COyGJtjESS.'' w'nf Mr.'bett the rcso-- " n the subject ortbe wpwrepf ""r ,lK.e bT he State big, .wGoerjKie j ,-,,, ;.t to the - . .- WAS I tww . . on HJ AJ 5W. Vtetherewiib theses TUW .f the Vrohc awl Macedonian, cfwpn??; consideration ott Fri- y !a5t k.r tnnouneed the orier o f . An the repott ol "e- coipm nee tte i'1 f ,'n" tlhe report of the pm- lW fjS'eS, on the tub. pi:tCfIheMerb',"onds- : v. 1 Mr. lhleh woold proba, 1 PWnt to cope with aiyr enemy at sea. ufote the Sce'the sdbject i Mr. Seybert was opposed to budding kjvid v:.ff-,HSnWi:7Vs. Asa supporter of. the war, he ! e Houei monitor tponc CJeiJtoMMei.tionW U.e teport f r m 1 ndi V " Mr. Bi TV"; ,hf " i! Ja ,h,t the Ucon of the Hotee on , He ..Port S"S 'I FSJ H hnwr-U before them in j. t . n uui" . t . WoSTio ltpone the eport irctied,54to 46. nuestioo then recurred, on cen TieK the conmittee of the rniT .L ..(rrrement to the re- ,'VeW, dlw the eommiuee of 'n,1 'After jjebtc the Hobjc .djouroea. Mr flhr rrportcd a bill to author J lrfforUe po utrs ( . express maIs bcr) in certain cs; which faniirereaddt:omin.ucd. . Mr Basicu, from ibe committee on At Natal Esi-b!bhmert, rn.fdc a report fa fAticn to the brilliant arhu veicnts ng.rtso)uton in the form of a fcsolutioh of the two Mouses ; Jiich was twice read and referred td a KainiMeeortlve whole. Mr. Jcnningt reported a bill prohi- lidns Wfi" lhc lerrlton" of It fe. S. from holding certain offices, BditcuUting lalificalio of de the Congt ess or the U. States htn lb several territories-Twice rtd tnd committed. Tvc House resumed tthe cpnsidera. aorftbe report of Mbe comnuuee of w,y$ and means 00 thar part cf the DcUJee from the President which re totothe UteiLVrtialons from G 'Briuin. Thi report was ordered to Eetatbe table, after sptnc convena cca;m!t bill from the Senate, v'tkfttbe forfeirure are proposed to. then mado bv Mr. U100 to pcKooe the further consideration ol lie till indefinitely. ' Mr. Gholson moved to amend the Eokru $0 as to include in it also the jtrtof tbe comroitiee of .Ways aod Jtcsns abort meDtioned. Afitr coTuideraMe debate, in which Mews. Williams, Qivincy, Raodolph, Hctjeidjcumtd without oming to a- Wexb:edty, Drc. 16. Mr. Quincy rose to malie a motion. He prefaced it by seme' generafbbser i3uofaorable to the policy of cbn fc.raj hooorary rewardw" for bravery iud toLle conduct and certainly, be tauied, do chss of men more justly iVsmedtbe meed of honor than.thosc attached to our gallant little navy. But, u hyii a part of the duty of this house to pm fciih votes, it was also their du ty to itt theni ' carried into execution. & rpned these remark co the vote 1) CoTtss ot a gold ' medal, sword, c. to Comm. PiTa anp his comDa m arms, for their spirited cxer btlrt Tripoli. 'He-proved also, Jtw appropriation of 20,000 1ia5 ta trade and expended to carry this J ko efTec ; A yet he said he be ttn do eCTicer coDcerned had rccei tie iwcrds voted to them if they be had no bctn able to hear of ! ; Al to the meditl voted to Comm. asdijjc month s pay to the sea knowledge did not extend. f 0 tbe swords were given, as the re- Cirecied, to hose who had dis . rbed themulTcs'on tlial occasion, i M 13 ncre,?.si,7 10 lhe bbjeci of the 8 attkeirninies should-bo known r..?,. e Prposed a resolution sub loiiows : .. x?4, V1 "dent of Aba .U. S, V,; 10 ta be laid btor tliis W,??:Miw of Confei. of tbe 5d' of llJ rcbyihe PreUefit of the VlkZ. 10 WHn- "eale, aod awortu fJ ftd tbat he be r(ueftdl