" f . . . . .. - . ' . . -' ''" . V. ' I ' ' 5 ' y-:::? 1 " ;r.V - f-,t - .'"' ' ' . T observed that -Hi is . , J . . jmttcc pfAVayi and Means had received aietter from the Secretary bfihe Trea- - answer to aiiieri - : tohira by the committee-' sshirti tf .ww, oi t puoiiQ importance ji tod v . , .ujcrcrore, contrarv tn thHr.itn.i ..i: f wwrnuwe naa enreetc V'-a. - ' - . wj communicate irto the .house , tiwuss ogwn resoired itself into mM':t& i.jJiir J -y VOr.Df the -bill: the-ttanV U .iS" "te; z r vy i mate thft ahmr trwiumnrlL' for'torbvldinp'al witlror.e hundred ?Afr; HheVnioved a to fix the dock-rai iwLWTi TO Wie;(l the whole to ah; mored - to ttritf i . W section : .biitthis inotiobftln aUIa or nheAemberi,; fa tftwghufe wme r Jhc committee hiring gohVthroueh .W-W,;.M?; I. M. Williams i 'i il- i-.- : '? J utcti . vftim itArf:! 1:.. - J v ur . . - - '', ; Its tdtocateshfr tundt tp! meet them -LIT , ... - r-" " ' A lie I CIS ABd N Naval '. ij: rv-r ih,.;. d iuogevapm personal enmity -. ?errthat tt might berinte4 for h'e use Mctennined by the Executive. bWtokkeihcirreKrtii v mo occrciarj 01 ine .ira jpwiwup inc Din ; ano-ontho ouestlon ofH t ij- qycwqni apout. the letter ; 5.ub;e(?tho house wpuld 5VcI Vitbr hundrtZand VcWc;Jr j ' $dineeflhe consideration 'thntindJollA; it -Was -carried ' -f J v ; i :init: shidLbebVought before bYeas.nd NaySaa TqUT-VV ' ' .tliem 6jr tbeommittee. -Mr. B. then v YE' AItonMer.on..A. .-... Jtck,n.Pr"' X-W ,U letted of-the! chairpoi of ,he SiSS SZ'X -V"i,t,Mwa munonai and re- certain inhabitirti 6f East committee to the Secretary or.KT.- ",cTc?cr- areckenridtfe. Urirhab. BurwSl r V,,1no conaemm - . w- 1 1 uuur. fJaihftun r-ii: - .l 7... II wiution tome t me'urn i. ary wiin niS answer , cental mnKi .T; w,tr"wCTP niwenr trcducediiVamir 1 t vi. . - V.t -of-1ropolel-Ux -f7 meeting TS.; ASTS r rlCv V .yr;.ociore tne nousc : no"- .ffitch. CCoUon.Gold.c . .-""t)',.MUJ orucrca to dc rcen. an. j ; t". . miii. uiy. -1 jMf , MVoj. MKira.WdiK)r. AlltchelL Mn Srv?etr,olu Pckena, Pitkin, Pieatanta, Pond. t Potter. Quincj. Jlred. Richardson. .uu, ttnea.s Koane. Itoberta. Sagi. Sam Fit 1 H fc ..I. . ft . mm -."'T., " Illtu kllCT I Kir IB At Ihj'lT' W IPl 1 m oiaii, a ill a The house then resolved itself into a committee cf the' tt hole, on the bill cori ccrninV the tiavaf iiaVr..km'nT .k. Messra, nassett St Mitcbell,each spoke considerable Fen taJI. Arier uhieh. ih c, . M1U,,- nelley. J. Smith. Mewart. UU JUID Tu Kir fldiin - , I II ni. . " ....'V "..T J' imiirr. TT- t,,D0 ftjU. Brown. Coch. r" F"nkln- ray. a HaJLO. HalL Lacock Lle. Macon. M'Kee. MctcalC . Piper. Itod man. Searer.' Shaw. SroUie G. Smith. Stan ford; Wbitehm.ViIIiam-.23. . The quciticm'Tras next put upon a greeing to the: report of the committee to strike out the second section of the " -id had Jeai oto sit again. SeTcral titions were read and re rred, and aoine other local 'business Jtciedon'-r'f;-. " ... Tbc houre then; resolved itself into a committee oftlie Whole on the bill con vcrnf?5 Joe Navy.whf n Messrv John son and Roberts spoke against the bill, and Messrs, linrnries and Iaw in favor of it ? eitcr nhich, the committee lole. and had leave to sit again.' . Seffcral peUomsof ar private nature - were presented and referred. -:V ; Ac message" was4 received from the rcmonstiarce waa venr Ion-. nrl tnA number of .rvere reflection upon Jheraeaturct 'I -overnmenr- Af,, k. - j: i i pressed foi some time, the fuhr r the paper was objected to- on tfie ground of us being indecorous. "Thrj'prodiibirig- some ' J' Wlthdrcwhe memorial. ie bpeaJcer declared, tho.in rmn..n he di6vered that inv rn.r r.r.nt .w House" was couched irfdisrespctttl and irapro- peMai.ruaee. he shouM rar.lUfr it Vile slnrutn take the sense of the Wouse bn the prowitj of suffering the leading to progress Mr. Archer wiahrt m were as follow YE A'SMessrs. Afstnn. scit, filackiedge, BteckenrioV ler Ca boon. i C-ujL II allvM to fK-r.iiUiT " '"rbj. .meet it, we: would aaV. did w. m fci . red to the cohtrart Jthitt?iUi, . Nelsowhi w.,7ona,rotterKIardsott,RH Peilesjsrr; son, Whi Cochran, Johnson. cal. Morgan, New, NewbtrfoVrPiper IaneJf nP lo bejrarit that thejTmut -Roberts Hodman. Saee. Seivw. Sh.nv I rtish t1ime&tnf''if-'Ml.i; Il. Stanford: Sfmr.o-.WMr-;! tW:ii;-: frwhirh kw lom. J '4.JT-T'X;-'s:,w - 7 o ".viihi) Miiim 1 ijv e V "V i v.omirorj , ita, Siewart i V"nb5H 1aMC peopxeiU be alarmed I ? Sow, SugesvTaggat,,TkU--afewV T&. Van C6rdandt.WheatorIWil J f pk 5 Ioudlyjo ami wiH thev uft?- ite. yVinn. vri?ht 65. .1 J J l. '." tlf oolu the StibWbvklld nfWhiL:u. 1.4 Mersrs.tWonBrDb . Rnvri; ftrAn 1 1 csh be conducted f 'A hL hHLs t... L i..- 1 fcf iCrswford-Dhi..il e'd with :liaoTWa?f r M . Lacnck. LyfcMaeori. M.'Mr. at leasts are endowed ivhli m,un i7L ' m: fur. which they demand fbbe oridertafceri T war J "V - ; rV: M-tor ciassity- "tt'V oi,ine wajof- hat heeh introduced inland armnjg the Militia jwben Mri DR ? PJve that tpJwiltseWat to WrUrams spoke at considerable length in 3ts taxed. $r tbersuppoftof aTiSSck MrvMitchell atamst ifv who conclndd hie -a now;TKe tMMin 'Wk -;rv-t T. I observations! by a motion to strike nnr th fiW. I section of theill. He was ftaWed bv Mr. Wright in fsverof thebHI. : After Mr. had been speaktnsr m -cons iderable ' ti mi. W i . . " . "ii speaker observed that there was na innnmm mcmoers present A motion was made to adjourn, and carried. ',V- the House, calling Cp0n, the Secretary of the Treasutv to give such in format .on , to this House as he ma posaess.'rtlairve to theprac' iciD4ityof obtaining such loans as gdvtrn' ment may rcu:re.and srwhafrare af interest. bill, .shit.h contemplated the buildme of h th bod hM tw pn raising a ncw-fritrates : when Mr. n nwiii..? . g r.m Ind pproprtations, wiH, of spoke at lencth arainst the bill. n" I 5' Mr. Bigelow offered the foIldwmW tmoIi!- uun . . , poke at length against the bill, and w Replied to by Mr. Clreves. The house adjournod-withobfuaing the question. K. t Saturday, January 25. . Mr; D. R. Williams cave noiicehat he should, the first opportunity which iic tyuiu gri, can up .ue Dm tor classi- Z S the MUiua of the U. r.; wuu U" U1C vaovcrnor ox nutates. . Ne trJer!v, with -certain resolutions of the Legislature pf that state approbatory of the measures of the general govern s xnent- . .-"r- v V. .. ; TbeHouse aeain went into a com Ciittee ol the whole on the bill concetn The House then took up the order of the day, which was the bill concerning the" Naval Establishment. And the question on agreeing to the report of the cbnimittee of the whole to strike out the second section of the bill, which ".. . ..... tog the Navy. .The question on filling provided for the building of . up thoUjIank in the section, which pro- ca iot repatnnjj tne vessel? on hund, with lour hundred and "eighty thousand -dollars, was carried by a large majdrhy. The next section pro rides' for the ..r" ouilding of additional frigates . Mr.CheTes ppoposed to fill the blank i. m.