; f . V V, IA i - u bejona-lne UIUC, Uiage, 11 thlt "w Tennessee and Kcntqcky, by. whose sea 'hlc CUl and uliitcr. supplies of Pork, ch wol seaboard section of Virgi a quite "up to the mountains, is so jiuch accommodated,' and benefited, r3 then atleVs cxpcrice,Vith more ten. .jnty antf safety, enabled to bring ihciratticles of commerce to market .ioic, Uor antf expence trill be .saved, cnnts, losses- delays' ahd.Ttdscarrra cr nill thus be parted. The back country merchant and traders can then in rttumVrgo"cs,fu.iius .theis! custom ers at an appointcd-tirae with' the rich Uerchandizo of foreign countries, for tber cari on a turnpike road co ant with s t,-t ana rmr.nrr.iriren 01 .-.ri.iir.tv on the progress ct their teams whereas in the present condition of our rola no man can, in tne inter ana n4rc scisons. sav" with confidence ax rb u period he Citi reach the end of any j-HtVcey. The then that originate 'and promote objects of this nature will ere 1 pg be considered and ranked among the very best fiends of their country. . ' ' V SINGULAR PLOT. v JVuItirlrffhtAiJuneib. T o persons have been committed to prison ja rnrladelphi within a fc w da) b, on a tharge cf a m$st extraordinary nature. One ofthem, manaboet 50 of S3 years of age, had kp plicd to a Citizen in the 'orthe rn Liberties, to aid him in a Speculation which promised syuM, enipUtaty and 'noor. Trie per. -n applied to shewed the letter to a third person, a extraordinary and mysterious ; the tu rd person ad vis'ed to' probe the matter to lie bottom,' and to apprise the M)orand the persons concerned of it, which was done, and it was agreed to carry on the idea of a concurrence in order to unfold the whole njster) A second to the original then ap peared, a young man of about 24 to 23 ) cars el l- The plan was of this nature t A house was to be taken in town, another on the bank r f the Ddaware-and 6t houses were sought fnd pitched upoiuin mhieh the principal vs to opei a house for trade ; he ha given two or three names for his own ; he says, however, that ins real name is J. Sylvaous Mt Iran, that he is a native of Pennsylvania, arid resides in liappahannoc, Virginia Ins ahociate sajs his name is Graham, that he bel ogs to Vermont, and fame to this ci tv on business, f v". " The project they disclosed was to this ef fect : that they should open the house in the cit ami lay in certain merchandUe ; that tbey should incite certain opulent men ofthi city to ee the goods, ami then scUe thir perons and exact money from thn. Tbe plan was not completely unfolded until after the communication was made to the major ; acTcral meetings took place, in which it was gradually developed, and at length the name of torfJ GtrorJ, the wealthiest merchant in this city, was pointed out as the first object ; it was proposed that he should be first invi ted, and as soon as he entered the house he ws to be seiaed and ged and conveyed lo a cellar, w lie re he was to be compelled to write a note to be sent to hi family, that he should be absent a week, and during the in teral he was to be forced to Jci ihectt for his m mey in the bank. Upon the matter be ir communicated to Mr. liriard, he insisted tn.t the scheme should be aufiVred ta go on, and lie would go to the house t however the menaces and intimations cf death to u hoever hould betra) the scheme, alarmed the per son who had first detected it, and it beca;ne neresa:v to seixe litem before this project s earned firther. They wtre a'ceordingly ?ia-d on Saturday at a place whtre the) had made an appointment to meet o the busi ne5, and the fact above came out on the ex amination M'Clean, alias Melville, alias Johnston, he practised physic and it appears that L was for'some time concerned in the Coitl.'ston Courier with another person, and U)lbe were both obliged to quit that pUce