: -.- ... ... - rY 7 -4 f 1 5- -V- i; 'A I f ,1-' 1 Ml i 4 . - 'V: TOR TUB REGISTER. - ' . Tfoltows; Solution of the'truly nW Mathcra-teal Problem of T'P. which ppeard in the Raleigh Register ttae 13;h Uccctnbcr, is si jour terrier.- r- j 4. TJy ihe Probfeffl. 80. the disUrfcetneMU? Lhiriritv. tnsv beconVived tl by: i i j2o yolhenuwof mright-'angledlnanglcwnd 40. the dl&KC borixoaUl!.Wlow Use'onc fthc at)icii,ihfreftftce of whwe squares will' 6a the square of the other leg; 4300,-for 'wVch put s t rjut fC Ut n tie frlu?am.C- ' ,te ?e. shirer) and the beitf of thetU AUo,'ilWlitam,(5) roaybe coneeired t hrrLhenIrte of a righ-trigled triangle, pj't a one of Ihe catheli. It "I16 cf the other le.,Tbe JUunce from the top of the fVk. While atandinj. tavnjwniwu. JuUace'WoVr, is 150, for which put x: Then pF Sp i t - Therefure, f 2- e. - which equation expunge f e . on both; iide. we hae 2x -to I . which; hj txwipoVuion, will be 2x Jk t Then br diriuon frhich will be found sa 2J, th height of-the tumnla'CeeL K T. Ciip.-Por.the amutemert of Mr. " T. P.' I bfTertheTolIowing f artictnatieal .ProWero, and Ho beDere.with hrtn, that the like, occasional! prcpWd m.roor vcrj uaeful p4pr, would hare that good ecct he aug- A Cooper baa prcinUed, for toe, when at lei- ' .: V aureV . To cuke a round, Upering, half bushel mta- sure. i A good prlcel ofTer'd;be said be would take it And nioe Inchri deepr exact, he's to make if TL top and the bottom diameteri to b Just iniuch proportion is four la to three. JfowVai hen mot" a T trade," PrajJ direct him how wide the top must b .- -v 'tnaUe," . , ' And alsa the bottom diameter ahew Antf then how to make it hell eertsjnly know. . S iry Own. IV. T. RELIGION IN PRISON. We have teen favored wit the foflf-wingcopy . of a letter from the" Prisoners in the Virginia , Peniteatiar, addressed to the BUhopt, EU ders, Deacoai and Mitus'tn composing the Virginia Cottfercoce lascl held in Raleigh. t'Xiciou, yanwjTZ, 1811. The Members' of the Chutch of Chris', onttedto the Methodist Socitty, caVed by Gtace while confined in the VtrginijrPc'ntttntUryi and who are stall coritinued uDder 'that con6nemcnt . vtriiheth -'Gratei Mercy and Peace from God the Father, aid from bur Lord Jc auiChtiiU.. V ! " Ik i$, with unipcakablej joy that we addrtjt you, to declare unto you the a bundantGoodocas of God towards ui In NaTore darknett we wtre in love vith Sin jjwe panued ditera vanities, ani soocht the irratiBcatioa of various lust a, which were contrary, to our real bippinesi, atd'ery ofen HQmed our hearts with anguish Th? pay pica sores of the trorld engatd our pursuits -i-Tbey'appVared f.dr to u and stron- IV 'struck our ambition. The f rtcofl ourimr gmatnn worked on this illusioD, which was so powerful, as lp strike dead Vitbin us. eVery inclination to virtue. We lost sight of our real interests, k t ' t were chained to the world by its charms and even when we attained the ob- .jects'of our pursuits, we were still unA- satisfcd and sighed for other scenes to i amuse us;" ; i 41 The grand Adversiry of our peace, poured such a bli'ze of false g5ory in bur . xnlqds, that it made' the vanities of the world illustrious objects to our vie The fascination was powerful We did obt clearly perceiYe," that ;hese were mere empty bubbles, riding'highj on the V foimiog billows of lile ; nor did we, ; ' - with