A SrHfcw he wno adores tjike. WlU'N be who adores thee hx left but the Of hi':?; anJJis sorrow behind. name O ! v vduhcu - hen they darktn the fame .Ofa'T.fiOHVf resign d Yei wrep.W vorfIerciy (oci maycon tlemn ' e '. ; V Thy tears .bill efface tV Jee. , For Heaven can witness, tho to them, ; I have Wen but too Mthful lo thee. f Wth lhcevrre the'.dfctm. of rav earliest Every tl.o'l of reisoVf-? ihwe . , Pore, e f The day of thy glory to ftc u ' - IMC PutthersU dearest !eit '-Uut Heaven . cinjrive, . V. -' jr - Is the pride of thai dvi T "f-thec. V- . " , In one of .rpy solitary evening walks; among Ujc rpg;ca accm uica 01 "1C" ; crnmounbins, oslapraichcdalcdgc of locks, lcic brinpthe prcs tliUlic uppoitil CalFph came forward, and ilus iCccN:rt me : " vrc you a a. th tmaU i-Vr; Xo hich 1 ansxrered m thfi firnvtiic. IIrtepHcd It is imma- tenJ V tnd demardf d cf me ait answer to the fo.Iowinj; fjuck'ioa : " Find a num. Lcr, uluch bcin ctultipucd by the half of hi miarc, and cigl ly added to that product,, and twice tUc. square of the I Kumbcr sought subtracted from it the , halt ot the.maaDaer:, icinccw inysejf unable to answer this qaerist's if enious problem, I hope you vill do . jtAj thclatror to gire these facts a corner ,ib our paper, expecung . that some of ' ihcjer Mathematical Gentlemen, who hate; iatejjr fstirfjuisbcd jthcmselves in the u. II 4touoryot Geri'osi' w ill furnish a Soiutiwn of this Problem, and thereby eftab!crnot6 "chc an answer to this, hog araccn,shouldi ever be fortutwtc enough to sec inn aaus . . Tcur Frknd, II. K. Onter f.th iretJs, Maj 4. Distorifal Letters. lH.a Virginia .Irriu. j.ziyER rr. ASSYRtN:S-.CUEECK, ; toidtJchifehjrct liirAccttd nith heSViilory. t .There yert four great moiiarthies "ofantiquit'w iCJssynan the Per- suD,tac ii aceaoaiao, anu trip noraan. Of the Assyrian monarchy tje know but Hale and whattve tf know is still liable to tSe fluctuation of uncer " taictv. It is said to have been found ' ed 'in the year 2233 . be fore Jesus 1 Christy by Nimrodwho, by so the, is said ta be the same aa(:Njtf3 an(f Ife Juswhitst others insisuthat he is the ' Saturn or the.Baochui cjfTable. It en - dartd ur. I4CO-eafVdown to-the X year before M&tXhfist 770. The 'principal cxttci ol irut'iingdpip, were ISincveh, on the T;grt, and Baby- - oorupep Euphra1c3 'Diodorus ' SUuIga says, that K" .. l vth was erect- cd ovVNinus,' who v desir6us of rcnicriagit the Rteatr ad the most - fieftbratcd dt- of the u.i verse ; it was cauci iq circumference, was en- jHrcfcd with a walLlo6fcttin height, and of such thickness thjt three chari. ou could pas abreasR-The wallit? ere Cinkcd by towerbf 200feetin height. Babylon, embellished by 5cmiramis rand those who succeeded. her, is re1 trrrri'rt n 'n Villi ttiore mar 'fllntic ' f lactf' than Nine velf. It is said that Us Aralls wctb ZOO feet in height, 75 feet in thtcktkasV 24 Ieaesin circumfeN encend hac lTObnn gates. The raonarchv rnde'd with Sardanapalus, scvcralof whose pfhcers,sele :mg Ui lexivthe gbvenof cf M.J'aor their chtcftrevolted froni their jsovereign', and besieged hini in his palace, where he r in despair burnt' himself Will) , aUhislreasuresu From the fragments cf the Assjiian, 'were .'formed three other monarchiesi'tiamclthatof the 2S cdesj of which E'cbaiana' w'ai the , capital ; that of the Jinevites ; and, I' thatorthe'JIahylonians.t ,The most mh whdfli Ninus became acquainted at the siee'ot iiacini, wnere tnat woni derul wgnian displayed her.e'xtraor ! jd tnary g Buis. v. Semtf amis, : having a wido w;lstgn4rized herself thev t Iitstorjv acfom'og to lJiodorusiStctfi las, .who cnpieu irom' Mesias,Vwee. -r the celebrated expedition of NirfJJ insahVnactnabff.'it the'heSd'of 700,006 Snf3tfy and iOOcaval- 'it J . on 4 a ce inree.ioiirs.A'a ear,ior 1 i . . . i r rovMTiment.' r.She trn-J versrd,herinjpirc,.emtctU?heJi.?14 C...1: v,T,r;?rtii;an to Iridia, -which r.mnn. nX .iinfortnnate; . Ine LAi.