i. peart u iw w.w..., .J there'. The htaddf iVe. war department : Wild, be jrTict rd'frotn , the tliity inter: .' r r; ruition to- htchvQunngthe' acnpr ox - k ...... . . .t v liembgts of cdmioh'riViort Would be en-; . Vnblcdtaumtclhdr exertions In thr trrK ; 1. pprurjr.dotie's ; wbicb faVihft :;matnept ? : . press so Jietfmjr on tnat ;ocprmcui. , 1 . Y til continuance ei ' -K triable us eventuall jo adjourn sooner, .iV tninnion'of the Emb jrco,radlbc oolj ." - question -to be dccKJctf;iiit,' is- . - - - , - - . T ; v" main, Jtere-vvitrt noin.ng. w u, yiuw " 'V pamof tht intcrrnerfie ,tme. At.cur , .VtS'hnmL. -The-comfderarions ' . ' . i ... ivr t rr : '";i?ETid ippajt rtui' It' could tioi -h ! nerrsiirr lot ftim iff a;ncm. entertained by Corneas to .the Jmpres ' stun !u:n a rccwa.rnini yiuuuwc v "1 . -altogether, ounairss.";jrhe-people of .m -ortrr rA-rd trfit snare 01. tjtxjn'ihe iubult. Thcr would hate b. V fore iheri the eTideoci of buy warlike 3 rif!rtVal!nrvK t rntirhnilt th&tl3tion ! ' and With ihe inform amn that Cnncreit rnhfn,jr4n under neculiar'cirrurri' stance fit an bnusu.al and inclement sea- aofiftber touid oA fail to perreive, wnat he bclieved,-ime would conhrm.-tnat .their rrpre'slVatives intend not to dis- Mr. B. said the fevr remarks he had ofo red 'werrz in-ended td pr.vent any- .ss to adjoulri fix m about the 20ti ef the present month to the 1 5 u of J inc. The rcsotuuon; howtver, only-proposed an cnqmrylm the subject. foreign nte lU'gnue. ; I ii m i H t-Latc frbrii France. The chM5nrr R ssie, eabt. Lone ha arrived at Biltimort from Bordeaux, 'which port she'left the 1 1th of March. TheEropeior wasinParis at the latest dates but daily expected tor set out'for the nontu Larcc armies appcartd to be , in motion; and tvn'y thing indicated 8n - immediate war with Ruma- .Some broken regiments of disabled trooos were occaionaHjrreturning from I f Spain." But no news from mat country circulated in Francei-the tyranny over the press, fo bidding. The Hornet was to sail about the 14th cf March". . f" - (pAftiSt'rEaauABT C9. . A colomn oT 650 English and Spa -oish prisoners, among which are about 40 officers; forming a part of the garn son of Valmcia, armed t Nisirics a .tLut'tbe 17th i.f this' month, and conti- . ciued its march towartU Lyons. viEKiSA, rtBRUAftT ' 21. Wc are "$ rtd thj iht (irand V zier hafeft SchiufnTa lor Widdm io in s?tct the troois.v The rfVws of the re - r.v-w'at of h's'ilities spread lhrougrHut Moldavia ;k Wiillachia, occasions more emigrations than. ever in these two pro --in.es. Many schoiars.irora tne dtum vat IJurharestrnaire oecn s-ni i" Vienna to continue thei e jlieir s:udies in thereitabfrshmenr formed there, for the education of -the receding Greeks, and whosersuccess leayes nothing to.be wanted and moreover since it i no r . longer uncer me -tnspccuuu-oi thoiicprieststni i suuojoniaw; i a K'Cdl functionarrof the capital. ... Ceni Kuusow about to return to Pe 1 tersburgi has jeceired a counter or dcr, to remain Hiili the armyfhen -bi pre schce is deemed necessary. . . . The Beoewch'er contains a Letter 'from Jav'sy, dated 1st, which gifes the vfor.cwing details. . Nothing is .spoken of Here but the T-comni'Cncement of hostilities. . The 4 R"iiSiohs have .put an end to be arroi Uce aftef the coTcntion agreeii g that - Ai should be declared twenty. Hays in ad. 