'Y: V .v 4 . f, ' 5 ihallf however,' select A'fibiec t jnr i . lpture ebmroumcaUoni tlepehni'cier- )r upon:I)ocumentay;eVit)encet which afford a.reix distinct View of Mr. .Calhoun's system of economy. I mean liis causing 521 f rhen to .be recruited tr IKjTrvicc of the vear:1820, when Congress rrtstrktrfeiwting fori that .ycar-to louu men j or, in ouier , Sorb's, MsTecrui'tihg15(W tttenby; the huthorit of 'Congress; and 1711, bjr 4the authorityMf.the'WaV Department -and thia after he had been required Try ' the Housedf Representatives, to re port a plan for reducing the army OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. 0 at. . . -.- - i .-'!. - : . The ftentiints rVhi.be''! CONDITION AND PROSPECTS OP THE : ' r 5 ' ( GREEKS. ' l ' The following Correspondence forms a part of the Documents transmitted by the Presi t dent --to t! lie House of Representatives, jn ' pursuance of a call upon him for informa tion touching tHe Condition and Prospects "i of the Greeks. f f --':.'.. - T . ', i jSxtract of a tetter from Mr. Ruth, our Minis- " . Serin London, to Mr. Adam, Secretary of) State, dated. V?-;.: -- - -: I -1 . - - LoKHosr, Feb, 24,-1823. j ' I received,' the day before y-sterday, a : , " - i i ..l paper, 01 which a vopv is enclose j, 4 el to you, by Andreas'l-urioUis, an aent or deputy from Corinth,- on behalf of the cause of the Greeks. . v. v - -r. r" . It will ' be perceived that after describing the general nature of the revolution now go si on in Greece", the object of the paper is .$o solicit aid of the United States,'and the es tablishment of diplomatic connexions with ..them, f :. . : ' --v ' .This jrentleman, who has recently arrived jn London, brought me a letter ofintroluc t. tion from General Dearborn,' at Lisbon, and 1 . received him in a mstiher due to the intereft- ing, character which he bearsl I assurpd him , tha.the fortunes of his- cmuitrj'.wej 3eaV to the people of the United States, who, cherishing the. freedom which-, they them selves inherited and enjoyed, looked With the warmest sympathy upon the stn,ffffle P the'-Greeks for the nalionnl liberties ; and that, .the government of the United .States participated in thia feeling. Of the Utter, I - considered the-late mention of the'aubject by the Presideit, in his messa ?o ('ongress, at the opening of the session, as the authen tic proof " ,'. ' ' I To tlie enquiries of Mr. Luriottis, whether my Government would open political or $- plomatic relations whh his, at the present Jlav, 1 replied, that this formed a point on .'-tvhich '1 was whollv uninformed, and could v not undertake to nve mr oninion. That it uivoivea considerations ot expeuiencjn as ap plicable to the United States, as well as of - advantage, or otherwise, as applicable to the Greek, cause" itself, that would be maturely weinen at Washington, bcrore any decision could be pronounced: All that 1 could say, Was, to reiterate the assurance ot'the friend f Jy witerest' that was felt amongst us, for the . success of the "cause in which his. country -ws embarked i and I adverted to the part which uy Government lad acted, in relation ?o th South American struggle a part so much in advance of that of any other govern ment as a suxe indication that it could tcci "nu btVwardness in "welcoming', when the pToper day arrived, the new-born freedom of urrece, into the family ot nations, in me d, 1 informed him, that I would gladly be come the organ oftransmittimrtomy govern ment whatever distinctive overtures or cooi mu nidation he might determine to m.ike it request which,4in the course of our conver- uon, ne naa mm sen maae oi e&c overtures he has set forth in the paper en ; closed."