' ' - - J 1 1 :i t 1 ... 5 1! Ml r. 5 Hi C 0 MM UN 1 0 AT I ON. TO 7, nrJ ISTF.. - 4 ,. k lTo the Farmers of-ttrtk-Carolina Thd f dlowinir statements from an . thennc document will shew you, .what '. an immense tax your' produce pars for . Lighterage ' over the" mm! sflats below " - Wllmlnnn ', .m . kit the tax YOU Tay opon every, bushel fSat : ; . .Theareraprela:tityorTr exported per annum from WilmintMiirab;iutMW.uwDDis. '; , The pre? of J igh? rare tat en from primed statement p'lbVshejIJn 1810; .., v." over the fiSt to gmithfield, m 20 cts. ' Tier bbl. which GDon the whole would T . -y AvVrae" export of flour per snnnm ,. mono hhli-fJsrhterairef20; , , cts oer h!L on the' whole, - ,vl0i000 .. AreTHZtf export oroUon fromFsy- ' ettecille 20.00Q bales Uffht-ra ere 75 cent ner oa:e, maKisr, : . . . - . . Jiuwl J 500 hothead of .Tobatco . frtM ? . ? s Fayett rvUle T.fchl e'sfce v'3 pet hlitf..; 3,000 reragq'ntifvof Salt sold at ray- -..eWeriUcM about 100,000 bushels per - .: .annum Lihterapei 6 cents a bushel, ?v imon the whole. v V v 6,000 - - . - i '. YTotri $54,000 J When 'theWflafs art removed; which V tligV.certainlv'Willhf in" 8'or;12 months 5 at the rate. ihe$annH oyer htr has pehse.will be saved- tu the f irraer-fdr it is he who pays ? inasmuch atne Merchant adds on to the-frice' orthe , 7ltand zooiU he 'sells him, and iie 'ducta i it fitJm the'pricevof, thecottori, rorn of (obacco he buvs from him.. In 1 fihort' SDnce Vf a (ew-nionths "it has " ' 4 been a9ccrtaineil that, the ch:mnel" has s deepened, two fel and: more, which wiU warrant. a.reducton of 25 6r 50 per.ceotl 'JK therates of Lighterage, -' .tberebj a savinglrnaj alread? have-taken place pf from 12 to g25,000 thfs boweYcr," Dot oiie thjrd of the ex-. jene of ah, obstructed .navigations . "".Tate for instauce the an icle bt salVand Cump3re?tie pjice of,it when the river ; j fs in boating order, with the price when - . theWtejissaIowthat boats cannot pass the Shoals. 'The average quantitj of , Salt "bold at, Fajetteille, per annum. during the months ot Uctober. INovem ; bex anii "Decembef is about 50,000 bu shel s. : :. ; , : , -r. . v i . , : , , ; ' '. When the River is not in boating c- 1 . . At tn- price d Sut,l dollar and 25 : cenTa" per' bushel, on the whole would . i When in bonfinpbrJer. it is at about ' 90 cents Dcr bushc! on tne Mrnoie XqaanlrtyV1 .U'J: if. -: d iot. antlthe pHrtIdcpenortal Jnm.uertiai.i laH-e to 'repav mate Kitza ;i3aHentl Amnrpse time ! r-p:. i,. pensc th wo'cfd . be'ltaniDly the State all "she has ever expended in Internal Jmprovenients ; and open the navijation of, every-riverrin theState? It would be millions for the last. thirty years. Millions1.! then, have we been paying for tribu te to" these?ibstrnctions in', our. HveWf iuffenns:" worse-. than L urKisn exaction, irom, mcse fppcr (f our postetr and wealth, and beacons ooorMinine5sanrfoHti.'e":najr fairlv conclude, that as the mud flats Ibelw Vilminton can be removed for a jer thousand dollars, and tliat as the reach of n earl j 60 miles in the nycf above,', has within the lasj summer been rendered J a i certain navigation j bj our Engineer, for Jesathan S3000, that the balance; of the Riter to FayetteviHe can be.:"openedvVat ah ! expend itu re ; less than the sum which has already, been lev ofvPquotanRe ahdrreferred REotr -t ictoJommittee :By"Mr.i'Mc!ill to the committee nretoferepointed fai. ing-Jamer McKayof Bladen, u . - ?' . timi ; Li i ' of so modifvmsr the. act pi 1820, relative to '--JZ-a - Stt . ' "a nSlle,,I3t Ct'r the marriaga o?infant females. , to permit erect and Up a toll gate, . : The. Senate entered, upon the oplers the nTataibyTconsent an tht of the - I Mr; HowelUa hill .to; repeal an of the day; ancttook y p the bin, for piother of a -we weor by the, Eke consent aci passeu in s i biis, - to repeal tKe better wlation-olas anrfree the Guardiaiu; "i'-W Ped Jrt 1818to repeal the fi Dersons nf, color.?? Mri Hill inovedlrt k Miv Wilson nfesentecli bill tosta- tion of hk . 