ii M a t ; ; v . .SENATE: VV.Vr ; -"a cominR ihtefi, ' 1 House 01 COTninons, agrcfins iu u.imvi im,.v .w. vv ---r.- , . . .. i i TllURSDAT, J$OV. 18.'' ; Z 4 . r, Wetlborn presented ing resolution t?hich was' " I?EntTJti, That o m Jch of th racssr grc as 'relates to Internal Impro be referred to a select committee and the AdmtestrMion of Justice, be referT take place on Monday next. red to a select committee s tnatso much as relates to the purchase on' behalf of the State, ; of the claims to certain reservations of Land ATiculture hcTcferred to a select commit- ana oraereu ip ue en-rocu. . lates tt fdueation no I ir. nicieou presemeu u.uiu iu liie fmnnvi' likewise to snJiniit ' Jlie Gil AisemT)l v a JStat,.. f.nrsil .uiuKon f tlie Vi5 rl. "Ifl v.." est (lie jTrrsnit fhiintliljifirlistliii union nt recei-. eil at;tc?i55ry in tlie fiscal year of 183 'aVjieirct ija's' t lie aVnount of t!;e likSlantts pal in 1824, anl noweport. etfj arid JiicIutliuJikewise alJ other inmiijs appeVtainin o tlieaid lniil which Um? cpmeJo!iWiifiif ( sjx i thousamlllirce linn(lrer au4tiiirtnur lairs, and sijtty-tlii'Vc; cciitn in tavor of H,S,i ti: the ciydit;j)fsajcU jnuili J(SG334 63 which latenient also act oiiijjmnies Hits, anf t-'j. .j-' Vt"- ' " iA a v ir.-j nniffTAmn. Uifanvrtras and the PuhlidTaxe of ipvery other description, the follow- trolley botvdisaRreeiDg to the propbsi- wiich became due and were mia at the,fl itjasm-yoTtIji State, agreed to, tion of the Senate to ballot for a Public withintliat )eiMqd, to-cthertw halhit immediately for that office. This J ; tl tiMrrlVaRp-irmiiRV nrnrocc remems, i - f fliriPPfi t. and a message' was ,x,.4.:rt4rtfii0,wio nntpmrl and naid for in tlte course of -i L. returned still insisting that tlie; election t-?. "1r:i!f bonds civen by p M r. jjavioson -prescnieu y u J . . r .am i aori amount tr one uiiidmlf and fourteen Jamehd anactnassed in 1823, to divide " : w"1',r r"""'.; LV-i fi ,1 th i,i i . . ... - ; i tiirrc!infi sit iinnni'Pii :limi inn i-iihjv uunoia mj mt -...ijv the militia orlrerieil county imp wo r:;:vv""-' 72 Vr r, W co ffi 5 i - cents, ana iive-sixms oi u;tciu, iui)V.H-vv;;f: ;i.; tee that so much as. relates to Education bo ir. ncieou prescmoj a.u.u iu.ic- "t "vc,"ull 00' j refrrred to a select committee; that somucTi pJal an act passed at. the last session, nr, as reported to the last,Gent?ral Assembly beina(lcil, r Si f Mai year, were V s to the free people .of color be re- 0 Amed , the laws making, proviions one hundred arid nine thmisand, Steven hujidrcd and ttwen- !Kunl : and tl sims inentioned M ) UrredtoaHlectmmlttee. : fidowswhich W reJ thefirtt ty!ti,Sl! Un 1 1 ' :r After-several balloting, Charles Gf time, and on motion of .Mr.. Hi!!,. refer- a " amount oft wo bunded and: twettty-fbur tnousand, small : UV a elected the ,d rcj to thudic V pr.D?to be retetted from the paV- .. , - ' ' . ,? the time first abovcmentioncd, :incl.d.ng the worn Injury SS?ffiK&Slf r. '. .r . r. - , . . TKunsnAY. nov. lo. . t u... . nmr.n nr A;i.fv'oniirti- 10 inaKc a. uicuiei anu a muni more cons dn. ment oi an execution, touncieci on a ior- ,xm. P,.!t: if vnE ,p. nores, anu oiner inunies uui ui, .um u v. .. I u iiiuuuji vi 1'Ji. 