J .-.-,.?-.. I - f r'-.yl" -...-. . . ' ...... ', , : , : - 1 Repository of Genius. The Editor pf the Register lately received, by the Cartel Pacific, fom Lu friend, the Author, the. following OCCASIONAL ODE OS THE Roval British System of Education. waiTTaw v i A jKruxxTKjry ct th WrzroW Ttm May, 18X2. n7Jo i fAe principal thing, ihrrcfrrc- rrt tn$(hm r and cirA a t.f getting, get Un derstanding Prove rb, ch. iv. er. 7. OF all that live, and more, and breathe, Man only riws o'er his birth ; He looks above, around. beneajb. At oce the heir of heaen and earth: Force, cumin jr, speed, which Nature pare The various tribca throughout her plan, Life to enjoy, frota death to save, These are the lowest poweta of Man. From strength to strength he travels on, He leaves the lingering Brute behind ; And when few si.ort years are gone' lie to irs a disembodied mmd : Beyond the gravr, wiih hope suUime, Destined a nobler course to run, In his career the end of Time Is but Eternity begun ! What guides him in his high pursuit. Opens, illumines, cheers his way, -Discerns the Immortal frem tbe brute, God's imasrefrom the mo-Id of jclay ? Tis Knovlrdre: Knowledge to the Sod Is Power, ml Liberty, and Peace i And while cor? est ial ages roll, The joys of Knowledge shall increase. JIail to the glorious Plant that spread -This light with universal bams. And through tbe human desert led Truth's hing, pure, perpetual streams. Behold s new Creation rise, New spirit breathed into the clod. Where'er the Voice of Wisdom cries. JUn, know Thyself; and fear thy GODT J. MONTGOMERY. IMPROMPTU. Britannia, aick of many an HI, Sees various plagues await her ; Now finds another bitter pill, rresciibed by one Decatur. Let her go on and still contrive, To wake the world all hate her; Her venom we ahsll still survive, " While we liave one Decatur. Then.leVa, maintain the siilor's right, And not one inch abate her ; We need not dread her force or spite. With Hull and wit h Dec at u r.' AN ACT Suspend executions for a limited time L. Be it enacted by the General At sembly of the State of Ncrth Carolina , and it it hereby enacted by the autho rity of the same, That when any judg ment shall be obtained for any debt or damages in any Court having ju. risdicttoo thereof, against any lcbtor cr derbton at any time after, the 31st day of the present month of Decenv ber, and before the' lst of February', 1814, it hall be the duty of uch Court before whom such Judgment shall be obtatnecf, to stay Execution and all further proceedings thereon until the first term or tegular ession of t uch.Ccurt after the first day of February, one thousand eight hun dred and fourteen; on such debtor or debtors first giving two sufficient Freeholders (such ai shall be appro ved by the Court) securities for the stay of Execution,' an acknowledg ment of such securities in open Court, and'entered on the records of the ame, shall be considered as part thereof; and if such judgment shall not be patd,with six per cent interest thereon, before the first term or s?s aioa of the Court after the first day of xebruary, one thousand eight nun -drcd and fourteen,, it jfTaU then "be the duty of, said, Court, ira mediately . to award execution, inT a summary Vay against the principal and hlsae uritiei for the full' amount of inch judgment, or so much thereof as shall ?eonaia unpaid, togctherinth the law ful interest thereon and costs I K And be it fttrther enacted, That 4hen any judgment shall he obtained before any Justice of 'thertpeace a gainst any debtor or "debtors, on or after the thirty-first of the present month of December, Tt shall be the duty of such Justice of the Peace; . before whom such judgment thall be .obtained, to stay Execution and all further proceedings thereon until the first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and .fourteen on such debtor or debtors first giving tuffi cient aecurity .in two Freeholders such as shaft be" approved - by said Justice) 'for the stay ol ExccutioVj Pricm