1 ; t - : 1' AND MOMTK-IDAKOLS 8TA 4 1 Oor are the pltn of fir, delightful Pert, " i - IJirvrarpM by party tage to live" like Brother. " I ' V VOL. XXIV. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, ! 824. , NO. 1S69; -;.'-... V'Vwi' . ,: -V! I', - i.' s , I :-'. i .,, . S RALEIGH HEaiSTEIt, TUESDAY. JANUARY 13, 1824. .We must take the liberty ofdisa greein altogether with the remark lf the Editor, in the last Star, thatf'tlie legislative and executive branches of the Government of this State were in stituted for the purpose of 'htttrig ns checks upon en h nther." Our Gfi vernor ha3 nothing to do with the Le gislature 5. he is the mere executive of ficer of thef Government. 1 This, we well know is not the case with seve ral of tlie State Governors : the Go vernor of- Pennsvivania, and some 0- . thers, have powers relatively as great, in their States, -as the Presideat has in the United States no bill can pass without their assent, and thj an, whenever they think it necessary, interpose their yeto which can only be get asiae dv a vote 01 two-tnirus 01 both ; houses. But our Governor has nofpover like" this. He has nothing 'to do with the Legislature, except it be to make his annual message, and to com municate whatever may be transmitted to him for that purpose. We have nb . thing further to say, however, in rela tion to the mlssare which the Govern- 9S ; or thought one hundred and ninety-six, who have taken dcr a republican form jof government, that its out injury to the public interest.) such infolr- seine friend of bis, to appear to vote for havl upon themselves to meet in conclave, and at- administration should be committed to per- mation aswill shew the state of the, relations while he secretly nullified the vote by first ob tempt to ftre&tal the sentiments of near 500,- sons, whose opinion: and feelings are in coin- betweefi Spain and the United States, from llteratingthe name. (The ballots are folded 000 republican freemen of the State ? No: cide nee with its fundamental principles, and the ratification Of the Florida Treaty up to up, so that the name is concealed.) the slumbering- spirits of our Revolutionary whose lives and conduct furnish the most un- the present time and the effect produced ToVn objection that the voter roust be out fathers, from the blessed realms of eternity, equivocal evidence! of their entire devotion in those relations, by the United States hav- of his senses to lose a dar 111 attending the wui reouKu us 11 we uo. : 1 xo xue preservation 01 uiose pnncipies. 1 1 inr csiaousneu uipiouianc inxercourse wiiii 1 pons mereiv" tor tfte' sike of httihcr in . for iht nfflr nf 'PiRuln't' hv 5niv?i1iifil stM-1 rica.' ' 1 WUTTTJ T THIM C7" MT7 VVT-TOVT 'l'ho FrA , . . , . .. I has a tendency to disturb theharmahy of the lowing are the proceedings of the mem-Ureat republican family, by kre&tur and bers of both branches of the Legislature strengthening ndivdual predilections and Mr . . . . " tt , . local frelings, and thereby prevent the Con- of Virginia, at the Capitol in Richmond cert of action, which has hitherto crowned on the evening of the 5th inst. on the I their exertions with success That although a nomination by the Re House of Representatives '' Ttjisdat, Jan. 6. On motion 6f3Ir. Cobb, it was Resolved, That the committee on Indian Of a candidate for the Presidency : ly free from objections, yet assembled as they makm proVisiorf for fri civilization of blank ballot,, which effected nothing on eith er side, it was replied that many other offi cers besides Members of Congress, were vot ed, for at the same time, and that he might have gone to the polls to vote effectually for these, or some bf them, without ; wishing to Affect by his vote the