ' No. 5i2 Gazette -j2 - - r n si'LLCi or .ir. czir. id lire rcccneu jo iiiuvii jn..'- i 1 . tllAflCII" 111 I . I 4'v cc lAiiUacturc,ti.v. tt.-gi.uiu i-M. stm.ti ,nsremtndi mcol iheoscofa lm K opportunity ut pii :.tmg it t ilrman of whom I have heard, lie had J?m;rr. WcUii..k upLcv toe ;,; ,r., j,-, Uic habit ol pp . io-.r has t.il!t .7:. t..-. tti',ch Mone 'lt J,; 'mIC fro. a a :.ri-harim- LO-ik .-nd c a'-, ti m- .,a1 ,t attention, : a p.op- ...v't t ...t .. 14-.. lllllWiCol u oci.- oji .. a . . 1 1 1 1 i 17, 'iUU til uvi'.i v. .. . it I.,r lit ... 1411. luuiuviu.u . cifiwr 4u.jw.. j ; i i n y. The local in'crest of in i I"! .... 1 1 j.iur j I'r.is . .r ;. (i.nn'.rv wuch 1 uU : h..no: to upiX'tm, rvtmuvK) ; vm 1 i , ! : -.-I.ir the trough 1 may i'tve yi.-u ! - - II . , . S!lin. i Cjf.Z JkUC ll.. t . 1 c--"."n' l ci.cahuc in. ... , i.inrr.rlnu lit to tl.c DM o.lcrr ., . - T I. ' , 1 1 . ,' li ! PC ?:iIC .I 4 llll. HA" 'I .1 . . . .. . , . i v .. ! ' Ui.ll 3 Ol I I ' i - I' I ......fl....... . 1 . 1 1 . l.vnip. k ' '.'c a P-vi.:et;it: n - f A.n ; can ; aw.li n.l iii.itiuUi. 1 . tn I .0 p.iii ol the an.c'.lin-wiii 1. . r 11 ill); 1 int v. 1 t . . . . 1 '...- jrs.ii. !ici:.; k o.-- n s . !.r ;cur ra! p !u ) ol j r .0. : -.I.- 3. H.r pivjprttty ..1 : .i- p, c ta tiot vc y lotima. i coo- . .1,. ..l.ii t .rr l'--.. !!:' I i.nlvnf t T- If ? ! Ml I - If ..i.:-. 1. ....... - ... ....... - I. ! "-" - - - j -.t:o.i 1 offer my scMmK,.u. ! tlf : t ti n!v.i'i':i"ei of Do- 1 ; . -...V---.-.S - " -- o-- r.C'. l .MJI.UUUUIV. ' - t .... l.ri.ir.i it it. v. r flili re: . I :v.c, the head of any one to change , j ot a nation fruin n uricul u- ! .1 : ) 2 iiur.LlicivjrinK society. No one, , i'A oersuaded, ever thought ot con- ' .. ' i".e p'.ou,;h-shire and sickle into .. ' 1 a lie. A"d t t t "1 : C..U ,ue sie lo often ; .1 L i u jic: The op.ati.n et . u:.i - -vscm irar.sp: t t!:. r.-' . - r r-.a d.lur t nts ol Maiichi i. 1 ..-r.r.n-ha.r, a-u! perceiving :.n; 1 '. tv!.. . in: ait-1 iiu ii.i..) j 1 I ""., , bv pu-h n; it to an tx:n nn y at nc .i.ti.-Jm ;inir.t'j Ibis .-.ounu v u ill i. td by tbc Mil- luiscnleviii, . t . .. 1 . . . o . 1. .. r . I '1 1 It '..v. t . I 1 . t 4ia " '- . ! i the in nutaetn: .-r ot a liab i .n -:-:tr , a'tol th-. V. orld, f-- cwn iht.c -c v. . " thu - coploycti bent an in-.t.-.o'.r p: sj) .rti. n to the v. di h: - . C -uia' 1 :.. Il wc srre to b. - 4 1 .-. 1- 17 .1 .ut c"Ui t i nfi.th.cr 'am i.s. r I -c .t!.t I.i'm! ii ifit r ; d. : f lirnit-uui viVori by cur ovi. . 1 1 . I! . I O t v. u t.i .i);iici-i;.i;n "-"i " t : , cSanuncal- Tlr invtiri ... , ,:,;at men; of auchme- , lo:- u b;c. pt-tnt ac is so re mar- j.j'c , i'.'- .a - at tlegrrc v ion in 1 .!., tmp.oyim nt il. ( 1 , :i xv - 4 c cii'.i'i in in ! a.;i::id.Uie al t.c .011M . u .proJui tive cr expos.-". i : e u in.tiio ali'y, wib oo"!f u- 1 .ntit wither ithdraam ' von from -gricul utf, th.t fu .a'. ? ;un c of our wealth and ha,.