hiSfnin,l';h the propria. te ra: "1 , me nil diitstiin. tK B . y ,0 fenut fines and pen- f T Speaker declared thq 7 notion ycstcv&a'f made by Mr Gholson out'oFordcr. A . "':' ; Te question ' recti rfed on indefinite tostbentrrent W tYifc hill 'which after a I few rera'krkt,-from &ir. HRheain favor . The was tnin ' referred to'the ... ' ' . . committee 01 .ways anq means. On motion of Mr fcasett the House resolved itself 'info a committee of the whole, on 'the " bill ;from . the Senate, j which proposes the builping of 4 ships, to rate 4 guns1 His obicct appeared to bc should the j Javy be increased to havVit increased said he vras wiilincr toincrcase our force on the sea 10 an) extent within the re sources bi the' iiauoii ; but the propo ! itian now before them went beyond it, and would be of lutle.of .nq use nles - umber ir Ju,. H. wa, in of Wtldlog some-other vcssUs, but they should be. frigates of tle larg- .... X T ' ' . est class. r Mr. MfKce next spoke against an in crease of the Nivalin any manner, on general principles. 'If it must be in creased, he was in Lvor f a gi-catcr augmentation. " ' Mrl rtlitchell followed in favor of the bill, butgainst the amendment. The question vas then taken on Mr, Sawyer' nioupn and negatjved. The dommitt'e rose and obtained leave to sit again. w 0 Thurtdvy, Dec. 17. After some pnvatc business, 'the house pioceedcd to tHe order of the day on the bill from the Senile for increasing the navy. MrV Seybei t movtd to strike Out the words four 74s, arjd if his motion should prevail, it was his" intension to move an bcreaise of the number of frigates, Mr. Gold said this question would settle the principle whether the gentle man intended to"ave a navy ; 74 s were the foundation of such a policy. The ternary States bad gone as far as to build frigates. ' Mr. Widirerv was for striking out ! 74s, but would build 30 frigates. Mr. Stow and Bassett advocated the propriety oj 74's as a more efficient force. Mr. Roberts wished-to postpone the bill till the second Monday in January ; and examine the ways and mean: Mr. Milnor spoke in favo of a naval force ; he would take any increased Mr Robcits made some remarks in reply, and retorting, keo n ' Mr. Chevcs concluded the debate by some further observations in support of the bill; ' When the committee rose, reported progress and had leave to sit again; " . ' Friday, Dec 18. Mr. Qotncy offered the following re solution! which yvs ordered to. he on the' table a. ' -: " ' Kfsnlved, That a committee be sppointed. to enquire into the principlea'and practice atlopUU in the 1 reury ucparwnem, in re lation Xo ihetevenue laws, and in mitigating and remUtiog fines, forfeilur snd penalties under the same, and that the committee re port i hereon to die House. The Holuc again resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the'bill 'to inorease the navy of th: U. States; " Mr Cutis moved to strike out the seventy-fouis, with a view "to encrcase the number of fricatcs to be built to Ten, and to add a 'number of sJoops of .. After debate, the question was taen on striking out the provision respecting seventy' fours, and carried--56"to 53. Mi. Cults moved an amendment to authorise the buirding of ten ahips of war of '44 gurfgjiind, ten sloops ot war. Motion losVby b great majority. Extract c a letter ao OfF.cer in the Ar my at Uufiaioe to his frierid in 2few-York , . J - - Dufiloe,-Nor.20, 1812:' "Dear Sir, Y u will be pleased to hear that, the