lJ r 2 '3', . . - r .- . 7' 4. ' 1. r .1 . ? . ' ' - " i . 2.m. Jfc.JKij r,f . wV?tlrltfh 4ti'. iiT . 1 -: -. -t ' 4 ' ..J ; , , ,.x U v w-i i-rLa i.''iTJ-, VI-aii 1 1 ii : ; . . -u ' " ' . . . .... . .' .'. . i i uus wvx i.cu .. u w, ,f r-.n . w MM ffl&teLW H UavM limi k W W A J www fcww - - b f TLiJPrbch Grand Army in Russiiu H7cUt Srpu 10. 1812. Pir tbtt 4t6 tk Emperor set out from : CujiWtot etumptd ow -the post The s h it tlx o'cI6ckn ihctnoteio the trroy put Itulf ii molidtu Ac two Sa the ftcmboo we perceived theRa? til os formed with thtir rlghtttpon Moik- thcUfi vipoa tbo hefght cn the teu I tdringr etibe kfr,- the eotm' had he-V- gtio to fortify .'tr fine hetghib, bttwctn two Wtodif thrre thjr bad pUctd.Dnc 1 "ct 1 0 ,000 -mttv -The Ero pc 1 or binn g . fecofincltcred revolted not toJote t txu3cajH atdto car y tbU poution. Or . dcrt wcro gWen to ihe Kin of Naples ttrpataheo!ogha,: wuh the ditisToa CcTDptnt r?d the cavalry Prince Po- Miiotrtkyi "who bad marched : on the igbti'wxsln a ecndU'ion to turn the pb-a'uion- At fouf o'clock' the attack com tTienctd.'- Ih one-hour the cnemy'i re J "Ciubt. waaccarried, witbthe caonon ; ' the tnemy'tcopidrifenfrotathe wood, ' -nd put to filght, leatin? the third part on the fieW ottfcule. At aeten in Ihe cTtninQ 'ibenot ceaud - On tbc 6:h at two o'clock in the mor- lia Curiae the attack'i vcrp now. ta our adrafitage; rnetierny saw tne Datue lost, which besought .had' only com racoced . A part of bla. artillery , Wis taken 1 the rest wks withdrawn to hia linea in, ibe rear. In, this exttemtty be i attempted to rtstore Ihfi-cbmbat, and to auackwhh all his masses those stfoaj post ions wmth ho nasXinablo to pro tect Three hundred pieces of French catnon placed on these- heights, thun deed upon bia masses,' and his soldiers died at the. foot of .those parirpett which they bad raised with so much labour, and as a protecttng.sbelter. v I v'Thq King of Naples, with the caral- ry, mado Taiious charges. 1 be Uufce 61 Elchingen corercd himself with glo ry, and displayed as much intrepidity at coolness. The Emperor -ordered a charge ot the Jrbnt the right in ad rance ; . this" morement made us mas ters of thi ee parts of the ficld of battle. Prince Pouiatowsky foughtn the wood with various success. , There still, remained to te"enemy his( redoubts to tHe right. Gen. Count Mo' rand marched thither, 'and carried them ; but at nine in ibcrmorning, t tacked on all aides, be ctild not main tain himself tkre. Tbe enemy, en couracfed by this advantaee, made lus reserve and his last troops advance to HOUSE OF KKPUE9EKTAT1VES. ';Mr; Tail made, iaid? i.wouldbe fc collected by the House, that in the year 1 80S,, a law was enacted rhaktng an an nual approprjation of two huri ed th'ou sihd dollart for thepurjfoseorprocurihg u Arms arid' miKtary iumcnts? for the whole body of the militia of the U. States, lie said it would also be recol- lected that we had novvi pill lying on j our uoies, reponea ,oy ane military Tnursdotfi JJec. 1U. Air, Bainer, from tin? balloting comnullee- . nuig.the Emptror surveyed the enemy s trf his fortune again. The Imperial adranccd posts t the day was passed in Guards formed a part of them. He at-. rccorinoittnng. The enemy were in a position much ccntrccd 4neir leu .vaij weakened by the lots of the posr tiota ootht'y befurtbacktd by a large wocdv supported by a fine height crowned by V rtdoobt . planted with 25 pieces of. .cannon Two other btigais tacked our centre, which formed the .pivot to our right. -For