propriety consider, that vast eter--rV' iSliTt hither we were hastening, which ) a wallows up all the vain ambitions of 1 1 f , . t . Ime s . B ut ,we continued our tain pur- ;.' - ; SQHs wnico nas onjugnt us to uic 1 ? . " V. . . . .1 . fit ve have fclbn.wbti the God of Grsct has sent to us the Ministers of his word 7 and the illuminations of his spirit, which tc ui a -correct view of our folly, by .which we saw our danger. ,Wc saw cur . selTtsexpaied to an, awful. Inflamed, - "c!eV5uring Htll.vi An Inward, sense cf -Guilt filled our soula.iih anguish, In Srcrrt stings and rkcaa and scourges cf Cornclence We felt conrtction that V : "trr had 'an immortal Spirit within us, . 4 that is unsaUsfied with, all attaintqers that t!ite' to thtt state of existence; ?hitrwe VffTC itcMrtta'STctd if Cod, hoi ttiih aJciJocs eyt' marMbt action: oi cJeavW Vmto Ihe Lord'witarfull.' parppse of Ariri': 'm r lMfhe word of Cod TaUhrmiy preacnr td unto usV'enabled 'ui todiico?ery that uod was pieasea to oner iuvi aati of laakinb.:theriafd6n"orur6f. fences, and to become .reConcUed to us irt Can I st Convinceor bow. roucn, we rTceded his 'pardon on out parr; we! ac- cepted of the'Grace or.u'd, tnun oner ed to us, and erh'jraccd tKc'service, Iotc and obsdience of that, precious. Cfl :t who had done and suuVred much for us; Being justi&Vd by faith, we have as a fruft 'bf it, peace with' God through oiir LoauJr.sus Christ.'. i We'fet ; the power of theinimitatle love and passioTi 6t bur dtinc Saviour in our hearts our minds are impress ed with a !ericus ssns'e.'pf Goo,Rklx tftoM and EitaNiTr. tWc now have found that the path of pcacx Js. in the wy of RicruTr.ouSNF.sa lany of the servitnra of the -Lord have imnifsted rauchceal and cQncem fcT pur wtjfare. ThV Uv. Archibald Fester, a local Mi; nister in the City of Richmond, has shewn an unabaiing z. a to promote ihe knowledge of God jim .ngst us, and has acted fur our -good in every way, in which he c uld possibly render himself uivfel to us This opportunity has btn veiy grea, frvm his being intimate with and having the esteem and confi dence of our ketper, in a -very high de gree t and his efrdcavours have been as great and as continued, as his opportu niy. Our keeper is -very favourable to ourReligious interests, Formerly, we enjoyed many advan tages in the progress cf the DWine life', from the hoTy and ardtm xci oi inc sympathitinp; seal of our beloved Mi ad. We remember with melam hoiy joy the pleasant moments we have ; spent under th- instrutiions of asd in' social worship with our dear Callowat It is with puie affection and deep tegref that we have had a recent parting, with the soul-corn farting and hiKl' useful ministry, -.four affcctioraicXATAKORi. We ra;ghl multiply this account, of the pious endeavors of many other- cf the Lord's servants, whase usefulness in his vmeyard, in part we are evidences of, some of whom continue to visit us, o ihers of tht'm we see no more. 14 We have, from the situation in which we are placed, experienced ma ny changes in our Riltcious Society f many ol our Jlrethicn have been dis charged from the prison, boh by pardun and expiration of sentence, and many of them correspond with ns ; they still praise God fur Salvation, and declare that the Hearenlv lover is the besbc loved of their Souls. We have otherwise a good report nf many : Others