- . ... :.. . 1 . . p:.li'-.ous An eru an laru. rr, he li.' .'t'. Id wuv, r.ra;. utactnn s , i . a'.a li ;e -..iM'e lor Ins fainny i, ! ,;;.v.ers !-it l.t ie in the gcwj;.v. d!)(nfu 0f a part only, of ta. r jrv.rnuni ; . Ut pics :;'s in tp t atu- !.v . jn Oppositin to (Lilies u is l- 1 i.:i U to on. 1 o i. oia j l.t 1 b.ar l.ic MHiiv pr- . t : t ila; satne o j-c-., in i ano " ,' fi' ' x Vde ( aiiiii.uni y, 1l.1i cis houxjn I employ, cl 1:. I 1 Ifir 'Oil t v : i: 1-, t crtai. a ce -.Tab!. 1 -1 01 '.ac coui. -iy si. nil t 1 ui 1 ' of I 1 is p: .... ..1 . ; con.r those of iwj, ,u- d b?c:.t lint it i mi- d . 1 dim. .; :. ova-tmpor: . 1 .r- T . xn. 1 -:-., van ; m ;u- ov . . o.uv loiuiiv- ,j v cm: v wear u.-o 1 t 1 , i.iiin nil c-11 r-. i. 1 th ru; 1 ll .. (l:li. llun if i. ' e t . !',.V.l VIMUl'lr- .ll-..".. - I lr- v.- . r I -' 1 I in. ..uvrof rraoi ipg tn- i;it stn manulact arts, th r v : ud- pt o bi . rd ' th ll ..v n.' i.-.i' ie ; 1 .j . n :! . 1 -., .tjritul 1. re it- ;, - 1 js 1 i. p . a the latsen llM if"-... ,. ii: ' v i I '-..mil. K?V: rt o .. iv . "'..-..ft ; .,t v.i-.:tl t r. .. :n ! n. . 1 ' . .. . c rui m - umtnts of I f" . k ' u:,'Lr livid-ration a- ; . 1 ; ur- r.u ibc bu,!undm3i. 1 j '' l .! 1--,... . . r , .1. I W i . ueCf:u.f I ruminrri'.. ti. i I t ih. - r - -. ..... k V. . . . v. jine L'cniij mrn 1 1 . 1 1. . . 1 . . lf. ui sr.rt t weapon I I h- ! 1 ': i:Vf r'1 1 ll'V uvl corr'M-'" 1 . . 1 ! . . . 1 . . . - r, . J.n ... it i . ' " ai- ' - - frouuee iuTcr-ju throw. I:i short, ir.take the black side 'of the picme and eveiv hum in occupa- . ; 1 1 tion will be found pregnant with faUl i objections. , . .... n rv.. 1.1 OrooseU t" Ms v. Si e ;ec!ted at ' - - "i -: - v . ' . i ,z. h J k.l fli t'l ' . i: . 1 1 WjS (ilOiCjlll, 31. (I fid t!-iI :U.- I.;TVCS i-'l j r..'. beur '!.e cla'.trirHj oi s uchen iniii- j . t li.:i Ihe !-fri!em;i!t '):r isle:l in ' . . . . .- (!:.: : ins l;;:.:. v.-as 1 IichcelorLh , r),,., ... ..,,,.,1.-. -f11i 1.. , . . ... '.(..- .''. 1 ... . r CI ..I .ill lilt I UllirCl Ul It. ' 1 I" ' I UC III .1 , ... 1 11. h (llsIn!ne,, u. lite manntT.l . ,. 1 . ... .. . ' "'" .1 . , ... f M . 'V. . I J a . ' . I t Ml CNi r'lt. I) .1 I.I J- if . '-.".f . . . .: . I. ..I :C . - i V 1 : . ,1 v Ji.r. .. .. 1 ?r a t: rui i' i 1 - . 1 h- fa .'j-i . . Ill I l.l I'l lli'll.l ..I'H U!C U' l- 1" , ; . . . r t .1 ..... .1.1. u o: B'i! I trust the v-o:v.;.n: v ol ! Ml! o! ! . n i . r tl:v(i Units i' Tat' s. t!nr !.! .' h'. r fi t a'. . will p? ; - rc i.i r ; i.'.Vl '.!: 1 1 m u 1 . . . : ( , its !i" with tin ..1 : !iix:iv 'ir .f. 1: 1 iihii iiv. ts .. -i :K:t no it s oi i.u: ' thai; u" e e A in t: ; e ih-..- prt jiK.irr - o! lor : l .lvir .. 1; cur t ',1 1 i-'i'l .I'l'.ri Ui ; 1 1 1.. :i t- m:i , 1 .. ,,.,;....!. ,,: ...;,. ,,.a a . n , ! 1 1 .1 . im i'i 'i -iililitl V . ... , . V. it S .1 r-: .. 