CAUTTrt?rfr j ". '''rt'ji--' '- i: .iv : . i : J ?i&n. ' hU-moDevr: WWcVjD Our.!pptmqo;at v Ve often'J of Lt1 kradmirea' in v ,T the ltianpt'Uier--iCv"u27c,tJt . ' ' Yotis Mdy- 'iF4: ie.n " - fTaTy " - "tented with' t!i Mlo-:o.'C t.froin ber tA, KavW eentlv arrtrea m this - . city with hefftrXiljf.'r. j aiilv. -entered ber I4th vear, tnd pro: . '- raises Ur to emulate her Admired tbmtrv 'wWr. Miss flalfdttr. We taTst Ijer.bod- A3 rr rstemt., .i ; a X ' V ADDRESSED TO AMERIC A, ; ciret blrK) t tte tbrmi tht Mature . r . lykld:.:: Cu.-r' ! - t WU thl . fectWe pensite -ndVcr here, ' ( Whire j J tVrf eiiure-beflnin eye) A"bose cnlv pTeitnr L ibbarsting sigh I ' Tho gtecn wulhadv are thy vin rores, rjio lortly tlty bind :llcy vhen 1 xnoroin z .Oh ! Vn dot hit mr mournful spirit ZoTes. ' Tor tlio' rtji BriW hilli are bletk and wild. "Jlit' tbere epprcssidn wares hi Iron hand : Yet vi Ilibernla bkni me for her child, And tin 1 my delr, y ntiTf ,ind-' O great Columbiju rrtay?t thoa nerer feel : The Iron rod of dark tvrannic away ; 4 t. O mayatAhou nerer, beat wara thundxing - Butpeio?tilHSsbed around ffer bearoray. Tax tt where one jil&erru on yon rocks, for ber'aons in waruntimly slain ; ' Tke riide Vridi wtjiatling1 through Iier raren 7 - .locks, ' yilMt ljartis the tamelt 1a ker ttuddening ' - brain.; O nVar'Hibxxpia mv thy yretcbed wmns, MARY. iVtrt the (S. Y.) cWc Aihcrtuer. -OtJir XfrAXRS WITH GREAT-BRITAnr. 2d. .Whjt is the probable amount of British-manufactures we should import in one year ? And riat the means of paying for them ? Of tfie future, we may, in eome measure, judge hv the.pajt. ( Our im rx.rts into the United States, of Bri tish manufacture and produce, during thekyer 1805 and 180?, averaged' about fJtU'Pve millions of dollars per annum. From"! the present scarcity of. goods in our cruntry, and (he wretched," impoverished situation of the . manufacturers in Great-Britain, we may, reasdnibly conclude thatour imrxrtatinnsthe rsytar, would a nrunt to aiam at leait equalto 1806. If our merchants did not order ex. ttiwirely, fJey would he shipped by. mvicufaaurers who may have saved the wrccr ortheir fortunes; or by speV euhiors? in the hcyts of enriching themselves. , Tp consequence of which our markers would becoratoverload ed and glutted, and those goods must be sold at a sacrifice to enable the im porter to meet his engagrments withJ xne Dnusn mercnant. this loss to the American merihant would not , only be ctrtain, but it wduld be ac crmpanied withanother ; an adva'bec cn bills and a continual depreciation of the Value of cur produce., irt - their mirlcets'"from thn quantity thrown in 1 iu mcui. - i uc jjiitisii rnznuiacturer .who hippe"d.hiV godi on ? peculatio'n, wruld'have an opportunity pf. tcim burning himself a part of his loss, by I purtnasmg vnc raw matenai, at a price greatly bejow jts; real valuer; whereas the AfTTericarf merchant must mafce. sacrifice Doth on the imported sodcipurtVfl'artJcIe.'- By tbs nperi tiqn the warehouses of GreaVBritain would be; completely i wept'; of ' their . inannfaeturjeV at-ina enhaAcecJ. price., tovsuppIyi in many instances," the has ty antff inconsiderate ordersCof our merchants, somt efwhom, before the account was fettled, . would find they hadovertraded themselves. .i': pAnd Jiow.are we t . pay this'debt o f fifty. Ere. milli 0 r Jr. t Molla ra.. Wn. , tractedaoneyw? Notbyoiireix. ports, to; G.f Britain. Because -the Jargest amcunt of our products that, she has ever received from u was in the "year 1607 ; and during that y ear; it did not amount to thirty milUons of .It-wai'alio pe recollected, that in 1807 she was" in jhe habit of shipping large 'qaamities' ef; cotton yarn to the continent, and conieouenu ly, wanted our raw - material to ina-7 xiun,cture; thatjn thc same 'direction r sh? founda market for muchf , our tobaccda .This , tfade is ) now ('at an d; iBe-ides. at ''.oreeneL:: 'ahef rW . r tym t 'iff. ."' - In t ki hoirria tiles and poet'a longs j .O ti ht fondest .'dearest wiah oXmine." Pnoe DtojW.p,M'd htf tor half i.Yeir, w.. , .,.