-f nabvlonihavc also attract cd atlemlbd. Ctesiai, the pMiaan., fist ol the younger yru, wards of his brother, has written tle history of the Assyrians aod of the Persians, in , twenty-hrce books. A- few remains of this .writer have reached us. He is the source of all the'fables which fill this' period ; he almost invariably contradicts Hcrodo tusrand frequcutly deviates from Xe nophon. Anstode judged him little worthy of credit,' but notwithstanding that,.D)0d6rus Siculuj and man o thers have given him the preference, and often copy him; Amongt the moderns, He lira, in hii ancient histo ry, has united all that the Greeks and historians have said upon the subject. .'Next in order.woufd follow an ac count of the Persian triarchy ; but os the most remarkable events of this krnjdbm, and those which are chieflv wot thy our notice, grew out of its contests with the Greeks, I will first describe the principal republics of that farfamed people, who still cuim anu receive the homage of our unfeigned respect. , , Spirtattoziz of the four famous re publics of Greece was founded 1516 vears before Tesus Christ. Ltlcx is the first 'king of Laccdemon whose name wt-know. He was reckoned the founder, and appears to ha e1 been a native of Laconia Castor, Pollux, Helen,' ah Clytemnestra, names cc lebrattd in fab!e, were desceuded from him. Yhe government of Sparta was' an Aristocracy. 884 years before Christ Uyc urgus of the royal house, became the Legislator of his country, in which character he caused his ftllow-citi-z'ens to adopt the mot extraordinary constitution that has hecn ever kne v n. Hepfactd the authority of the state in thejundsoja Senate for life, in which the laws were approved or rejected by the peopie. The magistrates were two hereditary kings, & five annual Epho- rt or popular main$ira:ei..f owcthing like, the tribunes of the Koman. The period of the greatest grandeur forparta was after the war of J'clop onnesus, when having humbled A thens, and seized Thebes, she heht Id Syracuse and the Persians suing for her alliance. Her destiny was com pitted aoout 186 jears before Christ, when Sparta was taken by rhilopae mon chief of the Achcan league The city surrendered at discretion but was treated as a place takv n y as sault ; the walls were rased, and the laws of Lycvirgus were abolichsd. ! In the year before Jesus Christ, 1557, Athens, was founded by Cc crops, who brought a colony out of Egpt and established himself in At tica. He taught the natives agricul ture and introduced the olive among them. It was Cccrops who instituted the Areopagus. The governmenrof Athens was democratic. In the year 594 before Christ, after the death ol Codrus, the last king, the city erect ed itself into a republic, the constitu tion of which was framed by bolon ; he placed the sovereignty in the hands of the populace, who decided .upon inc oojecis wnicn nau ocen ueuoerat ed upon by a senate of great numbers. The magistrates of the Athenian re public were Archons, who were at Erst chosen for life, afterwards for tea years,'and finally they were increased and elected annually. The period of 6,ta grauueur iur xvineus was a bout the time die Persian war when she was seen to accomplish acts of firm courage and to exhibit the most astonishing vi tues. The fate of Athens was decided 404 years be fore Christ, when tfie city was taken