alas ! wo httr,hiVe turned from the way of peace. But a mongst ail these changes, we love and praise, and feel (be present friend whom we have the beat reason to trust, and with whem there is no variableness or shadow of turning. His sweet presence harmonises all the scenes of our lives, whether prosperous or adverse. Goo, always wise and good in all his ways, gave us the consolation of Rilici' k when we most needed it ; in deep ad ver siiv, he has bestowed on us the best mf.rct. We feel, and know from what we feel, that God is rove we will live to love and praise him. Our number at present, is 1 6 whites and four blacks. May that awful and Klorious Majesty that directs the coun cils of the Universe, preside in your As semb!y,.tbat all your deliberations, re solutions and appointments, may tend to promote and establish the Divinb tlovoua in the Earth 4 and may you continue your Glorious rce, till you join the nations of Heaven in concert with all the sanctified, and. sing to gol den harps, salvation, honour and glory to him that, sitteth upon the throne, and ib the Lamb forever; and may we rise tojoln ith'you in the Divine Harmo nt, and prise our -God for the sweet message of love whichrouht the glad tidings of salvation to us, and has filled our souls with holy love and praise. " In all pure affection, we subscribe ourselves, your unworthy Brethren in Gospel Relation. Signed bj'Ordcr, and in hebatf cf the Clat , . MOSES JACKSON, Leader " A .aealous federal Clergyman, nor long since, pryect btTore a large Con gregatirn, that the people of this coun try might I be blessed with a double por tion of Adam t admtniitr&iion" By ibis," said a grave, picua old genileman, I suppose our pax son means, we should have two standing armies, and two land taxes. J ,.-.-. " . . i .; l ' Gcvut ici Wit. From Bonipartc'a enmity.ta the, Press, it is suDDosed thai ?f V 1 10 o Ibc 'Human 1 our bca rtii bcboldf the rise hd( pTosres 6! ch UcViicVna i the; fruU.ihaV chlc Ellcd Tour ul- wVlh7-aw,:; 4'nd desire the best Mew. ind rcsolytto ynaerstanaingm AnAcUostne:compe f nal assUrant Pwaster-Ctnrah - -.zJLUsJvThxl the additional assis. UPost M'asierineraU. tboristd ,by tfi.e act regtlatiflg the post-office tahljment,.. .vn vm.;va mn anneal safajy of aisiesm hun. dnflara; tavable:'l;arterearlytaf,the ,Trt atury cf the Vo it'ed State to bt cqmpoted r. .k t.Kieh he roay, havr entered iroon the execution of the duties hia office- 'SpeJer'tfibeMoute ifJtepreientative .rC,i ' ; i CiEO. CLINTON,, -. 7mT.inii ertU United State and r ' " President of tie Senate As actof the relief of Oecrge Armrojd ind ", ' Com nan r. it m'nnrd bi the Senate and House f tetrr.tative Statet dmericat ui V , ut Thar th collector ol the customs for the port of WUtfingtffn, in the .ft f Delaware, be. and he i hertby direct Lrd to allow George Armroydand Company t he drawback of duties oo certain mtrcnanojzc, rirt,A fmm the oort of Philadelphia T them, in the mcnth of October, one thousand eight hundred and nine, which merchanoxr iiorted waa imootted into the d.ftrict of VVil .f-rt'irt nn the trnth. of "lulr. orfe thousand eiAhthufidredand seven, iotheschoo nrr ChrUtiamtadt. ard thence shipped coast wise to the port of Ph'ijadrlphia; in the sloops; Carohne and 'Anne ; Ptocidet never tbele;tTi. noth.ne herein conta'tid shsi! be so corstrued M to-cofnnel