-- acne iromuiWiic y H-vvr.v-i s if ix-Iaj ' i.;' tUiirt included Combined,' it Uy oL Americau prpaiij?e rnprtcnto her teWtories :incyr.ifOuW Overstock j thpiartetver crnt bcA-ohd- that ' dmount rould become a 'drug, and comparatrvely speaking, r.f no rilue inl that- country; This; howcVeVVoiad ill .leave Us 'ra debt ia Kcri'at the end of the 'y&fpWty j In r?fiit manner then; we repeat the question, is.'this enormous balance to be paid ;to;Ga 13ritain , :Vrcylm to tricFrench 'decrees am BviUh orders in council, biif tradco tte continent, boK; in colonial andouVown produce, was very extensive, and left large ba lances in our favor, whicH was rcrnit ted to England, and thui we discharg. cu me uccis wc hermerchants. prt ,in a m6re'mtfl ligiblc language, we purchased of G, Britain, in 1807 Efty-fiye millions of dollar in her manufacturer goods, and. sold her thirty millions of our pr'Qrj'uce.'Durinj; the same period wc purrftajed brFraooe, Spain Hoi land. Sec. ten -millions, (or any other given sum) of their goods d sold them, .thirt)-five 'millions of our. The balance clue us, we carried or re mitted to ngland, to pay the debt we owed to her. Thus c-ur accounts were liquidated wih all EurQpe; with out drawing from the United -States one specie dollar. But these times have' passed away and others have come. As heretofore, we fell indebt to' G. JB inin thirty millions of dol lars in one vear ; but the continent of .Europe is impoverished, and unable to purchase our raw materials. The V f " wrr J . products ox tne wesnnaics arc ex cluded, by the most rigorous edicts, from their territories. ' From this quarter, therefore, we can no longer receive any portion of the means of paying our British debtv Francc will exchange commodities with us ; but contrary to our former system, she insists upon our taking a large proportion 01 our pay, ior anynmg she receives from ns in the products of her industry. Thus we arc driven to the necessity in 1 812, of paying the balance of our Bcitish debts, say thirty millions of dollars, in specie, because the commercial relations of the World are so far changed, that we can no longer -find a trade in Europe, that will bajance our account with 'Great-Britain.- What then are weVto ap prehend from an .unrestricted' inter course with her ? We answer that our cotton, our tobacco, our Vice, our lumber, our everything, sacrificed in her markets ; and that the United States would be drained of their specie! capital, already very small, in proportion to their bank pa per. If we ah6uld fall hi debt tocher thirty millions of dollars, all the gold and silver of bur country, employed as a circulating medium (if we may be permitted to use that phrase when applied to sfecte) would not pay one half the amount. Even at the present moment, when exchange is Etteen per cent, under par, it it a very bad calculation to pur chase bills in preference to remitting specie; Because the extreme scarci ty of, the precious metals in Great Britain is such, that its value has en hanced nearly thirty per cent. It is true, the celebrated bullion committee, appointed by. the house cf cpmtnons, and whose report was printed in June 18 16, deny that this advance on spe cie arises from its scarcity j but as cribe it to the large emission of paper by the bank, which they are notboun to redeern in gold ; or silver.' The cause pf; this enhanced value 00 bul lion we shall not discuss. It is suffi cient for us that,we know the fact - Let'uY state case, which'' al our readers' will understand. and' from which tbej .may draw their Wn con- tmMuus 43.WUIC aiiuauon 01 ftiat in f atuated countr' . 0 . . , 1 -. -: . : ; An American merchant is indebt ed .to a British merchant onefmndred pcuhds . He wishes to remitfunds to pay that debt. "He can go lo'lbe'cof. fee house, and pu; :hpse'a bfill pf cx!