I V " v. vFKR3 hs professional isxjyici U;h.e f 9 citeensof Duplin countyf He nuy.be found at the Court House. :yWf, ifr ' Dunlin Court House, Dec. 21,1824. -'15. State of'NoTth-Garolinayf Court of Plea ana Quarter Session : - 'November. Term, 1 824 r. r V . ; Svlviu Little''- .'-. i . ; . i' , rv '.'A, I , Petition for eheintlawof Graylat- f, dower. r' ; . -;tle, dec'd, ; . , J . ' JT appearing to tje tatlsfact ion of the Court, that Klf jab Marpingand Lydia Vis wife, and Benjamin . Ma Wng and Sylviajuf wife, Defendants, are.n renews of tins SUte : It is ordered that AibHcatiou be made for S months In the HaU&h Register, that they p- Tjeir at the next Clurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in be h fr. the county of Edge comb, at the CourtHous? in Tarborouglu on the 4tb Morelay'oCFebruary next; an J'plead. nnsw-.r br demur,! or ; the pekion4wdl.;be ' beard ex p rte, tqthera.- Witness MicheJ Hcarn, Clerk of aaj! Court at Tarhorough, the 4th M nday of lovembet; 1824. "4 ; is-3m -- Mptr I, iearn; c; C; Xortli-CanilijinluiSalc'Acir STft'IK exercises of J his institution- will he LX r resumed on the llWday of Februaray, 1825. ' - At this senunay . tomptete and ,&" ctiJJngWi edncition, both. Zftrrnry and un4 fr,ny be obtained Board (nl the family) xn'l tuition, sixty Dollar perstVs:on. payable in advance. Echpupl must furnish si pair of sheets,' blanket, towcls.'and a coverlid, or p.V $2 .50 extra per session. There .are seven competent teachers constantly employ xl. toe-etber with J a ft, v Globei an i Omr and( a vajuble, PtUlotvfJdpuln- Chyrmcnl ' .itMirat'us. tt'Wc $30, JHrgvinz anil Pititti? i-ztf per sess'on, ana-uapcing,.at .sitf per qurt.r.' arc"taught.w hen i required. Those in terested sinr obtninlnpr'furtber particulars are req'if -kA ta-apply -by . lettcT post paid).to the,pr;nt::j's. ; ' i ' 4,:v law4t ' Oxford; : Griiviie County, Dec. 20." .4 . Louisbur Female Acatlerny.' - - lv r ' f ' - ' 'ii, - - ,vV- ' ' TriE.Eramination of the. Pupils in t his In ititiltion c?rs ton the1 2d in at. '; The Tnjste.-V'nnbt i forbear jexpressinf of perfV ' r.quin nc wih he vnriduH brah- , -. ohes of-urnm?? usually taught' in such msti tur"ons,:'pro'ic":ertcy whiclu while U'.cldras lortie yjHi''cr 1 tdies unlimitcd praise for theif indifttryir"fi "ct equd creilit upon "the skil and manaeinnt oCItssRamsey, their amia ble Precept? e a. ?V ':f:'-: -Y'i The Trustees can now with confidence re commend this institution to llie-patronage of u generous "aibl-c having ensraed : Miss llam:y, the'present Prrcejxtres. tor another ieK lady who ; oni'es o qualificaudns of . the hieftest order, 'mariners He most affable J and enfrajfmffi : : . ' ; . ; ,The Trustees believe that liking- intaTiey the lnh qualifications of the prvTeptreisne vhea!thiivess of the.6ituaion. the? low; r4'e" jf hoartl, and the advantage of rep-til a ly ttend- dirlne worship,! this institution .presents rja the public claims "hot surpascy by' any in ."