f cu flank rVct Carolina havirg T brew I d7l o w '.rpenlioo,. (he- d ,lrt 0 therid Bab ate hcTtby.re- r tpay cod .lnstalracntbn the r f h!re which they riy hoW.thereliyn l-eV- .. . K r .'Vrrf the Prifictnal i J -v ...Kt-." fiL. on r ,wre ke 1 day OctcUr next, r n , : W v AYV 9t, CasW ruuLic notice: ;vt Si intend leayibthe State of Notth- Cirol'na in the cocrte of & month Of .two, 1 -mo w'ho have any Claims agamst me. I retitiestea' 10 bf'agthem fcfwwd for aettle ,.ol irencdnicl.' and all thaisT indebted to ire requested tbe fneaon.rne to make -nt. SHABOACH FOURtST. Orange County, ah, aw - I nfonnation Wanted. . V V FRANCIS SWANK,' Son cCThwhii'tiid 1 Mirth Swam, natives of Tideiwtll, Der. Kthire. Er eland, who emigrated tq the Uni- ted Stairs in 1?-, and was some time resident in Philadelphia, end followed the profession of i Bread Bases InWalntt street, Between 4th k.od 5'h streets, but has, tu nee. removed to Hat. folk. Va. and lived when therelnear to Wood- rte wharf i a 1803 he went to England and rf famed tram to Norfolk- since which time tijanxioQs friend hate not beard of him--- Anj iniocmation.Uiatcan-pottUJijDo given, vocld confer on hh anxYivingTelations a great bjppioest when sent to Mr. VmI A vtm ALU care of JSakui, Son, l5 OvhXetchaiitst K.York c.. t ... , Keyr.York AbgN 10. r RALEIGH ACADEMY, ' rn HE Ust quirtcr of ihc." present ver x will cmmuce on Monday next, and end eo ttxe-ioth of November. . ''J.a The fclldwin g Tfnsters b!gn to the Cora-, ffiittee of Vuitation for FcUa, 23d intu vji. MesartvFolk,' Williams. Wnv H. l!awtd r-j.d Cks. H in ton. and Hop en- Their : - tendince w!Il,be'pectedtr the Anufejy throorhent the dan - V " ' The Monthly Meeting of the Board will be htU at th Staie.uouse on batnrday neat, at lOo'cJcck, A-M U m. " August 22., SOMETHING NEW. ;t ' PROPOSALS , 7 AMi Syktrittk, in the Ct) oj a raruoDiCAi woasi. to ss .aTiTLtD .1 wuV m ibr fcenU, Km mWt ckr of y v , T a if Wnor tnxm corraptio. . . Sat hit tm hot cbroi!4i'l COLLXCTA EVIBXSCCXT.v , THIS Work shall be published every Satur X da at noon, printed on a sheet of fine Saaee tjral paper, with a tfortparciiot'Brvtiet mie, ana coniaan iwpjti w. r.aa pes annum, payable at the expiration of month! after, the eomraenctment of the pubi'icatioQ, and annually thereafter. JJotSub Icribers, tum-resdenu of the cities or townsin which the Editor has ao agent, most -always pay in advance after jhe first six months above auied Twenty. six numbers shall constitute a volume, making twolarge volumes in a year. It shall be delivered Ih Ihe city and prtcjocia of Bslumore en the day of paUjcatkm, and be cartfuHy packed up and tent to subscribes re. sniiBg at a dJar.ce"by the Erstma;! thereafter leaving thia Pw. whimoever it may be directed. h . . '' Oo or before the publication of the first 13 numbers, any Subscriber shall be at liberty to withdraw his name, oo payment cf what may be doe for the v urnbers Tefceived. " fTtiiar rXTgenrrti it 14 frtmed; iU induce a rtberal aiie ta pfrv eurattrtnf a fair trial J But af ter the publication of the said thirteen numbers alt subsenptiona will be considered as for -one year, unlet a expressly agreed to ttcconttary ; and as contintifd thereafUf, if not otbew ordered. On'd scootinaancr arrearages must fl mm T ' w t r - .. . - To gWe an ea ci-ine .qranuij