'lK': :. 1 11 irl 7 Ik 1 5 r 'r ill I f r- 1- r.l ' XJO-.ii 15 SENATE. y Afr- Brwan' Dfcset totl a hill to ad- vnnce tiie administration of justire in ' Courts of Equity,- and to -establish -a V- court for that purpose which wan tiead ' - the first time and;on .tnotion of ,Mr. iiUryau committed to a commit'ee " , of the whole house, and made tlie "order .orthe day for Mopday next." . On.ino Jr 'lion oMlr. WclltMirn, ther same was J . ordercil to be prinled. : 5 -; ""Mr. Shobcr from . the committee 01 roposifions and Gdeyances returned ; thepetition of 'sundry inhabitants' of .' Cabarrus county, and the same was rc : erred to tBe committee of Internal Im- provements. r ; 1 . , r-V - Mr. Shobcr from the- same commit- tee, .cix)rte(l favipibly f o the petitions t)t Jcse tiuiaey, jos.( Yiiiiams ana J Sarah Allen. ' ' ' :. v : 'c Mr.; Black well presented bill to designate how handsjsjiall be appointecl to work m ,roids-n '. this State ; and MrMnAnfery presented a .bill" to Uumc tne nioae 01. caning regimen lai and battalion musters within this State in future; ami for j other purposes vh 1 ch v rre- read the -first ti in e. . - . I -TU e- fol 1 o w i ng peti f ion s of a ' private nature" w'cre.prescn tedviz, : : - '. ByMrV Greene, 'the petitions of Jos. Scozins and John Haney f Ruther ford ; also of Martfn Elliott of the same couuty. is y M.r vaiiawav, tne peti '.tidii of Sarah Hendricks 6t Ashe coun ty. By Mr. Carson,- the petition o IMarcaret Jackson of Burke. . By Mr. Hawkins, toe netition 01 unver ijraine of Warren- connfv; ISr Mr. Carson, the hetitinn of Moses Austin of Burke Tunica , were severally read and re referred. to the '. cooimittec of Proposi tions and unevances. , ; Mr. Jlogan presented the petition, of u in.' liVtle, whtcn was reterrcu to tne . toniniittee of Claim's , ' Mr.,Grecne presented the petition nf uudry inhabitants of RutherfonI cmtv priyin'lhat a cavaliVcompa nr. to "which they belonjri be furnished with :t rm s. , ReYerred' to the 1 mil i taty com mi lice, - - v , , ' -Tuesday Nov. 23. . -Atrl Shober;from thclCommitfee of Pronjitioii anil-Grievancesv made an unfavorable re Dort on the Detitions of 'Jliumas Uenson ami-Martin Elliott which" Vas concurred in The 'fuliowim bills "from' the House r ('ntntnnni. were reau .toe tirst, ?e-J coml ami third times and ordered to lie enrolled Consequently they have - )ecoine law$ : - ;'A bill to repeal a supplement to an act passwl Tn l825, to allow commis io' s to Constables in" AVarren, .Nbrtli amitton and Brunswick cimntieS; and .1 hill to incorporate the Trustees of - HilUboroulr Female Academy in O . ranxc, cotfn f y. The. following bills7wcre presented, vhic! nnl. their first readings :. " By Mr. Carson, a hill to repeal ah art passed in 1818. fixing the sum here after, to Ie pa'nl to' the State, for va- 4nt 'landf-r-rrfciTcd to t!ie Committee of Finance, " ... ;Bv,Mr,. Blackvc'l, a bill to, compel the Iknks of this State to pay specie in certait cass,v Keferivd to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. For ney JJlaclv well, Jogan,. Peebles and lo ve.. '.:.','-' By Mr. Iarsall, a bilHo repeal an . act jassed at4he last session, to regu -Jate. the county. courts of Dupl'm. v , By Mr. Callaway,, a bill to give the County and Superior. Courts of Atie countv. 'coricuiTent iorisoTctinn over the road leading froti the J'unchcn Camp by.t!e y.