1 ' , !!.- f-.r n.:r lii n", ih.:. a i". : 1 1 1 1 !.-.. ; i.r c v.;4!.al! it,-; u,'. iri.f:-.' less CiHfe .! wi'ii .1 I Oi M.h: !'-tt CO: 1 1 t b r j r llie if this 10 y dc sho- , ..; mem of ;.is ;. ' 1' . 1 'i :i . :. : i.:l.:.. . n M l or dy a.- it by t!:e : :.. v 1 . i .ondi " .a ' ot a t 1 v 1. . r ju t i fV: v . .. ! 1 bd 1 1 i t not ..: f it iv i i. be 1 1 1 1 : 1 i-.t: lii.s !)eyon.l trtv reach 01 Auuiu aii su.11 anu no. 1 , ...... .. . . . . 1. ii... ,;n.ii..t v.i.ii e"jiiil e!e;; ui.'c !ita' r 0 - iiiv Vk. I ei' ain r: a d..u!. i, ' a s'i-t tifne ' no less im,""' e. fti ! ui'l : : !r v t ! . -b. . : 1 . W v. uiiu u', a'.ui a a I 1 ' 1 1 1 .' , . 1 1 : 1 ! i oil. t. "i I V . v. , . !i :a u a l t i ' 1 , s; r . 1 t..,- ; ' tu -.Ir. -I. !!, r.::i; . , am m L.vor of ct.c urtj;" 1! to the e :to.t to viich it: 1. e 1 d in F-H. but to .1 ev. v. ail ' it u -1 V. Ill If.'iiti.iil I i rhtu l c : .1 C ' :'. 1 1 ' ' t f . w 1 I 1, a:ul 1 1 a pica-.'. 1 ov a vli. e Api fi - .' t.'.oe 1 ;!: -.e' iiui'. : ia b.dn. ! . ! 11 the t' a as cl oia- cvrn la- j U .11 . - , l.'K . 1 n il . p. e: jr the chubs ' f Lv and of la. .i,l .;, but ;;c rue i!iae n ! lunip'.r . -, .!'..-. : .ad iaav be :tixea lo in'.ive P'S-a'u- :o:s j.. ,llU v 'bounties an ' of pro-' n (!u: nut a '.ms' xiatits 11 m U1cd that you tax the ;, k,,l: for titt- I led.-d that you mil.': the mttr-.st 01 ij one pa'it t h v: consumer, bend lo that ofji a It uer part, the m Jt.uf ictr.rer. d lie j i v i 1 v oi the ans.-ci is no' ab.va-, s,i . . .... , 1 admitted, I -it thf s.iciihce is m n I y ; . vv t. mporary, bcin; uaantteiy compensa- . . ...... 1 ..... ...1 ..... 1 td v tin." greater diun.iun v a;n: Ujie Iriou'vot the at title padiucd yy tin 1 . , at title p. adu'ed ti.-uuhis. ut, uf all p.ac'ic ibie forms . .1 d encour t:emen?, i nu;'at hav- b . . ..... 1 1 . :en d that the o:n und-:r consideia ( w,,;a. cs-apt: opposition, if tve-v pj jpo.td V CoP.t-r; pr)po-t:i 11 L,i.:,i.' v rc t; ... : . 1 .,),, -a o rxnei ;cncc it. hat is it t o.,,-o o rxpeiicncc il. hat is it . J Hie "oi conra.ns txvo I'l'-i.j-i,:,.. ; a . . , . . . .. . . . pruspec ivt , anticipating th: app'Opru 1 i.n I ' r clo.i'hmg i;r the a; my. and the .mir.dment proposes extendi it to! t.d the other, dire -tun; a prelere tee to br given to h.mu- in.'.nul 1 ur s and P 'i 'irtioi.s w'l.-i'tvcr it can be d:.ne rv:!ij:iii!'t.i! J'tri-nfn: .'a t h' srnuc. 1 lie 'oject of the first is tu ,, lM.c fonlrjcls L,, be madebtforv llwl uath nvimibrlnrrrv roiri Itv ttflt . a ,. ..,.-.. , .... .. . a ... ci;r, y lo cnnble them to utpply the ar- dcl-.-j wanted in sufiiacnl quih'ity. U ;i. n it is rccoild t.d th .t iht re a; e fn - . ... . . . u;lv men of limited capo aU, it will - . . . . . . .1. i.i .1 . 1. .. . n . . 