nrght before last, an ex pediliorr was orgmirrd, under thejcom' m and of Col. of. the 14 b R giracBt, o storm the enemy's batteries oppos-te the Black Rock. Ab ut ten boats set out, with a proportion of the seamen on this station tinder command of i-teat." Angus." Only five of the boats succeeded in iarrdfrigi'Theywere commanded by iCapi." King, 'late of the' ith Regimenf. wilh Capt. Morgan, of the 12th Infantry, Capt. Dox, of the 1 3ih "and Capt. 3proull 'with Captain Angus aod S-mucj, Swart woul.r. Vo hirrucrs; , About 50 sailors and60 Re ulars 'conMituted' the actual Jofce em- nlAvrl in vMi nirnriyJK To thf as- , j ... r - T.m JT toBUshmcnt oj friends' and enemiers,hey pefra, ereailerrcedrhe canoon ;spi-. ked. 3 tGicrsand.abour5o privates tt- I ken prlsdncri,- and therwhole Canadian' Ironittv.ior ,16 miles in extent laid Waste, aod deterted. 'f -; - ' In this valorous act, the brave Capt. WattSt of Ihe navy second in qommand to Capt.' Angus; Ml. :Capt.v cfgos of r. awyer moved tq amend the first section by adding V teeni to tbe word 1 four." so as to make u fourteen0 74 V Bcoieveo. 15c id on vauaui-icais ui-rcai bVrofstp ever witnessetl. The 'whole' of the'battericsfrom Fort Er e toCbip- i the rifvff ftmotl S .wartout, - fiisissbi ciate vdluntsr CajiK.'Kj MdWah: Til toe Tcnerauuu w meir counrry tor jhir rntrebidit'rV and hraverv. rSeven officers out of eleven, of the naw' were wounded. : Lieutenant Scjisori U badly wounded, out not aangcrous. .lira ham. rson bf ourv friend Col. GrahamY b as his' leg brokeV but is in good sbirits. Mr. Carter, i of "ew-Yb'rk, is wounded the annAngus, owanwout, bproull, Morgan and CoI floersler, aTcsafe.i-4 Ojdtairt Dox Is sfightly wounded i and Captain King! in his zeal to send ! pver orisondrs' remained on the mother, side, and was riiade priODer together with a- S,iit ten men '.' ,. ' 'lAftcr this affair the whole force un-j tier Gen, Smyih preparedo embark. rhejr manoeuvered . some time bu' much to tbe mortification of all, but par- tirtilarlv to the vdUinlders, thev were ordpr ed return to their encanipmer.ts, They, are"1 ordered to be aiin ready to cross to-morrow morninV, This is a summary of alKthe ntis ul present oni the' fronu'ers. ' ' I J ilA rNJon isjicvpmand. attach ed to Cl. M'CUye J.flduVomiry be ex- ecied from this corps. ' Three hun dred Pennsyivanla. and 100- Baltimore volunteers, with the rime corps ol New York and Albany, comprise this rigi- n)?nt. Another account from jjuffaloej dat ed December 1, says, after uetailing the above affair, a short time wftcr this at chievment. Colonel-Wyudon, with? co- " . lpm n of 300 regulars from hit regime. t emoai Keu wnemcr niiu an itucnuuii w cross the riyer, or jo recpnhoitre, we know not) at the mouth ol Conjockety creek, behind Squaw Island and after pissing the foot of tlip Island) dropped a tew minutes down the'riverjon the e nemys s,hore, whea the boats werfe fu Vlbusly attached with grpe and muske-: try, from a considerable force on shore which had lain in ambush ; the fire was very spiritedly returned from ! he boats for several minutes. Secine, however, the danger ol effecting a' landing against u superior iqice on snore, possosaing c very advantage the boats relumed with a small loss in killed and wounded. A detacjiment qf Col. Pcr.ter's light Island, where' two pieces played up'du the enemy with some effect. Frorn m early hour in the morning until' 12 oN clock, the sever tl batteries at Black Rock,monnting24, 18, 12,md 6 pound crsayed upon thu opposite shore. The enemy teturned but a few s'hot from a 6 pounder, which had escaped spiking. between 9 and 10 o'clock. 