'f-i i k..a T....rl-1 iivntv.nni flrtllais. lilfv-liveront Anil r"'Y solved that so much of the Governors ,lu'.u ir'"u,,1M 4 ::V-i . a Ik. " 'r. 'L 'r.: .JthisfiuixlHn courseof the iJext month: ' as relates to internal impro- -n- Y"' , J,. ; ' it... W.. iP itmayV pcrfiaps, D0 consiUeretl the dutV c vuuimnitc wtii t - , - ... - int ,-ttio. I'ultiir i i9tirpt Tn inrAPin fi. . - i v v i S11V' a. irii ment of an execution, founded on a for feited recognizance. ' . y Mr. Umldie nrcsented the netition th to ar inp .prrtarv nr siaie dp n recie . . . ul. m jssoc a jrant !n his name (or certain n? .. .i,, " .v,litr lftini;iurted from the aCirreMte Und;WrWnt.h?chtll.nserer, lMlnJlmpnvelnPn s .m?uc ch ;anments or referred to the committee :f PropositH !"V "Tl r -V. " I,; " u V Z . ! . .,; "s.t il ft.rtv.nn. dollars, and six came to jsncll agreement with the Stnckhofd- ons and Grievances. uu- 1 rw.: k rH .Qi , .1 .1 . 1 w ::.. :...i. TVo....r r ti.;., tutA .k.v -inu vonui citi iiftusouun.vimi iflnv. ; Mr.Iontonjery presented; the re- n ; Messrs! . Alstoin i;" ,?v.;.iiaM iK cuv n ihT. fi.t tiiiv F .J"Vouie of the last Spniiff, as led t(wts sub. """" " 1 1. lie ii 1 ni tin. 111 i.i iMiniuti uinutmi , 7 ... f . . . . . 1 sanation of Alex. Allen, as Major of A t, ,,ili,iuw.r. he 2d regtment of MHitu m the coun- SmUh form colnmittce ..tliat so IV 01 vi .inge, wuicii was uccupicu the first day of November, instant. say on; the first day of No- .!, wTP- .-' W M " S"b" cmUrl824,aa l,t'Ncrtibe:ac,tintetlfor, (lsr.i04V.06j;) cbuon.th Uooks of the satd-wmpany. The'lN-easnm- takes or,asion, however, here to remark,- that Mm & Shares for the Stat,. I 1 1 i - 4.. il.. CI. 1. lJ-' I : m r 1 at rp hips iii i lit- v nt-i iirvirt: a wat .. . . i if f .111 1 ... ui iiiiiiiiil nitiuuiiiiw ur 1110 1 iriii'i.u io. , ; V j 7 : , . t iree t lousani , two mm acq anu iony-iour uonar? anu vweie tii j . tir lU'Vii i . The n,!Io,v,nR persons were appoint- Polk : EdnTondiwMrfcher, .Perkins . entered and paid lor, ;WjiproiiH8ted:7liy Jaw for the ij,,, Company?vChap.: f 6th eJ nn.the sereml select committees or- , 'm h ' h rcIate3,tn piVmotion of Agriculture. dere.1 on the messase of the Governor: t,, be reierml to the cominit- course, lessen the sum applicable: to ordinary pUrpoSeS,'or the ,PpX On nTESAL iMrBovEMENTs. , on that subject. , . ; ; f support of Government, to tliat a.nou.it. . ' - J.51 Messrs. Forney. -Wilson,; Davidson, e," lc." '" J, f f . ,i..,..:...i ii. r.,.m:.. ti. ntini Arnrinitnm tlie.Boarf:.vofiilitternal,. Improvements:. for n.Ai.intn1 K a natifinn I ti.... 4l.n nmil ifntno fnnmiiim t 10 tionnnf Lc-rand and Peebles. . I f rp. A- l n - n.uA r ct.UcLv . ... w.. ij..i.!rs ... fl otheivor more Shares in the Ga ntal Stock ''l?Brn?Wd1boir J.S'n ami coanty. praying for-permission to erect prilltc,l sta,emeMts. p.parcd and furnished by the Comptrol- of nemUsn Hominy JH ' ter ?' r ,o11 " liftS hro' their fol.ie seof the Members of the present General Assembly. ouslyi(t0 thirst of the present mwtu ,,. Jjaker. - e uje . c. n n-etntArl thp , f . ' 2 tier the act of tlie last Assemhl v. eiititlpil 4 .1 w - iuui U.IIU . ..