1 1? V V" -f.t - f . (-. ....... ., , . , t . I v I .'.'W i,.j4,rM t . - , ;' Unwarp'dbr Pr ty tgg to live lU3rothen.f . -( . V , . , JJ ; ' . - v - - '- r:3'-T ri ;. "r."" , , f , , " . ' ' 1 - ' ' '. . 'N 'v1 - ". " -1 ' 'V. Cue ResistOT- Ribfe i Societies, - which Will; n 0 doubt, 1 A Oiojfc'.... ; .' luciuicrcsnu w many your readers. IsDublished ever FniniT. br I . ' In the United kingdom of Great Bri- - :,'fV08EPH GjVLE9"& SON, : ; ta'n larp portion, of the, Bishops are' At 'TWe Doiik ni-r nm;;hr nrmi)dil "iemDer8 ot ; Bible Societies, and since and a Halffor half;a year to be paid in establishment of the British & For : j advance r -' ? j r vVj r eijn Bibte Societies in 1804, thirty two v . vv" vf.Hi f a mv" r j v Disnops or the Kstablished Church have , ?2BnK- T' pobliclv supported, while owv. st?n -.. times for a dollar, and 2$ cents for every J ' i 1 1 V . . eaingpuDiicauon j inose 01 greateri. . f . rrw . T M . iinthesamepport3on-..;CoM3rciri.itatlons O ' vs - iri ucce . Jen?th , , catios thankfully ttciTejd..;..,LxTTKs to . tuxiB Editors mtutoe pan-paid. ' Of. the American Bishops, onlu two are found in .the raoks of onDosition. AU the others," as far as their sentiments are known, are ; decided abd zeajpus friends to Bible Societies,' as they are usually conducted. Hishop Moore is President of the Bible Society of Vir- r .or ;iVnc . t" : J i -"T1 A nA i Kinia. ouuuar.wiugers are now, or were jrr ' : Ji A v- -, ' ; v held recently, in other Bible Societies! vTUEStVAV; JANUAnY 25, 1825. 0 iionerrmet oil Satunlay Evenlnffi and re-elected iSaniuel H jvPuHen, r their Cl Jobn DunnV:Ksi Oity Jreasu- fer, anti.ureen "JJubbitt :and John Per- by- Bishops - White, i Kemp, Griswold and Chase. v-.-: In 1814 the American Bishops As- sembled i?r 1 ( onvkktioj. addressed a Pastoral Letterto the. Episcopalians were appcmted.to revisesthe duties of say in .reference .to Bible Societies. "Ctie Constables, class the City Watch, I we should conceive ourselves as want- e?c. ' The Stated jneetins of the 'Board ,nS- on h,s TAKEN UP, on the 22d October, and lolr. ed in-fail at AViltninjrton. ,-N. C a nee-ro man who calls his name Wiluam, says hfe heldnc-s to Jo'm Cureton, Tivin near Camden. S. C. that he was purchased by said,, Cureton of ntijrn Murray, who pHrchased him nearNor rolk, Ya ahout ten years aero. . Said fellow is aomit twenty-tour years of ajre, fire feet six or seven mcnes h!"rh, complexioa yellow, . - ' v. . l olAni ma mn a- m l l I i to i ' iifi.i r. t.i -li.ti Ji!' s r,, -- . el oi our- stations., were-. wit tn ucnt "- .m 8pcaNs tuigu&u..