the collector ot V nmingron-xe m I ' I. 1 grant the allowance ot the drawbacn or out aforementioned, until he shall receive from the collector .of the port of Philadelphia satistacto t prof that the merchandxe was shipped ac cording to the forfha of the law, in aucti cas a made and provide : and also satisfactory proof from ihe aaid uerrge Armroya ana orzpwj, that the merchand-ze haa been landed in acme foreign port or place " . ! t j,3 varnum; Speaker ef tie Hyus: of Representative. GEO. CLIN J ON, Fic PictiUnt of the United Statet end Pietident of tbe Senate linntr 10. lfill APP1U VED. J AMES MADISOK. An mrt f.ir the relief ol the heirs cf the late Mjor General Anthony Wayne. BE tt enaeed by tbr Senate and Haute of Pe presentatixet of the United S'ates of America, in Conrrtt a4eniblet. I nat tn proper accoununr o5cers be, and they are hereby authorised to te examine and fettle the accounts cf the Isie Major General Anthony Wayne and plce to the credit thereof the thrs-5 at veral aums stated, tv hia executor in his memorial to Congress, dated the seyeatn oi janaary, eignteen nan dred and eleven, to have been disbnrsed by the deceased foe fxpeaccs necessarily iscurred in the offical discharge nf his duty ; and three o- ther sums stated in the said memcrial, for srr vices rendered oy the said deceased to tbe U nited States. ' J B. VARNUM, Strain of the Hve of Representative; GLO. CLIN rtJN, Fice President if tbe United States and Pretiiient of tbe Senate. January 21, 1811 srnovit, JAMES MADISON. An act to authorise the Secretary at War to ascertain and settle, by the appointment of Commissioners, the exterior line or the Pub lic Land at West Po.st, with the adjoining proprietor. BK it enacted by the Senate and Hnute of Re pretrntattvea of tbe United Stale of Amencm, in Coret auemoiea, i nai inc secretary ai wir hali be, and he ia hereby authorised to settle the exterior line of the public land at West Point, in the state of New-York, now in dia pute with Thomas North, tbe adjoining pro prietor ; and for that purpose to appoint three commissioners to ascertain the same, whoar determination, or a majority cf them,the. same being first apprt ved by the Congress of the U nitcd States, shall be final and conclusive in the premises. And any such commiss oner shall be entitled to receive at and after the rate of foer dollars per diem, for tbe time, necessa rily employed tn executing said commission or appointment, i Sec 2 And he it furtber enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for tbe commissioners who roybe apjpofated under this act, or either of them, to issue process in nature of a writ of sub poena, for any wrtnesa that may bereo ed on a hearing in thcpremisesj and any person duly ser. ved with such process shall be bound to appear and testify under the like penalty, and be lia b!e to be proceeded against intbelike manner, as is provided by law in relation to any witness whose attendance is requ red in any coutt of the United States to give testimony in any matter depending therein. - J. B. VARNUM, Speaker of tbe Home of Aepretentatmu. GLO I TL1N TON, Vice President of tie Urived State and PtcstdentjftbeSenate Jannsry 22, 1811 appbovbd, JAMES MADISON. CASH STORE. S. BOND, HAVING taken in a Partner, the business : wiU in future be conducted under the fin of BOND .