vi wai ter the proposed work will contain, it will be proper to observe that each , number of the WxEKiT rtxcxsTxa wiD have about one Jortb mart rtadjrg than is com prised in the largest of ctf newspapers, cUtide and 'vuide Advertise meau w'Jl not be' admitted. , - . m t GENEHAI PROSViiCa The pkn on wheh it is proposed to conduct this work its stated to be new ihe foUowiog sketch of it is therefore rejpecttuily scwnitteo cr.cr$.nd Manpfactares ht their roost liberal and extensive meaning MtsctlUny'News 1. -Under the geheral tead of iVxtW; shall Hinsentd easay anddiscutrtcns;orginal and sHected. on all -matters of a public nature deemed , Imeresring to the, naliy Of the car!m of the Regwtcr.r It ahall be cpon to aD TCrta. temper, rooderx'-wn and dignity br ini preacrved. Selectiona shall be made w.th iaiitce and 1mpartisli.y, so that the '..public teason" may faiily diacero the terits of ce a eofitroversy " In this tkpanmentUVbe puyisltod 4fthe trtteresting public document s, laws, -nrcWrs, and dvTcestw- ot the United States, and of the several States,, aa well aa of fcrcn ccuotnes, lerrospecttve and present; .rn.fiiirftiwl.n' ihsTlirta- Cf full details. Oi the conuition and. forms of govetnmcnt of all, rtationa and itatea; to tar at. they are tnown ; the met: eitecrced speeches mOgtetS and in cur state legislatures, pro ad ctm. and occasi qnaUy the-speeches of foreign raters &. statea- rnen. j extracts irom pojittcai works ot repuia uo (oteJgn and domestics and a greatly arie ty eminently useful tables, copictlor com piled from' the best amhori.ties, relative to the population, cjtent, resources, imports, exports, manufaccuref,. agncpUbral prctiuctionsMval arwi tmlharj strength, revenue!, coins, weights and'meuurei.'&c. of all cooatrieiVThe whole of whxliahaL as nearly as"possible,. contain all the chief things.necessary u be known actfl rememLered ,fcr forcuog . a just lcaao- M16 r-rxrten comine ender this rxtenuve headr aa xell aa desoiiiagiiBat ihey luTe beeiv and xUt,hejale::vV;::v- Vy, uxcr tne. icza ox ximorj sui pc m; ed tritf yet comprebenaiye accounts cf therel vlct':oo"of erpires I'-ihearate of society in Cerent cues of the VicriJ at.difiererit'periu Arabic CTCStiitU d:aili ras notices ft menooraDic ifiec: I r.dentemlrtmtd be gleaned from ' -jtAWo.-.Tl cK !!ostint,feASAmUM'Galre ti?ftwwIS ftpua ruhdepxra theRepsu..OJ mjt3Q-& -4 Ceography b!l b pattlctJarly attcruledL . Town of tfmUtthiaayer suited; and bv abstract or extract,: before, Uudgins andohnJU.lJakervC f priy SiPlrbS? 'llSS I the ttadera ottheJleiater-lo that , 'Ir.Thomaa Wpns, SoonTeltoii place. latelio jZla&oji 5a?s . Nottcea.bf theiirn. Satnct and Mami- pursuits with essays,'- facts e hinti for; thelf improvement or encouragement, ahall ooea. getlTr9oght fe, and care fulry attended to. fi - Under the,' general head: .of Mjtcellany shall be inserted a-varietj of articles'; enlight ened, sometimes, bjr tie wriluigs et-.the pious and the ffeaearches of ; the sqentirVv'and at o then, enlreoed by th flashes of th witty ; alwaya aVoidicg whatever may ptovoke'rebgl otas'conuoversy, or "give fear-toinnocertce,' 7. A teat summary of the Ne wa of the pre ceCMng wrek and occastOQatly details of int.. poi tant'cTems, aVoad andat bor?e,rejr illative. judicial XiU tiex'btiTe commercitl, militarjr ana misceUaotous, shall be icserted in every bumber, so "aa jo present a general view of what Is doing to the world.' . ' r.'