- . r- I . I f Jar to thejloift of Mr.Eves.1ie will, stand at SSS . & .. . . I .. ... . ' m.niii April4ih, 1813.V 4 '!" , ' Jdst Published ; ;" -", Jl anilfl3rxt Jl'r. entitled ITM DAU DC XOSTOLlEV. 31 ' ArfrC-ttJu;'fce-- J?vMr$. jlnnke:t, formerly Mm GtrnWaj. IWSate at J .! G Aiu't Store, f m vhisux:& RELIGION "Of a Warning 10 be Pople of ihe l), States" . T THaXIITIVSv Price Twenty Eve Cents. . . Three Scrroonron Election, by Ehai JmiJ-rPiicc 15 cent. r . t ' " Raleigh, FRIDAY. APUIL 24. 1813. lj';pi We lcafncd from a passenger in the stage yesterday, who lefr Washington on MorichyTthat Georor Cuktox, the venerable Vice -Pre side Pt of the United States', die'ti on Sunday last. Though wc believe that enough has already been published jn the Register to prove the policy and propriety of the act of last session providing for the next election of Electors, yet we cannot deny ourselves the pleasure of inserting the ell written essay of " Vlais Truth" on this suljcct, which appears in to day's paper, for can we reject an Address of One-oftht People' to Col. Porter which is deferred till our next. ) v'c learn that his Excellency the Go tcmor ha received instructions from the War Department (in pursuance of the act for calling out ont hundred thou tand Militia ) to detach, arm, equip and hold in readiness, without delay, seven tkou.sand'jen being the. quota allotted to thifc State, and as nearly as possible in the following proportions, viz. one twentieth fjart Artillery one-twentieth part t Cavalry, and' tjie rest Infantry or nGernen. "We understand the Governor has ap pointed thefollowing gentlemen his Aids-du Camp, who have accepted the appointment, and intend immediately cquiping themselves fori he field. They will, of course, rank, as Colones, DUNCAN CAUEKON', Rsqulrc It. O llUkTOK. Attoraev Gcnl of this State. ROUEItT II. JONES. Attorney of the U. S furilie Xorth Carolina Ditrict. BEVERLY UANIEU Marshal of the Nortli- CrulinA District. "Wc have been favoured by Brigadier General Polk with the following list of -. . i T i appointments in mis oiaic, in tne new army. I' , " Fir.t,,D Orride!. James Wellborn, Chnei9. Archibald F. M'NeilL Lie ut. Chne!9 Ikitajih White. .Vec- fjtut. Colonel, Thoma Taylor, Fir$t Mnjtr, DaAiel M. Forry, Second .Major. . Coptaitl of .IrtiVery. Isaac T. Avery, Philemon Hawkins, John A. Mebane. ' ' ' s . Captain of Cavalry. . John JLtoke. . Captain f Infantry. , x - CeorireJCl.iua. . Philip OrilUto, i L Jes ConeUnd. : . OwenCHntox U. Robert MrtclieU, John II. Frcelin, epb 'trynt, Mark I lard n, r. Abder PaatruC Thos. J. Ilobeon.J t 'S Flr$t JJeultnunJt tfArtillrry. Jo.eph AtinstonVjUn. Kobert IL UufEn, ' William J. Cowsoj ' " Yrj Lieutenant oj Cavalry. Archibd II. Sfvcc. first ticutczant t of infttnpy. George Ri ncannon, , William 'Ilsdale, Abner S. Iais, v Cliariet. Lutterbagh, Janves Ward, K ' Alexander King, " Ccurys Strother, Hugh IJ. Cirfon, v 'WiUiaia.Mears, John Urahata! " Second Jjcuteiumu of i rtilfcry.- t Bdwin Sharpy . VVUliam ChatSn,. Second Jlrutcnant of LijAt I)ragions. r David Evans. ' . . : ? Vr V' SreonJ Lieutenant of tnant-y. 1 Mamihon Drown, Kobert Mebanef Thotnta Baker, f Richard Hi u miner, Jacob Summey.jun. Spmc M. tKUjme," . EnJAhtirl Hawkins, Thomas C. Wilhigbt. John Street, . : . , ; ; . , ; .: Anthony G. Gljna, William Tflor, 4 r Wilharn Cawon,. jm Pritchard, Franet Jones. . Thomit J . Arntrnf ' Jmes Koace, Anthotjyf. Dickson. Hubert LoanV . - ',t Wt undersundthe Fiehf fiiceri are expected to meet invlhisXity, io the They : were riot,' however,', discouraged k ik! I - r- W V -k ft A r a 1 e-s-w ftr tATth t cM,,ck,wHc they were i .rniipriiii! rcininrccmEiiK. LTheT bill at present before Congress, to authorise, .under certain restrictions, the importation of B t itish goods, is ad vocated; on the ground that it would en able our merchants to get from England, iih some of her most useful manufac- l" Alf f f MIV ' O " O nuns fJ iuiiai 3 iiiiiti iuu