& JONES. They have just re. cervwl a fresh supply pf GOODS from New York" V Petersburg, which with those laid in in 4he Fall, compose a very handsome assortment Aa they intend to renew their auppliea at short intervals, they expect to have it in their power to furnish their customers with almost every article that may be wanted & as they intend tc sell principally for cash, they think that, their Friends and the Public will find it to their ad vantage to call ou them. . -v . ; . i ,95 ..v y -.-Jtaldgbt Feb. 13, BOWDrwjoestsall those who are in debted to him to ruike setdemonC as no fur ther rridulgence can .reasonably be expected - ; CASH OR BOOKS :fM'k' Given at this Office toe clean ; jJnWo CotUw . v m m m m w A I f aton Cduntyf and &e ty-r Rslcighron K the ISjhftnnt,. Oli. . A? both Wa'forfcctandbJ andraam she ia'v shod before,; baive. .In ipringivefe WboeveVshailake,upssidHorseS tn'eii toJohniSWear.eyrQf,MquntTits?h.tn ,Perion County, North pirplina ahareceive ',Ten Dollarf Reward, and 'reasonable expen ds i or amy person vholsball secur them, and send id the owner miorrquM w;i- """7, veahke Jtewavrd . J"- ce: AS crmitted,iofthe Jail of Hertford countj; (N Ci) On, the I7t li December, u i Runaway, a i Negro Man who rys nis name MJQHH, andahat(he baioipia prj.ii -Whitfield 'of W ayne counjy.-rhis fellBWrsays he is a native of one oft he French VVeat-Ia dia Islands, and his language seems to provf the assertion he. also aays, he is sjity yeas pf age, but does not look to be over fifty ; ihe is five feet eight or nineinCneshigh, atput madej and had. on, when cornnjitted, a-'slack .4, -Woolletyjfackec and.Trowsera. ., v f The owner is hereby warned, fo prtfve pro perty, pay charges, and;tatae himjiway, or he will be dealt with as thvi law directs : ' . T, t I LEWIS i W ALJWSiSiJf Twenty Five tmlars Rcwar&ir RAN A WAY. from th Subscriber, living i Orange County, on Haw River, near the Shallow Ford, on the Sjth inst :rw liBLY NEGRO MEN, One Earned J ACOB, abtiut. 21 years of Sge and upwards of O feet high ; had on when he went -away, a Short lead color. ed cloth coaV, a low crdwned hat,' one pair or - . 1 tl j. u - . i .;' .."II pantsJoona of homespun nneuTviin -wociicp, another pafr of tow linen, andfa jacket striped with red. The other r egTO, nameq m amiw. n about 20 years of age, and about 5 fret 4 m 5 inches high ; - nas a long enjn ; ana aueo with him the same kindfol cloathi as the other, together with a suit of Sunday cloatba. The above Re Ar'ard Wifl eiven for the a foresaid Negroes, oh their being delivered to the Subscriber, or confined so that he can ge ;hem again, with all reasonebie expences ; or hail tue avewara it ennrr o inem. i :DANiEL. HEOFHENAJS. Jan, 21.1811. 93 ' ? , WAS COMMITTED To tbe JaU of -Hash. Cuwity, on tbe 2d ofyan'y. ANEGRO Boy. byjthe name of BOB.1 14 or 15 vearaojt age, who saya he.be.J Ionia to Wm. Alien, ot tbe county ot isie or vgnt fy irgvj ana mat ne was aioien irom.: his masters quarter m tirunsw ca county ma Overseer's name jrjohri Powell ': ' The owner is rtucated to cume aod prove hia property, pay chaiges and rake him. away .: WM. HAYWOOD. J v , ... 3t93 Jan. 14, 181D. WAS COMMITVIEsX To tbe jail? SMbamf ton CoHntyVirinfaJ On the 24th day of Sept'r,. 1810, a NEGK,0 Man, who calls. niatl.i L VVlS about 5 feet 4; or 5, inches high ; and says that Ve belongs to Ahhot Freeman, near Wadesboro', Acson county, North Carolina. ' . VVM.HAR,T,JaiJpr, Jan. 1,1811. U ! 