-tiaa wipiiuuieiu uiu.c.wc?uu iMesuay oi , . . v ,oafzmnn;n f, Ir KTZl: ? wner mm tted a gray jacket, consider: each month. Their next. meet n? w : K 'e'ZZriiJ-': ojv worn, and tow shirt and trowsers. The . V : - ' - ,4, ' V ... ;y iwr iue aisajpointment ptlowneris--MJuested-tocome.TorwarL nrove s vt vmsc vc. uii ; i ucaua r : c cmii wenne WICKed liesilns or lr.lidPlif v. nrfh. nrnnprtv. nsv l,orrr0 I ' extending Ot the infltience of hlire ami away, . ! C. B. MORRIS. Jailor. gion, ana nnaJiy, r thef , lt-li: carrying inu, eftect; ot ihose gracious T iftx oWaYS UftY i . .v - i nrnmicaa n a rnr mhii. ... .11 1 1 1 'v " 1 h'"" nmui win iiui ave i-k mrm-iv t . occasion, to the high duties State of, Jfortli-Carblina, O.. -j .November Sessions, A. D. 1824. Jonathan '.Roberts. aiuF) .;v.;.vr, aK..,; m. tiernnr, I Petition foi? part itioii , John Creeds' heirs., j . , IT appearing to the satisfaction of.ths Court that the heirs of said John Creed, are not mnaDuanis oi uiis state; It is therefore. or dered by the -Court that publication he nUde lorwi wccks m uie uaien Kegister itnat the &ud heirs of -.John Creed do appear at the next Court of Pieas and Quarter Sessions. to-oe neia for tiie i;ointv; of Surry, at the Court-House in Rockford( .on .the - second Monday in February next, plead, ; -'answer or flf mini' tn .11 n.tUU. .u 'j' Ll i uv.t-.ui u jciufun, vmtvrwjse juograeni ." uc cmcrcu upaainsi inem. . f , - Test . J O. AVILLIA MSJ C. C Adv. f3 50. v 109-6w. Jailor's Noticed - - . . , ' " i I Commuted. " ii - roU.-ifeiV---i 21 ' i i .Acr.i4 aivgToman.:af arurtway, W iy$' !rop the subscriber on Th'ursdaV ? - ' high ; speakstfierlnw, has' vrid lore, te jn Mobfe cbunty, N." C B A Y IIOUSP ' r' r ' ' " i tand Wide apart.-; Who calif lusmd bfindrdn4 BEN, says, h liebns to WHlKim ArnoW; y f V-- v ' - V?salsosto!en at the same time and p!aeV U Jgat Cotuity, Va.?last,win er. ; n4. small package of Goods, consisting ii thl " ' ; IC ,- SILAS. DAMUSON. Jailor! following articles rbVuf?fS? 1 " --v;'18246VU.:irVi4l.'.- Check; blueand -whitif i.V ; v ;iiitor ! .v ? uicce ox uottort shirt inp- .soTd,'atth;Cotirt doorof Wash f white pnVpieceJitidras-iwl'll -: " 1 i county, he tn br plv: t ' jnoutiv onthe 14th day ofl February-next? needlesand aibnnches of l?eck aces. vV; - 7 lie fpllpwiii. tracts r pieces f Ja.nls and 1 will givethe.ahove reward trt doUars nY 'C C - i ? lots, ,n the town aforesaid, r so much there- recovery of my horseaiid 1r?AZ ' ' ofHs wUl pay'the taxes duV thereon fbrithe dollars for either, aMsonldSn - year,18230with all ctsUIlyaccn, mlInVoVtiVbV V, Vt $an4ibr4 .Arnold,. 981 kdj.Sui, Hiri 111 Oran cp uritr;2 l - -V' dy,N. Sprieir and others: . , - tlei 27igA ".i i 1.'M: . ' ' : Isaac Ambrose, 200 acres,' adjoining josl ' . Arnotd -and others., .y- ! V v & - '1 4- . Stephen Blount. 194 acres. a4ioimnf Jaa.1 ::). rJ: ...N- '-:- - jonessneirs ana others. T t '-,r . r Intiml , .n r--.- '. T- . ; - I March next. . -All a... T Davenports Heirs and others. 