-ay nf.Beaver Creek, to the town of JefrersoiitorTin said county. rfBvt.Mr, Se.iwelli a bill to incorpo rate "the Trustcss of the Wake Union . Acadeon, andv r j tl t By .M r. .Love, a bl I -to . r.l ttr the ? V names of Sanuiel Cunniiurnamind Eii- CunnuiiLnam and to legitimate th em. Mr Btrrinr:er presented tlie follow ihiesolutioo, viv. :, ; , t ; 1 - K 'i-TiLDt Tliat the Committe" 011 the J u-ilir'arj-, be instructed to inquire into the ex iehcncv o' tvx ricting the power of the Co- rnor to gnm. psrnotv 111 ccrum cases, ana that tocv ry.torl bv bill orotlurw ise. Mr. Seawcll moved to &;end the a- bove bjaddin when' the' punishment wtliscrt'tionai'V- wiih the Court,." which . was" agreed to? aiid.JtlMi resolution was adoptel. .. r, . ; .. iThc bill for the relief of JosephAVil- nams 01 me cuniy or vuiumous rUie bill Tor the relief-of Sarah "Allen of Caswell, and the resolution in favor f "Jesse llulsey, were read the third time aid ordered to be engrossed. ' v Mr. Wellborn preseuted. tlie .petiti on of Elizabjth Kernsoh.'' Referred to the cotainittca,oa divorce audi ali- .lnony. , ; .. ' '.'-- '. . . - Mr, Sliober- from the committee of .1 lopo.Mtioos aod Grievances;, reported , favorably on the petitions' of firret , 300 ofBuikeahdBarah Hendricks : . til Ahc counties. -..Z hiotionoflr.-Bnttaiiu ihe conu mittce on the Judiciary were instructed ' .to enquire into thu cVpcuirencv oPsba- .cndiTi5tiexnniirwJ la w,!that persons! cfiarjretl wi tl? state offences -'shall be com jilei! to givcfccurifyfor the piy menof all :cosjfSnd(btafi8;bipfore they shaU be permitted io filean affida vi t . fo r th e rem oval o f ; thei r c aii s e to a ny toontvr:: Agreed to. -v The following bills were presented, ipd read the firsi tirhe. v.r y . , By MrJ6hnsoti. ;a" bill . prescribing the duties of executors and administra tors in certain cases. J ? Referred to the committee on the tfudiciaryr : . By. Mr. Peebles, a bill 'to alter the lime of holding the Superior Courts of law tor trie counties 01 iorinampion and Halifax. Referred tn the Senators composing the third judicial circuit RvM r. Fisher.- a bill to reDeal an act passed in 1822, for the better regu lation of the countr court3 vof Rowan and forfotherpurposes.1: ' i 1W Mr.Carson,'a bill to emancipate certain slaves the property of Jonathan JJinl or UurKc county. , , , By M r. Frink, a bill to regulate the County Courts, of Columbus county, and for other priposeIleferred to tne Judiciary i;ommiiree. . ,'- -The following petitions were- pre suited : f i By Mr. Wellborn, the petition o sundry inhabitants of Wilkes -prayin .m ad ihnnal armrooriation. ot tnrce hundred dollars for completing a road and for" oth purposes Referred to the Committee on; internal improve i A - " raents. Bv Mr. Davis, hc petition nf Solomon Davis of Carteret county Referred to the Committe on Divorce ano: Alimony. -.Mr. Montgomery presented the fol lowing resolution, vhich was aitupteu and referred on the part of the Senate to Messrs. CVlontgomery, i?orney, Ho- 2an and Carson. , Jietulxnd, That a select joint Committtee. be k:pointocVti.r the purpose of 'enquiring into the expediency of reK!latingon defin ing the salaries una fees of all tlu' oflicers, un clcr the iiovtinmcnt of this Stute. Mr.Moinromery also presentel the following, which was on motion ot Mr. Foruev Tirdered to lie on. the table Hetnlved, Thut the Coriimittee on In tefiul Improvements be instructed to enquire and report what improvemeuts, (if any) have Jn-rn made 7i the. Navigation of C;.pe-Fe.ir Uiveriit the .place called th' near Wil- nungton, by the expenditures ot.tne appro- pnations heretofore made for i.mprovmg the navigation of said river across the Flute. The bill to designate how hands shall be appointed on roads &cJ wasindeli nifely postponed.. Ahebillstvin the Lounty and bupe- lior courts of Ashe, concurrent juris diction over a rnadv&c the. bill re'a- five to the courts of Duplin county, and