through" the. persecution of Jejcrtou, who has pursued Ajsi for four years; that Burr was hii particular friend, and that Gen. Wilkinson it the greatest of all villains ; and a great deal of that evnctliutonj Juctrtne Trunks, papers, p'utols, and correspon dence cl'Yarious kinds, were found on them. The tlder pcxtner in this business is a man f about 5 feet 7 inches high, fair complex ion but weather browned ; a sedate appear ncc, but with a down look, yet with great command of countenance dressed in light ginghams, apparently newly made. The. young man was dressed in a black rrvt .ml Klaek silk waistcoat, sallow com- plfxioo, and a shoemaker by trade. They weee committed. urora- Wcstrayvillc Academy. HPHE BZ MlNATION of the Students X of ihe WeStrayv.He Acaden.y was closed cn Wednesday, the 18th inst. The Subsoib ers hxvereai plessure in announcing to the s'ns ccr.ctined in this Institution, that in ts.e English, French, Latin and Greek Lan rsjts, the Students, generally, passed a very laiufacTory Ex a tni nation, and discovered great trtfre& and proficiency in all their Studies Indeed, when we take into consideration the iufiy of th. Semicary, and that most of tbe Students began their classical permits under the direct -on of Mr. BoasiTi, (he present Teaches) we cannot too much applaud their application and his attention and assiduity. . ALLa 1 r ALLUNLn, JAMES W. CLARK. QEOHGE BOUD1E, Honr c. hilliard: On WeWneadayit.h lth Ust- tbe Students eWlivered i.xt SpeeoSe Orations and Dia 1 wues to a'powded aW fexpertaWe audience : after wbkht'U. Jarhss V, Clark, tn behalf of he Tvnteei. aitrxed the SuJents in a yerj taodsome and appropriate manner. Therxcrciseaof the Academy will commence 2in oa Mondsy tbe tkh of Juty. A. GRIFFIN, Sec'. Joe 19. 1811. ' 2U4 CASHfPR BOOKS. Civcn at this OSice for clean Liccri or Cotton RAGS. Tnc beef, mutton; butter, peltry, rav. . Sa!tr;&ntt -fwtffcWft, 1 r Itntcu kc with which it much A : , - ; -; a - ; -v ft v j ' tS'VUl thel,,bc broughtno the cmlTTiy , ond, Korfolk'and other markets, . w ; c - ' . -xlCtrL.Jf.n or TO m'lles shorter than T? OUR hunilird atxi t weary wAcrtf of Land, mwm j I S " . - ifi,auuQynioi.a JL now under caluvatiori, on the Yadkin Rv. ver; about i mile from Chambers' Ferry, With about 80 acres of good Bottom.' ' r Also one Tract of lnd, containing 314 a cres,.in the fork or the Yadkin, at the point where the South Yadkin make in the Narrow Yadkin, under cultivation. ." ' ' ' ' Also 138 acres, joining the suburbs o( the, town of Salisbury, with good meadows. 'Also eevtral Houses and Lou in the town of .Salisbury, well calculated, for a Store axrd avetn - , , t .' " ; AUo three tracts .'of Land, lying in the Bo rough of Salisbury, on one of which is arvaJu able snof Git&tand Saw Mills, good u well- 'g and Outhouses Lc .and on tbcP.antatn.u on which.I live there is a large Tan Yard l 20 Vats and a good Tan Hcuee, also a good Dwellwg HoweBarn, 6tables, Kitchenand other Ovth u-es. Thc:C ihiei iracts aieall joining, avd wili bsoldtogtihcr or septate ly ; they co c tain about 113 acres. t Tbtrc are, also several otter ttacts on Dutch Second Creek, about 13 roues from balubury, containlnr about 1200 acres, .on which is a good Grist and Saw Mill, and in a good place I for cuitom-' . - 'I have also several Tracts in the counties of Montgomery and Randolph with small iro Diovetnents. and several Tracts unimproved. Any person wishing to purchase any of the above described lands, may rest assured that 1 wi!l sell great bargains. Negroes or Cash w H be received, and a nait credit, at instalments, will be given fur three years. For terms ap - m . GLORGE USHER. Salisbury, Juae 19, 2ml 4 . ATTLSTION. TI7HERE AS at a publc Hiring of Nemes t V earl in Jsnuary last, 1 gave my ijoio, w.th Inh.i Wind.orsrcurty. to Joknl. 