. V -' -.... .V - r.rv - ' t unanimity . the object-of thei preference,' ' 'Si should not hesitateirtoj decline the.vccept ' ' ance of this eminent charge, ami to ' sabm.it " the decisionof this momenfous question again to their determination .But the constitution itself, has not so disposed of the contingency which would arise in the.event of my refusal -1 shall, therefore, repair to the post assign- "ed me by the call of mr,' country, 'signified " through ier constitutional organs ; oppressed "with the-jnagnitude . of the task before me, but cheered with the hop of that generous , support from my fellow-citizens which, Sh the vkiss.bJles.of aJiic devoted to their sef- vice, has -never fkiled to sustain me onfi ' dentin the inrst,' that the wisdom of the Le- sTative councils wiU gtutfc and direct me in the path of my official duty, and Velyinjv- boveidt. ppon the superintendingProTidence ..fthat Being, in wh tie hand our breath is; - and Whose are all c4n? vysJVvi :V V-' , Gentlemen s i pray yoo, to. make accepta ble tqthe House, the -assurance of. my po" fouind gratitude for their confidence.' and .to arcept yourselves Iny thanks for the friendly terms in which you have communicated to me their decisions C"' y ;,'- ',' U E ; 1 'JOim QUINCY ADABIS. 'WgtsfaVfarebl825sy yy FKIDAY, FEBKUART 13, i825.; Free euspxs of CoLouRMondaj last being, the .day appointed' by,. the Commisdoneri for jranting Permits of nesioence to an sucn orueny iree per sons, of colour as should produce sativ lur.tory Tesumoniais oi yiou. ciiaracier about fifty persons oF this' description applied and most of them hail permits eranted ti thenar -A few were defer- red for want of 'sufficient 'evidence , of their,rreedom or good character. The next ; monthly rnee(ing . of the Commissibnefs vil! be held "at the In- pendant's OfficeonIonday evening (he 7th of next rnonth'j uhen those persons wlio have notr yetl obtained 'PernntsJ may applj'''' "'After'' that period "such as clatni to be free persons of colour and have no Permit, will be norously dealt with. 4 - -i .;Wf.?r!: J'' The following is a list oflhe cases decided at, the Term pf the Supreme Courtv which'terminafed its sitting in this city on !ouday last, aft cr a session of, seven. weeks : ly:Sj, ? . J(ii Streatdr's heirs tvXnth'I. jones . a n I M ar t n L La n e, f rom A V'a k e. Re - . Terente to C Jerk-to take an account of the present value of the land, exclusive of the improvements ; also the value of improvements ajt the'ttme Streator lost -riasession the rentsprcits and wast e up to the fimcof making Repr.rt ? the inortipige money paid by Johes'with in terest,' and ReTKrt tn next'Co'urt. ' Bill retained as to Lane for; further direc--tidns.,.-'" v tn -': ; -::f; , , Amos . Pra tor r. Andrew Miller, from - Rutherford. . Referred to Clerk and - Masterof Rutherfortlto take an ccoant. , Ransom" Oolquett- r Absalom fios- tock, from.Rockinsham. i Death jf com plainant suggested. : Leave granted Su sanna Colquett, Adm'rx,tto revive' and prosecute said suit, s--:-'. ; " ; ; I Charles Uain iv'- iThnmpsoh Hunt, from Mecklenburg. 1 : Curia advisare ' iMaryVood's -Ex'rs.r,'Fanny Bul lock and. others,. appellants, from Tyr rell. .' Rule for new trial.' made 'absolute; Jas. Lr-Terretl and Maj. R. Alex ander, appts. ;r.SJohn Logaru ; from Rutherford. -Petition dismissed with costs v . . 