."The Exercises of the 'A'eaemy will' be .opened heMst .Monday in January' next. , - n " i : WILLIAM AIlNl)ELUSvcy Louisburg; Dec. 20. ); 316 . r; N. B. B oard can be h ad Sv Itli a ny f ami lyd n 1own at $4pp?riorLC V .,-.;. . State of .North-Cavoliua; -, ... J Randolph County,-rV- i' ; y Court of EquiVyrrTraW Teria,;lS21. w - lfez. Johnston andothers ltobt. Walker and; other., . J- , IT apperin to.the satisfaction of the court, that' .Vathn 'Ve ti,' Ajes Mean and ' jtherii 'the UeprcfentatiT"es ami distrih'utees taf John' Means, dec'd.'th'e nefen !ants in this V casi are? not inhabitants of this State ft is -tiiefore orrlered, that publieatioft be -made in the RaleighrRegister for stxr weel that un less -they appear at onr jiext Coutjt of Equity to be held for the County if fcinUolph,jun the lst.Monda'v afUr the 4H Monday of March! . 'next, and plead,; aYiswer or r Pernor 1 to thM CompVmant's bill, the same, will be taken pro cohfesso artd heardex parte. ,Y-V." - r A cop)v 1 B. ELLIOTT, (X Ml E. , j Dec: 20, 1 824. V 1 - - - 1 5-6w i f " -j '" iKri'-i - ':,- ' 5Ti!.E Exercises in this. Institution , wilb be . resumed on .Monday lhc;10th day of Ja " nuary next, Cinder the direction tf "Mr, las. . D. Johnson i ; who ha for.several years! con ; 'ducted it with great advantage to his .Pupils and to j.iic J-atislaction of the Board. : - , : . -V.ijjWMi M.iS(EEp,cy. ? Dec. . Wednesday th '8lh Instant, d"' or not vU far south of Raleigh, a smdl iSetl Moroc- k co Pocket Book; coutatui ng abontjlO 'vfbllab -. hi inu -aucceipi agamsi- mi, nan wen .Parish tor fourteen barreis; of Hour d'-posft d,whh him for JaIo.-pAny peryqn Ending the same, and delivering it to the sibscriber, -will confer a favor andshall' ber reasonably ...rewarded. j mTm .I4 " i - s. , U,.. , CllAltLES Wi JOHNSTON, ;i - . Dec. 1 1. - . x - I-'-- . ';; v ,:: 14-V OC the'Fnnrtfx Mnnda)-of February hext; he offered at public sale! before the t Court Hou-ie m- Smithfiekl,;sundryJviluabfe tgr08-0 to the-eststrjofithe late ' 4 LL- persons are furwarned agamttrail.ng X3L for a twrte.of hnd or bond givert br nae ffoVlluam' G. Jonesof rWamn cdttnty, for . tlie sitm of $255,' bearing tlate somotinie in the A tar 1823,- ami wltneysol- by Wmj tT. " - -7likm. a Hie said ob!i&tion was fraudufent- - iy obtamedand unjust I v. extorted . frjnr mc, I tu'e.rv hrj-'i p-ratifi'atmn which th s exam tia-ton" ff--hr1e.l th .Sii.fjr;nerer in the pupils v Ac T-iriV' 'nid thrr ritnes a -more ' --John Stevens, Jun,-Ter are, bo.Kl vithap- Psesm recua7 , i ; roved security," at six montii , ; , ft person wwhmg to purchase wjuld do i At the same time, sundry; Ngroe4 wilf be tt dJ Vv,e the premises aud henr ternuu , r.lured outibr the enixmg &ir? S l tnm'to seU, .and gi great : itU o t p .iwnimi i V r bargains Tune.wdl be g'ven to suit Ihe pur- ji i j i w M ?..,; ) . oFpavUHsit. : ' . S. COClUtAN.. , .--Vja XmtioillSi ; l?lt ,erionounty.. C.Cct.2j,1834 : 2- ; -while i was confined in Franklin ro5;My'Vn-jof , vi:v; i .:4;:: 4" ;:: . iU 1U" itt- .- " ""r7r:" 1 1 without trraL k mimhr hf thnfnw c win not suuersuui 1 - am it 1. u v urrpiiiFS a . u rv . 1 r-i rniii iiik a iii ii r - iir''ii a r ti iit m -n t t a a . l 111 vw iiiiniii. i triiiiuin. 111111 a aaa a l.1jLI tui v. . . j . i.--.- - - . . cza . 