a momont it Was feared that he nvght carry, the vil lage .which was burnt ; the division ri ant advanced thither : eQ;hly pieces of French cannon-immediately arrest, and then annihilate the enemy's columns, crowned with redeubtsst loo pares from which stood for two hofars in close - or- eacb pther protected, their line as Lr der, under chain shot, not dating to ad- aia !argeTilltge "which the enemy had vance, unwi ling to retire, arid renoun drstTfyed, toc6vcr the. ridge. with,artil- cing ic hope -of. victory -The King of 4ery and infantry, and to support the Naples decided their uncertainty He cen'rew rTheirs right amended behind caused the 4th corps 01 cavalry tomake tber'CoUghs. in the rear of the village a charge, wko penetrated through the of Borodino,' and was supported by two fine heights, cruwred with redoubts tod fortified with batteries. This position appeared strong and favourable. It was easy to nurjeuvrerand to obHge the e- TJt my to evacuate It ; bui that would htTebetn TOjoonciog our obj-ct, tnd the position was not, judged sufHcicntly strong to rtndcr'it necessary to avoid Ighting. Tt was easy to perceive that the 'redoubts vere but half formed, the fosse shallow, and neither palisaOcd nor 'deferdedmlth cbfux de flse. We reckoned the enemy i force at about ! 2o or 1 00,000 xazru Our forces were pqualj 'ijut tbe""!!!! cf our troops was not 3oQbfuL 1 Oa the 7th, at two in the mornirg, the Emperor was surrounded by the liar- abala in the position tiken the evening 'before. At half past 5 o'clock; the sun Tose without clouds "It hx rained the proceeding evening. " Tbisinbe sun of AustelLx:.sjiid the traperor, Tho breaches which 01 r cannon shot had made in ihe condensed masses of the Russians, aad the squadrons of their cuirassiers ; they dispersed on ail sides. The General of -Division Count Cau tain court,' Governor of the Emperor's Pages, advanced at the head of ihe 5th regimen: of Cuirassiers, overthrew e very thing, and entered (he redoubt on the left by its gorge. From tliis mo ment there was no longer1 any unce - taiuty; ? The battle was pained. He turned upon the enemj the 21 pieces of Qinnon which were found in the re deubt Count Caulaincourt, who hid disnpguishedhimseHinthis hne charge, "has terminated his career. lie fell dead, struck by a bullet a glorious death, and worthy to be envied. It was now two in the afternoon ; the enemy had tost all hope ; the battle was ended, the cannonade still con Inued ; the enemy fucght for retreat and safe ty, but no longer for vfctory. , 1 be loss ot tne enomy is enormous ; hot Ibe tnowt. 0rSep.tmb.r, U ir., ttifnm 3 , ,J000 mJ, rom-d w cold as a December in Moravia.' Thr army received the omen ; the t'rum beat kod the folkrwiog Order of the Day wa read- Soldkrs, behold ,rbe firld t.f battle yoo have so much desired! htnctf.rth -victory depesds on you, it is necessary 9000 Russian horses have been counted on the fieW-of battle ; 60 pieces of can non and 5000 prisoners have remained in our 1 ower. We have bad 25oo killed, and thnce that number wounded. Our total loss may be estimated at 1 0,600 men ; that ?tt 5 1 ' 11 10 u, uTfinirrw picmj. gwo cjaar- 0ftho enemy from4o to 5ooo. Ne lers lor tne winter, ano a spceoy,riurT vcr there seen such a field of hat- tie. Out of Six dead bodies, there were five Russians for one' Frenchman. For ty Russian Generaia were killed, woun ded 'or taken.' General Bag ration was wounded. We have lost the "General of Divi- sIoq Montbrun, killed by a cannon ball ; General Count Caulaincourt, who was int to occupy his place, was ktflcd by The army answered with reiterated Ifa shot of the same kind, an hourafter- Tirrljmitios. - The erohnd on which 1 1 wards. , to your country. Behave youne Ives ar rfoi d:d at 'Fricdlacd, at Ausnri'ux, tt Vitepk, at Smolensk and that the la test posieriiyj rosy speak of your cbru duct ih'ts day with pride-'.hat it may say of yeu. ' He was at that great bat lie under the walls of Moscow. -i i It Camp wi tlx irijki tf Sprodimo Sef. 7, 2 Vi A. MT v ihe ermy stood was spread with the dead 'bodies of the RutsiansJcilled ihesreced Ing day! Prince Poniatowsky, who was on the right, put h,imsclf4n motion to tarn to rbe Rircst on which rhe cacmy rested his left. The Prince of Eckmuhl T1e,Generah of. brigade Compere, riauzonne, Marion, and Huart, wciq kiiled ; seven or eight Generals were wounded, the most of them slightly. The Prince of iickmuhl has received no Injury. The 'French troops cover ed themselves mith glory, and displayed rasrehed on the skirt of the forest, the tbeir great iuperiorky to the Russian Divisioo Comnans at. the head. Two 1 1 iroopr. batteries of 6o cannon each com marJng , the enemy's poslUbn, had been construe--. Uet! in the nighu . ; :; . , '-At o'clock, gen. count S?rbieri who tad armed the baitcry on the right with the artillery ol tbe reserve ol ttje (pisrd : comfarnced the Are General PrroeU- - ty, with' thirty pieces' of cannon, put . Idmselfattbe head of the Mviitoo-Com- . :pans (ilh of the 5rst corps) who skirt f td the wood, turning the head of the e nemy's position; '. At half past six ?enf ' Compans 5Tjs" wounded 4 at' seven the .Prince "of Eckmuhi kid bis horse ki&d. Such, in a few words, is a sketch of the battle -of Moskwa,' fought a few leagues in the rear qf Mojaisk, and 25 leagues from Moscow, near the little ri ver M oskwa. We fired v3Of0bo can not shot, which are already, replaced by the arrival of 8 00 artillery carts, which passed Smolensk previous to tin: battle. AU the woods and villages from the field of battle to l Jus puce are covered with dead and wounded. - We have found hero 2ooo killed or amputated Kusaians. A oumbcrcl uener&lsand uojoneis are.pnsoners. The Emperor was never exposed ; - 1 Th& atfsck anfancrd ; he musketry -commenced. The Vice R .v. who form-1 neither the foot nor horse guards were ;cd our left, atUcks and carries lUtn ijcngagedj or lost a;aingle roan.vThe lire of Borodino, which theencmy could II victo.ry was never uncertain, ,Had the . - . r ihtt .;it.i k.;nM MM tKieaarav. whcn"driTenfrr--n Mm ninrh. ' h ' '1 Vtu. a...n .i.. II tnenta. not eivlTnrpfl tn rtnlrA tKr,. 1 1 1 dltrshat 4xrke cf Elchmgen put bir4c!f ?r loss would have been greater than V vln rnotica. and under the protection of bis ; but he destroyed Jus army by keep . . ' t r..-:v inttKem.lmm flrV)nrl- fill? nn.r tU : , ' VtrhpUaJthe evcoingbtroreajaiasl fire of our battertes, aad Jn obstmately w 'ihe enemy', centrtrfwre upon the centre, ftteop to regain that which i was -A thousand pieces of cinnoa' prc?d 'This was 'the. cause of "bis in :. honansidesM -f . ' meiiso loss,-- ; r At.eiehto'clocktha positions cd thair ,T"7 ooo ouiogxiisnca.nirascii- lvnemy were carried, bis redoubts taken, lZ 01 wipjes mna tUo- Unke Y Jindur arulicry cronncd bh hcighu. ".EIchiDgep wercculmly:conspicwusJ - v. . . - 5 . - ; , " V. ' committee, supplementary' to the afore- saia aci, appropriating me auuiuoriai annual sUm of-four' hundred ikdufarid dclUrs for the same object. To enable the House to judge 'correctly as to the Dronrietv of Dassintr 'the bait ftoiv Ivint on our tables, he Wished iaibrmaiion 611 j the subject of the law 1808, ani presu med the House would, be glad of, the same. For this purpose he had drawn a resolution calling for information from the proper department of the govern ment, which he would now submit for the consideration of thcHousc : Re agreed to. ; ' The House in committee of: the whole ajram resumed the considerauon of the merchant's bonds,;' After debate, the committe rose, reported progress and had leave to sit again, and the house adjourned. TurtJay, Dec 8. On motion of Mr.-Poihdexer, 12c itved. That a committee be appointed to enquire wither any, and if any, what a mendntents are necessary in the several acta exlendjog the jurisdiction ' of the superior courts, in the Territories of the U. States. The House resumed the considera tion of the report ef the committee of ways and means ontho subject of the. bonded goods (in; committee of the whole). After debate, the committee rose and the houss adjourned. ; Wednesday Dec. 9. The House. resumed, the considera tion of the. bonded goods in committee of the whole. . After debate, the committee rose, and had leave to sit again. Mr. Bassett, after advening to the conduct of British naval forces, in de taining the hands of the Wasp and cer tain others, who were taken in battle in our nublic vessels--As also to the reta-, liatory -measures of Comm. Rodger in sendim? in 6 men to Boston, and 6' to I Charleston, as hostages proposed the following preamble and resolutions : Whereas it is represented that-Great-Britain has seized sundry persons light ing under the Amencitn flag: on, the! high seas, and laying claims to thorn alike incompatible with the rights'! and practice of the U. S. as an independent! Nation flettlved, That the President of the U S. be requested tqriy before this House, the information ne nas recetvea on iuai Auqjcct, and the measures taken to redress an evil which vioktes the risrhts and interests,; and outrages the feelings of a free and independ ent people. ! ; l Mr. Mil nor objected to the preamble. Wc had seen no " representation ' The. preamble called upon him to state i fact of which he was not conscious, fhe resolution expressed a .positive o- p nlon as to a fact, for which we were asking information. He wished the re solution to ha altered in its nhraseolocv. . - . . mj 1 Mr. Bigelow moved to amend this I proposition by adding to the end thereof the foHowmg : And ;to accompany the statement with such information as he may possess, which goes to designate whether they were American or Brit sh subjects." I Mr, beybert could relieve his col league. He had conversed with his ne phew who was a midshipman on board the Wasp. The boatswain who had resided in this country for 1 2 years, and hud a wife ,and children had been de tained in irons in Bermuda, for the crime of fiffhtinf: -our battles. Be ho ped to enlist the gentleman's sympathy. Mr. Bassett withdrew his resolution at the suggestion of Mr. . Macon, who said it was not usual for the House to assign reasons tor asking information, and submitted the JoH owing-: j Renlved That the -President be request ed to ky before the House any informa tion which he may possess, touching the ceridoct of British Officers towards persons taken on board American armed ships. j , Mr. 'Sheffey moved to amend by ih- scrucg after the word tenons 4ther than British subjects" ! . - , Mr. Ouincey objected to thrs He would not refuse fp hear tf the Msage exercised towards men who had fought our batt'es'even if they were net Ame rican citizens. I I Mrl ShefTey now withdrew bis mendmenU ,x; i Mr. Randepb proposed to strike out the word. Jerrican" and insert pub- uc lost, onry -a lew in tator. The resolution was then passed ! and tbe House adjourned. : . .. TAursdavgDeclO. On motion of Mr. Harper, Hetohed. -STiat the committee on mllltary attairs: bo instructed to enqulre iato the ez bedknev of iddntlnsr an elementary treatise forth disciplining the armynd tnUitia of The Hrae then went mto a commit- teecf ;tbe whole, - on the report of the committee 6frWays and jweaas oa fubiect of bonded ccods; After debates the committee rose and the ?House ad journcd. : w . for a, Major-UeOeral of tbeTth division of the Mi!itia,,reported that Calfin Jqnesrwas duly elected. :. ' .'. C Ulr. Webb, ft t the committee appointed to encjuira mto ilie expediency ot providing mne xultale cenmDdations lor . the - Go yeror reported a- bUffor J Uts bette accom' mudation of tbe iioyernors of this State. t . Mr: i Vanhook presented Vb'Ul maktnj fur tbrer provision; in favor 0; the owners ; of strays ; " -r'.'i : t: 's". ' ;' ; Mr. Stanly, a bill for the better! regulating of apprentices y nd . , ,f . ' Mr. Martin, a Lilt to amend an act direct ing the meihotrjaf electing Members of 'the' General Assembly, he ; .. I' 1 Ueceived from the Senate, the report of the committee appointed for the purpose of of chusing Electors to vute for- a. IVesklent and Vice fi-eiident oi the '''United'tutesV with a bill directing the maimer iu 'ViiicU the Electors shall be appointed K jJ A motion Was made by Mr. 3urfree to in- defiaitely postpone this re;oit and bill,whh was negatived to 33. 'The bill then pas sed its first reading 9i to 2:1. ; ,.' ' .Mr. Pickett m6?ed a re-conwderallon of the-Orll for dividing" ttuwau County, whiclt was refused ?4 t 52. T - . ... ) Friday, Dec. 11. i Mr. Stone presented tuts memorial of John Stephen, un behalf ot lumtfell and associate, proposing to esiaoiisn a line of oleum un&t NavigaUon, from the waters of the Ctiew peake thro' th? State to this city ,-'f Clwrjjes ton," and graying for suck exclusive privJe-ges-toliim and his asaochites as may apjar just and prope r. 1 llefefoeil. - X $ Mr. Vannook, from the baUodncWraitf tee for a Public Treasurer and'tJomppoller, reported that Juha Haywood was fiectetl Treasurer and San&el Goodwin Cvinpitrolltr. I On motion of Mr; J. A. Gamer jn, te com raittee on the Givernor's messare,-wav in structed to euqufrt into the propriety of ma- salary to the AdjutanGeheral of thrs Stute. ,Mr. B Jones presented, a btil; to extend the right of thaliene in certain taaes, - U Mr. Porter, from tbe committee on that part ot tiietiovmos message ymcn relates lo the disposition ot the pubiicMrms, recom mended the passage of a bi'wr ;.the disposi tion and preservation of thepblie arms rev ceived from ihe General Government. The house took tip the bilL to suspend ex ecutio-ts for a limited time- Mr, 1). Came ron mt ved art; indefinite postpoaement of it, which w negatived -7l - to -56. He-'' then moved to strike our all the amendments, whicn had been made loathe biil by the Se nate, and restoring it to the form in which it went from this house. Motion Carried 80 to 4 1. The bill p passed its second Tead ing68tOv54. " 'Saiiir'day, 'JPcl2. Mr. J. A. Cameron. pixjehted a bill arn- datory of ihe seveial acs regulating appeals in certain cases; andif f;j t Mr. Stone, a bill -fur extending1 and im-proving-the navigation ef Keuse river. Mr. liroWne, fiom he committee to whom was referred ihe biU to subject, eqiiitable in terests in real anuVperional estate io execu tion recommendeA a new bill in th'e.piacebf that submiued tonnem, which wa received and read. mm It. t . jtionaca, nee. i. s The-ballotin committee for Cavalry of ficers, reportnf that Eobert Locke is eWcted Colonel s David Caldwell first Major and Nelson And son second Major. ? The balloting committee for a rfajor Ge neral of tbe-SUi division Of the Militia, re ported thai Mont. Stokes Was duly elected. The biil for the distribution of the arms receired'from the General Government, was on motion of Mr. Stone, recommitted. ? The house took up the bill for the better ?ccommtdation of the Governor of this State, which, after undergoing some amendment, was, re committed. ' sey,5Jawyef,.j lfAts.iAtW !....: M ,WtbW P". V, Cameron; r'fteitl. Dickson, Dobson, Edward!, feS1; nfr I hms, Hijl. Holt." ton"' Jones, E. Jones, K.Wh w iv 7l M.a, JLMIIIIU. Un, .. I "US, Odeneal. Wiifer. lWi, J. Seawell, Sulliv Street tf. Seawell. A. S te wa n 'i i : . r W Atiaikirm ... . vi " IVnhM iief, Wilson, 61, ' The bill direeiinir tK. . ing Elect(r3 to vute a PreSL' States, wa.in.iT, eC6d reading ; wheniilr. M.i, W M to amd the bill bv iirik.., principleihd Ihtrod. T rt;-" motion wJ$ eUvea VI 5 1 lie bill,-, im-Mrto, i n - Jz- . WARRENTON mi r I s HE RxmlniHA. nf c ... . X, . - ai:nT)ts of -v Acadefnr. romme'ncpd n th. rtf, . - i ended on the 21s. in56M .r r.f,,, ,h' wre pr, v ar and er,es,M' ,VG.t ru": witness. fhe" rarrd and s-h-i nr, ' d'fferent'dasaea alt rir 1 ,e8InJ 4 repou was mae b ihe ennrai to Lewis Wsiliamsonvry ir0cj. I Hnry Marshall, David Wii!,am andv eual. CLASS III Cr jar. Jhn Phinkettood. ' . ; class -iv w John Hall Austin Plummer, John Ml3 Adam Hawkins, Dpdley Peebles, w Tnnstall, Benjamin Boi kin, Macon Arthur Gloster. ''John Mall and XuitiarW mer, cqnsl and bet in this plass. The m good, m the rdrr tbey are named. , - CL ASS V---. . vvryoodr. Hsu the best; . ' ' CL AS-W-r , Alexander iroidn, H;nry 'IIaw:L jamps jon.es, unarles Johnston. innrv U.J a- Tuei toy, Dee. IS. Tfie balloting committee for a MajorGe ntr of llie sixth division of Militia, report ed that Wm. Croom was duly elected. The balloting committees for Uriiradier- General, for ihe fifth brigade of the seventh i . A? m. I aw. f aitisioa sna lor me if in ongaae oi toe tn division, reported that 1 Jeramiah blade was elected for the Jirsi named brigade and John If. Hawkins tor the Jast. "Timodij' Freeman was elected Colonel of Javalry in Ihe first brigade i Keddick Cross first My or and Bempsey Grundy 3d Major, ' Mr. Stone, from the committee to whom was referred the memorial of John Stephens, on the subject ot Steam Boats, made a favo rable report, and 'a bill' for the encourage ment ol steam Boats' in! tae waters of this Suite. . - . . ' ' , . The Speaker laid before tbe house apam phiet containing documents tending to prove tbe superior advantages of railways and steam carriages over canal navigation, which was referred to the same committee to which U?plen's memorial was referred. A message was received from tbe Gover- 4 - a - a . r . - ' tn nor. informing tne nouse oi tne ocatn ot Matthew Troy, late Solicitor M the sixth circuit, in order thai the vacancy might be filkdj A ballot was accordingly ordered. - The committee on the Governor's mes sage recommended -th,e passage ',f a bill to amena tne 3iiitia laws oi mis state. The Sill to amend the f uspection'Laws in relation to Tar Sec. was indefinitely post poned. ' Uecei ved from the Senate a bill -for divid ing the State into districts for electing mem bers to Congress, wh ch being read fox its 2d. reading Mr Pearson moved lostrike out the 'whole of( the arrangement contained in the bill for the purpose of inserting a ues one whicb he had formed. T?hts inotiao Was. negatived 96 to 29. . The bill then passed its 2d. reading, without a'vUion. . y - ' The balloting committee for a Colonel of Cavalry In ohe siath brigade of the 3d. divi sion, reporteddiaV Isaac lanc was duly e lected f nd fori the Colonel of the' 9th brig aiic, George Kincannon' was elected. i : 4 . The bill to sbspend Executions was read a'third time, and passed 63 to 61, and or dered to be engrossed The'Teas and Kays wer M.foUo$l "ffV V - ' - YSXcUmB,'lioyd, Well, Bynom; Ba ker, ;C. Bryan. ,W, Bi varti JJatcman,' Beck, Uarber, Cu Croom ierryi Copeilnd, ra 'rfw thejesr-The restof the Clss order they are named. . CLASS VilU,rav William Baskerviile gooql. 'r ' 'Joseph Tun .11 very good. r CLASS l'jfc -v-Ciccrol Edward Broatinax .very goodL i "CLASS XKZyZV Gforg cs John .Battle William Humnw, B!ake S ker, Thomas Green.- Batiie anl Plumrnr v ry ood, and eq'.iai Bk?r and Green, good a.id equal.' ' v: 'Albert 'llufBo. ' f nomas Huifinboth wrt ood, Albert itufEu the besr. . " '-CL ASS -Xenofban. . Jeseph Ttjnstall, Biake Bkef 7both ver; ood, Turretall the . besu, V; Henry Plunvner, Henty F.tis, William Hall, James Flits, .'VJahn-attle,' WilKw Pjummer--H; Pluramer,TI. Fjtts aad Williaa Hall, very good and eoaal ; the rest good and nearly equal. : . " CLASS 4Vff:Europ'.a Gcnrapbj: Henry Plumrner,;Heary F;tt3,Vjl:iani;H:II, James r$ts. James Campbell vey good in. deed, and little or no dsnnction f CLASS XVJtitierican GecgrrfLr. Edward Broadnar, Daiwd 1'arner, &Awui Hall, Hdbbard Alston, James Jcnes, Wnl am Parsons, Thpmas Cnrisiraas very gocu wi nearlj alir equal. - . CLASS XVI--AW. a Daniel Turner, Edwai J H-H very jod and eqoal. , c' CLASS XVUuciU . Hubbard Alsto veny good. : CLASS yiVliiEucUJ. Albert, Ruffiri, Taoraas Uuffinverr gf and tqual ; . VTj Toe next Session cf the VarreiVsM Acadsrmyi wrill open on the first Mody '1 January next, under e direcrion of jlr. Wert, who is well tj-jal.d rbi a f i a ici'g of all the duties oi a'Tachtr. Twenty Thousand DaUars -V CASH- iVozH oflofit in the Potomac & Shm uoah Navigation Littery Second Clans, tf 1 Prize 1 do. -14 30 do. 20,000 S.GOO 2,000 SCO 100 . Besides the fdUwinJStatiooary Pt I Prze cf . S15,wu I 1 8 6 10 ' .lnOiifl rvi do. do.' da: do. tfo '' 'iM: ; SOO ,', dbof "tW Tickets each, K'W Besides aaW rmmber of smil! prz ailJ pmrl 1-2 Blanks to a rt it Present price of Tickets Nine Dollars TICKETS & SHARES so!d y . TnsiPH M!LtiOA?ir Vrbosold a great part of h V tae 4frst t;aE. I W. All orders for Tickcs F tsnded to: nic ir ffJZir I Lotteries taken m TJ9b - -y : fAVMialiAn ftsfiht - . ii. mum1 ' 1 7 Snid. tJfliTW". , Tir' t' ' rr: r CAUTION- IT?HE Fcbiic ar3 hetfrb ca -.receivrog.britt'g Carver, JJidmey, . vvf Daniel, J. J. Daniel, 4 William Dilk, to l aw 'fr6 d.Tiarden, Eaton, Frinlrrenneli;?rej?? Q1 125 dpUw, &tt$, in the nr il man, p anett;uckabee, akins, Hudgins, tf no Valo,ias beeri V&tVlf i& - ".r W . V" F . m - - J m m . - ' ,1 1. 11AIU. ' ' r T . Johiuoti, joyner, XV? Jqhca Jpgrxni,K!yf vi Vake County, Dec. 8,1 i e v. i J - '-

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