7'uJo', Agent for Cojr&r Brofwt (laeof the county of Amelia, in the Satr of Virginia) for &52 SO certs, pats We 12 months afterdate, I hav ing h.red a fellow named D ck ; aiu on a vi tlkik dsv with the said t-nancs roadfoot. who took said Neero into his pes tetkion. he rate me a receipt arainst the said Bond, which was lost or mislanl. or s prhsps in the hands of Said Tudor, who stole away bv the licht of tbe moon. t3T I hereby lore warn all pei sons from tradit g fcr or taking an assignment to said Bond, as 1 am resolved not to pay it. SAMUEL WATT P.iin9han-Ccuny. Inne 13. 1811. 3tl4 . q - m m ' TAKEN UP, Some daj rgoin Oravge County by tbt Subtcribtr, A sf Af.I. HAY MARE. 5 vearsold. four IX feet 10 irches high, right hind foot wht lv the hroirtv cf the SubscT'bcr. He traded her away aboti: Janua rv lut to. a Hore Dealer travelin g down the rnnn'r. whntf name he does not know: and this Daier, he beUves, d sposed c f her again i sorj fier. He therefote advertis s tbe said Mare in this public maontr, that her owner may recover his prcperty on application, and paying the charges curred. ROBERT MURDOCK, year ItolatdcrU Biiget Qrjr.ge Cvtmty, June 20. 1811. 2tl4 "WILL BE SOLD, fe Toon of mUesborotigb (Willo County) on tbx 24(o day (f Jugtut next, THE following Tracts of LAND, or so much thereofas wdl be sufficient to sa tisfy the Taxes dae therein for the )ear 1609, togttner witn costs, v fr 438 Acres on the waters of Warrior creek, given in by Edward Cason 100 ditto, on the wateif of d.tto. given in by Reuben Davtppor.. $50 difo, on the waters of ditto, given in by Mary Landtrip. 1CX) dittos on the waters of the Yadkin river, given in by Isaac Dcboard. 100 ditto, on the waters of Beaver Creek, civ? n in by Elizabeth Chumney ISO ditto, on the wateti cf King's Creek, given in by Thomas Johnson. 430 ditto, on the waters of ditto, given in by Thomas Costepher.s. 75 ditto, on the waters of Beaver Creek, given ih by Benjamin Auston. 50 ditto, on the waters of Stone) Fork, given in by William Harden. 100 ditto, on Elk Creek, given in by Jacob Mca 50 ditto, on ditto, given In by John Parr. 16o ditto, on the waters of Roaring River, given in b) James Caudle. 50 dtto on do given in by Daniel Morgan. 200 d uo on trie wa ers of B g Elkin. creek, gcn in by James Majnaid, 164 ditto on the waters of Gray's creek, giv en in by William Bf,b 150 ditto on tr- wa;trs of Brier creek, giv en in by Isaac HilL '.'100 ditto on tne waters cf Wright's Creek, given in by J-bn Perdue. 50 ditto on tbe waters of Swan's creek, giv en in by John Stantoq. 150 ditto on Hunting creek, given In byTho mas Bagwell ... 5 J ditto on the waters of ditto, given in by John M'Damel. 181 ditto on ditto, given in by Isiac Kemp 100duo on ditto, given In by Wm-Norman 100 dif.o on ditto, given in by Tho's Davis. 100 d.tto on the waters of RedV river, giv en in by Jonathan Forrester. 50 ditto, on Big Sandy Creek, not given in, ttc proptrty ol George Brewer. WM. HAMPTON, Sbf June C, 18 11. j 14 Runaway Negro in Jail. W as committed to the Jail of LioctJnton, on the 3d iust. as a Runaway, a Negto Mao, whotails himself Cbarlet, alias'Ceore, and says he is the property cf -IIugb Torrans, but, from information, it is susjK.cted he has not told his master's name correctly. He is a Dark Mulatto, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches hih, .stoat made ; he is an African, and very diffi cult to be understood in bis speech : and he is about 25 years of age. The owner is'desired to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away : otherwise, be w. 11 be dealt With as the law diret i JOHN BjHARRlf. Ja.br, ' J 6no Allen, R. Skjf. t Lincoln Ccuaty,'Jun 15, 6t.l4 0. EAitLASCA J OfFEP &F0R S ALE, at ihe house ofMri , puffin Ra!erg,- (wfiere h will remain only Cew,djt; aq elegaar. assortmeat of HE h.s also materials for making Picture or Glass Frarr.es, of ny diroensiotis, plain ox ele gamry gUt.'