1 Yx whjdh must; before longVbe yuZV:: linrr7YZk ritto unrewarded iut: J' isttvnie, c'th Deci i82 ; 14 1 :; DeV'1824. : : ."X: yfi?. r djcislvfilf acted.tiponfiinine way or I kU xvtvI'h U wl! kn.Vm ih nitibyra crowded bouse, tthat rjlO. the .n of J J?!n county, cinlthft 17th ixovc uiner ui,-a runaway,.erro nanie.j 7:ii, who kay "life belong to Dr. ;James Walker 6 Tennessee---that He left his mas. ter hi Burke conntyj" hile'oii his wav from S. Carolina taTennesecand. says he does not know lrf whatpart ofxthe State he novr resides.' He Is a dark complected J African, about 50 or 35 years of fire feet two ind a lialf inches. !urh,'rrhe owner i requested to comeoru ard,-" prote: propnerty, ;pay the chafs-es and tke; himiiwav; ? 2 c'f '- JO UN ZIMMERMAN, JailoX.V '.Lincolntori, Dec, 6, 1824.. .14-Ot.'-,- ON the Stry Uook of Chatham county, by William. Hamlet,. of Plttsborouh, a Sor rel Horse, seven years old, with a roach mane and swab taP, 4 feet 10 inches lujrh, with a4 star m ms loreheail, and. a blaze fuceo the end of the hose and sotth wltite. spots pn his backj; hpd before. Valued to' 50, dollars.) T : JOS HACKNEV, C. II. Noreber 7. 14 .IT A TEACHER, well qualified to-teach: the N Greelcvand Latiu Ianjruag-f s, and Eng lish literatuTe commonly taugh'f in-Academies, wanted tp take charge of the Enfield Acajemy, the ensuing year. Apply to Jos.' Branch, livine: at Enfield. - j V r 1 By ordes of the Boail of Trustees, - r ; : ot: - , t, S- Will TAKKRSec V V Halifax co Dec. 3, 1834. I r 12-t r t -State "of Nbrth-Gnroiiha.;''- vr, - 'Halifax Couirty'7 ' ; Court of Eiquity, October Term,' A. D. 1824. Polly, Moore, ""j- S- - Jesse Moore, James Moore & Alfred Mhore. ; IT appearing satisfaclorily td the Court, tla Jesse. Moore one of .the ;,'!efendnts in, 1 his case, Is' a non-residenf of tlie Stute'. It is iirdereoV that publication be made in thi HaleijrV He-fister for three months, thatin less heappear and put in his uns-tfer on: or before the first day of next term, the hill will be taken" r cptijesso ana sett ipr ueuring hn'rlen tft him. ' ' " y EDM : B. FUERMAN, tf. M- E.' II. CJ !Cov. 19; 1834; ! . - ' 106 3m '-y State of North-Carolina: . ; ; . Buncombe- ( tMinty. , Court of Ple;vs and Quarter Sessions, Octo :V" . ber Terra, .1824., ' . v Jane Jordan, ) r. 'Ju' ili hmsWi'9on.-3. : . fT appearing to the Satisfaction of the Coin I J appeanng 1 that the 1)efendant"is not an inhabita it of this' state, .ylfis therefore-ordered,' that pub licatiort be made! for six weeks successively in Ihe Tcegister, printed at ltaleisrh,' '.that the Defendant appear at our next Court of Pl-as ami Quarter Sessions, to be heitl tor the County- of Buncombe, at the Court House iri Asliville, on the first Monday in January next, then and there to pleadj answer jdrxte mur, or judgment wtir he entered against Iud,'aco! ding to thtt plaintiffs 'demand. J ' i -v 11 m." i r t v if r r r ' FFlIE e-,rrci3es of this Institutuin wijl-be JL' rrsimed on "the .first Moiidav of,Janua ry next. The Trustees are hippj toamioUnce that they-have contracted with MH.'LALOl? far the ensuing year ; Mr. . Dior's abili'K-s, chisslcrd attninments aud industry us a t ac r er areell known.. Parents, Guardians, ?c't.liayiiig .been ',' inatle by' the people, the whasind voting gentlemen .to this Instttii a m w. tion, may ; test assured, that evry. exertimi will be Used bv him for their mor.d aid lit.