9th of next mbnthv fexcepc previous I extending of t special meeting snail De Tdunu neces- . . ls U!"I M Hl'I'IIIIirillllll ?. linTII . . . i -The following is the official return of 1 i . r a r i l T. , w. raorni,,ff 9f wiyth mst, in Washino.i . yfc.'-.fv,-,t V ; T4 etlffe OI tne LOrU Snail COVer the pnrth Icoiintv. : Geora. TKT votes for a RepresenViV'e to jCongrcss,! as tlib waters cover the scau't: V , twecn"25 and 30 years of ae,' about' 5 fein.0 AbiNCiK. ; i""rt,cs V'g" 'arit cumpjexnn, wi a hopper rump, i or a peculiar one.) He csn reud anrl write tolerably. well,. and has a great deal, of rrRAar,j.. 1 ! -11- .from thellalifax district, giveir at the c!titiou hcld'oa the r '6thViast. George Outlaw Sen. of Bertie afid Willis Alston of Ualifax, being candidates : ! - a f?0;-". -For Otttlaw. -Halifax, 429. i 1 Bertie,. v 305 ; ; j Martin; 19 -' 5 'Northampton- ' 239. : ( - Ni. - 1132 Maj. for Outlaw, 235 r r: For Alston. - 371 .. 229 iro; , 129 5 899 ' I " - "Andrew Bateman of JesSe37 aavs adi mliy lwve any MmSSnS W'' f" joining. Silvanus, Spruc lUnd olhei-s: ft tlieni befbLUuner' V t"1 j . ! Mi N.ncyBarneS;2l3Ures, adjoining WHliam S MH Davenport and others. ;,, l.'-tr i WVc ufelriW0 J . . , i .... i I Samuel Skinner! 150. adioiiuW uwMiii awijs auu oiaera. ; j.- y . ; ? . , John-;Banks 100 acre, adjoining Ephraim Davenport.a' d others. I - John Barrett's heirs, mOcre adjoining pametJLegett, Sen. and others. -i: James Bozman, 21 J acres, adjoining John Jos. Bozmah, 400 acres, adjoinlnk Paul Car- . Robert Clifton, 160 acres Phelps and others. ; I ,j Jesse Collins, 138 ' acres' ad jah Stubbs and olhei-s. . I J . Darnel Clifton, 75 acres, Adjoining Simeon viawu auu omers. . Geo. Corp re w, 133 acres Bozman's heirs an! others. -Nias Davenport. 103 h Isham Loner and others. ?i 'f Charles Davenport, 29 acres adjoiain -. iiiaii uiiicrrs adjoining Jaiper Mica- adjoiiiihg Levin acre, adjoining State of Nortli-Carolina. f i'vJ--,ilyrreHi' 'l. tut ni - i ;, tL - '. Court of Pleagnd Quarter Se'&ith Moha? Enoch'Han - ::.ir ' f: Amelia fln"cietl 1 : :TX aobeari'hVfn' tK;'cn'4 ir..2t;L .'-i.- ' MIV IJCirilMMni 111 Till. nr. . . 'J. -I- i inhabitant of the State;; It Vonfe pttbjicaticrt'bimdein.th ior three months to notify the said xSelS 4 1 rlassell 'personal! vl. to' he and .Vh ' beheld for the County of Tyrrell andsheW - case if ajy he; can. hy she -shidj npt ba I removed frorn the gdaruianship of the mino? -heirs t)f Joseph Hassell ,Wl c :; , "l - ! IViess, Wilson B.' lodges Clerk if sail i Courtaeoffice4thM&a$of It'll nnf f . . John Davenport, 14 acres adjoining BenJ. ' WILSON B .HQDGES. cl'k.. T . . Phelps and others.,:- ,. fit- ;; ftt4o 11 ncharlotte'Dav,nport, 90! acres, adjoining BJAV rry Ot OliniUi. ' i I j. Wm Freeman and others, i , :v .vT: U Kockfnffhamoiim v?'