2m.. NOTICE; 0T the 23d day of I November,. W10, waa committed to Salisbury Jajl, a Negro Fel low b the name of PfLUBEiS. who says he belongs to Dr. Thomas Brjckhcvsk, living in Augusta, Ceorgia. He had on, when cony; mitted, blue pantaloons and a roundabout of oiue cioto. tne cuns oouno wtn red. 'tie is a bout 5 feet S ii.ches high, and his hack has been well whipped He has a scar'over his lefi eye, and one also by the side of his r-cht eye. and "fcald headed'; his upper fore, teeth stand apart The owner is requested tocon-.e forward prtVe property, pay charges according to livf and take him away. H ' " . ' " .''I JOHN HAMPTON, Jailor. Salisbury, Jan. 14, 1811. ' 92 ri State of 'Nbrth-CaroHnau 'At - ' MARllJCOUNrii - Cburf of Plea -aed Quarter Session, December J 7ersn1810. Joseph 1L Bryant, - j - -0rig. dtttdebment James TunstaJ. ;; j ' IT appearing to the Court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of the State aWsaid' it is therefore Ordered, that publication bkmade three weeks successively in tlie Raleigh Regis ter, that unless he appear at she next court, to be held for the cbunty of. Martin, on the second Monday of 'Mlrchnexrensuing', and replevy the property, jadgmenr will be entered agaipst him by default ?e '. ; HENRY-JB- HUNTER, Cl'k. Williamston, February 2d, 1811 94 f Philadelphia Ptafier Warehouse. THE Subscriber, Agent for the. principal ' Paoer Makers in this State, haa far Imperial, Super Royal, RovaJ,Medium,Derni' BtFoolscapW KITING PAVERS, ef auoeri or quality ; Hot pressed .and plain Folio and Quarto Post, Laid and.Yeirum ; Superfine anH low-priced PRINTING PAPER.of various sizes 4 Bonnet and Binders iBoardi&c$&c, which he will dispose! of wholesale'ar the Ma- nufactmers prices, t Printers atd StatnoersH throughout the Union may be. supplied with Paper to any patterni (by, giying a feyf "days notice) on "the aame terms as ihePbiladephia Booksellers arev$ually sppphed . Spcjmens wilj be foryraribftd, with the prices and terms. AccouniEooks; ruled & bound to any rjatterti. twith' and - without -feint ' lines,, pailajt Spring-: Hacks and Russia Bands, whifbihejpffers for sale ;on terms;wprthy the; attention oXwbofesale purchasers - Orders prcrly executed-' ' : L , : i JOHN .SX&LIVa K, 'a tifait?n Smithf dd!n.tct?- whiter a. white-spoT,"ie jri&oi :rumpj is ahodibeforec be Is aJtrioat.f fnrfi tiiohJabfTfive vearacUiH springs 'CTJHE Jbr4:iouttaett.f.7etd t0ayc il Viire.di2tiince:Srnile i? : j-r 2.j,Towards Charieatosvby Latfrel Hil) ami Mar hero eourt hcttsV to the Long Bjcfiy deeT4lmilesAi Towards Aegtista,! Cfeeraw.Hills, 0l SedshorooghijS in3esVVv4 'iV- -4 Trdl Clrk i- A t4tIT'a Fjif'if mawZyi - 5i-TsrridttfNai , Towards Mili fas: acdr'l'ar bore veraaborcUshSmithO 47 miles )05bciadire theford brRcckfisVnA:CaViRT.cId read:;. ...t'.VJl-- vy U hcw 1.711 4 Winjivvj j i a. m rn vvi wr;Bj .' iScsmifletciyja'd bjlcf& x)ptn4; ons jevti rio.&e. except ar.tu. if ucuiscn. 1- TheCurffbyaacutateifirve k,'- ' 'lis - f'f .f. We- -1 rtn the ;dividifwr Peedep ard Luiber 4.T0wardai-Balfieh 5.sTDanellyJsorrNgrth v , : -ane iajjer is near5y,opifafjana waen it, or iny of the sfoesajl ifjn Vi i tav yuwfc ri Utljs attention paioo cieariHg wiupip c.,Tnakmg; V repairs, ,riuttwg,ug mile. r only wheremaliciouSipersoris hye or 7ay 1 knoc kdwn ;.he,arnia-p 'diectJn.s ;.!':'. 