. I r V It may be well observed that the preced.' Irg outline is very ektensive,Vut when the great quantity of matter the or k will-contain ia consideied, there wdl appear room enough ,to acra to cvrry-.pan nt. a aa we progress wan , the pubPcation. v ' , ' . , Such is nearly the plan on which the Weekly fiegitter, will he conducted as a present can be delineated. Tt thinkit piomiaea something ihtejestrnj xthet present moment, and, aa a book of Reference, a fund of reading alwaya at hand, a work of much probable value ' It is presomed every subscriber will carefully file his numbers, under an assurance theyNnll always be worth the first costifontalntng much more useful matter than ever ras published in any part of the .world for the same money With the last rumber of -each volume MCillbe delivered a minute index and general tide, free f eapence.f j f J It ias long appeared 40 the proposed editor that a work of the' kind was much wanted ; and the general failure of the many periodical publications attempted fobe established in the U Statei has not been, sufficient to shake bis belief is final success... The political depart, ment is particularly designed to promote a nre- sent interest to the reader, and the whole cal culated . to form a record of useful things not to be obtained in any other publication t nor, indeed to be obtained at all, except by' the most laborious search and patient, investtgation. of facts, as' they he scattered through thousands of volumes. v' , - j " The newspapers of the day, devoted to par ty and to parti a-ans, seldom dare to " tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth Every city, town and village, has its Lttle-greai men, whose interests and views must be subserved, &'the dignity of the press is prostrated to the will of aspiring individuals. There are some honourable exceptions to this zeneral remark, which baa oot been made rwitho'ot a due investigation of Its import. I allude to publishers on ooth sides of tbe ques tionrepublicans and federalists. The editor does sot intend to interfere in the petty dis putes between the inns and outsf tor, as he hopes the Register will receive a general sup port, heWill endeavor to make it generally in teresting, having in' view, as an assistant,, a gentleman of tbe first rate literary acquire. ments. ' Its polities shtU be' American not J passive or lukewarm, out active ana Yigusoi not to support individuals,. but to tvbserve the Interests of the people so far as he shall be able to discern m'what. their interest lies.. There are good and bad men to both the pori. tical parries which sever the people of the U. States it ere are republicans who are not feu dalists, and federalists who are not repubti' cans thete is a diflfrrence between names and deeds.' ,' ; -'.j-J-f : ' The intended publisher ii,"in the common lanpxagt of thedaya democratic republi can i? as a duty he owes to his own creed, will enforce it as well as he can j at the same time granting to others all the privileges be has assumed to himself, , that tbe truth may be discerned - ' To' prepare for the work, a heavy expence must be incurred ; it will not be commenced unless there is every prospect o a strong