i-V i' I W M M "" . I m ... . m.i --- - . ! 1 9 - ' " ' 1 IS nuDusneu ;very rnuj j i nFPn GALES Sc SON, it Three Dollars $er annum, or One; Dollar .id a Half for half a year to be paid m advance. n 4) "5nt. Samitkt. Stevens' wa-1 reply, which must have made the cheek re-elected Governor of the State of Ma- of the traitor burn with shameif fehame ryland. ' ' T ' 'y- was left in his composition after his bas desertion of the cause ot , his country ik tluree I ADVERTISEMENTS -rrMine-16 lines, neatly inserte :.L. r-r- Ttollar. and 25 cents for every sue- Sdinff publication ; those of greater IengUi -n the same proportion Comhtcwicationr lhankftuly receiyecL...LiTTHS to the Editors must be postpaid. ' ' - . Pennsylvania. The following, we learn, was the state of the vote for Spea ker in the House of Representatives o the Xegislature of this State, viz : m Joseph Lawrence (Republican) 4tJ votes. The name ot Moriuo is oiay -huovvu in Ebdand as that of a Wan who was the 'persecutor of liberty in America, and a traitor to us c;iusc.iopi. mas G. Polkl John N. Phifer and John Durgan, which was agreed to, and a committee appointed to superintend the balloting. I . ' r The bill to amend an act passed in to exempfevvessels under sixty ftnterinsr Cane Fear River from payingipilotage' was on motion ot . Cox aniendedxby adding the toj- ' Provided tliatthis Mr. Robert Smith TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1823. j Some weeks ago a paragraph appearr in the NewYork Statesman con taining dertain mysterious allusions f o letters said to be in the possession of Gpn. Jackson, which if published. 16 7 19 1 iver der the same roof with Morillo," ikl lowipg provision this state : fcnd thus amended the bill , with my own will, shall I be un- act shall not apply to end ov & ' . w nt. , rnmmanded bv any of the citizens ot . . v do. Jacob nolgate I , do. William Lehman (Federalist) John Reynolds do. do. Mr. Lawrence was supportea pjr me states pnntea on: ymtC - UatTon had a maioritv of votes. r r--, RoaAe, Rsuney, Ramsay, Stedman, Stephen Stewart, ? Seawell, SidbuTy, Sellers, - Smithy Strange, Tillett, Taylor, vTnompson; i urner, ; , W. tJndemood, D. Underwood, Vann, Web- , sterS. Whitaker, Walton, Worth,. White, ' Watson,' J. G. A. WilEamson, Web VWright, . L.P. Williamson,- Walker, J Whitehurst; (W. WafonT-82. 'v r " . " J- -j ' 1; Those yoting against the indefinite ; postponement were : : v -t' Messrs. Alston, Alford, E. H. BeU,'Boden- hanier, Baine, Brooks, BealL Collins, Con- , rad,! Croorh, J. Cherry, ; Carson, Clement, . flamnbelh I Darean. Edmonsto'n, .dwarda, Flvhti Fisher ,'J Gordon, Graham, lfargve, . V r friends, of Mr. Crawford j Mr. Smith its way to Europe by the friends of Mr. Calhoun Mr. Holgate by the-friends of General i ab()ut t0 UIidergo Jackson. ' I i i Tyin Pppq passed its second reading. j. L. Hilt'Hehhe, Henderson, Hastings, Hel-. The Philadelphia Pemocratlc, Mr. Hatch from the balloting com- len, Hunter,- J. A: Hill, IredeD, Love, MfMd- f o,v Already we have seen the late .f: "ruirio Melchor, M'Lean, Morgan, Al-r 'Ported that no one m.nom!