'vance. Fhis news was tecced -from Bucharest and appears to be.chrmrcj hv lha order given to the fiflh division commar.ded by genend-MaikofT, to hold itself tn Teadjncss to marcn against vvi: lacia. Jo tne mcan.ttmc ine'tu''4 plenipotentiaries areajready at Btitha rtt. urAitiruf it is sid. an tnswer Irom Const "utinDle. ' We ar also 'assured r that the Hus-ian ngeiatora expect prince Vcl; n kyjr5rrr Petersburg with tirdrrafnm that courti Count Lange- ron bas'gooe to-Giargewo.' tiencral Ewgelhardt'has'advancrd with some rc .gimts of infantry and cavalty ;o cover the D.ntbe,;wiucn- is m many places free of ice." Another letter later from Bu-hares:, - announces fhat a Russian Mesthger had arrived who, it was, believed had brought the . uUimatum of the court of Petersburg.' - . - xIl la-; also-said ihat llje Turks hate collected a new army of 40000 men near . Schiumla. . - ; , 'v ', AVevare assured that the Serrian chiefs are dlfoscd to arrange with the pone ; "and it s r eo said that they have aeni two agents lo the Facha of Bcisnfa: Vc presume that he is the. person; to " I" " ,-Z h3s? blTe'rcdlb rlhe.Semah new pnTii leeei andTmrnixnities Ifthey subi finlt again 16 1 hi authority; of I b c G rand ,y .; isMTaKA, tcxyembir 30. l;v K) rhe VfoopV o ;hc gifpor if gy pt( uhdtr.the tomrnand of.one Iqf his aonsi h aveBeizedupoti ; Jedda. ;They , conti nue td progrexs. " Mahomed Pacha has icnV-thetiincw terorcefnents'. All twdc:i:'bi3griated;.;with!the" ot coffee and brown sugar, nothing sells. In. Let specie is extremely scarce; ' '.' - ' "5 1 MtlN, F EB ROAST 18. f'?: . UfneraIJUunt L.angetpn, ctecoraieu vnth lha order of St. 6eorge 'rC the se cond classes' about to assumed he com mand o"f, the "Kuasran f army in Turkey. General Kutusow Tl) not delay his re turn1 to Hussfafto "employed in ano ther emioent station. . : The Russians btgin to concentrate their forces" in order shortly to pas the Danube. "We learn that they crre ma king great prepa'a'ions for the siege of ltudschuk. ' 1 he 1 urkish army becomes daily more 'numerous' ; .but it is behtv. ed that the Russians will make a gtnt ral attack before -the rreat and-fcx- pected rein forctment shall havcar rived. The Tutkish envoys at'Bucharest waii their recal. All negociation is at an ens. Congress. HOUS OF UE PHESEN T ATI V ES. Jttnloyt April 13. Mr. Wright, from the military committee, made a report on the petition of. Edwrd Clarke, respecting new mode of harbor de fence by buoy forts. The report states that the committee had examined the model, but that it was impossible to judge of the effect without un actual experiment thereof. The committee' therefore recommend a resolution thattbe Secretary of the Navy be authorised to" make an expimentof the same. .The report was read and ordered to lie on the ta ble. Mr. Blackledge reported a bill-relating io appeals from thedisliict to the circuit courts of the U. States Twice read, c committed. !r. M'Kim ofTcred to the House the fol lowing resolution, premising that he had been particolarly induced 'to offer it, by conside rations resulting from the present state of things, in the state of N. York, arising, fnim the disability of the district Judjje, by which upwards of 700 suits were kept in suspense, to the great injury of individuals and preju dice of the government, in o.der to remedy thatdifficuVy, a'bilj had pit&sed both Houses, whicb had been returned Dy tne rresiaem as objectionable on constitutional ground. It had been pronounced on this fl.ior, by a re sprctable law authority, that if that bill was rejected there was no other 'remedy. He therefore had been induced to offer the fol lowing rraolution i -JirtoheJ, By theSenate and House of Re. present atives of the United States of Ameri ca in Congress assembled, two-thirds of both Houses concurring, That the fallowing sec tion be submitted to the UgUlatures of the several states, which when ratified by the legislature of three-fourths of the states, shall be valid and binding as a parof the Constitution of the United States : "Jtenfoe'J. Thatthe'Judres both of the Su preme and Inferior Courts, muy be removed from office; on the joint sdclress of the Senate and House of KcpresenUUves ot