- -: -Mr. JLuriottis dwelt with confidence uppn the advances which his country lias made in the t career of her independence advancts the more solid and encouraging, an they haye "been won amidsUbrmidabJe difliculties, by the mere unassisted efforts of her ow n valor and Constancy. Since the capture of NappH de Komauia, the strongest fortress which the Turks had in the Morea, he seemed to con sider, that the cause of independence was pUced upon a sure basis. The Greeks, since this event, have removed the seat of their jfovcrhment from Corinth, where it was fixed at first, and placed it at NapohV. uQ.ruu.iie aMtstance inr wntcn we vcniore to appeal t the trenerouk irvl the free'5 '! I nessed the struEles of tow codntnrmerj:for .'twjic.ur,MUIIrlaru:cMlIUl incur national cunurctfMuivir ;iij-pcM- atrttggle for indepedcnceVVjuchi ever since J ihcevbad beefi-made tnanifestto the' wbfld the domination of our crael and reckJesi ty- jm public message to the Congress of ,the rants, liad never 'ceased to bp the object of it States..; They are cordially felt by: the, our vows and prayers, Ve have, by the'bless- people, of this Union ; .who, sympathising ui' va, wrcv m. - vuusiucraoic pars-pi t wun ine cause ot irecuoiu buu niucpcnacici Greece from the ruthless - invaders. ' The I wherever its' standard is unfurled,- behold Peloponnessua, Etp Io, Carmania, Attica. I with i nterest the display of Grecian energr Phocida; Bcrotia, and the islands of the Ar. in defence of Grecian liberties, and the asso- chipclagoand Candia, are nearly free. The Jciatiop ' of, heroic exertions, at the present armies and the. fleets which have been sent I time, with the nroudest elories of former a- against us - have been subdued by the valor I ges, in Jhe land of Epaminondas and of Phi of our troops and our marine.'. Meanwhile, lopflemon. "-'J .'''JV rr-(r-'- we Have organized a government, founded I -But while cheering with fneir best wishes upon ' popular suffragesr arid you. will pro-1 the cause of the Greeks, the United States bably have seen how closely our organic law I are forbidden, by the duties of their situation arsimilates to that constitution under which froTh taking part fn the war, to which their your nation so nappuy and sa securely lives. I relation is that of neutrality; ' j At peace them I have been sent hither by the Govern-1 selves withfall the world, their: established ment of Greece, to obtain assistance in our ptlrcv, and the obligations, of the laws pf uwwuiuitu , : vim wukv . wc,iikc i nations, preciuoe iucni irora uccumin yw you, have staked our lives, o'ur fortunes, andluntarv- auxiliaries to a cause which: would our sacred honor ; and I believe my journey I involve them in varL has ' not been wholly without success. ; I . If, in the progress of events, the Greeks should have been, wanting to my duty, had 1 should be enabled to establish and organize not addressed you ; supplicating.the earliest themselves as an independent nation, the display of your amicable purposes j entreat-1 United States will be among the first to wel ing that diplomatic relations may, be estab- ( come them, in that'eapacity, into the gene- usneu oeiwecn us ; cuuimuuiwiung me roost rai ramuy ; 10 esiaDiisn diplomatic and corn earnest desire of my government, that we mercial relations with them, j suited to the may be allowed to -eall.you allies well as mutual Iritefests of the two countries, and to friends ; and stating that we shall rejoice to J recognze, with special satisfaction, their con enter upon discussions which may lea'd to im-1 stituted state in the character of a sreter re mediate, and advantageous treaties, and tsf public receive & to expedite diplomatic agents with-j I have the honor to be, with distinguished out delay. Both at Madrid and Lisbon 1 have I consideration, sir. your very humble arid o- een rccciYcu wmi grci iwinuness by the I Deaiem servant, s ; . American representatives, and am pleased to JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. record the expression of my gratitude AHBKaas Lcktottis, Though . fortunately you are so far remov-1 Envoy bf the Froxisional Government of ed, and raised so mucn above the harrow pol-1 the Greeks, 'London itica of Europe, as to be littlep influenced by lr. Rusii will explain to you the changes State OX OTXll-VftTOUa, wiucii. nave lajteu uiace, ana are still in ac- 1- 4 tB8yifCT!:f t ibr aleJ.ile'SonVJl Stoic-, the Geniitlemans A estimated at 3. 