-- rary improvment, and. that Uuy will be pro nerly instructed. in. that course of tlie Greek ami fatin Class'cs recessiry. to q uahfy t'.iem y, dry. and to ent"r the.Lnivers.tv. .The aiVv elevated situation of the School House, tne Lsalujrity. of the air and excellence f the water, tle-low price of l?oard and. Tuition, are a tew ot the many advantages which re commend this initu-ion to public patronage , -." ; : - JQS, SMALL, Secry..--j Dec. 7th. 1824. . f 14- ! Valuable Propet'ty for Sale. rT,llK -vrell known seat where:. the suascr!- : a ber now resides, at the Cross lt?aisou tne mad leading from Hillsborough to. Milton Jtpd maiircouutrvrrpad; leading from upthe ciu.t- trv to Petersburg, with. One lThousand Acre9 of fU'l. The Dwelling Houfe is a tvo storv hmise.. with four, clnni-ievs ami .five fire.pUces: teh iftams in the house: ' A Kitchen, a erood, Store ".House, a Lumber House, See a good Grsnery. and an excellent l hnialing Machirre.y All necessary put koin es' and Tgood Stabler . And on the, tract of kind, a .eooJ Grist Mdl.and Saw M.tne Grist MU1 U calculated fori Merchant lill, it is aHoiew autl complete now in kopetfn, - . - . . . . ' m S I " with? a Colton Gin attached to itctne iiu is iituate' ou thc waters of llyco, Person futy, N. C. lAlso,' Five othr Tracts of ;Lid, 1. iatr in the same vneiffhbirhQod,iz on the paters of llyco, : of 133 acre9, n;l oip of 80 acres one on llie aters ot uu&iwic, containing 206J acres, ahd' one on tlie -jame waters , of 150 acres, ' and one otl.er trt on the wafers of Little Uiver, prangi cointyj &THtainngi200 acres, and one , other ofe the water of - Little Hirer,' containing 30 afres. i also, ,pne tract on the water ofUttle Jtiver, containing 242 acres in Orange county, N. C. a most excellent seat for public businei, has on.- it a - large and convenient Sore hse," a good Counting Itoom and a good Cell irfand a DweUing house suitable for a small fa lily, it itis situatetl on the main road leading from Hillsborough to Person Court-house, Jhand- somc ailiiation, well watered, &c. ; For terms apply, to, the .suoscriberpn the premises in Person county Ti, C. ,f BrasGViuaii, PENTIS'IV T ES PKCTFULLY informs tlie clizehi k aft JB, OJRaleigh, thai, he ha'Uken a ro&m at Dr: J; PVS ,pr east ofi;tbe; Sta fiou.se, I ftbe bef ndj5 where heir.ay ,be found bef weeii 9 and t2"A.H.' ruid 3 and5P:M lYjLcir tfcrmv apidyto Wiusliip. 5tedu.an, tn PittsboroUv:rfc the boy may be een.r V;!r r.-Tttv f ' ' -J- H. iA'NUM. , : ; ' Chatham. TraeJ-HUl;. ' - , -- v. -,'. , t:27thiig;i82. 83tf.:. y -: f;PRlri AY ECEMBER2l824r: 4Vc Mien i ion ed avfepipcrs 'M that lhebill vWufitlie : right of elect ing Sheriff in tlie people," had pten iu- definiteljf postponed ;ia the House of Commons.: iBince then a btll has been inirouucea in1 ,iue ,ptiiaicH4iinx.u; same object in view, .which passed that bud y, and wis seilt to the Either Huttse for - concurrence tit - vi taken, npon Monday Ust,, antiagain 1 rejected by thker votes. . 'TfieTofe was (G to 6S. 