-i a.' . IUC WUIU if. j Mr. Rhea 'mnrrt'.ln trilr aection from the bilL After some de bate, in which. Messrs. Rhea. Smilie. 31ackledge and Boyd spoke in favor of ,mc motionana niessrs. Uheves, New i ton, Clay (the Speaker) and MitchiU a gainst it, the motion was negatived 52 to 47.', The committee then rose and . w -6" y ) a nnmhrr m mm. m -m-mm-'-mwm ot new inmates, beine under considera. uon, -Mr. Wiight and Ir. Quinsy spoke against striking out the secuon, and Mr. Kisk and Mr. M'Kee in favor of the mo tion. ;1 he Housed adjourned without! taking iac question. ' ' ! Monday. Janvrtrv bf. Mr. Dacoo, from the Committee of Tiij . aiia Cleans, reported a bill mak- m uppropnationstorthe service of the government for the year 1812, which was committed. The House then took up the order of 1,,vwj "in concerning the Na-, , me- question ot agreement to the report of the committee, of the whole to striae out the section for building new frigates beintr still under rn,;,u..; u xt sPkc.at length against RetoMd, That the Prerident" of the United States, be requested to cause 41e la d before this-Hotose. such information as he may pos sess relative to the caDture.t. seizures und rnn. Xor iheir lupport, and to demnans of the ships ancUirgoes of citizens which we expect to be eni U of the U. States, under the authority ork. jmes necessary that 'Congnss governments of Earope; oreither of them, riot toe means by which ihiturVr'll hereto fmn:...j " ' , ' ; ; . fcf th, x,.."::r.. .." a, Mdnor; Pitkm carry on the war in gaged, 'it -becomes sneufd devise ne Irvaaunr'haawtii Ctrairman cf the "Committee of TVays ipd Means, which that committee has laid before this House;; enumerating the Uxes to which a m47L "X-CCSmjr to rtrt for this purp. Ani-Jy effeimg'the present resolution, he wished nor to.be cons.deted as tncroabhW unon tn Hurt. r . . . - N v. mi turammcei te con ICSKQ xie could letrrv tinca m-erci abnorrenee far .f.mn.n laws and he could scarcely concetve any con-sjderat-on which would indue, him m-... r.. taxes of ih'.s description. We otgh Said Mr. . . tarriui. in entering upon this War, not to run foul of the prejudices of the people, -'j"-"& lauuapic irom irrs causes wn,Cn produced them Let it not be suppos ed, said he, I am not disposed to go as fax as any person in supporting the rights of ibe country, and in voting for the means o en force their protection 8 but I wish those -means o be such as -will be Dilatable to ih-w.i. . and, if practicable, it wculd. in bisop.iion, be muct better that this ,war, for the first year, should be carried on by mean, of loans. And. or t his purpose, be proposed the toUowin r re solution t . Jictotxxd. That the SccretarT of th Tw.