the bill to incorporate tlie trustees ot Wake Union Academy, were read the second and thirdimes and ordered to be engrossed. HOUSE OF COMMONS, WON DAT, NOV. 22. IVIr. Bowers presented abiil to amend an act cmiernin the proving of wills, granting letters of administration, &c. which was read and referred to the spe cial committee to whom was- referred the esolution directiny; au inquiry into the necessity ot amending or altering the aws relative to administrators and ex ecutors. On motion of Mr. Ashe, Mr. Single- tary was aldel to the committee on In- :ernal Improvements.:- ' ' Mr. Unthank presented the petition if the Manumission Society of North- Carolina, for promoting the gradual a bolition of slavery. Referred to tlie special committee appointed on that part of, the Governor's message-relating to emigrants fromvthe Island of TIaytK ijr. Alston or naiiiax presented the lullowui"; resolution, viz : . Hr.soi.VKn, That it is expedient to repeal the act jiassed in 1818 concerning "the.Su preme t.'ourt, urid that; a committee be ap pointed to bring iii a bill accordingly. The object of this bill is to abolish entirely the Supreme .Court. Jn pre senting it, M r.i Alston inr.de a few re oiarks explamitory of its bearing, which were replied tot by Messrs Stanly and R. A. Jones-; It was' made the order of the day for. Monday- next. The resignations of J. Limb Colonel of the first regiment of militia of Ran dolph county, and of Geo. Hoover, Major of said regiment, were read and 4 accepted. . t;' The bill to repeal a supplement to an act.passed in 1822 Ai allow commissions to constables in the; counties of War ren. Norihahipton Brunswick, pass ed its thtnl readinand was ordered to be ' engrossedwv'V'v.r. " v1'.; ; ' ; .:v; ; The petiuyT! of Tho.MarshalI,-Sher-iff of Carteret, and 'andAdam Lock hart of Anson, were presented and re ferred to th e com in 1 tt ee of Claims.'- v , 'On motion : of Mr. Siv'ain, Messrs. I'olk ElliottiLEdniondson, - Lamb and Darga n .were appointed a committee on military affairs, .-' : . -t - Air: Swain preseblcd the petition "of Kobert rower and others, which was referred. to'.the'.abu ve committee. r 5 ; jii mocion oi irojua select joint Committee vvereappointed, on Divorce and -Alimony; ycm$istin;r of Messrs. liainey, Mhoon, Roscoe, Bursren ' and irrqu, on uie. pariLoi tins. House, and Messrs. AVellborn, SlLeary, cRid(lick am aua.iarsiiair g!i the oai t of tJie Senate. - ' - ) ; t At rC r Mil I etlrcufi i tle" c6imh Vtt e of claims, madean unfavorable report n the petition of Jarrard iWaverJ Vwhkh was concurred 10. .' '"H "v Sl vesjiay; Nov.5 25 : 5:: b On motion of M riBauiVf V TtFMtVED, That a select committee be ap pointed for thy purpose of enquiring into the expediency, of so altering ;or :trnendkn;r the lav regoiating; public pvihting aso define mor?, specifically .the, dutiep v of. the public nnntr that thev Terjoll bV. bill or O- therwise ; and also to enquire whether tl extra printing cannot be donon terms more economical. , .. . M essrs. Bain, Smith, Burns, Ramsay and Singletary form a committee to in vestigate this subject." " Mr. Hiues presented a bill to repea an act passed in 1 822, to promote agri- culture anu lanmy oomcsnc; maiiuiau turcs within this State, and an act sup nlemental thereto nassed at the same session: and also an act passed in 1S20, to amend and extend the provisions of an actio promote agriculture &c Uead the first time. - f , , u i On motion of Vr. Williamson, Kksoi.T!H, That the Committee on Inter- naUmprovements be instructed to a.scertui and lay before this House the amount of ap propriatibni received and the amount of mo ney expended by the