'r The i bill to' repeal the act passed in 18H), crettinj: a-iuntT for Internal Im proyemehts and establishing a .Board, was Ior in the House of Commons on Wednesday. The vote was:fbr its passage, 54 ; against it, The bill directing the $upreme Cou rt to be Hohlcn in the several placeherein ilirectetl and to advance theadministra jjon of Justice in ihet trial of. Equity Caue passed the Senate on Wednes darv 33 to 28 : and has . been sent to the House of Commons. The object of this bill is to have two terms of the Su preme Court held in each year, in the western, middle f and eastern parts Of he St-tte4 for the purpose of v trying Kquitf Causes As the bill nuw stands StatesTiile js fixed on in thewestern par t of the S ta te ; Ilaleigh in the mid -die and Newberri in the eastern section. or An; unsuccessful .attempt was made on Tuesday "night by the jirisoners coh-jfih-Nl in the Jail uf this City, to effect their escape, y They rushed by the Jail or vherthe opened the inner clour, but coyltl get no fa r ther than the passage, he living taken .the precaution when he entered, to loch the street door. fKe number of Electoral votes given to each Candidate is as follows : t Jacksos,..' 101 ; ' . ' Adams, ; : , ' CuAWVonn, ' Clat,' 82 41, 37. On; the 4cond Wednesday in Febru ary, (lie cere nionjCpf counting the votes )vi!l take place in the presence of both Ifouses of Conrcss-rand o -'eleclion t - i-' .. .... lliiuse ofttepresentatives must, between; that time and the 4th .MarcK ensuing, elect the President from the three, high- jfes; li st onthe list of Candidates, vjz. from e s s r s. J a c k s o n , A Ha m s a n d C r a w fo r d . fl f not the Vice-President w ill act as i'resident. . Georgia.- A resolution has been brought into the Legislature of Geor gia,' to request the Representatives in Congress from that State to vote for Andrew Jackson as their second choice fir President of the fruited States. .'' , - ' ';' r--'v - -;T ' , Eightkf.ntii . Congress. -Nothing of very particuhar ituportande has -beeyi transacted as yet. Ia the House "of Representatives, Mr. Wick lift e of Kyj presented, the foUowipg.: resolution ; which as usual, was laid on the table one day : '.' ' , - ' - JtKsoirEP,! That it is expedient to amend the net of Congress of the tivst March, 1791, relative to the election ot Preident. 8c -Vice- President, that the appointment Of Electors by the several Stntes, shall be made upon the siime day throughout the. United Staea: - i ' !!Mr. Conway qf Arkansas,, offered tlic.ToJloW.iasr-.'': I';f" .-.!' llRsoxyKTi, Tliat the Committee on Indian Affairs be instructed to enahire into the ex pediency of organizing- ah the terrrtory, of the United States lymg west of the State of Michigan, into a s-parate Tenitorv, to bexe cupied exclusively bv Indiana and of author- izing the Presnlot of the-Tmtetl Statei to adopt such measurei'as 'be iVtuiy think best 6 colonize all tle Indians of the present States and Territories permanently within the same ;niiSi proposition relative tothelnilian tribes, ; appea r to" u s to be uwell worfhy oT consideration, ;Jf the time has arrived, .wheui some sys . . . , - . . . ' - tern ought to be arrabged whiclijpvhilst : . uefaents,, with wlwmtbe present roving characttirof tnanV of tlie Indian tribes; !i; vfr . A- . r- f ' i-' in ' vrl? I F.PfnwJm Hiswn-t)iii bbtliirtg shall imnedkteljr gnm btit pfl it provides for their accommodatinnnhd I anil comfort, will quiet the frontier set- e noursi.i.J :;c ml lic;Vnlt.Ufrf Un On moJion of Nf Magam, jt wasV ltK5tvicTvlTIf the1 - Cornmittre m? the t poftf OiTrces fe. Pok lfils be ins r jrf v ea countr. , 'iZ-y ''?nrs':.. Pf??. I Onotiorfiif Mr;(Ii6n Jt $af?