- cbange (or draftj on IiondonJfor.thexa- uovcaumooDayine7ritW-7iX7ppoupus m opantsn aoL rs.,iie tnus cams njieen pounuspy jne operation. rut tf he-.ahips Sto London seventy jive pounds ' Spanish dollars htj can pur chase, with )his money,,, one hundred pounds, in notes of the bankj ofj Eng.. iana ana pay his ;dcbt..x:Ue , Would ; . ..... i '. ;? ' I ' rtlT Ptntt .'Ti:..rn miv ciiTnu ri.-i.v ' AumMt,' l r - , ? ; ftalf aYear, thM;ariiinre?trictcd;.inU cfollar and -that bills jtf exc.haogat the present'momeh; Upen thetraaei mporau fuyuu prehension may appeair, We ;s4iould consider their existence as jeopard isr ed; if certaln'ruih did not attend them,, ; j ' Ve condudei tnefefbf ehat rqiir :Unnrrat1rmA would be "so 'lacd that th means of - Davirik for tbeni would nr be . within our control without a d- oublic' distress, surpassing a 11 mewmmcr. cial embarrasments-ve have cveret . . . 1 L " ' , ; suffered. ' FOiimiB REGISTER. T MATHEMATICAL QUESTIONS. ! ; 2?y T. P. L ofNcuberri. . . (!, T. Required a geometrical construc tion of the equation i III Required a geometrical construe- tion Of the equation x . ill. The diameter of a circle 'being given 2r, the tangent of an arch of that circle stf, and the tangent of. another conuguous arch the first arch r j and the second ; required the tan gent of the sum of those two arches. ' . IV. Required the trisectionof then glc, algebruically determined. i By Philo Lojpe, iVcnhingtl. ! Tind in general terms ar, so that a-x and tf -x -ahall be squares. ' A t 'By R. A. Burke. ' 'If a cube foot of silver be drawn ut into wire .25 of an inch in circumference. Re quired thc-ieugtb'it may be di awn out 'By V. T.-ifSvnry. t Theorem If from the vertex of in EquU lateral Triangle described upon the diameter of a Circle, a rjht line be drawn to any point in that diameter fc'froYn thatpoint be erect ed a perpendicular to the diamet r, -meeting the periphery, of the 'Circle; the square of that right line, together with the square of that' perpcndicuiarshall fee equal to tlx; di- aoieler of the circle. W, T. pcrrHvt that Vc hate wwitttd the &m anorird (shit cflim ; and we Vi0i oar mathematical cerrefponJmtt to ndrlUAos that It U not in our power to infert foth fifuTtt, a tlify cannot be ronftruArd with or tma'v y. Whenever the dbf-am li eOeritial to the iliuiuaio of the orftiAa.wc (hall he obliged to emit both j FOR SALE, , ' l0 A Negro -Woman TXTELL acquainted with house' wotIc arid VV js an fxcellent Cook, Washer & lroner. A short credit, if required, will be given, Fcr further particulars, at tbis rffice. . tf 19 . Auguit 2. , i Partnership Dissolved. , THE Co-pannersnip of EHtbalf Winsbip 'Smlman wat dissolved by mutual consent on the 1st instant; Those who are ihdtb'ed to the late concern at Fayetteville wdl please to make payment to E, Stedman ; and thoe who are indeb ed to tWe concern at P;rtsborough, will please make payment to YV. Stedman. All cla ms against the Copartnership wdl be discharged by E. Sredman,' , .- The Uasiness in future at Pittsborovgh will be earned on by W. Strdmao, and at Faette vlle by E. Stedman. Tncy return their thauks to their former customers, for past favors, and sclicU a" continuance of their custom, '- e. stedman; v, stedman. JuTy30. 1811. r' . 6. 19 -. TO BE SOLD j ; - . A TR ACT OK LAND Situate on the Yadkin River, in Montgomery county, about 6 miles above the Narrows, C CONTAINING about 1100 Acres, with Is two excellent Fisheries on it, several Isl- artdi beloneioe to the Tract The Land is very well adlpted for the ccliiyation'ot corn, wheatt cotton, ana tooacco, ,wimiiwcruif boUdings, and convennrnt' out houses , and'a Cotton Machtneon it. A farther description is tbeujtit unnecessary, as it M presumed no per son would wisntopurcnaa-wnnoui9Mi5 im ptenvses ALso. ra hundred and forty Acres Fyin about thrre miles from ' ihe Harrow ol the Yadkin lUver. on Beaver Dam Creek that runs thrcgb the