'vf-wvi-J 7$f : ! Wm. IToIliday and Silvester Brown Kx?rs. v. S. Brand and Catherine Por-i Ter,:irom mreene. j jve;onfi:inai .papers j einanded'lror furtlier proceedings in the Court belowJ 'L:it' I : ?:r ::.S v' ' 1 ancyKIitbetli Jlejanatfand Creecy Wade n; l enry , Parks from Greene. ( jriginal ; pa;:rrs remanded for further proceedings in the Court be.lo.r. i Jel - Al tnia n r. Tlcorhilus Ed wards and other? from -Wayiie.' Re'portVof Clerk, filed -eiiiituiued bj cousent.with leave to, except to Report. I ' John Jr.-Burg in r. Wm.. Richanl ?n from. New-Hanover.; Former or der .Amended. v ; - .'-. ; t - f ' Pilgriih I. Villiams r.!icnjah Ricks, from Nah. - Cootiuuvd for far ther, argument, : : ; --'i . " f Jas. Hjlliard. Guardian. &c r. Jno. Bortch' and olhen, from NaMn Rule lor new trial discharged and?Judgment i Rohtl Worke,rnpVtf i.t'vJns Bvrsi frum Cabarrus. ; r J utlgment for defends aht. '1 hero are scS-en bthercatises be tween thctnrepartiesi ; ; wherein the same ju'dguieiJt .was'J pronounced bj the "Con rU .:"- Ti j.-1 V r ." o : 1 Isaac Cclcman iA!arr Coleman ami John Grumpier from Lenoir.Origina v pafers remanded forfurlhcrproceedings ia the Court be low.'ffr '; H Y" '! Levvis-Whitfield r. John Crumplec and .others,' from Lcnoif.V Original pa pers remanded for fu r tlicr proceedings in the-Court below.4 1 --Tv . r, -i Ebehezer Slaughter, apptl- v, Henry I ; VUkes.from,BcjiJlluIi; r . trial ischargVd and judgment affirmed. HemyIlathamAt? 'frooi'i Pitt. v-tAppcal ..dismissed,-: with cst of ihisCourt,-havins: -taken" from j an interlncutorv decree1 . : DaVitf C!arki-r Cliarles Blount ahd . SamueJVi;rgin,: Ei'rslappts; jr from AVashinga.lKuicfvfur new. trial .tiis:J State, r.. Johh.YH..Martm, from thar"ircd---iuTljrrnentnrrne(hi r:- . IfcVtRamptoDlrAppeal dismissed-:e-t v Sam'l: 'Williams; appt. "v. JosseAre- rett ana outers, .row,. ; raningu.n. - Tlule for new trial triads absolute- v, I , - Ezra Beckerdite r. Wra.ArnoId appL ffrom Randolph.' Ruli fur. new, trial made ahjio utc. v- f!Attntvnmirt f TLihdh1nh:friIIetirT Johnston, appti r-h JudstnenC reversed af itaxationfattornej;fe'& .Jnhn Larw?lev tv JoseDh lane. aDDt.iirom ranvi ic. juosraeni oi ine hrom Kandolpn. .ucraurrer 4 sustaipea vrM ueiow t reverscu, anu juugmeju and judgment fat plaintiffs -r: ' tate:pfem ,f f 7r - Pn ntlin ,Harrt Ja r nh f! nlf ra n 1 State tt John Perkins,- annt. from appVfrom,4 Randolph Judgment re- versed.Tan'd judgment aaipst petition-J erstforcosts: S i iQ v - Philip Brittaihi appt. rMichael Is- rael and others,irom BqncombeJlule for new. trial 'dichargedahd . j udgmeht affirmed: r. ? ' ;!jph'nWute apt.fromvHertford: trial .made absolute-,; w -vU - ; uovernor, . tortile use ot -snerron r. Isaac Garter and others, - appt. Irom Hertford;-' Rule for new trial made GoveVnoivto there of DuWett, and Elliot r. Isaatf Carter, and others, apptH frnrri 't lTrifnrA. '-T?.!!!! fiir nV :-f ri,l jnade-absolute.' ; ; v :V ; Uofernoiv. to, the use ot ,'Mott vanii Williams:. ... Isaac Carter and others.' from Hertford., t Rule; for new trial mane aDsoiute v , . . - y't Eure and wife, appts. v Nancy Pit manVTrom Halifax. ' Rule for new trial made absolute. " v:-' s : !Ofos. Molton, to the use of S. Miller f. Charles I looks, Irorn DupJin. ;itea- sons in arrest of iudsnent overrnle!