7 'I i - ? h mcitwh,c;rI jad grktlut the t.T fVA-rrcan f . J OTHE EniTORS pF-TllE REGISTER. r .v ; .T, x)0 reading your pa perm the ,3 a received and tved and.for.sale, by Jos. GalesTUui ? yVpWfef' cures, S f rtorthe; present 7 timenyarly pVjinted Electors by their 'AsemWie AfaV list 'ThYule will m.oiim kTLLj ii .JZJ: ?A Shd MaV next "Thc7ule will Qiuiuey(Vorrisj; to da), uhtif iffiijeW;! oXaale ire.", bond .'wth': iDbrovcd secunty.- for Crandson of the late,, Dr Robertsoni Pirn & Vi . .. efetAmcd rfrofli the' Grand ; T ury,( oC j. Jn5??TrrriBy .v. ofetcihabdi;juWcvithV ffDlc.;4 A V rV Edinburgh. W f .f; the payment; oK&e. purcbaie.'Money'Son the 20thbf,Aprii;:tgi3:-i;U'7 ?t-v rm-. t : ri.i 'rm 'mtC C TO Vtl? D C ' . ' ' r v . rKoDcrtsoria..vv:tv; ...." v V 4 v V 1 1- f -Ocne'AisemVVjAiicVc(!"vio1atr; C: cw.of thfe'Cpnttitutioapf the tynUed VV r States and-usurpers of the nghu and l : Vv4?fJ. tioii,tfbellpu$ aiUf cgrdsthe Asscrn l, .bfy dijfcpiiubleto'the, ostensible t r t : V - ates-td the -peoplei and diigrafecfbl to :i ilteirftprldcipTtd, though at present uo y:v Yteenj instigators of thai presentment. 7W7; compose our Grjnd J urier are tnostljr if . V ?JkbwJbtqWretedVw '?;4v .-Trien' raai thai U would beuriust to ' rbcitoi? Wtbeuj unquaUficd censure : 'lllmgriessmonc the G.rand Juries trti ArTk rirr,-!-v!-- iniiutii- bv misrer ! theichinations ; .of artful and deTgn V!V' ?Sng nif n,'m 'put6uit tof their own am v" .7 v'-'bittcusibd selfish .vie wsthan to, a pvesebtuig thV acta of .those "whom ihtf ;have: cboVetr their Heprescnta : V' tires; the' writer of tthis feels himself 1 ..,"t cornpelfed by trutK and .justice; to 7l declirei ; that,4Q tiis i opinion, the un l ; warYInrable conduct 6t the five -Gr'and June Wfio ha ve,been inducedo-Tio ,;. -tiee;,the electoral. election UW.as un-' Vpn.rltuuonaU has originated m their ighorioce of - the "Qonstiiuiion of the . . Ur.ittd States, rather han in a dispo ; iitioii to' i& efthcf,a' foolish or an un : ' juitthlni;; vet their conduct habeen in cvtfy point of vlow unquestionably improper 4; for they. Iwtre. certainly K(!hdi jir;tjT,rVy dictate of pmdencc t-nnd common ; sense, to abstain' Jrom Hciingon tHt i'ubjccV until- they had cStamed sufneient 'information in re- Luonihtreto, to enable them to act ' State shall appilni in such manner as th,e Legisture shall direct, a number of Electors'9 fe'eand the next succeed ing article of the Constitution, p oint ing but the, manner of electing He. presmtatives "to 'Canress;' declares, that the' House' of Representatives shall bc'cbmposcdpf Mnb;rs chosen every second year bv the Priple of - the seveVa Statcs,'&c Twonld here ask whythe Cramers; of our Coristitu tionw hen wording ihV fifstartkle rela ttiveto the apfnmtmcnt of Electors, rxnadcuseoflaafagesoYallydiffe fiom thaV which they used when (ram ing the 2d article which i declares the manner in hich members , of Con gress shall be chosen ? ' 'And if it was intended to' reserve fp the people the exclusive power of appointing Elect ors, why were not the same expres sions used in that article a were used in the second article, whiih reserve to the people the exclusive power of cheesing -members of Congress ? .Wrre the cautious and able menjwho framed the Constitution of the United States ignorant if. the meaning and impoftpf the words which they used7 If they-: did understand their mother tongue, it must be conceded that the Cnnstitusfpn of the. United States does prtmit vtrie 'appointment 6f E lectors by the State Legislatures; and that man muiV have reached the very acme of absurd tt who contends; that .thj people's rights are, f n the smal lest degree! involved in the legislat ive. pover " which they, ' the peopljr, hive expressly delegated to- tneir re . preventatives....: The ardent. partisan zea', stupi crcduVitv or pliant dhpo. siiions of some of the five renowned Grand Juries in their efforts to'cx. pose the tyrannyahcJ publish the sins cf our late General Assembly, have led them, it is belieVed.'to ffive "Me eiv,, to that old fashioned comtno.' ditv called XRtJTH, in repcseiiuii c 'Jl&semblv.tohae' vested; in future the power ot appointlo lectors is Vested only in the next Assemb y by the law alluded to.. ' But.; perhaps those Grand JuTOrs are-trxempt from the cblieatiob which truth imposes on persons in less cxaltedtations.i "The five fame-courtioc Grand Juries. who have voluntary permitted themselvei lobe converted into a kind of tin ca nisters, or rattle boxesaodticu. to the tails of certain factious elcctioneerinp rnebi who are industriously shaking them about the countryvhave, in pro; jsouncing the Uw alluded to unconlti atleast updcun or wickrdlv indifferent to bniu HavVthcy'aytcdxorrectJy ? It its violation. Circumtan -.es not quite " is. believed they have not ; for the iely to have happened, as that the Constitution declares, that " each constitution-exDoundinc Grand furies iegistaiufes the power ot .appointing EUctors ; for it is a factor the truth of which X refer To the act itseifi that tit?hi Presidential ;electionv-cleven ormorebutofthe-.sefen States 'appointed "Electors by thekf Assem-. jblies and only'threeor at ;most foUT; Sta.teaj'by'.'di edi the modest; , the Race . celebrity; seeking Grand'JUries, fi ve in number,' Uit'GericraVA'ssemblydid Constitution which they had recently swprn-to siupporti by passing a law di recting the next General Assembly to appoint Electors. ' And'itwill be further remembered, that eVcn NorthV CarofSaa; about three years after the ad-ptipn of the iConstitution, did ap point Ele' tors by her General Assem-i ulyvarid thitintheAssebb!jes of this and the other;. Spates thfe must hav been mtn, who assisted-inframing or adTptmg the Connituiicnand who under it afterwards ; assisted in ap pointing Electors by their respective Asierobtits.; yet, pot til) within the lst three mahthsVha? a humjn being discovered' that the Xomtitution . of the Urjitcd Spates did4 not authorise the-Legislaturesof ?he States respect lively to appoint Electors. ; In short, the fiveH obliging .Grand. Juries have, wiih an effrgntery unpre cedented, taken their God to witness and decbrcd, that a large m ijority of the 'General Assemblies thioughoot the United States h ive been, for more than twenty years past, either stupid ly ignorant of the Cr.nstitution, or grossly perjured ; and that the Le gislators, Judges,' Politicians, Sates aicn, Sec. of, the TJnited State?, have been, for twenty years, and are.still, either criminallvienorantor the Con- pounding Grand J should be mistaken in thHr exposi tion of the Constitution of the United States, although aided, perhaps,"by able advisers anS fellow labourers in the good old work of imposition .and j misrepresentation- Indeed, lessrs. Editors, I think I triay safely bid 'defiance to the most brilliant fancy to conceive, or the most eccentric genius to imagine, a- ny thing so pre-eminently absurd and j ridiculous the conduct of the Grand Juries, "m pronouncing to be erro neous, that construction of the Con stitution of the -United States 'which 1 it has invariably and universall) re ceived, frqrn the moment of its adop tion down to the present year, from every enlightened, honest mu inthe seventeen states. Still I fee', mvstlf constrained to repeat, that I cindidly believe that many among the Grand Ju or9 who have been induced to lay aside their official duties to explain the Constitution of the United States, Land present the lite Geneial Assem bly, have been arttu'ly, and unper ccivedly to themselves, led to com mit a folly, by .designing, intriguing, ficlious men, not at present seen in (the business, Stare therefore, perhaps, as lonocent of the evil consequences that others intend shall -result from their conduct, as the maker of a rifle j would be of a murder afterwards committed with it by another man. H-Spril 11. PLAIN TRUTH. : NOTICE. IIE.Subscribcf having jaal fied at the last ' A; February Court, held tor the County oT Orange as Administrator of the Estate of JNO.MILLISON;dec. requests all those in. debted :o the Estate of said deceased to make immediate payment, ascic.umsunces will ad roit of no indulgence Apatajse having claims agau st ths Estate,--to bring them forward w.thin the timeimired by law; otherwise this notice will be plead in bar. Ks it1 i R- FREEMAN, Adm'r. ; -Maxell 94 1812. 