26trf : cfia.iiC the an act rst sec act r amendment to the bill, and Mr. Joiner jblish Harthony Grove Academy in ir91, so far as relates to the counties moved .for the? indefinite and to, incorporate of vKobesonCclumbus, Ashe' Ridi of the bill iand amendment, -."whidi Vwagj the .'Trustees thereof. jL.V v ' Iraionu, AlpQrJeXD.uP1inlCart:ret and carnea v a 'VrV x fVl r. niu presenteu a dim to .amenn ijojuiatou, wjara? uiersame relates to The bill authorizing7 the: Suprentel ari cpassed iri 1 823, for the relief of the counties of Robeson and Richrnond. Court to. resulatc the practice of taking! Female Debtors, andL"kf!; I It By Mr. Juoyev a bill; to prevent ter depositions, was read the second time,!- Mr. Monfffomerya bill concerning I sons from falling timber into the Tuck. within .Haywood unj v . v By JVIr, ; Williamson," a bill nrescrib- ine the "duty of, Constables iand .' other the last session ot tne A-semDV.-to a-i c t he; wenate ; resolved ltseit.' into a mend the laws making provision foryi-lcomWitteebf the who ddws. was read the second time. Mrlthe chair.? fin thefihishM-bTisiness flthe J adiciary; Cbm"taittee;'.v:r'yv U "'f appropriated, so as. to affiird a sure na-j M'Liepa moved ;an araendment to thejyesterdayrelative to Jhe establishment I ny mr v Miue.r, a biy to . repeaj. vigation the whole season. .; No one ac bill ana Mr. Jiarnnger inoved that it be or , a Uourt oi f ifiqaity; ci j',; Alter i in omjseoi an? aerator .tne; more sjof Justice, passed in 1806, and to lo cate the J udges of the SuperiorCourts. d Oti inoCion of Ir. Helmed the Trea1 surer wasij i rec(ed Ko 1 ex hibit: to this (lyainteU aS We are WlUl lliese lads Cull J tuuuimu i.v- Bcictivuuniuuccv nuitn uiuwi . ucuaiC ; uic. iiyuivii iiccv i wow ;i l..Kf . rr,m : -r - Knrtfpviirl was 'agreed to. and Mesars. KArrinwr l tne l.nairman renortea to tne Mouse Mi'uui.iK iiw w u " . - .v - --- 7 a , n : I r . cr r I . . ' . will then be as well supplied withgoods Jpryan, jsviwu, li.ogan; ..and liargrave tnetr disagreement to t,ne piir anu reso and groceies evrrvyear in the inooths were, named as the committee. ; , ;, lution-vhich report was ncufd!in f ftpntAinhnnd nrtnheras Petersburi? U Mr.. Pool presented ; the petition of by the Senate. ? "; 6- uM-'t" ,45,000 7 v . j'--;''t :'-"Tifrerericr. '"lrSv-O VThisnffernce of STr.500 is there-, f re'a trix which, a .few, mew '.have, to pa v iipon lhe siinple.article of Salt, or thir-i . Ty-nve cents p?r Dunei. ir ucll a iax ;ras levied by ii act of the Legislature every man in fre' community -would re ' Tolt at it. v I1t : this is riot- all : bear ; with ine,frealer. a .little longer : these -are not the le truths because theviift- TOnisn you.. iyiuciui:r, njtti an mr coflT'C.uaf. .molasses and ' merchan- di7.e taj b'lvtts charged-not only with JJhrerae, b ;ft afreight of 50 per cent. . .higher, becau e ojf the4 risk and u ncer . tamtv of an iniperfect navigation-, and ;Tan advance ofteh of 50 per cent, upon