3 sailors ernbat Iced in a boat, passed over to the enemy a shore, and set fire to the dwell-li mg house "of 15. Hardtwn, anff to tne house and store of Mr. Dcuglas, yluch Were consumed; After rcraainjhg: cri that shoro about two" houys, they return ed. with a boat loaded with articles tak en from the house- VVre understand that tijjs act was unauthorized. From 7 until 10 or 1 1 in tlie mdrning there -w as a constant embarkation ot troops at the Navy yard.-and before the hour, of there were" about 60 boats n;..c ed and stationed in shoYc awaiting the signal to make a descent 1 he day was fine the troops .were in excellent spirits no opposing force appere'd on the shore. A flag was now Stint bygeri. Smyth to the British comWnder- the flag" returned fhe troops v in. tl)t boats werc.oidered to debark, and the volun teers, who wire j'n readiness for embar kation, were oraerea oacic to ineir re-i pective' encampments. . Since which period, several-movements' have taken, place, but aa,wc are in posaessibn U nol official statements, ve cap at' present; pive no further account, nerhapv indeed ! hereafter, some satisiactbry sutetpent may appear. ' AMfiSlCAN PRIZES. 260. Rsraue Fisher, from Rio Janerio. j with a v&hiable cargo and specie sent into r Port Una ny tn ox o ronsraoutu. 30. -ong 1 ies uray, wnn rum n mento, has arrived at Botnon, the Utsnker's H1L , .271' irif Union, from Gyemsey for St. Chrifctooher'a. sent into-New-York by the 4 Oerteral Armstrong privateer, t f ;; 4. ling LtMMy nmiriox, wuj k vrjv wine, from Cadiz., bas been sept iutw Jew York by the or ps as iv couei a prTya teer of that place. Good! ' '373.2T4,'7S, Three vessels, captured jby the same, and ransomed. . ". ' v 276. Brig Freedom, 700 horsheids of salt, from Csdii for Su Juhn's, sent into Marbj.e head by the Thorn Privateer.';. ' Thirty X)ollars-Reward. D'ESeUtED from the Post o TarSarough some lime in the rnoath of October, the following soldiers, foe the apptehenswn land delivery of woom at ai ot the RecrtiitiDg Posts tn this' State, the ab0ve reward ill be xiven. r Ten Dollars for each or either. rU r,..-.T AI.I.EN EWELL. ALLEt EVANSUN, aodPlCSOblMtaNSa Alien r.)vcaws oaru wFrnrwimiii 29 )eax; aboot5feet foyr and 'half u ctes hign, and,cf 'all&ht cumplrttitiJtt'has grey eyes and light hail, and isiy profsott a far mer.J Allen EyaKSoawaSi brifvtn.lhilidel Khi U About 21 Vearsf 5 fcetiT. iochc higb.aad of a fair compiexUn'j'htme ejestt and iiiht sandy harTianq is uy. iotwk VhooLmaster. Dickson jsimmoosUtaa boro in Wlyne'eoonty,js aged about 15 sears, o feef 11 inches highi and ot a Irgbt coftriexiQa ; has blue eyes and dark hair, and ia bjr profes sion a farmer. t JOS. C. CLINCH, . : ... Lt. of the iOua Regtiof Inf'y. reqoestefi not m CTrm?y?rx, JHW" ouvi j Wtf,r?T&r jXYt'A Ty& If1" v!r & Pec 24. RJlLEIGir, FRIDAy, DECEMBER; ST.1 1812. Fhi Taor!latnra rf tUi t rrlinurn t ed this mortiing.itneytV.l A iiit .of the Laws passed will ue found hi the prefp dinjg page " A Mil T4af tk rnfid rp-acflnp" in th. riouse-ot Commons for andropriatingt'i S20,.0pa fpVhe purehaseof arms ; but j 11 was yesieiqay rejecieo. m (tuc criaic, 36 votes to 18. 1 he yeas ana nays eie as follows ; VV 7 UmL Doz'reWbavidson. Graham. Grar. Hilt. Hampton; Lohgmire, MlTarland. 