894.559. I brancer,"atiu Latlie PocketBookforheyeari ; ,i . . -18244ce?125: '5 i , I6t. j makipa total eipeuture during the last tear ot i5,3i7,4ur, and leaircng -ft balance.mv the Treasury on the first daj of ihi : present month; estimated at . An active KEGfRO MAN. - s- - - - 89,364,055. 4f f -! " " ' AO k'':ir .Ht'-U'y I TVe recbnimqml to theperusal of our ROM the subscriber's shop, on the 22d ult l ; , 4 . . - , rr - ' .! . Ms a Double caseGold PATENT 1.E-1 readers the Documents contained in X5RJT?r LCJ5f?f r, rp:ihg Greece.- , Tbey chased, it has a gold dial, two pair extrajew- were J transrojtted th President t0 els, -.detached scapment, made hf j Joseph I Con&rress. in Dursuance of a resolution any watch of the, above description, should be ums of this state, calhng upon him-for: J&S information, fiuchiDg tfie condiiion ahd wardrof Twenty-five Dollars will be given.! prospects of the , Greeks. ' rhey con togetner wixn iue sincere maiuu oi r it JOHN Y. SAYAGE. Raleigh, Dec. 22, 1823." 12-4wt i tain information of deep interest- tcr tj. - very friend' of the extension of the Mi-' - berties of mankind. u , ( r ' ' ' 3on "PTimr ose Coir ; . - r ... 4 f REceivedlast week (m aremarkahiljrshort nasaacre from New-York. THIltTEEN PACKAGES OF GOOD3 ; amongsjt which j of FraUce, Mr. Petry, the late Consul General France, we understand wiii takfepaa- litlble for for his native country4T. CHddren's to lose this" sentletnari, lo. Black ; -.-r - Ve arc about after Ta resi- tion around us, in our favor and I conclude, rejoicing in the hope tliat North America and Greece may be united m the bonds of lonar-enduring and unbroken concord : and have the honor to be, with every sentiment of respect, your obedient humble servant, - AND. LUWOTTIS. Loixdun, February 20, 1823. Mr. Adam to Mr. Ruth. Department of State, Washinrton. 18th AufiTistl l23. s. - o - Sia I have the honor of enclosincr. here4 with, an answer to the letter from Mr. Lurioti Chatham County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, 1823- Henry M ransom j Constable's re- vs. S.turn levied on Heirs of David Mims, dec. S land. TTT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court JL that Needham .Mims, Britain Mims, Dan iel Nevens and wife Susannah. Edv Mims. James Partridge and wife Betseys Uddy Minis, Rob't. Mims, and Sarah Mims, who are De fendants in this case, are residents of another State . It is therefore ordered, that publication be made for three months, that unless they ap. Of 4-4 and 3-4 wide Domestics, auita shirts and sheetinsr.' Ladies and CI and fiir'd Crapes. .Three Cases of Gentlemens deuce of fortj, jears amongst US. H e and Boys Hats, witha variety of other articles, came to the United. Skates during, our which added to our Fall supply, make our T. i,1 , ' . - ' r.:i . ri assortment complete, either fo our tuW yoIUUOnarjr V?ar, inic family- of or town customers. All of which will he dis- Duke de Lauzun' and has vith one or will continue to be in the receipt af fresh private or. public stations, ever" Mnccj - Tn'TT - ' "v and has had the good fortune, during N. B. We have also received our Spring r l , Supply of Garden Seeds. A hogshead bf old ail that: time,' to boiiciliate the esteem Jamaica lim ; and expect in 8or lOdays, al-n,i v:v tK- Vrt ..T l I mr rniin- ton of Castings, consisting of Pots, Ovens aud , ; V , .. f - I " . i irycieu wiioiiaveKiiovfauiiu.