r '-the. orslinary price, because of the satne risk Vnd "uncertainty, - The ;, farmer .rqmplaius that; the price' of, produce is .variably, and believes it to be a trick ' bribe mcrcnant, Hut &r hic iitf'tund VaV MoVt'of the produce shipped nun . Southern towns is to orders of Northern - merchants. ; Aificrxhanf. ' of Fayette villereceivcs an order.from a merchant j)f New-Vwrk, to &hip so inany-bales of cotton, and after the order arrives the river falls; the'price'of cotton falls also; -and why because the merchant here ; will not buy in as much , as he cannot fiiip it in time to answer the ;hject of ' the order"; " (which was no doubt to isifth the rise d the mat ket in i ork . orelshtfre;) for certainty - is the life ortri.ni- :'buP assotm. as .the.m-er is 'iiavisblr the price of cotton advances, Sent and Charleston.. Country ' "merchants I John lleadon of Pasquotank Referred can here obtain those sunnliesras cheap to ine committee on uivorce ana aii and earl v in the season as elsewhere : mony. : v these, charges and expences will TaRpffh' Mv Johnson presented a , bill au-J irom our rraue iiKe me .cuauis iiuiu an emancipated "prisoner?; 'our far- irters, now boweu down and pining under them, will rise with recuperativtf energies aml speed the shuttle and the plough-. by th. animating ' prospect of great prices and cheap purchases. Cheered at the lively scene of labour, stimulated at every pore by the rapid pulsations of an unshackted commerce, their thoughts will be withdrawii yfrom wanderinaT on ) schemes of emigration aH will be placed , upon their homes, their country . and their trie Unalterable affection. , ' But these obstrudions canriot'be re moved, without the aid of; a competent Ensineer.and Board of-Intenal lm provemeuts, to biake the proper esti mates and to direct and control the operations. 1 heir talents and expen-i rRiPAY, upx. 34 euce will saye thousands and ensure , Air. Hill-lrom the balloting commit- succass ; without them we will blunder) tee for Governor, having' reported that on inaoortive plans ana sinK ourseivesi nutcnins ourion was ouiy eiectea, :'!' 1 r i . vo K i-A . in ueeper ruiiranii expense, 'qcc nuw ta joiui uiunumtT was apnoiuieu u wan ' HOUSE OF COMMONS. V. TiiunspAY, Dec 2. - - thorizins:'. the . Commissioners of the town of Ply mouth, to make conveyan ces ot lots in said town m certain cases -Read the first time. The bill authorizing Charles Phelps to Collect arrears of taxes &c. was read the second time and rejected. The bill to amend an act, for estab lish! ii ins: on and.improvina the creat road lying between Jefferson in Ashe! nds, with county and the' Tennessee Hne-the PownTO' Executor of. Stephen Do w d bill for the relief of the Trustees of the deceased, t llect arrears ;6f flousetlieamodnt. ot monies received' from the jwveral;,Clerka aid Sheriffs,, in con fprmity with i-the act of 1823, toi' the: nromotiori of rAericiil turc tc" anii The following billswere pres from them.' land read the first time : v 5 ; By Mr.. MattheWsV a bill ta amend an iWittee trK wUm w the're- " act passed in 1815, laying duties -on soluti as1irMCt?pgea in. safes at auction of mercliundize.; 5l to 4he expediency ;. By Mr. Bailey, a bill to empower the compel persons intendiiifr to erect anv - commissioners of Elizabeth City,lto ap- j mill or . dam; to renibve all veetabu point Fir& Company andfo& from;:; purposes. ; : the water ofsuch dam. t is inexpedient to pas(tv nturred " in By Mr. Vail, a bil l to ao t Ron ze Henry Oxford Academy, and the :bill to pre vent actions Jrom abatinarin oertam cases, were, read the second and third times and ordered to be engrossed. taxes for 3 82 1 . Referred to the com mitteeVof Propositions and Grievances; B v M r. '.Watson, . a bi 1 1 . to. authorize the County, Cou rt of Hyde, y to tissue (Axi . . 