r Pr--1' said to be due for 6ur produce, and Ivia f pYm 1 1 m ' m a a n a which will otherwise have tu remain there, during the war. Another object" staged is to bring home such of our ves- sels and seamen as are at present in that I ' countryvi The bill is, however strongly .opposed, as opening a aoor io mercan- itile fraud.. It is doubted whether any ' thing near sq i large a sum be due from . British traders to our merchants ; and it is believed that if the intercourse were .permitted, for however short a period, it would be the .means of introducing into the country a quantity of British Goods surpassing all calculation, to the preat relief of the British Manufactur ers, and to fhe great injury and discou- ! nn- -. ef ni i Jnfjm m:i n n fnrt i rin or J establishments. Advices from Pari, as late asthe UtlT of March, have been received in Phila delphia, which state that all matters in dispute between the United States and France, have been satisfactorily adjust ed and that a treaty of commerce has been likewise agieed i)on, and was to be forwarded by the Hornet. Some o thcr important matters jvere atso said to be mutually agreed upon in a separate treaty. We' ha e seen several letters, tall concurrii'g in this Information and there remains not the least doub; on our mind of its authenticity ' Aurora. More like Bar The Governor, says (the Albany Gazette, by an instruction from the President of the United States 'has ordered out 1600 of. the militia of this state, to garrison our northern and ! western frontiers. 500 we understand are intended for Niagara, 500 for Oswe go, and the residue probably for Lake t Charaplain and the St. Lawrence. ' Major Join Brjeck, of Northampton :in Massachusetts, a gentleman of intel ligence, independent in his-fortune, of irreproachable character, and heretofore a decided Federalist has, since Henry's I disclosure, come out openly in support S of the Republican cause. . In a letter to a federal friend, which is published in the Boston Patriot, Maj. Breck declares) that 44 these documents have forced an M irresistible conviction on his mind that a wicked, and dangerous conspiracy u has existed and now exists, between the leading federalists in New-Eng' land, particularly at Boston, and the " British Government ; ancf that if the " perusal of these documents did not convince his friend of the truth of such u a conspiracy, he did not know that " conviction would follow ii one should i " rise from the dead' We have no doubt many other honest federalists will ;oe convmcea as iiajor jjtcck was, anu act as he has. There is notliihg more I.- r i i r honourable than to acknowledge and a bandon error, ano avow ana emorace truth. T, jimtrUan The venerable Charles Thompson, who - was Secretary to the revolutionary Con gress, is at the head of the Republican licket for Llcctors of President and Vice President of the U. States ibr the state of Pennsylvania. We love to see such early and -uniform, able and faith ful patriots, honored by their country in their declining years. lbxd Two British Frigates have taken station in Delaware Bay, , in ten fathom water, and suffer no vessel to pass until I she has been board; d and examined. I Both frigates shew the American colors. ibid. - More than 100 saill The eighteen American vessels lately captured by the -' ' t . t i " . i jjiitisn, maKe.tne wnoie numoer tasen under the .Orders in Council above one hundred sail -Since'the British have , ... r i.i ?- oy ineir jouy iosi an tneir commerce they are determined by piracy, to have a)l ours. ... Ibid. 