, p., V - 1 ,1- V V Aliens' 3otte.TyOffcc; : ; No 166 MareftBaluWor THE distribution cfttbe! following "prizes ho aJ taken place from Aiarss Offices with, in the last four weeks, m : V - J . : : ! 12, 14, 59 do ; , , 10,000 -Bes-,di.maiiy of I000f 50O-2CX). &c. &c.V The 20 000, the 1 0,000 and the 5,C00 sold as aborcvere promptly paid to the fortu. ate owpvr; immediately on presentation at Office, vho also bad the pleasure of lhnanz the Cash tm the fortunate owner, of Ticact -w, a.p"c u f ct pZtori, m Sute lottery Number 5. ' ; ' ; 'GranclV?tatc;Lotlery. ' : . AM XU OJMB V. -- - . - - ' "WEBB & WILLIAMS TTAVE just received a supply of fewahn' JB. jl ce lebrated Panacea, for ; th e t enre cf Scrofula: KinrA Evil,"llheunia.tiiai, UJcers, Tumors, Mercurial and more particular for Syphilis Diseases,' SCcV ; 8iC..T.". Warranted genuine. -; -Raleigh Sept -y, 1835.' .Thi tottery Is to be 'drawn in'a few weeks . in the city. of Baltimore, under 'the superin. tendance of the Stale Commissioners. .. : .l-:-.--V-' 'SCHEME: -T' ' ; 1'Prize of J3U,UUO ia 1 - 1., : 50 ' 60 ' , ' .100 ' zoo' ; 400";: 20,000 ? of 10J0O0 is 10,000;- 5,000 is 5,000 1,000 Is 10,000 , 00 is . 5,000 . loo is. 5,ooo : 50 is 3,000 20 is- 2.000 - 10 is ,2,000 ; r 5 it 2,000 I 4 ia 80,000 of of ,.of of of oir of .of of ; State - of North Carolina; -; wake county. ; Court of Pleas and Quarter. Sessions, August Sessiona l 825. . ' Ilenrj' Barker, by his next- . Aiend Branch Walthall, V -.Petition for '",1,12- - v t; -vi. r Settlement." John' Kinc. Adm'r. ; J . . v ' "BfTiaTinjr been-jnade appear to tKe satis5icr 'fl tion of the Courti that the defendant in this case resides bevond the limits of this State, so thai the; ordinary process of lav cannot be served on him j it is therefore ordered by the. Court. that advertisement be made in the Raleieh Ref:isterr&c. for two montlus that unless defentla.it comes forward oh or before the next term' of this Cburt ?hich willbe held at the Court House in .Raleierh onihe third Monday in November next, and file his I answer, that julgment pro contesso wui be entered uo acramsi nim, anu execunun nwue accordingly! ' B. S. KING, C. C. State of North-Carolina; . rintlierford CnuntV. ' '.':"$. $152,000 ' ' ',;. 'V ''U JxEariTT , : - ! - . ' ' - Sprincr term, ,1825. . Vr, "V i D'vid Patterson,-- -A . NOT ONE BLANK TO A PRIZE ! Tickets" , ;4 $5 00 I.Quarters Halves ' ' 2 50 1 Eighths 20,813 Prizes . - ' ' 40.000 Ticketal Tobe had odd & even, at LOTTERY AND EXCHANGED OFflCE, . . - i , .166 Market Street. . , .. . Where in the iast State Lotteries were SE! ;,U..-V' 1 VOriginal Bill. $125 Wtlham HolWayand Ben- b . iamin Jordan.- J S j appearing-to me aiusiacuon m uic violin that the defendant are not inhabitants: ;of of this State j it is ordered that publication -be made three months successively m the Ra leigh Kegislcr, notifying them to appear at he next Court of Equity, to be held tor the , , onV , in nAa T.k oTt i T county of Rutherford, at the. Courthouse in sold the.20,000, the 10,000 and the 000 dol- on Ah 3d Mond after thp K w ? I Atk Hfnr1av if CenttttnkAii'nAvf iKpn Xr tKr. AVhere in former State Lottrnes wasob-l . . .nuu;eni .im, n t? rr.mriLint - . I 1 . I A . 