' " . . - - ". -; ' ' i ;"-' .'v; ; ' "7-:- - '-" x'ii'' i; .'-;7 r:M-vf-."V -77-7 U 7-v v --'-r .... ' .- ...v i ' V . .i- - .7, (7I7;:f- Jt; rO;7 - 7 M A"NrTV7-7 " f t.'7--7r-';77r' (;7';?.'T ' . " j : . i -v., -..-;.,; -j- r.. - , -7 J - ,-.,7v ' ? - - - tTnwrp'a by. PrtV t 9 'v . like Brathflrt. ,,,.? 7 , - x - - " f , f . v, ,'Jt n.( ,;... i; u'"'," ' k - lp ' .-.',.r-' ' ' : v.' -j-.f'- ; - r " ' ; , ' ' - ." : rr', -7 ' . -. . .v i- -i-7 '7'': , : : .S ' v; j j., .rAT-vriV--',-. t7. 7:Y 7 .:-r-:" ' x -; . T 7 t. . r .v : ;.:tr , s7,r- 7 J ? ' " ' ' -7. J- :, i.i .J ' -17:77".: 7-v'.V7.- .v , -'-- - - ' v - ; ' - "7, s . Register tfWAnA wnnM tiot' detain them ? ? i -: V; otT I teii ;tninuUs,Y a5 desultory debate a- , OHN M'DtrmB livan on the head- the most unequivocal testimony of bet 1 - Good 'FeetingsJCjwng man says ; sent to design to sustain the old landmarks and the f National Advocate, was ten riWfi : t"5 three ! ts of iTockfib and war the Morganton necessary; systems ot the wepuoncaii prwuuf. iui y rose, ichonfmued fel 7 taUor.for a new suitrobtauied express.; KMm imu Mare wiui ui.t uijv - , . ; joSEPH.GAtESScSbN Object of the bill, W wellakthe rec Dollars per nuxn, or One DoDa -ntices which gave rise to it, At Three Dollars per annum, rune ijoiia u ? Ind a Half for half a f ear-rto be paid m CirC . . v" ' -r i - ' I were gave vT r Mrlv fivi vears old slender I made and about fourteen hands high, valued r-Ut'cjv.io. -;! .."'"s" .,-'i7" r."7: RnoDfi: julvance AD VEUT1S EfENTS cfofo,i WMi.' f!ncke: who' refer-Kt 4.2 . 50. .. j ; j-i. iAtnmiHoa a 1'P.t.ter.ot -the I maluuji iwvi, tu 1 nr. m. ifiniiubvvv - " . " y . : ' ' Secretary of ' War This letter,,- toe- Not 'exceeding' 16 lines, neatly inserted three ther wih a document accompanying 'times for 'a dollar; and 25 cents for every ejnihitins the present numbeh and succeediixg .publication jthose ot rt7 emoluments of all the Indian Superin- jenui 1I.l",;,J,r" - j Vwt i tendents, Asents,? x ouD-Ageuw, CATioss thantfullv received ... .Lrrraas U "Mw, , ClIIUluivu - 7 - . of Cumberland county. Vayetteville,5threb 18247 7 26 2t 'V-"vp'T:VU"..i 7 ; i to; figure W tHf ?ek Ball. ; ssLANbl-The Legislature of uhit i:cill .roif tpjail :n: this State, has "passed ' bill, providing ifo benefcof tti for k Convention of Delegates, fo fram m0t powerful evidence' of sympathy:, i a State Constitution: Hie ConTcntion is to meet at Newport, ;on the 21st p: I A BSCONDED intne momn oi aepicmocr juuc uwu the Editors must be post-paid. . est of Miv Kankin. I The expediency of the bill was ad vocated bv Messrs. Cocke,' Conway, fcTOBURGihislWace is a portvfi entry J and ship-building hs been cari--lied on with some spirit-r-everi here, at -The Augusta Races commenced on gre' 0f the Qliioi r fA-curious. in - , SENATE. '.: V, '' ' Monday. Feb. i2.v;7 r - Mr- Macon presented the petition of sundryxitizens ot JNewDern anu v ; Tnmhin. North Carolina,1 praying in- Aonnhv of French spoliations previous to 1800. Referred to .the Committee Pnrpitm Relations. ; ' . ' . xx 'i nresented thc-Tnembnall - of upwards of '1200 merchants and o- Elsewhere . for 7lands there - r , J ..nir rk Phil a. I . ' . ' last, my neer man SAM, who has since called himself TOM. He is a stout Duiit, had a snuff colored broadcioih big; coat; ana W0I1 ythe horse called Andrew jackr wjetioned "by Mr.Xlay, . ton the- noor j a circumstance considered highly hVs hlothes dark mixt home n,wa- JCr rtad hv Messrs. L.