1 . r- i ' censes to retail spirituous liquors. a plain tale proves it. While Mr.' Aber nainy ana uuiers superintenaeu ine operations ofithe Ch?e Fear Navigation Company, before the Statejiad procure etl an-Engineerrhe expended S3,000 upon a part of the River, without effec- any yaiuabJe result : k our pre sent Engineerin a shorter time and for a greater dist.. nee on. the same part of theRtver,has opened a g;ood and safe navigation for less than tnree thousand upon him. to inform him of his election, and to ascertaiiJVhen it will be conve nient forhim toibalify. Messrs. Hill and Bryan of the Senate and -Messrs; Ponoho and Williamson of the Com mons, form the committee Mr.Shober from the committee of Indian Reservations, moved that; the said committee be-vested with power to send for persons and papers. Agreed to. '' ' ' ' ' '" "'. - . ' RESPtCTFULLt ihformat the citizens tif ' Haleigb, that be .has tak-n a room at Dr. I. Battle's s.ion, -east of thi State House. where'he icay be found between the hours of 9 and 12 A.M. and 3 and 5 P.M. - Ilects By Mr. Raifi.rd, a bill to legitimate lXnZ""' arcissa Kilhngsworth, and for other I and with h'Ule pain; -a ffb;rv ii . n RyMr. Hill, abill to alter "the timely : rd-'WrifUv-'v'- ' nfiolding,the guilty, Courts of New HanOVer. V " ?; v : atttLnantn9' '.Under. ..'V: n. !!.k-.ui t By Mr. Blount, . a bill to incorporate teaching the Emdistt ip perfections-he roust the Agricultural Society i of Beaufort I be a maa of good morah and come well re- )ty. ;;t . , v 3 x; ; ; : ; U I commendecV jp "aodi a person a LberaU i&ry -wiu oe gven.ue may applv o Dr. dollars. It will be said, however, tliatl ; Mr. Wellborn from the committee the Engineer and the - Board cost th; of Divorce & Alimonv, roported a bill State 5 or S6000 "dollars, per annum, i to divorce liewis Tomberau of Wake, true, and also true that - this, expense from his wife. Nancy ; also, a bill to di falls upon all the taxables equally, yet vorce Solomon Davis of Carteret, from I. have shewn :you above that a tax -of his 'wife Celia; also, a bill to divorce SI 7,500 is paid by a few men who pur- Elizabeth Fergttson of Wilkes, from ber coase sail at tins market every Ian tne ousoann wjuiam - rerguson wnicn river happens to be unbeatable, which passed their first reatlings. would nav the salary and expenses of an I Mr. Forney from the committee on Engineer and " Boa rdpf $ years ; ber Internal Improvements; ; to whom was sides, the expenses of, an rlngineerand referred the petition of "sundry inhabi Bard are but temporary, ceasing when tants of Vilkes, reported a uill to make county By Mr. W. D. Barnard, a bill , to appoint commissioners to contract with Jer. Land, for the purchase of a piece of land -..for' the useandenent or the countjr of Currituck.; 5 2 ; ; J he bill to establish a State Bank; was made the order of the day for Mon day next.