'Murphy, TJance, Phillips, Slade, J: Wright, T.Wriglit, Winston'-j p. NAY'-?essrs. Bowen, Bodenhamer, Caldwell, Edmunds, Fuller, Gaston Gastor,. lioskins, HoUnes,- Hawkins, Hitch, Jones, Johnson, Lindsay, Marshall, M Gee; Miller, Mayy M Mil lan, M'lvinne,. Person, rarxer, Itaiborne. Hiddick, KInd Rogers, J. Smilhr Smith. Snpicllt. Sanderson. San. dersrShuffbrd, Taikintoa, Vingg,Whita- Ker,. yj(augn jo. , .; 7 Tim liill fnr ih inrraie of the "Navtf is still before -the Housa of ReprcsentahVes . fhe different questfns yet taker. inhe corn mittpe of the yhoie in realitydecide no prin ciple, liatli'rqg'ia yet certaTh; nn- this head, except that the Navy will be encreascd. Captain Jones, late commander of tlie-U. States' sloop of war Wasp and nearly all his Officers, have arrived in this city. We learn that he wiT probably he advanced "to the lately capiured'rfoiai the BrttisJi. Nat. Int. The President hts,vve undcrsand, I . . -'T- .TB.... i. - commiltea ine JLepai imiciu or war, 101 the present tq the Secy -of S&te. This measure is adoTHed, Wording to provir sions in acts of Congress, and to the practice unuer incai.- - Ai vrxn tuuimuc no longer than until a successor 'shall be ready to take permanent charge of I that department. By this arrangement I.. ! t 1? 1 ? ...Mi i. Li- puoiic nusineas win piouctu, a tjic same time that the person-d cenvenienca of Mr tstrstis will oe accojiimoilateu It is understood that lie will give alt the information and :il in his power td the measures of the Department, whilst he remains in the city. From the Army of the Centre, Jvt cou"fved4ie4h.-y- taets nn&xiiirfefi? Vli cK it is difficult' to. digt into any intelligible form, and which; in any hic, it affords us no saiisrctioa to recprd. The biilv acts which we can ascertain as certain, are as fol lows Tliat iirconsetjuence of two procia miaous issued by enl " Smyth, Command u Geueral at Buffalo, xn the frontier of N Yo:k, a number of volunteers, to the nura-. K'.r,fl r J.min. U-aA uHWTkhfeil in the vici- ! nily of that place and at Black Rock ; that preparations nad Dpen mane more man unce, in the last days of ..November, Tor crossing the rivef or an expedition, into Canada, but tailed, frtfmWncurrent cruses, all of which are not developed in their uftiraaie e'xecu ti6n r tfiat great dissatisfaction const qu'eatl) m-p.K&iUa umony the trmv. DariicuUrlv lh. volunteers, at the conduct of. Genera) tttVtb mar vrje voiuuicera were iciuiuu .v.u-.i homes in disl'us. and discontent at not hav ing, been -employed in" that- actfve Service j their ardf -couneu.-- iiuwuui ' further' states, 4hb.'t the insubordination, ..ap pi-oachin to mutiny, among the volunteers and militia, had proceeded , so-far as to me nace the life, of, General Smyth, :vIo, is further said, has withdrawn himself from ihe'Afcnfy; , :' .k The httle light which the public prints have. cast oh iliis topic is notsuificient to dis sipate tht obscuiiiy Milrluch the roisi,ot party have en veloped it V e refrain for the present ircitn exresstrtg any opinion, onkU subject, other than fhai eur preeh.t imprea sioH is, vhat'vhe discretion' ui ben. Snryib, in resiralijing Uid too ardent disposition pf the volunteers, who iflotked to lisiiahdard.