II or 3' j ... D'jCUMEXTS ijrfc J hy the ?rzrTj of Sut, a the 11 tby of the eioo, vrauvto ja tall fit tat frfott. (A ) cTlUact of a k!er from Gen. "Armstrong to M .n, .9. 8, 1809. Excellency letter of the 221 of An- f 1 j'ctl the honor ot recctvinjr vour pi:st in-cspcsiiion of the principles adopted by his Majcly with regard to l.t iitral commerce 1 shall hasten to trrr.mt a '.' cf thi? nele to my go-eminent." I'hv,- StrCtry of St.tc n Hen. Armstrong Dcj t-.i-n: ct' , .a:, Dec. 1, l -"9. Sir V:icloed ou have f.c topics cf ihr Prev-enl- Message and of iis ru .unpum : y documents. Thev will i.lTvtt! y u a "uw of ihe existing Mute ; cf t'-ins here, ; ;k! particularly of the ! K oun J taken in the correv,oi:dcnce 1 ;.ic .iiiiicr. l ou run liniu-r. . ccivt: 'ha! tin clrl'hrnitii.ns ot foil. ; rc5 l their ptese:.: sesnn cannot ' ms; ! r:ni...!i I's-e ! l.v the T-i::fi:i ctr.- ! i:.:!er..:Hv.!- J.;.v iv.o p;incipal Lclh cr?;;'s !uc been loc ynuc time aliUr r . . . . .i I '. .. .'. ... . . ...l . . . ... . ....W. ... .... ? i ".'"., ; ;.nv 'J.cercc. ihc.r ur.rc:isc:i ..c 7: t.c ; ;i)!i. eceivc a copv 1 . ;o 1 -5- v ' : f.hc.v t.,c .i -..t m v.i.-li I h.mp..-4- r. 1c;.t ;jv.-.ci by the Pren-cni. I r.r.dat the same t::r. c'irc r( fro- 1 uti.1 ' nv rifrc! tr c::r MlniMcr in A...;ht;. a '.:!) , r. tl.il. jr f jltt ! i 4 U to X- v.i-....:: )i.i i").., ii avcri ..'ri the nuvri- ; .";.;: : v: -.cj r.f -'.esn 2S t j the ; .......... t m 1 I. 1 u piopoc lto 1 1 t':c llciihi decice. O.i th. p: . ?e whivh .-cein o .e as- s.:;n?'t ! v M.i':...:;:;.v;tv. . no'.hiug tneve j ; i i . . L - - - 1 . .1 ... ..,..1 1..-I (I) IO;i:lU l.t. :i J iivak w i G...:-Ih .:-::: n !k ; pre . 1 .r.i..ti.n or o'- . 1 '.!, iTi. 1 i-'i'.' r- 'i:vii :uc el ;i o.;'.e p'.i ) t!: c :hc I'j : Ihi drrce, or ; lop th md i"e. 'U'.m 11. i th t 1 1 1 c v ate no! now i.i ior.e. : v ;.v u:r: -1 . I I! r 1. :- dl.liC U!:(l l:C . ft k ... .I'l.t . .:! 1 r; "... r.- - imt ;r. ot .dl t'.e do V' u;"ilor'i.!i o: il'. r, . . 1 vai"! put in 1 . 1 1 :...?iors, Il m:' ! z-'.'f. 3 S-tv. cen ! the ! w! ;( b, r.-.e I'iv.r-1: .cr . i.i. 4 e ii. :m n ov : j c to :l.e L ':ut . t e ov.i! n sn. il ii i'i it I e- C'.viiiv lo 1'..: t: ...d fi)!i:;:!..l il D:: c p:ic- elc n ir imM eo-bi-; ;.t .vvh th.; nen'i v pro'e-vi '. r c:i lit V.-'i; -eil. :t n "t :.i v r.u vvi l tlu l it : h ove. :.u :i m C .;:,.!, thai v.c. 'o no t i..: : r "in - o- A .. S .in . v, (i..c . rc.ii.v i .( :r.v tic foi.i'-. i.t.. . ... i CefH.i'.i'-.M bj.c'oioie ni.iiiT.iin-'! if: i'. S. a: ! ; r.-ul i !y t(i tne .e ; .e :r e.r . ot .i .r: .- v en . !'. i'.-i.i ;. ' ,'. the fie- -e : . i , i ilo-.ve- ni- i .ri o. r -;n 1) li'l' in M. t t..-inp.-7,:'y . c i.e '. i- ' ' :.( . iles.1. li:.v ic t'.i IDiiM t. ;C m. Cot b 3 I V I lav: on t;bjcct . T I ',' fie -' (': v : c: p .ict!'- v !: 1 :..v n .ii';:-' i' i. - lorvcp'fv i. , v' e . . . ' .. . ...-.. i , tf c ti- i : iy au- ' ': . i ! iri'CJ. . v '.; l ' a-v.... oreo ; rn:.- to he eoi.dat'.Ctl 'j)' tl j. Vr-t sloul '. - i-c I: or. 'he I'll M b ! p. cr.'o;i' c::p!.-..-i-i proper to be , c ;rr.nni-:alcdto ir. Fn;V.ncy, ci vi,, ; i i.t.t to :rur.3:.nt tnc same no j Ik: ' li ! r.iioul deli) r.d suo'iid l.-ey ci Ii ; . to :;..Ue i nn!ot l.tt ; Inknevs'.iovddiit.iiiCi.i .telytoi:-:'": ti.e e-va-i j-i ..pp -i.Mio:; liii i-.b :"f'V t'.c.it o pre,at e the v. ..y bv. i i i pr..l o. :ve t'.rrhn decree, o-.i wi ' ' e pit .. .e l j ) 'i.