---..Kii Writ &wv. ! Heteads print Ison a circ Tonkin Ross. Flovd, Vance of Ohio, very well, and is a shrewd artM fejlow, .M 1 qous W certain' ojf .e' sp&tatcfre. -l-A-i.:: ' ffinnnt write he mav.nowevemave wuii.i- - and root, oi onnecxicuu, v , , r prtl ftn(1 cVane.ed his clothes, and ds. in.Si3Aei.ii" .. iTSuW endenfto get nto aftee H. ha nft connecrions in xne Am SBv.v . mi ine grounus u tc -; : T . js bi j m m v a i w m iiiiiiiii.i me uisoruenj swicm . .T were Cotton. By tlie late arrival, inforj- mation was .received that this article erienced a further decline in Lij- Li uuniuuj w - " . . iciscnuiv.iui . ..... i thprk. of the city and county ot hiia- , . w from tribes who inherited Feb. 2, 1824. - . . I . . . L il delphia, praying that a tax may uc .m- an gnt gnlcJge against eacn oiucr, Tiosed on salesataucUon. Referred to almost the whole of them - were k- Pn,mWw on Commerce and M a- n t dissatisfied with the ar- presented his papers ta,t1ie proper offi Norfolk Beacon of the 3d ins. leer, who would not credit themr and ARMISTEAD ABBOTT, gives all account of a most , shocking said to liim ,Sir, ycur papers. of Congress " To illustrate tne com mercial habits of the American people, . he said, he ntuld rplate an anecdote of a vessel, built and cleared out atPitts ; burg for Leghorn. : When' she arrived at her places of destination, ' the master are 25 2m pTmWtpp! on Commerce and 3ia-r nra rr Ipsa dissatisfied iiufactures. - 7?'.. , rangement which had placed them there. Mr. Smith presented tne peuuuu M They were noW in a very lawless siaie -ioo h'TPrt of Baltimore, praying ai m ; ;h i rpat dcnredations on Revision of the Tariff, and a taxon sales Droperty 0f the settlers 5 and recent nt auction. Referred to tneonnmi- . ... been rece,ved ot actu- Murder committed in Gates County in fbrged there U nonsuch place as tts- j v this! State. The circumstances are burg in the world t Yotlr vessel must ; briefly these: : .'.I :: . j- be confiscated 1" - V 7 ; 7V on thW95?d of January.' as Mr. Elisha Cross The trembling Captaid laid before the ; was returing home from a whichMd - , th . . 0f : tlie United Stated 1 i . - TTTV.sn av "PEBllUARY 10, 1824. We are favored; with' the following was shot within a quart:of aimue ot ms directed him to ,tnetuuii 01 meu We are tavorec 1: mi WmTJfflT dwelling. Mr. C. travelled in company with . t the moutli of tlie MissiSSip communication iroiii several of his neighbors untune came r : . A. .:i iK hke on Commerce w . ,1 In pursuance ot tne e are lavoreu,- r dwelling. ' Mr. C. trailed in cpany wth poind out themouft of niinirWtion from Mr. W m. Ruthn, u . . until he came within pomteu out uic uiuuu . !rrea to xne ""- intelligence had been received 01 acui- 7 i,. iw nf rir. T hown house t upfm pi-led -him: a thousand . m and Manuiacuirc hostUities? and! bloodshed. Two a- 01 tnis city, uc .