1, ....II tA taken pro confesso, and heard exparte. . ; Test . TV V. BIRC1IETT, C. M. E. tuned no less than'l 1 prizes of. 1000, 5,000, S of 10,000, 20,000, 25,000, and the great capital of - . j i , One Hundred TTiqugahd Dollars! And where were sold, ' all drawn in one day, prizes amounting to 250,000 dolls, being Ahp'greatest amount erer obtained at any of fice in-Americ ' t-.'-T; i Orders from any part of the United States, enclosing cash or prize tickets, (postpaid) will be punctually attended $o. Address ' , ; . S. & M. ALLEN, & Co. .; Sept.!. 89 tf - i " Baltimore. May . . SEVENTH CLASS. Tobe drawn oh the 30:h iiist. all in 10 minutes , - , , CAPITAL PRIZES. . g20,000 10,000-5,000 5 State of North-Carolina. Rutherford Count'. ; . ; lif Eacirx. . . . Spring term, 182J. . James Thompson, Goold. Hoy O James B. .Murraj', Arthur Bron- i Bill to fore- son and. others, Vclose mort- " 1 ; gage. Augustus Sacket. , JT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Augustus Sacket, is State ofNoiaroliaa r. : '?- t-"';' Guilford Cw& rS-Z V - Court jof PleasTaiid Quart er Sessions, It; rvsust tenn,i82i;- ..y.,;y-' Henry Tatum, z::;': h '' m. h?: it ' Petition for .par Jacob, Blunt and George, f tition of lands,&.c TTappearing to the satisfaction of ihe Court JL that George Bluntone otth rterendan,ts in tiijs case, lives out oiuus oiaie: it iy xnerfipre ordeiid. by the Court that 'publwatiori 7 made iri the lLdeigh Register for . six weeks. successively,- that' unless i.eappear aour next Countv CourtVto be held for the couiv ty of Guilford, at the Courthouse in Greens borougli,"on thehird Blonday of Not'einber next, and plead, answer or demur, that the said petition will be taken pro' confesso and iieani ex parte. y.-. . .. ; . ; ( A true copy from the Minutes. " le&t. JNO. HANNElt,' C..C. "Cj : V Duplmv County. . i Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, L- . ' J uly Term; 1825. i ? ' John Bosticlc . .. ' .. vt. ; Amos J Waller. IT appearing to the ; Court that Amos J. habitant of this State. It is therefore orde red that publication be made in the Raleigh Register until the 6a llonday ot October, that.' unless he appear at the next term of Dumin Countv Court, to commence on the 3d Monday of October, then and there io plead, answer or demur, judgment will be entered against lilm according to Plain tiffs demand. Teste, , ' r J AS. PEARS ALL, Clk. Price adv. $4 00 J Original Attachment; satisfaction f the Waller is riot an in- elct YemaVe Seminary , IN PHILADELPHIA. ' v MR. & Mrs. Asbrews, and Dt, & Mns. Josr.s, now of the North-C.irKna Je rruile Academy, are about to return to Pteli tielphia, where the propose to receive twelve pupils only, to board and educate, ' The course of instruction will embrace "all the branches of English jAteratnve and Science. ever taught in Female Stminaries, together with the Trench Language, JHusic, Jjravnng and DancinZ' In every Department, the most competent teachers will be employed. On Natural History Rotany, Natural Pldlo- ophy, CJiemitry & Astronomy,; the pupils will attend regular courses of lecto'res.accpm- panied by experimental demonstrations. ' The children will take their meals with the familv, be its constant associates, and will be regarded with parental anxiety and ten derness : they will alternately visit with the members of the familv, and every means cal culated to cultivate the understanding and polish the