Tract. Apply to RoasaT Palm am,' no the Premises. ' 6m2.; jpr.t: mi ; - , . v ; . State cf.Norlhparorina.y, i i ':': 'Court' or Pleas arid Quarter Sessions, ', V July Terra 1811. ":Jy1 Simon Hutcbinsand others ) ; Ititum ): ;.: v -'v.v ly ' Yor "The Real Estate of Miler HutchiiisCarriVon ITT appearing lb the satisfaction ofjtfrc Courts IL that. WUljam Ilflichics, John iKlpatjick and, Elizabeth his, Wife,' are. nQt,rejiaents of , thia'State, ft ii,thereCore, Ordertdi hit hula, location be made in the Raleigh RegJsrervfor six weeks, that unless the said William j John Kilpatrick andJEIttabeth bis wife do appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held at the Court house in Kiruton; on. hefirst Mon- to pa5d in ixdvanceSiibwrlptioBS to be paid in vncenoacriTrtions equal to tD'a.QittMO or raoyft-.; bankJn thfc. nation 1 would feci ;anrJL'on rlHWtanr!itseffecr5.:v'Idle!3S cay in October. next -and put in their tuswer, ibe petition Ayill be taken fro ccryu9t & heaid exor-'asto'tJiernV '.V 'v . ..( 'fh yrt XJl fX'Kli, iouowmff 1 ractsTOL luniw VMso muc.aereef asWili be sufficient tf sfy the Tajtes dof tJierepnTheJjears. puy ard Creek and -theA mrat.iomi nz VH, of Isaac CopeUndV Upbert Harris,Thd,sDa.vis, James BrysoflJ Charles Taljaferro, Pleasant B. 9iM0 Aetea on the south aide.of the. Yadkin Ittver, adjoining the lands of NichoUs Horn; James JsaogTti iiaviu cjiu5 vv. to be the property of John . Radleraan, Tndi given in, for the years 1809 and 1810. $ - i.J Arin. bfntr oh the waters. df Hnnrinff Creek adioihinr4 the lands of jfamefBtittainy Thnmit Harnnon and others, said to bdone to? the Heirs of John Elliott, decd,vnotgiVn in, fbr'the year 1809 bri8ia- r ', 4 . .1 WILLIAMS WRIGHT, Shff. July 15, 181L " ('20 ;; . ' THE SUBSCKIIJK Has for Sale, or Rent, Osgood terms, 'TbefblljbWifig Property; "pOUR bondred and twenty Acres of Land, J? now under cultivation, on the Yadkirt Ri ver, about 1 mile from Chambers' Ferry,-with about 80 acres ot good iiottoiru v.- v& V Also one Tract of Land containing 314 a cres, 'i'r the fork nf the Yadkin, at the joint where the Scth Yadkin makes in the farrow Yadkin, under cultivation. f ' ' '' .' ' Alio 138 acres, joining the suburbs f ,tbe town of Salisbury, with goid meadows. Also several Houses and Lots in the town of Salisbury, 'well calculated for a Store and J Also three tracts of Land, lying in-the Bo rough of Salisbury, on one of which is a valu able set of Crist and Saw Mills, good- Dwell ing and Ouihoases,'&c -and on the Plantation on which I live there is a large Tan, Yard of 20 Vats and a good Tan House; also a good Dwelling House, Barn, Stables, Kitchen and other Outhouses ; These thre tracts are all joining, and wrlloe Sold together or , separate j ly-; they contain about 1713 acres. s j There are also several other tt acta on Dutch Second Creek, about 12 miles from Salisbury, containing about 1200 acies, on wh;ch is a good 'Grist and Saw Mill, and in a good place for custom. - , , . ' " I have also several .Tracts in the counties of Mdntgomery and Randolph withL small im provements, and several Tracts unimproved. - Any person wishing to purchase ary of the above described lands, may rest assured that I will sell great bargains. Negroes or Cash will be received, and a part credit, at rnstalments, will be given for three years. For terms ap tly to , " GEORGE-F1S HERT Salisbury, Jtinel9, 2ml4 The following Tracts of lands, Beloncino to theEatate of Green Duke deceased, via,: One Tract containing 1040 acres, lying within 1 mile and a half of the Town of Warrenton, adjoining the lands oT Judge Hall, MrlMaclin, Mr- S lade and o thers, and within 2 miles of the Mineral Spring near Warrenton. This Land 13 well adapted to the culture of Corn, Wheat and Tobacco, and particularly so'for Wheat and Tobacco. No situation in this part of .the country offers more advantages for Society and Health, and the advantage of the Male and Female Schools in the Towtj of Warrenton. 