- fo6t)iiee; f e 0hit) d thence another the oroer ofthe day, Were as few tt could be assigned Committee of Correspondence for at- P the toch fight, to4- W ; ThereT 7. the joint resolution reported iy a se- y region, and it was hpped that tendincr to the Electoral Ticket recom- him to find his way home, as.it wttien ttiousa nd up jo Wc7;J - lect.committee of the. Senate, propda- ece ?and influence with the n 7, - ppW this State by about an hour in the night, and very dajk. Sir, is the port where my vessel clear- iSmentoftheConn, Snployed insucKagen- mended to te People S He pro,eeded o Vd to the election of President .oc :JnuA h9Vf, & bneration tores- the friends of W. H. Crawford, m the fttal gun w;:r. r.l'A. fcU I.ihp'mahwould aSr nl. Aawthltr v f port 01 wnic,:iouuwCU-y.. rr ?r 1 8kr .r' T ri " 7 v VUI - of -:.Vrd to the election 01 -rresiucuv. Id have an ODCratlon iXliu- i-v: ih.juv-h r Committee .01 tne .IVhole, Mr. Smith, m the Chair; The ...;nn raa nnoii adoDtin? the 1(imant submitted bv Mr. Benton, imv " 7- . . frtTn these excesses The opposition to the bill was direct ed chiefly against . an . increase of the 7. w RtdeitrK. 7tk Feb. 1824. o ' - .. -In conset cries for assistance, gready alafmed his readUy have believed that vessel lv. who upon repairinglto the spot, found him eJUUiy, p . u the shape of a new resolution, pro-j ' 7 .Uvicinn nf the COUntTV mtO T i till ujiwi v " h, reo. 10. j . who upon repairing to tne spot, iuuuu mw - j ouence of Hkstrt I ;'lin.0.Kn- w:th his throat cut, and a cut from had been ,X nf Indian Agents, many Seawei.!, Esquire, wishing to have bis name eaclorner of his mouth to that m ms tnmat, sent number of Indian agents, many the Elecu,ral Ticket for this besides several other severe wounds-4-he State, in favor of .William crawipra, irom . ed jnstantly.. tvro whom were rewwcun-u;-""p districts": eaqh' district to liave one very little to do, and as enjoying si tuations that approached o sineur Mr. Cocke moved to nu uic uuum The .deceased was n I . jji-t i.i..v:u . 1a.i1w1 rid ranS- constitutional .doubts, holrting, wneao honest and respecteble man v- v Vu. tv of New 'f- zen. , He. has lett a wite ana seyen u..- ""jrrL . . fift UirU v.- w . r- . I t I r I .IK v-fn fnr President and Vice President: j7. rt cUrv; with 1.300, . that vote to be'decided by the ballots cd. ; . of the people, in their primary assemT Scott proposed to amend sthe hliesj and when no election is made he words, 'In'the ' - ... .1 - 1 L 1 1 , iv i .navigate' jfroni' thto moon.! V".' -' " A " i " ? - ;' ' 7 ' f 'a, Kir change in JVm- Frr -lt is con- present, an appoinuneiu uuuc.r iUCvv.- He. nas lenawiie wui.wjcii vw. o .u-nnfffe cfifta. ment ofthe U. States: It tlierefore becomes d loe hi w y , . York, to cost from 61, ,0p0 to necesswryto substitute some other name tor 1 The rpetrators of this hornd act taveiQ00 - towards Whicn mere nave mcc that of Mr. SeawelL and it is with much plea-1 not been discovered, but it is believed .vp-jued R433.000 b v the Banks, In sure the Committee of Correspondence have tharthev were some of the njegroes belong- Pnmnsnies. - Trusteed "Mer- t m tneir nower iu oner iui ui x. 1 0 o-emieman in uus -uuivt, aKe county. 1 been outlawed tor several momns vanprshlp. man to tne I . : ,1 mntr A T-irtat in , nave xuuiuuucu uujj -- -. . 1 - . , t j, 1a. as a candidate tpr I . , a act two vpara. bi breakine: open jmbke- w;il nroduce an interest OU We c aDoroaehing election pfKAlla ,- &c. Sometime daringthe last W rPnt.l : j ? 7 If ' . 'n . , . 1 . . 1 ,..T ILlt vituAwyi vv.. . . . 4 . . . ..t 1 x il. eiu 011 iiiuuuii u mi. vv.v. rowna 'the i;ommmee noi oniv tunsuii .mm..thov wpw snntenenaea anu tumum- Mr. Benton being: enuueu . w uic - n muoe e and asked leaVe to .T77 r.