-'e:! :hc c n-;- 'iidc. ' I'i.ll !v r.- i .1 ll.fi-CT.'tT. v' !i..:cv .-i . 1 ,11. i - cvp o-tio-is m iy he, d'.: n o. o's:" e ;r ilr-.ii: :; "tn to tl .s .'.i p .r-.ow :.t. ui;h SlkIi .ci i:'' .-;n.; ion ..a m .'. : e intv- r-'h..-. i'-h ; .a, res; ft t. c;c. -" w J.-5 Ja'tnJ -.f-v i t I Mr. Sr...,.i to .ilr r.r.kr-y. b Jh'.i' ! ' S r.le, Jlv 11, '0. i' Sin I io':i i!;e cn loseo ropv of a ' HrtScr from Mr. i n..mp..ny to Gen.' Aro:s.tio;. i: ar p. .j ijiC I tcncli ; .r.rnnivi.t i. l. V.en a e;iound in rela- j ii'ii. ,o in .uiMi ioiaiic.il oi our ncu- : It . . I ... I . . ivui nn' not ihe s. me wi'.hliiai heie- 1 .f i t.ilo-n. Li.tt wl.iu; r is rirnnpr vr.n shcuUH).- .i:;u.intcd wim. "U will "himself between bis people and ibeir obsrr.c lb- 'iic tcims statir.g th? c..n- t hei interests, and cutting off from tbcm ri'i. on u .i- h th- Lci'.in ihrrec wii! ! tho.-.e political advantages wineh were ht u;o'rd are not i;e- fiom rbsemitv. j : ';c deemed blessings. Its aim wa . 'J i-v-v -o the co.. .:i net. :i however, ' to ;sp.ir..je tlic person and govcrn t;..t A Ci i'rit-.in ib annul her ilk 1 ; tnent of the King ; to hieak the link ol .u- . -i ..: ;m:; i;er or('e;s in .i, s..-o 5 hc olo-kude from the ill!.' i-i ,., la . prior to the IJerlin ! -dVecti ms of his people, to sow itiscon c'.ee.ce. i;.c :. i ;'?.!)- "Mil dj'e, ! tti ts . ;.d make m pec; pie look forward u .: ;h,i., : f o-v herort! cot.n- -!. t!..' rr. (i- pt:t ?.u t.d to her i e ( , .!! i ;. . (, ul ;. . the llI-; it part i W i'.i-t 'nn y.:c it Lft oiitei im- ! p:...:'Ut i.o t..k-. pr:ptr step, as uiU he ! erfuliy upon .the m lig'iity of this nbel, n in., ,ht i c. (li r.rr.d AmiPro- ,to j expressed that lie h.al no doubt l?ut j'a;:. the .i.d and precise uie..uni; i 't!lJt ju,;" would pronounce the de cl e liair.p. :ny's letter, it i impor- feudal.:.- guilty. -:..... i tit.. v -ni ii.n rix'uiwii ilic.uld .Mr. frn-y stoo;l forward in his own li ..hc: .. in the . cuial ?i.tf ot ' li Uitii b ! In. k. ot s div,;r.et from the eoir..il, whether merely on T5v- .1 - i 1 -i'i. j. -i 1 P, - vavc lel, uo whether vw T9-?9 v;,tj brea asmen, 1 Kncr or jwib&equcnt lo tie Bcrhn de cree, and to feel the pulse of the Uritiah igotcniiuciit on the piopncty of putting ! litem out of the way in order to give (force lo our call on France lo prepare ;the way for a repeal of the orders in council, by her repeal of that decree, j In the execution of this task I rely on the judgement and delicacy by which I nit per&uadcd you will be guided, and ! "r keeping m nrtod the desire of , this government to entangle itself as lit tle :i fima.U f r jllfr 1 M 1 1 II rf I ( II f ;vs ' to the couie to be taken with the other. 11" it should be found that no illegal blcM 'kadasjftre now in force aitd so decla red by (i Uiitam, or that the Hiitish t?o eminent is ready to revoke and with- draw all such as may no: be conM.-.te-nt j, wi'.h th.e ! lieiimtioii of blockade in t.'-e Kusi.iu treaty of June lool, it vi!l be ; de..nah!e that you lose no time in giving j th.e information to Gen Armstrong, and whatever may be the result ot jour ; ei.ijuiries. that you hasten a coinmuni- j cation ot it to me. ! Wriung on short r.o'irc of the pre- sent com i .ani t, 1 hac only to add the a'stiranct ot my tsicem ;ii.u g. cur- idei.iiian. i.c. P.. SMITH. I ' ( ' ) j . b t?er 1.'