the United S:atr., The resolution was ordered to lie on the A letter was received from the Secretary of the Tgasury. transmitting a rrport of the tkwnptrolter of the U. Statesln pursuance f the actetablishigthe Mint, and embracing ill the information relative to the transac tions of the Mint which the settlements made at the Treasury enable him to afford. The amendments of the Senate to the bill for establishing a corps of artificers, were read and referred to the military committee. The bill giving further time for register ing claims to lands in the estern district of the territory ot Orleans, was . read a third time and passed. A 'r.V The House resolved Itself into a commit, tee ofthe.wbole, on the bill for ascertaining the titles and claims to lands in that part of Louisiana which lies east of river Mississip pi and island of New Orleans. . The commit: tee reported the bill to the House, and it was, with amendments, ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. : '. . A confidential message from the Senate was announced by the"- Speaker and the House was accordingly cleared of all persons but the members and officers of the House. The doors weresbon'Qpened ; when -The House resolved itself into a committee of the whole, on the bill to incorporate Mo ses Austin, Henry Austin, John It Jones, and others in the territory' of Louisiana, , by the name of the Lead Company of Louisiana. Af ter con.siderkble debate, the first section of the bill was stricken out, on Motion of Mr. TroupVThe question on concurrence, with the committee was decided 46 to 43. From the National Intelligencer of April 16. ' The following Act was yesterday "made public, having been passed by Congress-whilst lately in conclave. The imuncnon of :secrecv not haviW- removed from the proceedings ot either I, mi s Lk i u hvmws wii wuj dti) ijus .'1101.10 our power to report tnem to our readers C: -: Br AUTHORTrf. : AN ACT to prohibit the exportation of n- . cie, goods, wares arid merchandize for 'a " limited' time. .. - ; . " -BE Unacted by xU Saiaii and R!oiucof':Rci mcwuhw f t roe umira rarr sr 4mm Gongrei atMCtnbled;Tht it shall not be lawfuf. during the continuance of the-act entitled " Aaact Iiyin? an Embanroion all th and vessels in the ports and harbors of the States for a limited time.V to export' from the United States or, the territories thereof, inai ny manner whatever, anv .snecie: W n Koods, area or J merchandise of lbreitrri or doaiwtic of ctuit l acd ifin i - 4 ". , . tn which theiinie shall havebeerj exported or attempted t6 fte eiprted,jliall, together withthtacklei' appareli hbrsesy mules, and oxen, bcyorfeite4, and ihe pwijer or.o wherS ofauch 'specie eoods, wares or merchandise,' and every olherpersori knowingly concerned ih such 'prohibited exportation', oiicoavictifen' tjiereofj shall each' fespcdveJyforfeit;nd pay a jo m not exceeding ten thbusaud 'dol lars for every suchoffence t'-,l?rpw're(,lhow. eyer.that nothing n this ; section contained shall be construed, to prevent the departure of vessels, which, accordm to the act last a bovementionedi are or mayjbe; permitted to depart in the manner 'arid under.' the restric tions provided by the. said ict. ; r Sec- 12 And be jt furtheri enacted. Thzi it shall be lawful for the President of the Uni ted States, 6r such other person as he shall have empowered for that purpose, to employ any part 'of the land of naval forces, orpili-tia- of the United States, or' the territories thereofas may be Judged necessary, for the purpose of preventing the illegal departure of any ship or vessel, or the illegal exporta tion oi any specie, or oi any! joous, wares or merchandise contrary to tne, provisions of this, or of the last aboveinentioned act, and for the purpose of detaining, taking