-:K Ki.f k ,ltr-hv !ofe. 0 , T t'u... and amied foor, resumed his remarks in .support ncrain which was refused by the ine. to them a citizen who has often served themselves, which caused them to bejoutr 77 .7 if' of his proposition ; and before he had 1 nnrli.5e.f th Senate, on motion of T,7 concluded, the Senate, Mr. Van Buren, Adjourned till to-morrow, 1 ,i j u-. virtue and inflexible reDublican opinions are I made several attempts to Mt. UOOK tnen movcu umt - " V- -nA i,v ervicea and sound rvlv. ' . active than Mr UIl IJf c-Jv.v ; , .. - I UlCUlf . HUU HW U'li' w . . j;1 - , take Tuesday, Feb. 3. ' M:r. Lloyd, of Mass. from the Com- intttee ble a comr numerous iiuleinent. Jif order ot tne vorreaponuing amnnn 3 7 WM. RUFFIN. The Theatre was opened atNewbern in; this State on the 24th ,ult. and a play i; on flip tnble which motion nrevail ed ; and the bill was ordered to lie on the table. :- u 1 A message was received from the on Naval Affairs, laid on the ta- ... . esolution 0f the House ;ommnmcauon,!itcuHi mcu j ;4rT?or,cpnfnf:VM of the 1.1th ot Ue- . -7; i u.cl n!r'e l.- : r-nn,rre has heen e t r..rr ' tut ut o.. v. . npiinrmeQ ioru cucucniui mc wit scuwukc w vut.-8U, UOtUlUClHS iiw' i' u .nnnact no' him tn mm- r. , , I - ! TW,r ment. relative to a naval peace lul .t:4 ttI " f.n arts The receipts, aft(?r deducting expenses, ed Senator of the United States "-rr:. . : - 1 1 J.i. l inumcaie iu mc imuov- u.. 0-v.. n. . . 1 , , , .. : . establishment 5 fwnica wua rcauuimu- correspondence with the govern- amounted toli4, wmcn win oe reniur dered to be printed. m . t of gpafn. relating to the Florida ted to New-York in aid of the Greek i - or-. .f rm oflTemd the folio wins: res- r V r . I , '.j oiuuou iui wuo.uv.w , u I cation, not heretoiore communicaieu, - JiwiveJ, That.the Committee on ?ttb-l . w opinion it-might not be in- Wlth:the Pime,S Uemblv ofthe State of New-Yoik, on fin the surveying the public lands of communicate, transmitung a .F- l ,1;aa , . " . : Ao mm: tle United States and in making certificates I fr0m the -Secretary ot fetate, witu co cf such surveys." : . " , j- I pies of the documents requested. tsi$!di LATE FROM fcREECE. Mr; Toplift; of Boston,-has received Vas mre , active tiian ftir. I . - r amvrnJI dated W Cross in endeavour ng to bring these wreico. , . .J.. - e . to justke, which had so excited their re- of .November from , which it appears sentment that they had threatened to jtake the Greeks have been again successtul , his lifeso soonas an opportunity snouia oner. jn an .ensajjement With tne. lurs Josiah H. Johnson, lately a Repre- ect- ,4 -5: 7 New-YonK.In the' House of As- rom 1 the State of; Louisiana, vice James Brown, resigned. fThe vote, in joint ballotting ofthe Legislature," was For J. S.Johnson; ' For Edward Livingston, , 29 27 3. The order ofthe day, being tlie pro position submitted by Mr.-Benton, to amend the Constitution df the United r.ilx . '- - - I V4 a1 or tinTifPresi - wiefe, iu 1 e ai . Aff have poWer to call for persons and p. dent and 1ce-Pres1dent, was again ta . touchInC so much ofthe President'; ken up. . Air; lienton resumea, anu of 22d Dec. 1823, as was refer , Tuesday, Feh. (Ih motion of Mr. Cocke, it was Setotved, That the Committee on Indian Friday the 23d instant, the committee, f whom wpre referred the Resolves from the Senate on tlie subject of the general, throws r out very orrecti The National Advocate, which, in sug-with The letter says The Greeks go