.- f - : . funeSOs 13 l1 FRIDAY, JUNE 23,' i8il. CTo-morroV is the day of stated month ly meeting of the Trustees of the Academy.' His Excellency the Governor has call ed a meeting of the Council of State in thisvcity on the 4th of next month, for the purpose of appointing a Judge of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, to supply the place of Judge Wright, lately deceased. The 20th instant was the day fixed upon lor the Commissioners of the se veral Counties,-appointed under the act of last session for reviving the Mutual Insurance Company, to make their re turn to the Commissioners. at this place ! As yet, but few returns have come to hand. Where nothing has been done, no return is expected ; but wherever subscribers have been received, it is ho Vedfie, Commissioners will not fail to give the necessary information. The Supreme Court of this State will be opened in this city on Monday next. An act of last session, " to regulate the Supreme Court," directs, that at this term, oneof the Court shall be chosen Chief Justice, for the purpose of presi ding m-aid Coutt, and that, in future J this Court shall be held twice a year, viz. on the first Monday in January and July. Fourth of July. At a meeting of the inhabitants of this city on Saturday evening, for the purpose, of making ar rangements for celebrating the Anniver sary of American Independence, com mittees were appointed to contract for a public dinner, prepare Toasts, 8cc. Mr. Lucas was appointed to deliver an Ora tion and prepare an Ode. for the occa sion ; and Mr.Rouitsavillc toiead the Declaration of Inriedcnpince. The anniversary cf St John IheRaptist was ce lebrated in this city o.i Monday last, by the Brethren of Hiram Lodp;e, No. 40. They marched in procession from -their Lodge Room to the State House, where a very hand- aonie, practical and appropriate Oration was delivcd by Dr. W. 11. Villiams, introduced and followed by a pra)er from the Re Mr. M'Pheeters ; after which the Lodge return ed lo the Indian Queen Tavern,' and partook of a sumptuous dinner, prepared for the oc casion by Brother Scott ' Melanckoly Occurrence. During the thunder 9torm on Sunday evening last, the lightning struck the house of Buck ner Paoe on Neuse River, about 13 miles from tliis city, set fire to the roof, and in a short time consumed the house and the unfortunate inhabitants, consisting of Mr. Pace and his wife, both conside rably advanced in years, and probably asletp when the accident happened. Their bodies are suid to have been al most reduced to ashes. It is supposed that a considerable 4m in paper money was also consumed, as Mr. Pace was re ported to be wealthy. jThe increased rate at which the Mail Sta gesaie now obliged to travel exceeds ihe strength of the horses allowed by the Con tractor between this place and Lewisburg ; consequently several trips have been lost Whenever the horses are unable to proceed, as has frequently happened lately, the mail isjbrought foivTcrd in a chair, and the pas sengers, when any, are left to get on as they can. We are glad to hear, however, that the contractor intends addinganother set of hor ses on this road, which is certainly too great f a distance to be performed daily by two sets, ihe present number. : 7" V Captain Thomdike, the unfortunate man Mho ji excited to an opposition to the execution of the non-importation law in Boston, and whose imprisonment for want of bail excited so much sympa thy among the disaffected to their coun try, has been solemnly tried' and found guilty by a jury from the very scene of the outrage. " More Indignities The brig Mary, Waterman, arrived at City-Point on Wednesday last, from New-York on the 17th inst. at 1 o'clock,;p. m. distant 6 mile from Cape Henry, was fired at by-ajrigfle' under