3C55 . . CAUTION. TT'.HIS is to certifs that I assigned a NOTE ,i pay able to Ahder50 Steoud,'" to the amooat ol a.'xry roundaa tested by Win-Ran t0Tgej9r.nstn, dated 26.h Janaary, 1812. whctf Note was due thc'24(b of February Jast This is therefote to forewarn any person ox persons from trading for the same, as there are avndrycredits to the amount of 34oands 1Q shillings and 9 pence, and the'balance is taken by garnishee ! I therefore now claim the said Nqe array o wo, for I -joi resolved to pay it, norao. KS? ?.sj DjJRHAM. i i April 4, 1812. ; -; :7S5 fV-r- ;Mj be bid at J. Oales'i StoVeif.Price S?;f T.s :A un .Ca n yass and. R ollertv r : PL A NTAT;I t) N vFOR ;S A LE.j fh ;.: u.-r-Ti rl I i -; w BEING very desirous to f errtove to theeit ward 1 will'sell oexeWknge for liands m Weit Tenoesiie, ihe'Plantatiort whereori X hvef ia the:iipper part, of,Ha)ifaX:Cvuniy;-28. mlle from" the Town n l8 rrnlcs from Vyar- ttinTflg: 630 (Acre, orr Great' Wishing1 Creek; Well watered,' &'nod soil forrrcb4ceo,Vyhear and Corfij,with ood imprpVernents, m g-ooa order foriTpping, and. fn excellent atand for a countTy store. .,- V", ij' 'v ' 4 ' Also an' excellent GRIST-MILL ; on- Great F:shing rcpk, a never failing stream rwhich withf.a little -repiirwotildl make's yalftible Merchant MHI, and is . in. a good neigbbbt hood C-r-Cjwheat. , ; ' ' " Also, IQO acrca of unimproved LAN pi ad joining the same tract, and 432 Acre of prime Land in ibejlork of Fishing Creek &' Shocco. fl will sdl the improved part (with or wfih oot the Mill, and unimproved part) and the wh4e at a very reduced prjce.j Any gentleman wishing a h?ahhy family seat jwoold do well to view it themselves, and not enquire f thoe who have only travelled the road, and ofcourse seerrthe poorest part of thef tracr.' , V- . EDMUN DRONES. Ransom' Bridge, April 3, 1812. -t 55.tf State of North-Carolina, . ; j Mecklenburg CtuntyFebrvafy-Tentiy 1812. James Pner and others y Petition for Parti "vermu tion of the Real The Real Ejiate of Ro- f Estate. ' ' bert Piorter. dee'd ' J I ' I IT appearing to th. Cojrttthat Alexander Valkerr. James. Craig, Robert praig, Sc- mfl Latham arid wife, Defendants m this case I've without the i wits o'Vthis State; It is there tore Ordered, that publication be macJe for three weeks successively in the Raleigh Register, tnat unless the Defendants appear before the tai l Court at May Term, 18J2, ard plead or demur, judgment pro confess? w II be eKterea against them, and the cause be neara lnstanxr ,1SAAC ALEXANDER. C. Mr g .. . .Statt of NorthCarolina. Meck!atbarg County, February Sessions', 1812. James M'Culloh l j X Original Attachmeot, Charles Robin, j !;'. Levied in the cands of, Zcnas Alexander. TT appearing to the Courr that rhe Defend- i. ant in this case resides without the limits of wiis State Ordered therefore ,aYixi publication f be made tn the Raieigh Reglsrer, Tor 3 weeks successively, that unless the defendant appear befxe said Cour at May Term, 1812, and pli ftd or replevy, judgment nnai w.u ue tenaer ed against him. . . . 