'J iXi- mil spiRirS:0F.TUi(PENTINE, IMCu tbey Verier s!e, 1 the binel, Y gn- , ef :thlt Ml cie. and al f fSklSlCiSieii iW Di.tJIepr, will "te siW.uvw.Mj m - Miirv uni)Ct;c rVbrizHbiy, abrt one year who a ' ,a:xol wUe co the tcbofenehia hoofs, tvwitl driver -the ndHcrses iome, S?TJk in Wake county, cr give in. rtfcmtxoo so gilded. ' SASrL HICH ARDSON. from tJ Subscribe Irving in Orange County. near ChapcI HaWon the 5itt ultimo, BOUT 15 bards high;l2 or 13 years old A w. hnt itch tail., roached Mane, orf remarkable long foot-lock' behind, had .V, cnall clear knock.nt Bell- He was raued m Cx.rcn County, and from Information recei. Kn made for thai place. Any person who -J tccart iJd Hone and' give information rmf or deliver fairato ni shall be gwe- r2t rewarded lor mar wotwc. JNO. CRAIG. Mi 4. 1311. 3t-7" Ten : Dollars Reward, J , STRAYED OR STOLEN, ' aa Wednesday,' tn 10th day of April last, A BRIGHT BAY HOR3C, A BOUT 14 bind hgn,'haa 3 white feet, A a blase down hi face, is about 9 or 10 mrs old, and raised in the neighborhood JK sleigh I will ge 10 Dollars for him or M, reaaoobU char, Kinton.Ma7 V18U. 7 . r ; S:rthCdronnaRuihetfGr(! Cotmly, JehaBradlaV V IN EQUITY.', , -f ArrJ lcrzn. oii. rvN raorioa of the Colnpnant Solicitor J Vy kitt i gTamed to aroena ni oui u wmplamt. Ordoei alao. That publication be tnjtd. Uoleaa Answer or Demuirer is hMed, tmeot will be taken at neat Term oo the k,3 as it stands amended. Ordered, That thi Older be puUUhed three wetks succcasyely a ibe Ralegh' Register. Usocd 6th day ot May, 1811. Gf Tar, N. HAMPTON, CM.m. ' State cf Sorth-CaroUna County of Randolph. Hanon MJler.Ejq, -1N KQUITT, Ceorge Lucas et al. J Original Bill VrOTlCE is hereby rjea to Richard hsc'. IN Hfxi ' uair Mary Ann, Jac Mille et s or Mutha, Peter hoberta. Heory Fuller, & Sirih Fulkr.-That on the 13th day of Sep trsber next I intend taking depcaitiona of Bri u.o Fuller. Joseph Robbios. Ryland Roberts, Cetrje Kobe ft a, Maunng Brookhier, James Winer, and Sarah MJIer.at thedwellir g house f Seth Wade, of the County of Raudjlph and Sare of N. Carolina, to be read in evidence in s censio matter of controveny in our said Court depending, wherein 1 am Complainant ui you are Defesdanr, where, Ste HAMON MILLER. Miy 20, 181L - SulO State of Worth-CaroUriJi Randolph County. Coot or Z0JC1.TT Jfril 7erm9" 1811. Junes Thayer Zc V ife" 1 trriu . t Original Bill Robert Nance, et at 3 V. IX this caie, it appearing to tbe Court, that Asrori Hill and jeffry Ruaell (.wo of the Defendants named in the Complainants bill) inhabiranta Vf another State, it is there lore Ordered, that publaton be made 3 weeks axotssivelv.in the Raid eh Register, that un- km tbe said Defendants appear and 61e their mpective answers, wtthm tae three'first daya ef text Term, to be held Tor the County of kUadJph, at the court house in Asht borough, "a the rit Monday after the 4th Monday m Sey.eaberrjcxt. the b H will be taken pro con. feuo, and heard eje uute, aa against ihem. (Copy) BtLLlUl l,C.crJ.Ji . WAS TAKEN UP, , Ca Wedoesdar the 8t2x inst, af my House, in Rockingham CounVj, N. C 78 miles from Salisbury and 16 from Danirille, Va. A EGRO FELLOW, who says he belongs X to William Reaves, of - South-Carolina, irttg about twenty miles from the Old Nst oa Ford on the Catawba Said Nerro if about 27 Tears old. five feet tirht Inches hirh. of a ycl complexion had oq when uken tip, a "ped hoocetoua biz coat, and a close.blied cnat of homespon. with cottorrpantaloona He calls himself Iihim. .The owner is re- oestea to come forward,; prove hit proper- . u e nun away, by paying chargta ' WILLIAM BETH&LL Mayl0.181L . 