Doard of Inter nal Imnrovinent. since 1815 on - account of Internal Improvement, and for what parti- cnlar purpose the amount of money now in hand. anH the amount owned by the. State In the different companies incorporated fqr the purposes of Interral Improvement, amltne amount expendel in the mvment of different Kntr'neeis emolored bv theState and the Hoard, since 1815, and that, thev have leave On motion of Mr; "llinesthe Com-; mittee on the Judiciary were instruct ed tfv enquire into the expediency of providing by law more effectually a saint associations formed between the white and colored nopulatron of-fJus state, as man and wile,- ami that they h:ive leave to report by bill or other- wise. '':v On motion of Mr. S. Miller, the same committee were instructed to en quire,. what amendmen t is necessary to b,e made in the law giving to the Supe rior, Courts, the power of divorcing in certain cases and report by bill of other wise. . " v . - . The resignations of G. Walton Bri gadier General of the 10th brigade Of militia-Anirrew Mnls JLieut. Colonel of the .Columtuis county militia -Wil son Crocket Maior in the regiment of avalry attached to the lltli brigade of the militia, and Aaron Huston Ma- orof the second regiment of the Meck enburg county "militia, were read and acepteu. Mr. Ashe presented the following resolution which was agreed to, viz: . -Whkbeas it 19 expedient and will be pro ductive of public g-;od to establish a schoo or scnools for the educatior.-ot tlie poor, with m this state, therefore, . ItKsotTr.i), That tlie 1,'ommittee on Tildu cation be particularly instructed to devise, i pra-.ticab'e; wid report some plan by which a permanent fund mav oe immetliatelv ra-sed and sustained, & exclusively applied towards executin r so much ofthe Governor's Message and the Treasurer's Keport as relates to this subject; but above all in compliance with the 41st sec. of the Constitution ofthisstatel an:l that they also report a system or plan for the estaolishment of said school or schO0lJ m every county thereof. -i On motion of Mr. Alston, the House re-considered the repoct of tlie commit- ree or Claims on ine penuoii or jarrau Wreaver,"and referred it to 'a'. special committee, with instructions to report on the tacts of the case. The following bills were presented. viz. : 11 v Mr. Melchor, a bill to repeal an act passed in 1822' for the better regu lation ot the County Courts of Cabar rus, rvjoore anu Montgomery, anu ai act to amend au act passed' at ih'e last sessitm of .the General Assembly", for the better regulation of the County Courts' of (Cabarrus, Moore,. and Mont gomery, so far as relates to Cabarrus. By Mr. Alston of Halifax, a bill to change the mode of sellin": land under execution. " TThis bill provides that Lands under -execution shall v be sold on the premises.! : . By-. Mr. Darga n, ar bill "to establish Davidson Academy in the county of iontgomerv and to incorporate tlie trustees thereof.-,- m. By Mr. Vail; a bill . to alter the placej oi noiaintrenerai musters m vasii; innrfon county. - . , . ; J ' ; . By Mr. Gorhaia, a bill to amend an act passed in J 810, .to prevent persons from working sens y kimming nets in Tar and Pamlico rivers, on Sunday and Sunday nights, and Thursday, and Thursday wights in every week, &cv These bills were read the firsCtitite, and" the latter ordered to lie oi jhe table. r ; U pDNKSDAY, 10V. 24. , M r. Picott asked Ieive ot th 6 House to Avitlnlraw the resolutroinresented by him on-Friday last, relative Jo the State Ensineeivwhtch was rahted. -- i z';t Q Onmotion of Mr. SKtnner,.it was rer solyed, that a select joint committee be appoihjed to ehqqire, iCahv; and what a! tera tlons are necessary" i owe5 existing road' laws. ;.'