. ru (it-n. Aj i;.st: oi.e to Pxtratt of a 1. . ci.t.y ot .4 V coi-bir tin; v to lot siree: rami (..n.iirf.1 vi 'i'ir ietur t the Ibt I cei.it.eu I cnqtanu unctner n v.. , , Hm,,:, t twl.rd ht 1 nlov k.alcs d date i4,iU , ;. ,- l( t:(C;ee connuonly called ' .j c j.,-;;,, l,rcu.v., i,, M..u-.t t'bc Lm . ,, : L b .ill 1 1 v oil in ent to i t oke ,!..... 1 o w ii.i b the , .. , i. .later answer- etl thai " 'V i v e M.i.tort :e v:i: i u : i 4 , , i.ic re'.e ".. ;'.i MatcaiV; i i the t. - 1 i 3 1 C- . ' w H . itish go c. n:;u ni tie r 'v k .i.es ci J e, or j ; ( oi iiv't Mil n .is l TTutii t be l .t' .e tw S: f tst- CCC. oi a n.ite 1 1' t tv lh.it oi tji(. ufli;v. itlli (!e( : ee .l... t.:.si It toe 1$: i.: .1 to.ci hiiieat ou; ! liitn !e..u vi 1 in .::.. 1 u h:v h .;.u! i sti.si. li,e 1 . 1 ! t r I Mi. .'ii, ib.il vi-cicc b;-ju!d ..io be auri '-..led. Kxliucl 01 V. . I'ii.br.r- to . v 1 I. . v 1. . . luivr tee.i.t; I, oi 1 I iii .1r.1 . i ! ! t 1 i v 1 .1 . !i a 1 , -1 l Ll,t U' :.; ..c. ::' i oi:ei:' e, in... v . ii1, ; v. ; 1 t rj i ; t t : . v v 1km- . u n 'i, i i . v ;! 'lr.'.iiV.DK . I'. li !i . O li.l !liV. M -v- . I"- - l;.Ol k -i :. w r.i 1 1 it ..!- I . I. :i r. v t h p l s in t'.i ''.. i ! I ! ; ,! 1 1 1 1 .-; ; ... .1 e t . k 1.. t :. 1 A. iV l -e i - .. . i ' it -.li'iiii i -1 i. v i..i i:e I ... . !!l l-.lv e 1 1 . :i:o ui..s 1H .1. v n. Ai in- 1 c p: c.i..; v! an o(m. i d b :- u i j v v i. y.i ihi lu-.ivi. vt h, w ith sih ii i i it , ci. v i.nil..Tn. s oi. ;, c'.i. nie 1 1 1 v to lil lo il. V. ill I to n,1.T. c ; ;.e" ice J !i:i A ii'.ns ) bv the 1 t : i ; : ei nsis:.-i of n letter :: o:i i ( i ; i. : r to Mr. Fle'dieN, ! i wuii :be -if.( v" k i 1 1 '-. i- tlw 1 ...li -".,1- I.-- ' ' . ' 1' V :!' loll Oi ,1 pv, i, i 11- I I 1 I j (ee.ee, v.iiieh .ci . t n in our lust. LID MKT V OF THE FUFSS. Curt rf A tfi I'.cmh, .V,..!;; ,,. V'rrrt;- 2-i King r$ I'lv v & l,i:;m.(T. 'I .'.is was ;:n infoi nitic-n ar;:inst the i. ' .!e!t iidalits, in ti by '.lie At'oiliey Gei.e- ! ?J. tor a !i';e! upon his Vaj--M which fpiM-.'M-'l iii the M.nning Oin oiiK ie of: vi.ih Mr. iVity is pi (.pi ie. i , ai ul Mr. . i. iiiib-j? : p.in.te:. ot Ovt. 2, IS.,.;. j ' be iibel.o'is pit gi.'-l I:, the subject of the in! iin-ticn w..s as lohous : I 1.' a r 'iwd ol b'n.ss;.iLs rusli noon ' O ir i:; u.V.li n; lit Ik- .vn d unon - .l .. ........ ; .. . i . ......, . ." . i . .i . I . I ..- . i ! l.l(. l Jll,,i..lllll l 'lill mi A ll.'.lllll.tlirt uj svsi - .n No ti.. s..iiiii' iiu-fd, Mice ; be re- I I v.i.u m.!, vu.IImm o tin.- an oppoi vr.itv i.s 1 ! . - . . ... . 1 I I ti.v" s-l ' S S " I I . :vb'v popu. af. 1 liiinrc tic ii ot bcconiin ir t - o Tlf ,' .n,,-,. C :i . a' m his :u!drrss ! to the ji;t ;w.:, h Was a !i:(l lOpecta- l,'c pei.Ll juiy . tabou-d much to show j ihe i;b-i.oiir it malicituis aim ihe uis-; al and daiige ous tendency (d the a- ' t' pai.ig:..pri. Il w .-.s a ma-i mall-j w ---j "" uim ...in.w . , 1.1.111 I I". . . t. .t f I 1. . Ill . .! 1. .11 ,,,.,.-.' 