- --vef and The Presidency. Received from the House of Com- sts of Sn o undergo sewrer- ow ancf withdrawing the name of th.in nnv ; f ol -AVh pn two sreat parties divi proposition tor i tj e nHtion, it was almost certain Kentucky. The calling a Convention to revise the ion-1 that one would annikilate the prospects of stitution of this State, with the javow- rate, so as a candidate fer the Presiden- UdfpurpoWto reduce the term ofl office pi submit-but with five jected on iti second F0day,Dec. 12. . ; Mr. Lowrie presented a bill to aVer the time lof holding certain terms of the tourts tnerem menuoneu ive au uw first time. " f Mr. BlarJcledce from the Commitfieo act nnHpd at the last session of the (reneral cy The enjrrossed bill to add a part ot Assembly, supplemental to an aci.rass- i. tt',i ' ,.ra wl fKo fhirfl i A ih rsTit Assftmbivt 'tfir the dl- by the New-York Patriot, with the dence; passed the House of Represen- be obtained for any one ? Who is to d 0i.defi 'to be enrolled. , It vision of Rowan, reported it is ex- imc ofMr. Crawford. The .Wasli- tatives, but was rejected in the Senate give up his lavorite ? Ho to wr. th'ereforea w. pcfet and necessary; that the said bill; Lublican copies the whole of bftw,nty-three votes. telpassed ?T?f ?cu Saturday, jjec. io. . -1 reo. m, anu um reau ujc uiu ihmb. This blank was filled up at once 0fjthe Judiciary and lessen itsmojepen- r six candidates how is a majority to inton Republican copies the whole ot hy twenty-three ;votes. obtain a leXal majority, will the . Ti.m a- i: i i - t w . - l it, and it has been banaiea aooui ironi j r -V.rt rmmfnr in thP one aim y - y er of the Penitentiary of this State thpr unt l many persons senously be- eJ U1 v ulc A z ; t J . i . ether, unt I ma y P . ;J a made, to the Legislature now m session iieve xna, ZT l;a balance appears in favor of the State, eorresponnen, n e of SI 798 41 cents. Sixty-eight priso gencer, says it is .time to stop the , . the wls.& -j. , circulation of the untruth thus genera- ners remain wu i f , ted. The Editors of the National Inr j In Georgia, the Lej? slature have passed an ali;nronr Af Authorised to state, that Art . reauirine-the citizens f that sUte, at Mfltl v 1AVfV,m - ' 1 - - T V i -nrf nf fhl-r.: disappointed parties submit, withany T:; I:. bettef grace than - tlie RepubHcanm - - , dodl Michael God- aer mrt of the line div ?l ' the days of Adams, or the 1 ederansts f ; and Ben: GodIey Read the first regimenis of Militia in Sui I1011' in ilie days of. Madpon ? rr. t f J : R?ad the first time. ; ucpfnrd novpr had an V corres- the next eeneral election, to endorse on their pondence with General Jaclion other tjeket or ... e o . ' .J Jite the manner in which the Presidential . i i M x at warn m ai ' - tnan in nis cipuciiY ui v-i"t j " This eoes to post- - ,' . i ritrtiuio oil. - o . 1 a a wnnn.. . .. War; tliat nc never .wroicw , , . n - d alteration till alter tr.e tee to ral any other letters than such as were . ofthe next Pres-,deiit. The Senate, consol omcial , . ! t Ml I t. 1 - . ! . 1 . (1 '. "' "II "1 . Mr. Williams oresented a Din to le- Mr. J. 15. v nent presentea a Din w niviaing -inp w.u Surry County.' if , :'' 1 TOP Tim TimP. . ,".r i ... i. .1, j ! .. ii .i . i:r I Mr: rornev liuiii tuc v""'",iv i luiit ucnuc uum uivaiiuummw iw The only way to settle an . uim uir whora was referred the petition of Hale Wnom referred the bill respecting V ficulties is by a Congressional Caucus. ralaeyrof Rowan, aU the counter- thi reservations to certain Indians in ' (gQgiu ; I petition oi xuw icft'o"1 uic whup uvijuuvu j v .7, reported uiifavorably to the prayer 01 th -Cherokee Indians, reported tne dui Mr.. Hatch 01 Jones, irom uie currea in, ana ine DUi wa.s reau uie.ou j j frrpil thft bill to repeal the latter clause The bill to repeal so much of the&cts ik c H7frnthelect Commit- of the 8th section and the whole of the 0f Assembly of this State, as require Mr. Sneed from the seermit 9th, loth, and 11th sections of an act persons who complain of injury done to r to whom was referred the bill to vin, iuu ii wK-. iu' unu J J u; . 