by.Lysander, a Lacedemonian chief. towafds'the conclusion of the Ptlo- ponesian war : her walls were thrown down and her government changed. From ibis severe blow she never re covered. . , . . ' 7ttcewas founded in the year 1494 before Christrby Cadmus,who arrived fmrn the neighborhood of 1 yre vrima colony of Pheniclans, and butlt the city of Thebes in Beotia, the citadeT ofnvhich took from Mm 5 name. He carried along StluV htm the art of writing., The government was! variable, ' The misfortunes ol KLaius, of Jocasta; of Kdipua,of Etec uc3, uuu ui -yijuites, arc iaentinea with the bistpry of the Thebans, and havi furnished1 subjects ;for the thea ires. 1 ' The magistrate 1 Were Beo. ' ' - s : ; "t ' - 1 ' W n ' ?GH )rono Dollar and a kalffor half a Year. not cxMetUnbtMrtv Line inrtA - Beodai leaeue.: .tfhV.tlmc -pf.thejr wer?.wtt nl-...fh b)rtod-t ,'A' .flrttg fkmUMmlfci&o y 4 i rind- Epamrbcindas, 'Kplfrefd-:tbeir countrv irom ujl4wcukjwwmi?" j and cave them a sdperiprjty'oyer the rest of the Greeks. J, JboUt 380 ., sats before " Christ" th e ci ty was' takea by iAlpxanderl" aeamst whom itPAd re voiced r U was then demolished nd burnt, wnn te excepciuo ux.nic wvw of Pindar, who , W3S accounted the chief of the nine'Lvnc' pnesr Viz. Alcanas, Acman, Anacreon, Bacchy- Tides, Ibicus, bappho,i oiesicnorus, Simonides, and P;ndarus, xr Pindar. He was a man of a sublime and ma- jestic genius, and Horace; describes his style as being adorned with a flu encv beautifully irrecular. It was for his poetical talent that Alexander spared him. AU tne innaouams ui Thebes wereiofd. r ' . ' C",". Connih ws "founded in the yeir 1526 bef re Jesus Christ. Properly speaking, Sitiphus was the first king, the Corinthians having previously submitted to those cf Argo and My cene. Her commenctmerit is much more obscure than that of the other cities just mentioned. Generally, the government of Corinth was oligarch ic.' About 100 years alter tne siege of Troy, the race of Siriphus was dri ven out, and to it succeeded that ol the B cchide5. under whom Corinth assumed a republican form of rule, wi:h the authority in the fwnds of the elders. The magistrates Wcre the Prvtanes, of an aristocratical cast, e Ucted b the elders, who chose them .nnually oUt of their own body. Co i inth-was most distinguished during the Achean league, when this city was rtgarded as the first of Greece. In the year 146 before Christ it was taken by the Roman general Mum. mius, who consigned the houses to the flames and rased the walls. No thing could surpass the riches of the place in metals' nod in master-works of all kinds. With the destruction of Corinth the independenceof Greece became extinct. V or i cu t and important ohjeett of Grecian Hittory. 'The Olympiad was an, interval of time, corresponding to four .of ourj years, which elapsed between two' successive celebrations of the Olym oic crimes. It served the Gieek3 for a mode of computing time. The AmphycUons was a diet, the council and supreme tribunal ol the Gietk confederation, composed of deputies from every member of the confederacy, and it assembled evtiy car at Tlurmopvle. - The Arecpagus was a celebrated court of justice at Athen-. 1 he num ber ol its members va i.ot fixed, ii as composed of Archons who had gone out'cfQffice and who had wor thily discharged their duties. No tri bunal ever had a greater reputation for wisdimn and equity. It more es pecially exercised authoriry over the morals and the education of the youth. It interdicted in the deliberations of its members the use of declamation, that their understandings might not be seduced by eloquence ; and it held its sittings in the night in order to elude the influence of gesticulation. Its decrees were enacted by a simple plurality ; and, in case of division, a subaltern officer added, in favor, of the accused, the suffrage of Minerva. 