sup port. The drudgery will be prodigious,' aud the dibursements considerabler ' ff A there are many reasons very impor tant (to the Editor) why the probable success of this undertaking should be ascertained, he solicits bis friends, generally," and all others desirous of encouraging" it, to send in heir names as speedily as possible. .It is expected he will bo enabled lb commence it by the 1st of August next if suflfktentfy supported. J- ; c tl. KILLS. Lcte Editor of the Baltimore 'Evening Jott. Baltimore, June 15- 3t22 s ' q3 Subscriptions received at the IVist Of. fice in Baleiph. ' " " . ' Raleigh, ; FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1811. :iurtner mecjuon ivciuius , i i?oci'njfAoni..Nathaniel Scales, . Joi.S. Gentry arkl Wnt, Doujflas t . Stste of tbe poll-Senate, Scales 365, Sneed 272. Com tnons, Gentry 911, Douglas SZ8, Odineal 46J, BarncU 1H, Owen $9- . v ' r Carwell Aiariah Graves,- S. without op position. Jsmo Yncy- snd Isac Raioey, C. . frwnT-.William Cunningham; S. - Robert iVanhook and Benj. Chambers, C. ' - JJaiAALewis pinks, 3. Jpsiab Lyn don arid John Lone,' C f ' iv Jhor Archibald M'AeUb . AUW Jonci mA ikhn UMnnn i Sf,t of the DOll Commons; ' Jones 614 M'Lcnnan 596, Bcl- ilork2AL - JbntjomeTyttwir& Deberrv, 5.; Josepn Parsons and James LerraodiCX . ;-'' r.'GwrtJona'n Parke, S-- Robj Han nah 'and John. Uowell, C. " ; v ' 7 : AdJre-II BltXjbson: tf Joseph Wilson arulJirrfea Martih.C - Jion.. Jacob Fishery S. V GeoT Mumfard aixi ijl Ldeatnerman.-w.w-, :-. r - . n its Xo)ro of &trt!ttJobB' Steele. : - -. ' Jfeckleitharei.tievTe Graham, S J lenry ilasse y'and J onathanHarris State of the : polf Seiiate; Gacaia'456,. C.JJtsrrisoUAr Coramonf.Ms&scy 79l Harris -if Wlsori SGIZD Wilson J4V-Gray-lS6. VHA?m v nln.Mxxn and liJerctrtmon..WiIUa Riddiclc, S.'" Ieaad Barber and Jessie Copehnd, C.: V ' .,7Vre2ebolon Tarkirirtoh ,lVi Bateman and Solomon Hassel. C. Vif V : M , Janet-TlBenjamm vSinHnons, S. , Christ uryan, ana cam,: tiatcp, ir u. Pit liWm .'Miv. S- fYCorham and Har- crfort:cro.-WilUarn- EdmxindS S. .Corj neuus Moore ana Andrew Jones, ti " AewJtoiiover Cqunty. .ym. Hill, S- John D. Jonea and'Jarnb; C.' . ."'? - - Town of ri'WnVrfln--V?m. W: ionei . ' 'r. . "BacZen'-lsiac WrightS JaSvOwen and Thomas Brown. C ' . . -'v ' 'S:1 ' ' r Eittufort-. JFrt&zTlck rGnst,J S. EveraVd Hall and "--Latham, G " ; . -vy; ; :.Goiiwibn9.jiYfyan. Nance, ? -.Thomas Frinks and Jonathan Pearce, C. .. v . Om?w.-Edward Ward, S. Edward D'od ley and George ttoblcs, C. J3nmivuk jlThomasj Leonard, S.' Jacob Leonard andGeorge Da1vis,-C.'v . : Greee..JV., V. :SpeightrS. , . Jonas Vil liams and Darden, (i. J)nj!in Charles Hooks,' S, ; D. Wright and Gilleispie, C. State of tlie poll In Halifax county...-.Se-hate, Branch 300, Whitaker 241. Commons, Webb t63, Daniel 587, Edmunds 500. ; On Monday last, te Directors of the -State Battk injthis city proceededto dis count vnegociabc note, in order that, they might declare the Bank Its opera tion, and call upon the Stockholders for a. second instalment.",, Xhi is required on or before tlie 1 8th of OctobetMacxtr (See the advert isrnent of the Directors above) about which' time it. is expected; the, Nots of. the Bsnk wOj be. ready for cir ctllation. ' : . , - ' For the information or Stockholders of this Bank generally, but