manners will be carefully pursued. Books, Music, Instruments, and every other article necessary for the instruction and comfort of the pupils, ( weannq- apparel ex- Ifouse;Mth;cveryhe tUeJafestiiitilhcC' rcceivI-rA .tf, j anU garUeV' whew coiin trrV riecUQj 'tlic hp I operation? ' . ' vi:' lately-- 'wadedjittiate'dlnTtlie: Eastern part'' pf tfe U rcclts.? Acctittn f ln ue"i7iO'C 4 i of .tfaCityyo'n Ncw!efn?tetr;;fej Jn ear- men of the urrtii Uyiid lifiVe asV ' , I ly aphctionagreat WJb.?;V been rJ&tvVVbU - m the purchase of the abovelropertv....po3-. ; . . i J-V-r-A'-fki''' u r - - rs session e ven lrnmeaiaieiy., ; iei one and two year's credit.;',- rT irENRry.r MU.LERr ' Raleigh; Sept. 7th, 1825. ; ;, .89 1m W :t-4 S the 2d day of August. 1825i I quilifted ay Executor tothe Jjtst wdl-and tement of Robert Burtoh-'de'ceasVd' : and hereby give ioce to all persons to pfr$ent4heir claim against ' the estaejorlhey wlllv be barred fromv recovery aatcord';i td lawrAll fe r sons indebted to the estxte," are hereby le- questeu to maxe immeuuie payniem- . t A' HORACE A. BUK TON, r t ; Execiitpr of Robert Riu'ton, decM. K Gran Vine! A xii&ii 24, 1 $5;f v 84lt V ,';-': SUeviffi ?s NriUccr r BRIGHT MULATTO MAN, has Tecenfc ilLV ly been put f rf the jl oTthis county, su'A pected of beintr a slave, and hiu:ivay. iHe is. 5 feet; 6 inches high, about 2o. years of age, his "hair duhcolotired and rather b"ush Vahd eyes dark;' He says his name isTIf nry Wit- liams, and tht he was born nearLo4iisburg, Franklin county,, speaks easily, and;,ery well, prnfesses no trade, and can rrite a little. On the l5tH June, "a tifeiffc Aecli wiilt seyend are ship, Jolt iJtloTir Catwlju : . ,1 The. Herald, wlrcliis uvsigh?! was bo ird. thts- moniing fr'nj.v Grevtk nan varfc5i mf-mued of . art ft'etiorf Uqj '-MBtijxh'i. J ihyhrch tf le Turksoi VfNd -frVaV,'r d': 1 s. torrctie ; an Enlisli ; Lil vas; tdo Utt;u i rrhe ,Gwtb bare drirert.the TtrifcUU fleet into Canduv andrhai"? tbtytttJovd' bloclrad- e'U-T There, was a! bat'jc totiie.soMinvrarri cr !Sni'yeerdl,aithey:bH've,n result. hd ihtef ort'Ofi guitrtK mominfir in tlie dlrnctioa of.Caniia. lAboit '-.'.. L ' ..... . ten d;ys agoj th -Greek's engd;cd-t he. i t- '1- "- isb fleet,, tok otJ? j-sse!, buJvt another, itna drdVe -a third on ';, &h'ere, .Tl)Ltter;li.ytv- . indmrst her creV abou t 30 1 Chmtiamv who ' 'rs :' 'A were all muraered as sooh- as tuevjlanded. Some !had; their heads cut'ofTV ndxche werestoutdf to death byt tlic "wymtn otS&o . 't rer ' -Capt. .Powell at BttUinVre,:ijvditri , ' If he is a, slave, Ills owner is requesled to j0f the American have rcccWed a li-Hex prove him to be so, pay the chirges upon him, and take i him away, with,- as is required by ' ., ' JOS . Washington c'tv, N C? X ; July 26,I S25. - ? f . froirt Caiic Havri. under dale nf 15l!i7 " r or he will. dealt . cc ii;t TKVntnnWlPf! . GARRETT. ShflV J nvent of; the mdepentfrttcc :M Ahfcte S. f. I ; h . i m FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 1 18251 ! , I land uy inc "VvS ", i' rfiH;cr iiii uv : vaioa.aM great . and etiral. ixmjiiciiigs in every par t ot t he ibbntl ,excep t tKii w lie re 'a"'fe.V:,diauplica! spirits Avere ea sily fgund to endeavor to blow tlicblait "iuf another! civHi wari Pitividcpjijllv me poi was iscovcrvti nt nv: puu ami lose Voting. In .IlertTord coun. bmmediatidv expresses were ilbpatct,e(l fy, m 183, Mr GatUn beat Mr. Saw-1 tu ihe-FresIetit Who'is r.ov heTe,av- yertur Congress, 8 votes. At the late 'g queneu : inc anair;,wrai .uuc utittt election, Mr. Gatlm's niaiority ovef blt ... o - i . ' , i were snot, ami iuc rest seat io zrori au Mr; Sawyer m tJiat county, was 7 votes, Pfince - oP riai. v , , s. This is ah instance.of consistency in " '::'- ". -'' -- ; exercisin"- the nglit of , suftrage, which h Barine Robbertiili va! i sen ve reel occurs but seldom, and on that account. I'ori. Friday" evening 'thjt Uhe house . of " is worthy of fecont. - ' T , i; " r' R , ' -, , i street aim iiioaviiy, uuu m'pii:oroKeu Wp iflVft l ArpivPfl t ip- Pronnrf n WHO While tC lUinil V Wei C tl We COUtl- .:,i ;t . tryvand:r()bbed pt alnioat v? not an inhabitant of thk State; it is ordered !"' "V! '.Z. .V .u.. ...vi- i T1 .. anu utc wiiuic iiiuumcn m unc ftcuci.ti K i -.L V. , t i ! t of S450 for the scholasuc year, so that pa- cessively in the Raleigh Register, that unless Ul f-JV-... , v ?,, B,,,fl u .K - r..,.? r,,;,., u rents and truardinns will know the exact a- be appear at the next Court of Equity to be t u.-- .,n..i V.r SOO-JSOS 5 of 1,00010 of 5C0, held for Kutherford county, at &C. &cl ' ' 1-1 house in Rutherfordton, on the T5 Equi the Court 3d Monday- after the 4th Monday of September next, aiu! plead, answer or-demur to the bill of com plaint tiled against him; it will be taken pro confesso, and heard exparte. Test; T. T. RIRCHETT, C. M.E. May 30. 1 3m State of North Carolina. . Franklin County. - Court of Pleas and'Quarter Sessions, , June Term, 1825. The President & Directcrs" 'Original atta. of the State Eank of N.C. I Jas. Farrier sum- 't'S. f monedasGarni- Hinton and Bra me. - J shee. r' having been made appear to the Court, that the defendants reside beyond the li mits of this State:. It is ordered that sdver- ficpmpnt Via mnrl In tYm 1o1j? orti- l?Arritpr. ment .n.ofaJl monies remaining in their fnr,,.r(i(, tl,nn,h f..tunPu thr rlnnt Lands, and which were received by them come fomard on or before the next term cf odictally, three years or inore previous there Courtf t0 ,,e hd(l at the Court 0.lse in to ; specuwng merein uie annninc or cacii Louisburg, on the second Mondav in H eptem separate claim, and the Jiamebfthe person ber jiext, and replevy Hhl plead to issue, to whom the same is parable ; and if there j,ltIsniCnt w;n be entered up against them, & to make affidavit of the same : which return or affi lavit, the Judge or Chairman of the Court before whom it is made, shall cause to be transmitted to the Public Treasurer on or before the 1st cf December ih the same year, and the 6aid clerks, after making such state ments, are to pay into iheTr? asury, on or be- TickeU 56 00 1 Quarters Halves. - . : 3 00 f Eigblhs ' , (O yr Sale above Treasury Officc5th August, 8 25. STATE OF NORT.H-0 AROL IN A.' THE, Public Treasurer considers it his du- ty to invite the attention of the. Clerks snd Sheriff of this State to the provisions of the acts of .the General Assembly, passed in 1822 1823, & 1824, for the promotion of Agriculture ana :amuy;aomesnc Manuiac-lures.'