-;-'-v --i' j ,TI ie following bills j wer; 'presented and read the first time .MiSj By Alr.Gohlonrja bTl ' to rstdre'tb credit Nelson Itash oCAnson county . Referred Jo the cointin ttee of ; Pi opost tions and Grievajicel M :-". ---- v. B vi UK Jloiiae 11 Mid bSirto-al ter th 6 ' Drese n 1 4i oil e ro n- e.i e c 1 1 nr .rji e n us t anu trt .vest" tfjc ngliHbereof in tne w. Old ered to: be pri n tliif i:J0"lf: By M ir. JloWel 1, a bil I for; the better reu la t ion of th e to of Lu mbertoii in R6beson;cbnnt yi";'V: "r;iW: &Vfti'& ' -( lj By Mr; NFCauleyi a: bill to alter the mooe inir an to the. Judiciary cum mittee. J By M r Martin of Rodti nghamr a bil I esfatlishink -Banlc of the Mate of Cahdina -ordered to be printedf -; . At r. '-Kdmondson prceiited the'pet i tibn of JohriiGooch PCs llard--jlr ferred t oth committee b( Propoii lions and Grie.van'ci$'l' fi'v ifl -';Htt'V - Mr. Pol kv froin;the-4Cdpiiiitte'of rropositionsand grievances, maue a re port - uniavoraoie to uie- neiiiions oi John I. Barbee of WaUin-fo tha Dejarnatt of Surryand Jame Bui iocs oi a rtin cou n ij Al r. ii aril l J oi our preseiuvu j oe petition of Jesse Howard, praying " ftr Tlie report of the Boards for Internal, Impi-overaenis "was received! from ;the Governor, read and sentto the Senate, with a proposition to Drint'-l copies for eacn memoer. question was decidel in tne ararma live, and' the said bill was referred to a spe c in 1 com ni ttee, c onsist mgi of M essrs. Jones, Hoover, Biowiui Conrad and Stedman, with instiuciions to report a general mil, wirn a ngni or an apj: to the Superior Court. ' r . f Shocco Female Academy. MtS. I. UCAS respeel fully informs ber friends and the public,1 1 but the Exer cises of the., above Academy "will be resumed on' the 1st Monday in January next., ! ; ; l oe utmost attention will be paid jo tne morals ad behaviour of the Younff ladies placed in this Seminary ; and its retired, . - . i-i . , . t -1 ileasunt ana neauny situation 5 ns sai non ius air and fine water, male,1t a desirable residence for youth ; and being a few miles only from the Stae Road, -it affords oimr- tunities for Parents and Guardians,1 of regular communications with their Children: or Wants. .. . - -' In addition to thcusual Elements of Edu cation, and Plain and Ornamental Needle work, the youn ladies will be lnslructed rt Geojjrapuv, Historv, Astronomy, CJiemis. try, Botany,'; Philosophy, Drawing, 'Painting - .-' ' A-. 1 on velvet, jousic etc. Ana to sucn .us ;wisn to be, instructed in D incin.cr, a convergent ad joining House 'is provided, and a Teacher will be employed for the purpose of leach ing this accomplishment. , '. '" . .. '- " . . ..'TERVtS.-,' . ' Board and Tuition $50 per session. Musjc $20 per session. . '- - Warren ctunty, Npv. 24. lUntJ T HEREBY caution all persons from trading ' w' r eT Cv" y W I I Henry-Wdhams of Franklin coumv, for about the sum of Forty Dollars, datetl the l?th De: cember, 1822, as I am determined not Xo pay the same, the .contraction winch the saul l niT- n 'i c mvan njiinn- rvoiifin onr I Nash county, Nov. 12, 1824. . 8-3tp ,4 BOUT three years old, anr! aboutthirteeh .' and a half hands high, of a pided cohur was taken up by Drew Kichison, living eight miles above Moore Court House, appraised t Thirty Doll r, and entered on the Hanger's Hook ot -Moore county, on the 2d of Oc'o- ber,1824. , f JAS. DOH'D.Hlan'r. Nov. Jo. . 