Thrw Dollar .Year, and if "such judgment, with Ix.per cent interest thereon,1x5 not paid and satisfied before the first day4of Fe bruary, cW thousand eight.hundred and fourteen," then it shall be the duty of- the Justice of the Peact oxr appli cation, to awarA Execution instanter against the principal and his securi ties, for the full amount of such judg ment, or so much thereof as shall re main unsatisfied,- together with the lawful interest thereon and costs; Provided, That nothing herein con tained shall be so construed as to pre vent any defendant or defendants from 'claiming or obtaining the .slay of Executibu as heretofore practised. III. And be it farther wrr, That it shall be the duty of every Sheriff, Constable or other Officer to whom any other Execution has been or shall be directed in consequence of any judgment already obtained, or which may be obtained before the first De cember -current, to stay all further proceedings .thereon on the per son or persons against w"hom such Executions has or shall have is sued, first giving bond with two suf ficient freeholders securities in the full sum specified in the Execution, payable to him, her or them for whose debt or damages such Execution a foresaid has or shall have issued : Which bond, together withUhe Exe cutioia the Sheriff, Constable or other Officer shall return to the Court or Justice of the Peace to whom the same shall be made returnable : And the Court or Justice of the Peace on such return being made, shouM they think such securities fully sufficient, shall stay all further proceedings on such Execution until thexptration of the times respectively specified in the first and second sections cf thi 3Ct; and at the rxpiratK-n of such times it shall be the duty of such Court or Justice respectively to a- ward Execution in a summary way against the principal and his securi ties for the full amount of such bond, ' .. - - or so miivh tnereoi as snail remain unpaid, togctherwith the lawful inter est thcreou, and the "Constable or o ther Officer shall receive from the principal giving such bond the sum of two shillings (or the same. IV. And be it futther enacUd, ThaJ where any bhenff, Constable xr other Officer has levied or shall have levied on any goods, chattels, lands and te nements before the 31st December current, by virtue, of anyExecution, or has arrested and imprisoned, or shall have arrested or imprisoned be fore that day, any person by writ of Ca. Sa. which has or shall have issu ed for nay debt or damages, it shall be the duty of such Sheriff Constable or other Officer, on bond with suffi cient security being given, (as prcscri bed in the ?d section of this Act) to deliver the property thus levied on the debtor,' on demand, and release the person arrested or imprisoned from Custody. Y." A'ld be it further enacted, Thai nothing herein contained shall be deemed to apply to judgments or Ex ecutions which are or may be' obtain ed or issued io Consequence . of auy contract made after the first day of January next, or in the name of the State, or at the instance of the Trea surer, or to alter the mode by .which such judgments and Executions are carried into effect, or to exonorate Clerks, Sheriffs, County Treasurers or Treasurers of public buildings, and Constables from paying or satis fying on Execution, or otherwise, all such sums of money as they have re ceived and collected by virtue pi their office, and if Execution issues against any of them, their property shall be sold to the highest bidder to satisfy such Execution; any tiling herein contained to the contrary notwith standing. " .