1- ... r . : IR'')VI7U U liai UII3 K'lIU 01 USli" rr n slowed 'itii t udeiice. will b- nrod.ir.tive d:t- bc-:l reul.s. It is in - . ... .f, : y pin ounr a p; meapie Ion-,: acted aC.eU '.'jrs With 0IJ ,,f advincir.jr to catrdc government, on account of the magni tune ol their cntrem-MSi 1 he ap- psopnai;.,:i coiucmiiat d to he made tor; ; tnc ear ! 3 1 1, mayjbe restricted to such ( a tn m a, whether vv: na.e peace or war, we must neetssartly expend. The; discretion is proposed lo he vested in ilvrrs of hri cerVience, who will be j rei-;-.. lor its'lbuse, ;.nd wh, are j enjoin.-. -.1 to see Mia Ike public ecrvice j ;t cer. no riatrricl 'd'ty.acitt. H is : st.nt-d .. ' hemp is nyw very high, and lint co:d el", made under t xtsiin cir-; oiinstanres wai oc mjarjouNto govern-. nien:. U :t ihf amendment creates no , . 1 . . .1 . -r . .. u m upon tnc ccreiai y u: mc 1.-- v to -o into m;ukrt at this "praise :iu.- .... ... !.,-..-. i.. , ..l.iiur i. vuh.-n- '"V- ' 'I.T 1 1- ll'r- ot'.ic'i' n, it adnru o r.is lakiriir advun .-.I .1 ... r i. ..tlm.l .1 !. - Lririir ull'ifl . ... ,.r , fo,.. .M . t -.r :ct- . " t t.-.r ,,....' I. ' i- .1... n--nt .lit. '. o'.jit u uit. av,ivUJiD,iiv." ,:ntd . . il ..,.!. I i T I cl,,,l.l r---..r. .r:rvi . .--.. u.a ian jrnu.ui v ovu 1 i i - u-ual an.'iual ?.i)pn;p; ialiun. i ct..i;i!rr tlii amendment CLjrr l! c ...su'.cid.i jo, ol tiie fi.-.t importanct ifi ! : pu.ir. ot pitiiuplr. it is evident, Uai j v hv. . ve;- duiiof. nuty be etileriaiued as j ... a 1 to tiic .T.r-ial j)o.xy 01 i!.e manuu - vtf :n, none can exist as to th ,).! ; of our b. able to lunnl ;..rs-Jcs with artioies of the first neces -u , in tiuv. ol Wui'. ( maraiime o ; t.!' ":)S ou,Jit not i: '1 such a sUte t jj dr ; -..nd. upon t!iu casualties 'ot torel vdy. It is n k nrrrsa.y that thej jf dd. X s. w hale r ncout a?w .! t j c: ' le i-, I brriievc vt ;iot vvuTit - 1' l . I I . I J . IUI31U.I, a 1 ;. x 4:t l.i' u ' -c u. i!i ti.'.e.e 1:. '1 . . . 1 . , r 1 . . . 1 . . 1 . ...il ... . ' ' . 1. - 4 . ii . iy nan .' , t 1 ; 1 .1 . ! u i 1. ... t.' : 1 f were but 1 ? c ropj rr.u ivs u tiie St.'te. Now iberi t J aiul betci : iv.' a'.id ia oi ; and liic erccticn oi Ki ; n i.!Ce vi'.! tl.'j t'lliiU. : : i.c ip ii.'. ty ol iiemp. W s'.: ;n e . : l ; : 1 y aione is a j '.. .ii, ply not o dy l what-. . ..).! . .' 1. . . 1 c 1 '. 1 n i . . . i 1 i.i . t d 1 !i . .I. e. 'trj l. J eve 1 ci ..ti. .niLIe la rttj.:isite for our j 1 1 i 0: ) u u' 1 ' : ui wt 1 e.io;ble (d al 1! JO. - liUI'l 'M i.tl'l t'tcl.1!! 1 ts naiuni proposed. d i.ossf ,es ti.' i nb'e r. cauioo. nd .tieli oi earoura ;iu' ' it toe s.i;;:t' I: iic liie 10 ji.t hiC'.:re ati.l : 1 . sv b oi 1 1 v 1 . 1 j. Fur iik isn.;; lot ..: aid ! r la- wi(ju;ht a: aide, y a. in- s : il:'..i :n I at..- for trie raw ma-; . : ,al, .a il oh.-., - pie ut iy present new in - i 1 1 1 v c " l ! 