-aiid-preventing them fibm engaging --atipei i,or enemy ' at great dikdvanuet. ha excitett ilie enmity and hostility of dfcsdripon of iroops generally possessed of" more bra.ver),' thaa reflection, and stihjocted his dharadtti to obloquy, nd his conuuet to mlarepieiiia tion. A tew d.ys, jiowever, will conhrjfifi lr dissipate the H.i-essionf niade on our minds: T We canaotiet thii 'CMiort pass without noticia ihe temper uihiehfvthis informa tion is reoeivetTtby arirdeieriptio .f : Iicrsbns: iie.who can rejoice irtHlemisfor;j ;unes or supposed .idfitaaiei s of ms eotttitxy ia iitiwfiviiw.ta eat its' bread :r.7sfi iarev, iu its proleciion. .Lmt hinrabjure the chir;acir ire J is unfit to peraonalc, and. aDscontt jcgwns wheve a feeling prevwts, vmore congewal iq; his owrt,' than tUa'-which ought to atitnxaic the bosom of every-toatl clai.ming. ihe proud distinction .qf an AmcKicanjxltien--. . r I " '. v - ' ; . ' . . : jGenv Joseph A.fiiori is elected Qov , ernor,: oft South-Carolina 'rand Eldred jSinlkins, Esq. lieutenaRt43(iietnor. The Legislature' of Georgia have) thorising the Governor tb callpon 'Col Hawkins, to surrender all'the : Indians 01 0io 'Upper Creek Nation, who were en gaged, with the Siminoles jn the 5at birttie 'with the troops under Cot New- haif ; -'v- 4 p The coldness ot to wcjether for soinc !days ysst iiijneamped; at an season i.i,in mV recollection, at so early a davi ' Not only our rivulets and sniaJler 1 streams re oxjuuu u oj theVotodaac-atfd neigHboring rrvors. . r W W OlIUIl SM reluinfasceifieUiMf JJie KjdblU electrop from ''ihtrfsi'taijjft4li-'' et,.tiae Qt lost eivery thig:l tk English prints, have been received down to the $h Oe titer. 5 Ti pfipct t; I .-optain mVny exttACts'rrem Americant 1 fi&settcs ; -BarticularW from the federal iPrlfei bose crude suggetiohs artel ef N fusions ftjany maievojence areridicu ibtisJy enou. quoted as proof of the un popularity oVe war In Americat.;tTI 'e'. iurrehder if; iyert'crea ted n6ulH4 foi to Counterbalance-"tfie vast deson- " d6nc .''qccasipned by thej bapbire .pd qe fructidni of 'the Gueir?r;ev Titb at- Oacres for hef tss is not only unjit&V bui cruel; for, hbWcK he lacked clitScte' tion, no man we beiieVe h&stquestioned his braverv-l TheUurelnrlikiidrtwin-; er4 round e brow ::oJ-ojif gaUBn'r Navy U by tW cpturmt he FroJig avd tjje Ma-cedonkn-'will not lessen 'the'4 gloom" vhich ptrvaiikd London on 1 c5bejnngth navvs oj the ios of the Guerriere, ,no ' b . ; - i 1 . ' k ' " ' - povernor Snyder j of Peiihsylvaniaj after touching upon ji fttriety of topics, thus expresses: himself in 'relation q Comm'rceant)' Mapufacmresv: , TattnOthef subJecBitii less important to our real and practical indepen4enp I mean 1, : . : .. 1 1 t li vo-j wui k s i v s -r -yjw aavi,LSJSijf vw f a sj comineiCe,'-but it must be acknnwtedsredi that the efrvjjarr?.3smcnts , under which th general' Governme nt Jhas' for- manj years la bored ha?- principally, if not. exclusively, cs;i ginated "tin, ; crcuiflatancea connected jjWh cunlmerciat transaction's. Tboiilj jp ifself admirably calcdlated t ? pronwite thointerenC ..comfort ant! imp.ovement of n&ti6As,i add though from it mueh might b? (JtHved to d and much from us jlp foreign nalionit, if Vi interrupted by the urijast monopoUslng spiri governments fetriing power, and forget tin rjtfhu j. . yet 1 may be paiitted yi& thcofjrriercial speculations have .bceftYs timatetTat too high a valuv. ' and symptomV have appeared m some, evuiciye of a dlspbf sition. to hai'ier the liber. ics andiadepenV denes of their. counti V for rold Avaaice. a p4ssfon7ajMtble of destroying every. ,n4.ble et motion or i he oul, though u cannot oe era dieated, a wise legislature may direct