8-3 o - To Bridge Contractors. - OTIHEKE will be let at Milton. North Caro- t JL ,lina,on ther day of December rtxU the putfdmof alHUDGE acrpsa Dan River; to the lowest bidder,. The bridge is to con sist of Seven - Stone Piers in the beI of rtUc Riven and a Stone Pier on tlie ton of " aeri bank the niers are to be laid on solid rock 1 in the'b d of. the River, to be ten fret-wid andtwentv-four feet in length, from point to point to be twentyrsix feet high from tlie surfactJ of low summer watc rand tolbe eight feet in width at the top; The timber Work' ... . - - . --T - ---r--T-" 1 is to be executed with sound and lasting tim-1 bers there arc fo be five balance sleepers; whicli are to proiect sixteen feetln length from each side of the pier, so that each slee per mu.nt be forty teet in' length and not less than fifteen inches square the.jBooringris to be ot sound plank two inches thick, to ex tend i length to the witside of tlie sleepers, and ev-erv ten feet to extend out three feetj fnt the reception of, the hand -railing., T6 sleepers when ; necessary to be secured bv strong 4ands of Irool Rock can be bad on die banks of the River from one to four miles distance, gratis. Large timbers mabe pur- chased near theBrldge on moderate terms'---plank at $17 50 ier thousand and scantling at $25. - '; ' -tfltbPs-1 v -'- "-;V'-- .' The lowest bidder will be entitled to the contract on giving atisfactoy security for tlie completion of theBridgeagTeeable to the terms which' will p$ made known oi trie lay Should he fiil, jdte next lowest bidder on his complying, will be entitled 'td the contract. Proposals wifl be vTeceiveti ontjl lhe day of ettmg the Bridge, which, if accepted on or before the day,- shall be bimiing tipon the persojis ' of! erinir ,"tbsein There wUl. be ad- yaice4 75 per cenVon tJie value of theork as it prbgissestbe reinainirig 25 "jlieii" com-pleted- fhe.work tdi be commenced ami fin ished within reaspnahlc time from, tli tmder-talung-X brE 1st to be Jhal at Itlie jlace at not more tnan jpj tne. nunared, and corn at rcto L 502 per parreL "VJ V- ;THOMA3EHEE1 : "RfCHARD TARBROL'GIL 4 V I JOSEPH'Xl'GEIiEE; nnthni-irir rr ppocr a - .miii-f 1 a m ; n rrn. . - - the Committee on Internal Improve- Hotel; at the liook-stm e of J. Gales & Son ments. ' , v' . '-''- '-v- ".'- '"r' 1 apd attheoje-bffice of theThVsitre. 9i Mr." Hoover who voiced m the majo- estate are requested to make immediate pav-rity- for the rejection of the bill conr ent, and the creditors of the same are here-, cernin-the;t rial of slaves Wd tVee per- Sri p ,. e V ' trer,tcated. with;n the time prescribed-bi sons ot color in the county of Gates, iwt Vwif-LlS WALST moved lor its reconsideration.;; The Nov. 16, lfi24. '- 'f ' '7 -m v. : ' . ; - Air.-.' V v1'.,. -3 H public nje Tespe ctluHy info'rnied t:kit jthereM ill be Herrormaoce ht the TlM tre ongMondaysV'ednfT 'a niXJ-rhhyt, during'.the 'sating; of the XislaUirt., ' ; OR.- : THE RIVAL LOVEHS. rAftcr the Plar,- r .. v ' A'Cotnic Song; by'Mf; Ilerbert. : -3 A Dance, by Mr. IlicKards. Tlie Kyeoingf's Kutcrtainmerit to conchjdc won tne iaujtha?jieFarce of i rri -: r? V t i ' i;(H,noors tobe onened at 6. and n'i4X.'- r ain c to coijunencc ai a o Ciocic, precisely. 1 r bnlofc,n the Theatre, express!? Notice AT the late November: term of Halifax County Court, the subscriber aual-fi - - i ' , w - . . - . . I 3 atiministrator to the estate Of James W. Al ston, dec'dV A 11 persona indebted to the T'or Sale ia Franklin Couufv. By yirme of a Decrde of the Court of Kqir tyyOTVrtl'nkihC6ntv..'rnal at.'iu enn 1S24M shall sdl to tlie Inchest bTilil at the Court- House h Louisburrr, on Mon-" day the 13th of December heitt. (it being- the. i tiiejirertiay.orj-iwikiui County Court, )jhat valuable tract'ofX.aiil belonging to the.estate of l)r; Ifichard H. Fenner, ded'd. and