- ury be directed to give this House such in for. ana omilfe werer .m vfaVn. nr ,v .v. , , W N. Vl U0 mj . . J . m mTmm . - , - .ucm Messrs. bright, LUtle and others, 'e empao rnade as'9t was du. rinjhei redwal,sdmiruVf draw their isbBfidenefrftfT Vf.n ,,k- . it.wlosewa.p ded tp be hostihtto the tifcrtM Af i!?!!? , try. Bat wrrf, w the one band, Ue grm tened with annihilation andn i.?u -ft01 Climate conriectiort -- vy parfaKesotjthedaneri the pepplrw,Jr cheerfulh" coritribuie&iT hi. propprt ttf assert ihcrvJblated'rfehis and honor f the,naion. wIfthiffm,t.i f.j founded in thevttue and ihtfiligenceof the v siia a ,we iearoaiin them by laying; before them, thejme state of bur finan cs, and the rwfsuves deeme4 rvecssarv to enable the Jublic Treasurf tb minister toW national wants fw.ii -i il- jJl - V wtre opposed to it,, number of anemnts K." FofOUMurf'" u i.t .t. jil" i 3 were n?ae lo amnd, nd to postpone the con; aiucrauoo oi tne resoiution, which after cons -itu wuu xnc , xoiiowing a- mendmeni And accompanying the v same w Mb a reference to the repnUti DDK. -kfv4f. rx I niia . J . II J .. O --- w ::rJyVZt " '' W naer which the respextive classes of of flu.? .J"" pwnteo, in this capture nave been re ade, and information bow aiwaya enter- r me occrees, orders or rerulationa 'Winr which these captures haVe been made are Aban doned, or persevered 5n by the nation Jmaking The House then proceededto the consider. ation of the bill for the classification of the rnuiiia ot the U, States, reported by Mr. D. - uiiiu8ii)5 motion or ijf. MjtchtH it ; and,in our. view the idea of alarming uW people by. the difftuion of this dpcttnient Con. insnit to the understand. ings of the community. , xor ouriaruweY teel ot tee people, to the Secivrnrv r,ff i.o v p- tor the candor hd perspicuity with whioh be has unfolded to Congress tiis ri. T?2 the relative eipediencvi of (eorent modes of raising a reremie. The t .epqu&y w"t are the fittest oT?jf cis fijr tail turn is a. distinct dueatioft. aTtAfnr Jl 9 .finAni .vv4.i Fy i fjuse.. n avui riereiotore witness, 'fed the exwrdlnary specfade;bart ofBcer of the KepQUic:nersecuteofrirfrpic;no. irwr uic rmii, U IS TJOSSrDle we mav . gam Mhe persecution has indeed commeij. strikeout the first section under consider. Albert Galla.. The bill was opposed 1v Messrs! WWI H!i' ?ormW Bovd nd LaeorV a i.: P c Boyd -and Lacock, and advocated bj Messrs! Wright, Macon and .Willi 111)1. A ri Jniirn- """wui ukiug me question. HY AO xn a wat iokal iVTxi.Licsarca. accused of Wfacvanrl TirH y 1 The object of all this 'con t irmel ihit consolation, however. whicb'TA itr;i.ti..,- mind cannot butbempst dear f thafhe'who suffers in the sirooort of Tnnh f;.n. forregTttit is a causejn which martyrdota .would be'trroriotit-' st -M.- -v. 1 mauon as ne may possess relative to theprac. t cab l ty of effecting loapsfor the government uftheU States, 'to what amonnt ach loan ay be obtained, and at what rate of interest." i be older of the day, v the bill concern ing the Naval Eatailishment, wn then taken up i and the question on agreeing to the re- yvu oi me coromiitee ot the whole to fill up the blank in the section mWdin a Dot k. Yard, with one hundred t bom and doltant being under consideration, Mr. Cheves stated the : The Speaker faid oefprc the House. . .rcPprtfromtheSccrcUryeftheTrea. hc Navy Establishment', anoTMrfNel wry , exhibiting a statement of our ex-- son in 'favor, of it ; when. . Ponfor the post year, which was or Mf; Biinrell moved to nosmn th -.m-. . k i 1 1 . ..w . - . r I . i ... - ii . i . . . ' - - icuwuvjmca. , i uujc.i uniu me 4io 01 February. As K rounaiUrJn which the committee had recom Mr. Micon -presented to the House, lbe decision of