-- judgment ot the Court below amrmed Governor to the use of Dan'l Shackel ford r. Adnrrot J. iVrKae appt. Irom I ro rnn - w I iif Inrrwori r nt Hnn rmf v,.-. Governor, to the use of R. Cherrv tv PrPiPlc- F. Alliv and nthpV. -fmm - -. j ,..., ....... Rutherford. Rule 'for , new .trial dis- cnareo and judgment ainrmea. r Den on demise of MaryFranklin v. a?. L. 1 1 ecrel and A. - Camp, from RutlierfonK'' Rule foV new1 trial .. .i, dis- chnred'and judgment affirmed. Den on demise of Kutherrord's heirs appt. t Jacob oIF, from Rutherford. Rule for new trial jnade absolute. ' John Gilker appt. v. Garland: Dick ersonv Irom Ituthertord. Itule tor new trial. discharged. and iudsment affirmed. M'Gu.wan and Collins tv John Cd Jins, fronhllaJifax. Final Decree the defendant to pay complainant SI 293 scents, vvirn . interest -.irom ou Apnii lb2 till paid. John and Charity rnce v. VVhitney Joy ner, from . Martin. " Rule for new trial of the issue discharged, and decree affirmed. -j . Mary 'Chambers and, A. Simonton, appt- r. Henry Chambers, from Iredell Kule tor new trial discharged and iudr ment affirmed. William B. Wellborn v. William G. Ybuier, from Iredell. Rule for new trial made absolute. Commissioners-of Raleigh v.' John Hollowavand others, apbt. from Wake.1 Rule for new trial discharged aridiudg ment amrmeu. Thomas . Henderson and " A. S. H. B urges v. John Stuart arid others," from Wake. . Referred to Clerk of this4 Court, to take an account and re port at the next terms without preju dice. , , ; ';r,:.. w. v-': J-ievi 'Hart, appt; t. Thomas Lrriier, from Franklin Judgment affirmed. "John Anderson, & Co. appts. v. Al? fred M Hunt and Adam, Hawkins, from . Franklin. "New trial rhnted to ascertain the facts, there being jit case and--it appearing satiufactoriiy tothe Court tnatitwasintenueu mere snouiu have been one. N -, , ' - ; V v John A Cameron, &cr t CampbeM and others. from Cumberland. De- murrer overruled, and judgment affinur Nancy Gordon v. John Finley, from Wilkes. Judgment reversed, and rule for a new trial made absolute. - ( , f Arthur AValker-and wife rl &imuel Greenlee, fnin 'Wilkes. Judgment re versed and rule 'for new trial; made absolute.. ; . ; - . .j i Den on Demise of Tho. P. Deve reuV v, E.. A. MarWratte, from Neiv- Hanovcr. Judgment affirmed, and rule for jiew trial tlischarged., . David MRee's heirs r., Phineas" A- lexander, appt.; from Mecklenburg. Judgment affirmed." r State tv Nixon Currjr. from Tredell. Judgment of the Court below affirmed j orHered ' tjiat the Su perior Cou rt tf I re del!.' proceed to pass ' sentence! of(cleatH on the tTefendant according to law; I State r-t -David Powers appUfrom Lincoln. ' NeV trial granted toascer tain.the facts of the case;1 v ' - f; -1 State r. Geoi-jre W. W oodman, from V "w "y- V strain the practice of habitual drunken wbe. - Judgment of tie Court 4 k 7. ;- m , - v .v.-- 1 1 : " -ii-?-y i ' ".C : ' C' ness. fit aothonzes the appointment Edgec6mle affiruied.W- i ? Stated r.