1 e 1 1 attrf . tiie 1 iit'i v jtor. ' ec e;tat subject $ di .t claim : a (d .tie Na'ional Legislature I 1 the .i leresls o' a ' iculture, com- i ; ne fee v.:vl u.iiid.u .tares. Ve have 11 ui ij.f'rj us a p -opoiition to afVord a a..!.;.y p.ot ::t:..:i tt) idle rights ol com cieu e, and n .x lias it been treated - .. 1 1 1 1 i':....l . it- t ctcu . 1011 nae oeen suiicueu 101 pi 1. note agriculture, by increasing thej tat ih ties oi' internal communication thro' ; t:r. "..M'is of canals and, roads, and whai j' n.t.. been none ? i-'ostponed I We are! a r called upon ti v;dvc a t'itling sup-1 oori to our do n-:' 'C man a'aclures, audi siu,d we c'.o-:., the circle ot Coiiin east ; nal mciTiriency by audmjj this also to the catalogue i mm030 LE FTEK 0 nhrr of ('onyrrxs of thix Stil? OF HIS UUN-5 11 Tir.N 1S. to u: I ! Ci: nfir.isbin- on, Ctb 4ortl, 1810. On tlrj dist ult. the question as u ,.n ou ,;ie amend. in nts of the ,nateao .Macon's bdl, which was no' .. agreed to and the bill lust, by whkh h- t,n-ini-course i conlinuctf t;n , t xl in.,ltfni J. R laui a resolution 00 inc tatde to lepeui it, which has not been ucteu on. N t having had any information of . ijlr c .urse put sued by the beihcrcierus viore jl ;o;ps d.s.ni ,al, has produced su pens on ol the pase d su..diy imp . taut tji I . j Tne l- iaf rmat.on was from a'pii-j ; vate letter lrm Ftnk'tey cf tiie -ith ol j ' Jan. to Swcrcta: y Siiiiili ; I was favored j j with its pcrus.il. It s.ates, th -t cf e ! t.) cabinet councils (j;i Jackson's con duct, and al.cr a full consideration ofi ) the whole cori'.so . .ndence an 1 dismissal, thai he, Mr. P. had a long hieridly con ference wi h Lord WelLley, who slated th..t hi conduct could not be app-oved ; of, that he should be recalled, a;.-d re- placed by a person of chasacter and! ! standing. Tiie whole of the conduct of! his Lordship evinced the strongest de-j sire to adjust ?II dilierences. , After which Mr. P. shewed him a part ' of his instructions, with which he was we!! satisfied; and r que -ted hitn to pre- pa: j his note, lhat diffcren:es mi-h k3 t,r.Vin .te,j xTi.vou lf... Cl( ,: This same spirit is corroborated by his Majesty's speech -o Parliament. We n e waiting with daily expectation of in formation and confirmation. But it must he remaiked, that this wasimmediately after unfavorable events and after they had seen the spirited re solulions of the S-natt:. But if the thirig is postponed uv.til they ave inlrratci of i;r tilt i-:.u-ii in tnc uuuo; iiv n - t . . , . 1 , sentauves, the Boston resolutions anil siren;jin or tnsir party r.ere. frey win probably act as on the repeal of the. Em bargo laws in the disavowal of Crkiwc'ii arrangement : For nothing but impe rious necessity C3i induce them to uan doo tueir parti zrms in this country. The obtainisiP' our independence did not extinquish the flame in the hearts of j nis Majesty's htibjects in this country, and although it. was smothered under the two first administrations, it was cherished under a hope that we would taher returnor set up a. royal standard J in this country ! The successive elcc- lions of Jl rson and Madison, has not . Ino iwhVd thi- b.. nr. ! Kut has enkin- .11 . 