- m, rij i : . n i- l - I i .1 r . .1 V. I. I" II .- , -.- .'"n on ;inc;;NpiAN. kesebvations. petition of Mary Wilsonof Buncombe . ' T " ' " 7 ' r. "A."- .. " Act ? !"!"! VJ'"' B,-UMa' coanty, praying for a di r . t I red to the committee On AGnicuLTtTRE.r Messrs. Bar-OM ,!,-;. v . -Vr'- f' lack"e"an dSI,r The. resiation of. Thomas. Polk, passed to H ortbeStateXwdamrt.conw A t f .,, r, I Uolonel ot the scconii oattaiion z Ort Educatiov. Messrs. Hill, Car- inenn t.irn-nrl A son4 Williams of Moore, Matthews and v it v cV T- - 3it n , ' V v" " v 7-".t ' r ' r V A 7 i r determination as to iurtner subscriiit o -V...-!! - I . v . i v uax.0x.vww w... I 2 uiUUl III! II. JI till CU llllll.rtlivi, uinv iiuiiuivu auu T -.-!-. UUI- . Mt , -,- isu frail. . . - Ik;.: tu a cr.:t,::i- iotn oKofrl. . . . ai -x .i 'i HS oiock, ivorce. Refer- r, and June last, at the l ate ot .four per cent, whi on the y.'A mretinff of the, Stockholders of propositions shares uehLin it by orth-Carol.na, amounted to tvnty-one r that Comjraiiy - th.usau(!, three IiundiTd and senty-six dollars ; xvhich.wei-e hich North-CaTolina was represented, but con cer n i n t he Roa n k e N ay i Ration . . i m & .. ... . . iii. iiiiiii ii . . .r 1 1 an ... . w..m...m- mr -r n ... . r m r a . . . .-&.w . . ...-y. . . ,V.Free;PEsos or Cou.KpjMessrS. of -oun ettrrtatt of y,b' Xy the S W i X ' ; -2"' Befhune F,sher G,bbs d taxes. Read and-referred to Messrs. nfS h, l! .Inres rf'K'tK l8Mi-TffaM,i7;,IJoles ordered by the . Parker. . - ... , stoa'rt, Alston of Halifax, & Whitaketv x" 1 "V ?! 'e.MPa- "arc ", Mfa.irein ast:Asb K.iw'rapldljCM,to. mappw-' ' , :M-?earesentedaT?,n Ve Hons? to coutider prth-Cnrolina, on .the first day iV lSt'f.lir baIeBt.?ndif-itlll--a,y lW' .. -, to advance theadm,nstratinn of Jus- rcsoluti((n introduced yestcrdav by like iseJvnown that thci-iney emitted by tins State.m he Mi r-- TIle ;n6tesure1l arl cls - . tice-wh.chpaSse.1 its first readmg. and Mf vil relative to the e.cheate.l'pm. years ir83 and irSff, and rora time to time redeemed bv this uered neat and strpng or durable, and are ' 'C Cori'ee n ,he perty &c. in the hands ir the Trustees Ba.nk. and handed over to be b.u-nt amides royed, asdirected s(,ch . iI tRfpcC(3, , ,ettrusts Mil meet Mr Hiickuxll presented a bill to ofthe Uni"i7- wic being again by its charter, is alsochargeablc to h.slun.1. or thev divideiuls the ipproUati; f the tegislatlfte. Uehas .-"-authe'johrMaS read was agreed to, and a committee declared ,n favour of the State.. I lie j am qu n . oV those em is- ma(,c actuai vestment in bank y-fTn...: appo.nted consisting .of Messrs. Vail, sions, hcrtvevcr, which have been handed over by the Bank .and . f nrJAA ;,. .ti.l ? SsLicid itrfirst gTt' V " f' -"'"'V fi,'m ,N r'"er'. has prishVnallrScl .readinsand as amende.l'onmotion of 'Tt reeved Jh motion or Sir ? Tn ''' 'f 4- ,s(b"t3mal ' bc,,f ""fit r shared ; in the BanksA Mf c W ' : Mr; n.,vis, so as-toextend its provisions p fc ,tatT select coZitee on the ventyMive cents, only, (1 58 v 50..-., fu;am6w.t of his' issues; X -to . Thomas MarsWU Jate Sheriff of iZwM to& w''' ' ?'