3 .ia A Partner Wanted A YOUNG MAN, A PRINTER by pro- jfKn possessed of two or three then dollars, of talents and Information sum Jm to eondoct the editorial department of the achmao, and who is willing to embark in frinriof, Bookbindng; and Bookselling fM. msy have a permanent birth at thia r' 11 must be steady and industrious, bring tbe most ample and unexceptionable amerdition. Letters on the subject must Pcnpaid.andaddresrfdtothe ; EDITOR OF THE WATCHMAN. v''muigton(DeL)May l5. ' ,c ' rww h" rpPn will confer a faTOf b "ktheabcveaiewioAcrumj. . - : VE t wMe Hone. his Wafer pah in'clP iLttfS he.i. brands cnof . with IDC ICIITT WT HCWMUt y,- IsWte hssdi'oae -Octti Vpiaatti.Wret W K 'JriJ'jor tdcail Gaiu' i ; ' lV 7.HE ,B RITISH C1CH0,: QH'sj Selection oHhe mcst adriur Speech--es m theEngltsh Langy-cC; anahgedti? der three'dist 'uict heads of Popular, Parliamen isry andjod'dal Oratory V with; Historical II? lustrations.' To which la prefixed an Inrrrdoci tkoir to die Study and Practice of; EWucnce, "1 Br tuomas maQwjca7Lvx..o- t 2ajTO i'rwr, find tw7? ooir publUUd ; ' UThc 6tb Volume of ' j' ' RUSSEL'a MODERN EUrVOPE:'; : , 1 . vThose who are in possession of, the 5 first Volume may be furnished with tnis adiititioo al Volume, by forwarding their names torjos Gales.. . And those who are not: yet possessed of this yaloible Work may hare the Six Vol. ttge,ler. ... , ... , Jioy30.4 RALEiGHvACADEMY; i . I . . . . .. v Tlic semiannual Exarhinatibh Or the S odents of the Ralei jh Academy Will commence on Tuesday next (the fourth ol Joae) at the Siare-Hotae in thia City, where, al eretofvJe. it, ia expected -a rumber bf the Parents and Friends of the Students will at . tend. . . , . The Second Session ol the Academy will commence on trie Monday following , .h- : i Afar 29 1811. : li rawing cf Secbnd Clats of ; . THE CAPE.FE AR LOTTERY. PRIZES of RiO-No. 44,53 185 32-i 339 560 69515,739 749 781 876 877 .893 913 1020 1054 1125 1175 1198 1345 1421 1525 1552,1557 1600 1651 1667 lb34 .1892 1926 19S5 V050 2311 '2471' 248S 2669 2698 2910 2930 3418 3163 3170 '3192 3266 3346 3483 3510 3993 3931 4)52 4103 4181 4215 4221 423 43U3 4343 4458 4490 4498 4647 469 4753 4782 4332 4900 4915 4962 4995 5237 5318 5335 53dO 5509 5628 5641 56425632 5950.' 5528 5594 5615 5618 5800 5S66 5876. 5897 FRIDAY. MAY 31, 181L Vc tavc satisfacion in being able to relieve the public anxiety which has been experienced for some days past by reports, received in different directions, of an engagement between two vessels off our coast. It will be seen, by the first article under our Postcript, that this engagement took place between our frigate President, nd tbe British sloop of war Little (or Leele) Belt ; that the fight was unwarrantably provoked by the British vessel, and that the result was such as the temerity andinsdlence oC her commander deserved. On Friday last, a special Presbytery, ogreeably to the appointment of the Sy nod of the Carolina, was held in this ci ty, for the purpose of ordaining the Rev. Dr. Joseph Caldwell, President of the University of. this State present the Reverend William L. Turner, L. Pra t her, Bowman and Wm. M'Pheeters. The Presbytery was opened by Dr. Caldwell, who preached an ingenious and learned Sermon on "the Millennium, founded on the 20th chapter of Revela tions. On'Saturday morning Mr. Tur ner delivered a Discourse on the quali fications and duties of a Minister of the Gospel. Mr. Bowman preached in the afternoon, and Mr. Turner in the eve nincr. On Sunday morning Mr. Prather preached a Discourse suited to the Sa- , . t 1DL..... cramenuu w&cttaiuu. ruccico, assisted