&M fc'1laokiria- That"' tlie Committer xwurne Post Oftices rl posjt-l?odi? :jft instr'rtel to enquire into ' the expediency- of establrshiiig Mibanejj store; to Creenshor6ugh, -N.'C-' ViRGiAheliegtslattire of this JJIli: J aims-, rfiiu u .;... Statd, Tiave7 had Mienioriaj ;UMn ; memof riai,f fnn yarifmssec prjajing. for jfJie caiiiogoif! it : Conveniton fur' the purpose of amending ithe 4State Constitotiojt principal objecUpns to1 the present 0or ct liporV the; incfjuali t v of Jlejuresenta tion,f and the limit prescribed to .the nth t 5 of suffrage - Tiie firs t mentioned is one of the chjerai-guments by. the iViends ,of a C?nventipn jnthis Statei in a vor fof thej iheasjrV 4fc present, in the Stateof,' ortharina,ebcK county wjtever may - be i its extent and ; porailafion' has an eqal;renresenfafion. Tor instance, tiieco'inty fof'otitlotf has a population of 23.000 souls, - and sends two dele fratps" ; w liii ' e i"-b t other. counties united liave about the samenumber of inhabi- tants andsentl sixte that the people in the latter have but one eighth of the.representation enjoy ed by the former j Tn Vinihia,;ireeh(dders oply have a yoice in the election of their,le:is!dtors; arid of course, the law s have'a special reference to the benefit f that class of people. A freehold sufficient t pve its owner a vote, r may be purchased in al most any cjnurity in.the state for, fifty Jul lars." and, in many places' it is liot WortJi twenty. - Merchants and otheis quire 'SM6 thfepediettctof ib Jisluni a postoue fromtaleigh N.'Cj bCtvay ofttle Fishbam, on5 NeVsRiver, by-; StaviHe and Mount; Tirza;t to Ru6roUghV Hii Person apjcsirjiuxeirjnuttiiisuurj, sj v--Wml IJntlleyV stolbHght's store; Jolm Carter .Long's store, Jonn? H-Tlev'i mils, without a freehold, although they mayfthe Voods. r'rheciicum4tanc8 against. possess nroDerty to the value ol a mil-1 lion of dollarsvjind defray a large portKUi of the expenses of government, and are equallv5' liable withvahv others to beat: arms in their country's defence, are de nied the right of sufrtagei; 'i ;. PcTjiRSBURG -; TrfEAf re. Thi eleH ga nt Buildthgl , which cost thoriginal subscribers about $25,000. was sold on Satu rd ay ,. last u rid er ' a . decree of the Court of Chancery, for' S2rio We understand .that it was purchased by a cpmpapy ; and that probably it will still remain devoted to the" same ele gant and ratioriaf jimusementi v')vr Governor Coles of Illinois, has been sued for., emancipating' his slayes,;Mfith outgiving tbe security rvbich. the; laws; of the state require and judgment his been rendered against hitri for S2, 400. ' Me Cattle Show and Exhibition of the Du pi in Agricultural Society, was held At Kenansvdle on the 4th instant i A premiiim qf Five Dollare -was a war Ted 1o Col. Thos. Kenan, for t?e most Hay taken from an acre of land 4280 wt.