-r Samuel Smitlii junr . from Roclcinshara :Judgment ofthe -Court Buncombe;?: JogmenCmersedind hew trial CTantedf r.rS ins from. venlicf 'of'fq?ittaL,jWr ; i a Vv'v1t." lerford; Judgment Jof;;the Cdyrb be- low , Reversed, and ,new trial.graritd State t? Oliver Lewis, from. Warren. J oaemeni oi me-oaix Dejow.ammieu, I orfered-' that r tJwf ' SuDeHor iXJodrtof Warren proceed to7 udmen tof dathl:: : ;5te appqJoriatnInrdj annr Judgment of the Court beow affi.Y. ilfvb : fctate Edward :Wilhams, i rom Meek lepburgJ Judgment of the Court i oeiow amrmea. - j : 4; : I j - ' j V ;a -V .-v r 1 j v 'ie Suprcme; CourtC of the United 4 ind is position. a crand Military Ball Was iven at I ui,; itVi nn ih ifuu i-nl K He orael,e :nua':AvavJ and - the Volunteer Corps ot the city; 1 AhAntf" ShH 'norerms ii'sra nrocont .nrtn'hAm'rWthA Ati.' rT: ? G,; v' ; V VIlc C5' H ic-"" -vf: President elect; Gen. Lafayette, M cm j Ders- ot congress, . the two Memoers or ch British Parliament now on a visi isit j to 1 Ihis ; country, and other visitors ot distinction. : !? J"" " T 7 '' . ' .. ' ! An incident has' occurred at Wash ington,' since the " termination of the O y . -.. ..-,,, ....... a:-...' i. , Presidential contest, Avhich has const fiPP!,h!v InArt Cih. fl ' ! y -r." - - f , ' - c . V u.a7 succeeuing iqe ejection ot M r.t Adams, a number 0 - gentlemen in Washington from differ ent parts of the Union, wishing to ma 1 . . r v. - - i -... i e -j . ai.. a. j ral. deputed a committee to address him, a note, .soliciting the pleasure, 6 his company to a public, dinner, t To this invitation, Gen. Jackson rettirnei the following delicate and highly com mendable repty: rHj r ' -- rt j GehtiImex : I have deceived your pohte invitation, -in behalf of yourselves and a nuna ber of citizens- " in this citjv from different States in the Union," to partake of a public entertainment to-morrow. For your polite ness, pray accept my toanKs. i. cannot ae clinev arid oujrht not; yet I cannot refrain fr0m suffcrpstinc: to you and my friendsr the propriety, perhaps necessity,, of forbearing' to comer upon me, at tms moment, any sucn - a. r prominent mark of your regard. You cannot, I am nersuaded. mistake mv meaniner. A?de- cision of a matter, about which much public feeling' and concern has been manifest,." very latelv-has taken nlace. Any evidence of kindness arid regard, such as vou propose, misrht by many, be viewed as conveyiner with it exceotion. murmorine. and feelincr9 of I - . 7 " - ' V ' i complaint ; which I sincerely hope belpjjg not to ariv of my friends. 1 would, therefore, bee leave to sugrffest to you. that on reflec- tion, you may deem it proper to forbear -any course to which, possibly, exception might be taken, "tv - ' 1 i. . Please to accept my thanks, and tender them to the gentlemen respectively. ANDREW JACKSON. The following letter from Mr. Clay to Judge Brooke of Virginia, explains the grounds of his preference for ..Mr. Adams,4 over his late competitors : ! ;i JrasMfoton, 28th January, 1825.1 IIt Usik Sir My. position, in regard to the Pfesulential contest," is hierhiy critical and such as to lelve me noath on which J can move, without censure. .' 