- . r . '.';".:. ' ': A message was received Jrom the Tucker, to illis Aniutoo, or-totlie Subscriber, all vinx:ontjguotistgthe above named Biidg-e. . We wish thechoot to com mence the Second Monday in, January, 1825. Dec. J. l: ' FRANC1S4NGE. ON the 14th of Kovetnber and committed , to Uail hi Waviiesbbrbue-h. VVsvn vion. ty, a tiegra fellow vho'calla his nanxe JACK, Goyernor-enclosing;ascomrauncauop ;,k from the Commissioners of Navigation I duAsted t r.onii. fnrwwi and le.irs, a correspondent uniformity V with'he statev6f lneriver,, (supposing . '. all other things equal.) 'Againa incr- . chant here makes iare -purchases,'' of , ii)ercn:uiu.e.in!iiewr forK j w uen uiey arrive, ait. Wilmington,, the River is nt - 'in '".''. .'boatibleroriler, and perKaps contiu ; ,v ; .ties" so' for ;.soiue time ; tiiecoiiseqaenc ' wilf be'aiVinunecliate adrahce of 'HO or " ij jrr cent 'uponMhe i'ids 'alreaay in Oie . market ; clu ring ; which ; time, ( the r leVUirii'it iiei-e.is paying 7. per. ceiitiu v; tfiesi.uMMi the amount of gtKxls he can- imt:sell, and may le,; before he gets .'th'eih; into ; market, the Jime -jo( credit expires pnon his purchase, and Ke has - -t pay for xhati which a3 yf t, has yield ' ed-hiih nothins: but vexation and loss. our Rivers are opened -whereas ' the latter endure forever; if the channels of our trade remain-as they , are. Lastly,- the money now invested in the Stnck.of Navigation Companies through out the State is equal to 800.000 dol lars or thereabouts, of which Abe State owns about 2140,000. It may be safe lysaid that this Stock now is not worth more than half, or has fallen 50 per cent, below par and so it will remain or gruw . worse.i unless something is oone 10 ennance us vaiue, many ot tne holders; of it 'will be ruined and the Statex a .great sufferer. . But open; the navigation of our rivers, and dividends .i i I. a a rout across tne nrusny avjountain a Greer's Gap. Read t!ie first time and passed. Mr, Forney from the said committee reported unfavorably to ;the petition v6f John King and others Concurred in. Mr. Legrand presented the peti tion of John Kirkjiriec'd. Referred to the committee of Propositions and Grievances. . Mr. Bethune presented abill respect ing the electron of Sheriffs, and other t;ounty uoicers, inving tne county itax es and appointing Jurors to serve at the bupenor Courts in Cumberland coun ty, andMr. Davidson presented bill ihatwill be immediately derived 'from I to amend an act, for. the better regula tolls will eiihance itto a par value.and I tion ofthe Town off Statesville in Ire- thusr g400.b0b will at once be. aUledto dell county ead the first time. ' . : the Capital ofour State, yielding profita- The: Senate resolved itself; into 'j; Die uiviuentis ana seeking employments vyommiuee oi ine wnoie, ir. nson in in ' our. markets in the operations the chair, for the purpose of taking into trade. ' ; .';. i FREE TRADE. consideration the biino advance the GKNEUAL ASSEMBLY. SENATE; TMdRsjjAY,' Dec. 2. On motion of Mr.iBrvan: ..." v . ' .. . " 1 'f 1; c administration of Justice in Courts of Equity and to, establish r a Court ..for that purpose, and tlfe resoiuton relative to the Supreme Court, '; being the unfi- nisned business ot monaay last Af ter considerable debate; the conimittee niched. Tliat tlie roWmtrniiM- nf "ti,;al rose,thfe .Speaker resumed the chair and - J ' . . ' .- r . I i"r XX? ri J' A' " -''. -AA - f . slate be reqtuntj to obtum tr 'm tbeCterks gfi ?r. ,viisou uoro ne otnmiicee oi me tue uoun.oi rieasaoti Huaner sessions ami wnoie, reporien progress ana oatained .ypJena ol tb? poorin eachc6untyiii this leave to;sitagain ou to-mori-ow. - ' 5 . -rwte, or irom any autnentic source, a state- : .