11,3 m..j.s y, i b-. -n:g binn by obvious niitl ir.dtv r.i!!,u.uon, ot iiilernoiinir auegiance oeiwccu vi.e ?ui iein aim snhjccis ; to aiienuie from him the oibe rommenecment nftluiM- bicssings inch in ti i : : 1 1 thry ahc;.dy enjoyed to l4,c 1 Ul m majv.si a vjv.uv;i ' 'lt" h;-'ii.ed gentleman dwelt verv ow- delencc, ; nd iiddrcs'cd the jtny ftoin ! I the ficor of the rou t. in a very acute, a- i , ble and clonncnt -per-.h. He endea ! . ... v. . , ..1 u hjnocem meaning cF tho parapb io i question, and pointed cut to the Court and Jury other parts of the same paper in which certain loyal -arid respectful passages were addressed to his Majesty, which precluded the libellous and mali cious construction put upon this inno cent paragraph by the AttorneyGcneral. Mr. Perry spoke a full hour. The Attorney General replied in a speech of great longth. Lord Ullendokough addressed the Jury in a most eloquent and impressive manner. " It was for t!icm to consider what mean ing the paragraph would b-jiui fide bear ; what was its rational ami honest import. That it wus the undoubted rilit ot every subject to ! ! tfiw a ciitic:! ar.d. as it were, historical oni- ',.. r tlu. ,0ru;c..i svstem and administra- ti- n oi every government. 1 bat by the liber i : , . " .. . . . j tv oft'lie puss and opinion, which wan inter u.ncn iii tiic vt-r frame of the constitution r.t vrii,fn perhaps in any statute, but 16 tble and lr(b:vib! bv necessary anali;gy f oni i be v. hok- tu!y of the law ; tiiat from tiiis lib. I'v, iii;m bad an undoubted I j fit: lit to jiiijMiu T,m c;T'or cn-ur ot jiid-- I I iiH-r.t, to t p rso!..v.,v, bouevi r Jiib bis . r.mk , inaimui b as sweii imputation could in no w :iy bt- pr; s'i;-..ti i:iiu; v ; every creature n e.-N.sarily p.-lakin oi the fallibility of our i i : ir, -n J! " 'l b.it :.'. r "i;-nrv opinion woiild render all I.'iMmia a ! b !, 1b.1t the best as well as t he w orst of !!i;;s, !;.k! t a i K 11 into errom ous eon- coot ".s f tort i- n :.-id doincsi-c poli : that j ; a ijir rrru ism a reasonable ju JiiK ii', ! ' ui .mi .veil with pei "oinl disresjiert oi unduti fid .1: : :;i !' . nruiiier oi;l error ot iudtr- 1 , lie i't, ;u in; re: it, of the sv stem, a'.'.d n.lt a . n.-.son, that all this, was allow. .'. bv fiisi ri-ht of our nature, and rcc.y .-.io- Ijv ib.- t un-titution. There was !,MU' f)I ;n.J. ;,1',;u' ui:u cu,lia r,ut anti V im; .uti-! or ta v. l..:n, as a c. iiiie ak.unst ins ' .io ".. i . . i : Kii 'i 1 1 , was puiiisiiaoivr i nu- , , . . .... ,......,........;,... i i .i . . i . i . . . i. ..." : if. 1 1 : 1 i r ( 1 1 li i i .1 - i i i i- n iV).if : v c t t-r;-, ana tr.eri-e.ire no suujeri w:ii i.i-i:.:.i.-:iv '.-iiiev u an injury m xmput : s ei .: i .i h.ni I he iori:r. .r. oi" t'.ie jury stood for w. ;, wild .'.her a sboi ' eonsult.ition with the :ct o! '!ie iu; performed his dutv it klie in'i pii't.u tji the. defendants in a PKi.lv m..;!;:cr. Tbe .-'ntcro'v ')'r.7, in a voice of evi i-'ii' )i i t, :k.1 (li.ippoihtnicnt. iccortN tor tbc same ( h "AUAC i :.H OF FA INC. ib A ' i I i' .Id w ine; lrtter frbni 1 j ... t'. b ii 1 1 v , .furl r.:i iovv, K.j tt.c i.ii ;!i'.!i-u" ii "Tiii: C'li.aiib.kd." -lit ui. ?.cd f?.:ir:itit-r of the lle Tiio- . !' . n :ii :t tr . i !i-;lr, tiian, perhaps, !i r i..- I', :i lai.'v or b. tiiiies h-ve beiv lo c : . ii it. I: :!. d'"b)-ts ;t tyrt, w . . . : i. stt . e-i; no. !:.i' br pleasing to the Knends j . :, b.uittht World, that Mr. .. vi. . i. i. .a v. i in i.t; , i : lb.- I ',." i States : h r - v. i i' i i i i , i- ibr s.eu hmi (T lUt- R.-j-ubl can i il" tlie r.uitieniijs i ! ; l o i vis ot . in,'; r.ln.ituj and l uimii eX- I r, ;..iir ti. -:i : ib.- j'h' : .Mm, by 1 : i ' ! v ' ) , I i : .i :r.v-n lotl.e Kepudli- 1 v in ca i . in liitsv l iutcO bi.ites (of which ' ..... . ' . . l . .. 