1 have pursued in regard tb jt, the rule which I always ob serve in the discharge of my pubtic"duty V I interrogated my conscience, as to what I ought to. ao, ana xnai lanniut gtuue ieus me xnai i outrhtto' vote.forMrMdams: I shall - fulfil its injunctions. -Mr. Crawford's state of heahu and t'h rcircumstances under w hich ; he pre sents himself to the House, appear to me to oe conclusive agxunsx aim. ? .. . " . j .As a friend of liberty and to the permanence of pur institutions, I cannot consent, m this early s'age of their existence, by contributing to "the election, ota military chieitam, to eive he strongest guaranty that this Republic wdl march in the fata! road which has conducted every other Republic to ruin, - .1 owe to our friendship this fruit exposition of. my inten tions I am and shall continue to be assailed by all the abuse which -parjtiian zeal, malijr nity and rivalry can invent. I'shall view wftb out emotion these effusions of malice, arid remain unshaken in mv purpose. . What, is . public, man wcirth if her will not expose hira self, on, fit occasions, for the ffood of his country ?r v. . :' -h--. As to the result of the. election I cannot every reason to believe that we shall avoid he daieroH.s precedent to which, I allude. . e pieasea xo sve my respecisio air. ; and beliere me al wavs. your cordial friend. .. . " ... . u If. ULAY. The Honorable F. Brooke. , j We observe that there ? is a bill be- fore the Jegislature of Maryland' to re- 6nwo::rtistee5w shall hkye J the care arS'mapement of thmrWiiand shall be found. td; be an habitual drun: kardthe trustees to appropriate such I n r i ; i. 2l.tr. J .1-1 a part :bf the estate .airiay; be'-uecessarjf tpLfenpporttlie' drunkard and his family. There isWact of'-this kindwe krioH on the statute bo7k'ofr CQnnecticutiand wej believe"ithrouhout the New-Eng-iand Statea generallt. - I: r f T luty" Obitoary notices deferred ihall appear in our next.'- v'-. : v,-..- In this citv, .on Wednesday lust. Ii. Love, of Bay wood county to $liss garet ComaTu daughter of Mr.' Jarnes'Cdiriin; T. GALES & SON, have received, a few - 1 . " 11 1 ' I ' - " " tf copies 6f the ffon. Alexander Smvdi Explanation of the Apocalypse., ' v tit' fliHE subscribe has lately received a con JL .siderable acpessipn to hisjbrmer stock, and '.hivinTnade" favorable purchases? he is enabled 'to otfeT' them Tas clieap as they can be obtained elsewhere. His business, lvere after, will be for CasAxcIusivelv."- 1 '' : . jwm. iL imx. Raleigh Feb.lf, 1835- r ' 33-tf. - T-Rj&ti SWck ot Goods: ' TH E subscribers have ncw opened in 31. Parr's 'brick Store,: Opposite JtAta' V& M'Farland's a new stock otiJQtytGridstj IIarhttare Cutlery Glass, Crockery-warp and Groceries jdl laid in-on the best terms, and which they will dispose of low for cash. ' vT. ' ' LEWJS &IYERS. : Columbia, SI C;1 FeldLms; 32 !;NV B. They will have acLlitions to their presentstoclcin a few-iiaj's, which vill com plefe their Spring assortmeftt :,-V v Next tottery to be Diawn. " UNION CANAL LOTTERY, 15th CLASS. Capital Frize; 30000 Dollarsi- ; 1 Prize of v f 10,000 ; ' V 5,000 1,000 500 "100 5Q 16 1 S V 20 : ,30 - 52 104 V 1300 -10608 - 12,120 Prizes," ? 20520 v-". 