- -7 -r ;' ' . . VI. And be it further enacted, That nothing1ierein'containedshall-be so construed as to prevent Clerks, She ruTs, County Treasurers or -Treasurers of poblio buildings from collect ing such monies as may be due them for the use" of the public. -VII. Andbe it further cnactcdhax this Act shall be in force and ' opera tion immediately from the ratification thereof. Passed Dec. IT I8l2. T 1 i- :A LIGHT CARRIAGE, . With Uarneas, Cushions and Boxes. Jt niay .be had oa moderate terms. . ' . -Apply tttbJstOEce. Dec W. , The highctt Price given at this Office 4 U CLXAY ilXxVoX CSTTOV . RAGS. or ottt.DolI kud a half for half a Year "wwwwj uwkocaaaarisimiDc nrii uxm ioraii a juoiirf ami State Bank ofNorth-Carolina.: Purchasers ofStockirt ibe iate Bank are informed, that a Power ol Atttwnerau .pnsinj a transfer of share p ahameld li the said Bank, must be witnessed either by tne Uashieror the Principal aanie, ww;.m of its Branchea, by.a Notary-Public. y by two Justice f tk Peace i and if by the lat ter, their signatures must be certified by the C'.exk of the county, with the, county seal an nexed This regulation to commenco on' the first da? of Trn,rr next, of which all who may. be concerned will take notice. - WyH. HAY VYOpPy TAVERN, Jtf PrfTSB0ROC JOSEPH HARLAN returns bis sincere thanks to his friends and the public, for t'ne liberal patronage he has heretofore received in Jus line of Business, and informs tbera he is about removing to his old stand again, where tie intends to keep a gooa suppty as usuai. . Dec 16. ; , . . v , Just received direct figm NeW'Tork At the Store of the Subscribers, A Large and general ASSORTMENT of x. JL DRY GOODS ; amongst wnicn are, Superfine Broad Clorna , Fine ditto : ! Cassimcrts, Coatings and Stockinets Host & Dutch DUkets, Scarlet Cloaks Negro Cottona a4 Flannels Bombazets, Faacy y aistcoatings Jubilee Cord, Cambric, Ginghams Mulrauls, Ginghams,. Calicos Robe Patterns, Long Shawls, Fancy Silks Ladies Silk and Cotton Hose furniture Calicos flushes, Cambrics and Dimities, and a great variety of Fancy Goods Also Shoes of all kinds ' , Sugar, Molasses, CoiTee, Tea Wine, Rum and London Brown Stout : All of which will be sold lour for cash, JOHN & ROB. STUART. RaUigb, Dec 17. ; RALEIGH AC A 0E MX. THE Trustees of the abov? Institution re spectfully inform the public, that the Exercises for the ensuing year will commence on Monday the 4th of January, under ihe su perintendence of the Rev, Wm M'Pheetprs T;e Female Dcpattmcnt, will be uodcr the direction of Miss BoswoaTH, from the State of New-York a young Lady, who, tbe Trus tees are assured, is proptrly qualified for the undertaking, being well educated, and a per fect raistsess of the polite and fashionable ac. ccmplshrnenrs of Drawing and every kind of ormmental Needle work. Both Mr. M'Pheeters and Miss Bosworth will be ably assisted in iher several depart, ments ' The Vet paratory School will be taught by Mr. Edmondsov, a younj; Gentleman from Washington College, in Virginia, who is said to be well qualified for this department. A punctuil attendance at the opening of the sessi jn is desirable, that the several classes may le formed to the greatest advantage. Dec. 16 WM. HILL, Sec MUSIC, DRAWING, &c. MRS. SAMBOURNE HAVING signified to tbe Trustees of the Raleigh Academy her intention of relin quishing her situation as Superintendent ofthe Female Department, at the conclusion of the present Session, wishes to inform ber Friends and the Public, tbac &he shall continue to reside in Raleigh, and, at the commencement ofthe ensuing year, will instruct a few Young Ladies in Miuie, Painting, Embroidery, &c. so that Students in the Academy, and others, will still btre an opportunity of acquiring these polite accomplishments. 73 September 17. State of North -Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Crjurl of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Novembir Term, 1812 James Todd, Original Attachment. Andrew w. Ramsay & Thomas L. Cowan Joseph Erwin,) summoned as Garnishees. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendant, Joseph Erwin, is not an Inhabitant of this State it is Orderci, that publication be made, in the Raleigh Register, for three weeks successively, that the saidde fendant, Joseph Erwio, appear at cbr5 next Court oi Pleas 8c Quarter Sessions, to be held or the County of Rowan, at the Courthouseji io ourawirj, ou wc mi monoay in rebruary next, and enter his plea to the said suit, or judgment will taken4 acco,di?g to the Plain tiff's demand. A True Copj from the minuter, tsa leste, J NO. GILES, Clk. State of North-Carolina, BUNCOMBE COUNTY, Superior Court of Law, October Term , 18 1. John Ah worth, TBS. Original AjacbmerJ. John Turke. 