by the other Ministers, admi nistered the Sacrament ol the Lord's Supper to a respectable number of com municants. In the afternoon Dr. Cald well delivered an excellent Discourse on Future Rewards and Punishments, and in the evening Mr M'Pheeters clo sed the Preaching by an appropriate Sermon on. Adoption. Commercially Important. lt appears from the following extracts of letters that symptoms , favorable to American com merce begin to be exhibited in the north of Europe. It is well known that bothJ Sweden and Russia particularly the for mer, are influenced by France : There fore, any change relative to American commerce inust have originated with the latter power,. It fortifies the idea, that in case the arrangement with France is adhered to, our commerce will beffa vored, not only "in that country, but also in all the countries'under French con trol.-,..;; , ; Boston Chronicle. Extract 9f a letter frem a merchant in Stock , Atfoi A'weaVn. another mJVevYerk dated JlturehTT. '.' . All the Ameri'-an Teasels now in Swedish port are at liberty to proceed with their car- whenever me season Dennus iu ur dera were srWen a few days aero to return the papen which had been taken in November.". Extraet of a Utter from a rentleman ofdittinc- tion in London to hit corretpondeat in Union dated .March 21. ., x -t We have now the agreeable information that the American vessel are at lengtn ad mitted into Russia; There will then be no obstacle to aiea. ' ' The circulating medium belrig at his time very much the tjubject of specula tion, the following facta and tculations are submitted to out readers, leaving them to form their own conclusions : " Let a crown piece be considered as worth 5s A' dollar or Dank token is lU2th less in freight than a crown j tbeji, If tij filrcr in Raleigh) eich is of. equal quality, tha Talae of jt dol-, larmust be 4s.7dfC V S ; ",i Silver rate of.f ' Then. 100 crown or 25T In crowna are worth 109 dollarrand Sd.'which dollar may he exchantred for 'Diner to tfie amount of,29 1:1 In other wordsj by exchanging, crown for dollars; and those dollars tor DanK notes, a and 3d, in paper money, Ttnly,be hid Tprfohr crown or one. pound.. v.' .Twenty shillings are barely equalin weight 13 three dollars; wortn as aocrve va. TheA,-a toany-8hilliog.as are worth ua: 9d; in dollars; Will exchange for:20s,in piper money.;, . vv,v-'f..v A'Xfcmnd hote and, 2s . would, in that cae have exchanged for iour dollar, as they do now. ; 1 Vi;(W-'flMv p'.-;-,-t.- '"v .. .'...l;, v,.-'.--t.,,N;.' The papers in general Have fallen into an error respecting . the incorporation of .tbe Kingdom of Westphalia Into the french Ern. pire Jrtome has only ' ceded a Ivery mall portion ? of hi - territory ; an arrangement which seems to have been rendered necessary by the recent annexation of Holland : U was On this occasion that he published an address to the inhabitant of the ceded "district, ' con gratulating them on becoming ciljzena of the Great Empire. London paper. -J- Extract tfa titler'Trom 'Xrw'Orteank dated : - c :1 Apnwo, ion,-; '.The Spanish authorities are still, in pos; session of Mobile, and manifest no disposition to withdraw therefrom, In the five interior provinces bt Mexico, the revolutionists are said to have met with great success, 8c were in the quiet posseaaion of te government-w ' tya$ia'chett 2J&crton.