1 . Acs, one ofher Tract on Rich Neck Creek;" 4 raiiestrom warrenton, containing quaeres, adjoining thelands f James Turner1, Esq. and others. This Tract is very fei tile, and produ ces Tobacco and Wheat equal to any lands in this part of the country. Payments for the above Lands will be made easy to the Purchaser.' The terms will be made known on application to the Subscriber, who will shew the Lands to any person wishing o purchase. The privilege of sowing wheat this tall Will be given. HENRY FITTS. Warren Co. July. U, 1811. " l7 tf , The Warrenton Fall Races WILL commence on Wednesday the 11th qf September next. , The First Day, a Sweepstakes for 3 year olds,, one. mile, heats, g50 entrance t half forfeit, 4 entries; & closed. . Second pay,.ihe Jockey Club" Purse, Smile heats, for thtf whole amount of subscription which , i a A 53en trance to non subscribers V 30 dolf.' which shall go to make upthe proprR etor's purse. v "Third Day, the Proprietor's Purse toi$25& entrance S25 money td be bung; up at the' tand before starting, ' -Weights as foUows t 2 Years old a feather 5 Years old. 1105. 3 . 86 ib, 6 120 f .4 100 - 7 : v 126 w 3 lbs. allowed Mares and Geldings. : , The entries to be made with. the Proprietor, on the day precedirrg 'each day's Hace, : before sunset (EjStables and litter furnished Race.' Hprys gratis. ' -s- . ': -; . . There Will be a BALL each night of the Race And every attention paid to the ac commodatiori df those who put up at the Prd. j . i--' WAr.K FALKENER, , Julyll, 1811. ,iPfj oJ ibcXK NOTICED tf- fy ITA6TAREN UP, on the 12th r)stand I ; V V' iodgedrriT tiie Jail cf RcbesonX'ouhty. NEGRO BOX abQUt 73 or, 14 years-df age! who is free ,;tnai his, name is WiiUam conrot? mat ne- w s.oina to urraries 7mart, near the Long Bltifi -(S r-Carolma.) to learn the Hattei'a tre HeVhd in his a atouy Bay Mare ,ch- he'sayi3 belongs to Evafrder MIveTi Eq pf DatirngtpiDistrict $&': The owners of the above -Drover tv arc requested a ipnoe,fwward, prove; the; aatfte, pay charger jind take. them away;tH'f : : pwched by received KobertS,! j aroes j onea, j wP m" ritbers-said - to be tht property of motVy; Pickering; nor given in, for the year lBp. r , iS l,t bouehtFt cert alir nrcrrt i, " BR0SE;EL1.I$; olLnWr; vyJisiwr t -fwyjavoirarsine right tc ' property being proved Jo be disputed r !hlci der the said note as fran(nUr,.ru cJ Fk. therefore giye; ridtle idhdl pewons maycoticert thathe sid? Note Will?11 paldxdpersns ireeby from purchasing oVtecervlnVVaiH Nk?N Salisbury,, AugrcISU. - aV. 4tl -A 'Trcm the Jhenberi on the third;., bothlModtW years old,. compactly made, trots and PJ that wil L hifW mi r4 j L. - " W T.V -Z x r III mr tp me, nrHAT enarai:-pMM..i. . tIN ' 1 J w .kW& T iT Ytw win De receiv m I a the Office, oft he Sw, -..J parjmeniot war, until 12 o'clock a V--'J ... , - -,..,,.,ur in. . the brat Monday iu November -ne 1 the ue oftfte United sm V.;!:,ed of June. 1812, indtahio,,".? tricts foHdtrng'Vr2. , ; A M 1st,, At Niagara Detroit, Mntr.i.' vicinities ; , and at any place; or places, troops are or may be stationed, marched eruited, within the Territory or Michigan ,2d, At anyplitce.ot places where troops' W or may be, stationed, marched or recited within jhe States of-Kentuckv and T.n." V :3d, At:BeIIxFopine, Fort 6sa15 Belle: Vue, and. at , any place or places,' whert1 troops are or may be stationed,' marched pr fc! croited, within Uie Statefof Ohio ancithe'lC nois, Indiana and Louisiana Territories,eceDt Fort .Wayne and Chikago and their fmmediate vicinities. A ' . It bj? : At any place or, places whefeirooD. are or may be stationed, marct.ed Vr rccitsited " vfitMathe Mississippi and Orleans Tefritonei ' arJ their v'inities r " ' . . ab'At any place or places where nfoaosa or rnayybc stationed, marched or recruitfi within the District of Maine and State of New Hampshire. ' . 