- f , . - . '-i ?Ry these acts, the Clerics of the County, Superior and Supreme :Courts,: and Clerks and Masters in Equity, aire required, at the first term of the Courts! of which they' are Clerks respectively, after the 1st day of Au gust m each and every year, to make a state mount to be paid? When the smal.liiess of the number of pupils.lhe talents employed, and the advantages offered are considered, the'terms will not appear high. It is intend ed to open the Seiniuary on the 1st of April, 18.6. 1 -.. -; ,' Persons wishing for further information, respecting the plan, may obtain k, together with the most satisfactoryrefcrences,a8regaris the standing,character & abilities of the prin cipals, by addressing a letter post paid,) to Andrews and Jones, Oxford - JS. C. Ao early application is desifed. - --i Oxford, Sept. 1st, 1825. , 87 3t SAieTiff's Sale. TTriLL he sold on the last Monday in Sep V ? tember next." at the Court House in Smithville, Brunswick County, or as muci thereof, as will piy the.taxrs for the year 1823 and ! 824, and cost of advertising, &c. 9Y10 QcPiic aif! rT o tmrt rf f .nn1 lvinf 'inn Livingston creek, formerlv lsoycrs. ! 100 do on do formerlv Wm. Hall's. - 50 do on do formerly owned by Jveators, 240 do on a branch of said creek, near the Green Swamp, formerly Spaight'. 1000 do on the Great Branch ot Livingston ever valua ble article it : contained.'; CNotcpntent iat was moveublei v floor, natmel, iu the house,; cut open the feather begA and scattered their coutenU . about," emptietl the sweetmeats xti ihe Jlouri iquigea in f every uuuse;imij;in It eems, froui.ihc aDpedrauce ot , j I -.1. . W i tie the beds, and other indications, lhat illains, notviihstai!diti;,.our nu-- a new paper to be printed weekly, at Philadelphia, under the title of the with carrying off all tli kFranklin Journal and Mechanic's Ma the thieves broke :e vei- gazine.'? It is to be under the patro nage of the Frankjin Institute of Penn svlvania, and is to, be ediied by. Dr. 7 7to.9 iV Jones, at present one of the Principals in the Oxford Female A ca demy, and who is- anooiiited -Profes sor of Mechanics in the Institute. ?? rnce,und,Uemsevent The object of this publication i be to diffuse information on every sub j act 'connected with the useful Marts, I We are gJau to fintnth fallows but is particulailj intended;nr the be- who committed th,S!outra!5 hayeeen nefit of those engaged iaIechanrcal n' Jr' U' venjfdrmaUon to the 0 0 - . . Police Olhce on haturffjiv about , 1 Pu.3uia. uu, aW,Ua,u4utc clock, soon after he returned and d ii Editor, warrants us in recommending covcretl the thefts-alt 4 o'clock, i:lr. his proposed Journal . to tlie patronage Hayj Higli Constable) Mr.', I Io't'iia!n" ti of the pubticconfidentr that his abih . ... 1 iccit UDerrj 10 occupy, tne premises, umu : 1 carry oh their dcoreclatioriunuioltisteili for at least a holc nizht.-il iXli';- the property condemned to Plaintiff's reco- granted to B.Smith. very. Teat, ' J 343 do on Livingston, part of the Bladen S. PATTERSON, C. C. tract. State of North-Carolina, v ' Mecklenburg County. Superior Court of Liw, Spring Term, 1825. i ere the 1st of December, all the balance so Jane Perry, stated to be in their liands. E ery clerk a-j "w. Petition for Divorce. . fbrcsaM failing to comply withhese requisi-J Gray Peiry. S j tions, forfeits yjlOOO . to be sued for and re-f 1 appearing to the satisfaction of the covered bv the Public Treasurer, in Wakel Court, that the defendant is not resident i 1665 do on Hood's creek, formerly Row ell's. 640 do on Rattlesnake, a branch of Hood's creek. . . j . 