-The returns frbm a large number oftowns exhibit a small Fe deral gain, The partiea are o nicely balan ced that it ha been supposed by many that the majority would depend upon the vote in Salera. AVc are bappy.ih suting that the vote of Salem ha eventuated in favor of Re publicanism", by an average majority bf 40. From furtherrenlm of Xew-York election it appears that the - Republicans have suc ceeded in electing their candidates in every Senatorial district in the State, The Go vernment of the State ii'Ripublif.ao in all it bran ht-s( by a great majp.iiy.ct Int. Tht Lg!latureof the State of Connecticut has appointed the Hon. John Cotton Smitlt, Lieutenant Governor for the ensuing year The vote in the House of Representatives were for John C. Smith 105. John Treadwell 8, Chauncey Goodrich 15, Elijah Boardman, (dem)60. John Coalter, tsq- is appointed a Judge of tne ix) un 01 Appeal 01 irjuu, wuuc Tucker. s Judacioue Kt&af-ping On the 27th Of A pril, the brig Charles M.ller, returning from the West.Indies to Boston, was boarded In lat- 39 J0, Ion. 73, by an officer from the Bri tish frigate Pizarro, Dugald MDonald com mander, who impressed Benjamin Rogers, a native of Portland, Mass. and the black stew ard, born in Newbury port Another A young lad, iged 15 years, son of Mr, Jonas Spock, of Eliiabethtown, N.J haa been pressed on board the British brig Frofic Two British ships have, by mistake, enter ed St. Andrew' Sound, instead of Amelia 1 the entrance to the two place are said to be very imilar; they are irt charge of a giirihoat. There has been two arrivals at Amelia, from Liverpool but bring nothing new 5MUMUA PtptT. . mmml -J Some disturbance has lately 'been made by the disorganizing party in Bos ton, about the imprisonment of Captain Thorndikc for a violation of the laws of the United States ; and several evil-disposed persons carried their sympathy for the offender so far as to, hoist their flags half-mast high, in token of their sorrow! The public are much obliged to the Editors of the Chronicle and Pa triot for the firmness and courage which they have displayed in opposing these choice spirits, who would seem to want nothing but the power, il to sting the li berties of the country to death.! It is a gratifying cirpumstar.ee that the in trigues of these men, who have the com summate hypocrisy to call themselves disciples of .Washington, have not ex tended beyond the Jimits of the town of Boston; Net t. r. MURDER ! A letter from a gentleman in Norfolk, to the Editor of the Petersburg In telligencer dated May 25th,,sa, M A most horrid affair took place thia morning, about 7 o'clock,: which eventuated in the death of Mr- BoWDZif, a respectable merchant in this placed It appears that Moses, Myers, a mer chant, and said Bowden, hare had a dispute respecting the settlement of an account This morning they met at market, whenthey com menced the dispute again, and in consquence of some harsh language, from My ers. ' Bow den knocked him down, -and injured him very considerably ; however he (Myers) went immediately to his counting house, where bis son was, a voung man just out of College,1 who very deliberately took his pistol, went directly to Bowden counting house, and ! shot him dead on the spot, withou giving mm any cuancc 10 uciciiu iuuiku in uic pre sence of two or, three witnesses-then made his escape he will 'probably be taken, as they are in riursuit of him in every direction. - Mr. Bowden ha left, a wife and five children to mourn hi loss he was a man very much respected in this placej" , A (Xj We some time; amce announced; the discovery of-a quarry of B 0 r stone in N. Carolina. The gentleman wh6 gave 'the in formation, it appears, mis-named the atate 4i The, quarry, we are .instructed to say is in Georgia, about 60 mije from Augusta, where quamera are. now at work-aome of the blocks are Uted to have arrived, at -rana) -mine, and