1 A w -.. I hi ii n. a ... i .ii .ii. -i 'ii i v ui an u i. w I I u i I iv a si: i.u :cut evidence) takes ;i- 1 1 t v oi v. rit lu. t ) yr.i Vet, sir, vour . .: i r is at a loss tor an npolog Ltiis t: ediiia ot w riiinr lo a (ien h man of i .' . . 1. 1 . .i .: f I .. II VT nihil- in Unit 1'iViiur i i ' ; - i i.w '.i'i'inint'.n- 1 a nLeuf.. r.n t I f'1 ' O'lH ,M 1 I.HI.l.M l V- Vi U IV. pi i p.llll U VMI j j hii mind jiiipc l.s bun t seek so-nc relief from j our benign di.-p .biii')U to iniorm the ig'iio-i r..r.t, !i) ii..e .oi hor.rt solicitude lo en- I i . i . , , ' i .nine ,'in r i ruin, mii, mis u rnv chsc anil ii :n l.i:n '":.( t is, t hat .tlirr reading the jrund, ' ij poeiH ui ana nu.ue oesenpuon e,iven in vour j j olunib,...'., of our I'atri its, Statesmen and j:Vuriio:, lu:-.:: tbc Itevolutionary War, vour tr.-'.id w.is very mueh disupp iinted in u 'r.d:::ur the n.init of Thomas Paine men-ii-.in ti, bom first to lust. A character so coii p. . nous ! in my mind so worthv to ! iii ..lib, oiiii'tv vl m the annuls of the Itevo 1'.:".mi. I i". h: iinbca'es some i.rf -et, that sueh sbuii'v I'oli; icinns :iiyselt' cannot see into --Hiii' -s, tb-ar sir, mir tender regards for iiie b I'l.-.is of vour f. bow men will induce nu ttv i our a Tb lug uith some relief from bis anxietv. s?i!-, I gin a p'.iin firmer, h.ave lived. 3S J"'1 ,,n u,t-' "aiis oi ueep itiver, (jiatluon .1 I niliM' v. Iiav c s'n ill 1 1 tt b- of" mv t in if in r I ..ssi . i - - " Cal ;;rri!nKr. '" "uve taken some )ams, lo 1 read, empure ;.tin think lor inyselt. . ....'. 1 !!..... I .'.tn, sir, v. ub the lii:;hst sentiment ofes- ; teem, your cry ob-dirnt servant, i.fftk ftv ' ' r j-v . .n'ii? .viu.n i (.u.vii'ja. Ch-ih.im Countv, N. C (ict. 1, 1SJ. ANSWER. fi'c.i:.i!:t'jn C::y, Oct. 22, 1300. srn, ""' v. , ll.UU 1 "IL II n I I i -l 111.-.. le :d!i il ) m;:vl a sid j i t wbi' li bs bv too '':i m'' some uneasiness. I b;ivr vv- j gritted thai 1 could not, us I thocg-ht, with j pro-nt-'v notice us xi would wish ihe e!ia- I rarterof rl.om is I'aiv.e. I Knew bini well ; and no man has a higher opinion of the merit of his labors in the cause of i.iberty, in this co .mrv und thrvHii;h'.iit the world Ittit lie was unjust to himself Uis private lib- dis . !:.ci i Ins public character. Certain inuno talities, and low and vulvar habits, which are apt to follow m the train of almost habitual di uT.keunt ss, rendered lum a disgusting1 ob ject for rrany of the lat'tr years of his life, i hough his riiental faculties retained much of their former lustre. Among the distant friends of his fame and atlmirrrs of his talents, like yourself, these objections would not strike the mind so for cil Iv. TI icy uip, justlv dernan l why he is not grouped in the constellation of our lumi-na-ies, among the Pa' iotsand Sages Vbo have ihfir places in the pocra vou mention II iose who have contemplated Jiinj only in pnvaie nxe, who have either not read his wn "hs or l'iive chosen to forget thetn,of which 1 " lih.e!"c 11,'e 100 mn.v uS my read- '7. V.; . " 10 !ce."l,name .. ... , , , - , . , " . "ivii anv lespeci or annroaation wfc-o thoi9 Wh have ka IL, M 1 k U . 