.: i : . U L -'vi-". Curreli and otl.ers., - - ; - ' ; U Charles Mills, w.iMattliew -Mills & Jhr v Williahf'.Trf:. The following arrangement of the ear, . by; the .Judges' of the Superior $20 per , session, and Dancings t1 7 'Courts," OPtll-Carnlfrisl-FftTrtfil X Vn confidence in himself,' and is willina- to 5m .vt,- i ui:r .l .... i l . , v - ucjjci, . uiai iic nas mucn more learning than he-: realty rjossesses.Uft had whW h AN D RE VS & : JONES,.' Principals. Wn ofr' a hw coth coat some holes worn, HE exercises of this, institution will be LI ?JT T-1 J,om-e5P.u? tows'rs a. ,new resumed on the .lst-day of Februarav, ""'"caiJV s"" oxn-iur nar, considt ra 1825., At this seminary a caiA& ami rail Z V?' A" captains, masters of vessels, English education, both' fffciaw and cien Jndaboats nd. oer . person whatever, kre A'fr. mav be obtained. . Hnrd f .n th t?rwarned from harboring or carrvinsr foff" and tuition, sixty Dollars per session, navable rJ?,e nero unUr.? P!?y. of the law in advance. Each nu nil must furnish a nr "e.aaove rewam win be g.ven for the ap of sheets, blankets, towels, and t a coveid, fnTle,OT f"" ae."ry ot , orniv ft5 srv-rtM . -ru ' 1 subscriber, living in Onslow seven competent teachers constantly employ TT f 551" , '"'w".W,-wtoet: an Orrery k.uV,,!0 xult- 7": ,ull,ur ;i' John JoneiJO acres. rBAjril'T-w Dart of th dFndi.... .uT-l-.TVV ' ana a valuable Fhiloxobldciil and ,r&,iMt r"! w jones oi ewDern,; k j-. -vr w . T. 3" . 'e,re mnabi ! mnrand T; ANCRAA1 AVEIilTT rwr' JJ od " ...i rm LI jjec. io. . 18.--4t. wl- r .'Jt .Muiw.njiiir cnocn i -j-.-ymv-v-uiic mane tor o..weka if- X. 1 L llrr I j . . . . :" I I aofv nr,l I I.. I . iL ' . . . .. 1 .llihgton and' arid his wife id Sarah tarimore, , ' 18-4t. pi viz : - i Ederfton.: Donrtell. i 1 :- Nviwbern, Iladger,,-:; ' 1 vr 1 "Wilmington; Daniel, yr i"''! Jtileigh, - ; : Norwood, 1 HillsboroV Nash, 4 .j p"Morgauton, Paxton, I , Autumn. .Daniel, , ; Norwood, Badger, , Donnell, Paxfou ' "Nash; ' ... ! . i t 4 .. 1 a uancf, are xangiu wnen required. Those in- . . . . - lOrvtv,,; terested in obtaining furtlier nartirnkr a I ' ViCCi iucMcu o appiy ; Dy. letter (post paid) to ; I '"ioer navingneen solicited by 'John .Oxford, Granville Countv. Dec. to reinove to - 1 I iiv . 1 seiunjj rroc them and the is now ready may be, entrusted himself that wanting. on his part to give general satisfac- eman and others. . n no wooden Jasper Phelns. 80 W. u:n: stonncr f!ntt n..-.-' j V'. ;T T "J"""" 0 -V..VH, uvciiuu aim 'iiuers; ' -i I , " . the.vaJeigh Register, ior :tlic cleYep t' trits to appearat the next Courts Equity jo b ' -- - . i i . iuv vuu f or . Knrrinirhom. rfttii. Krtiino t mr x - . TAKEN UP, A ND committed to the Jail of jhis county, j iX on the 21st inst." a Negro Fellow, aup," posed to be a runaway slave, who sayhis riv. ' ,L.i L , tm ,j i--.v . uv luiiAwsr siave, who says nis f INTER,- hai come-bpon U5, , like name is CwiefiwW and that he has lived fa thief in, the night.? Friday, last New-York four or five years