reported td' be of good quality, ' Josara Lvcav, a sailor belonging to Gun-' Boat No. 157, lost,ith most of the creW, oh the south breakers, mentioned in the Regis ter last' weeJc saved himself by "swimming from the wreck to Light-House Island, a dis tance of about three, miles. W the .course of vhich he was twico attacked by a shark, ' . iVhat would have been the- cinerenco to the public If, the bank hid lowered .lpound nntea to!8i. instead of raisin? R4 to. 22: V f 17 n TT.rfrrK n kkij AWjAn mnaDitant 01 Newbem ha been delected in passing Coun. terfeit Dollarr rHis es. ination) before the Magistrate wa of a natui 2, to justify thern Iri requiri-r him 'toenter icto rccognizadco for his ar j ranee at.the next Superior Court. routea to prison.-i'-iue prwmpuicisrsjiuurui' ntss'oCthe'eentleman at whose store the. dol lar had Heerf passed- m Immediately appre- tending the suspected person,' .ceseryeuie thanks' of the:commumtv-".iiiliiK U Tije aouars are copper, piatect tniniy wrw, silver 1 vand 'bear dates 1790,1 l793.p soniof- little klli; can detect them 'by 5 the ,ound, which more resembles that ot pieces .of glass lalling on each pier,tua7vthe oroi narvrine of ailver.dollaiu -4 ; j J ,tye. ahdertand Ihat iheir:jab;OTrf 1 omera concernea m inis, Dusiness. vourcni taens would do well to guard against them'i ; iThe f rencE privateer Diligent is said iq ua v c, uccu bcicu t py m vusiorn- hquser officers in Philadelphiaiibrfthe trilling maiter. as tne rxuiaceipni pja- er expresses iu ,01 running tier st,o-i MAD DOGS. We never recollect heanncr pf so mahy, dreadful instances bf the, fataler fects of "canine madness' in so short, a period, as have occurred within 6 weeks' in the stares xif tNey?York; j Jersey,Pensyf Caroiiha. 'i The ? alarm , is etretne; and Vid wonder ; forl.the usefumessf all, the dogs- ih any state 'canhc4lekmeasitre)d Against the' life and. ufTerlngs ot anjflDner viUuable.; citiiehi who might fall the victim ofthi most' alarm ing.and distressing!, calainiry. iC i t 1 1 Is it not . astonishing, notwithstanding the numerous and repeated .instances from time to Ume;'of the; destruction of human life, tbe destruction df j property, especially pi sheep and other cattle ; the annoyance arid; inte'r ruption during the mghfc of the hale as well as the sick and afflicted, especially 'in towns and villages, that such: packs bf useless and Ldangerous ahimals aretolerated and permit. xea to run at urge ?; Or are the people to, be roused to a sense of duty only by the inflic-' tionof some terrible catastrophe ? The guar dians of, the public weal should in time look to these matters Lynchburg Star. ' v . TOBACCd is still brisk,; for Ihe bompe tition is great As thislis abotit jthe time that planters are pitching their crops, v were it not known that advice is .never taken, it would be suggested to plant one third less than last year; and in all the stages of the crop to take '4 times more pains than' ever Complaints, and regret, and disappointment, would be then less, both with the grower and the purchaser ; and honest labor would most asuredly4e well requited lb. 1 1 A suit was tried at Vincennes. ihdiaha T- last 'month, between Wm. Henry Harrison, Esq. plaintiff? vs. Mr. William M'Intosh, deft for slander, the defendant having accused the plaintiff of i defrauding the Indians of their' lands in his capacity as Commissioner of the United States for treating with the said In dians. The jury found a verdict for the plain tiffofyiwr thousand dollar damages. Amo tion to ett aside the verdict on the ground that tbe damages were excessive, was over ruled.. . : j , J;i ' Joseph Street, formerly Editor of the Wes tern World, 1 has had judgment entered a gainst himfor g850 in April court lasti for Jessamine county, Kentucky, for a libel on Judge Innis, the motion for a hew trial made at the preceding court having been overruled t -' , AVwty tnvented Compass Mr. Smith of New-York, is exhibiting in' the Northern Ci ties, his AVtey invented Compass, for ascer taining the variations of the Maedc Needle' with mathematical demonstration. 