7 be Jour Public and Solemn Games of Greece. The Olympic Games, celebrated e very four years in honor of Jupiter. The Pythian Game, celebrated e very four years in honor o&Apollo. The Lthmian Games9 celebrated every four years in honor of Kep tune. .. . The Nemean Games, Vtituted by Hercules, and celebrated every two years. Principal Legitlator of Greece, In the year 1406 before Christ Mi nos gave lat s to the Cretans. These laws served as a basis for those of Ly- curgus. . 845 years before Christ, Lycur gus completed a code of laws for Sparta. t They were very!" lingular : and he obliged, the lords andcom mons to keep them until hft return from Drlphos, whither he, went to "consult the oracle on the subject. nut he aUerwarcis became a volunta ry ciile from his country , and. dvimr. he ordered his body to be thrown in-1 to. theBea, in order that the-Spartans might not, by the transpbrtiftionol his cbrpsp to the city, beVeieased from their promise. In the year&40 before Christ. Php. don gav.ek-.ya toCbrinth. 624yf2fsbefordChTist, Draco gaye sticli : severe Uvis tothe Athenians, T'jGALES SEATONv (Ehihteks iohir.J.Lt-" fil c-r" - a - wrwM?iwoiiar ana lor llii i A-.l.xv4 ; n l . H ti f i rt if 11T f T V i t .i."iuvuvv,yn,iuuuuiy1injwin instant i. taws. m,xxmc, f -Tr:"' rcodered)hem T.-' ; - -i ' - ' --..', , t ; In the year 550 Defore;Christ, Z,ar leiicus, a disciple of Pv thagorasi fra med a body of la ws for the Lodrians: of Italy. ; y ,fri 3 fc - ?A 4i6 years before Christ, Xharon das,1 alsdradtsciple of Pythagoras, cave laws toThurium or New Syba- )BY-T H E GOVERNOR ,vOF THE STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. WHEREAS, by n Iriquest tibeiji at the , oiise ofJexeroiah-.Gaddjjf in j Anson conntj, on the fotirth day of the present month, before AdintLockhart, Coroner therecif, upon the view of the body of JOHN MATihefc and there lying dead, it appears that a certain IllCHARD FAIilrCKAyVFQIlD, ,lae of theaaid Coonty,felonioudy, voluntariIiancl cf h'ia malice aforethought, did d ichargc a gtia. loaded with forty rr nfty shot, which jewrreil ib and upon the left part of the btlly of'the-said John; May, and made a moital wound, whertb he instantly died ; and that the said criminal has made hii etcajx; : And it being further rc pr &ented Jhat the murr was most cruel and unprovoked ; that the criminal ha3 hVd be yond or out of the jurisdiction of this State; and that, from the Urge connections and influ ence of the said Richatd-Fair Crawford, it is apprehended he will not be brought to justice without difficulty : Now, therefore, I, BENJAMIN SMITH, Governor of the State of North-Carolina, pur suant to an act of the General Assembly, passed at Raleigh, on the 26:h December, 1800,. do hereby offer a Reward yf TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS, to bespaidtosuch person or per sons as shall apprehend the said Rich if ed FairCrawforp, and deliver him to the She riff of Ansjn County, at the; jad thereof. The aforesaid Richard fair Crawford is de scribed to m,e as being " very tall, upwards of s jt feet high, iiender, raw-boned, remarkably stroncr and nervous his face lone and bony- cheek bones high eyes large, pi-omment and-; grey'.iair brown, and worn short shtWThiS teeth when he laughs, and chews tobacco." Given under my Band, at Raleigh , this ffteenih day of May, 1811. '' BENJAMIN Sl.TH. j is or th-Carolina Rutherford County y John