1. ire w ot : tc i .'t: .'p!i. fdent, ftificng-thtraoitiaustfioua ft most on-1 temptib.e ot human beings, must be afflicted at the contrast, and grieve that they cannot snatch him from among the last and fix him in that 'place alone where his good genius ought to have preserved him. Perhaps these reasons will not he satisfac tory to you They are scarcely" so to roe. Hut in the History of the United States, on which I am at present occupied, he will find his place. It is his most proper place, where strict and ample justice must be done him, as one of the most able & efficient defenders of our rights one of the surest guides that led ns to Independence and Peace. . With the greatest respect both for the mo tive of your letter and for your patriotic sen timents, 1 am, Sir, Your ob't servant, JOELUAKLOW. Mr. Montgomery, &c. From CxibbctCs Remitter. SPANISH REVOLUTION, o a TUU TL E-PAT RIO T IV A R. So, it seems, th.it the French, in spite of ihat " defeat" for which we are jj ' 1 l " t 1 ! praising ai.u rewaramg tiaron Uourop' ; and Viscount Talavera, have reached !! I.Seville ; and that the Junta, the tu- l! pt eme Central Junta," who (havmggOia j adviserj, I dare say) began their labors f : l)y pu'ting down the small degree of j the liberty of the press that had risen j out of 'he absence, of the momentary j absence, of despotism ; yes, itdoes seem,-j jfiom the newspapers of th.s mornitig, ! jthat this Junta, though they had -taken j I the; precaution td fortify their regular j government" by putting down the liber- ty of the press, have been obliged to quit j Stville, and to llee towards Cadiz ; that j is to say, to get as far out of the reach j of the-.r pursuers as the sea will let jtherr. go Well ; let that stand there. And when we have leisure, lfct.lIS b-ek' u I ttlc, and see what this war in So tin ; t hl3 war for Ferdinand, thik war J h.r a Ki.g, this-war for the prevention ot chji.gc, 'his war for the snpport oi hei old order of things, this war, as the pastry, cook called it, tor the hoiy aliaro ol bpai ;, this war, the object of wfich vas riist openly avowed at the dinner f th.- turtle patriots, where the Jord Cluncedo' , h . ho had been one of Pitt's A tun.ey Gi.-i.eral-. made amosi tl.ming j -peeJi agains. lionapai te's villainous a: 1 iript to r h the Spaniais of their free- yes, let us look ba k only for a tmineir., to tlie tunc wh.n the turtle -..etti: g took place, andste what Ihi war has C"St us, how I;rge a portion ol ouriim ans, how many thousands increa sed lax Uion. Numerous as the Gci- ! man troops in our py aT , We h. Vc, j u ,.n H ,n(J.:LrH?e compu.a ion. 1 s more i .,.., : ,..;,, ...i t... i tt on o ve Inve of G: r.nan troops Woul .t ny:t then, have been belter to' haw kt pt liit. i r own men ai home, and have 1 ' the Ginnans in their own country ? W'liat have w-.: to show lor al! this loss ? Whet have the Ministers to tench r the 1 biirdcne.d country m li. u of ail the mo- jn,.v. aIK oj ....t ilus. in ,iis war. h en expended I Nothing ; fir not only have vc, ;hus lar at least, tailed in our at-j! tempts at keeping the French out of tht Fcninsula ; but, if we fail in the end, I as ;h. re is now reason to believe w j -iiJ), we shall have assisted the French j in he subjugation of che coun'ry ; be- cause when ilie people of Spain see us j ,lrii',.it aiiI "if . yy 4il-l tl,u,. i 1 1 t-, . I t UUIlll UIH Jl ' III. 111-IU) '.UL V. i.l IIU 1UII' ( I gcr t mcrtain -any hope fiom resistance, j Sc indeed will not wish to resist, it was, f. omthe beginning, she opinion of thou sands, among' t wi:j-n I was one, that if we gave