thisquestidn had noihine II m,,,ded ,bi Pulsion of. the bIl,;and repUed copy of an act passed by the General 4 Va v,n the preparatory measuresi aacmoiy, w fxortn-uarouna,, at their wr war, ne supposed no inconvenience late session (communicated to him by wotiId ibe experienced from this post the Governor of that state) ratifying the I ponemenu Aa there were, no doubt, proposed amendment of the Consth'u f?An7 gtntlemen who still wished lo be tion Of the United Sates, forbidding a- tciird n this subject, they would have tixens of the United States, from accept- to prepare themselves ; for as this intiUcs'of nobility, tic from foreign debate had continued little more than bnnces-fee. '' . . ? ii three nfgl. il- -.,i j , . a he. House agaui resolved itself into Pca, now to.be prepared; besides . a coiunattcc of the whole, on the bill their , arguments" would then be neto. coocernmgthcKavy ; when, after some (whereas if they were now delivered Jetate, the question was takeno filling I yould appear mere repetition the blanV.for.tbcfhumber of additional f Jf he hadthoughfthere were any chance indies prpppsea io.De Duiitwlth the w.gciung.ine question in ten or twelve number fifolhich was negatived bya X's he would, not have made the mo- rnajority. - ' : - ;- tion ; but,at present he saw no" end to ., Mr. .Wright-thch moved to fillnhe the debate. . blanfc witb: ' . Tills motion was nega- Some genileman . appearing willing lived 30 .voles only Being in favor of it. J afMhis motion, Mr. B. withdrew a c tiucsuon was next successively 11 t na ,aner a lew remarks' from' Mr, taken oh filling the blank witbf, four Smilie agJnat tbc-Navy, arid from' Mr flid tk . " r -4" ufcuuiwi .i tu 9i 10 ii " (' j ui ji ii, me question on l??itm.Xo4:, ' I-4 ?r.c;in.e !..t the section for ... . mm. m mam m. w -mm - m m mm m.mm.mM-Mm m. - - - . - jiiv ict moved to amend the sec- "zuing ine irjgates, was carried 2 to ay., i neyeasnnd.Naya as follows! YEA Jt Messrs. AndTon ak... n.: Bard. Uibb. Bovd. Brown, n.irli-i.,u. i Cochran, Clopton. CraWforcL. Davis."lsha- uwimocr.. aarie. FindW. PI.V- pv.nki:K MB.QJLLJTIJV's REPOHT, Congress having entered unon a course of I measures leading to Var, and of course to an increased national expenditure; it had 'be come a subject of interesting speculation, lit wnat manner tae necessary tunda should be provided to sneettfae aucrmented diabiirae- roent.. ; The attention of the Cbmmittee ofl ways & Means, whom our House of Repre sentatives perform the duties assigned in the British' House of Commons-to the tlh of the Exchequer, was accordingly attracted! I L BRITISH JMPRESSMENTSLf : , ... : : ,!'-: r ' :. . . ,. Tt wHl be seen by the betters hlnw tha; Henry Stone, an American seam an. was impresstdbyjthe Britisnn the year 1 802nd has beennlpelied to remain in jtheir serf ice ?e verT since : 4 oa oin years t tJoId indeed Tout at man's blood be, whose bosom is hot r..u, mu wnose inainant . icelines are not excited, on thconiernplatibri of to some remarks of hit eolltiiru Mr Wi!. liamt) made yesterday, . Mr- nhea then moved tn itlr nn ti whole section in relation to the DrwL-.Y.rH which, afer some Tittle debate, was carried 56 votes to si. 1 Mr. Bhcklrdre moved a nnrvrtmn tn th OMi.provKling for the building of four seventy. the wereti falling due. on loans should be o- k m iMuuv.cmt.ni to ine