3 IT being made appear to the s axis faction of Ihe Court that John Turke, the Defendant in this suit, Is an inhabitant of another Slate or Government It AUhereforje .Ordered, by the , Court, that the eaid. Defendant appear at the next Term, to beheld for said County, at the jCourthouse in- Asheville, on the first Monday after the fourth Monday of March pext, and then and there put in bail and replevy the pro pe.tr attached, and plead to iuueOtherwise judgment will be entcted agaihsO him by de fault. OrderedThzt the above be published three weeks successively in, the" Raleigh Re gister. , . v ROBERT HJbiNRY.C notjcev 5T HE Subscribers having qualified as Admi- nistrators to the estate of THOMAS SL MONTON, decd, give fiotics to all . persons having demands against tbe estate of the said Thomas Sunonton to present them 'for payment within the time repaired by an Act of Assem bly entitled. 'An act concerning provixrg of wills and granting letters of Administration, and t6 prevent frauds in the management of intestates estates;!- otherwise they-will b bar red of recovery by the operation of the said Act. THO'S CRAWFORD, 7 . GEO. Lt DAVIDSON, ? , Nov. 21, 1812. -r , 4 -489 ' BALEIGH r PaiKTD by JOSEPH GALES. - to be) paid hi arivanceubscriptions .'llaleiffb Voluntctr Guard sij X7orj will be.pn your pra4e ground at -11 OU will be.pn your parade grotind sai o'clock on the ; 1 st Saturday, in January equipped according ta law. .-"..f next ' ' .V "vV CLARKE, 1st Sgt. " Twenty; Thousand j Dollars Now afloat in ihe Potomac jf Shenan doah Navigation Lottery. 1 Prize I do. 1 do. 7 do.. 12 dp. 30 . do. of g20,000 5,000 l 2,000 " 1,000 500 ioo Besides the following Stationary Prizes s 1 Prize 1 do. of 15,000 lupoo 2,000 1.000 - . 500 1 1 8 8 10 do. do. do. do, "do. of 100 Tickets each, Jn this Besides a vast number of small prizes, ard not near 1 1.2 Blanks to a Prize, S Present price of Tickets Nine Dollars. TICKETS & SHARES sold by , JOSEPH MILLIG AN, . Bookseller, Georgetown, f Disi. Colu-nxb.) Who sold a great patt of the Capital Prizes in '-. the First Class. AH orders for Tickets particularly at tsnded to. Prize Tickets in this land other Lotteiiestaken iu payment. ' All Lottery in formation gratis. Tickets ma'y also be had of the mana gers. ' Nov. 28. . fj. Letters, post-paid, punctually atended to- , Sheriff's Sales. WILL BE SOLD, Ori the 8th day of January near, at the Court House in Tyrrell County, for ready money', , THE following Tracts or pieces of land, or so much thereof as shll be of sufficient va'ue to pa; the taxes due thereori for 1811, and cost of advertising the same, viz. -275 acres given in by John Alexander, sert. 200 do given in by Abraham Dunston. 12,000 do given in by Snoad B. Carraway, for Collins, Allen and Dkkerson. 5777 do given in for Josiah Collins 13,625 do gtyen in for John G. Blount. 102J do given in by Sarah Hatfield. 40 do given in by Jo Phelps. 36 do given in for Gracy Brown. -9500 do given in for 6eorge Pollock. 740 do given in for John Scott, 1939 do given in by John Swain 5500 do given in by Samuel Woodland. S3 do not given in for Edward parkin's Heirs. 80 do not given in by Matbias Tolar; 100 do not given in by John & eight; 100 do noLgiven in by Jame Pelsue. 100 do notjiven in by John Snly. 33 do given in by Adkins Miasev. JESSE ALEXaNDER. Sh'flT. November 17. 1812. 