our aid to a revolution in I pain, w: should succeed ; hut that :t ; we made w r, and incited the Spaniard:. to make war, lor a choi-je of masteis I for Spai-, uefslv uh! fa 1, and, in the nature of h'mgs, we must fail. l. w ! sew rely were th.se opinions icpiobatcd !! by the partizans of the Minis: iy ? I ih v i; had the chantv to repreben me as being ;j truly ins igattd by thedtv.i." Tnc. j; asserted, in opposr.ion to my op.niwn,, jj the pc pie of Spam wcro devoted, to he . cihrubU nioiurch," Ir 'i.iaiid 'II.V that n ua8 for the ir.tcres' S of ihe woi Id h thai no revoluiion should n.ke place in ! Spain ; ti. at the people cl Hnglunu vkw. en the j o iibilityof such revoiution w ih J Honor ; did ihat they at the same lime, j jwere so very candid as to - as.icri, that !; I and those who thought with me, were !; grieved to the soul to see that the pen-;' j le of Span loved their monaron, and Jj lb. t Bonaparte w uld it last, be beaten J by the k loyal nd religious," Tlitirj, nope was, or seemed to be this: thai the Spaniards would icpel Bonaparte's J ' aitacks, and finally beat him, and that j they; would ad".. id (for the benefit of j ugiaar liovtinment' ; an mstence ot a peoi)lc, under a despotic government, h?.ving ris n in defence of their coun-i ;ry, k succeeded in the r object. jj This was the darling hope of cur!; lolincal opponents. 1 hey were veiy jj anxious to have it in their power to say p to us, ' Look, here are people living under 3 despotism, who "have been able ;'.nd willing to defend their country a gainst France." Their rnotives for this were not easily mis.aken ; and if the French had, no matter by what means, been driven out of Spain, we should n -ver have heard the end of it ; morning, ncn and night it would have beeen dm: ned in our eais, that a people, undtr u despotic government, had succeeded 1 jdfcfwnding their country against Franot Beo tk'e people of states ly free, had made little or n?: against her. This hope, hojl " Un heart cheering hope of our Doli,, lhi ponents has, iUetms, no v W for .f the Junta have decamp b vide, there: can be no do ,t ?0n whole Kingdom's bein3 upon "l Ot SUbmis?;inn. CV? submission. This. th.n ;r tu . , ii .t i ru n . f .. . . ,7 "aC cjosen me iamou. kl-'l. VI. y- - v-w..n)t nas me nT.; 1 auu mil too in the best nnseiKl . ' by their ,, will hev knew .o to ucve an Anti-Jacobin Mj-eK, Aye, Aye we. have not iVit til .u 'ter" hid to fed from Anti Jacobin' 1 V is only now beginning to work ' Tq acknowledge the son asalml th, father was alive ; to espouI i-uudv. inav auu m a war, carried against his own published eHl-.r-r 0 1 1 to. sena n Ambassador near bic ... 1 person, at Madrid, when it wai 4i0 rious that his august person Was';" Fiance; to send a second armv int.;, ' heart ol bpam alter the fate of uie . of Sir John Moore ; to send out Ambt sador after Ambassador, wit'i i "o-a e()ei)t upon exptnee to send uin Encl, new Ambassador just now tor u - 'V, the enormous ejv.penee there fiuniaii-'u , -o do all these things, and a othv rs of tlje'syme dcs. rijuioe, Wi4 served for the Anr i Jacobini, vhorn V .many years, & in -ijorify'-of the people this infatuated count: y ex;od d protector's. But we have as yet r.ic'tciy had a ta-tc of what is to bz tn iuu-d. the ccnsequtiue of that it.fuila'ion i Amongst the minor consequences ol' J subjugation'of Spain by the Lmptror Napoleon,will