'Many therchants ho pushed hard to get their vessels out before the Embar go! will, ha vb a hard pull to get them in again : r . , . ' i ibid, 'Ma. Hctchi NSONjately declared iir the Driti ?h I loose of Com mons, that ;? he. was fenxed to.Vsy that England Acted most Itran nitally and unjuiti$ .towards America The Hebts which the- njinister claimed for Em. 1 land were thosa of plunderers &c; "He said ' if the suininistration 5 nouki continue to act on the system which hsd been hitherto pur' sued, they would soon . shake the, monarchy to its foundalion, and bury, the constitution beneath its ruins.w This is cndoubtedly true but how different Is itirom tbe'language of jome wao gU thcmiclTft Americans V which we have previously heard v -'1 r' . l: Salem; Jle& . OPlOSITIOX TO MlSlVrnYhe'Lon- don Print sute'that Earl Cholmondely is the only recruit mat tnntecrenvs ivunisier nas t mm' m m m t " 1 '-.. ? Deen able to draw irom tne ra&s 01 opposuion to1 his standard. jThe, Opposition Is bey ond doubt one ftfr the strongest in point of taleijtd, r- . ,t . i . i j ii no or numoers, xnai nas ever appjurjcu iu G. Britain. -Iost of the Prince's early. friends have refused to associate in his cabinet. The Earl of I)arnley has been offered, tlieplace of groom of the stole ?nd bks relused it. Ean Moif a was ofierrd the blue ribbon, and reject ed it with disdain. The. Marquis Wellesley retired 'in disffusti His son has resigned as a Lord of, the Treasury. The Orders in Coun cil and the Claim sof, the Catholics are with them the CTeat banco' of contention. And. stranze to tell, the tmld and conciliatory Mr, Canning himself is in opposition to the- min istrrloa Mr Urnutrham's motion. The eleva tion of Lord Castlereagh to the" very post which Mr. Canning bad fllied undei? a former miistry (that oif Secretary for foreign Affair) was not very weircalcurated to rwdeten the blowlof Mr.C. ?' ' I The torrent of opposition iar'selled like wise by the murmurs of the mercantile inter ests of Liverpool and Hull ahul otht r towns, and of the mandfac Wi rs of StanbrdsVireot tingham Leeds, Sheffield, and nirmlngham Andlast, though not least,, by the Indignant cries of the great body of the Ifish nation. : . - Ena. .. Rumors are as w thick as bladk-ber rie.s'! And what is strange jenough, there seems tobe some substance in them. 1st. That Mr. Grangerlias received a private letter from Mr. Barlow, stating that France is about to accommodate, on the most advantageous terms, the boundaries of Louisianastretching as far W. as Columbia River that she has even granted us more than was efiectcd. 2nly. that a commercial arrangement al so is on"; the tapis which removes some 01 tnexestrictions on our traae. The authority for these statements is .,. :,n.. t r. MT.. u: addres.edto gentlemen in this! City The Hornet, doubtless, waits for these Conventions; the report of heir arrival turns out to be " Norfolk news." In the 3d. place, th-rt the Secretary of the Navy has given orders, to Commodoue Rod gers and l)iter to sail with tliel Presi dent and Essex to the Delaware Bay, and order out the frigates,. Guerpier.ard Belvidere now said to be at an anchor in our waters. (The tame authority as a bove.J j" When Greek meets (Greek, then comes the tug of war. Ib. There is no truth in the report of the Hornet having been seized by the! French Government. An arrival at Providence from Fecamp informs that thejllomet was expected to sail on the 22diMarch. This arrival has brought dispatches from j France, which have been forwarded to Washington. Devi. Press. j The Bloody List ! In addition to the Bloody. List of American Seamen, savagely butchered by British j blood hounds, we have nbw the name of Wil liam Hancock; a native of Marblehead. He was kidnapped some years since, and was hung on board a British! ship of war for killing a British lieutenant while attempting to make his escape. By the laws of the British empire,! a man is justiGcd in defending himself against a press gang by taking their lives. It is thus that G. Britain " conciliates' A merica ! ' : The last Essex Register contains the names of sixteen unfortunate Seamen, all belonging to Maiblehead, who'have been - impressed by. England,, and are now on board British ships of war. Some of them have been in captivity for eighteen years. Boston Chronicle. , 50,000 Dollars. The