89 For Salc T HE LAND Hjbereon I now live, -tbe Jlrrmer Residence of ' Green Duic, senior, LONG known for its healthiness and beau ty of situation. This Tract of Land is supposed to contain 3600 acres ; and situated within 7 miles of Warrenton its convenience to which affords a ready Sale for-all surplus produce. There is on the Tract a large quan tity of excellent Wheat and Tobacco Land. On Fining Creek.wbich intersects this Land, there is a very valuable Saw and Grist Mill Convenient to the formerthere is a large quan tity of excellent timber.and its convenience to Warrenton affords a ready sale for the Lum ber. On the Mill Stream is at least 100 A cres of Bottomland, a large proportion of which is finely adapted for meadow. 5000 dollars will be required in advance I payments tor the balance will be made accom modating. Wheat will be put ia, and the Plantation be delivered in complete order for the working of 15 or 20 bands. LEWIS P. DUKE. Warren. N. C. Oct. 20 1812. 3m83 THE SUBSCRIBERS having qualified as Administratrix and Aministrator on the Estate of the late RICHARD TROTTER. request all those haying any claims on said estate j to present them properly authenticated to the Administrator a his store-house in Salisbury, where be iaat ail times prepared to liquidate the same. All those indebted to the said Es tate are requested to call and settle their re spective accounts, and pay or renew their notes with satisfactory ysecurityptherwise they will shortly be placed in tbe hands af an Officer fof coUectivn. JANE TtyOTTER, Adnr!x. MOSES A. LOClCE, Adm'r Nov. U, 1812. C 4t,89 .! THE SUBSCRIBER, "D EING desirous to remove into the Coun fD try, offers the HOUSE and LOTS which be now occupies in Germaiiioju for sale. He deems it unnecessary to give a particularde scriptioo, as he supposes any person inclinable to purchase, will view tje preroises,suffice it to say, that the advantages 'which this Pro perty possesses,, either as to local situation or convenient improvements, for a Store or Ta vern, are eduai, if not superior, to any in the pjace, and perhaps not surpassed by any in the upper country , ' v ; Cash or Negroei will be expected in pay ment, and possession given wheneVerrequired. ANDREW BOWMAN. k Stoies Cfunty,yune2u.,' ; tf, ADVERTISEMENr. s A T Nov r Tern Chatham county court . the u the-last igned oalified as Executors of ill and Testament of - Th' mm White, Those indebted to said Es tate are desired to make sDeedv Davmeiit. a& the affairs thereof -require it.; ; Those having claims wiU please exhibit them, that atrange ment may be made for discharging them, and within the time prescribed bylaw, or he aci of Assembly in that .case Will be plead n bar of recovery. PANNT A, WJHITrEx.x 7: ' JAHAK STEDMAN, ; WINSHIPSTEDMAN, Dec-.16:U 3t9ft-.v. J" ExVa mi 1 nBs de teased. recciYeMy to Priyttcrs and dt errPst master id ti)e State. lor a wanerocaucceedxx Paper,. : 1 1. in rep, I 'Wilt. Sell,; or barter ibr Land, : L': Tehnessee, the . Tract of Land V yarreri County, iq the fork of FisLi l ijiod- Shoccoontainihg 432 act v whichareilfar, upder good fence."-00, -gocd order for cropping! - ' od ia Aftjrther4escripiion of tbe Lar.d Ua ' unnecessary suujce it to say, iti, fie8 ' by none in the ighbourhood iu the Sje1 ; ges of its situation and the fertitit r r natju - The Dweniug House 23 by 13" wUl hayeboifne rcpaus sufficient to , i n smallfaraily comfortable. Tnrei , etlder Smoke house,: Corn-crib, &c. !llrfi VAlsp, abcut 500acres of un'imntov , " in. the upper part of Halifax County tertfle, but1 the beautv and healiV r1 situation, ancl. the -Excellent nr,ec 11 h ' would furnish,1 would make a i- mer Retreat for any Gentleman ij.. "l 50'5" low JSouutry. , ' I EDMUND JuVp, ' Ransom's Bridge, Oct -9. W 1 Hawfieldr Academy. rT HE. Subscriber intends cr; Ar , 1 X hi the neighbarhobd .off iv Paisley and James Mejnne, 0 ih Monday in January netr ; where Jtu e- o - viuametic g lish Grammar, the Latin & Philosophy, &c The prices of t-..:''8"' 1 a v - be, ior Heading, Writing & Arithfficti;' i: English Grammar, Lat:n & Greek, GeoirrunSw j.. a .! l(i Boarding may ay be had U good hom c ' low the tner wun tne particular attention which mm paid to the Tuifion and morals of Youth oiffin;Sr. ;n.t.io X.KJ lUdUlUUVII, tA K nam ifiehtntim u 1 JOHN