jta force, to objects bench ial tasciey.4-::Vu! as foreign commerce by the existing war. as in a greai measure interdicttfdr fryorahh! opportunity occurs to foster and encouras th " establishment of UA,own manufactures; whicft while they enrich he individual wil promote the general interest and acrure thc real independence of our. country .V tr On the lt)tb Koy a.seeraf4k4ealft Wis tXterietlced at Kingston- and Port. Boyali winch dd conU:ibiQ'uiuBage to the pub-: lie. edifice. anja pther. buildings in boil rHa ces. ' It oocasiohed' a great panic among: ihe mhabkaints. manv.of whom lost their lives ot jumplhg outfof theiupper story windows." mm OggSeil I' , ' .. I.ATF.5T VRfl.Vr RNGTMNrAT -;... ' BotfSh, JJeceniber 8. Letters cf, marque and rep ii .fiivbeenf, issued against America by the- British.. go Coiivoys were about to sail from1 England Vwwfiuiotilan'd dfid'lhfr-.Wet-Ihdif.- I t lhe American colors'taken at I'VirBetrpTt luve bden hung up in WhitehtU Ch'apt:!, inear the- rcncD eagtejs anu vianoarua. . . .iv r Col. DrrOch is appointed a brigad er een i to serve in Csnda.r' . v -v . ! '4 An expedition against the coast of Fi-ance wis preparing -in England ' , . . '. Three ingatcs were reaay ror.sea at oor deauxatthe last da,resfc " rA ' . ). -J - ueNDON,.ocr. 16. . , i . 4 Foreign Offiee, Oct. 15. Accounts have been this fiionimr received from General Viscount Catbeart. daied S. IPettrshuig, Sept 2, a- d stanng to the fo lowing, enect : y . r .u - -' WaiLltat rriitreKittusowhaviar withdrawn his army4rom be.tore. Iosqow, the enemy' nn tli. taIi ittn 'lh Rmnt-rnr V 1 ' w. - ' - T" Russia hks dptermned to perswere and re'-r fuse' every oyexiure rnegocia'te, director h . direct. v: By every account, t fie Frcnch losi 4a.000 nwajr in the battle of B,idiioi ahd re treated 13 versu. . Two days "after tbe bat. tie, Kutusow Jetired a short distance eh. the Ioscow rosa ; n ujen enacaToxea 10 nua "mil more tendhlef near Moscow.; bull v I uich iMCbotng to berfod&id, hef retired, aftep , tho i'inV to eniei- the ciKv Tlie.Obs'i- tion taken jb bythe Qussiap i neai-ly .)r 1 pjetv beona .jioscwk near,-KauMis V!radMh.: TThe cimmunicaiion vf .ihisi e- hiiy .bnthe sidje.qaoteftss; at e menace -.rt rirvvSnti i iu"ar l1ffr.':. : ' ' i t 'k The mihua of. Katanga and tne 5arrcr d .'' - ' - --' .l i-" 1. :;f l.r t v!?. incueiare-kept ra th-mrpositfoifcarr ViF Msc6w txvi nui Kutusow. .. nauie 1 h tu ntv naiiiwta- -icm&r inevitable yai .ar tat 4ay: . Torwazona corps .euio .osciu KMOpO mew in few. day. The eta meats iror IRiga and Findland . in in WittttBstien. ; ." .'r . ; MiHiiiEDiit : ;., On Tuesday liui , sir; W.m.; Arf ulle thi cotroty tcMiss Sai-tJ :Sajrf& ' ter ot iteubeu Sanders, Esqv otJjt .nst ; 6n,the4Vtn'inatr Person county, $0 Mss1i2abetP M. i t of Red House. Caswell cif 'I . Ijbnjsai ffjOranee- In this e4fy, im Monday, . Dav. Onhu 7th iust'ijtfr.'if y : I wife f Ric&4i JSenfiehAh, ,q. - :u ImTjertpnritf tb, .te, eii.'thetii - formefiy of JiJlaM.i...r . ,a county , Mr. ftafibrdshuV' Fayetteyille, a native ffiyP shair OftJttxeTth instant, owf Ambrose; r bmimV ; btOf t F.nsrland. .-.Jivi in iflF 1 itu iiuiaua . ft 1 ' . P.lff&nnr blade 31 pa;. Slad. AttbMTey at law, ot:.l tep On the 2d .9st,,iif 0ir: theHohWm. P0)i ChI Judicial JZtevp&M Ma: . - .-. - J , j 1 - . 1 etotmtycM at Judge ok Iteufrp jljnd.vt . , kul -ti it; l fi 4SJT-, to H-ef ; iaMgS Wv e of rs til

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