Bradlay T INEQUITY, Patrick Scott, April Term, 1811 ON motion of the Complainant's Solicitor, leave is granted to amend his bill of complaint. Ordeied also, That publication be enlarged. Unless Answerer Demurrer is filed, Judgment will' be taken at next Term on the b 11 as it stands amended. Ordered, That this Order hie published three weeks successively in the R .leigh Register. Issued 6th day ol May, 1811. ' '; GptrVisr, N. HAMPTON, c M E. r joa cf North Carolina , ! County of Randolph, j Hamon Miller. Esq, IN EQUITY, vs. George Lucas et al $ Original Bill. NOTICE is hereby given to R chard Shack elford et ux r Mary Ann, JiCi Milier et uxor Martha, Peter Roberts Henry Fuller, & Sarah Fuller, That ph the lth dayjof Sep tember next Iintend takjrigldepbsitionl of Bri tain Fuller, Joseph RbbtMylard R(berts, George Robri'MaBVing.Br)okbhicr,' Jamts Miller, and, Sarah MHIeriat'the dwelling house of Seth' Wade, tf the 4C6iinty ef Rafkdolph and State of N. Carolina," fd'be read in evidence in a certain matter of controversy in our said n j i: i - i . and you are Defendant, where, &cj HAMON MjLLER. May 20,1811. 3t.l0 i State of North Carolina, ! Randolph County, j - Cotjut of Equity April 7erm, 1811. James Thayer & Wife versus Robert Nance, et al. Original I N this case, it appearing to the Court, that Aaron Hill and Jeflry Russell (two of the Defendants named in the Complainants' b'.Il) are.inhabitahts of another State, it is there fore Ordered that publication be made 3 weeks Jnccessively, in the Raleigh Register, that un less: the said Defendants appear and file their respective answers, within the three first days of next Term, to be held for the County Randolph, at the court house in Ashtborough, on the! first Monday after the 4th Monday to September next, the bill wili be taken pro con- iesso, ana ncaraex pane, s agamsi w.cm. ( Ccpy ) B. ELLIO TT, C. & M.E. State of North-Carolina, I MECKLENBURG COUNTY, j - ; Court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions -May v 7ermt 1811. Thomas Williamscn.-Esq. j . ; Orig. Jtiacl?nent. John 8t Robert Sibley, j . , Levied in the hands of David Moore, who is j summoned as Garnishee. IT having been madeanpear to the Court that the Defendants in this suit reside without the limits of this State, therefore, Ordered, that Notice be given in the Raleigh Kegister for three weeks successivtlythat unless they ap pear at the not Ccuit, to be ht.fdeo i'ot ttie County of Mecklenburg, at the Court-house in. Charlotte, on the ffourth Moi4ay in August nextj and shew good cause to the contraiy, the prayer cf the petitioners wilL be granted, and a decree made accordingly- Test, 12 ; ISAAC ALEXANDER, C. C. May be had at J-jGales'sStoreUPrice gr ' t PRICE k STROTH Ell's ., MAP of NORTH-CAROLINA - k,: ' I' . ' On Cwvass and Rollers. 1 to - f receive tj by the Jrinterp and by every oy XDernnters and by ev a quarter in each stfccecdimr Pap W! the the, fetrday of July. U, . . v 1 tic. Utt IjW-VA jKDLI N A A RE nereby in forr edltha t tKelr sihg infomaticn, 'thtiimjjf. of oar de mmation nas Jewish, tojJrcaajtc iU GqtS the uncul tivated- Indian (fjribesJ jfeaVus' -Wreupdtf;!g3 have, thought iprcmeftaJf Meetj of i5 Directors of the ostyutionwho "art riii re quested toreet atfceMeetlrfioi before the second LomVdiy?'f .AvgiiS' , , A-ARON SPiyyl MARTIN R0SS,CS;, . R AKAWYrt thfe Subscriber arcas 1 Wwll Court Hnuse, on Tuesdaj the Wh ! instant, AKCHiBAto Radsam, tn aDr,rcc tj.ee bey ant 20 jears cf ..jge', datk.ccmnitc! tion and darkt hairremarkatrymal? j. ige.3vTfl give jhc'ic. reward to any'i.J' son icho will del ver t14aid apprentice tu me near CaswU! Court.Ho, N