1 L The Turnpikerdge isj wide and 35$ tesi'4etdip:' across ' ' n both sides ? the TiAlir i by njact 0198,:, constani cj&osirhe : .Lumber Fiver; Fe3,r8ljns?'! C?" Qt chea,terjf9Sy MILL SjE AT neajj, the'Tihnpkve, ihiifg ; mile of naviiratio,;tJBiteitr ! T HE following artoV writh. their. iirvint'cS0''. nib; thereof as. wilf saiisfy the (asjitr due theradn-for the ear 1809 ' v,-":rVs2-:V . - 150 AcrtseftonnJthe east side oFCapc.w Tear;kiver,-s1ipo HerVs' of ;FdSr; M ffm - ' 160 acres; -neaV ihe 1?edof FaWftgRuii, sup. pped to be the properly of. : Vi irte- V, 60 laes oh , te eai ver.'near or adMmng'tlie taiids'Vf 'Johrv Dick ; sonvigrven-i6iy t&&&$k&t&4- '. ? 1 lot of ground i o Fayetteville, thaopetQrJ ofsaidl'Niel mj. ; 1 , 5 1 acres of land, nearhe Town of Payette : vflJe given in byoTA 3 lca.iriyaiuey:4l,l,th;t meijt?, aroSiQQOacresi pJaid ixhd&mjUW'i ia. Cumbfirai.coufty,, tbprertf.., heirs oflo 4rkWv4ea 'c oi Aiaiy.f.igiajBa,,v MUAO..Fay(eteyjlleutJ proper ty of Thomas England j v vV f l.n4hfe,s4pfsijof;Y 1 ditto the proptrf pf JUe Wrj, Jlavyisi ; ; Jaj.5Q. i81L; F.. - . A. .-, Iti. JIBBLSOL13i 260 Acres of Land Jlyne onlVhe .North v4t oi Neyea;: donB,e's Crj$eU($f& jng the lands of JpaNeWc tqrfgjng ,0.hjjj'. Heirs o Thft.aioHis. .3000 Acres;pf. Lancyiyoriithrth.si of Ne.use Riyer and pf Dawson's Creqk Ppcd( a'taiPI-OJfoiogrtf.. f 260 -Acres, : I Lajnd,, fy ing on thje North side, of NeusV, River. v9h,':OpQ'oiiiin, jerty,,oJ.rJ,.jU..BIejpt ' , : a 50 Acie s, oJUaifl, ly in on, the,Norh siJsj o f Neuse Rrver andrpn Beard' jCtee)cJ adjoi ingjhelanol ginitohei ; 1 00 Acres of Land, lytgn tbTNorth side ; of Neuse" Rfyer andDaWWrtCreeki t: property oferBush of Teajnessee. FrPg.opNors. Neue River and at th header ailhes ot vef and BrpHcl Creeps, th owner unknow riVfV ! RP jONEWsb'ffJ ; Craven Coonty, ; Jkn. 10,181L f ; " 92 ; ; . 'i: " WILt Bfi SOltD . : I., A T the Cpurtrhpusej in Lumerton; onTne ? -fJL day the 5th of March nextHe fllowjnj tracts cf. LaniS and Lots in Lunbertoo, orSi much thereof as wrll satisfy.the taxes ard co?tt for aveigVfoehey eajs Jl808n 14309.&- -1 50 Acres of I,anaVtkeproperty of Tosial , vnanneii,:ior awiji---: ' tpfmf 'kf -4 w 100lino on theixBig Marsh, ;not given'jut ioT-aouy.;n-'W' :'f. 150-ditto on the Swamp, for 1809!' South side eft As 7518 ditto not : iriveh 4n. sufjoostad to be the property of BenjamMi WDd,f or XW&k 1. 100 ditto on the South sidef iAi&nole. , no i giyeir ia, the fnopiy for 180 uu oiuo on &adcuetTree ft wainptrie jierty .ofJbhnJ'UamebifcI.' '12SidittogiYen in by JotfrLEclteslfcr 180 170iditto fiiven ja by AVjlIiam Alleri: 1808.' 410 ditto tt vera inyncio Shclil r'SQ ditto riven iiiWiifiar 4?;a ditto veWirr bylC1iarleil!eli;i ( A300dind giyeii in jilala1 Ivej 1 808. 50ittoiveriaiby.Is tSOOittogive byamSalSP?- given m oytiaennet isornjSOo By Mornari lerryKt to CoH'sv:fi!WK.Tyaei V 't T6wards Wr Mrbre l 25 JandiaTvsbfi'soh; juv.p 3 5 hnleS. v 2.iAiiotW;ear!yvdItt gJwhTy S, Tcwiirci Salem, ;bvuGibsjgjhdllis r ivK9 , pci wjen inc-watf rr rivm,- to veenxan-s ttCt ... ! the CurlHcse "to Newberi?on theV 11 20th day of MaVcff fcxas rnholf tbe' 1 108 dittoiven in by-CKaS'' phejl. ififi t Parr of XotNo W.and , : cf Lot nu 91, for 1809. - !A'fiOlVXANn ShE Jauaaiy 18,1811; ' -::;:-:--;'-v-:.. ..fe L'' ,