? ?,"?"n1t f ."' abovementioned, as ahd a t anstej. is orily delved fora fcdays. -Carteret Count v. It was . then read TTenlX ??t'd to the.Bank, aW.nclnde.1 in the general account of eXpen- at jlis iktarice anditCthe hope and eecta- the second and third times and ordered .... .i ..i dituiv or disbursements for the year. . .. .. P ;,..., ..: i.i. :.i .. ,. i iitiii M uici vu j: uvv-umiiiii uiviti nauaiiiu nt of laws. M AfrM if Cfnnlrr Chan. brnnr presented the petition H;u of Ncw-Hanover and John iry innaoiranis oi me umnryoi p , f- ... r to be engrossed. :- -Mr, c i ;i.-u:a a . . ai. a.. u. hum.r .u.iauHa,. u, u,c ......j C. TavJor form that committee. Cabarrus; nrarms an act to be passed 1 ' to Tpj??al the acts .hereiofore passed, laying o!and establishing the Alurjpin ton nal, so far as respects the County of Ca harms.' Referred to the Committee Ofthe sum of one hundred and thirty-seven thousand and forty one dollars, nix and an half cents, abovenientioned, as beinfa? the to the price or 'sumf per share,-, wliich it is r.i'i '? . i ' ' .l.i ' fPi.:.. I... i , , 1 1 r .ai u i i J . .i o Tiff lit and proper he should give. Inis un balance due and payable from the Public i reasurer to the State . QQ im ir in 5,ri, Cnnfai.al! f-T ,i i . . i n . .1 . ii . . HAMV-.-JO TIII A. IjUIIUUI.IVU ill tJHVii oyi miu jimim NorU.-CarolmaH.n the fii-st day ofthe j.ijesentmont x mostcircctually tend, to promo'f. on the fivst day of November, 1824, fi ty-e .- time, was on motion of Mr. Martin of 0f Newbern. in Ralei0!!. Ai of lVopositions and Grievances. - Saturday Nov. 20. . - fln motinn nfMr. Williams of Reti' fort a Select Committee was appointed Rockingham, postponed indefinitely, on the Militia LaWs and Public Arms.' ,Mr. Ruiisay'. presented a bdl to res- Messrs. -Williams," ; Ward, Speight, train tiie execution ot civil process in certain cashes, wmcn was reau anu sud sequently rejected. Mr. Picott presented the following Kcsoiution : Jlarsraveand. Calloway form this Com nut tee. J; ' , , : ; " On.iotion of Mr. Wellborn, a mes- sie was sent to the House of Coiii- mons proposing. that a balloting take place at the' niecting of the, two Houses h vn , Mnnday ftr the public Treasurer JV Friday, Nov. 19. Mr. Stewart inim the committee to m..u m-tcn "''' J'' M The surplifs money in the Treastiry hav whom was referred the bill to authorize and stand at my credit, as Public Treasurer, in.thc.State Bank ... L;no:JLu flA'imi,ial,Jlriitn n p. John A. Smithwick; tp collect arrears of North-Carolina, at Raleigh. ;t ' cessarilv occurred to the Treasurer that; it. I VI'M VVM .W- V WBaWMWI M W 11 - IIIIV IllVU.inilU UI1U llV V f VVII Ci. V I I A V ' I ' A. ,V i I ..T' tl I.I I i U A amendment, 'which being read the first de,msire,l ami staml at my c nd ,twenty-four thousand, ciffht hundred and sixty-eight Llt..v Ar'taLv wiwi- in ."i r a. . -a.1' li (.lint sui inus in iji iiicvj vi i vt w dollars and forty-nine cents, arc deposited, ... like manner, and NohlcJ.eamWn1 pt InW v stand at my credit, as Public 1 reasurer, in the Bank ol Cape- rr'',Jfiilii - ,n,r,ti11;in,(?iip; niievvise Tl.n rnmuintU. I in fl n..Mlr rl.ocf nA . fi,t.m0l n..tl. P .HMV;VC.M mm;,-.. v. Fear, at Fayetteyille. a. .i ai I i iv i ;i- Ja, drains , on the Treasury, in ' consequence ol warrants and other vouchers, paid off and received since tlieh, - l a L JL if tl.ot . J first dav of the present month, and barih of casli kentin tlof. ' c V fT11. '? "V "v"- . . . 