1 GENERAL I ASSEMBLY. SENATE. - M-" Thursday, Pec. 11. . '- f . - r.-n 1 r 11 m otivo.rn tiim 111 , and are ot . recoru in, tne yv.ar b- a We majority, has passed a ism, i.or aiw. 0t jnis suiie, iwamv .v r- . . . . x 1 r . . .. . a" . k t 1 inn rfnnrTKii uic a , ami that he never requcsi- ihjr the election ot governor iron. ,o 5.- .. - r T -. K w ' . . . I r . .. . ! ...i....i,.D;ni. Icnndrvnmendments, wnicriw letters wnitcii ,uj iiamrc 5" 5 """-v. - 1 Department fd the return ol any him to General Jackson, as is intimated in the original publication in the New York Statesman.'! ere agreed ported the bill without amendment. .Wnfthe Mr. Foriiey moved for the indefinite Yeas and Nays calle'd for by Mr. Sted- Therc is so much point in the follow Our readers will ! The bill introduced by Mr. Martin, from Rockingham, for establishing a Bank on the funds and faith of the State, was yesterday "indefinitely post poned by the House of Commons, 71 to 51. The, debate and the yeas and pays on this question shall appear in Friday's paper. We thank the Baltimore Patriot for restoring to the real author, the beauti- f en, ft.i r.ntitled "The Ruins,''! 14 a W V m-M M -tmm. j " which lately appeared in the Register. Selleck Osborne, is a name long known and adnujed'in the ranks of na tive Genius, and we estimate his talents I . . 1 J. 1L nxlnf lt Trie. I VII. I' III I1C Y I. rJ aJoi nnm-lcarried ; Teas 42, JNays iy. , .-, irieu d'esprit, that we make no apo- ' bill "On motidn of Mr. Scales, a message PJ- . r .i,U wni mittee to whom, H f Commons, tp?v maciuiig iQ it amend ana exienu t .pPv.., , :i0folw fnr n A,t it applies to the late competi- ,806, the mre tion for, tl,e Speaker's chair. ment nominating for that the ScMte,one speaker's .noughn the P.ira,Sto.LM lt Stokes, D. Cameron, or Courts 01 i..aw ai,ull l. , 'n,r mnv sn nfxumuiate, tnai man. It would have been Stkaxoe, if there had not been Moore. j. I Tnrnh Rmwn. of Louisiana, has been I v u w w ---- - - - - T J!' appointed, by the President of the li nked States, with the advice and cpn- ent of the" Senate, to be Envoy Extra- narr and Minister Plenipotentiary o France, vice Mr. Uaiiatm, resigneu. 4 . , UW rannnt be tried at the? regulai c f those Courts. ! , reported an a- lcl""1 ' . A . ...i.i r mendment to strike our ne uuit. the .bill, except the words ' a; Bill, andrfccommenueti, c t f11"" v : I amendment submit dAreea 10, aim I made the order of tlie day for Monday next. ' . . : 1. .- ,M . . . The bill to repeal an act passed m 1814, allowing-, compensation to the ci,v.;trr t-ofinTiiiijr Olficer, who shall t Saturday, Dec t13. 1 Mri Frederick presented a bill to in corporate Friendship Academy in Du nlin countv Read the first and second ernal Improvements for the thine. . : , ' j 1 he House resumed the considera-. . tion of the report of the committee on - the Judiciary ordered to lie on tne ta ble) on the expediepcy of amending tne roao laws so. as to supercede tne Tlio. Turner, Du rant natcn, jno.jw.