posses sion of; and keeping in custody ar.y such ship or vessel, specie, goods, wares or merchan aise. I , ' Sec. 3. Andbe itfnrther 'enacted, That all penalties and forfeitures incurred by virtue of this act, shall and may. be prosecuted, sued for recovered and distributed, :asnd be mitigated and remitted in the maimer provided by the act entitled "An ac Lying an Embargo On all the ships and vessels in te ports and har bors of the United States for a limited time," and also, that rfce penalties and forfeitures incurred by virtue of this ac't may be recover ed subsequently to the expiration. thereof in the Same manner as if this act bad continued in full force and virtue. 1. :?t HENftYCLAY, T ; SffKer of the House ef Utfrt tentative. W, H. CRwtpRli r ' President of LhSenat prO'tempore, April 14, 18ia Approved, ) J AMfib MADISON Domesttf. IMPORTANT INDIAN NEWS. ! Washington, City, April 14. Extract of 'a letter frotrt a gentleman, dated Fort Maditon March, 8, 1812. We receive assurances evgry. day by friendly Indians, that we. are 'to 'be attacked at this post, by several na tions,' as soon as the river opttrs. I am convinced that an attack ' will b made here some time io the spring, and it is. my opinion that the Indians will take this post, and murder every white person at it; unLss v?e are re inforced in a very shok time. We are at this timeisurrounded by scouting parties,who watch our move mcnts ;and one of thole parties a few' da s past, caught one jot the soldiers near half a mile from the fort, and most inhumanly murdered him. He was- absent two days without our knowing what had become jf him afterwards he was found by some f tendiy Indians who bjrought him in. I he sight was enough to chill the hlood of any feeling heart. His head- was severed from his bodv, both his arms cut off, and his heart taken out ! The Indians are no doubt stimula ted byjthe British to acts of such hor rid barbarity. Several Americans have escaped death bj tcllirrgthe Sa vages ih3t they wjiire Englishmen if The Indians have saidj that the Kng lish gave them a high price for every American's scalp they j:ould bring in! Our situation at thi timo is truly unpleasant, -and from appearances we tire to get no reliff ! Outnumbers are so small, that if an Indian was to comen view of the garriaon and mas sacre a man, we cnuid !not spare men to pursue and take hini I Onihe first of thii monh; five dis charged soldiers, and a man that Mr. G. had hired, left thifi place for St. Louis J I sent my horse by the .man, who agreed to take cari of him in the netghborhood of St. Louis, until I ar. rived there. I am however apprehen sive that the Indians rave killed all the men and taken my horse, as a Sac Indian informed me ' tcj day, that he' saw alarce horse's track near this. which appeared to be jgoing up the' ttver. - I am very apprehensive, that boats ascending the river this spring will be robbed; and of course the crcivs. killed. . i It is reported that, the Indians are about to cut off all communication be tween this place and St. Louis," both by land and water, so that wexartnot uc reiaiorceu. ; . - . A very friendly chiefof the: Sac .na.'v tion told Mr. J. and' myself, that uh lesswe wcre ireinforccdiwithin aibort ttme,.wc should bq ihass acred with out discriminatipD ! . and that ther.e J were fivcVnations had joined to take-1 lazs jort -ana ron Uncage on Lake Mjchtgari. H& mewioQed four of th natpQs;.v 7L ; WinmbdoeL Poitcndau that thev wait for Ihcrivertoooenii thai i they candescnd in canons; Frbrai pafdgcsfin.cjce m 1 break in: the, course ot ji leir, days. .4 dis-closures atWashihgton, appointed by. theGbve thef'tUslrictbf he Ivrorth ifWst:'! 