nouseto rdopt . this -new section 1 he stated there were sufficient timber andgtinsori hand ; hVlhc whole ex pence would not exceed 7 pilars, and the guns and timber bould be adequate ff arr.ppropriatioh of teuton AedeW uviiii, wuit wuuiu ue nnxuirv tn oi wir. Fnr ihn nmmnM e - j -i complete hera. , 1 1 ditional revenue hecom .' Report of tKeecretary, in a lucid manner J v.pw.K ui - vjjiiuun, as requirea Dv tae I cretary tf the Treasury for his l-.1 . j ' u - w, . " . . . - ' 1 1 prwuccQ uie. iteport which.' we a few days ago presented to the nublic-Jt ihnMM tA I n hAaW iJ ' T . have been the sentimnr nf 7"r7il, had !-"lHoftbeTrea.u flMJ III iance ble in a period of anticinAtfH Paro t If the Rno4ilk inar, Y T -i.i . - - w imi u witA iai a. j uc: bp-k i ft aaa sf ar-fLVM nw w rir am am . senUal to a maintenance trfWUcdiMhT. li!1 the sfer fallino. i : lr-'r?V.,v snaiiniSvStam ucoa onr national np;iped awaythis partroent, thatfor the expences ofa tVar, reW fna P?leri7 bemoDtng the hap uirQAwareaeema- i 7rf w yeara a stave tn uic in a period or anticinated Peace. Rt aa 1 1 inr .npiish na r Tn th. t. punctually paid, it becomes nee.. m' fur-nauonai J vide a graduallV ittEfeasinir 'ftmdJ I u dtsgraedto our hationairiM.t;n sides supplying- what is deficient for the stm J which wirtieri; th lirrrin 'T :! pm ofcordinary Peace Establishment motburT The question was nentived 76 to M. ne uui was then ordered to be engrbssed lor a inn-areadmg to.morTow , . 1 committee, in what manner the ficiency of - - WB . . . . . . v iniMin. inr iiirvrnur ijiuh rrwTO un wxmm mr : i . . ii, v v& uiutiauur M6 Cbran Sejtrikfe. H; T iqio MestrintersI;orA tipn by striking ont what related to 1'frf.J g-tcs, morcer tq urotV.J.trr7- cT" jhips This motion was negatived 54 to-39. ' ' . -7r.-.. vA motion was then made to re-consi. . itr tne vote oi yesterday for atrikine out HaU 'aUalL Hsrper. Ifuftv. Jnhn kS:: port the bill the'wbole secuon, which betnp. apreed K'ni?-Acock. UfeyerJLvle- Af - to, the section .was struck out, Jl votes II" JJ4 MetealTAIorgao. Morrow. Newboli II "3 inu classes. .. .m, f:ev- wniis&y.. ftckens. Piper. Rhea, Roberts, tnc Pfons as ar fence, by establishing an nriirbrm militia thro'. out tne u. biates i ard to an act making pro. T...W.. ,.,r .rrnipg ana equipping the Whole bp dy of the militia of the U.Ststes. Thebill 4 I . mm '- navmg oeen gone through; Without amend- meo V r v..'" ' ' - . Mr. Williams ss id, it might be expected front him, as a duryy to state what "were the reasons which induced the committee to bring forward this bill. As the day Was far spent! however, and as this could be as well done in tne nouse, as in the committee of the- hi, ;. he would move that the committee jt and re. i ne committee rose accordingly ... .' - ; -l ,. .y' me oivisionoi the m Ii The first, it! to cbnsis; are over 18 and under 21 years of age, to be callol theWrof. Caii; to pc oruerea out whenever detachments ret tE voice r-pH distress, and cniercrrikoW liltefpof. aiulur my cnua to tne ground, Conereaa to or naa tne. earth Dctied and intTAt . v.'ww w cuicr uuoki "i-wcsuomiS5I0n'tO the des- ...iuviiiiuui in iuc puouc prints tnat I of heaven. Wnnlt hi. uv.-i . srV reaiiy.it is aitogetaer unnecessary andimpo u K t : tr't":Vca W yjt htic(imJifitbeoueitiscertainlytht6u) - pi to lay any addhionM taxes on the People:! Jd a&on of aiving d p Our attention' W parUclarivealTedtd ih1 from mdn-ifmm itWf . V Ri5 tl-- - .'