0 do on do formerlv Samuel Vines's. 700 do on or near the head of Hoodis-cr'k, formerly Pridgeon's. . . 500 do below the last, formerly Jas. .Wil liams. - ; 500 do r.i Alligator, a branch" df Hood's jr . . . ,, '..I ... .. . . i -.'. e I vw .... ... puptnor uoun ; ana is morever iiaoie tor an i m tuis state, so mat me ommary process or creeic formeilv Powell' . it is tnereiore enr. the monies in his hands! as aforesaid : And I Law. can be served on htm on failure to pay over the monies as aforesaid, ordered that publication be made three fruch clerk may be proceeded against by the months in the Huleigh I'egister, that unless Public Treasurer in any Court of record in tlie defendant appear at our next Superior Jike rainner as defaulting revenue officer.- Court of Law to be held for said County, at livery peiRou who ha lirretofore been clerk the Court House in Charlotte, on the 7th of sny court of record irt this state, is to rcn- Monday after the 4th Monday in September dertothe court .of which he may have been next, and plead, answer or demur thereto, clerk, a statement of monies remaining in. his tlie plaintiff's petition will be taken pro con hands as aforesaid,, and! shall account and fessO, and heard exparte, &e. . py oTer the aame, in die same manner as - . J. M. HUTCHISON. ercrks in office, and underthejike penally June 11. ' ' tViT fiilure anil it i" bi-1 tK ilntv nf td. hw officers of the state: for the circuit in I Notice. 500 do on do joining, the above. ..- 50 do on Eagles Jslawfc , S70 do on Brinyaw Island, Oyster Bocks and Shoals in the Bay oi Cape-Fear, granted to B. Smith. M 20 do more or less, another Island in do. 150 do'on the 'North side of Town creek, granted t B. Smith. 2,880 do on Allen's creek, - formerly, B. Smith's. 250 do on Moored c'k.fcnnerly Atxlei-sort's. 220 on the Royal Oak, a branch ot Lock wood's Toll v, now or formerly B. Smith's. 195,720 do Green Swamp lands, granted vtucn sucti person shall reside, to-cause a rnjiE subscriber-wishing to remove to the to William Collins, liowell Boss and Williams. p.. M. w 3Wu aH-ui huh uii ma mi- j West, otters tor sale nis tract or j.an n, 1 41,500 do joining LUbput creeklands, and iure to make return and payment) returnable ,,f about 830 acres, lying on both sides of ,he main road to Smithville, . " x i to the Superior Court ot the county in which xVvv.Hon Hreek : about 250 acres of which oa An nn tlw mam ma.l from Wllminirton to Lock wood folly. ; ,; : ' ' ' T tin ,1,-. 1. .trnAn fnmwm. ...ot rtl Ctllf. . - . r- -1 I bUK VJUllJi "H ..v. ... ..... .( UU UCIWCCII 4UHIII.ICVII. BIIU u v" c.ir "5 Kicmior me iarnire. . tract are several hundred acres ot good Low t,eon ci-eek. formerlv Ancrum's, rl - ' 1 . C l..a '! Td. nl.ntnttun a in I , ii T . . J ' .. . 1. '1 " " j? U . -mcs, to renaera nee statement, and to ac ;t . 3,lrantaf-. There is a convenient DweU k AnW the hAn,l of Tou-n Creek, for- Mich person resides on which, the court is js cleared about seventv-five of it is fresh 10 re iKicr judgment torlhe penalty, unless 1 1 nw. Grounds of a trool iiuslitv.5 On the iurhcient excuse be eiven for the failure. 1 fiiiiwtr-il arret nf t .K. . . . . . . . 