1 J , .w"""- A -. . . " i ,i i- 1 a. " , . i ' 1 iT.ir-' term- oe aumissaoip-: tor orinarinar in -aim ex; : appointed to inquire into the expediency fice, to be at hand, and ui ieadincss to meet the demands of the . , , rJ h. A ...iJ? ' .;, atoc retiininff in the employment of the state, dav, ' ' " , r - ; -.Mig the old Wr the new i reasury Notes, c nrient r.ivil F.no-inpftV.'and th nrnnrie- V 'a. 'a -.t . i 1 . " . V 'land tiot beiHtf able t04V)reeitS limit, l& . and Comptroller and lor; the Public tv 0fr keeoine n n3 sustaining the nresent L ln tne JPm 01 lst, Jonn I'attonr CSqUire, the Pfinter. . ;. . ; . ' lioanl of Internal Improvement, and tjiat they ?m,nissloner aIM,0tedby the (jOVcrnor, to selr : Mr; Hilt presented a bill to prevent report accordingly. , k, . tend the selling, &c. of the lands belong ni- to this State, com- fSHV PJt vL . actions from1 abating :in certain ases, - Agreed. to, andIVessrs. Picott, Ashe, monIy called the Cherokee Lands. 4 such part of themes l.h . : ..which ras,c(J:irs iirst reading and was J-A lJynum, Elliott, and Donoho were might be in demand, paid intotlie Public Treasu 17 the suitt of f1!' retorred to .the Judiciary Ccimfmltee.. ; appointed acommittee on the part of fofr hun(.e( - , twtnty.sevcn doIIa an(l three cen8, ftKSS After several ineffectual bairotiuss, this IJouse. ; - I - - : f4.-7 a- V,..!,,- nf. ,lf'J1 0ie fi. cnL0 -i iu ifoi. i oUhmgs, in lgai to.the Trsury Notes .'Mn C. Rhnnhaus of Pasquotank waJ ' Mr. Fo presented a bill to repeal Jiim and w!.irh : ) elects thirJnissing Clerk. .; an act passed in 1822.! allowing com- bJ. h!m and r,,c, .,,Jl(1 f ,nf tf f,,s ban(ls, as Com, holiver; tlmtthe'prevalcii vjisposition above .. . Messi m ssioner a ' .weappointefl.-the Libr-rv Committee which passed its first reading. sl?!,y s Commtssipnef afVresaid,:the,rther'sum Jlove . on thepart of ..the Senatein. conjunct On mocion of Mr. Vail, it was re- of fifty-five dollars and twenty cents, (55 20,) being the amount 3S2S2rfto Mtmin - tion with Messrs. Stephen Miller, Gra- solved, that the Judiciary' committee of an error or omission in his settlement, as Com missmper. in - l? .E-RW he ham and Irdblell oil the parttff the House inquire what alteration ought io be made theyear 1 822 which two sumwere, fin th with and affieeablto S.ifflAi? vi-iAinimons. , v : im me laws as respects oau in ciyn ca- law, placed at tne cwlit ot tlie 4Joaid of Internal irrinmve'fl, v - Arenort bfthe ioirit select; cohmit-lses, and report by bill or otherwise. inPnts a l,fl hn. Mt- iin Vi.- uRki' tik tbe. stateabpf ei.mentioned irtay safely-De.di?- i l i a -1 . 1 . . I . ' . - ... :i . : . . ' ' J T I ,.,,n.l ia nil. .iir. liiierrv nresemeu me neniinnii,..-i. ..r i. .i i . i - , i imiscii ! - - - j r T I nil uir.r .Mini ill ni i initsitnii. iivi iiiiiii iD(i nnri r i r ir una niii . i s of John Bullock, of Martin, praying to An. I fti.tv Yrt-;ai .iiLAtd v;iL'n.