- in. nd J. ID. Hawkins. Mr. M'Dowell from the Committee appointed to conduct the balleting tor necessity of the same being &iven in reported i The last iFayetteville Observer says, hanov to um Ip nnll for the election of mem- U U now' navimble. The Steam- bers to represent the County (JWe. rm i Ar in i mm i Triiri ni j k?ov - . m v - - I jwt.1. t, -i - x i ire mini i r;i iiiiiv. nf rnmrnnn iustice bv this acknowledg- Lvon;no,-fnr Wilmington, and will be J..: WolIWn; rrPSHntwl a bill t6 ment We Jjave never seen tlie volume c it is probable, this morning. Se- amen(i an act passed 'in 1795, lor ap i i i :.. ' (,.f0(t niid thprc-l! ' i Wl i i J.wi ,.,WK PftHnn .and mntmn- P.ntnmissioners to fix on a -pro irom v-mun u 7 verai .riai,-ritci 1yvT" . "V "V. :i'Lr w;ito and Flour? have likewise sailed. Business F-e. vvill now revive, and we trust will not tX . - a.rain be interrupted during the season. alcer presented a bill to amend Oiir market has already expeneaceu an act passed in ims, lo uut , fore inserted it as an, original commu nication. " Imprisonment for Debt. -Propositions have been made in the Congress of the; United States and in the Legis lature of Virginia, to abolish imprison ment for debtl AVe hope these lauda ble attempts ' may be t crowned witli complete success?. ' AVe feel proud too, that North-Carolina was the first to biot this odious feature from, her statute book . '' J' ,A " , ' '"'. T.rnrsi.TuiiE. Three members have appeared in this body from thV Countv of Lewis, all with cer tificates from the Sheriff enabling them , to take their vseats, and all qualifaed i....ii.'n: :i f fitntp. The case nas been referred to the Committee of Pri ilexes and'Electiohs. . A petition was presented a few iWys since, from sundry inhabitants of FrauH lin County, praying a reduction of- the wares of the members of the Legisla ture frtlm g4 to. S3 per day, and mile SO cents, which On mo- tlnn fnr "reference was lost Ayes 55, Nots 123.- .' , '- , t -J- .P,ricivTs. Jun. has been I.A.DIE.a .1 ' s unanimously re-elected Governor of the State! of Virginia, for the. ensuing years enceforth be enabled to procure their . g ; supplies without dilficulty. t ; ; A rise mthepriceoi oalt, i m fkiuai, wx-v,. . sequence of its scarcity, is not likely Mr. Williams presented the petition r.t- u : - i iv nravmff an aineiiuiuciH ia chants' will profit by the experience oil v-j Rd0 the better or2 this season, and lay m a stock, bctore ; ulion of the militia of said county, It i r.p.rtainiv i ...uk Kill Vnrrv the . uraver oi uie tne river iivir -, , uun . v ? . ? f 11 ...... .. . . r. AflCpfRp!H the firs bad policy to rise m this article y im petitioner tutu . the temporary gain is aiwajs u'- ,i.i;.Kir certain loss in tne ena. It is oftentimes , necessary to make small sacrifites, to insure great ad van tages. time. .1.1 Mr Arrives nrestnted a bill to amend nn net nassedm1 1821, to compel the the Suneridr and County Courts of Surry tokeep their offices, a r'rlniti iniise in tne tow ii oi xvuca. lrti"t . t Mr Wall, a bill to establish aLigh chare-e tiat John IN- 'Phiter was duly Mr-; Leonard presented "a bill cbn- elected. 1 . teeming public j Roads, and to prevent ' The bill to regulate the practice m neriuries respecting themThis bill he Circuit: Courts of this State, was on was reiected on its first feafiinir. J its third reading rejected. Nays 32 Mr. M'Farland presented a bill tcna- Yeas 27. I mend an act passed in 1812, directing the time & manner, of appointing i Over seers of Roads in Richmond vCounty - Head ithe nrst time; HOUSE OF COMMONS If"'!. .