-.v - , . meot exhibiting the amouni of tax nd suiria J' ; SatuRdAt Dec 4' :-' ; of money levied and disbursed in tleir.re , "k . spective ctHintks, annually, for the fcupnort of r iTyan from the .Committee Ott the poofdiuingjtbe. list five years, and report that part of the Governor's message, toi the next General Assembly; , y. relating ta free persons of color, report- t in tne opiuron ut tne committee, visions of an act passed in 1795, " V&houid others a!sw hayeim ported large I - aniuuTs f koods'at the same time. ihel pi i Vce pf his must fall m low by the. co'iii-1 Mr Villiaroa of Beaufort, from, the edj that in the opiuron pf the committee, uetUi'ont that he must be ieither aVreatlcom i,itte?ippointedon the aubjecW'Te-1 th'e :provtsiona of ait act passed' inlTS V ' foser,. or be, compelled t a more favor- poried .uhfavrably to vtliej "petition ; of Hq preyentanVpereqnyhoimaji'eH! able jbffctftre of trade, to redeem his ill- the Cavalry, Company of Rutherford, (grate from any part -of West India or praying io ue luruisneu wiin arms xanaina lsianus, or me r rencn, uuicn Concurred in; - $tt r i-rC i ix ot Spanish settlements on the Southern Mr.rJohnson presented a; bill to au- Coast of Am erica,, from bringing slaves thonieCharlerPIielpi.tlate ino this Stateaud alsb 'impising cer- Washirlgton . County iq collect the ar- tain rtsUictions on free jersons yf , co rears of taxes for 1822lso a'.bilU";to lor, as amply and effectually operate TJuck by an advance ujrjiirstods su- iVieiitau cover all. I nss es' arid ex pe nses;j , andiuhii. puysbis ? the. farmer,;r t iiec-4iiu Vtatinenfsslif.w us, that . all the expenses .ajid. losses tof an ob - Vt rucked navigation are sustained; at . . last by our lurmcrsi y for all other con . junier air ,'tew in proportion to them. .$- Had we time taipl , opportunity, of rc- ftTrihg to the protr dKuineuts, to a3- ' rertain the amount of.th'e ' losi and ex.lbiUa'weTe read. theyfirs,t timei4 and th . 4 - .. . . - J , - ' - . '- , - ? - V ' - - -! - appoint commissioners to lay out aroau upon mis suuject as any wnicn can be trom LeeV : Mills to the head of;New-j enactedf and tnoveti that .iheicomroittee land in Washington county,v & for other be discharged fromhefurtbeK conside- nfv.v a? Fnp nn-iorl he fi'rrRirwpfl purposes' , therein ' i mentioned. n?These 1 ration of said siibject. grd oi t 6bvyaiw rornej" jrora tne committee on and saya he befonga toJJohn Victory' of 5eor- ;n. i ne .owners, re. ui t t iiiuiugioii, i ciauTc iu ine iwpu pajr, uie cu irgcs .aim ihk iiirn away, . ' ment of Lthe Cape-I ear. ? ' Referred to the committee; on Internal Improve ments., . ; fc v, . -, ;;; . i: py?.. i i . M r. S. Mill e r c fiqtri , the "committee of cjaimsi reported, unfavorably to the petition of W'm. L- Hill of "Onslow, which was concurred in Yeas;86Y Nays 42. ; Called for by Mr. Nixon. r;J Mr. Miller reported unfavorably, al i?'-lVAAC tilU'Jallor " WaynesboTODecM; I j V 1 i-3t ? ; 75 tate;oi jn ortn-taroima. Henry.i yy; Hhbdes Jonathan, .Stephea3in 1. so, on ine qiaim or Jono n. xiui or X the Slienlf, tliat Ilenry Vv. fthbdea and vari.erei -voiiuurrt-u iin the endants , l-Mark Christian of the DefnJaiui'bi this cae - Mr Stanly from 'the:ifAidifciary-ComTrA0t'Jn librdejed fnittee,v reported the ffoJliVwinf. bill OTE!?f)? ' ;. T' . &, .. ' .' I'Raleie-h Itccrtster. for tht: said defends f A 4 Mil 1 V y . A A xr a m t I M a a 3 . O , CJ e V r " a"u P,avf; to appeir, pleadnswerpr demur to com- oi sejiiug lanus , ami piaves unuer ? ex- plainanVV bilj on or befprc tbtjfirst day .of the ecunon,- in iJuncprnoe county ;ani - ai ensutn. term ot tiuicour to be held on the Din to amenu an act- concerning vorce and Alimony passed viri? 1814 Read the first time. J " ; " - J r FridaV, Dec. 3. 