choice of Congress man at. all. The advocates of Mr, Wilson however, denied that I the instances of blank.: votes given in ; the State i Legislature or in Congress, formed a case in pcint t because,- :At a meetinsr of a number of the Re- Tlu" lBdian. tnbes adjoining- the frontier set- irJZ!?" f.W. 01 ui: c f c i ' I . V V . r. , I tlements. passed on the 3d dav ot Juarcii. I uiuh ,WLH icicn, oianK totcs puuiicau meinoers 01 uie uenerai As-imunny eiectea tiunng-.the pendency anal 1319 '! - sembly of Virjnia, held at the Capitol discu.sion of the question, and Jn . greatde- 0n motion of Mr. Sloane, it was I gree with reference to it. thev brine: into one .ngtf Monday, the 5th oWanuary, 1824, -J 'wS rf tor the Diirnose of contemns on the sub-ir -ok. r. ui - ject OI a congressional Caucus,. I them in a manner which has heretofore been Linn Banks, Esq. was requested to usual ,s tne best j attainable mode of eft ect- u: vi w.. Vf. I "'S me great ooiect m view, wnicn nas as ex- andl by were counted, and therefore did. nhini'elv and indirecUy, effect the election hut in Resolved, That Parmenio Adams, who H"cfonsanne pons, the greater r.um contests the election of Isaac Wilson, return- volonewasconsidereci,andablank ed a member of this House, be permitted to baIl?t not being counted, effected absolutely' appear witnm tne oar, ana be near a msup-i:. ;r , l" rr. . . ..... . . . . rl rhf rhai!irti nf an A w-r-.Z r l nnrt flfhi Ttf-tltinnmno. h i;riia.iAn f u,c ciwuMcicr oi an American k fort f tv,. omiff. r i.4a I l"ea that he could be intimidated into actin? the farce of depositing a ; bJaqk balfot ; but were answered by the fact that, in thtpart the report of the -committee of elections on saia peuuon. ; Mr. Sloane moved to postpone all the or o x .fLr. as secretary oi tnis meeting. That we fully believe, that a convention lTZL 1 of the State of Ne-York: .At Jnfl,, The names of the Members of the Se- thus constituted, will be less liable to be in- ,nmmitt nnfci;q a nn Is, erted over voters by the agents of rreat land companies, to whom voters are indebted proper to make with the Tennessee Resolutions. He exercised coin- owns ers six entire couiitiesr and its agent exercises a well known and power ful influence in political matters, &c. nafa nnrl TTnnf nf DpTprrflTPK. Kpinrr rnll-I fluenced bv those Sectional lealoUSieS Which! . j it ... x ed over, it appeared that 13 Senators !beJathert?fhk and 144 delegates were present. ",,c" 115 ;, P10 7. recommends to the House, to eject Isaac Wil ina uompany,; o tuiu iii ucic0atca cic picaciii. I those purelv national feelings, which it is the I j a tract which covers six entire cnunt M: - j 7-- i iiiicjcsi, ""vi suuuiu ue me uriuc oi cvti .i.h .u .j.: the whole of the testimony, was read, and to prepare and report to tlus Meetmer, suchLu "J "ITfu j ' tne question Demg on concurring- witn the Resolutions as they mv consider proper to be I l :.t. n aaoptea mreiauon 10 tne oojects oi uns meet- event deap fo tf i Heinoc1, nf the nation. which triumphed! in the election1, and pros pered under the administration of the illus trious Jefferson : i Y 4- first resolution of the committee, viz : ' that rd THX BCSrSTER. mg, A Committee was accordingly ap pointed, of Messrs 1 ylerot the H. ofD. Holt, Speaker of the Senate, Cabell, Campbell, Dade and Johnson of Ches- That we feel an unhesitating confidence, Isaac Wilson is not entitled to a seat m this I A nLr P Tin,u mdHnfr , Kn A'i House"- the. same was earn erf. I . lt . , , The question being on the second resolu- appearance m tne neavens, anaisu De tion, viz : That Parmenio Adams is enti- Pec" 111 uie inoriiiiig-wciurc uuy. a tied to a seat in this House." will be recollected that several or these .T .r9?e LT BJ tie resolution by insertinfthe word not." years: I The one at nresent anucarin". - - . i m irTrviTTAa mfla Ann watvawt rviv rt oco nTniMi i w ' for an office of general supervision over the I i... mn 1 6 ' . which as we may remember, was of ex -. ' WW I L"A V - 11(1. 