H. PICKARD. Orange, Nov. 26 3i89 EXCHANGE OF Old Six Per Cent & Deferred Stock PURSUANT to.the Act of Cdngress, tied "An. Act authorisios? a Subscf winB " for the OLD SIX PER CN T andlSfJ f red Stocks, and provid ng lor tr.eeuir of the same," passed, on tht : Ch day 0jjjj I8i2, books will be cpentd on the lsi duy U ; October next, at tue Treasury f and it ju. veralloan offices, and yj)U coMinue opn the 17th day of March next, rVreceiv .Siibscriptionst of ihe Old Six Per Cent. ai j Deferred Stocks, in the manner prescribed iiy ! the said act. New Certificates, bearing mtrf. terest Irom the 1st day ofthe quarter in which the Subscription shall be myde, at the rate of ' SixiPer Centum Per Annum, payable quarter yearly,' for the unredeemed amount pfprinci. pal of the Old Six Per Centum and Det'emd Stocks which may be Subscribed, 11 be tsjtf ed at the Treasury or at the Loan Offices res pcctively where the O'd Stock Subscribed ma at the same time stand credited The Ktw .! Stock will be redeemable at the pleasure of me" United States at any tirr)e after the 31st" day t of December, 1824 ;; bui no reimbursfcriiept will be. made except for the whoie amount the Stock standing at the time, to the credit of any proprietor, on the books of the Treasury or of tbe.CommissioDers of Loans respective ly, nor til after at least six months previous -public -notice of such -intended reimbursetr.m. ALBERT GALLATIN. ! Treasury Departrhcnt Smtmher 1!3 '' CHAHLES PARISH, RETURNS his grateful acknow ledgemenuj ; to his friends and. the public, for tbe lib ral encouragement they have given him b'ere1 to fore, in his iinepf business, and informs tka that his.large and commodious Thi -t Story Brick Building, at the Sign -of THE EAGLE; , North of the State-House, is now in comfttK order to receive Boarders and Travellers where be earnestly solicits a contiBU2t.ee cf their patronage. He pledges himself thstne. thing oii his part shall b wanting to 'render m general satisfaction to all those who lavci bin with their custan:. Honest and active servants .alone will be engaged; and his Stabler will perhaps be excelled by none. N- B. An ICE HOUSE and BATHING ROOMS will be constructed by tbe next St son. ; An Accommodation Stage THE Mail Stage from Raleigh to Fayette; . ville having , of late been very moca crowded with Passengers, so as not onJ ",. make travelling very, uncomff-rtablebflt frt quentlyto disappoint persons desircps of pro curing seats .therein, the Subscribers, in'onlet to accommodate' Travellers on this lead, w Especially such ai wis)i rather to travel by is? than bv Jiight, ave determined to estabhs an Accomvodatioh Stage between K i.;hnrt Fav.trwill which will leave ' leigh every Monday, Wednesday and Fr). at o'clock A." M. and reach rtyetteyi lie t 8 o'clock P. M. ; and leave Fayttteyille the same days at the same hour in tbeffotD' ing and reach Rafe?gh at the same how m the evening.. :.. :' , v As Establishment will be stteo w4, very considerable ex'pence to the they flatter,ihfmselves that the Pubhew i-J: j iu ;.,r,r in their orKlcir, taking. ' . VV m. su 1 l)! ; ' i DJtLON JORDAN Raleigh Nov. 24, li2. ' '(CT The first Stages will start on W next. It is expected that an Accowtn Stage will be established from lmfi, the Southward; and probably from to the Northward. v -: r., A Place Wanted, By a' Youog Man who can come wett , mended as aTanner; all the ysnet; , THE TANNING .BUSINV; NOTHlNd but the hardness of the ;indocei him to solicit a t any person who is disposed to take 1 can enjeye bepefit;of! this & v -:?.J- -jj.:.: t. Tn rbeorcps ne tneir;ierin, -r-j .- tin forPattershW hl be ecesry it of the nirmbet or nw ed. the facility of selling teener F -fbef of salesi . Those who wish to engage y :svill please' to iignify it as soon as" pff? Rest HoBseQafU County, ; ' price. Ihe healthless of the rUa respectability of the ncighboiWd ' - i . . r.' ,' ! ' - ;x ' '' ' it;v - j "'A. - . v 1 H i1-1: .i s

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