- ""..; tunsDAY, Dec. 11. T'hi'thtll tn amend i nil art Inrrra iemi v. Mr .Tories ot Warren, presenieu ai a rlinfi rftr; prpr no. tup hnJidJWn-a.nn 1 bill to amend an act for: raising a tund for SUpport of the, University of ! for erecting the buildings and for the Xorthi,Carolina t as read the second ! snpTrtiotthe.,university oi waMtime. . . -r ' rolina. S V ,1 On motion of Mr. Jones of ' Warren Mr. Alford, a bill to establish ana the bill was amended b vstrikin e outthfe incorporate Lumberton Academj' m whble'fexcept the words "abul" and. the county of Robeson Read the nrsti h titi ti amendment stihmUtpd - . -. ,-. u . - n i. o . r -" . :l . . time. I i - I by Mr.i Jones. Mr;: Biackledgemov- Mr. Alston from the select commit- edt0 postpone the bill indefinitely ' tee to whom was referred a resolution not agreed to. "1 - concerning the several , incorporated ,m., Worth presented a bill "for the Rinlr Jn-this State, made a report, i:kf nr ka -ftrifr::ke iuL tjt vhichwas ordered -to he on the, table ner lat Sheriff of Guilford CountV . and be printed. Reid the first time. ' i I Mr. Alston presentea aum cumpcu- M stanly from .the committee on ing the Banks of this State to pay spe- tW Judiciary ta,' whom was'referred -cie Ordered to lie onie table and be the bU fixing the time for givin- no- ' ' printed. , , tice tojenaorsers ot bonds and notes in . Mr. Stanly, preseiueu a uni - certairi cases, reported that in the opin-'. ki;qi. Vfirt nt Knuitv separate iromi- riw it-. , lauiioH . '.'. a ' cn. 1 vuiuuunpc it is iiiexpeuieiit . v . ' . , ;. the Courts ot Law wiuim una to make any alteration in the laws in 1 V Referred to the committee on the J'i- that s ec and recpmrnendin(; t, - cidiary and ordered to be pned, , je6tU of the bUlOrdered fo-lie on V Tha Hnnse aereeablv to the order of frIiA . v . . e:UI! , - the day resumed the consideration of Thfe House would, not agreei: to thc tlie resolutions presented by wr. . r isn- messUge of tfie Senate to bSlloi imme er. . After a debate which lasted uni diateiJ for members of thBoard of 2 .o'clock1 the, question of indefinite Inteal. Impwemenfc ? ? retnfmprrient. as moved by 'Mr. By num, lows. was taKen anu Yeas and Nays called tor by 1 miMictPRs on ot Morilioanu uic ficuu.,.,- w - - y . , lessrs. Asue, . . . i tter lords against 1 tenants iiommg uvui, at-. t J M. Bryan, Brown, Bowers, and was surprised to receive a ieuei fKIAYn:rar:rtn 0f their terms, was n n Rrodnax. Bvnum, rM.-hni nerann-couched in tlie. mosi aa nn mntinn of Mr. Seawell pt. s: AVBrvan. L. Cherry, uum i. hi. t i j autcuut.u w v - - : MARRIED, ; Orange County, on the 4th inst ..Pedigrewp Mis CelU Tate, ' ; i Wed, i: f;"-". V, t Blilton, in Pitt Codniy.'on the 3rd Jnot Barnard, Blackledge, i Mrs. Ann Easton, widov of the latL- tr ' '. " T" ln nnnisiir . " I t Vl MftffS. V MR: -. r Infantry or volunteer company in tne Those who voted for the in-Th states that Lord iSugent, on n s wy i county ot Richmond wnicn u definite postponement of the resolutions Siiam'tiiuched at Vigo, -which he found -read "'the first time. , . fT , UvVre ' i- - 1 " apaiii wiuuiw o,; r.-rin.AK:nft i f he rights of Id revere. .. . ,M Baier, T. Bell, Jimes Ea&ton. ; Tnisxcellent lad', by her ; Barrow, Brow-j amiable disposition nd tender sympathien. Copeland, Cole, 1 aamed the esteem ot all acquamtaneei and Clancy, Davis, DaTenport, Elliott, Fax, Fre.; the smcereattcction ot Uej relatiyeand in- - Hassell. R. A. Jones, ' ove and chality ; and the anchc "hf her Jonts, KilpatrictjLeo-ji hope for eternal felicity una both t rc Tr.d Lewis. Mhoon. MelVin..sttaifiSt 5she:knew in whom i! - I., ri. . .' i'hJ Sninish contest. To this request , T;W ii h hriirade of the militia and . n Z 4Mc,iwlev. JU'Danlek 1. N. Mann, -:TwcT cbiklrenMd numerous conaw. :te V Lord Nu-ent sent the following mted ondnating for that appointment, Tfio r. Martin, f Maim, Mewbom, OPugh, U xnoum her departure V 1 i . -1

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