1 1. l . ...-I' 'kr . great political. Agricultural Manufacturing The question being Uken on the amend- traordmary magnitude ; but it isthought Aiiu vywiiuiitl 111 JIHUCS'S VI wig iwuun, U!ic I rl,;V, J7 T: 4 I rnha mnt-a rnmarL-lhlo thnrt h-f it 1S1Q. . .. .. I . J ' I wnn ic Tint rn l-rr cminii llAtnncratiP V pni l ri I. . . . ..... I j . . . . .1 . . , - . . . . .. ercised.our discretion and CoJIey of the House of Delegates. Kn in it was decided ui the Viewed through the telescope, the nu-1 jm the public themes- The Committee then withdrew, and labour! with equal assiduity for the! just pro- n rT: 1 after some time) returning. reDorted I motion of all those srreat interests; and to a discretion which he had a rirht to do tertield, of the Senate Randolph, Bow in thA disrharm. of his . lutvr nd 'eJler. .Gordon, Thompson of Fairfax, - uc.u. X ' .u.iJcJ"1?' Wall, Kutherlord, n ,lum uc"c:"f'- ot .Richmond City, Winston, wouiu be uest, exe in vvithhoHJinz iroin thepuoiic themes arvie Graves sftyn and all the wamith which it occa siooed in both branches of the Assem - 1 4 - - . i My. . . 3v; think It right, also, positively ;to deny the charge which the Editor, of of the Union, to give to the majority of the . ' 1 c ,c ,..i':ni. J- people of this nation their due ascendancy bv that paper maxes oi -our naving en- 'ffhg. a k 1 Max. 44 j j va ivv kw v-wc?y m iv wv j viVl V- eavoreil, for five montliS past, to spread I sort to the House of Representatives the flame of discord through the State." Our renders must recollect, that we never said a word on the Presidential Election, until the Star and Wasi- the folio winr Preamble and Resolutions, whom the Republicans of New-York can give . - 'I.I . ! . which beinzread. were on the nuestiou ine,r wuung support. put inereon, agreea 10 oy tne nieeung : i u - uuiiti To secure concert amongthe Republicans that though the,name of no candidate for the Presidency is mentioned, a large majority of the meeting were in fa vour of Wm. H. Crawford against the field 5 that Mr. Clay and Mr. Adams have a few friends 5 that four or five are for Jackson, and two for,De Witt Clinton j but not one for Calhoun 1 ! ! committee of elecUons, it passedin thejaffir- l,rm end of the eilipse being direct- 1 j 1 . rrr a -i f t mative. . iei toward s tne sun. ine xau is 01 itrcx On which the committee of the whola rose I extent in the opposite direction," iiow and reported accordingly. ' pointing towards the constellation of the Tnthe House Mr. Cocke moved t0 lay rjof Ra cniJmet lU the report of the committee of the whole on A i i.i l .j v " J. . . ... . . I Wain ! tho P min-h' : I ho Hiefanra . I Ulllt VI X 1VM" lib UlOUUiW Resolved, That we approve the political sentiments declared by the Republican Mem bers of the State of New-York, at a Meeting held on the 22d day of April, 1823: and that we esteem the measure by them recommend ed, under existing circumstances, as the best resolu-1 28 degrees 25 minutes from Lyra. , 1 xnese distances piace tne uomec-De 4oK1a . nnA fVitt nnootinn friYnr talron' I ttlll, ; Ul was decided in the nee-ative. I ot the nucleus, ta"ken with a sextant, The first resolution was concurred in by is 37 degress, 34 minutes from Arctu i .1 tt - - i I jl ' 1 a i. e : T . m. tucnouse. . i ius, ine Dnsmesi; otar in joooies. ana The question being on the second tion Mr. vvtute movea an amendment, wmcn 1 TOOn ua cknnu;K r TTu- , . . . J 1 - 1 I U1V 13UUU1UV1 J Ul 1IVIVHHOI , JIV0 .u-t j.j : . I Riffht Ascension 1 about 8 sums 8 1 . . 