vhere on he reslded land fornfeiy, th' residence of Stephen Outerbridge of said -countv. This' land hes tour mde north of, Lewisbnrg, on the main staire roa4-leading to AVarrenton, in a healthy'and agreeaJde neighborhood, witb n elegant D welling' house completely finish ed, Kitcheh and every necessary out-Iiouse. on said land, all of which are In cood renalr: and aid aft excellent. Spring in the yard ine xraci coniams nve nunarea ana ninety seven acres of land. It will be sold oh a cret dit of one and two years, ; pay able by equal instalments, the purchaser - giving bond with sutKcient secutity, tof be approved by the v uiers anu Piaster, Tor tne purcnase money. - v , : . SAM't. JOHNSON, C.M.E. ? 20th Nov. 1824 .- T v . &-2aw 3w ; - s ' ; ;-'t .--Xoiicc.! - ' mr iLh ' b RoTd 'at 'thCourt House in H Whileville, Columbus county-pn the 2l:IoiKlay in January 1 hejStA the t'olTowing Tracts of Xan.l, Jbr" the: taxes "dve thereon for 1822 and;1823. lawit ;1 ' ' v "' 20Q. acres ,pn: Giim. Swamp, h the propenjr. of Thol pinnam p.vj i 4 ? . s : , :t , 150 d() lying-on TomVrk, property ot David Meeks.;:,Jv;u.;'i ;.''; ;. ;' ;.. ATO -rf-lr flit rri OutOTS'kn ' ItktwxtfiV f TrvT t h;ov" rt ' 1 J 50 do on Parter'. Swamp, the property ' jiogpe jj,w;8 - , 1QQ . of jjft Browe; i n ;J.K nK.Vi;,!, r'Ku '. - .S - , - r i ' slSOO do on 'Sorel's Swamp,' given In by Fa muei icicuarason. : . l lOO do given in by Aven Floyd; on Be ver-dam Swamp". .:; --.'''- ; JOSHUA WILLI AMSONrShfTV v w: : r I : FOR 6ALE , ; . ILL be sold to the highest Didder, with. ' out reserve, at the dwelling house of Abraham Buford. in the county of Nott6wav on Monday the 20th Dec. nxt, and continue from dar to'dar. until the Jwhole is disposed Qf the land belonging to the . said Abraliam Bufo'd, lying nearly twq miles upon Jlouo' Way river, immediately ab6ve Stephen JoneVii bridge, contain? nir 959 acres. . Also the stock, arid Croo of all kindsAarid about 8000 wt. .-x. . . - ... - pnmeUom-fe'lJrkAAuorliKeiy. ana valuable Negroes, among them a good, Black? smith 4Sml his strikeri. The ret) of the ne- groe are uhcommoilylitely, three-fourths. of them capable :;6fxlouig good labor, a'mU&c 'o Idest a goocf BousejyiinV Only, 50, some. limb thm ' nfusnnt roi1" i f ".J.' t Tbefereagopdtw;o storyl)cllmg House, , and all necessary . out houses; with a ood Grist Mill on this Jand; aritl, might be divided equally, to ailyantage, if purchasers" prefer red it; -Between 40t and 50 bushels! wheat has beenseeded on the land ".thls"falL Vo session given i the 1st; Jan, 1825a . ;V; H : -l For ;thfcJand; accredit To 'thc'first'ofIay, 1825wU(-be given i Ooehird of the " puN chase money the reniaimrig two-thirds divi. ded equally., and .'made paiable Ut.May. I826r and IstIav 1827'For,the.tockv and Crop, a, credit on all sums. over $5 ,will be given to the 1st day bf October il 825. For the.negroes a credit tot be; Jst day oJan"- . ry'1826 will be giveh. bnds with god.sc c urityrequired jtT e'rycas; to r arry mWt f est from the date; but the interest to be re mitted; if punctually pald; Any rpyrcbaser , wishing to pay tfjenwiiejVij.yf.Ul be recciv tcl at74 per Annum, on the amount ofbsimr chase. A gobdtitlewill b property; which: wiH be 'shewn on the day oi sale K-JII BUKOBDi'.Wstce, .aThe subscriber consenfa to the abovesa and ! wnij'unin cxecut-the title tojhepre- iff ronir Hv flit nu'rchasCrs. . v - ihA.' ii4 f r.cf in the' wbole pt tm uie wnoic or any part sy-r, --, notice wiC! dav ot necember. ot wiucn ou - -". v--. - , - t v: . . 1 . . - ' . " r ' BUFORD, De given u .soia pnvaiiy, MtWv,Tr J- it 1 'f. -" i ...

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