bej.hat of giving :;i exclusive possession of-al! hat uoJi without which, it is well known, iimj superfine cloth cannot be made. A0 wool of this sort shall we in future huv without his consent : and tiio' he ny find it Swund policv t give tii2tc.r,v;ji: stili our supply, depending solely his will, must he preeanous. As con nerterl with this topic, I will just irji riu my readei , that if Mv. Cochrane J-ji-a-stone had been permitted to export i.rir.s to Spain, upon his fii st,:ernval in hni;. land, early in ' Decerr,bVr last. . end proper assistance lud been afforded hm, he would have b -.dsafe i.r. England ihe famous NfgrV-ui flo- k, consisting of from 14 to 15 000 beep and iarr.b ! A full 'account of ail i he"f ransc-cins relating to these shee.p wilt hereof cr be given. Well, 'but ;-her all, i;ow i'i he V I'.Cblev s. ; li.-w s'.nd the ooe- - - i lions bcUve'en tliem and 13oi;;:pai te Fhey h-vc all been tn Spain thev have all been emj 1 ycd as'.-ins: Iii m. t;i, itave and Acc n. piished G; nerslu a.id S. I'rsnii n, w'nat h von ii tie a'A him, cr to him, ot -against him, or auf h.m ? Cin you give us no account (i: him I ind sh.d; we have yuu ell twtz. agom, leaving him as !e waa bcluiev.-tt went out ? What Dour.; unci al. ! All come heme ?-g-in, and le:i ve niparte untouched i;r.t. uclivti di.: I say n:y, unseen by a;y ore oi -cj? Ar atiy rati , whatever may btCvin.e d the Junta, and whatever Hfay be tr: ie sult of war in Spain, 1 sha;i aiwav ! in mind, that under the Junta, tr h:.-?'. ty of the Press was foibidr' '. 'Fi.s is a fact, which I hope the whole ivjUlK) will remember. THE CtLEBKATLD KA-ib SIR ARCHIE, FINE BAY, 5 feei 4 inches h gb, r. ' . tv cut tiiomcrt, cut of Cii .o :n, r.3 waa imported by. Mr John Taice ot Si ar.t Airy, Virginia aii stot ovci. to him ai the aet bi K"d stoc! in England ; siie v:as goby itfM.kirigbaiT! out ot aTrentliaKi, &c b,- S I'Al'i i) at Newhope,. iwo rrales Ircn town of Halifax, N C mt tnv.i.ag s-ztu whieb w.ii commence the lith tir.y-el i ibri;--ry and end on tht 1st day ol AUga, to c-v(f v.aivs at l'ort UoUars the sedtf-.n ; ma) be discharged wilh tbe psyn.5;1' ot Hounds Virginia cuneocy, by the l:rct cr- c J aiunty,181 . . j uoou auu e.tienssve paai board, giatia; the mares ii a (.'. '". r J 1 ... rrr 3 n I ' I v J With com at a !, tf rate, ar-cvev- tenoon ptod to trena, bur i ''"-' L' iw'k" '" ub'.e for accidents of anv dfCp" As a racer or a til nod brr-e, , is inltrior to no imre ever L.--- or fi' or anv otii r cou u:;. e ;"''-;' . and eh-.ftvv'..cre, .-e has beat-.! r;w fo'ii.wi' mocs b-rscs : Wrangler, l','"' -f ,x, M-ne.-ra.-KkOav, Gallatin, .c. 3:;' Carney'iceietrated Vucer blank by 0:0. i.cM f-r ! a? ii htlure or since. A II. VTlj, '. - for nnu- in m . n sSJcSiion tro-ri Mr Vt in R Johnson, wh.o te-imtrly ino... '-' ' ' . him, and from which the lu.i; w.:1- -,s " 1 have only to' say, -that 11 rr; ? , Archie is tiie b-st hotse 1 evrr -a. kn. w that 1 never had ,.y i,Z f , or.e that was at ill ins j:Ut ""t ti),, back, for if any horse in -v.e wf jn , . gair.st him at any hail way if uru., heats, according to the t uh r-"' . '. a 'may consider me ftvetnouiai.d '. , on him. He was in good cof"- ; ,, and has not runruh any In-i&e l'v him al haif peed towaroi f f, r Vers , f Mares now ,in toal. . g ... the time of to-dirg, 10 - ey,r; cohsjioo young. One d-'-'T by ihe groom, lor eacn P.a. .Vlr