55 ISAAC ALEXANDER, C M. C. Twenty-Five Dollars Kaaard, RAN AWAY from the Subscribers living io Guiford County, within 4 miles of the Old Court Home, on Saturday night the 28 h nst. two Negro Men named i'OM. One f i hem i very stout and well tiade, lather of a ye ow complexion, about fortv years old, has some scars on his back oj side, and has re markibie broad feet. He was purchased of a Mr. Jaho Carwnght in- Pasquotank County, and it is rrobable will endeavor to get iV.ere. The other is very black, twenty-three years old, 5 feet 9 inches high and has a. scar near one of his eyes. i He was purchased of a Mr. Caleb Cox in Currituck Couiity. A reward of 25 dollars is offered for appre hend.ng and securing said Negroes so that we get them again. '!' WILLIAM STAFFORD. S.ll ADRICK IDLOTT. . , Guilford County, March 3t.. 4 55 ' - Twenty Dollars ReVarcL RA N A V A V, from rhe Subsci iber, living in Urange Ccunty, N. C; about two weeks ago, a NEGVIO MAN named .fdrahn. He is ab.ut twenty five or six yvars of age, 5 feet G or 9, inches high, stout built '; has a tear on one of his elbows, made, by a scyfhe. H'.s cloaihs were, a blue coat and-b'ack overalls, with some others not perfectly femerr.bered. He is a very artful fellow,' and will nqfdoubt pi ocure a fa e pass and call himself a free man He was b-ought from ihe as etn Shore of Maryland, where be may pVobubly try to re turn- He says he 'has'been ued to the water I forewarn all persons from harboring saidl wegro, or conveying him away. I will give the above Re wanl to any person-who shall bring him to me. or Ten Dollars if lodged in any Jail, ao that I get him again." ROBERT. DIXON. April 6,1812. (j 56" V STRAYED AWAY, FROM my Plantation, near Tarbotough, no the mght of Tnesdaythe; 31st of March, a BROWN BAY HUltSE, upwards of 5 feet high, shod all round, and has the effects df, a light founder. 1 expect he Will make his, way for HilUboro', as hcVas bred by Col.S.hep pard, near that place. Any person securing or sending him to meso that I get himi shall, be liberally, rewarded. j : , HENRY COTTEN. TarboroV April 2 1812. 3 55 Wrapping Paper. ... J. GALES,bas for sale, (manufactured at nis aviiu near itateignj about two Hundred Reamsof small neat Wrapping Paper, of good quality, at &l and 25 cents; per Ream, i '. f Merchants ancTothers who wish to be sur vi: t :ii i - i -t ' r .. , fiitu, win picasc io raaKe. immeaiatepplica tion. ::Pt ,i-'t. I Aprl 10," 1811? 03 He has alsaa few Reams of a largerS; strpoger kind, at J&2 and25 cents a Ream 1 v' 1 - - j'.' .BV G ALES & S ATOJT, rPriceJS Certify tie laitmt tniiat&erf c And to be had at ail trieboolcstDTes in Rileiebi GLISHRA'M'mX'W:V T UNnLEY MURRAY; .; V U I - c i 'Which has provedi by, thoUsands-who Otave experiencea iisDenenciai cnccis, ociih? inuai.. valuable medicine ever offered lb thepublici lot jpceduy, relieving an a curing ineicranrp, pat" and wind jn. the atomacn and bowels, carrying oh superfluous dhc, removing naonuai cosiivc- ness, sick stOTnach,' severe Jieaa acne, c. r.i For the dysentery or taxi cholera merbus, se- -vere rriDinfrs and otner diseases in tne D3weia, and the summer bowel complaint in iclbilden, it has proved a certat p remedy, (-and restored to. perfect beahb frtfm Jhe greatest de&iity ,' Persons afflicted withpuirnonary compiaints, or disorders of. the brasf nd lungsi even in most advanced state, willfirrd immediate relief ' Common; coughs and coJdV which are gf&- rally ?ceasioned by cbstructed perspiration,wtIl be found to yield to its benign ir.Uaenceift a tVwhouis. , , f-i ;;; . Tv. 4V, X ; sInj asthmatic or consumptrye cpraplaints--r hoarsenesses wheesings, 'shortness; of breath and the hooping cougb, it will grVe"immediate Vcgeable -Neryoils tojS$, ! Or Nature's Grand Restorative (Price 1 & 50 centi ) " . V ' V It is ? confidently recommended as the most efficac?ous medicine, for the speedy rVjief and cure of all nervous c,qmpamts, impuritiesr of the Wood, seminal weakness, - gteets, and varU ous complaints arising; from dissipated .plea sures, residence in warm climates, the immo derate, use of tea, unskilful or excessive use of mercury and drseases peculiar to females at a certain" period of hfe, j ". , - Under the denomination of ' nemrns disor ders, in its full extent, ae inc'uded several dis- eases oj