last past, but -,on' . "f" has a; ''large brifck Luml irie 5 "'i ' Am, ,vi t? i Li cannot, or wlil not name the state, county or (nearly fire proof) . contiguous 'to 'n fine clear day. Ort Friday pightf town in which he was raised-He is about buihUng,'for the purpose of storin. st the ' - Petersburg for the 7, "if rl7nJ r .f l ( ' l"' V oort? f ay in , March t ,. luce, takes this mode nf iTS vZ"lt WJff f ta ptcadnswer ord ;. , public that 14 h d;n;;ri wt"ra- . h OOTPiaJnaW tl,otherwfw It Will blV to-attend to any buklriwhl.h pkr,. ex parte s t V 5 his n He nledks 'trwihri iTl II no attention or exertion sha'fbe r 7 i " ' -'"" :JMm 7 V 1 , Unn.'ol rl: Ifin. '. - i .. tle'hasa'We brick" T.,imKP .." 71 Tor acrej? ning AUeu .' .-;f State of :NorthQarolina; IJ Superior Court of quiry. i 1 4 I.- - : . .- o I ;'. piciuuerxerm. IHL'4... .. -. r-i-. ... r' vvH ,uCuv., iguu LuiiLuiuru -r..:":"v,1CT-",K".OI?c.K c?mpiex- trtdnso bntil undsTtnirnrna.' ivhn U 7 a smau scar over his right eye, and uc rC4uirea. ne may te tound at all, times sy Soruell and others. "j - . ,- v - 1V V ' t ' - v , .SinchSS rT eSfe liiItv . ....... . .. .1 - i i mjm liuuuv -run i t-rm. irtza.. aiiiuiu ihu ninprt. . - i iaiici nv--inu vh..,u 7V . . - -i i , . . . . ? , - I ... r - v uiiEjiii.. I r" I ir ni n. s Atiie weather was soft as'rorins:, and na tre yet retained in spots hcr t verdant . garment that .vanter would not , come Spri tig Vas al 1 Tragran c e ami beau t y) JOS. GARRETT. Shff. Washington county, Nov. 23, 1824. I9-6m Committed. Henry Stephenson, ':. - : . versus : ' .. uenry. . Khodes, ' Jonathan Stephenson hhu Marie unnstian. 'o uie au in.Asnooro , N. C. in Decern- I Ki't"5 -w wurt, oy niejgreturn oM uanes- aKiiieinorp, .1 ber 7824, a Neirio Man. as a niinaw tlie 'Sheriff, that Heury Yv Rhodes ?'and' 1 Jhn Patrick, Sen. and aIout 5 feet 10 inches hi a-h. with a sore nnrW Mark Clirutian of the Defen :ants iu this case I Arcli'd;StubbsV 04 f hie ri'rlf ! at.u . I,.. .., i . ., I are not inhahl t.ln1 nf thin Ctilu . , .'.J..: j! M C'nAisll ii'ni..- w a i c l v . iiii iibi v lino ntc? - - v . a w v t;iaii .11 1 ill ra-r . u.vav&VAC auu iji.i 11- iv t , an sioiy auu icnii IV : AU- c..k. 1 ' mri n.- .. " T : : l that nnhl;i. An ku.j. 'p.l . . . I t oL.. , .. . . I 11 1 -T j , '- "" ' - r . "-j-"'3,'"' "i.i, uiai ne was soia . r- ; uie v res, aujosmng Lem "y '-ruy" "ci ana anew, caused -if im ?t M itumny, all plenty.and manificenceand by Thomas Wlliams, on of Elias Bailess." Kaleigli Register- for the said defendants uel SprueU and others. i v ! lKey Mve, why, they, shall not be me nai Winter, hitherto, has " linred in the ' ' 31LAS DAVIDSON, Jailor-; t(l appear plead,-answer or demur to com ? Mea Spruell's heirs, inheres, Wliouiing tIe dlants as aresaid, M..