federalists are endeavoring to prove, that the President gave the British Spy 48,000 dollars for his disclosures. Whether this is true or false, we care not. "A-disclosure of this magnitude, (said a distinguished fe deral gentleman,who despises the lead ing characters") is worth half a million to the American nation." Wc think so too. We should like to know how much certain characters gave "Henry toj erase their names and to pledge himself that u- t j J ... .. ... ( .ttr '... uc ytuuiu never revcut uicin. -vc m: pect that ere long- it will turn out that Henry received oyer 50,000 dollars in Boston. 1 - 'r Boston Patriot. The London papers state, that the Marquis Wellesley resigned his officen"onsiquence of the Prince Regent's retaining Mri Perce val in . the cabinet, as, 'first ihinister. In his audience, he told the Prince that he .'.'.could not continue to act taider Mr. Perceval"1; : Aove 50,000 barrels of flourjvere shipped from Alexandria" fhef week be fore laSU The pricb hasTallen from S8 -The cultivating ?f sug?r issaidto have been successfully commenced, in Gebr gh Jasi year.; '.j". i"J?vv", . Harnsburg having by-law become the, sea of Government o'f Pehns) Ivania, hi. public nAm n I waggon-loads; have been removed thitber, & de do sited la the new "Ere nroof offices.--. 1 1 a mm a iiir miu lk. smmj .! aawmAW w I . - li must meet from every Americanthe rxnjexi Eression oi.jne national ituing. : 1 ne ', time as arrived when the voice 6f . treason' can be iiu iwijer punpeaueak, unaer ine.speciouspre text of suppohing the ebfisrtit iheepdration ofthe.tinioiiia hot to be breach-- ejdtip under the shameless title bC W'aibing" parties that can hoW iexist wiih-hdnor or fide-' lity, are the pdrtytke 'kkttil - mi i tm " 1 . 1 . F r The E-iemict of rim&ricd. f.- Seneca Page, who is charged terfeitiny Bank Notes, and fbr..w hension a reward of one thousand dojlars wag offered arrived in town this oicnuig, undei the care oF .Messrs. Farrinerton and Townlevl two active police officers, of the city ..oF'Kew- York. -He is on jits way to Bahimora, wher his trial will he had. T ; Dem. Fresi. : . -; .-.'jifr-'- We, copy the following anecdote from the speech of Mr. Clay, in the House of Repre sentatives of the U, States on the Navy Bill. "10 illustrate the commercial habits and enterpf ize of the' American people he wdiild relate an anecdote ni a vessel built and clear ed out at Pittsburg for Leghorn! . When she arrived at her lace of destinationvthe mas? er presented his papers to the custom house Officer at Leghojrn"; who-Would not credit them, and w,ho said to the master " Sir youf papers are torgetl rthere is no sun place as Pittsburg in the world ; your vessel must be confiscated !" The trembling Captain laid before the officer a mapot the United States directincr him to the Gulbh of Aleiico1 : f)ointed out Lh? mouth of the Missippi ! led lims thousand miles up It to the mouth of the Ohio; and- thence another thousand up to Piusburgi " f I here sir, isthe port vyhence my vesst 1 cleared out." Th? kstd'nished offi cer, before he saw tlie map, wduld as soon have belteved thai this ship had been navi gated from the moon ?' ' " fCT For tlie benefit of persons whd mav 6e so unfortuhate as to be bitter ,by any or the many Mad Dogs which, ire at present in this part of the CouhtryTwe state, that Doctor -F. rv viBTTrv I A- "tt -. , uiku3,oi iirove rini, in warren uoumy, in this State, is in possession, of a Medicine which he asserts is infallible for preventing. the dreadful effects of Hydrophobiat conse quent on such bites without soine prevent- tive, which medicine he will furnish on ap plication, on reasonable, terms. MARRIED, Near this city, on Wed sday evening last, John Williams. Krfn. Attorney at IawJ of Cumberlaivd county, to Miss Martha Lane, daughter of the late James Lane I D1E1K - ' ' A few days ago, Mrs. Hinton, widow of the late Capt Henry Hinton. ,! .. TAt Augusta, (Geo.) on the 7th