on famously. A naval action has lately been fought, in which the Greeks cap tured a sloop of war several brigs; : a schooner, ahd transports ' The sloop of war was formerly an American! ship, belonging to N. York, captured by the English during thenar, and jiold lately to the Turks." A postcript to the . letter adds. " I have lust time to add, that we have this moment received ofc;: ficial news bf the surrender of Co, rinth to the Grecian army, undera capv- tulation the prisoners to be. landed in Asia. ITie Greek vessels, with, the , nnsnnre. are - now in uie ,-, vjuii ill iviiv irm - - z. . - r 1 I so much ofthe President's concluded his remarks on tne suojecu red to wy Comro;ttee. messag On motion of Mr. Eaton, the further Qn motion of Mr. M'Lane, of Dela to our relations Tennessee ltesolutions reporteu uieiu m rr--i j , r: - Tf W le :nn77 t? Furone. has the following remarks on the intention o1 lahdm them. . . It ( amended as follows 1 nuropc, nas uic u 6 ali-imp6rtant p ace for the Greeks, . . , Ja. J&:i c a v,oiafp. debate in the House of Repre- iu "F"4". m - . . 1 v jcesoivea, inai, wmic mc otiiau, 1 uiv av - 4 -j i whose cause appears uiuiy iu unjjiii a- KUr f h KtatA r Vpw.Ynrk do not I i.L '7 4ka flreet nuestion J I . . ' . T deem it proper, in tneir teu-isiauvc .-.wpwy v , ; , ' -1 -. - 1 to recommend it to tne senators anu tvcyic-1 -. - xn iui5 r - - - - sentati ves of this State,, to assist in the nomi- jQ not tnow which to admire most, th zeal, consideration" of the resolution was post-1 ware," it was I Ttnnnd in i nndav'liexta V ! The Senate tlien adjourned till to- jnorrow...; . " . 1 7 ' . , House of Representatives : : Monday, Feb.. 2. , , 1 -On motion of Mr. Cocke, Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, the orders of the dap were postponed, to take up a bill forthe appointment of two additional : Indian agents. .The llotise accordingly -went into Commit tee of, the Whole,' Mr. Condict in the Chair, on the consideration of the bitl. . This bill-provides 1st, 7" That, from and after the, passage'of this act, the President of .the' United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint "two Indian: Agents, in addition to those Alfeadv. provided by law, to bctstation el on the Western side of the.M,issis r fcippi, at such 'place? ..as', he - may tliink proper. . 2d, That the Agents appoint ed accurdinz to the ! provisions of this act, shall receive a compensation fprl their services, ot 15UU aoiiars, eacn, in - i ... . .. - . 1 run, anu tnat ait rations, or ouier ai io.va!ices, niade to them, shall be dV dieted from the tfums hereby allowed.'' On this bill, (which the Chairman Jof . the Committee on Indian Afikirs as- nation of candidates forthose offices, they are , -vmnathv.. the eloquence, and fine feel- vetfree to declare,-tbat the pracce cn , vho ur&ed the rccognitn of Johnson, of the vicinity of Charlotteto Us has, from time to time,- been adopted, of mg, oi tnose woo u & , 'ul,'.. Ixiartha Haves, both of Mecklenburg county.. , a meeting ot their independence ; or tne bu yug, p- - . . u , MitcblL Fleraming, of K-"-7'i u" rrh9Rd and sold the Republican members ot congress, assem- - lfl:.ious- and unanswerable ooiecooos pre- :rsiriiiwl;.couDtv. . -Missouri; ItO-, Mi me. uimcua, "w , "7:t ; w.ewn. nt. in their omnion. M . ' ,. . L i ..t I 1 -77 r Wlk. ..t v. r. a:j' :7,i. Kf sented. by tnose wnose cooi, juuxucu Jinsey eveiuw. 