English colors She fired at short intervals five guns, two of which were shotted Capt. Waterman then came to, and an ofheer was sent from the frigate on board the Mary, who observed that their reason for firing so often was, a' fear of 'being led tnta skoal water I The-frigate proved to'bejhq Melamins, of 36 gunsCapt. said she belonged to the Halifax station, and behaved politely after boarding' U-Is it not disgraceful that theefeJlows should be suffered to hoyertaWut6ur shores molesting cbasring tssel and endan gering tbe-lives of ouirj&uena SmciAe....T.tithz BrainerdV a Shoemaker, who came nasseneer er to this porrTN. York in the schr Umon, Haywood, frbnHNewbern, X. C cut hit throat with a razor, on the 20.b Uc is supposed to Iuyc left a family. -.J'iV i r Raleigh, . tslatnre of Kew-Halmpsiurel cohvece Wsciiesda .fbrtnlehl Willi m PUvrnmm UA.kA , t.; : 1 dehi; :of ther$ena'te ii'CIetroUStoie'r UpwartiVdf 3000. 5The.RepubHcjn ma- aM. t.'il.. tcr2..iJT' ftni' 'l-t-k '.r ' ' iwiii.jr tu tn aauuMT ot Micprcsentauves The iegislaturei of Massachusetts tta've . passed a Resolve foVpVjringihejr Mem bers outof the State ?Treasury(S per day) instead of each tdwriship paymgits own .Members as heretofore V , ! r . The Legislatpie.oif Connecticut, at their May sssjpn,s passed a iawdtii? lifyin any citizen of that state to hold any- civil office, except that of justicerof the peace, after he is, seventy years of ase- !, '- r'.,:!...:''w? n GOV. GERRY'S SPJtfCH has moved the gall of those whd have lately enrolled oppo' aition to the laws among. the cardinal virtues The following; paragraphs frorh the Boston Patriot relate to this subject : ' I , .- The Gazette of Monday, in the thie spi rit of blunder;, gives a long commentary on the; Governor's speech, but omits the speech itself.- Like the Irish Clergyman, who tojd Wis audience that after be got thrpUghhis ter mon, he would tell them what th'e text ,was. " Removal from office is "the tender spot of federalism. I It is like touching the apple ( of the eye. Gov. Gerry: wjll regain all his popularity with the federal party 'till next election if he lets them rehiain in office j but let him touch the smallest pig in the stye andJ me wnoie nerd will squeal and grunt as n they were All io be made irito bacon." ! . Some ifederal papers say the Governor's speech is too long i just so they said the fri gate President was tooarge. There is the same difference between the weight,of me tal which the' CTdvernbrhas brought-to bear on the federalists and theiittlehoflhev can carry, as between the trtie American cannon 1 of Commodore Rodgers and the feeble folly of captain Bingham. The federal ship, like the Little Belt, " is completely riddled -.(v A Boston Town Meeting is talked of, by the federahsta. Let them call one if they dare. Deeds of darkness may be proposed by alu natic and be carried in the night j .but the re is too much good sense in the metropolis to allow a repetition in the day time. The expose of Gov'r Gerryi taken in connection with its subject, is a hold and powerful appeal to the feelings of all dis- organizers There are such not only in Boston, but, must wesay nirt Rtchi mond too. i The Virginia Patriot of the 7th instant holds this doctrine "i thatj be cause Congress have admitted Louisiana, into the Union, and laid an Embargo ana Non-Intercourse Law, " thus persever ing in a system of measures the direct tendency of which goes to the destruc tion of alii commerce," as the Patriot thinks therefore " the original compact is most essentially violated ; and thus are the SUtes individually fre(d from, the original terms of that : compact. We appeal to the citizens of Virginia, aye, to the! Federalists of this State,whe ther they will countenance such a. doc trine as this ? Is this Federalism t - If it is, then are not the