1 - i 1 1 11 1 1 i.Mw 1 1 1 f 1 uuc 1 -rw if 1 f-"f 1 til iiit lit- u.j 1 ivr 1 j -! . rxoTON Republican lorcea us into tlie practicable experiment. :-!- I I .:, j j?uJj MirrPM. and ia Tiflrliraf?nn ntt, bj.awertiiigpasitiyajr teLJISSied We, eerful y restore-to Mr. irag- ?Iution, by inserting the wM Kp- It la3 probably been; wible for eome interest of M r. Crawtord, m this State, to endeavor to procure a nomination of fit per- ner, tne compliment paiu niui uy mr. "" J; V " ' - j ume P1 uul ur ine cluuuraess ": r. sons to nu the omces ot president ana Vice Clay. We know tas' Dubhc semces, LmT; " 18 an omeci wmcn in a a wt j -1 JI 1 A.LLA IIUl 1 LU dllUW 1U1 AULLLllJ. . w i i i - - j i i - i a: . t i , - i nci ' i nr tu i, r i, anu nis pnaie wortn, anu oeueve mm, iuon: wmcn was carrieu ayes v. noes o. meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secre-1 next to Mr. Crawford, to merit every tary and be published." L,A-nm nT1 finnnl lrill. Wp LINN BANKS Ch'n. IT - Vm. Mujrronn, Sec'y. acknowledge we wrere, as well as many The Senate of Virginia consists of 24 mem- others, mistaken as to the man, whom the SDeaker " delighted to! honor." . ... was every nay declining, "Whatever we, have said, has been in self-defence and in answer to the at- tack1 made upon that gentleman and ire have said nothing: which facts have - i hot subsefiueutly' substantiated. j And the House; adjourned., Wedjtesdat, Jaw. 7. The House took up the unfinished a meeting branches of the Lejrislature of New- bers. 'The House of Delegates of 212. The formation of an Electoral Ticke t by the Representatives of the freemen of the State, during the last Legislature, has had the effect we an-! York 4lluded . t ' - r . o - I A t a mppfinw nf tnp KPTOihliran Mpm the Ultra prints, in this as well as in bers of both branches of the Legislature other States, completely beside them- of the state of New-York, held at the selves. We should be surprized Sat Assembly Chamber in the city of Alba- their clamor and intemperance,- were " lue " 01 APr"' 1 o we not aware, that the minority on all nat was called tothe chair, and James J M I ...... .. ' great pouucai. questions,, irom age to piullett, jun. Esq. ot the Assembly, have ; practised the .same arts. I appointed secretary. ,VniTitp. in hi lAttPr fn tlip RnhU Un motion ot tne JLieutenant uovern- v(- ,.K- 4. or, it was Kesoived, mat a committee 'rV" ?" SUbjeC be appointed .by the Chair, to prepare - so violent did I find parties m Lop- and report resolutions expressive of the don, ,that 1 was assured by several per- sense of this meeting, m regard to the sons that the Duke of Marlborough, approacning election ; ana uiereupon, was a CotrnrJ and,, Pope a-Fool t" Khe H0!1; n LHnMes!rs- rL ! u 11 rL , t irteuneiu anu luuiey, ui uic ociuic X 11 Speaker The following are the proceedings of We confess, at the same time, that it Parmenio Adams of the Henublicans of both has detracted a little from the idea oil this House. 1 - busi- clear sky, attaches and strikes the eye by its brightness. The termination of the tail becomes perplexing to the dis cernment by the faintness into which it fades. 1 jits length by a reference to the ness of yesterday, which was the motion of 9tar B fbeta) Hercules, to whose di sTcondoluHoT Unceit ws judged ecpal, found, of Elections, so as to make itread,that bJ the ISStruwient, to be .about Si-dc. is no entitled to a seat in grees. j 11 tnis cornet is sun on its way to 11s permenon. 