- " . . i 5 To Dr Stephen Graham, for the most corn rfscd oh two acres" of low lAnd-76 bushels. jve fioii"irs. uiuo lo'' ine? oesi Aiare coii, Five : Dollars; ..t.vO '-i .''ti To Dan'l 14 Kenan, for the, most corn on two acre of -?eclainud high land. Five Dolt Inrs. .Di'to f r the tx st Hraw f Cat 5 dollaw. T John Oliver, fr the most 'cutton: raised on twi acres of reclaimed higl land, 5 dollars' To .fohnJIill,' for the best Myrse colt, five do' ars. f , '. . ; To Col. Thos Kenanrfortlid best $bw pig, uirrc Illinoi s. - : . f r . .. . 'To. Jas. M'iilims tor' the best boar pfg 3 dollars. . ; V "7 V, ;;..' '.-,;v-; '; ' 'To Col. Thos. Kenan j for the. best piece of Cotton cloth, two doljars- ' ' v .Tjo!in;Dcksp-forye best piece bfmixetfclotir; two dollars. - i' , , . f rThe .Senate of .South-Carolina, i on tlie 3d inst. passed, unanimously, se- ''- ' , ""j ". .-. . .-. vera! resolutions highly complnnentary of Gen. Lafavette, the concluGing one oLwhicli(is as follows : , V i ivUr BeiheA J that the Legislature now in session, do rvnef; the invitation' al ready; tendered by the, Governor tc-Gen La rAtarTiE, that he would honor this stat with his, welcome presencethat he, be received thrcughout our ..bonlera with the honors that were; paid to thfcimmo'iTl Vashi9ctok j and that the -executiye.' in conjunction with such municipal authori'ies as may be disposed ftp co-operate with him, do provide for his recep tion and YesidtmCe, while among us, in a mat ner worthy of his great merits,- in accordance with thedignitv, and in unison with the leel- - attona. i'uf u.gencer speaKin v1 eiecnon oijiy .Maiiiaruas &e nalor ohserves Ithal: he flilr. GaHlaixl,) Has been fbrJ several yeanT lhei FatKtr oF.rtJift Snnti -.that tsCf Hi- Mmhor readers," i!,: a '-( mar tt?;lV!eibef tVln was ti,'r . at ti ine of 4 enitsSajre nf th t; ccj bratetl Einbahro LawVr rhef(j anrs.eve- At, ral intletije lil mis xvhoin 1 xi nafnrkiNG of NevyVoi k y V w ihodesLerhaviiiifbna tromlassahuetUinitie firt,t tk0 ? ' - babl?; ia Mr; ? lauclprSehaltor AiAcpN,4therIatleff ' ; whom has qeyeVj.beejyu t of t "oiiK ' 5 a 4nxle session sinteJio enteretl tliirty K. i farted to tlie Sei;atehe wonlt! ty &Vr ; , ; ; havs.:beertt i :HWseofI -?iOn irhe lOth instriKe Lelantru o. , th4 Statcof K Alarylaiul proceed ed! th&electiofif a Ooveinoc .ftrJiestf--V-.T;; big year.-No;4ersox present Govcmor, ji hvo tcconlitiglV declared to. be du 1 v. elected artdation : ,o'clockA he" fiualifiedassachmi; r:?4 sciice f; Iwtb.brahclies'bf the Leglsla; 5 turtv, ' ; f.i -. i J. PennsylviUiia - ihree balhdin ir . known to have taken place for a Sena j 4 tor df the United Stated tb sueceetl 1 Mr. LoWrik. Of ttu? nincteeii gentle- . . mew in nominatioi4"uo nncrec'civcdr on either of the ( ballotUng, nfore thftrt 1 . ; votes vhich hi we bel te ve riht inojru f -tliaii i:H fab puiof tlie; whole-;tiumber' : of the' mepiliif the Legislature; iff : - 4 ,.vy ,"0t ' llptu nnn 1 1 and f 2 o'clock this mdru irig as a lad vaa pa.sin the 'store f . Mr.' (jorhatiivin r Burli'o'Sraiipf;rtVAk' gtrou w;ncU was at the;mmeiii must- 5 t iiig into the. store ;bve gavew ay (itvni V 4 the si ijigs, -ami ' lei Urn the hc;l oft he. untbrtunate vuuthnjpd c ractureU Jiin; v- scul : ;. The son of tlie. Goycoflhe-'atatfj; v of 'Kentucky - has been apprehended in , r ' suspicioii of being, the murdererof a perf- imv whose boU y was recently ; Juunri tn '. - ' '-",'ImL' V ' ' :'-i-?' nun are very . &iron. ; ', 'X Moti rpi We 4have ? frw uen tlyvr .n - cnuntctl4ntanw the1 NewVoi k Police jbut ; an event r lately occurredwhtch cohfirnrs,' jn tlife strongest manner,;thao))iniuiV. general- lyjphrerfaineil pfthe Talite of suth tk f institution ?4Ti jiiv n.i;!4vn- W-V-v '. 