Federalists, as T. Paine saysl, "fedcraiisrd or confederated to subvertjthe liberties ot America i ' liichmond. Enquirer. The American brig Andrews, from Bayonne, for New-York, has been cap tured andl sent into Plymouth.' " We regret," says the whining London print, " that she refused to bring to, and that the Shannon was obliged to fire into her? by which she had one marrxiLLED 1 and one wounded"! Again! The! ship Charleston Packet bound from N. York to Bordeaux, was taken by the Nienen about 90 miles from that port, and car ried into, Cork. Is this conduct to be endured ' I N The embargo has been taken offfrom I the Prussian vessels m Swedish ports, and' Amebic an vessels are permuted to pioceedito their destinations, "without intenupiion. , - Ibid. The people of Mexico are preparing traris-J lations of the " Constitution of the U. States iV likewise, Piine's " Uigh s of Alanl'Jtnd Rous: seau'apoctal CompacJUTbese.itinga. had a? powerful, agency f in-; awakening the slumberihg spirit of tfr ahcestors amJ stimu lating thejm toassert and defend their (rights : But to the English, and French tbey, have, been rather a curseHhan a blessing. f Prbm them the former have only learned their inv estimable privilges to renderthe yoke! of vjp- Eression more galling j while the eup 'fof lv erty hasr been snatched awayvwhen raised to tne lips ox tne lauer. i uai uietr mnuence may be not less benefical to the Mexicans than to us, is our ardent wish. "J i !-.. - ' ' 'XP -r: ; A villain of tne name of Marian Bu reau, a Portuguese, born in LisbSn hks been defected at Charleston and com mitted to prison, for an assault upon Mr. Le Maitre, for stealing 9 hales of cotton, and forj attempting to fire that' 'city. He was detected in the act of attempt ing the latter crime by the city patrole and wheasketL what he did it for, he replied, 'hit pleasure l., H -r ; i vC'v-: - ' ; X Yr-yl An IntiristitigF4Ct A fetter frdm a very intelligent Gentleman Philkr dclplua, to hia friend In this city, 'states, that a few days since, - a fjrcas occurred in the! PhUadeiphia Hospital, betweeti two persons; whr were, labouring under mental derangement. Iahe contest the skull of brie of the combatants was frac tured. Dr.Phyiic vas.calIedin to trepan the skull-7-In performing theoperatdn, lie-'discorome iupeiflous.Th which bore hard unon'-the btainVand on . removing itv tne subjectalj restored to his reason. f he $. 4 splendid jfaX$$?isr$- Bradibrcl" ' attd & have issded; Proposals forpiiDlishing the cel. r t ebrated Atlaajof Arkertort, f; now'rjtSkihg lis appearance , irx JionaQn y . i nis Alias 'is to contain as many MpSrsas Pinkerton's ieo- i jgrapJiy, but.of thestze alledColombier (2S j inches by 35) so io corr the " celebiratedworksfrAnviU- k completed , jn liuMbei'dr eaehontainliig plain," an five-dollars. coloured. ; '. v Ih Guilford, on the i3lH hst. Joseibh Wood: Esq. Attorney at LawVf RaiKloUhJ to5 MS La Susan Lihdsay, of GurUfbrdrfes Z''K 4 earLiricolnton, A; AL V rii JSsqutpf I Latireiis RamsavT the 'ittiiable and rebected coiisorrof Doc?foi- vldvrsayJthotfgh, -unused to Vulogiuma of -this-- kind; the writer! ; ilo)iaidrs- ' itl notS.bn rVa ti'iBate.' due., to f- the memory of thfs "excellent lady..butj.as.a justice to Uxe ppltc; tAat her virtue cqliirc-j, ! uicitur iia aeportmenirxnrougn iuej, snouj! 