-' 4 't 1' -rf -f tVi - . -'. Nov;1524, 6mo. , . " ... ; plainant'a bill on or before the first day of the J- Spruel,sen. andothen, Vt ,.;i " y 1 Y QopyM the Minuted 1 '. J "7 -mVX': lap Of Mav. Jt S now comewith . CAammittA TS to. be held' on the t VSutton, 100 acres, adjoining Hekiah "7 -V DvUBRYA-C7fe:;: its attendants, and the feeble, helnles ' . ' i9.1UtteAV ' Oth Monday after the 4th Monday pf March Lew1? and others ; f , f ; - .Oct; .j;? JSn 4-' Amlllf kT7. "-V-"lv-?' I10 the Jail jn Asfrboro, N. C. in October "ext, or the said bill will be taken as pro John Swam, 50 acres, adjoining EpUiin ; rW - 3m ); ftmilies of the poor, must suffer,' It the I last ;a Neirro Man; as a U X confesso, as to them respectively, and heard Daxenno,! and others f- "? Pf? V - SlYVfeTP PlftiYiU, 71 ,; Y. wou years oi age; about 5 feet 10 inches i';! rw wP7 .pi rroraxne minutes. amonuieeiey, iku acres, adjoinini? An- 'W4Whi - -. ; ?vl 1 high; has lost "some of his upper teeth : as ; c , TwV JOHN HOGG; C.M.l drew Spruell and others. i b fWlHk'suh'hi.' snscar Pr. adv. $2 30 ; ; . r , AiexVOurner. 50 acres, adjoining 1 .name isSH ADRICK j 'and that he was taken : ---v.v, T , ..,...-r,T Bateman's heirs and others, i t: busInesV-arid"ff n2?r' e.ai'' J from Maryland;' by Joseph WUliams. from 7 i- OS : ' . rYY SaTarkinton. 50 acres, adjoirhng Benj wSthnt' ."ciuuiaway, m me state oi Aaoama. If v'c pm instant, in,, or not -rV 6 T! ""'i 4 . I Harness For, SAddlei all r,W;.k 7.b,;" n V oimng Abra-I Also, Carriaires.i'f.s and ; v : Allehlamsays heirs, 150 acres, -adjong n.l824r,it appears to the- satisfaction i of Jos. ,Phelps, Sen. and others. ; le, Court,, that; Elias lycoek and Ilenia-niri Aaron' Stuhh- ?4 ':s '-,1-ft Avco V ar -:j1l l.rtnJVn ? Colhns and oth . . : 3u: acres;, adjoining P?ntM successively in the Register a- -v m others. i :&. : lOJue non-residents. arwl th-K-2- .i' acres! adioininr- t'lardv the next tern! of the CoifWitn IV-f.i iu:.' ' 4 T"""; hi oiiuuinf ia on the fourth Moa hand of kindness. is. closed to their ne cessities.4 If thosej who' are blessed vrwt ine conuprts ot me, teel the sud iJen .'change; for which they were not prepared, - wlut must it be to those, who-have ;n6: f(Hd,r little ; raiment and Wl th ou t fuel ? One view cf. the h u ts 6f theerless - poverty one' meal - of their , meagre., tare nc day . spent without SILAS DAVIDSON. Jailor. Nov. 1824. 6rwo- , -..-.' S tate of KTorfli-Carolina Edgecohib County; i Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, .November t erm, 1824. vl far south of Ralcitrh ' a smill lfd MnW: i co Pocket Book, containing about . 10 dollars in cash aad a Receipt against- Mr. flartwell Parish .for fourteen barrels of flour lnn5t. cu wnuiuim ior saie. thesam. will confer EnosB, Tarkinfon, 50 acres, adjo! ley Phelps and others.5 u r ; Charles Wdv, 150 aeres,? adi fiam, wuuxy ana omtrs.iv Any person - tint ne- r . ."'iu"-,, " " w benjamin. 