1 Blanks to a Prize '-Tickets Shares in proportion. " i ; $7 The above brilliant LOTTERY, positively to Jbe drawn in Philadelphia, on the 9th Marchj" 1825, and completed on that day. V , Orders ' for' Tickets, - enclosing the Cash or prize Tickets in , any of thfc potteries, will receive prompt ; attention audreSsed WHITE'S OFFICE Petersburg, Va. 'Petersburg,; Feb; 1825. . . ; 22. to - ORIGINAL UILJLIANT SCHEME ' ' . ' OF THE : Grand State Lottery. M. Ill, "Now drawing" every week in the. city of Baltimore, under tne supenntentiance ot .tne Commissioners- appointed by the Governor and Council ot the state. ? Uighent Vrize Forty Thousand Dollar. W.OOO, .30 of . 1000, , , 20,000, 10,000, 20 of 500, 50 of 100, 100 of 50, 2 of 5,000, - . And 5000 of $10 eachi; i ,.: : - -r.- C-..." . .... ' - ' ' 'ALL payable in CASH, which is usual, may be had at Jlllei? Office as soon as drawn. This lottery is drawing retndurly every 'I'hurt- dav.&i will son be broueht to a close, as there were only twentutLra wings 8c thirteen of which have already taken place, consequently only seven now remain. v ' ' (Tj Persons wishing, can be regularly fur nished with the lists ot the drawing, or be in formed of the fate 'of their tickets as soon as drawnall Lottery information Rratis. 5 Ad venturers at a distance should nbt delay. Present price ot Tickets. Whole Tickets, 12 J Quarter Tickets 8 Halves : ;. 6 Eijrhths V 1 50 Warranted undrawn, to be hati at . ; Lottery and Exchange pffice, 166 Market St. Where m a tormer State Lottery was sold arid paid the great capital " or One hundred Thousand Dollars and wnerenave been sold and paid two prizes of 100,000 dofiV each, and where the cash was imroediately, paid for the capital pri2e of 20,000 dolls, in the late Monument Lotteryt- S ' - T Orders enclosing cash or prize tickets (post paid) will meet with prompt attention, if ad dressed to ?y:::-X;. S.yil. ALLEN, k : x' Baltimoi Adventurers at a distance, mav with con dence at ull times, forwird their remittances to AHens office, fbr if at any time the great Capitals should be.drawn before they arrjvei the amount will be immediately returned, or invested to the best possible, advantaged in some other brilliant Lottery then about to be drawn.-: .... y- J, i y. y'yy::': "' ' y ',:'M.r Baltimore, February 12. ' 2 aw2w'" .- .4.- nrtAKEN UP and committed to the Jail of JL Wilmington, (Ni C) on the 24th day of Januarv, 1 325, a negro ma named ; GLAS GOW, about 6 feet, 2 oi3 inches high, black complected, andj says he belongs to George Reaveas of Orange ; County .-The owner is requested to come fon-ard, prove propertyv pay charges, ana race saia teiiow away., . , , , :a( ; - C. 13. MORRIS, Jailor -Feb. 9. - - - - ; L vl51Vtf ; k';j;;CoimalU x6 the Jail in Ashborb' North-Carolina, in October last, a Neffro man. as a runaway. J about o5 yejars ot age 5 teet 8 or inches high i ? speaks rat her slow, lial wide:, fore teeth and wideaparjt.yvyho calls , his nanrs BEN, says, he'beloiig ito "William- Arnold,' of Alabama, and that : he came" from Isle of Wight County, Va. last winter . SILAS DAVIDSON, Jailor. . Nov.lS24i 6mo, ' . . ; . , Duplin ttanuary 19, 1825: BY certificate from B, GliSson, Esq. ofthe ppraisemenXoftw65tray Horses s on the day of the date above, Hepsibi Branch entef' ed thi fn on the Book of Sjaysf for said counj Theirf description is s follows