Inst, where he Ivftd recently removed' from Charleston. .nr. Matt, suiiy, late ot tne unarleston Tiie atre " ALasi ! Poor Torick where be ypur gioes qw .your nasne ot merriment, that were worn io set me auuience m a oar t r HOUSE Oj REPRESENTATIVES, U. S. - " Tue9uiivt April 14. The Clerk being absent, Mr. George Ma- grirder was unanimously appointed Clerk pro tempore. ; , Several members obtained leave of absence". Calhoun'frora tbe committee, pn J"o. reien Relations reported a 1 bill makincr fur ther provision for tbe army , of the tJ. States. Thisi.biU embraces some details necessary for the organization of the milith force.! The bilPwas twice read and committed." T J The engrossed bill " tor ascertaining t,he titles and claims to lands in that part of Loui siana which lies east jaf the River MisVssifti atid island of New-Orleans' was read tbe third time and passed. ' The House spert some time in committee of the hole.prt the Post office and Post rc ad bill the committee rose and reported sun' dry amendments to the bill ; and the House adjourned. . ' . . Wednesday April t ' Mr. LewIs;"reported a bill afuthorising an increase of the capiul of the Bank of Wash ington ; which wai'read.a first time. Cpm-mitted.- j : k. ' 1 . u.a rart th I Mr. : Calhoun, from the Committee of FoA reign Relations, 'reported jC bill 'authorising the departure ot ships and vessels Irom tne. ports and harbors of the V. States i eertam cases. TTbis bill exempts from detentipn s sucn vessels as nave oeen rreigntea ty tneiu. States, such as vessels destined for the Bir bary coast, previous to the laying the em bargo. Twice jead' .and committed.' .,' J Mr. Johnson reported a biU i6 extend, the right of suffrage, in ininoia.Territpryfnd-fpr other purposes J, which was twiceCreacl and ordered to beengrossed for a thirdreading. " The doors were doled and galleries cleir ed, kc tor a snort time ; and when they were again opened j the House adjourned. . Thursday. Abril 16. i i ' Mr. Wheatpn presented sundry documents' concerning the cant tire .and destruction of the American ; brig Comet by. a French priva.' .;, '.i. ' -o.t f . . i !. , v;t. ...' icer, on uie 4om oi January iai j hukju hc read; and Rafter debatef referre! -to t&Secfe?. tary of State.kSome'pther Jjuiinesrbf little importance. ' :h : i : - ..X FridayApril 17 ' ; ; ! ' -Oh motion of Mr..CalhPun.theHoure;re solved itself Iito .a committee of the whol.e onthe'bill fori-aathorising. the departurej )f ships and vessels irom the ports andhvbrsr pf the V. State in cein cisesJ Nb object tion JgToadeto the billjt waa'reported ta tbe, House. ; ry p 4 f ,i Mr. Pitkin enquinng the object of the bill, Mr- Calhoun stated that vessels cbaheredl brj the U. States might how pe. detained by the Bmbargo i tiibt ych a jca'se fadpccumd tn re'ation to a vessel chartercdby the United -i . tJ.j ,- - ....ij .Lr, aiaxea ana uouou io Aicicrs. - iq kucu case , this bill Hroyld apply remedy- . wm " t ra'x ' i 'i - ar w r i h ni k ir iiit a rri u .ww m in vr Vina W4is wwuku imii j & vuiwvif . r The bill wa ordered to 6 fifercsscd fo e;expendigre ndanfcbb4 theestiblish pae;ndUfiatiesUD buV ificbn fie bific would behd iaidi'Otili'rAar t&&iMtl department r W&l i&B: , I J Hnnsp f h ncf APiWL-: '-i'.iv'.kN. - 4irf ' . 'Aurora; 'r5rw.w tutpiv jv.uwou5u -t .. , ? . a3X i 't-- i . iiivM,wcpcopnvMaccoroinrent; withepun- properqBceS:.6atf.rm ii Ui 0U ui & c-ji- u . xtiiiif v iu' ann iirn: af..inp.: , v: -. -l -i ' therti: i-im. &tVTrUjf :igJ?: okeatJiencrtlvifl iuppbrt I .! kHr..;Vi;rx' ..;i.?- v:. . s.v-..fcs .v. superiniei-dant of ordnih'tow rKn'nU Kir m.ii. i!,.H.ii-i-:i'' :... .4v-:-v-vVi! -.?) f the Ordnance ifiight beTiihanvSinie)'? rtquired j-but it woId; the operations of the army. &c. to btthhth it . ftf nf nf tK:r'nj.r' irtoirrKt' f i wivi -k i. i' . ll7it'h''iei'l,-rKtan c.aK1iel.M.in- '-na i"V a-" Ti ... " MLxrV' -t . ' S ' 'Ii'- -..,.! .)- mm.. . . -. X Ti 1.7 -''" t . . ' - r-,.' , '3. The nmaotiAn .n' .tnri.nii. t Ha .. I t. .