76 acres. and delivering it to th I msrPitts heirs and others ' 1 , aiavorand sliall be raaumahlvl. onn a. a, amnston. ID8 arw: .v.: . - W--f . -r .fJ. Daniel Davennoitg heirs and nth V- 1 7 ni be kept cWumiyWv J01D" Pat short noUceV , ' v .-, tfwt.i. us, -v . aciic i . ' Svlvr Uttfe " ' ' l . . " ' ; . . r . U,eirMtatiulu u!;ose:o;h vfe - j V for gj J"! 0 KA. l' A- :.'l r . TLe heirs at Iaw.of Gray Lat- f dower. I ; 12 - - -t - - - . n- . f "twuirouie to loose who want, I . ' .-ti,. ',Wd ' " ' - 1. r ; ? w 1 1 'i - u - vT7!-.:?, ?Pr!".ycre4 .!i -wv- 'a r h,--.mi .-, CvC-i.'. i ' : rr.i jlaJ .. A -r'r. "f ""VI ' IA7iirpr ft'nnppn-rvvT r If I tewart and Baker. i: -r.: . . . . ( r .."...1-.. : V.rMcwuiuia, re uovrrwaetiiSOt this State : r ii '. ' F. ',1."?". ' : I avirer'iii't frir fiw- v. r.i adjoining well selected asrtmehtof ateriaii, Rid ij : 1 1 1 for rash h, '! Wj.. r- . T' TherHealth' Physician !at Fayette tterts' pnfe ne wce his last- publication. - V v Messrs Editors;: Fromthe family Yisitortofr January 8th ini ;wii.rprivi the followin-infonriatfonispectin Yiews!of?Episcbpalian Bish6p4 in Eng-i w trs: Bil iiiiiii livr . H llllli ii i TV . i riiikAiidw .- . I v " - J . . 8 5ifiSSEiS;0 others, . .v-t.i;V'- . I r It is. ordered that pubheatioo be made for 3 monlhs in the RaleigK Register, .that they ap P.a5. atthe next Court, of PJeasand Quarter ijcshiuiisioM ne ia ior. the county of Edge comb, at.the Court House in Tarborouglv of uc aionaay or jr eoruary next, and plead, answer-or-demur.- or -thentitiAnwnr.k iieara ex p.rte as to them.Witness Mich ttearn, Cterof. said. Court Tarborou the 4 th Monday: of No vember.71824. xj-onq MICH'L-HEARN. C. C. Raleigli, Jan.' 24, 1825.V Notice., IUrC v-: - V ... -? -VW""6 Wm. D. Haramond, 252 Sere onjtoanoke river. - r .r-'i ,P.S. Ihye parcel of OU stones, Vukh k r I can cohfideiulif recommend to workmen ' will warran. . ' - m ' -Hi 'Dcc.0;iR24i; T. C. i8-tr;:;t irr! of Pleas and Quarter Sessions heldfor iflJu : " A c voyembertrrmft v - ' . , r"" vs 1"unc. suoscriDer quaju I .i, s oc"" " ' "T . T" " f. v : I .vv", mit. me subscriber qualif! . dV 1 fied asExecutoiwof the last tVffl and Tes4-lm?fr?50-ft 47 "H. 4 J admiiMsttator tof the estate of? JimVJ -"r el ",c,l e w cmian 'siaue, derd. " iAll per xtnZZ IF 3 Zl -v? O;4pwoiij indebted to the ;r ? naT nffclaims against the estateof kid ?:Thrte dV "Vke Jkp'T ; - deceased, are requested- to bria them for- iS'i ? &&?Z,V' ptt f rectors ?ftl same arehSf' I; V ' 1 ward, within th t;mn nM...;k 1 - s -u 7 ai-usitay,o uo QOlH dO-'Ao. 125 D? hdlihefi th-.-. .. . . " ' ,a,, ' - . -w a - ; ; w" a- w is laic r Kna.mc 1 . - - ; JUO. B. SLADE. Rest Unknown. ' -- tneoticated within -the' time' nrestrifil ht i ? ! ' 18-Im. Noy.lo, 1S24. . - ;-2m j? - lilauks for sale here Dec. 26th, 1824: ' : ' 2(Mt-V r , - jos PlymouthBcc. 22 V n jr., ' -'. v;