more espe cially those.at a distance, .westate. that the Directors have, found, from a report made to Congress during the last ses ioni by the Assayer of the Mint, that the veal value of SpanishGold is 83 cents and tT3-99ths of a cent per oVt. only, in stead of 87 cents and 8 l-137ths of a cent, at -which it has been .hertofbre received under the authority- of an act of Coh gress : This act expired with the last Session of that body, and no other was passed oh the subject? so that no foreign Coin (except Spanish Dollars and parts of dollars) is at present a legal tender under the laws .of the USbtes ; but all Foreign Com is; sliU' received ; by the Banks as usual, (ami by our State Bank of course) except "Spanish uold, thfe va lue of which ha been' above stated, which is nearly four per cent below the former standard If Congress should pass a law on the subject ct their ap proaching Session, there . is. no. doubt amongst those best informed on the sub ject, that this will be the value at which' Spanish Gold will be fixed. ! ' Distressed. British Manufacturers. The following extract of a ferxec irom a respectable Merchant in Manchester, to his friend in this city, under date pi the 3d of June, confirms the various" ac counts 'which have been published on this subject ! . . s- In the Corhinercial World, evefv thirtgs going wrong. " Never did I know 6f so many heavy failures.' There are Strange con mi. sions in this town, in London and Liverpool indeed in every part of the country. Nothing is to be done with 8afety,.and 1 frequently wish myself out of business." What i to be the end of these difficulties, I knowrnot. No thing but a general Peace eah efiectually re-" liev us, and that appears at a great distance, if we may credit what appears in the papers. Our King, as .jouknow, has laboured long under a severe malady, and it is to-night re. ported that he is deacLV What change this.e vent will make in our affairs is uncertain ; but, in "respect to commercial matters, ue cannot change for the worse, asthe laboring part of our community is already half ttarxtd and half naked from the lowness of the w--ges, and want of employment. This is a gloo my picture, but we hope for the best ; and, in the mean time, retrench our expehces, in every respect, as much as possible. - Fifty-Jour is the number of Ameri can vessels captured and sequestered at different, times by the British,; which have been confiscated , by the late deci sion of Sir Wm- Scott under the Orders in Council.' jThbse will now feel, who Pwould hot before "seethe operation of fhjs antiTneutral system. ;? As we are not possessed of the means of information, we woald thank those who have, (any of thCv Federal prints for instance,) to in form us, howmany. vessels have bcea confiscated under tie Berlin ' anrl Milan Decrees JL va 'v v" 1 '? After perasing the following article's, (we shall bej, obliged to any .of ;th sanie gcntlemencto-rafnishfus vessf Is'cbtifrscated under theliitishOr- defr v? C6nhr4l; inthe Provincial. Ad miralty Courts, in addition to those con riemnedVin EnglaiirJ Mr - J hV hVf? Tahmfarnaah whbse capture off the JlookKWeaome ttme-sincet mentioned I hss arrived" aiiiax.ana-oaa-jjrvurcv nrt .mmN,! in the Vice-Admirulu Court pfor breach otilie blockading .br4era' MJs. Jlore Cwdemndtutntrrvy. n nivai sj from Ireland. Cork papers are received to the' 23d of 'Juried They contatri nothing ir addition to tbo intelligencer already received, exceptnnst on uie,uici vin:ituw seU "TecHreithdr cvmiemnationi ihaiwerf in the cove tfiforki that had been 'fauruJtfrench Prli. on. lnQ"nrc ruvu-iu utakuu5 Hwjw 'r,! e thist th?s tcssel- $Mt intended to doi the jto which heiliittle7 Pelt round herself' incompetent. But if .she roakesthe ttemptV letJ.Wr.emelaj W.