6th, At any place or places where trobn-! (or may bev stationed, marched or recruued. fwithin the State of Vermont. , 7th, At any place" or places where ticet are or may be -stationed marched or rccruiid .within the State of Massachusetts, the Towa . 8th,- At any place or places where trocps are or may be stationed, marcl.ed or recruited, within the. States of Connecticut and Khole! IslSnoW,- . . 9ih, "At any,place cr places where troops ? are or may be stationed, marched or recruited, within the State ofllew-York, Niagara and i;s : dependencies excepted. ''. 10th, At any place or places where troops " are or may be statior!ed,:marched or recriuttJ, within he State of New-Jersey. 11th, r At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited, within the State of Pennsylvania. 12th, At any place or places where troops are or may be stationery marched nr recruited, with the States of Maryland, rDelaware,ia4 ' the District of CcTtunbia. . 13th, At any place or places where troops, are or may be stationed, marched or recruited. within the. State of Virgmta. J. 14 th, At any place,' or placesWhere trocps are or may be statibnedi marclieo or recruited, ' within the State of North.Carolina. . 15th, At any place pr places where troops . are, or may be stationed, marchedpr recruitdj within the State of 'SeuthiCarfel&ra 16th, At Ocmulgee Old Fiasiandtst anjr stationed, marched or recTui wnhin, the li mits of the Stte ofeofgiafi 'f , 17th, Proposals rill also be receiv, j foresaid, for the. supply, of .all rationsArhich f; may be required by 'the United States,''or the troops which are or may be stationed, jriarcbA ed or recruited, within the town of Springfield, in the S tate of Massachusetts and for iear- 4 morera and 'other pcrsons employed in the Uni ; ted States' Armcrv in that Dlace. from the 1st ; day of June, 1812; indusivei ; to the 1st day of June, 1S13. , ; . i .1 A ration to consist of one pound and one quarter of beef, or three quarters of a pound pE sauca porK, eignteen ounces ot oreaa or ifoui,. one gill of rum, whiskey or brandy, andaf tht rate of twof quarts of salt, four Quarts of V't gar,.;four;pounds of soapand one pound arda , half, of candles, to every hundred rations: Therprlces of th.e-severalcxim'rnent.Wts'cf the ration shall be specified i5jbut, the United States reserve ;the right of maing'such altera , tions in the ptice of tbev( tomponenf parts of, the ration aforesaid, as shall tnake the price of , each part thereof bear a just proportion to the proposed price of the whole ration, The ra that there shall at all times, darin? the tertn of i uie proposea contracti be sufecient lor wo ; consumption ot in? troops at MichuimacKinw, Detroit, Chikago, Fort Osage and. Belle Vue, for six months in advance ; and at each ol Ui: ; ports on the western wktets, or at leas! .du8 months in adyanceV of' good arid wholesome', provisions,, if theame shall be rcqairedIft ; Isa to be permitted to alV and every of -the ; eommandanjs ot fortified places or posi, y ! . caUlf6r,'at seasons when the same can betttMrj ported; Jor at any time irt case of urgency, suca; supplies bf li Eet brbyiuons : In advancrV . " ihej discretion of i tnecommandanfihaM I deemed proper. mk -l ''uL it is understood that' the Cootractorji vr- . . w,v wi.nvu viam, 41 lire Kixi'fo' ' Captured or destroyed at aforesaid, nn-;" DOsitioti orVwftAriirMns of creflitab; ; cbiiew;andjthe I ed officer! stiting the oteamstances ot tne f and 0;e araounVofjthe;articles for which. CPn- pensation shalf be claimed.- ; li Theiprivilereserved to theWW f States of requiring that none (if the supples. , wclimafiOTrushund pose'ebntractf ,haif be issuedVnl e sap j plies'which baveoeen or mar be tutflished j Oertne contracts now fn torce, pwp v" y , surned p an4 thaikv supriy advance may w alysrequired at y?ofhefixedpbs.s seaardbrIitrtier, ; notea- i sute ; -- rt .. . ; 1 j .. . i , . ; ... i t "3 " i. r- ;. t r .4-

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