--wai.M. Leads without Ovens, Skillets, &e. Raleig-h, January 7. IS 3t FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 182 tryi The last Edentou Gazette. states that d'crdel murder vas committed in Chowan; county, oh Christmas ' night,' I by a negro, named George, the proper- It is amusing tosee at vfhat snadQvrsjty oiijonn, v. xiiiiiejonn r.scj. ou uie they nave a point poay otivir.j esse iiasseu. i neper- Monday of February next, then and jthere-.to diverted at the Editor of the Washing- tried at the Superior Court in April. plead &c. . Juderment will be takeifro cbn fesso, and the cause heard ex parte as to them and judgment entered accordingly. ! Teste. THO. RAGLaND". C. C. Jan. 7. C. 16 3m. fndrras Lvriottit, Earvy of the Provisional Government of, Greece, 'to tlie Honorable i John Qidncy Adanis, Secretary of State to Jthe United States of Attetica. . , j. Sir:! feel no slight emotion, "while, jn tJehalf of Greece, my country, struggling -for independence and liberty, I address my self to the United States of America. . j 11e independence for which, we combat, jrni have achieved.. Tke Hberty o whicl we look, with anxrous solicitude, you naye obtained, and Consofidated in peace and In glory: - V - Yet Greece. Old Greece, the seat of earlv . ciiIization and freedom, stretches out her hands,1 imploringly, to a land which sprung jnio Demg, as k were,; ages aiier ner own lustre had been eitinguUhed ; and ventures io nope, mat tne youngesi ami mojt vigor ous sons of liberty -will regard, with no corti iiion sympathy, the efforts of he descendants f . t '."a . . ' , o me neir ani me , eiaer com, wnose pre cepts and whose example have served-j tloigu tnsufRcient hitherto, fof our corn "plete regeneration to regenerate half j a worid." 1 '"- - u " - r ' i ! know, air, that the sympathies of the generous people ofthc United States haie been "extensively directed towards u s and, since I have reached this country, an inter view with their Minister, Mr. Rush, has serv ed to convince me, more strongly; how great their churn b onxir gratitude and our affec tion. May I hope that some means may be found to communicate these our feelings, of which I am so proud to be the organ ? ' We will still venture to rely on their friendship ; we would lookr to their individual, if not to their national : 'co-operation. Every, the aliglitest asslstancej under.- present circum stances, will aid the progress of the great work of liberty i and if, standing, as we have atood, "alone and unsupported, with "every j thing opposed to us, and nothingto encour age us but patriotism, enthusiasm, and, some- j times even despair if thus ire have gone forward, , liberating our provinces, one after another, and subduing every force which has 1 been directed sjaiost uv what may we 6ot State North-CaToina, Chatliam County. Court of Pleas anal Quarter Sessions November Term, 1823 j 'Branson and Luther, - l Constable's re vs. turn levied on Heirs of David Mims dec. j land. " linn Upmihliran. in his Trema.tur tri- I r . T .1 XTr Tnrvaft Mannr a vrturkcM marl vawaj umpu, un vtuci v wur a ,c timkble character, was killed a few daysao for printing Governor ifomfsVMes- sage, accompanying the Tennessee res- of a gun, whilst engag4 in a hunting party.' olutions. Some kind friend had for- V ' - - 1 , warded to Washington, the issue 'of the Application is to be made to the N. vote in the House of Commons, on tliis Yo4i Lisu' r&ct tfinw subject, not perhaps aware, that the Poratim fbrvthe imrpose ofupplyin Senate would.also have to act upon it fifY of :wrk and vicinitj witji it hn owM rt thA lime t d o1lin.) n vno II' . . . - . . I w r " " u, .svciviwiv w'.via,.uuiwuiuuic, c.onnii In h h Mnftha Pnnntv tfnrosaid . - . s T .. .. I . . A " t ' i and a copy of which was transmitted with psSf n 1 to