-. Co'tii; Jiinim9i litfer2tbt letter tint lisbed souie time since, under the sisiaure of Capt.' Oingh sin, "purpojiing to befesnjcii al aecount of the rencontre between the- Pre anient? and Little Belt, is stated- in sevefal northern papers to be a.iorgjeryf arid)fabrj. cated bj some y9urigjpen ;of N.Vors tap following article, on the subject we copy from the Baltimore SunsH-v; i kThe V. States Garette, once statetie inf the pay Of a British Ambassador, by hisiladt, has delared tlie, letter, said; to be nghamjsv first published in the iN, ,York ETeTunfirvPost, to be a forgryJrnade up byjiorne voting ''rnerfl in N. York for auztical purposes ' '.The editor 4 of the Baltimore' Federal Gaaette say9Vlthat he knew before the publication In ithe , TJ. S. Gazette,, that the letter was a forgery. Wagi ner, editor of the Baltimore Federal RePUb-J ucan, ana uoieman,, eairon CiJ ine evening Post, still : persist tbst the letter is genuine Now for the fact : We, are xsredibly: inform ed, that AVagner, -about ten Qayflbfore'the letter ascribed to Bingham appeared Ui tbe Evening Post," had a copy.of the samein his I band, which' he read to the Britisji vice con. sul and others, at the same' time observing that it was a qvix, and,, was well executed another, person of the same'co present, oh served, no matterit will do. ' - ' The Ship Elizabeth Gardiner, Capt. Clark, was east away about 4 o'clock, A. AJon the 30th ulllmo. to the Southward bfOmcoek Inlet, nearly abreast of Mount Truxton. This fine ship wasA bound from. Mohte-yideo to Pliiladelphia with a yiluable targ of Hydea, block tin & Cocoa . greater part' of the cargo will be lost of Barhaged, ship entirely losf but her materials it is said will be principally Savedno liyes lost..UAewfcem pap1 V . INDI ANSl...The inhabitanis of oorfrontieH settlements have lately become much alarm ed by 'the depredations and hostility l)f ihe neighboring lndiansarrangements are mak ing by the citixensfbr going Into fortir.-- Se veral hundreds of those Indians ?re gone by invitation to Fort Maiden to receive arnis 4t ammurittiorr from the BritUhi ' Kent. GaX. The Editors of " the Federal Republican, a; paper whose p61iticalcharacterit:weie'peecl less to state, ars,: we understand, endeavor tng to persuade the Public, that Gen. Ajri;; strong,' on his passage through Baltimore during the winter, held confidential commui nicaUons with them or their friends, in which "he was generally communicative and un reserved on ihe subject of public men and measures and they even go so tar as to recapitulate conversations, which it is pre, tended he held while there. We have' no doubt that this -gentleman will seize the first opportunity of authorising a contradiction of a reportcalculated and no doubt intended to weaken theoonhdence reposed in him by. re pubheans as a sound p6lidcian.io.ni1 . 1 '-.