One a Grey, about five feet high, with three a part of his fourth foot white, and a snip on his hose. The bthe js bright Bay, five feet twb mch- es nignv nas no parucuiar jiesn mars, except snip on bis nose. Done at liupko date above. i tf. liounjcuuii. Kanger,; 1 - - V . vAshe County. and Jno. JEdwardv J T appearing;' to tjjie Cott that the deffnd v 1 ants ire not Inhahitaotacf tiia State. Or. " j, dertd by the CdurLtbat riblicatiortberrnade ; ?v in the lialeiplf Regale fori three inbntM. i Jf.. or demur, . orrJudgmf u wili be; Ukeo by.de t 7 State orNorthCartnim; - Haywood Countr.r v Superior Court of l"awscond Wcln?jtdsy y Supprsor Court-p-Septcmbcr Term 1824 ? i J succession; hat the, defendants appear at our. '' .. -. .. next Superior Coiirt of I-awto be! Eeld fojr,". - ' ". the county dr Ashe,4;ofT' the thlnl ""Alundat:' . I v iit March next, then' k tiiere'piead answe?st t - : : Clerk' of nur said 'court Jat oi!ice'oa the third Mondav of September 1S24.V. ; fter the .fourth' 'AloiUayii; 8epUmUv;..J ',;'. .'r.- rW-v j: '-' ':? JoUCrow v$. Jaraes- Ilolbndfa hetrs.:..-,',- " . ' ; V7 UEKEAS it appears to tlie 'tlsfactioii i v ' TVllEUEAS it appears to the sattsfactiou i V "of. the Court.' the-defendants Carries Holland, -junr. Sophia PerJdnsand (y!tbia H.r llliodes, heirs of James llolUnd, rdecU j n, inhabitant '.of another r government Jt is ' ;( therefore Ortleredbythe Court, thapblaf; ; tion be- made 4hrte fraoiiUis in the .ItiletgU ' I" : Register, that? aforesaid defendi.tsp4 pear f at jhe next Sup'erior. Court bfLdW tft ! be held TbrHhe "emmty of Haj woo,.1 at the1' -v" " Courthouse in Waynesviireori the tsee.cwtd , ; L Wednesday afer;the fourth Mpnoy .'inNlarctj ' ).-. next, then and;there to plead, answerer gc v. mur J'otherw'ise judgrheiit u ill be taken. pnj v ;. confesso; r arid ,tle tayev will ' be- heard, ei ' " parte. t ' " : U ". - ,109 r; a JVHNJi. LOVC, C'.Ibg. V.v . state oi Jortu-uaroiina: - -;y-' y. lfalifai: CoUnry.'-V-' -.-v Court of -Equity OctoVet tfcrm, M I).t8Cii : .' y,'m ' 1 .Tesse Moore, James Jloor'i Alf- lUToore.; f' IT appearing satisfactorily to the'' Court; ' "that Jesse Moore one : of Uie jlelcndw-j in this' case, is a on-resident of tliBLfsUte.; - t It Is ordered, that publication he majle in 'the f ' Raleigh Register tin- thfee)months- that Uu. less he appear and.put iiiliis answer on or before, the first day of nexjterm; the, bilf viiy; b' taken :hrorconfew -'and sqt for hearing. x ' prfeas t6him. - " ' N-" NoVi 1.9;-l'824r; 106 5m State of North GnioUua. ' 1 ; .. v GateW'Countv. 4rv M' - Court of Equity, Tall TcWn. 1824.; i V Benjamin Wynns, AVilham Deane, Thomas 'i Wynns, ir.Villiam S.rnVt 7 Wynns, James D. Wynns I'U - I ; : joseph;Hill &JaAe.HniJ ,-7f -.V v ims case n appearing xo me snusuc.iori of the Court,thattne Defendants WiIImtta DeaneThomas tvynns,. Joseph IIul aud , fane Hill are not inbabitanta of tliis utate. :f,lt is . oitlered that notice be given for vthree . months m the Raleigh Resist eK.vthja$ unless the said William Diane, Tims. VyiVhs, jf, Ji seph ' Hill nnd Jane' Hill, apnetar at the next term of this Court, to be held on the 1st Mou-. day after die 4th ilonday ; of Marclixext, ahd plead, answer or demur to the said bill judg- '.'t mint pro confesso will be,entered against i . theroi v JNO. V. 6UMNKU, C.M.E. Oct. 20th, 1824. ' .K- ;f tfys 6-5m , State ot ort-Car cAmaV v; ; f ; Itti ttierfiiril County. ' ; yy:y . S - ' In Equity Fall Term 1824 Jas. Bridges' -TY. -'rt 'y '& -. . TrufiTirtinn. ' AiiPiistmi Snrlcet. 