. U " i -' h-lM materials wuh 200.0OO dollars annually for. thd years, 1 1813: 1813 and 1814- u , .. NAYS Messrs. AIstonlVr. TiioUur Bassctt cecker.; Breckenridg-,. Crigham.' UlbourLChampioaCbevefcChiUcnden Condil .f- lit i .. II UaVenDortLlawcon. P.Iv r,mn.. . rf.i ibcle section, W. fier Mine debits iJV'f'Sf.Mr Vir 7 iw, u mivi wi tk, film u JUCS II " u-aojfc I'leasantB. 'farter Pnft tlnn Cm fitlmrviK MnV..' m.1 I II Pond. Oumi- - P.rl nr.k.jl ... . m.-t. . ....w (uv ui.tt' iiiUCUt WOS cart icu 6 1 votes being in Taror of at - ' V The next section relates to a dock tard. tThc conarajuee i We, without ta jungaquesusa .7 month! at'atime M.- - . 1. - T - . . ' Tile ccond class, ii to consist of nerson s o vet 21 and under 3Lvers rf the jfuniorXUun ot M Hi tin mnA m.k. .-4 ed to any part of the U States, or their terri tones: bat not be enmnH tnv mUm Affjira months at a time.- . -.i'.'Hv. The third elan. ia tnnnMi nr.. ..'Jl JI andjander 45 years of atge. to be called the ieaiflr, vf Militia? subject .to do'dutv-in :rt:Tl utln 5'Ct, agreeing territory b which they and Tf V "f oommutee of the- whole to" fill rrlr.010 rtJ.oiwni tateor terrV -V, turnDCiiea ta Mva mor htn r m. .miL. ... ' 7 J- , -ST. . - - .wuti 1 unci. S.i11 Wchardsod. Ringgold, asmmons. J. Sm th. a.... . wK-y rner. .w neat on. tVidgery. White. Wilann Tir:ttf :l . . I . . . -the. next question was. cn arrr subject by a letter irom.Washinfftoni mib lished in the Suri, of Fridsy, which says, in speaking 6f the proposition to fcriht an .extra uuiuucK V4 uic rvrpup in question, 7 1 ne com- mittee had .made no report and this was merely tbeSecretary's budget.4 . It was ve ry, improper; to alarm the people (in d- rt vajiceiwub atnghUul list of taxes that are Jf. altogeUer urniecessary, aid will not sett Vrmsly be thought of byany .one. v"We have ever entertained the opinion that gnani repo ion? as its avoidance is conslatehr with the honor add permanent interests efthena. uon. , uui wnen, as at una moment, thev im. periousty point to the "last' resortwhen, in tact the first step is Uken-we diackrtl frAm consideration all minor Objections; and with-T. om claiming any snare ;oi me eclat to. arist from war: shall tiot;cwhUst7weadTOCAt'V.- decline Jour share 'mrilbilitfbrej measures: necesaryto supportit I . Auviii5 lUB.iwiuui cnia auenaant upon TVar,vreflecting nien have never though t it Die Jeastropomntcme,.' that It must stop up in a great degree the channel vthroiih Which OFT rere!HR vn afraavaf fM-. ;t.v.:' oean-the s nfunderera of the wortr!lr b too muchrfoHf oi tne W4ir,:which wl hoped vlroulrf make, our children free to bear inis oidiape. ,- ' ' ; : r AND RE W STONEi r rnTioble,-tin fVDar Falther-I have rt6w4aien tho opportunity to inclose this letter in'; nnft'i yeachvyot, havemtscarnefliI have KnVlATi,. ; ipfOf MrWr linctlfe:?ear ikht brig Tabor, p i :wish. you': to apply to thclectorof Hrovjdencripro. tionslanriot N:ilect"thei per when fs anilrl IWw : t,JlLi.i. - ' Jba shindies x( and if ToiabouM h o beiind.c- khhoirect'it- totjRernericsn C?u!i BirthuiS dince 1 left home I have seen alBreat St 7m - W"Ttw witntij committee of the. whole toP , - . - -1,- ." v.. r t.-. , v.,-. - ; - l!H W5lej -end partiwlarly wKh V I SV X ' " e t it 7 IK J4 1-