11 nas not yet aitaineu Mr Clav's mao-nanimitv in iraisinff a The debate on this subject was continued its greatest splendor, and it will proba lf!feC!,! till nearly three ofclock, when, the quetfon blbecome inore interesting. PTIus brother candidate, for few nien can be tewc moraines the first time of our ;obsen- hpor wifli pniijinlmifv- a rival riPflr ed in the. negative ayes 85. noes 114. . . . :-.t ; the throne." ! J I Th flnMtinn then recurrinff on affreeine- aim lis course in. me neavens is. with thereDort of the commitee, Twhich ad-f not yet ascertained, : t Should : the wea-4 . . . .v j : ja i 1 ji 1 e v i ' ' ' v mita Mr. Adams to a seai,i was ucuucu dv mer Drove iavoraDie. we mav eive luiv t i - t - - a z. i r - - - un tne nrst oi January? vren. jacK-iayesanu noes iyw. iner notices oi ltnereaner. .1 ' I T Alnmo ikon onnonl-Pfl. W9D flllrt htlprl. I . v . . . . . enn wni T,rpBpnfpd hv Mr. Pi.ktis. w th , M i"" TTf .n 7 - VKvernty of JV ortn-Uamhna. r.w Tv - - ' l and tooic nis seat m me nousc. , -iv ; ' ' r Jahuani 7' -1824 ;' BY AUTHORITY. election y. tir 1 j jl . r il I LUITlcU. Ill Clival mi a Duicib uvunw, . . i" , uen. vvasnington mine waroi uie rve- . - . ed ballo, - strokeofapen iridiirlnn. wifh.thft follnwinir inscrintion. I rlrawn thmnp-K it should or should not be ad- r .u:.t, t maw Ka nclr cotW Sf Uitted as a valid vote. From the returns of An Act appropriating a certain sum of money; YU11"t ""ttJ WJ"00"WW1"V" the inspectors ofthe election it was admitted for the rel.et ot Daniel u. romp kins. , contains multum in parvo : 0n all hands, that i the two candidates camel Be it enacted by the Senate and Jloxite of 'Rek . t tm'thin no-lf vote of havine an eaual hum- presenauveo or we umieu otaiet or America - &rai auvtotw, est wuxnuuuh ""T". . V i:is r ?L -L. d ..-Jir.J Tl,.t tK. Q,.. . i: . , I her i the same returns, or raiocriu;ccrun' uiHrT uofULuw. .. uuw.vi i T - r - v . - . I l : II 1 " . . 1 r cates accompanying them, stated that one oi tne j reaury peanane nereoy is, autnonzeq tir i i i jl x, Tile i VOlch lor lailaVi s uawu iuv uv.auuu- . . - j - We take pleasure m stafang, tnat: ...t, the nted letter of the State of llew-York, out of any mom-y Stephen Miller, Esq. a Member of ere distinctly leg-ible, but a dash with a pen "m the Treasury, riot otherwise appropriated; tis .. - . -w. I j - o. ' . ... -1 : ' t i if.. .i ,1 ivcuiiwu aiiM luuicy, ui un, uiiuw- . iho unneo A 'nmmnnc nt nur net I.P.I j ; .a r. Ttrl-ml nainoi nn this at. I tne SUTn Oi llUrtv-nvc uujusana .one DUD " T 57!,iy!0nineSe Tf theHon.PeterLmnton, Speaker LisIature from Duplin county who was count the inspectors rejected the vote; and it dred and ninety dollar being the; r. Muuicjjcaiuic ausur-1 oi tne ASsemDiy, ana Messrs. irarui- - lv indiSnnSed when the Ass ouiropiieis who repeac tne same aosur-jot the Assembly, and Messrs. liardi- av whpn tVp a SRPm. was not counted. dities until they almost believe their ner, Gundell, Seaman, Birdseye, and bly adiOurned has been1 so far restored after deductions for errc own predictions, serve onljto ventilalte Ha?er? of that bod v were appointed t0Jheath as 'to be enabled to proceed 1 j . i . . . . I uch committee. r , . . t. i - I t .1 . . , -. , me sud errs on wnir.n'tnev-wntp.41 - v. . 1 uumcuu. -. - . . '. . '! I . lhe Following- resolutions bemff re , i . 1 . h t r n ' ior tney contain notninsr' out wind. .u . i'I WUI ICU U T UIC v'lll II l A IVVM 11 v. 1 v. wvi discussion, unanimously adopted : " v"hereas, the period fixed for the elec tion of a Chief Magistrate of the U. States, has so nearly approached, that the members of the. Legislatures of several of our sister express their feelings, Upon the occasion, and was chiefly acted upon. have thereby rendered it proper, that those nave Deen eiectea in a sinrn ir capacity vo ft prrterea niAi," " As we. have never before seen so fine a display ef prose, run mad, as is con I tained in the M rowing extract fromthje - last Western Carolinian f on the sub ject of our electoral ticket," we insert , it as matter. of curiosity, ."What fire-p TaigliiLeeiiQi Congress SENATE. 