1. 1 iJi. d uieu a name wnicn nas leu incut to acts of despeia ion. The triumph of ('emctrary under tiie 1 J He rson ind what has transpired of the orcsent administrati.'.n, lias also driven " ihe l'ederulists int acts bordering on madness; insomuch that they are nv sdetttihed with lVi itish partisans, Sc have suljinitted to Cu is'oohrr (iore h other I : Inist I'lf h-'r lJ-rfr-r I !.!Q I1: 111 ..." . : tc; 1 j ..i.i .fc.ktji.a . 4 in iras also been struntThened by a set oi ! . . 1 e . . I ... . I .1 .... .... .1.. ... 1 : h o ems. leu uv a man v it isc ucicf 1. 1. 1 .j r a:. 1 1- - j UO V jS r ill.tlllV ULLr.jlitu iidhi d uii- i no .ipi-d expectation to loreit;-;) cm- !);iS-,v : lie is u man of the most intole- rani spirsi. laieMts an'd unbounded thirs. lot pi.wi.-i, and has fcr sonictime b' en invetc-, uad belongs 'to the phalanx of oppon son. This. triple alliance has !k -W, ;p the nation as perplexed and im-lecii.-. Li. Btitain pariicub-rly',. from the (iriVedon of the person alluded to -urCTCOtTiV 10 UIH. King riiiin, knew how to calculate upon eur divbi a. i and thereby persisted in her a j-re-ions. Hut I have the con-oln-dou to lie)!- vc ihst ail her machina'ions, .villi the impositions and artifice of her friends, will soon yield to the good sense and pctrioiism of my countrymen ; and that the same spirit which achiev d our intlependence will preserve it I The pevjde in ihc.Fist are discovering the i mno-dni'iii New-Hampshire 13 a Ire a- dv emaiicipatetl 1 Rhode-Island and Massachusetts are convalescent and wdi f be res'ored to p ilitvcal heahh after tl.r ensuTig tleC ions ; t.Lcr svhich we shall be able to assert our rig!its and mam tain the only five G ve; ntnent ou Earth i Tina session is expected to close in this month, after hich I shall see my friends and constituents and hasten lo ny family, in hopes to enjoy more feli city than is afforded at Washington. F IF CT DOLLARS RLIVARD. ON tiie 4h day of O'tober last, Charles V. Ai'Ke n.i k deserted from tlii-s I'ost (while; abv.-p.l ah leave to tro to ilu Iist (;;c.' ut talan I'oiftit, to return immediately.) He lank with him about Three Hundred and TwviiLx f)n liars, wliitfh had come to his hands.' for tiie pnt )ose of laying oil a small iletaeh ment of troops under lus command. Said riv.en.ie is about 5 feet ten inches high, spare muk?, very active, sandy coiouitti iin.i, ! and, I believe, grey eyes ; is -.very talkative when at all encouraged, and his assertions generally on investigation will be found un true. ' 1': om a newspaper publication it appears t hut to is crideavormtr to i moose oi: the neo pie ot IVkms'i die, S C. as a Surgeon oi. Phy sician. Tiie above Reward, wib