-' -J"; j - w - - ' The elections for Congress, in Tennessee have just taken place i she sends 3 merabers. John Sevier,- new member, is elected witlW out opposition. Willie Blount, Eaqr. is also re-elected Governor without opposition 1 fire A valuable Cotton Factory, . near Poughkeepsie, N. Y. was, two days after it had gone into operation; burnt . to ashes on the 4th insU-supposed to have, been done by an incendiary, lis value,, was , estimated at 30,000 dollars. - .V ; 1 The valuable Paper Mills in Andoyer, Ms belonging to Messrs Stedman and Prenttss, were, wjtJv their books and all their stock on handconsulned .by fir on the 6th inst PLA1STER OF PARIS v ' : We take the following paragraph from. the Boston Centinel " We understand that several vessels with ""Kalster of Fari: ha been seiml in. Bos vtoniiarbor.". ;. ". ";"'. : , ,7 . What, piaister of Paria'contraband . Plats ter of Paris comprehended among-the aru-. cleshbt to be imported 1 Why ? Ah, says some grave politician, it comes from the Bn tish domintons. and that's, all and here it would seem the.roatter was at an end but! Withift the tast weeJc anumher ot persons from; Baltimore, Philadelphia .and New-York have suddenly , moved off for Boston- d what thehi says the Quidnunc ? Notliiiig more than that they are ah gone to - buy piais ter bf Paris. V WhyJUr; E has aJUrge Stock en handj .and 1 find it plenty he sv not gone; O, no, nor.is Mr L.; nor Mr i'b4itihere'j Mr. G. and Mr. R. and Mr. H. are all gone, to Boston "fv-" '-: 'Wr What, Mr G. ofThird street K Ayehy he'sTa merichahtUylorv-Yes, but he's gone to buy plaiitierof Paris. .iv-.-i.,:47?.. vj ; ' Then Air. Bwhy he's a dry good merchant He'a- eope to buy piaister of Pauf at Bos ton, forWthau;; 'Y:: '. But whit tlo you aay of Mr. H he deals rhicfpallyTiff superfine woollen Mollis. 'z Ha ! h4 ha lSo yott are a politician, and have ;vi sited the Cofjee House three.iimes a dayfar twenty yeara, (snow days nd gouty mornings excepted and you do .not know that tuperiT W0rr):and dbdi7knd all the articles Ya which merchant taylorf s deaf are nothing more nor less than, Por " Jfa m.r Yod jok Ko6 eiplei of fteadfhdbiitx ,Ue sacred eahons of Riety and rktriotism as jreaehed and pro fessed by theinercaBUle-paH-bf the toramu nttf, Piaister i J Parft s ntliltmore jaor less thanMriiA'i innufactUreii' carefully packed in:packages, ever whiclus haadsoroely tow-J -;Such,ia the! state of piety ind Iomat Wtob. in aiffhtof BunkeHs Hilort thef spo where the first "American; blood was shedr. in BostonV the shuttiigbi.of wbose port e lectrised thisfcontinehtand .arrayedT thef 12 AiBtr clonkrhi annsiwhep they bad no di. rctVterest' ihlthe traactionandrwheo the inxjeht fiaveVaved iof merely millibnaot soifKouentfr k ne arjpusL jnopei f ; -in. thei .this Tretower'of;aiMistnttc tiasbcJrUaemtsJ Wi jftheukrTlMttfc ; ; A:diseov'"mWeJrlDe8 fately rft maae;oy .1 5fy of WaSJahgtonnico p ! quainted with tbVpoweit rltcatvff am bipged td"be;oiig4nal "itiJri' thers, sbeaa? Tavorahfe? tt is statedoeat out wheat so efTectually thaiot ptore than" j oi expense is wso.ideTtoTr:taro '' IS I tioneelafefit is innnitely preferable to ahyf 4 ' I otbewW whicr a4n I 1 apness ;and vmtHW$.t&&0m rfliK I ; Jiyew ttre9kMg,acRmeUlW afld;im?o4 W prpyedThreslMTuchine eandpatentehy over countyiiy n-gmia voi Whiciicettinctfei ::'s'f;mm from twentvkwd tlerheriS farrnersan4 ? J - ;n ;one ouaftel ;in.