6th Monday after thVmMonday of Alarch next, or Uhe saidibilt; Will- be taken s pro bcjnfessoka to thepii respectively,' and beard eX-parte. 'A true copy of fit from the minutes. r.adv. $2 .50 :?,'. , ''.';';. , V Pr. M r. Jones f rom th e com mi ttee of Fi nance, presented a Utter from the Treasurer, addressed to hini as chair man of that committee explanatory of Kiq jinnnnl rnnrf sn fame rta t tr tK money paid the Civil Engineers-Order- AmeT 1C ail V) OUjm DYDTS , ed to be printed. ;. Mr.-hdmondson presented abUI au-KaC thorizing W'm. Cathey and Asaph' Wif-1 : pnnan i a 8 nf US,- :.l son-bf Haywood toerect Gates at pla ccs' therein mentioaed, which was. read the JBret.timer.i7sHM Several bills received jrom nate, were read for thei first time -and parsed;" -' . -" I l '' i-r;-' r Mr.iliill of tiSew-Hanover from the committee of Internal Improvements, to whom; was referred the bill authorizing an increase or tne capital dtucK, ot the Clubfoot and Harlow Creek Canal Corn- pa rtyV reported that it J s; exped ie h i'to pass the same Thet report wasiconr curreoL in1 and the, billiread tfie Jfirst - i- :V,.t, tune. , Mrl.Rainey from the -committee On Privileges and Elections, to .whom .was referred the resolotioni instructing tJieni to; enquire; into the expediency of re storing the . District i mode of electing El ec tors, of , President and yicoPresi dentl reportedi thatlt is inexpedient at this time; tb "make' any alteration- Concurred in. Ayes 70. Noes 54. : VilU ed for by. M r.. non. v . . n 1 & .SATUROAt ; D EC. 4; AmessageAvas' aerit to the -Siaate; proposing' to:r ballot? this .rZ-Triing; for officers of Artillery,; and Tnfortnititbat ueiirjryviresja? veioeii ames Caii3UDipUon in tlieir early atacrcs. 17HOI.LV disbelievinjthe common doc- ; ? ?; tnnebf Speciicsj i or that any medicine will aheuyt without regardito circumstanpea, cure any onet disease j yet it must, in justice to the medicine how eiFen to ahe public, be- confidently asserted, ' tliat U comi-s nearer to a Specific in: tha above) diieases, than any hih hitherto fcno irti. y r; .; . . A$ yet, where it has had anr tH2 it has seldom failed of curing or at least materially alleviating, therabore distreasmg and d -nge rous comptainis. at.C', i-WV frrZ) 'Thii. is a wedicine that may be used for . any lengtb of time, withefut in the least inja ing the cnstiibxtiotw 5 ft - V , -; It does, not, like many cera, relieTe for i time, or merely .whil.iisingy buj its effect re permanent. i It promotes digestion, p .Jnefaand vigor to the- stomach, and restore? jhe lungs, which are -generdly ft of " ihejldWe complaints, i to; the heatthy discharge' of their functiona . .; ; V -iV be above medTciae isifor sje iw BAN pOLPH VV EBU's ApotbecanFstore . " Ne? Map -of "Korth-parolina, EAVDG been informed, that many i( die f Couhtylaps dlstrwUtetl by Mr. J obn UacRae of Fayetteville for the purpose ot correctSbn; have been rettirned by the Members- of; theIslaroree ubscrer, therefbre begs leave to'aay, thatthey wdl be thankfull v received bv him at hia room, IS, b. comer pf Messrs. Itciss & Scott's Store, at any time most ronycinenttd those gtnUemen wna may nave inem ur incur Fuv-.. w , ..:..ra-imAJ25.?- TT 1 VTw tt I K71. . . . . - " r - A'