be given to any I'erson who will deliver said Deserter, rharles f M'ib-nie, at this Pot ': All gnocl (Jiti.eiis will surely feel themselves interest ed iii bringing to justice o vde kn ofJehder. t'DW AIil I' AST K Lit, 09 oa L . o. it?, int C ta'.fsry Fort Powliatan, near Canin Point, V'a f lie. Printers at Columbia, iind.that at or j ueart-st l'ickinsville, S C. will ple-ase insert the kbove for bur or five-wekg, and forward their arco i: .1 eiilwr 10 'fat this place, 'or to C&pt. J. M'Cti'.aiul, E. PA-YE'. is bur v, N C Stite of iGitna AJi-tc v Ci.-.. . ' " --cj i'srm. 1810. Evsrard Hail and c.-iii, 1 ( In Chancers Edward Halt ard John ll. Hall, S- Ex'rs cf E! zibsth Thcnp3on j or Bill deceased. J . . IT appearing to th? satisfaction of this Court, that William Thorr.pon, a -defendant in this cause is not an inhabitant of rivs'State .n motion, ordered, that the said Wdliam Thornpson do make his personal appe-.iaace at t the next bupenor Court, to be ho. iLoi lux the County ot Ldgecornb, on the stcon.i Mcnd.tv ol ep;. nex;, or the said B.il, as to him, will . be taken pro conies:.. ; and, that thtre month j noocc be publ. shed :n the Srae Gar. NOTICE. 'TH Sals of Lands in Brunswick County i for taixe, as heretofore advertised In thiS Gazette, is poiiponed to Satutday,. the Sth of May, wlien.wi'l-Jsoh? sold, at the Court Housa in Smithf :U in likt manne r and for tfce same p'jr.ce, Lof No. in i,aid Town, now cx formerly belojiging to : - ; .andaisoa supplemental Lot No. ' oricrinaliy leasrd to Crifaiir. ' Sut.ton.- Fu'rther;v.o:e, two Lots in ;, . r . , , i , 1 1 tne environs ol d iown, Ivs ana pur j chasd byCilLl Loring who is supposed to be still the owner. J. G. SCULL. Sh'iT. iti,' 13107 49 March 24 TIVENT2 DOLLARS REWARD STRAYED OR STOLEN, from the Sub scriber. on the night of the 20th of Feb'y' A GRAY MARE & BHUVVN GELLING. The Mare istibniit sixteen handsdiigh, sevea , years old Vlits Spring, trots naturally. Th Horse is abom fi'tceen'hands h'gh, pineorAeri yars old, a smalUSiar in his forehead, one hind foot. wnite ; racks -'or. paces gieneraHy'. ' t when travelling 11 strayed, the above re .M Ward will-be given o any person that wdi dc- . j j lver them to him in Chad ;:: Nr. Car.;bna "d i f stolen, a reward of Ff'-y Dollars, Toa convicaon of the i'luef. A. T. DAVIDSON. Charlotte, N. C . March 27, 1810. 3 .50 TEN DOLLARS REWARD, L 1 T"t 7lLL be paid for apprehending and coa V V finiag inny jaU, sthat I get him agaitL, a Runaway Negro, named FRANK. He is about 50, years oldv nearly 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, is pitted with the smail pox,. ha lost some of his fere teeth, 2 or 3 toes off one cf his feet, and scrr.etimei walks lan e ; ca read little, and penerafiy caraies a book witla him ; lie is very arrful and plausible, av.d will atfju pt to pass as a free man. He hsd on a wlute Negro Cotton