0,000 dollar ay eari a knoWletre ofthe fe brihgs-the: inforteatiori, wehaVehodbubd minenruth dt tne ; statements ; i;nus k I.. , . ' . . . "" j ' . - mi ' . . . seemi that ;the;manhojsvc by a certain party asVone : of iheinost :a- bandoned villains dri the h0ea6eof the; earthy has been appointed to one f i ue . most important, ana lucnveoinvcs lin the gift of the Canadian government. "yHF stated monthly-meeting of theTrtjstees will he held at the Academy on Saturday next, precisely at J o'cIcckr , --j April i f i:ist oF jrms In the Raleigh Post Q$ce 3tit March, 1812 BKKTLETT ALLEN,.or Peleg Rogers, Wm A nd rew s,' Nel son Art drew s, B r itoh Aycock Peter Brown, John Hrassfieldoriri Baum, Sally Bbckmani John Brown, Jacob Bledsre, jun'r, jessph Baroee, ;James.rownf Jacob Bledsoe or John Bledsoe, John Beildle, Jimes BuTroSr vMark Cook, .6, Joseph J4 Clirch, William Cortis, Mr Cook, Tabitha Curtis, MissMary tt. Curtis, John ; Cheyis "Nancy Chaprwn, Hmtdh Curtis, XenVj Coo,k, Clerk" of the Sun Court. - M-chacf Dismukes, Bc janvn Dunn, Jfs ah D Hard, Hardy Dean, DiV.d Daltoo or VV"jn, Davis. Wain,Evan$, Warsham Ellington. ThomasJEdwards.. Abil Fairmio. Peachy R Gilmer, . Henry A. Gfiz zard. T no. Green,1 Andrew Glenn. Mary Hood', ArchM Henderson. Henry liill, Edward Hat fi'Jd, TheophilusHunter 2, Jbaas and I sham Hendon, David y Hmton- Jude Johnson 4 Cad wall ader Jonf s ,Gideon Johnson, Martha C Jones, Robert NJeflireys, Star! ng Johnson, Nicholas Jordan F. Killings .vorih r "George Bdl. Berrv K e. Hartwcll Kin?. Nxhotas LeSwis. John Lt w s, Samuel F Lambert "3.1 Joel Lane, Samuel Liles, William Love," Sa muel Lowrie,T.ew s Lashtee, Benjamin Iane, Miss Elizabeth Lewpour(ot Willie Jones's) Benj. Medearis. Marthi Nail, Winna Nprrjs, J obn Norris, John Nutt. Hinton Pugh, Tho: mas Price, James Peters, jun. Rev'd Puri foyj Robert Powell Benjamin H. R'Ce, Isaac Ro an, Wilson Robinson. Mis. Ai Rice,vJo sepS Reasonoor,, John Riley, juti Willrngton R chardscn, Samuel Reaves. Malcom.Sbav, Littleton Sledge, Samuel Scarbtough,;;Alsey Snders.dohrt Sanders (care of James Peters, M-.s Elizabeth Still, bolomon Yerrtli 2 Joi Terrel Woodson Vaden El zabeth .Vander rift, Wm. V mcent, Edward "Varnerr Robert Wynne, Randolph Webb 3, Nancy WiUiams, Hart well Winn and. Agness McGee 5 ; D ANIEL DU PHE, Asst P, M. -' ' ' ' - - - -" ' i - . PROPOSAL ; By Thomas Ddsont 2d South St. -Philadelphia, - For Publishing by Subscription, THE V -History of North-Carolina. i By Hugh Williamson, M. D. L.L.D. Memher 9f tlie Holland Society of Sciences, of the fociciy ;l arts and sciences at Utrecht, and ol the Amc can Filosoptrical fociety, &c. 8cc. Sex. ,,. CONDITIONS.! I The Work is now in the pre, and will be comprised in, two handsome octavo volumes, printed on superfine wove paper, with an ex- ceHeni type ; ana win nave a Aiap or jm. folina, engraved on purpose' for the work, prr fixed to the first volume. It will be delivered to subscribers at fourdollars'for the? two yols; neady bound and lettered, payable qs delivery ot the books No copy -will bedtl.vered wuh out the money. 'For such copies as -may not be subscribed for when the work is finisher the price will be four dollats and a half f . Ct7 Subscriptions reccixsd at J GflfV . 1 .WILL BE, SOLD Atthe Court.hoUie in A sheborough. Randolph County, on the 20th May next, TP HE following tracts of land, or so inuch A thereof as will pay the taxes and costs for advertising, for the year 1810. viz 360 acres oh Deep river, bounded by RzU clifl's lhaea. " r ; , 709 do , do 500 do Julien's do lines. Underbill's do do do Henley's do Dollar hide's do dp " Graves' do ' 500 500 500 930 410 560 500 -500 500 do , 'do do do do do Jttle River do . do do -vt do do '. do, do- Brookshier's do do do ' Laitham'sdo do do . dp 'jdo do ' Hannah's Creek' doBrookshie do 500 do Betty M'G e's Creek, Balfour's do T. e above