carm and we have befen not a littl petiator is connnea m vai ana wii i De J " J. ..W If. upon tlie receipt of this letter, Mr. Lu riottis should still be in London, it will be de i ii a. X m i . m siraDie uiai vou suouia deliver it to mm in person, accompanied with such remarks and . . i " . i expiajiations as may satisiy niiD, and tnose whom he represents, that in declining1 the proposal oi giving active aid to tne cause ot Grecian emancipation, the Executive govern ment of the United States has been governed, not Dy its mcitnaiions, or a sentiment ot m- ditterence to the cause, but, by its constitu tional duties, clear and unequivocal. The United States could give assistance to the Greeks only by the application of some portion of thiir public force, or of their public revenue, m their tavor, and tt would consti tute theminji state ot war with the Ottoman lAuiat .Needham -Mims, Britain Mims, Darnel I - x . c w ! "Iwith a camtal Of "ft 100.000 and utlJ rTw, .,r;i, m t- . , ..j-... c..Mnnnki vf:m. t d.uv Yci oiiereu. oi tne rciaiivc imjuu- i i. i, ' .- . x uiib) u iiiiiiau vt j lax iuc ajcu Utti y I uwciSi i fi. uus uiu w To make this disposal either of : force or of Partridge and 1 a i ... icT - j. j rt i : 1 J -r . 1 . - - ireiuure:, nx aie aware, is, oy our uonsmu- -unis, ana araii jjjuine, wuo are ueienjoauu in i Tl- Uia 4i -na V nrill Wiro Kootl I i- , tion,: not within the competency of the Exe-jthis case, are residents of another State : It is HOUNv Uy tnistl.ne ne will nave neara Captain James ItlLEV, celebrated ot cutive.. it could te determmed . only by an I theretore ordered, that publication be made j oi tne aetermmauon OI tneoenate, ana It : fiirOT,1v I mi:n.ri,a a-, actofConirress. which wou!d assuredlv not for3months.thatiinlessthevarjDearatournext L- i :n' Jii nis ventures dmong tne AraDS, in tlie v . - . j ' . ..in -nis nHxi.iia.ner. win unsay 2x11 ue i 1 c -t beadopted, should it even be recommended I Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held I r-r -j , lueserts 01 Ainca, 13 a memoer 01 tU by the Executive. i j for the County aforesaid, at ttie Coiuthouse in j said betore. ; U he poLcy ot the United State with re-1 rittsborotlgh on the Second Monday in Feb I TfiAdilAtnrrn M whirh fhp "Rpnuhl rL- 1 1. 1 i; i -1 .1 I uw-u . .... .... . 1 w ni.r- 111 iu 1 iimi iiiiin iwvTiiuvrw iifr'Mii 1 1 1 v rif . 1 nr 11 1 11 1 1 ir-aim iiir-mi ni 1. 1 . . i. - B . founded upon the moral principle of natural Judgment will be taken pro confesso and the is reduced, calls forcibly. to tnind ar an- Ogle S resolution tor taxing ; Old law Peace with ailmankind. From whate- cause heard ex parte as to them and iuder-Llrtf nf htf Fr. Pnrran and a Batchelorsi was calcd Up m the House ver cause war between other nations, whether ment entered accordingly. ' . . , , J .to 1 l L 1 I of Representatives of the fcjtate of Pen foreign or domestic, has arisen, the unvarying Teste ! - celebrated J udge on the Scottish bench. 8yi va- a . fe w days ' sirlci and, ' after . .v y ...ku uu uh-ji, uir uu , .i.w-w.i uy uiiunu, v. v.. j "xiiieriiijr oun uiic uj p41 -I consiu6raoie aeoate, vvas auoDtea ' . I A 1 i 1." J j1' . ' ' "l.i . ,1. ' The Republican publishes this result, c?a, ttuuer ine. TT appearingo the satisfaction of the Court and declares it a more correct test than A T" 1 orK-uoal and Mm,lnS company, ja.uxabaeeuiiaiii -rijuis, xinuun aiuus, uaiuci . rr 1 x it. 1 1 lham Mims, Britain Minis, Daniel '. i a i I " with a wife Susannah'Udy Mims, James anj yet offered, of the relative popu- M id wife Betsey, Liddy Mims, Rob't. larity of Messrs. Crawford and Cxi.