- ' ' -. ' r 7 I. i - tian was deeiedln the aflaa 7HS W . " .j ; 5-. A lw .-.. i.- . 'l'';- li , v - m.f ..i.M to rrecommit reported; rt; with a v3ew to cliancrmc' tare of the arrangements proposed. Ktom ', "On tnotipn gf, Mr. Calhoun, Vthe HoUere' solved itselfmtba epWmilJteei of the ijiplej on Ufe bill makingjprovisiori .jfthe1anbybf'.:: theLynitcd'States.-"l-;- 4vj - '.:' An irieffectuai attempt t Wright, to procure an amendment tq the bill. v uiijg io ptae au ine nuniary-omcerf or, jme. , ; U. States b the iimfe grade on equal footing as to pay ihd emoluments $he moye tat- . ed that at . present! the brigadiergeneral- of .- -the old armyv the pldtVbrigieieetalv Wilkinson) receiviedj much Jieisft pay thati those of the two diocltirshai.v. Tbe amendmentyas rpjected pn the iutt v of its inapplicability : apd' llahiU'vtd'Lh'. -presentbili being brdply Rtbject off dis.;? tinct'eonsidewtionfe r-y&'i ; ; Mr, oheitey movedjto. strike out.tbaVec-i tioq 6( the bill which Authorises the aDDoini-. ment of two additional majb-enesn4 four additionAlrigadiergetiVHl?7 " in the President's opihion the publie'seirvice shall require it. :r ;t ,' . ::fk-. This question wis widely debated. Jnlup-. port tjf the jovision.t it Was ; said that -he number of officers 'now authorised was rmt v . i ! '! -. ' (V- ,. . - t r-y-. - greater in an was absolutely necessary, to command the fpppViJand in the progress rf a Vfar,vijv Whit,h the regu lars under an inferior CommahdliaB ght be entf bodied with the militia or vbluhbers and it might be necessary to appoint an Officers to take thecommaiid. , Separate detachments might jdsp beimade from the matnr army re quiring more g neral officers than; at present belong to the armyj : On the btheihand, it was contendedhatjthfe imilitiah&t be. (bmvV makded by the owii officers j that. theycaTj ,f hot . constitutiojallyby jsuperseded by aniof" ficer. to be appointed oveAhein, and tliereW fore this clause could not bevdefended by the. argurhent ued to 'jprtpprJfc ; that noreo ver it 'Was not htnnf rin Wsta irrMt'sijlsv. cretipnary powtr in thk Executive, tucS.- 1 i.nim...i. jui:'J.tj-.--'--: -'-i'i";-- fiitti iiiu.u ucoaic apu punie warmiu . - . On motion ofMr;, LkcbcK the bill was of..." dered tc(lie on the tablie ' ? ' A Recruiting for thlakdUional military force has commenced," ' progress vtgproqsiy i&d-v&niudh'fiuc- ces3 if we judge from the' facis: which have cottie tbotir kbbwiedgev yt thfe 30th of lastMatchvVernon enquiry ti,f iUlniiUkJ5& '!4 i . Sx M M1 or opunxiesj c. weie iioFwaraeo to eve ry quarter ot the cotjntry:; ,he. appro priations for the support of the addi uon- were'made tb the Sena'te ; tn the lSth of, March those nqmirtations were confirm? l ed by. ihe Seateihd within three' days tice9 of aomtmeht to the Officers lh et, ' very jsection; of the country? The law. for the estabHshmt ofa:ar ters Uenartmeht did not nass until the 2SthftilrfmtiUdia.e1iF whichttHe recruiting 4-"odeVih'.fe plainVtoihbse brayefspiri cnoflbriteatel Reason wlfhe r hour of j)rparatioh-ha! seeinedkto them -to limp so tediously aiong.'W. Intel. V ' ' The. .DemoCKrfjd vPfess states'that Wm, Joifj'E By the TettSrhs MifieMassiichcseWs E!ctibnhichtKayefc6t - r appears problihat "vvfjH GoveTTibf.ViXVifien "1 whole returns! a t 1 ' " K,f l'4iir4v1:'i eKrlf lirfw 'K. " fr.t' i rs . v . " I 1 aeeltf twiitisb frigates be to l uhbmid.ffl " V 9Johti artJtcliaitlAvitkhavm tempted to bribe certain niechbera of th Assembly oCNewjVork, and fonwhoso : appViheiisbnhe offered ? kirogD4Kfe ; taken in u -t WmV.JLJ'r'.:.'fl.I.;. .i. U - if Vermont 5a)d rjgb; to , YUer he 13 lodged m gaw 1 ki-TW-VIl ' .WW," V4 : tv.t VA. i ' , ; 1 f ..' --,'- f ' -til r . M i, . :0 f . .eri. ! . . . If towrssoi alew days. . ' ' ..V i" ... r . ' 1-W m , - I . V . . 1 r-9 - -: :;- ... ... . . v; . ' -. v.; 4 .- "': .:. 'Vh -1 r j...tfli"

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