land is supposed to be the proper ty of6ne O'Danjel of Baltimore, ai;d was not giyen in for the year 1810 . " - . ! ISAAC LANE, Sh'fE Apr. 15, 1812 . ; 3 57 , j THE ENGLISHES TALLION- - RESTLESS. C &t 20 collars the season, which may be disi charged by the pa) ment of S16 on' or before the 1st day of J angary r-18iat S10 the single leap, to be paid 'when the Mare is 'covered, with the privilege ol turning to the senn Kv' the paymiht of. jS5more on receiving these, cond leap - 40 :o ensuie a mare to be in foal, which may be paid with' 32 on or before the -lit January aforesaid - y " V . SS is a'fine .Bayfnll lr3 hands Jngh, and uiikea what isvery rareroiicinr beauty isrifh matchless strfengtbyHta blpjocHs rauai to any nprse , ever' imoorred. hW the son of Phenomenon bne ojf thernost celebrated or nerca, ana out otUmchess bv I San, one of the. beat runners of hejr day , ha r ."6 wujraTOinqcceasiotv mue Ana 4 miie.neats. ' vv'w o t v .v run, 4 Tnilesin: r-minu?ei 3 a l2 secoftdar 'this WILL stand the present seasqrf (now com menced and -to end the Tst August) at my Stab'e in Salisbury, and will be let to mates iuualk iiite oniir nnrut nr.au- iiaTirnr.- , n. rwo . i . 2 . . . . t . he "did for the great snbstfipfjCat Ybrfe ron irig Magazine fbr 1795;?paM J86 vX . ; For .a -more particular account-of thiawon. ucjiui uorac, rciexence can oe naa tp roy mni, I 7A CRDlNfJiacustortit hi ihelutojidH nelwpateebiecwlnc theyS itfthewbrks ojneri of dejiate mtnds hi is task considefbleiiu .,'' shbWn, bowtieu Pr&ppsals fcr, n&r piik!?. Lions jia.vc. iucii auui vui, me junmnAno hdpedf thaCa plalb U nowJntepded.-Will be read- with cam! uSd reeeiyedfwitji klndijessi i. ' j The opd peopleof the United States heri bv resnectfullY'infcrined, that, a na-nSe plrfsh Genferen Ve j" the purpose dif eiJisbwig; a jiWefelytilj. a.reasbnabll degreeailvtBa.t shallbe promised, and airthaCcan ireasonabexpected in weekly. . sheet .? ', v 4. , ; v 1, v' v WithodHnterrjnnthe ; plticl contcn, t ions bf t rieimesaryoidtng : violencg of party abuse lander so wh'ici "so'fteauentlV disturb thr harmrmys ot. soca lifev ahddiigraced finally wroytthe U bbrty on am PftEssnhe t't oprretorsef U i :c -I.' ill. -1 ; worKWHi naite iiir.ejr cuus,.inii:iw,sii;ot;1Rirci and inculcate a steady ajtachrhenf torthe Cob, Taj(d to promote, as far s it'may; bfr'iti tbeii power,: public 'peace and private.happines3. AS to the aflSirs their endeayot to detail-triem ana iraparMiniir'r- v ''wui.yi iicir ce' scendantsiind; connexions fwho' now brm very conti derable prt&ribf; theipipubition of tnese states ine riistpry omiicirjiu-iaica uoui. try for; the last 600 years, must be highiy inter. estinei particularly the events, that, haver occur. red since me vrstpuoi4i,jwi oi uimao, a"i more especially p nvct .-.r.tu piace since the ever memorable yeayI7Z,5i ttt ccrn. mencement'ol the Atnencan KevtutjoMwhi-ii first opened the mmrfs of the :-i'j' people, and taught tnem to examine, ana, onog -into pras tice, the great principles of Civil and Keligj. OTIS i.lDeriy-wcgrain.ijjr auuuicu as lirt tam and Clrelan'd are;,' and -pla'ced nfider t same dominion, pot 5ubjxrted to eq itl in and partial restrictions, the oitical and e!i. gious transactions ir Iverahd Svph the wan ajad he':Scgtchniqji whethter' they be Ca. thoHcj or Episcopalian or Presbyterian, shou!J have a far morfe tuao com mon interest Hjw. ever they may have been biassed by ihose'i jci ! prejudiceiiWhich-tpo tftrn cast a darE shade V on the; human charaeter.yet in tjiis Nezn WcriJ, whereunder a new onlcr of things, jherrnri is free, and ih'e body un fvttercdthe Mter sym pathies : of jNatuVe must prevail, and iodure them, nowjo look -tijon theirj former fellow Subjects, both as fellow Cit-zcns and TeiVv Christians. As to