the most dangerous Kinp, ana are so virious that a volume would hardly suffice to complete a description bf them. It pervades with a baleful it .flucthe whole nervous sys-temJ-writhirg:tre 'heart with inexpressible anguish, and exciting the most dreadful ; sug. gestlons of horroT and despair. To this derpcn have thousands fallen a sacrifice in the direful transports 'of. its'.'rwe.f : The raosf common svmntoms at its commencement, are weakness, flitulence. nalnitat ions', watchfiilness, drows ness after eatirW, timiiity, flashes of heat, and coldi numbness; cramp, g'ddiness. pains in the headback and loins, hickup difficulty of re- sp' ration a.nd deglutition, anxiefy,-dry cough, Since Dr. Robertson's first dweovery t)f this invaluable medicine, upwards of hundred thousand perspng have experienced its happy and salutarv'effects. rnanv of whom had been reduced to the last stage, and had given up all hopes of recovering. J V t ' I t.DR ROBERTSON'S , ' .: ; Pren ';' - , : t STOMACHIC WINE BITTERS, ' f Price One Dollar.) v ' ' These celebrated and well;knpwiTBitters( are composed purely-of yegetables of the most mnoceni yei specmc virtues, ana are parutu larlv recommended for restoring weak consti. lut'f.n. and increasiriir the appetite r they exr pel worms in ail ages, but from, khejr simplici ty and safety, are a most natural and eiiectual vermifuge, when administered to ehildr en they are gratefullyvwarm, and pungently aromatic ; they are extremely serviceable in all .seasons but particularly so on the approach of warm weather, when b nous habits exijeriCKe such to'al loss of appetite ; they are also a certain preventative against those compjainTs so com men in the sprirg'aw) fall seasons such, as in termifent fevers and agues, long autumnal fe vers, dysenteries, &c. . ,v 4 They possess moreover the property peculiar to themselves, of qualifying and ameltorating those inflammatory pernicious qpaH ties inher ent tt ardent spires, and so otten fatal when taken .non an emDtv stomach, and -"converts them into a wholesome, pleasantl and invigo- rating stomacnic. DR. ROBERTSONS . V Celebrated " GOUT & RHEUM ATIC DROPS ,. i i v.-' (Price 7?o Dollars.) ; ; A afe and effectual cure for the gout, rheu matisrri, lumbago'' stone and gravel, gleet, swellings and weakness of the irfntSi sDraihf. bruises, and all k;nds of green wounds the; . Li t. ' JL. ZIT cramp, pains in ineneaa,iatc ana oouy, s-iu ness of the neck, chilblains, frozen limbs.: &c A NTItRlLlOUS PILLS. For. the ere- ventioh and cure of Bilious and Malignant Fe PATENT ITCH OINTMENT For pleasantness, safety, expedition, ease, and cer taintyis infinitely superior to atvy other me dic;ne, for the pure of that most disagreeable disorder THE ITCH. Priee 50 cents per boxi MATlC DROPS. i Price twb dollars. 1 Ir, Jebb's Nature's 1 Hestoratilef A IlAL SAMIC C O RD1 A L -Price t wd etellars . if j '", bodbold'i VEGETABLE BALM OF IJFE-Pikoiiedolla-v; i THE B AL'M 'OF tBfI EiivVrt? frpm an Iberian'; paRg for'icuin''defeets-of the skin, and- improving the complexion, &c. PriceTtwo'dollars.' j :': bv;; VTHE RESTORATIVE; T)ENTtFRlCEi.' r or cieansingi wnitf mng. ana preserving the 1 Sncc; the above invlauable medicines Were' j first discovered, up wardsfof stve hundred thou? sand person have experienced their happy and saiuiaiy epecis, many ot wnom irom in grat f As the, certificates attested by many respect able'person? Are -tod numerous .for ; this ppeq w coniam, inc propncior rwjue -inc. car tcrperuse thpajmphlaccompanjing thVine 2 ; M& matdry; dtjugs the disappointment I peatedlyrexperrepced ih-mV practice. frnm prediftposiadn to rulmoriid. UomijJaints,' W powerful inducem'enti with; me to conhider substancesJ conidrrarj bfcrnVfiied. from :the' ivelff founded 'objections oi n; r. tareatening qesiruction: o tne aongs. . T now pfl;ttipblk tf 1 years experience on '(h)ir subjeit ) No c t. petise pr jreubfejbas be'drr spaYcdCn this cam. positjori Tat nojtriin and. Asthmatic complairtWhlilbeeovso sue cessful;as jrVTA ' t erg BiiT, wodid JU become the to mention in ibis.' adaessVButJ if tbeV 'attestatiodf'Pef sons of tbehighest;r eya.hJch 'will beh'e wn to iiny- persoti-rlf the lOalled prpotj it is proved;. GpRQGEHS. St- : ; ' THli JMPORTEBTloRSE VJLTihh jSjTApfre.ensuirijgf season at mr YV' stable, iri: Warren county, and will h let'to Mres at Twelve and a Half Dollars the SeasoVfor! each.raVe,rpay5ible.the first davcf January nexu ?Teo Dcilarswill discharge n,t samef sent With the mare. ' The season w;I commence the I st bt March, and end the Kith of Augusti ! : ; '.- Thfe Pedigree and Performance of TRUE BLUE have been so cfien made known". u deemed useless again to publish thini ; suffice it to say thai neither is surpassed by any horse that has been imported ' '. ly- 'v- n-Ah J, TURNER. February ! 25, 1812. v . , , 2m 51 ,.:NkPOLON., '". T'HJs admirable TACK,--four years o'd thit spring,; wu i siaiui me present season, which will end the firstj&ay of July, at the subicri. bef's8UbDVthe.'Rcd'duse in Cacvejl County, at fcUr doTlarsf the leap six collars the season, anditen dollars ensurance. The sir"? and da,m of Napoleon is of the re. nuine stock" of; Graral Washington's Jack, the royal fireseat made him by the Kj.ig of Spam, 'which was considered to be. the best ss to form, disposition and for service ever in A raenca' Oood pasturage for mates from a dis tance, and honest attention in ever v case that customersmay have justice, but no liability fsrf accioepu or escapes ot any Kind. , The publc are not appr ised of the great va lue of mules,.or! they' would not neelect raisin? those cheapiuseful, durable' and listing anW msis, jveitner would tney sntter themselves t be prudiccd-against .their better interest by tne owr ers ot stuJs, when mules generall, are a readier sale, and for a better price than runs tenths of .hdrsesv..-. ;';''"';.'' '" The'subscrifer'isV saythat the mules got by "Don Alfonso (sire of Napoleon) iire remarkably large ; at jtwa years old per. form the work of a hors.e, are not of that vc cious, obstiria'.e dispositibn cf thosegbt by the .grey. Jacks bin are as eay broke, & as manage, able as hones, that raising two rnules & feeding tbem;while'at:!0k,ls less expfeiice than oie bcrse; and that one mule wil wear out three of four . horsed ' SAMUEL: SMI TH. -Matcl 24, 1812., .' . .9i56, ' WILL BE SOLD ' On Saturday the 16th of May next at tie Aourf.house in ElrZabethKBladen cotftity, fTHE .following Lands lying in the' said i- County, orso much thereof as will charge the; Taxes due "thereon, fcer the year 4000 acres the property of Jacob Rhodes 300 do.thej prdperty of Robert Gibbs; , 625 do the':prpperty of Stephen Starling.' .MAT THE W KELLY, ShiF. MarchTOJv .'-'. 54- ' To those kojo may have Business in thi BRANCH BANK OF THE STATE of NORTH-CAROLINA TAR30R0UGH, TX7 HERE A manyof the cusbmets of d yy Tarbofougb Branch Bank," reside at great a distance as to render it i nebny n01 and expensive to attend ln.eTapn ; to tr3nflct theirnsss$d believed, some proper person "vbutd '"ingage'tb" atteod- Dusiueas oi; inns, son, ii w.ouia te a scuiv. geat chiehiebce ataHyntage to the public Tfoe Subscribe being wiibng ,to serve the pu lie in .this'wayj- offersf,h services as Ag for transacting business with7 said Bank, cB tbe'folIovHngetolt i' .ollar.lfi?Xti s$ '4:-:-S':'": i ror xjrawinsr ana-uayinz over sunn T:-i'r- Jy ' .7. ntet- ceed;ng g5UO, one Dollar, ' Fr all nm iKnvo C AflO. .two At all ftaUi&ss' lftmiT he tJutin his WW and will at all times communicate the,ness- ry' iilfoiatS6Wt6Wihi maTe fDCern f and ,wWon;io,? W Negotiable lotesn4 Checks op ,0; nu It is iiesiim4 av;bow!wfefi wih te crrlhpf trtl ttPtirf t A tbi' riit'ntneSS. W1U l&r their communications $y P' t . -. f, " --(. I I 'XT -I .1 vf i .A i- f: r y Srico Thret poUaw a Year, oronc Dollars ; - . ' -.-4 ." i r