1 ; ; : . ' T -' ! T , appearing 'to' thel.satctiont.of . thV.? Courti that the Defendant m-itlus. cawe is " not an inhabitant of this State ? , It is tb'creforft r pMeredjlha publication be made foir. three' mortths successively, in the Raleigh Register,'.! riotihymg' him to appeafit the next Courror JSquity to be ; neut tor tne county or itutiier ford, at the courf-house in Ruthertbrtlton, on the od Mondav after the 4th Mondiyof March .V v next, arid there andtliert to answer p!e:id tt'f demur, or complihat's b'll will be taken pru . confess- and set for hearing ex parte i y yy9yTrt,mn(toirC,&!. y Nov. 30th. 1824. ,T- r , ?lpZim. ' .j- A - At rtrtv.'Tt.At 1 TfTILL be let at I he Post-Offi ce in rMcot It to the'lowest bidder, at public btocfn 1 J dn Friday the 15th of April next, the bdlldlng of 2 BRIDGE across Hhc. OGmulgeeriver af -y:. the foot of ; the street Jeadiog Jothepibl .; square in Micon. -The rivejf atfnie jntehedf site has, it is "believed, vfery firm t bottom;4 jthe most of which is Known td beof rbek,; Its width at common water is estimated at 25f.J feet ;tthe height of the piers at 38 feet i tli.; whdle length of ihe Bridge af 400 ; and The? " contemplated width 32 feet. - Stone and. tim-'v ber may be very,.conyeniently obtained, , SndN . had gratis, on the adjoining phblie lands. --' , Tlje piers and abutments to be of stone j" the 'i . ; upper wbrka of approved timber, and to b q. ' 7 . shingled, weather-boarded ald painted. Tbe; undertaker will be reouir d to "JHve borf'i with three approved securities in tlie aunt of - $20,000 for the faithful performance of contract 'The names of the persons offered as securities must be submitted' to the Com- . missioners by the 8di of April i Ieftersfor , tins' purpose may be direeted to the comm i- k sioners to the care of Mortimer U. Wallii,Eq.r PbsttnasteVrMaconi Tyenty ptt cenLoji t the amount of the contract si 11 be advaticerl ?l and further advances will be made at tliediiu cretion f the cornjnissioners as tixe work pro . eaes.' ' c ! ..-. '- . . - -r . . A model ' of the intended bndffe, anl th form ot 'theeontract will be open u inspect t ion at the room oveTtlillespie , Bi dsonirs' . . store in Macon, oil and afrcr the twentj'-first - ' of March until the time of letting.;, u Architects - are invited to prepare nd fur- rw , i", nish models in wood on a cale of an inch t-i . the foot with accompanying exphniations hi 1 ' writing whichill 6c received at the room y above mentioned :untiLTnesday the, 15th of y ? March inclusive. A' premium of f 1 00. wilf be j . -paid for that model which 'shall hi adoptettas be9tvhitjngthe p strengili, durability and?c&nveiii6ceriAreH"l 1 pairing. LUKE J, MORGAN CHARES BULLOCH, MORTIMER aw ALUS, ; A SAMUEL GILLESPIE, , AV ILLI AM Bl VINS. , 'Macon,' Feb. 1 50-I5M. i 7::- i' .1- -I' ' V y .yyy '.yy.'i if-',, y y ..-"'1 ; 'V.. " i - iV

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