the; naJye-iorn Amer'xini, he should be spoken of wuh peculiarft-cipu arid granted ;heJ as not only kind!adrni ted the unfo tunase IrisKiemigram to the rites of Hcspuality, but has hktw'se generouslj shared wittf him the rights, of Citizenship. . A distinct portion of this Paper shal be served)for. tre reception of miscellaneous arti.. cics x.wpu j. k iinnx r KKin snail o ten betuned ib the fi.ier effusions'of the Muie of the E mer a ld Isle, & Vo 'ci)ll with care the chcicesi flowers," those delightful production? which every day more andmore attract the zxm teritioh, and ccTtmand the admiration, of ail he Amaieurs of -Poetry and Masici To &4 and encourage this, growing taste, the best pc ems of thelHsh afds, as, now brought ipT ward by Bunting, Moore,4 Stevenson, M'Cree ry,,&c. shall occasionally be given rh apptopri ate 'musical characters, r ' ; , Besides ihe most remarkable transactions Ireland, attention shall be paid' to minor arti cles,'suCh as those which relate to commerce, mtrket prices, ship news, lists of passengers, marriagesdeaths, &cV &c 'i r - f . Buij their attention 'shall not be confinei solely to the affatrs of Iieland-they will alsa observe the principal occurrences tb at take place in England In the grlfat struggle be tween j modern Itprrie and Cairthage. " which has unsettled ard convulsed thwhole civjliz ' ed -world j when one of these powers tyranr.i. zes over the land, and the other ovft the sea, ice v estern stab snail, orieuy ana impui tiaJly remark on such measures1 as tend to de velope the conduct of the Belligerents, not ouf as rivral nations, but aa they- tniy affect the "peace and safety of the WtSTBBN W.ohld. Norill they-r be inattenuve ,to what passes . . : k i v p-"--'"- ' .- t in thi s Iber M Adbmed Country.' - Deeply in terested ;rt its freedom ana prosperity, thejwm notice the most material' rences of the. week, and give placeto sucb! articles as may have a tendency to advance,' in any shape, iti generaf-weitare.: -...p. t ; 5V. . ; As the Proprietors '. nav;e an';extensive cbiy nexron with all the princrial sea.Dorlls f G. tntain ana areiano, tncy vwm hsm 'trequem ''L L' - r-rr . . '.. . . ' ... oppon unities oi oDiaining me oest ana eaiK intelligence, both political and conlme'rcial--I"i .short, they flatter themselves with -believiD .u: nr. .i.i.. ii-..'-. .r rrii r j ... cumstances and occurrences, wulby its vane ty and Importance, be usefulf anh'sink. and in' strutting, by showing' the very age and bo dy of the Times?'1 arid "eivintr them ' their' due form andpreure.V.;,i:rtj';.:'. ; ; Under the general ittpeicVn, cf the Propria tors, the'edttoria) ebaqagefaie(::cif this "Paper Will be 1 confided "tothe cjtrc of Mr. GlDovC Jlas, fbreilyvblusher Jof. the -JLondon-Dcrf) S 'an5 Ja5!ryi in Baltimore, editor.ot ihe first editions of &irnn seerhf j a ieot tleman dong and int4maielyf acquainted with tbe hiuory arid 'nblitical affairs both of Ireliod : ana ioelandi - . ' -y" V- CONDITIONS. : J . a" Quarto size,8 pageson'a sheet This shape, it is thought, w4l be mote xonvenient for pe sent reading, and better calculaiejd fo.jpresf? vation and binder e upra the end of the yea f fTp 'be -publirid'nt Town riabera ro ba deliverer!. on - the ! Mfternoon fpapera itb bedeliyered r on ' the ! altfmoon f.that day j those for the Co untryishall be reo larly forwarded by mail on the next or foilovMS :day.'-;;; U '-fr:-':;:- .'"' . The Price; to Subscribers, to be 3 dollars per. annam, ;payable ct half yearly be inserted kt' s moderate rata r'i iyvi.it' timS ;rr 'ijf- in afar " M'r All corrrhiunintians fthr th nresentl to M addressed to Gv Douglas, t tha , fost loJ or, at p, -J7rre?street. : ' :r. 5 - -t s- ':kv zy.f -1 .5T5,.-ifi?r.Jr..-vi.: J'

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