1 a.ivju ...... . . . . aii aiiennsin omce at the timt. ot passing Grounds yet. to clear.' The plantation is in 10 Lots in the Town of Brunswick, now or . w iow, arc require!, ar me same (loa rroAr: Ten hands may be worked on formerly Geo. C. Cletherell'a. . - -- ..v.....v w jt to advantage, -l nereis aconveniejit uwci-k, yj acres on the h count ux the same manner, under a like pe- Vin j Horse, Store and Warehouse, a good merly Williamson's: in K:i.V. n iv . . I UllUII VH1 ' --"- I uw VJ(I1 '.lie AIU 1 iii U C31 .IICU ... ..c.-ciuoac i reasurer ;are pleasure jcnt set oftables, large framed Larn and point Repose, formerly-Gooden E. Ilowen's. iesuiingto the punctuality of roanv of UielK- n..,Kj-.Mc. - - I o i 1?rtii:. ' holr.vIno rt thV. ! f Ii,- m"C .r: ,nc.fudl,,ff sosne 'of : This place possesses superor advantages tat e of Judah Swain; ' ' our most atmguxed citizens of theresent over most CCaintry Stands. Tliere is a I:rge 50 do on BeU Swamp, belonging to the s&mirf W tCsre: tbat "-he is con: Kleotion held here, also a battalion & com- estate of Duke Etlieride. . wed r h i Ln main 51411 man who Paiv Muster, which makes it very public.- 840 do on North West River, belonging 7:v.. w.wj. There has been a profitable mercantdebusi- to the Estate of George Lucas. aivuiir all other mniiAi4.An. K nv.. I . . - '.l.i I , j "- ears, it is iu i iuu ao on juniper creeK, given ux dv uco. raisin? Cotton ilGerbw " -Z-'J.- ; " ' t .K. rk.l IJ..T..I. - 1 '-'k vl . !. . - J Pill T flW I V C i- tKlSV 111,1 -.-Il J ' IHllUliCU V6IHI'"' iv' vi iiaj.ii.il) ... wxu.v. ,w A , unir.1 troableomA . i iu , ion the stage roaa to sausury. . Any persons i . Augusts, ioxo. ca-ot- pr.adv.Y VQ luntaril bylaw the oarments as easy : - .-" '" - '- '-S V'V' trTKr."r'" ties and resources are such as will ren der it interesting and valuable. Subscriptions received at this ofGce. Terms, S3 50a yenr, paid in advance. Brandywinc. A t a public, dinner jliven to oei.eral Lialayette at VVrest Chester, Dr. Darlington; late member of Congress from that district, oHfered the following classic toast : ' The fields of the Jronte.Irrigatedl on the Cadtnean system of Agriculture, with the blood -of revolutionary patriots the teem ing harvest must ever be ..independent , free men." , . . -. . irer ,i i x.ZC' : nss doncnere ior me iasi y thoi; , rPc"y suggest to U fine part of (he country for vandivC! .3U". w,,h,ng purchase can get a baaui, ;py- v . , . : iu" w returns, rcijuircu i appvinr Jn time as i ant disposed to make I ' " ; , UUII OV InniNi, n.nliual d.l.tffnl.i " . -..-,-,.., - - 1 tD i tne Darments as easy as x can uu wua come-1 i.-m-c. ir ,r .-r i. - -' -mM . 8J-6t- lVasrs . t , . iitiibvi ui. m.i iu risque the,being subjected to the compulso- v: Ik - ",c,curTs; which must &i:i be the certain and inevitable consecuehce of future neglect or omission. ' ' ' JOHN UAVWOOD, P- Txeas'r. Prince's BndgB, l ClutIumcountAAugU5t 26 .1- srtf having a full Stock of Rags, cannot receive any more at present. He will give puhlic notice when more wiU be JJaleijh Paper Mills, Sept. lj 1825- j ; Mr. Clay has sold off most; of his property in Kentucky, and- intends to build a house for his residence in Wash Hilton. At the late term of the Circuit Court of Lawrence county, Arkansas, ' two citizens of that county, by tliDarae