Jacket ana Tiowsers i took with him a variety ot cloa'.hing;, and is foi.d of wearing a blue broadcloth Surtout with a red cape. I'o the above reward, leasunable expences will be added, it brought home. J Ai OB MORDECAI.' Warrenton. March 2.tb, 1810. tf 48-- .' j. ' p.KAl' I V K I U Y , Gold & Silver Ware; &c. THOMAS EMOND ETUR?;S his smcere thanks to the mil. V lie for the l.beral and increased encourage ment he has L i Iy received in lu? l.r.e of bui ness, and respectfully informs them that h has furnished himst If with a gcod workman in the above line of business, who makes ail kinds of Gold and Silver V are, Hair Work, and Engraving, &.c 0.1 reasonable terms. Any person vvi.l.iuj to have GcM or Silver worked over will be assured ol having h done of th sare Gold or Silver snt, andi.not exchanged r "7,, ' . . w ,vc . IU' "5Si ),rice tct n11r 1 ... ..II : i-- it. - . f N. B. Clocks and Watches made and r. paired as usual, and warranted. . " Raib, Zinh March, 1810. tf-49 INLAND NAVIGATION. One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars will be gained for Two Dollavs. First Classy-North Caridiaa Catawba Lottery SC1ILMF. 1 Prize of 1,500 dollars is 1 do. of, 500 . 13 2 do. of 250 " is 3 do. . of 100 ia 5 d . of 50 is 20 d-. of 15 is 20 d ) of 10 is b25 do cf 4 " 13 oOO 'oOJ 20 sua ' 3,.v,o : IjO 1 do. bemg the fi. st drawn ) bla nk on tiie last day, of '50 is A mount of Prizes, r,ou0 3,50c- TicUis at 2 Dollars each, is 7,00 N.-t three blanks to a prize The prizes to oe paid in Chui;tce teiiLvs af er medraw- I "g s cioseu, suoject lo a dedacuon of iwentf n pei cent Seven Hundred Tickets' wi!i he drawn m' s ' diy in tr.e ry-vvn of Ctiarlotte, as soon as 'he sale of Tickets will idmit- Previous not.c will be given by the Managers, who by 2 act afour I-51 Legislature, ate held responsible for .fanhiui and honest cnviplauce with the above scheme. - The managers hope that the Advantages re. suiting from this scheme to ailvir turers, but euptcially the irr-ponance and . i.c: al uoiitv of ! tue efytcr contemplated by te Lotteiy.'ViH j secure the patriotic cos.ic.ib! i i o .v of tlfr FM.-...r ;.,..- . efiart to internal improvement, which has beer attempted 411 the western pari. oi this iuie. '. Those gentlemen who iruy patronise tik,s an. liiHtaL'.f, f v.. w - . . . - I .... : . . . ""j'-i,, iu. Jl(.u 10 uiicu ine.r iet (postpaid) to A eh. bald It 03. .1 , oi vi:ar; 'e i rfsurer,wno win luniish . .ckcc . ." . U r . " or to 04 ii. c- ianati s. JOSEPH G'bMIAM, PL'i Lil -F()ii;,h.V, , j JAMES COM N Lit, MaKit WILLI xM UAVii)SON. J 'J? Lvry Sharehou'cr v the N ru. Csr-i- 1 1.1U catawUa Co -p.nx is ti'ji'r .... ; , Am , Iy io attend at Mi Andrew ilr. '... : , .... foxd,:on'Thurscay, '.he l.'.n of May, at.l.-o. e:os.K, .0 e.tct 1 .i. :ei- n.i-.i trnsac: cthti Ua,i" ni 01 u;-wCi itns. 1

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