- arus. ican Ohio Legislature, how in session. , X botli belligerents. , From the first war of the a vi ti I . . . - i i t French Revolution, to the recent invasion of State OX V OYt-l3ai!OllIa " OU3 ,naimer spam, uiere iias oecn a succession oi wars, I 'hT V. rAM,r . iKtuiaui VUUUtY. a succession of wars. national and civiL in almost eveiy one of which, one of the parties was conteiulinir for liberty or independence. To the first Revo lutionary war, a strong impulse of feeling urged tne people ot the United States to take Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, 1823. ... Constable's re- on rather later than dsco-J . . ! . . " , -I. rum justified, his Lordship said, yoti appear to have been hurried, Mr. Cur- .... .. .V i i ' . ' w f 1 i ran." " res, ne repiieu, iwas aeiay- ed beyond my r time, ana was coming here, with all possible speed, when a LAT3SST FROM FRANCE. ,By-: the arrivat last . evening of thel George LuUier, " Const vs.' V-turn levied side with the party which, at its commence-1 Heirs of David M3ms dec ) land. ment, was contending apparently, at least. I T appearing to the satistaction ot thecourt hl lfrl1prtvnanrAnnrtflo.fnkni ralf. inthe for both. Had the policy of the United States X that Needham Mims, Britain Mims, Daniel rrr-" 7 nnt Kppti Bcnt;o11tr c Nevens. and wife Susannah. Edv Mims. James I Dart 01 the Street Where 1 had 10 paSS. . At to claim their interference could scarcelv have Partridge, and wifeBetsey, Liddy Mims, Robt. tuC inomen t he Unsheathed his knife tO reen presented. Thev nevertht-less declar. I Mims, and saraii Mims, wno are neienaants ed themselves neutral, then deliberately settled adhered to ever since. With reeard to the reco States, and the establishment diplomatic intercourse. last' thirtr veard has Rervrt. the limits proper for the andicatioii of nrinci. I plead &c Judjrment will be taken pro cbnfes-1 Lordship IS in the htthtt m anticilini pies, in which every nation must exercise some I o the cause heard ex parte, as to them, and ino, "Jjg vyortllV Judire was vervl Tne Paris papers contain manv Spe- latitude of discretion Prrlurll Kv fKono,,, I iudement entered accordirielv. - i 1 I e , J ,0 . J I Tii.t.o x-ui,. r q. !.-.. s - v w t wivia aawu m u a - - orf 7i v . : t.11 ini.uiii. iiii iiarr .11111 . 111 wu ;i 111 traposiuonmmteneringinthcquestionof , esxe : - i t ireciuenuj prcu.au. c .m, auuuua - fe colonic ' knd; the Cohst tutionel I - ' . . ti '. 1: ,1 . - ' ' 1 5 . ! ; 11 f .4 I rvatL-nt chin fitAnhftttia' r1.i''ilf .. , and the principle, m this case are residents ot another state: It gvc mc .auu uuuoi, a Mjcauui ; l,r - 1 . " 7 r ? r ! , has been invariably w therefore ordered, that publication be made crossed thepath, & he killed' the Mid' & ajS from Havre; the EditoiVof the( . for three months, that unless they appear at . T vL 1 N"ftw-Vnrlc? Ti.-iilv- :;'Af1vArf?ar Kivo raifi on of Wercrn our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions cmiuicu uic y uugc, wuu- 5. cat cuiu- l - - ry V r rT' with them of a to be held for thejCounty aforesaid, at the ftioh 1 No, my Lord, coolly replied I Ceived their regular files. of.Tans pa- . the experience of the Courthouse m Pittsborough, 'on the .2d,' Mon- -. h.ul - Kf nera the 22d ci! Noremhl hnth in-. to; dav of February next, then and there, to "? r"' "uv Jr.MMf. " ' T . T'T.-Tr I tlitoiva - .'..-. ".' .',.'-, right, the United States have recognized the 1 16-3m. THO. RAGLAND C. C. C. 4?nna. rfl Kfl ftrftrthv'TlilVricfpr cmlft-ll t I il. x 'if aILJ XT ' 1 A III 1 I ic of foreign sovereigntv, only when it was "i TmTxT 1 77" J """ " ' . T 7,.?" uuie "U!J "wncc.noum undisputed, or disputed 'without anv mtjoni oVVendia jl3TOYtTimvV. Ian opportunity, gently to correct him- make any attempt against the liberties prospect of success. In this manner, the sue-Only FIVE DRAWINGS remain to complete J Vith eqUal gentleness we beg the I cf South America, it WouM ch Republican to remember the old motto, w,w " v"ut , i v would be made on the interests of Ed- audi alteram partem. u , IantJr M ac6ntet wuutd be: immedi- ceasive changes ofgovernmentinmany of tlie European States and the Revolutionary Go vernments of South-America, have been ac knowledged. The condition of the Greeks is not yet such as will admit the recognition upon these principles. ' ' Yet, as we cherish the most friendly feel ings to wards them, and are sincerely disposed to render them any service, which may be compatible with our neutrality, it will give us pleasure to learn, from time to. time, the ac tual state of then- cause, political and military. Should Mr. Luriottis be enabled and disposed to furnish this information, it may always be communicated through you, and will be re- ceivea witn sausiacT?on nere. 1 ne puDiic accounts are very scanty, and we shall be glad to obtain any authehtic particulart whkh may come to your knowledge, from this or through any other channel. . ; t I am, with great respect, sir, your very hum- 1 r . r " . . " - Die ana ooecuent servant, y - JOHN QUTNCV ADAMS. Ricaaao Rusk, - i "J1 EnvoyUc.ai London, j, :V 'y;.y : tr Adamr to Mr. LuAottU., ' . i , I;. . .. Department of State, Washington 18th August, 1823.- Sib : 'A codv of the letter which vou did me the honour of addressing ttT roe on i.the 20th of February last; has been transmitted to me by the ministet'of the United 'States at London; and has . received the deliberate consideration of the President of pie United States.. 1 the GRAND STATE LOTTERY, Now drawing in the City Baltimore. THE GREAT CAPITALS OF 100,000 20,000 10,000 10,600 6,000 J change the A direct attack nt where D0IjLARS. nfplv pnmmpnroil . rm(t)i We learn lrom the national inteui-!ekAla oii....! ' - t u j , . I DIIV M rA A UU 1 U. V ' gencer, that the annual Report of the A member of the Cojtesf who' voted Secretary of TiXsury, was trans- tor the .Jtegenoy at Seville? : has been mitted on the 2d inst to Congress, arrested and hunatrenadVrr We shall publish it, if possible, in the L itin no frfrili ind d. DoUars each: the who! payable in Cash. nex paper aiier .us icccpuu, aiuiuu-u pnre 01 tneir employments thOSe Who . which can be had at COHEN's OFFICE, j the main facts have been anticipated in remained behind as wf H a those who' . wie moment "re "ivnwn. i - - - . aBi-0 th statpmprifs in th aCCOmpaniea mm. P - V , President's Message,, oh the subject off .1 the Revenue- :;' '-:v I 'i:'- :. y fth All STILL UNDRAWN, besides 8 of $1000 GreeLs have take'n .poessiotf Tickets, $15 00 1 Quarters, $3 75 Halves, 7 50 J Eighths, 1 87 To be Lad Warranted Undrawn, at -BALTIMORE, ' U where more Capital Prizes have been Isold than at any office in America. G3 ORDERS States, by mail of the lialtimoreLottcries, will ifleet the same tourtn quarter oi tne Mwcjear- wr tne Vreesw Burreuuer w tne lur. prompt and punctual attention, . a if onpei.imafp(i 44270000 Iniakin a-.totaJ aonal appucatKn, addressed to . - i ? ! "-ilV,K on 4 J. L COHEN, . Jr. Baltimore. I yA rJt "' The precise amount .of the Actual re- of the Castle of Corihtlu By 'ttmfAf ;eints into' the Treasurvl during: the rof Marseills, news has arrryeu of an en- three first quarters of 18&VW any omce in Amenca. . iTA. r . - ' v rt ureexs neets; wnicn ..lerminatea witrr jtrmnanypartotuie united muu . eqnal injury to both partiea. I TW Cohen's Lottery Gazette & Register,' I dolfars : and with the' balance' SSraSS & theTreasury u thrfiray of staxe ana aionumenr .ajonenes, ana win oe i uiat ' vcitr. iiiokiiut a wuu aiuvuuk ui rer v.v. Baltimere DeoilSS?.; "tl'l !" MARRIED Lithe seat of Jud?e Seawel nity, on Tuesday last, Moses Uordecai,'jtsc forwarded., to an who purchase their fa fiftl W Thft lRndiiit dn f J"1110 rSS " tickets at COHENS OFHCE f H , 681,462. 1 he to Miss AnnJLane,oungest diU" i Zil riiiiiC iiir mice uh uiuuuam w . vA T- :1 ..'V? . :.... ... i i .' 4. I V -i; :J: '.r-i.''' : . .; '.