4 f A roan residing in PittsbMrglind Vc-1 quain ted with onljr imc family ;i n Xew Yorlc, arrived here bea rig u dra ft. for : 2500 tldil lars, which su mftv'aa. pahl ixr him. lie imprudently; weMnla ta-; ven in a remote street amtdrank free ly, fell: asleep," and when vliev awoke; htj fou nd that his bundle of money ..was la ken from 4;him "Ashaine ; to : a,ov. to his-friend bis condition! and I los.viiicC left the city. ; and at LPJdladelphhi her ; wrote a letter, tp;bis friend informing , him of his misfortune t by t'cuiJ give him 'no particulars Ai to the ; pcrspns, supposed 'fi to; haye i rbbheit him. Iis friend a pplied to the rndicvaiiuVa scru . tiny was immediately niadef Haysj;,. high-constable, r havings rcasoq; tosjig- ' f pect tHat ft certain-perao n ;had iommiU ted, the; robbery, 3 wrote tqithe authbrii; ties in jfia Ittuniie, where he had 4 gone 1 . Jci arrest him ; aqd accord ingl vlt he peivv son .described ; was i arrested wltlj: money 4, answering the description ; , but how to fihtlTtlj l.oserthjr only , kriew Jus ref sidence ; aut wit)te to the'post-uiaster; ' at Pittsbui to. advertise for a person! v ' Ko hadjlostMSOQ4inKew-York:. . The; person soon presented himself, and was sent to ( Baltimore to see.the prl-. i soner. 1 Great . pari;if iis iuoney:wa9 4., recovered,, and the" thief brought to lira city:tvbe tned.4 Ai- rjJj ;4 . Here was: a. robberv committed and vet witiiout knowing the namei of inb- 4 oer or the Dersofi robbed,' the,' monAV .was in part recovered r4"- 4 " , - 4 - Died, in (Cbcsten4Peni recently. the Rew John hitzer.4-He was in the pulpit, and had lust given aa his teiY-- must all appear before the judg- 4 ment seatvf Christ, when lie fell, am:?, in s taniiy ezpi reu ? . : Messrs.' Editors, ; iiw : v 4 r It is witb pleasure t bare heard trra!i - the Amateu;s of Jlaleigh intend givitr Wrs.,HARTWa a 4BeneOL trevioas to . her departure from this city; This is a inoutei jusiiy uue to ine merits 01 .Mr.' Ilartwig, antloiie which I trust the nub-' lie will acknowledge During the sea xnn, no one has"; laboured more.pcrse yringly than this lady lopleuseond grd tity the. audience r and certaitil v no one . has been 4tuort successful- Jler "just conception of the character she pcrsoV . nates 5 ther retentive tnemoxy i 1)er ai- propi iatedrcsacst her ?grecablc fcerson all combineto rendericr what shede- 41 servetlly jsareat favbri(e..4The uart undertaken by the Vttuatcurs, will also be well supbrietljj aird the lill if fari ( :) for he ieyeuing uu uual ly attractive atid interesting r I hope a cebcrous pub- ; f aienis ami ine- ' will evince. they, are litUl 4' -V-; .V'., " 7-.; - -"V- Tlin dae'cstimaUtmJ : 4-, "''V-...-:4,.-.':- .4a::KiL;;4: 4,V - - - w - ; ' ! ? T - V -

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