12- Montgomery, to Miss Jane Harris, daughter . . m r- n,i:.i rrw- " ' . . .'. i hp I own 1 ouacu 01 mauiim uac JL 11 , t J nfhtL That the Committee on the Ju diciary be instructed to-inquire into th 4x- has, from timeto pme? oeen nediency of miihoming the public stock of nominating the United aiates to uc uiuntu - W.S" "f SXru-J.m. thp inconsisfent OTth"eitberthe letter or spirit bf III IllOtlUlJ. Ul K 7 I , , ... tt" : "oC,.ld itself into a committee Constitution, of the whole, on the bill makiugprovi- On the Monday following, the As- posed as a shield to protect the country -sions for procuring the necessary sur- sembly were occupied in a close and ' a.iArLU to Ferd natkl vevs, estiLtes, &c, for roaUs aa ca? untU sixinthe SE Mr.- Trimble having ceded his right afternoon, on the resolution in.the atove a fo iji ad: ..n.trl- 5 ' 0 . form. Notuithstandmg the efforts to J ,irw.flv. nr!ihdi. , Mr. J. S. .Barbour rose, and, in a protract the deoate, oy almost euuiess speech which occupied the near 2 o'clock, expressed ins in favor of the bill. He" was followed by Mr, w I rer.tiv. tenu. to tne ackuujicuRmcuv r,:,.K hi. hnre with uncommon roru-. kutions of order, amendment and bLuuuicuta . thereby to; fatigue the " - : ' w r1' ' i , Knox. Esq-, ofthe same coun'.j."', 7f v v V , ,l 7i..ai. -1 ..r.4rl I vereignty 01 tne ieopie. , , 1 N On the 27th-ult. after a shortcut tewe 7. :ho spoke inoppi)sition to the bUl till triumphantly through the committee; jmprsonnkn( or j V. "JJ, and the house agreed. to the report of Therc is a young i - Jir. Keeves ionoweu iur. j-uct, y the same side, and, having made some progress in his speech, gave way at o'clock, to nse, wnen uie guuiuuure tamed leave to sit again -7 , ; And the House adjourned 7 It MARRIED, 7 1 On the evening'of ijie 22dult. Dr. Benj;nv fc.-v. it J7 ,7. On the 19th ult. in Pasquotank County. Mrs. Elizabetb Perry; relict of Hardy Perry.; On the 21st ult. after a snort illness 3ir. ! Tho. Stevenson, of the same county. V J On the 25th ult. after tedious, Jingenng illness, mm r rKiii it 0 nr ir iwvai- 1.111. ni ! wwj : . kUHJi'K'ltl.b V""" - . - . " . 1 , , t, - you ng and very respecta- R0wa County, Nicholas W; Gaither, , i Old "BYdiias have received 20 ' barrels Brandvi uncommonly goo be sold cheap by thel aifel or gallon. i'-.T 7i HAZJ.ETT &T10BEUT KYLE; r JJaleigh, Feb: 5,824; 7 ? ; 24-tfl . -: r ; v : "7 . . a -a j - j. ni ia "J in i i i j . " - v-a i . , w jtm a. as at vVTwrT am mm tne commutec uiuicuwt. u.vr. .j man 0f the Society oi ifnenas, now csqv one or wo-uw v.Jrrrrr.T . i orocnlnfinnhvavoteof 76tQ4SL', " V . r7. ,i .v J&J cUiwm.-of Bowan.:. A v . - r 1 "Tt, ;- v ; in prison m iruj, i. . inPwbern, .on ,the 24tn unv Airs, jsuza- A , - k I ' ' . ; ' i ' . ' I . ' ; 1. t l7.l UmfAi lo iL.aW 'Tt;Mn4 rnncnrt "of Mr. "John U Dll. . 7 , I L v"- ; 0fthe Proceedings of the Leslature of aining,:from religious scrapie tpper- InIpi( ; f; . ,7 : C stand wlnchltliat g -ft'WS;11 the Dis ' f of. Nash t a. ..of;f; 1m. fntentoni'the subUhat his labour and exeruons amnec- along anupaintuiuinwnau 7, f t ' wliich wm v1- - ; . ;r hlsi'hooii-heffcha -:" j: ;-j t 1 v v' - ,7'17.; 7VS7:'5'nf ' 7- 7;.7 7. 7r-. v .; , :v 7 j . V - A" " ' '"'.777'7- 7Vr7--v7 -.v :( i ' - . .. ... - "7- 7,. -. : t . if --'..7 7 , 7.: ,f V - 7, 7 :- V7V' U .07. I- r , ---.V-A..7; ., , 4 ; . J