'jbtf.ireb.iWatrrtS the uogsuid asj. holdkVg or t to; hefiexf everyj ag3he ! brightest exampleF thei s honors and -J cdrnforta. always attending, the . pious. the." . learned and the gentle, uhen ihee traits are happily combined -ui-beVharcteiv'-'"- V "y- ' in .Maryland,' on tne vuin instant Samuel, ; !. Chaser, a J.udgei.of the tXv S. Circuit 5ourti T v Ur the etn instant, the itev. amuel liUs.f f Minister of the Mtthpdist Church, at Camden South Caroli63t: ' ' - - r. . -Z ;;'( Jfot long- 'sinde; in the Mississippi Territoi ry, of alingering complaint, Captain Law, of -the U;-. States "arnivi ; I. Lieut. Col. commandant of South Carolina - Yesterday arrived at this port, the Factory tKiddclI" from Lisbonwhibh: port she left oh the Sth May. . r vf "Capt R;intormsis that a report had just reached Lisbon, of the surrender df Badajos, to thertaf my of Uon Welfinif : ton. io omcr iicws. r iouravasi Awi:v ner barrel; arid (fbirh 2iHdIlars ariSLsO! cents per busheli atid"nce jdlai4 .. . "a' irf- fAA ;Afe-W.:lrr IM PORTT..ASSter spectihle merchant inBbston,&bm G$!-,. v tenbdrgh, dated ItnpvJI, fesjjheibi lowirg news : The ? markets in the Baltt ; are becoming more gloomyi andv the Danes areCeapturing every vessel they meet with r twooiitlof three Atif ncan vessels, Which have, attempteo Xo pass the Sound this year, have! Weti captured and sentCintoiCopeuhagen V- one is tne orig itacnei, qi oaiemj yapt. Joseph, and the other islasshjp from the southward. There tire fifty' privateers " fitteduVfrom Derimark this year.' V; place&inSriHsh kv3.'mDnsV' . : on the subject of the present high price" 1 of bullionliihd the depreeiatio'pf valtie Ot the paper currency . J n the ecu. sa oi a very long speech by MivHoitkEii who has already rdistin k his ability arid deep researcheSt oa this subject, which speech contains a vast fund of valuable information MK Hor ner made the following e$fcirf;3 : "It will bet reollected ;-init. iaje red to the comrJitteje pflast :sesslqH.ttffftquirefc';' into the caUses-Wthe'highrlgoIoui- non in tne marKettapoye-tjte pncesiyeoitn- part of the n port feral nart ot the ex ance unth this .snLwr. t but the mam. pi c jgsir fJaf.o- tftei: bighpricefgo lliojb?.L&tVu the matted nitted to thet cmlniteer the price of art b u . . . M if gtld iixJlhev mint was t 3L 17M0 l-Sdndifsihce tiiatCeresero 4. 10: 4i. 14ad;ialy-o statingit nowt"t-.J K-l er ence already of Something bipfe iha.np.; centi ih the excels the .market price .bvejp-t- mat oi tne mint pnce vne, iruporxant jact.to"- -roe kept in View in. this discussion jthat this' oigu price uj uuiuou is a ucpanure ironi uie Stipulated pre& - of the current eoinT of evJy realnwhichf iiiust be of gold or tsilver bf m ctviuu jjciuc,weigi ana ox a certain al loys The proroUsojnoteSbf veBantbf t England are; engagemlnttOv psbmtichy lawfuL money, of the realmL as,i lfeeyuroortl upon the face of them?A note:ibr one pound , wnicnjstwemy suumiga uiiueiawiumoney of the , realW;;ynowI aayj4bath-inaret price of btObeing mint, amounts'to dep5Uirem nal stipulation, as these. j promissofyea donot, under siich Circumstances, any fohger; represent that q;uantity'-f goldbr silver bri giaaUyndTlte ney a pound-note will at presenl purchase4riJ the biarket JiyT-ut5tildtlui lf citentof that difTerence? frojtfthe;)awful mo ney of the texfrni'Mm.: ?-' .GenmWiliyhsbnisb before, a GeherarCouit Maniaf for j the tbiltitnore : W'AtV. of the 20& instah tlis General reoufitatheriifTeifiditTra.tf suspend Ihe?l3licl6n 6f nis oenan, unuj. aiter.ms triawnan navcr. ,-, Charlotte; to Jsliss Lfizabc . Fullen wider fir r .Latejy, in WjlmihgHqntrB; Jocelyri, thei hghlyrespected lady bt,. Sanel RJoce4yrjj:r . Esqr. v ' : Y,a -jtS'4:fU ' In Chavresio'the lfith irisMr?3Iarthai . .Aj his residence inTJarlingtQn l)istf'ict$4v don the 6th fastLkCpl jbh 3d regiment bf United States Infantry and 1 '' remedy forthb pricehas , sincmsllt-fnen djes is to; be considtrf d'a colia- w years past nas Giscnaicuifletncexorg ; ' Britisfr ConsuE Gerief al fbr;.the Ji ! ndu1he!S!e onuesjday moromgjto-iakf; toVi'!; far England, on bojranhehlp Mk0m I a .KaiMaptsiedei din the;duties of his staU' ZB-Wu ,1 -1.1 n -?, f'-I A !'A :?Av 'tit1 r A1K m. MM' i A v- ; M1; em (A 7 " ,A if A" AfrAfj . -i? . i, 'mi 111 'it18 (V-H X Y mi 'V H- It 1 y'ni I 'T O a .-.. a- - ryVmnhzJ'1-'' r- i .f.: