; Vtir . V BlKCOMCS COUrTTYr : ' XOtTwn bejctryour! lead- ground at .11 -ti? a W PT-nntn AlT5f ' "v.a.. V.-nffi f T. SrT S.tKs-sfep lipfpPlpplllS , John Aibtftjrut i UjaJb f 'r:BLw f !rQv' ! -.tore oftfeStaterocing a wccipcf - .afl " , n hle D m 1 rs.Sfeas other parts Awn who ' . a S"UtIl v ? x! " c d.b been lorr. zni nave spp v. uCVy ouc o.wli idcT the rt J,c l J u i,v the txptct of u bctu the tcc-r a ennui- w TW;r:rrf c :.k.kiniii " 10T IiC "M " . I each il Ibe !w I.U a '.t been lte!f contlitutrd for th ITJ X sooc. of . Prcfctwr ct IK ...e wuenoietii.nc- cf the Previdtn! Tb -Gcrukftun accd for the U.ver'tyt aud it ; . . - at Irir l cum w uu ' w ... . . ! rti.iinn .mwovewaextTot me kw iui la ' . ., Mojl iruft ii eveV bn Uiiticoto thf teo'rr rwUjcj. Mr.Ml. tuntibnUcomAa repeal tM Hm, im -- r r .K msIIc that he i wtQ g.tltd for ir t.tutc. which he has tadcttilun T fintteuion cf te jeat u oommenre ana; arc un -" " i ri,K i t ...The accoJ KMon i ,be;m . tte 2h of Jane aw coadodc oa the 15:h The are the extcr of the yer, totefftd jet-aor.oa!ly n advance. . let the Ilrac etton ir tt dt.egtoorr. anc cr;e. Diet Tmur 10. Hootnreni I. SetT.m-hne' 1 51'. Lbra. y 30 cenis WtaSins CandJo Wooc 4. BcU 3 50 Te5- ler 3y tor ih.e ond session the psyramU are, jtttiuljf ileaaff. .ro thtfyievr, and from the plainness o 6tnrd cianeis whh fashioraLle at this rwutoi-oo, u is Ui.rvcd ihat liberal educa ucazxa karrdj be ohai'ed ai aoy othtr, re cocd.ihns lus Uuriheosoroa v Ah n tt ct io he onooifuoiiies of acqji- koowltdjt iruJ invoUMg the facUlnes, it is lot intcrdat ut xr.ile ny temarksi lit attbjt on w!.;ch the puhlu: must b left u tbe-rwn ppeUensions, ard the dictates of pofr. 1'iKjc -re tlc pjir arbiters, aud tot e who ste tte rotir t.ncernd Taose who f ropese to txcoroe members c Itfs'UjtHut. ui, ovjht to come previa with tte rsur books, and a pwWl I aneodancc nt)iud4rol the aeaioa',isof IB6 oirast isoruoce ta tvtry siuacnt as well s to th Vltcre'ctt are nearljtU same to a border u tke ue a4 in toe CUUe. WILL US. buLU, , Jt tif CU 1 e in OnxltAi Cuutj, (A the i f-Ayjn Jfuntiurv mxi, or so nud tbereof ot tie TJjitt due tbemfut tUjta t IdlU wkMSii. wio i-f txfxncenf ae. tTc ATrut ofJLANl). lyig on Qpm's ereek, $o uidKoutity. conisirtfif TOO acics ad jo Bhj ihe UftJ oi John Mootfort the pro paiy ct the hois of Oibofn Jrreys, e'ec i' J AS THOMPSON. Shff. MJSSLW, A BOX f COOK.si sent lately by the Majl fr3rtJ.Uj.swk in V.rg.nla," ad- I'ltiMi uuUt. Wa Chapman, CreenU'oTQ tL-srd cnuntj. .Any ii.forrnatKjn ot lh5 d will .fee therkfull received by Dr. Orx. ar or at J.CUa's Ouice. Is, 3l li.JC IO. ' 1 - W:tS'Li9. J f w Sluta Ccrtifccte hfAsre rtcfhreJ at ho Ttea uiy in pay. cti fcr Land. Eoqoxe at J. Ga'ea's Olfi " - - - 'L ' ""' ; "A. Place Wanted. ? "By a YouV Man. wo can cemt well recom BxnrH TahnertinaJ tbe var-ety cf . THE TANKING iiuSlNlibSJ MOTHIC but the hxnlneas of.tbe firacs w4icr him to sol clt a g)t option j ar Xhtkmji ditpottdtouke a Partner. xa rt j rj ht Vertt of thta. notice by thrlrfg y -i.r urrcs, aAJ.en.3u:. In the propbsiU J -aiacniiip,' U wia be'ftecessary to giTC s Vi ttttvmcnt cf the oanaber of hrka receiv- : c iaciluy of serr leather' & the amoont cf ulet, Thase tdo wah toroe as above - I! plena ta signify It'aa aooo aa poul&le, Is "? xntU ottitj contract. t. ... t- . p. rcuLKKs:'. Ct.wUl Co-jntf. .. . - a H il! ..,K.tt,faouthCT5uteor - -Sv?VSk' V Ji if bchcf c the ommabis bocommg :iif3n tosake&tti the adootioo itha ii " - r Govrtnracut t .It ?a tuenriort vrr-.u Coott, thai the tU Dfcndani pp' next Tetni.to U held fr id Cyi .tite Cour.hCttre in er on tl Hr M Jodf af.ef (he loUrtb Monday of Mirch iKXt, mod then and there nut in rail nd replevy the pro. p.tT attached, tad plead toisjue--0herw'ue. judgfticDtw.il be entered atuit him by do- txmtf OrucreJ, i nt me dkvc dc oupusnra, thteo weeU tucceisively in the Hkletgb Re fitter. V ROUEHT HhNK V,C- State of Nbnh-Carolinay , UO WAN COUNTY. T- 1, ' . f Qjurt cf Pleat umJ iua'ter ztssfv:, A wemMr , t - verm, io. t - . ' . Jakes Todd, '5 Ortrinal Xttacbmeni. Andrew Kamisv it Tho.f '. L. Cowan Joseph Erwjn, J tutnmbned as Garnishees. IT appearing to the tatiifaciioo of the Court that ti e DefroJanV j Jeph Eryriv it pt an Inhabitant of this !ai--t'0rrrv, that puliotiun bc.wadeVjn tBAlValeitv Kr jister, forlhr weeka ancceisively' that the said de fcodaot, Jcspb, Krwtn, appear a( our next C4un ct rka 3c Quarter sessions, to" be held wr the County of Rowan, at the Cofrhriusej in Sal sbury, oil tnt,2t Monday in February next, and cruet his plea to the said su', tr jiiiqmentwill taken, acco,ding io thiTPUtn tiif drmiud. A True Com from the rainure?, t9 'eite, J NO. GILES, Clk. r RALEIGH ACADEJir. THC Trustees of th.e above Institution re apectfuJiy intotra. the public, that the Eatrcisesfor ihe ensuiaj year will commence od Monday the 4h of Ja&jury under the su pcrintendance of the RcV. ' M'i'MKXTxas The.Fe.nale Department .will be under the direction cf M u iloswoaTii, from the Slate of New York a youc Ldjr, who, the Trua ets re aisartd. Is properly qualified for the undertaking; hc".g will educated, and a per. feet frnsxsess of ihr peine and fashionable sc. compmhmen's of irawmj and every kind of ornamental Needle-wot k. Both Mr. M'Pheexers and Miss Bos worth wkll bsbly aai ated in the.r several depart, menu. The rVparafory School wl be taitjht by Mr.EoMONDtoK, a yfung Gentleman from Wasbinjctcn Coliee, in Virginia, who ia said be wellqjil f.vl fcr this department. v A puoc u U attendance at the opening bf the esion is CetiraUe, that ; the-'several classes may be fKmed to the rreatest advantage. Dec J6. WM. 1ULL. Sec. MUSIC, DRAWING, he. MXS. SAMBOURNK. HAVING signified to the Trnaieea of the, Raleieh Academy her intention of ralin q j'thlng her siroatioa as 5 upcrin tenant of the Female Iirpanracnt, at the conclusion ot the Hesent Sesaion, wishes to inform ter Friends arm tne ruotic, lau sa saau coaunue io rcsiae tn Kjleigh, and. at the commencement of the ensutag year, will instruct a few Young I.id'rs in MhJc. Painting, Kmbroidery, &c. so that Students ia the Academy, and others, wil atUl have an opportunity of acquiring tbese polite accomXD metis. 73 s September 17. Just received direct from NcwYo'rk, At the Store of the Subscribers, " A Lan e ard general ASSORTMENT of DKY GOODS i amongst which are. Superfine IS aad Cloths Ftncdi'io Casilmerej, Coatings arid Stockinets Rose b Du ch Diankets, Starlet Cloaks Nejro Cottors and Flannels , Bombazets, aoicy AVaistcoatihgs JabUee Cofd, Cambric, Gtngbims Mulitiun, Gmgbarr.s, Calcoj . Kobe Patterns, Long Shawls, Fancy Silks Lidics Silk and Cotton Hose Furniture Calicos Muilins, Cambrics an J Dimities and a great variety of Fancy Goods Also Shoes of ail kinds Sugar, Mofasaes, Coffee, Tea Wjoe, Rons and London Brown StoUt : All ol whicU will b- told low for cah. JOHN U ROB. STUART. Jta VQ, Dec. 17. State Bank of lorth-Carolina . State Bani, Dee. 15, 1812. Purchasers of Stcck in iho State Bank are informed, that a Power oi Attorney au thor.aig a transfer of a ahafe or shares held in tWe said Bank, must be witnessed either by the Cashier of the Principal Bank, or of one of Us Branches, by a Notary Public, or by two Justices of tbe Pnce and if by the lat ter tbeit signatures fust be certified bj the Clerk of the county, with the county seal an. nexed. Thll regulation to commence on .the. first day of January next, of which all who may be concerned will take notice. . W. H. HAYWOOD, Cashier. 7 j pern, iy, prrr&B0R(j. JOSEPH HARMAN returns bs sincere , thanks to Ms friends and the public for the lte'ra patronage he has heretofore received in his Lne of Business, and informs them he is about removing to his old stand again, where he intends to keep a good' supply as usuaU Dec 16. . ) y , For Sale, A LIGHT CARRIAGE, With Harness, Cushions and Aoxes. It may v. ' be bad erf moderate terms. - , Apply at this Office. Dec 18 , - 'j : ADVERTISEMENT. x AT NeverrbrrTerrn, Chatham county court, , the cmdersigned qualified aa Executors of the last Will and Testament cf Thomaa While, deceased. Those indeUed to-jsaid Es tate are desired to make speedy 'pay peut the hffaifs tberenf rertrjre it. -.Those. " having claims will please exhibit them, that arrange men e may be made foVlischarging.tbem, and within the time prescribed by law, or, the act of Asscxrirly ia that case will be plead in bar m , '.. mv i luutro t? of recovery. F ANNY A; AYHI rE, Ex'x. NATHAN STEDMAN, - WINSHIP STEDMAN.Vv l SAM'.- - : - HxVs. Dec. 16 -v mLElGlt, 'A- rniDAV. DBCE51BEI11'8, --.-The General Assembly, it is bcli ' cavlll rise about the mitldlc of n rise about the miuclie ot next The bill tosuteTid Executions For, a i limited time, 'passed iti Ust reading on f Wednesday, and is become, a law. Ii It to continue' in' force till the 1st of ; February, 18HY but to have no opera- !tion on contracts made after the 1st Of next month r ' j For an account of the "appointrhenta 'vrhich have taken place-m the Leisla- ;ture ve rpier our reaaers . uutes of iheir . proceedings. to the mi- i The following is a tender of the ser ! vices of the Patriotic Fathers of Meck lenburg .Cqilnty to his Excellency thq j ' . Charh'te, f?ev.25. 1812. : Sin, By the unanimous resolution yesterday, of the patriotic fathers of Meek. icnbur County, it becomes roy duty to pre ' sent to vou a tender of their services in d ; funce of our much iajitred and insulted coun 'try, io any prt of Uie" State where' you may deem it expedient ; or when and wheresoe ver their service may be necessary in aveng ing" the wrongs persisted in by our enemy.; Part) spirit in politics, with these, my fellow-soldiers, is enveloped by. the cloud of injuries and injustice, press d upon us .by our proud implacable and declared enemy. They with one voice declare, that though they bave scolded with one another; they will fight ooly against their enemies. Our hopes of an accomrocda' ion are .nearly at an end, and we do not ferl in a temper of mind any linger to indulge them. -f .- 1 am, Yaur Obedient, . JAMES PORTER Cot Charlotte, (Mecklenburg C'ty,) JWp. 24. The unexpected perseverance of our ene mr . and tbe late misfortunes ofour van guards ! in the Jorth-West, have swelled the number ' of veteran fathers to about' four hundred 'men, in this county, whose second Ardo. threatens t rise in proportion to the pres 1 atirc upon our beloved, country; and the go- vemment .which their services had eminent. ly assisted to procure. I Of these patriotic old men, six companies , art composed, under Captaws Jathe& Porter, 'Jtdin llarrs, (nomas Djwrs, J.-on bectest, S. Ham and Joseph Faires, who appeared ;in ,Cl.iarlo:te this day with their 'men, on rodstr, crganircd themselves into a Regi ment ot'Sitvt r Lch.k, and proceeded to rlcci their Field OrTtci;, who are. Jamea Porter, C 1. tilliam Hutc hinson and John Foster i Majors. ! IVattumtton Ci1 Dec. 3. We undertand that the Hon VVif. liam Eusna tendered his resignation ol the Officii of Secretary of Wit to I I toe fresuicn: ot tne uniiea qiatcs, on the 3d instant ; thit it lias been accept Cd, but that, at the request of the Presi dent, Mr, Eustis has consented to re main in the office and give his attention to its multifarious and difficult cdncerns until a successor is appointed. It gives us much pleasure to state our belief that this resignation is not the result of any collision between the Pre sident and Secretary of War, but has been tendered by the one and accepted by the other in a manner the most airii cable and conciliatory. The National Intel licencer says, thai Conjecture is busy in designating rthe Cticn who is to " fill the vacancy, in the Department of War ; but even she has pot yet been able to Ex on the per son." It dwells on the importance defc hcacy, and responsibility of the office at this moment.. The National Intelligencer gives a most interesting description of the rri val of Lietit. H-mi I ton, (son of the Se cretary of the Navy) at Washington, jvmn aispatciies irom uecatur ana tne captive ti ag-A large and elegant com pany had assembled at u a" naval ball" given to the officers fo'f the navyi and. particularly to Captain Stewart of the Constellation in return fpf his enter tainment. The pf the j rooms were decorated withfcKetrojjhies ofour naval victoty, the colours' oi the Guer riere and the Alert; Lieut Hamilton arrived with'the flag of the Macedonian. Ho Was conducted into the hall and the flag borne in by Hull and Stewart The American who has a heart to feelf may conceit the rest. The same paper states that the -Nj Western Army is ' gone into' winte-w quartars '. o reason is there r saigned for this course ; but other Northern pa penTtrate it to be pecasioned by the mi litia having refosed to cross ths rtvtn 'the Hon. John Gaillafd is'rcrelect ed Senator to Congress from S; Caroli na, for six: years from the 4th of March next. ' i " '"" : ' v Geit. Joseph AlstoK is elected Go vernor of Si Carolina ind Eld rid Sim- Kfss, Esq. lieutenant ,G averuor, r tLORlOA. : Ther6 is no doubt bn bur minds Jtlt that im mediate pdsstfcioft' will bt iajuctt of the Flondas, mt a force competent fo put dcrwriiiU oppbtitloii.! policy ;his long since dictated this measure), afidjif we are correctly informed, Gen IVitx'- -7:: - .J -i'- vry prievalentr it&U. the safety of the Southern frontier, as well s every no. tive of general Vblicy, reQuire' that-East rioriaa snouid dc aaqcdio. nur tcrntcK rial Tssessibnsi $i''A'h vV jf-' f Voltjnte3 Since ther.publica rich of CeCL S myth prclamationfor vo!antecrs a cfnstderable number of citizens from different- towns in this country;' have assemble aod uhscxi; bed volunteer enfolnients; Ar a, short tour across I the Niagara, f- Several companies have already marched; and others,. wj hear, will V.arc.h. immedi ately.' We calculate on fro at jCb tS lO mVn frtjm this counfy We are infbrned that 12 or 1 300 have a'lre. dy volamejtred anbVvi enroled thrim selves tf tUe cbtinty of Geijesaee. ? We thi ok Niagara will furflibh an c qual number. Vc hear also, that the little county oi oeneca, aitnougn 1 1 naj aconstaeo able : numne.fi ot mea, already on ourT frontiers4 will y ct furo tsh many more. titat Cayti ga will ftirnish a large number. We cakulate pit from OO to 1000 men from thee two counties The aggregate amoont of volun teers which will turn out on this oc casion; it is supposed will be at lsasL- 3500, and probably 4000- . aaaaW . B ; Letters rom Odeusbtircr of the 22d ult. mention that Comm. Chaun- cey, witfi his flcetj were gone to Ni agara for the purpose of assisting the operatioas of Geo'l Smyth. , aaaWaaaWa The nch'r Lqui M'CuMy, from Teoeriffe, &rr Baltimore with a full cargo of Ktlt, ,ras nlupdered. burnt at aca oa the 2th;ult. by the Bntish ship of war Acasta Capt. Kerr. who put Capt. M'Curdy andcretsrr withqut provisions of any kind, on board the Spanish shib TrosrAraigasI which arHved at thi port v eftcrday , from; The cattel sloup Delight, capt. fcobjj er, arrived on the 2ndfihit. in a short; pa SHd ge from" Nassa u , K.r ptvith twenty American scamcn who have been kid napped or stolen from our shored TheY Delight, it will be remembered, carried from this plce. "-jfiry dd" prisoners,4 taken from the B.iiiab ; for which, it ap pears we have received only twenty of our own countrymen. , r: We have been favored by bapt Cdbp er; with the Bahama Gazettes, as late as the 32d nit. They contain some inter esting articles which ye have neither time nor room to extract until j&r next. We art promised a list df the names of the Americans whe have been returned by the British, for Satui day: We learn from so,itie of the Ameri cans, who . have beehv exchanged, that wnnsi prisoners, tne nig ate aoutnamp" ton, and other British vessels which ac companied her, were regularly suppii ed with pi o visions Fro ni Savannah and Charlestb'n in her late cruize between the places mentioned, by a black scri'r. lth a rfcd bottom, and! green streaks a round the truuk. This should be taken under consideration by the ptoper au thority, and these traitot s tohe country punished, agreeable to lavl3flt. pap. AMEltlCAN PRfZES. 260. Schooher Three Sisters laden With Plaister, sent into Salem, by the Faroe. '. 1 ' 261. Schooner Comet, two guns .and small arms, captured on the Sbiuh side of St Do' mingo, ani sent into Savannah, by the Ra- Cid of Charleston. She is laden With sugar, ees-wax, tobaaca and dry-goods. 26Z Schooher Searcher, a New-Provi' dence privateer, of one gun and twenty men, captured by the Rapid, and burnt s : 63. Schooner Mary, of St Thomasi oap tured by; ditto and ransomed ' not. having men to spare tfi .Send her home; 264. Scboont Mary Hall, sent info Sack ett's lIarbor by the sqnadron uhder .the command, of captain Chauncey on lake On tario. ' . . ' ;' ' ' .- ; 265. Sloop Elizabeth, seht into ditto by ditto On board this vessel was capt Brock, (brother of the late Gen. Brock) pfthe49th British (repmeht ' , ;i ' ', 26. Schoorier -i- burnt. by dittb: f " J 267. Brig Union, from Guernsey for Gre-' nado, in ballait, sent into Old Tovrn by the General ArtosU-eag . privateer . of New-York The Vnion carried 6 guns. v r 7 ; ;26a,;.Schooner Keptu'ne, with a cargo of fish, salt, and oil, taken by the 'Revenge . of Slem, and sent into Cape Ann , ?n ' On Saturday Evening list, m the bloom of Life, Miss Lucy Dtlnn of this neighborhood. ! On Tuesday last, Samuel High; Esq. a res pectable planter of ibia"couhty f I ,r . Suddenly in : PhUadelpriia n the? inst whither he bad goneior the recovery of his health, Matthew Troy, EsqiT Solicitor far lie 6th District of thi State. QiUluV return from a walk, he complained of a head acha, fell 'down- and imiiiediatefy qeXpiredr---A younj Wtddw and small family are left io la ment anviriparabte:loa-:.&;' r- ipQ: iOn the 30tb Uit Mrs.Alary gilder,; wife oY-Mr. Willis" Vlderf ChbwaK cbuntyl Very suddenly- on the 1st ioit, much re' creued, l Mr, Zacariab; TVebb,1 butcher, aft nonen upngat ciuzen or.aenton. t '-'. -lexq4lpwij.:W.0ias t-, nesowcq, .inat; v it is inxerei uy Ipisls tcctw ani that iherrietition wttfrthe docuf ?i nVcbfs accompanying bp referrerl tojto k v :u, Seerferaso 53 to 49;: Tf the Senate < :i:trmi&Con terty.the.eciary'ifi gaptainDecatur, of the fcignUftoV tateS," reporin : his cbmbat and cap tjurebf the British ' lrigat4fkceianir; Too rauch 'pwisVciiJ that officer and Jus cbmpaniohs js'Jrd,' for.the consummate skill . anti r cbnspicti bus valbifT?yfwhif h tni -1 f rophy;ha4betti uddecl. to the naval Armstif the G Statesi ltransmitjo, JiJetter irom Waptaia Jonea ' w ho Wmankcrl ; tsJoopot wa; Wapreportrngiilsl tis.h s09bfT? ttebjibi "afjus aTibs ; acuoeinhichcther brlulanM be '" seen to ithe pbUlc Wmiratipn and praise. '' -.r ''V'-,: V H ' v A natibniejpling halit)p to ifVi self and itacjijkens c I to arbitrary, violehce bn the-ipceah a clas , ofwa?wbicHweslsuc5 (e ;b ) capacity andlcpuriii rights ' Qnha.tQmt VampJ Whichx; j :bugfittqirapVesf jer brave antj WwerfuU a.pi cferene 0? ; justice ana, peace jo noiuiy agsuuai. country wtosbr be ajcceleratedr but cannot be prevented oy lue aasauiia mauc (jui ai. 5 . ,r u natningtonk vea. 11,101-4 The Hoii. PAVt HAititTojr, bin 1 have thelittnor tp infbrnypu, thaa j onise 25tir iriau being in thelairf ii N. Ion.". 29 30 Wi wl fell ih with, ahdajTter an ac'ra U of an hour au&lftU ; liic Majestyahip MacedqninJ crAmandedLV byCapt JobH -Carded, aod'inpuntjuiir 49 car na guns (the odd giin ahlf ing. vf he ia a Frigate oi, the WaicJaiS, two years oidj; four month ottt otdwand pu one tbe'best aaileis in jhe Biitiin erficev The enemy being to uiftdward had the advantage: . of etigagthg4si at his dwnist.ne,,: wbb. was so greatlhait Tor ,thei;'&t,hatfhpur w dtd iibt usepursrrbnadesriand aJu nScv mwjus iVUbinuie .ePle1 r buV rauil&uoyjff and a heavy a Weil, which as 'Oiraithe doiiei i uscribe the unu'suat lenjffth'.I, -thse; actiti The .enthusiasm fi every cr,isai9ri atiJ marine ba board this ship. ott disebvex ing the etrny--their steady conducvm b'atf r tie, and precisiui. of their hre, could riot be? surpasjedoVherev all met my fulttst '". pecUtioris, it would be utijust .in m& tbidUt criminate Permitme l(iwever, to re com mend to your partfeuiar notice, my first lieu . unantWm. H: Atleb: tf has sejyedid( rne upwards of tftre ara, s and t6his;uurj nutted exertions ih. aisciplintnjg'; the creWia tox be lmputed th'obrioua superiorly of our gun uiey exlnosied in thelreauR bf iuts.coi let. -Subjoiijd is a lit of the killed andt wounded on boUi tidesv 'urloat compared with that of tiie enerriy will appear small- AmOugst our wounded,, yod Will bbse. ve th6 name lit Lieutenant Fonitl who died at teW, hours after the actiohr-lie vra , an offieer at great gallantry ana pruiiusc, uu me crYita has suatained a severe loss in his death. Idtt of ktuetl'and Oouhded on wr4 the United ( " y. ; iy States ,-!;,,?: ! Thomas Browrii JJew-York, seaman r Hen ry shepherd, PhUadelphii, do. j Wro. Murt ray,? riUston a bCy : j M ichaet ODbntJcl, N. Yorki private marine r "'John : Roberts, do ilo. Killed. . : J ,'; : 'V ' j John Mercer Punk, Philadelphia, Lieut t Jihu Archibald, N. York, cajprnter'a crewx CistiaWCLarkoUaQian 1 Oeorge Christ pher -do. ordtuary seamaw j tieofge Mahatv do. do. 1 . ,Vrn: damesdo. do. t John Laton dbiprivatntorihe ; Oa;iboard; th Masextonjianlhrre- werei thk f ty-aix kUled, and aixty jght woundedi vA- ? X mong the fdriher Wetc the boatswain,; one master's niate and the achobl inastcr, andot - V the 1 attcr we re the firt and third Ueuts oue master's idate and twa midshipmen.-' , 4 Accompanying these paper was Captain i Jdaea'a leuer, heretofore published V j : t Copy of ti fctier front Ctmmedore Rodger ;.;V. V 1 ithe Cfefbrjf 'tfihea)::&ii:-j ' ." ? 4 :h -'MSe LW:Lat33;;'0 " ;-.J,.,?.'No'v. i, i8U5;: SlR,l:wrotsybu on the 18ih ihat by Uie ?? ; Briush Pauket Swallow, ibfrmmg you oJtVV havingcaptured lliar vessel with between an o I BfimanWVapixplQitw $&m vTheibIknFlogeecblv Irm'thePrcsidenon rrM?$$&. hundred and hfty and two hundred tbousi d- .?v. dolUra oa boai d ; and I now write" you by av British South Sea Ship, loaded with oil. cap- ' tured yesterday one of two ahips under ion' voy of the tngate Ualatea. , : -4 J 4T -A 'flie above ahip is manoed from the Con- . gress, and it w no w.biowmg ao fresh, that I . ctuinoi learn rom Capt. Smith hetname, hu r ng separated ffpm him yesrday in. chae v W ihe ateal, jilUt h "riaeV andVwing to eaCeasiye bd weaiher, iaat iught,.was uuable to joib, him to-day. v ' I got wkhin aix or seven miles of. the,Ga- 1 it ea by sub-set, but the extreme: datkuesa of the niirht enabled her to eacane ... ; 'j1 BrThe prize menuonedCaJbovhaafavevJ' atiNbtfo; ne retersourg papers contain an ex tbTa iettervtoedN; rk,Dec9 givmgiiccouniofhe capture oif;tl; BriasItshiAfriCAb frieaMT Cbnantutlon tftt as w.oiVee cetved N-;York papers of UieOtlr ) do not menupn the? circunutwf wI :ic no ctedit the gccetmt 1 4 V- S,. ' Si: thai, Vs. if-: .1 '-Tl. - : . m 'V. V; i . ' ...yt! : " : ', 1 m 'V ;(1 "Jt -. 'it V, mi iti