of Henderson and Caruthers, were indict ed, tried and found guilty, the one for sending, and the other for accepting, a chal I e tige to figh t. a D u el, and sen ten c- ed to paj a fine of one thousand dollars each. "" -v -f--""- . "":"';:''. " .j; The Mammoth. -The bones of this animal have been found in numerous placesjn Asia, jgurope jand America The frequent finding of the remains of hese animals, go to confirm (he posi- tion, that their race was once" nu me rous. i ne tiiin Done ot one was round ixear Gennessee, New-York, a few days ago, , which though very-much decayed. measured three feet Ions and was inches in circumference at its head. -25 .Respect for ffetfm, -Military re gulations, says a Paris paper, forbid sentinels to salute officers in undress, or without epaulette. -A recent order of the da jr renews this prohibition j but by a reasonable and verj honourable distinction, soldfers are required to sa lute chaplains of the rtgituents be their dress what' it mar. ; ' Raymond had Ihn-nehatorsih.cuar tud v. ir. 1 He. 1?osL v '' ' Mr. Webster's OitATipNTfVe find . by the New-Vork, StatesiaarjjHhat the, " . oration of Mri Webster at nunkcr Hill has been translated.in that city into the; - Spanish language by Jose Maria Iere , : dia, Who . was exiled frnnhe Spa.riifi . dominions for his: liberal oprijiih arid Move of -constitutional liberty for, thi' purpose of being extensively circulated; ; in die South American states ; ; By the Northern Mail received' a ; our paper was going to pVe'?sV'we learW that Commodore. Stewart has b?en . honorably and unqualifiedly acquitted of all the charges preferred against him. i'V CommunicatcXi V 1 ' 'r A planter from the south, suggests fat the benefit of tbose raisins cotton the t ' fullowingimjihiycmentsj viz: A thresh , ing machine .which rids the seed cotton ' of 1 raf, trash, and dur before ginning and also, a ney discovery in ginnitig ' by which tn6r than dou;b!i; the ouaoti ty can be ginnediha giveni tiu;eV; J-V Both thole improvements can be ad- " . decT fora suui les thaji'tnvnty didl.irs.-u . and the advantage are considered as a ; ivett 'gain of twenty -five por. cerit.. rjX ' draft of them can be had ,oMK If. B. , ur&xier nsq. oiuaicign, wna na :nJ-: model. atidlwh has also, druun sevr-"' ral drafu Tot said planter ' ' ' . In Franklin County, rently, Sir. Dabnev Goodloe to Miss Ad:l-ne' Gooiloe, diu e-httr of the late Harrj: Goodioe, aloftiut ccunty. ,x '.' - ...;IAJiJM'i" --;-"'.; v , ' :-.' -' - ; In this vicinity .;oa "VVeUiiestlay mOTmrir v ? last; aored eleven yeafs,-,Vdekide daughter ', of-Williana''lSdjr-Iujrc''v.:--;..'.'r:; ir. V f In Halifax on the SPtliult.lMrjaa; Faul- con, ayunsr.man of great ret pceubjlif v. - On the lyth ult of an attack "of biUiou fever, -at thekhouse cf Ir, Vllfij .'LeWi of Grahvjlle county, ilrtj Jakes IliYCobb aged about 26.'? 1 1 be 'deceased waa a youaqr ?. manf a kind and aEFect'orjate cUspfisitin. ; who never failed lt Aecu the coniidsnc of bis acquaintances. 1?liie general soiiw, : of bis relatives and friendy, bear ajniile tcs- V timcny to;the bi&h eitiaiation ? ih vtiich ho " , aa uciu wuusi junng.i ac aione cau ng'iit-. jlyvappreciatej bis Wfrh, aad they dseply . f " ' ' ' . : ' - ' :' ! " - ' ' 1 ""'. ! - . i .r i '. V, ' ; ''.! , . ', ' i tl 'In i ' ! 1 f f il