1- Luther Martin, Esq. of Baltimorei has drawn a priie of fifteen thousand dollars in i the Hospital Lottery. 1 ., , From a late London Jfagazine The young Prince of Orange, it is generally understood, is now pursuing his studies at the University oC Oxford, wih the view of ultimately offer ing his hand to her Royal Highness the Prin cess' Charlotte of Wales It has been assert ed that his Majesty facilitated, his departure from the Continent, with the express ,haten tion which has been mentioned and tfl the Kin personally pave directions as to 'the plan of education which this young, Prince is to follow. ;' . j , - r, -r , " A black seaman of the Bittern (English vessel) entered on board the U States frigate Essex, saying that-he 'Waaan Americab citi xen ; presently the Lieut of the Bittern cattle alongside the Essex and asked Capt Smith if he had riot a; black man on board I , He an swered in the affirmative, and ordered the man on deck The black man not being able to produce 'any papers of his citizenship.Cap' gfrniia very.potiteiy gave mm up to the JieutJ of the Bittern, r but the seamen ffoiricr below to fetch his clothes seized a hatchet, laid his. lett. hand on a gun, and chopped it off close to his wrist ; on this the Lieut, left the Slack on Board theEssex, ahd returned to the Bit tern, relating the circumstance.' ' ' ' ' ' r i . ; - - - - - - MARRIED, . : -"U ' In Franklin county, on I.Wednesday evening last, MrThbrnas Henderson, t)rinteri)f this John Long, of Rowan county;; to Misa Nancv Green, daughter of Solomon Green, Esq ."of theTonrier..counry.ff;V.:;: in ijrtxne coumy, on me ytn inst ivir.yJonn r?ope,'to-Misa Nancy IL Speight. K' 'On the 16th inst Mr,.Th6's Ules, t6 Miss Rebecca. Baddams, both of Chowan ;cunty."4 - 'I At Beaufort (S Car.) on the Uth instant, Charles C. Pinckneyi Ion Esqof Charleston, to M sg Caroline Pbccbe Elliott, of the former place, :X n;l;-f In CranVUte bounty, on the J5tb instant Mr. Josiali DanieL "acred. '68 years. SiHe .will h be long remembered for his social & fendiy -. f - - '.1. ...-- i-J"-."'--' - .'--.-in craven county, on me loin msc alter a long: and painful mdisposrtionMrs.Nancy Baker, consort, dnaniel Baker Esq.5 s' ' K In FayettcvilleJ,?W; the lBthinstanti Irv Smith cotisert of David Smith, Merchant. 4- In NewYorkTbfi $2d inst 'tViiliam -j little johnj Esq.Coujisellor at Law; from Edenton (N. c.) : ;:uhm mmA ; in ; yv asnuigwa uy,- ie,w aays aga, 31 ra, Eleanor ltrner consorf of , .Thomas Turner Esq; Atcountanrof ibe 'katjri-' :V-f$ y' On Saturday thl-3tKinstCol;illu9 SeV dD of Tree; UiU ne Richmond ciir, iu i'usa nQiienner, eiaesi aauguter ot I t)rT Richard Penner.of Frankhni-? v j f-4 f-' J Tn Warren county; on .tbe l5th ult.1 Mr.1 i ''.! t 1 tnc uuuiiu iu:uu respecung tne rumors mtnoi eria iiired : wliVcnd fwHatsniD inetvaisiii ana recei veu two cannon uaus uy way; qCnswerone of whjcn tvoundefl oneJ 6rhis8arai.n iippBihis returneria' SitiglehoEhlcliM was aasvirereu. py a lull t)roaq'Siaeir- sotip lierminaterl. 