-fiyeiuljdye4,wbulcrffeami4- C :.--?Smii the straw t land it is-said to be iMtaal -1 MitfM I r-From 200 to 250ushelsf ?toheafc bi,H- --r'll threshed .out hv a dafcAhd.ur JjoiiSI v fS-J'f dequate to thfedrafWiTbecosi bf.the;atent ? ht hitherto hia 3Q dolla; V S'tm ' : Mammotli Rattle; naa sevemeen raiesoi course tie WaitWeu A Hti Kimtrb! bur correspondents arfttiMfe in the habit of leaving theif' Ietters. operi at one ena, ano payingxnej postage on tfierat prHHeu. sueeis. x uey areniorrneja tnat tnese'i f letters; nevmhelessareiJinjfca'ml 'i.lJ! Alii.,: sT A.'S'.-.i: ,BtcgaQ; ,,.OPf cast ' 'f - . "... . 9 k. 1 ' - - t,irS,'f ' rxtlrA'Vrrv V The Susannab, ftptr don papers tq the the5thof lone,Vthe cbn. leius oi j, yriiruii. were ajiiicipiiieurruyi.uiO pa" rived.' a Jouth' m"; cuiirbmMo iu'&uu uaiac, nu uiai; we nave 11 10 pay:; : w?: v Hf 11 1 4 - ' -'! v:-; DIED; -ihw V :-"fe- vtVMf j ; ;At wberhVa Malays agov llliani ..Jftlfi j Bryan, a fespettable ohizeA"of tJiaVblae v" ' :' w&5lf W-i! At Wilmington, on the lSinstMrT JlieattyercfianViii ' "V'-"7 ?!f I J Mr; Taylo baker;iurtiye ofSoo f..lJamea'AUeoottutti merchant ; ak pebrgyRb pooh - 'ic . -.: U An American 'gt4iiemari whoaataedi t;:'''p?' in Paris for the last five fbonths, andwhaar itsr'l :-rfJPMi I and other generals from the Pehinsula.were:!.!' -, r 'i:' treated- with'tnef 'areiieafii'apeMa i ut; csuu assiirneu iui iiic(r to wcu tmtqi uriia intr ir was-iurMtn m mar anm - r new arrangements for. tern or ! operations in formed on the subiect.'abd that thev 'very ire -"v - nerauy couucmu yic sun ? ,1101 -iuc smaucaw - ;.- , emain ana; rorxugiiiA l nis -genuemao- says, tiuii mJtusianaing 'f.r'i'lJ the precautions taken to prevent the Fj'ericfe; 'iX's from knowing, the rcal'kate of ah:;th fftjji Peninsula thel, PAnsiani- are Prettv ' weff inSWPM Ik f tolfake placed in cmseqUeftfce of a negpuaon v-; ;t? MMVI that is; nowrrit' uat-naa-'cwniejiuneaiuaxiiieriiusit fleet; under' Sir JameacSaumare,1s Mr ) .s turn frbr the Baltie;ofabb Sebtember. and the newlicbnces eraQtedarii acco&bdated 'jrMa'leoe. i jir nntF : rwrvnrnrnera irnm i iisnnn i f wmciv was statea oyttne j; rencnmcex fbisvthat the JnJiabitant liad sBlyeWtdc nHM hA4itfi.i. in.rmn n!iTT9n. tmnMr'A-j.' . i ben cagured Juiw as fioucein tJiis'pa ; now' ly infely;inh;hu txhavingcenilyWrm 'lf ' VyWWHvmj p iT " " , Vj MIST ; W 'T l-:'-; ' thstJthefbllbwing officers haf e been sumrooin $ii'rfi$" ; ed:as:membersof the-couria llj ltb'cbnvbne' at FreericktOWp; : Mano0.: Ctl'i- r! BrigadierGeoerak Gaifsetoo?t-U : Colonel lbeekf 'Col4mb ; --wniiairnaBi v: -a- J n!' ooyu, yiajbr "footer rteri;;.; ddardi mmkkiM sjonstanv',. Stoddard, swift, 5 i ssvriu. -.f i Lt Col. jeinan.i7-J ;The Freriehriyiee I aftcooreimcai: nsuouj 4? esuayte glCsptain .inl aeveVlhei:f ived tewpteia :iue;vautftUfii"wrwcA ita, inavine was . ? gatatress ftbyisioris.s7rigginp rHJ r&c wbicjiwasc the caus'prhii t Vie Jnt tus, pvri, -y jcpr,Bu; ecv uiiie wii r ; if. . t hrovistori5-The above is: all we eouldlern rjoax me.v,jiwiui m iuwsmvj ti ! ?! if -. igy.tt nit . 1 - ' ,1 vn. 1 . II 4. y-t. mm r'li I nf''-y''B'3ib . 1 IT f 11 i f Ulill' Bv . r : ss vr f i 1 t..': -3 " ! .-v'f i " 4. ! .6 .:'i' '.va - - ,U -v, ,: V v -r -v