- Honi be divorced from his wife Referred ' . v .icucu iHireajiurei, irom d to the -committee of Prbtos tions and M 'rV3 .-VW .?y?V& aooveiuunuoncu. , tcfe. to , sqcst, 'some uniform ru '-calling the -member of the two House tQether. was received from the of Commons. ".'riiiH rpnnrtrpfitmmp'ii that theSubcnnlendahtof.PuM ius he instructed Jo erect a bell on the I .Mr. Watson presented a bill -.toz-tnrii of the bonds taken Vto'i secure the naymentbFHhobaiance rv;ai bel on ed nioi square ior urn purpose, on or einpi certain persons m nyueuiiiityiOi uie purcnase money; ot ; the ands last" sold bv Itim as ore -the 'next session : which report. I frm serving on Juries: Read the first aforesaid, uioun'tin!? to lmitbniisaiid . hvn'liiimlml nf1 ''tifovl mo!i1 A,f )ye,,b2r"' Mer- fV,1.,i passed. : . ; 1 y:," I four dollm, twehtjr-tlirce ami ahalf cents; the wholeofwhicfi Mr.l hober from die Committee of j the folhfwiug Report-from John Hay Pr opositions andV Grievances, reported od- Public Treasurer, which was re- favorabl v to the petition of John Rice. I ferred tQ the committee of Finance and Mr.- V el Ibont presented nig resolution : id the follow- ordered tobe'brihted.'- vv,-;v n j. ' - '4. To 2Jonrpblex ikei General Assembly of the iRoi.VKn, l Hat. toe .Committee oMMer-1 ' w r a-. i pal ImprovrniehU be, instructed to enquire 1 GENTLKMEN-7-, . -i ;'- f(. ! irie expetuency of reporting a b.u to thw ; in obedience to the laws of WW -Hons to rMTV4ntu effect the o?iect ol the o.. . v- - ' i . V "7 ClUTV4nta eitect tne ofiiect ot the Ci.a. . iv , - u .. . 7 Bonl of .1 ,tA -Improvement; i rec6m: l a"H.r ? CHare Vf t,,at P mnvla..ff thai 1 rinl O.oiild laid loi my.oinciat duties, as Pirhlir.T w.u'J lA'tn nf )' vtls;!1 h. im .rct ' UllMan I J. ...,...!! At I ' . -'--.'-.'v' j ,vi yiui, i.-i wui iit-i( inc- Honour ie- placed on file if the Treasury Office. VThe Public Tasurer Has rendered to the Boanl of Internal yoneys iceiYed by him vhich twonl ..l..f.K A I i. L!ll t .-::'''v(-.-i...... T-.-i.,.; r ,a, wiwm aiicws anu iuave in nis nanus an inexiiejiuea Jbal anM..of.nvi!ty?jwo. forty-eight and a half centsyet to beacrqunted for accypyf which; account or statement "accompanies this; aiiH mfmarted of and in vested in bank 'stock.' t ?Witi i-esnect to tlie stock to be niirchasetl with the jfroeeeds of the.Treasury Notes issued & to be sueA:&WdtbiS;Pub strictiy; s jieaki hgi woul ii phqiV, be,' more -WiUiiti'the, Uh'eri9;pfficil dth wVre, he to remain sileVitVaiiiJst tliis stock would of course fall into jtjjiCyrfM ready ov hetl '.UieVtatc;' ' butbeari ng iii m' n(J that theJlGeneral ssembl?has long nd fiincL 'Avithnnt ni-tmfotaatlmi which mhtWmtelypfo prailtfih);ltlie nsekiis'i of cdcationV:-tbr;u5 out the state for that portion bf our citizens who may; from time; to time,' be "iuria nesu tute bf themir litf veritures; on the liberty ol MfinntrII..- cidimiHtnm , Htllr IlllS Nl"1' Ib-IUVWUIIT : OUUIIIIIllll lAVinv. - . , it i t i i't ? 1 I .is j:: i 1 JlTk annro sooum 11-ue iHoucni exouieni --I , I f t

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