1 f -' t " ': Tuesday. ! jan. 6. hioKal'nt reoorted lft favour of tne said Uamel D. erroneous returns, 1 1 uc flvwiuimnj "uiwj . r of one. The ad-1 the .Treasury, jn compliance with the act contended that; as the of qongress, entitled f An act to provide ballot contained no other name, and as it was tor tire setiiement 01 uie accounts 01 mniei not to be presumed that the elector would J Tompkins, late Goterncir of the .State of eive a DianK-, Dauot, me maris, wilu uic pen , r -- --- -- - , oug-ht to be disregarded, and the vote count- one thousand eight hundred and ; twenty-- fnr It ta nrvssihlp. that the voter I three. H1 LO tr WU v. . " r- : 1 : - - I might have been an old man, and did riot see the line across the name, or a simple maiii who intending to vote ; for Mr; Wilson, had been Mf. t,o;i I cheated out of his vote, bv having: this obliter- thr. onnosite candidate. &c hand it was insisted,; that the inspectors pere bv the laws of N: York, the constitution On the other J 3 fn wld h v L judgct'of the genuineness or fraudulent cha nuitures, under . . .rnir ;nsnect on4-nub- Approved, December !22, i823. ; ; .' An Act j authorizing the Secretary, of the Treasury, to furnish, for , tlx? use of the . v Territoiy of Arkansas, an abstract of thj? , Military Bounty Iiukfcj, lyinj within thb same.-. ..- . , - irenaeted by the ' Senate and Boue of. Representative of the United States of Ameri- ; ca in Con tress assembled, lliat it s'.all th' " er Secreu v oi toe ireasury. xa who have been elected in a mmil ir capacity I Wbditxsdat, jab. 7 4 -!,, . a tin.- ..aW. a wk. Lto reDreaent the state of New-York, should I ; 'A communication was received from the . . , " v... .. ' J , .1 leave no reason for supposing that this state Secretary of the Nayj', acco ... 4 rt "W4W "rjw mor.e msensiDie man otner memoers 01 tne apstjact exnioiun mcpcnuiuircs,, uuuer f fl, - -,; ;nsDeCTjonDUb- dutv of th self: , V V, O contcderacyto the importance of uch : a e head of Consent txper appw " Freemen- of NorthaToKna ! "Are youlon: .Thef, ,. . - , ,y byaccoums sett ed r'f P J, uncommon tlung iHhS transmittjrd, for the use of the Territory of wuun 10 sanction sonagrant a usurpation ot r r " . " , r ' if I State, to erase the names printed -'on election ArfcanJas, to tne governor oii4 lerr.wrv ir 1 1 fa avowal of our sentiments in the matter, as not! the 30th September. 1823. amounting to J xu cf "r r, . I ?7 n. ..., i ...j. i,;t, iL,. i uiu i c uu u u nnrucra. is uus uiuucnuc . ' . . r . - i " : j ... . - .. . ..r , , : .:vo minora in rn..r I .UH,r. .itAmntm n,J caJI1 for by the occasion, but due to dolls. 203,676 59. palm upon yoii Shall we tamely riekiW !!?"fiLT 2? C Wow,n havine takeu place in ballotiri in to their egal. representati,ea, lying witbirf f Arrira J a. . wua w wuwuwiiii viwuii a an vuibi ua u uj uic i wiuiiuu iui vviiMuvtuvu I - " - I .1 slaves, the ooly eighty raembers of our Assembly, out of l, of those who .have the happinecs to live un- i Senate, fiin bis opinion, it can be done with- i tuced Dy a iww ouenpnsjur. nu, w tickets, and even to put ballots entirely blank the Military Bounty Lands, whicli have been into the ballot boxes, instances of which! were patented, to the aoldrera of the late fcrroy, or quoted as having taken place in ballotirigs in to their egal representath ea, lying witbirf the Legislature of N. Vork, (and also in Con- he sar ed ignatin the tract, the nanfeo -TK-MiiA m w mio-h ,avi heen in- the ntentee and the time whea Mittad," ' mti J w ' b - i i 1 - Approved, January ': -i V r . - - i - . .... i. i i i