'thlirintestilStS tne vessel untit mornings tvneti ne sebr; sloop of afefpta)fii hev lost thirty fieri killed aPcl ' se Yef aft wounaea ana tnat nis vessel was vev aii(ie-ci( iuriner stfitctu.tnat ne naai" u-.'D..nr,i..i-i. i suppuscu UIC 1 IU JlilVC uccu is r renen irigaie, anqregreiictiv erv 1 - -Vk CommRjofJgera ofFered tht tCaptirbl-f the Li.ttieBet cvcTsSiscinjKiiVr power, . wmca was nor accepteq; as tne Aaptaips H ali fax and 1 ne rresiaent tias receivecrno in itm iojrt' if ik'Lm' ,j-.V'. .;i,'."Jlia flUMjiWU WU1J WHS ,lfv . Vf UUiml iwouncj slightly-mrffgvi 4 ComrHodote Rprjgers dispareH tw officersr from hotri $ve received, Jots (TAnbtherccouht of tfiisaffauallstblir ' Hntisn vessel the Leele-Bclt (supposed to be one of the Vessels taken from theDanes at Copenhacenl and that five or six broadsidea took place: before the British vessel ceased firing. .'. , -' 'v ':' ,-!-- t ' ' '-r.'' 'A-. ' '" The f ship Horin, ;pitt, 45;dajs: frpn London, has arrived at Aleaandrii witn M;' Foster, the British Minister's bariraee- J -' Utdcircatbfng distaoMvieSemDimg . u.fU0::M and i.mtepSiafejTy-4tt botitscblbftii cam tfsriipfiti 0ijmMA::' substance the aBovccouQtgpife pi : j f IrJi :: theih procelrlklrjlas morning vith all official, accpitpt, w' Ji'f-.p this arjafr) CanL Xaah.: fmA-.f jhMtv.ftriA' tti.H- 3V -Ll' -a . - i- " VS;: 1 " , . , " . 'f " V vj y iiii..j . t ,. t y.-J.'ij'fc f chaneine the. form of , Government:-: ttr Ohnstophe's dominions v i i rv 1 and the'throne ia to be hererlitsrv in M f : oy a taw 01 tne council ot state 01 Hayti, l fm9l of March 28, 18il, ari Hereditary? Mrchyfe '" t was, established in that Island, aniGhristophe ; j4:fl .:; najned King, under the denomination, of riehi& Ti Tomiiv in ri I V', m q ia. n acrDnri i n t b j vn s n a i - v j -j- - h sion of females?r4i-.v l5r&&& itlawful.fbrthiqiitd '-imfih ' , The' wife of .the ,10nis&ciare ora- rnnce. - - ?.rrr t : f "ts-;. -ir,zK.-yj'; - marry wUfiout consent ofKmtiHiV f: A Kingminorit terminates ' ; Henry I. King of HajU, by a decree of , theif j ;5th::ApriI,;' created !::.HereditaryniNp 1 , consisting: of Prihcf spukelsCo j and Che valierli, and anointed Ipersbh 1 several ranks, i1,- Xu0XW:00Mfk Pi & . 'Among.them;Wefhid,,Princec Jean,a Prinwof' jGdhaivesj.and a . U: UmbeK:' Gen vernetlsjcreated Grand Marshal x)f Hayt Finances and of , (he . ini is created Prince of imbe G Jriti -.:' (t-if "r.,rTiJ,ii ' -TvT Ptmce ofGonalvcsOiS?. 1 i;ahdMmuner:WthvSfefl ' teriorii3 Gen:: ito&ht-fcr-ttg& t ;- ; ui, ii4n, uu flimsier oif ar una iviarine. t ''y " . ii v If f 1 here aireievc'nf' Prefect Breile, whdjk appointed Afc1tBhKo4M:'.i of. Hayti, and Duk Anse4hd 'Grand 'AIk:ftf $ appointed Ddke of M6rinl GrandM LHay tf, 'and Minister of State; and For eien :'Af f Grandarshal HayU:GrandHuhtsrnVh ;fl ' arid : Inspector Generalofrthe?Armi Jochim.Duke ofr sbal f bf I: the;PalaiGeri:agn xebalafc; qf Samtll -."&"- w-raH"i,r'"f tticnepiaine,1!;". Koziers, these are1,' and Queen. f There are rune Barons and Baux-lluke-dfrtibot.M Sprey,a:J)ttkeM:fait IIIebCounta,' tCouhtl-iiid: 1 of Terre Neuyb m $aintfcSuaan b1? Mai;Vf --v;-1 melardeS bfpanddurrott ofEnjieryofAcV,Cabpsf;DDndori Lirabnade; , of Trod, of Terre Tiaiw:; tit KitJ&4&H3h't$ & Tothe IPrincesand fcrirsaea''bTt aiFamiiy of Hayti; is nveh .theMtlebf 'koyT VMIW- 1M,ml Jain V'l f r. . . j r- V i ? rrotJbelieircdiah To theoldestaughterbteKine UexoMadarner firstt i touncrerrMisterl5 g To'tr5:?rinces:bl the lns Titulaneif of theiGrahd Ihgnitarieiiithe title 'U-Q- r, . -.- f . ':r.r;..vi :-V-,-..'rsS V f 4 -nZ v. ' -i I- ;,' , ft.!-.-.' i. 1 mt t v. i . -v- ' --M"-' v.i!,i,. ,-; - ..- ' ::ii 4. ' -..4 -.. it , .-v,-7 rv-r-'.j.';: ft ;i V

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