Caroiica; J ' PHILIP; P A KCE. June 13 h, 1S1I. ' OS ; ' t ' . . notige: 7 THE Subscr'beYnavfrg quild at the last County Court; jfiMklefurg, ns Adv min strator on the Estate of 'thelaie Maj Da, vid Cowan, deceased, request alperfors ha ving legal claims against saidr Estate, to nt sent them to 1he Subscriber ,-wiihin the time limked by law,, or they w;ll he birred ; and; all who are indebted to sard estate are request. J ed to make immediate pa roent to ; ' A. FREW.Adin'r. -Charlotte, N. C. June 3, 1811 3 . IS STRAYED, From jthe Subscribers, Jiving in Raleigh, about " four or five weeks ago, as fcilov,;?, , r. I A DARK BAY MAREysix or seven yeart ' eld, has no white spots, except, pcrbap, a saddle mark. ' . ' -f&$$: : j- f One CHESNUTSORREL HpIlSE;9r 10 years eld ; has a'bald face,- and' or.e 6f hig j hind Feet white and A B LAQlwFJLLY, five yeaTs old, with I t bob tail. The;ilare& Filly had each cf tttra i a Bell on their liecks. ' ;. . Whoever shall restorg'the said Horses to ti e ! Subscribers shall receive FIVE DOLLAIjS Rewara If said Horses should have s'reysd a iconiiderable dis-ar.te, inforaauon wniib thankfully received by letter: WM-M'PHEETERS, " VM. SCOTT. June 20. . ? 13 WAS -TAKEN UP, j And Committed to Hillsbwo'. Jail, Oratigetc. A VER Y likely stout made Negro Man, who XjL calls him st if Collins ; ssys that be belongs to Edmund Sperairut., Ntwbetry (S. C.)jtto his Master lives 12 miles west of the cnurt. .house, ar.d tha he left his service just bttfue he began to plant his com : he states tliaj Ins Mistress V name is . Nancy that she hasjfve children alive, 2 boy s ar.d 3 girls. Said Negro s 5 feet 7 1-2 inches high, fat faced, vritji a scar on his right eye brow, and over it iij.hej eqge oi nsir, anctner on jijs rigm wru .iu a' smalll scar under his left eye which locks blacker than the test of his skin j The owner may have him on' legal applies! tion, and not otherwise. S. TURRENTINE. Hillsboio, May 30, 1811.' f3 State of Nortlj-Carpjinafj Iredell County- Superior Caur of Law,. 't-; '7eim, IblL . -p- Ceorge and Lambert C. Oliphant, John and Matthew Ulipnan, ts z rs. IN this case it appearing to the Court that Alpramifr 'niviflsnn. nrs of the Defeflu- ants, is . not subject to the regular process of this Ccurt. It?is therfore Ordeied. ' tbMpw cation be made for1 three weeks Uvth&Kaflign . Register, that unless the said Alexander Pa vidson do put in his plea, answer or demui, $ the Complainant's Petition, witkn -the two first days of next term, the said petition shalj be heard ex parte ind a judgment pro cwesf taken against him. f 13 w j R. WORKE, Clerks. . : TO BE' SOLD, A TRACT OF LAND Situate on. the Yadkin River, in Montgoirey countyiabout,6 miles above the N arrows,. j CONtAlNIG about 1100 Acres, vj two excellent Fiskheries on it, sevtrausl' ar ds belonging to the Tract The Lciwp very well adlpted for the cultivation ot coffi wheat, cotton, and tobacco, with toleia xnougnt unnecessary, 3 " ' picsu' - snH tvrtnlri with tn nurrhie without ee,R5 . ' ..,imn no Dfef' nremisea Ai.so:-six hundred and forty Ac lyin about three miles from the Narrow the Yadkin River, on Beaver Uam Creek, tw runs through the Tract. Appty t?.K j Palmer,, on the'Premises. . om-,j April, id 11 - .y A oi Lancaster . 1 Bew" rKsirWs? ar.d takf" . fGASH Olf BOQKS Given art this Office for clean Linen or HAGS. Post master itfthe Stale. 1 i . 1 ,' Corrirriitted IU TO THE JAlL.'oFBEKTlE C0CTJTV, j J NEGRO MAN, tamed JULY, supposp i j.vr.ii;,m M M" ' - . mm L. A .w.IP. i.AtAA iiritfn SXUJW rects. - . ., : LXJs&l . . r v ? Windsor,MyPpWi V 4.,

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