' ' . ' . JsS. u7 ' ...-'-..vm y--;:v- ::v ? ?'V-fer: ft: V it Uavatp'4 by put 7 ?tt 11 v like pfotfceri. ; FRIl - - - I '''j- in'- ' - ' S'.V',"!;.1... 111 - - - ' I ! M 1 1 ' '' . . '' ' !' I .-1 . JXTELLIGEXCE. CASES ! .MattTrm of the Supreme Court r noi Ctni.it t. jonD t ired improper. , v. 1 DC ' 'kV .. PVV.. u.re to tuffer a nonsuit. f3rUBd M'DoweU. The Injunction i,eil EJward MomV TU 1 W.Irwin. Judgment -j MnQan Andrevr Haffley. Tni Darf M 4U . , .mlv!m-nt : and to be Kni . k Wf mot of the ewe containin;; (he xL.d tie land, andihe dite ol the ih aberiff, be cer- . T..,N-hifa vdc Jrxccatedtohirtlb S'te r. Hovers & lUmjUoa. trttforbt defendant. F mtn Crareru -.v xiumhev v. th" ExV of Isaac j.rrm.ah Mwj) TlaitilT for Cuioo. ore -;X aci corts. a, wilror & wift Msltchi Sarjer& JoJpnent lor lae pajnu. Fn lUhfax there now remamcd no other mode, than to call into the Held a force-adequate to the command of every ho norable object. The force was a bundant throughout the community, to secure, it oirected crtth skill, spi rit and enterprize,our defence every .where ; and, by Hence, to make the enemy feel it had become his inter est to abstain from plunder and op' pressioa. ' TV eTect the first great object, de fence of the exposed parts, it struck him as of prima- importance, that the whole jurisdictional limits ef the U States should be divided into mi litary districts, that the command of each should be entrusted to an intel ligent officer, who should have under his command certain portions bf ar tillery :nd infantry of the. regular ar my that in each district, there should be a sufficient number of cannon mounted on travelling carriages.which could be rapidly dirtcted to such parts as may be threatened and an engineer to dev ise the plans and su per intend the erection of such works of defence as raav be necessary. j force from the fiefd you should cross (the St.-'Lawrcnce with a well appoint ed army twenty thousand stronjftwith a reserve, alwayslrtesirahle with raw troops indispensable of)iO,000. VVe ought tiot to calculate oji peace. Ad ministration have in yain siled for ltx throtigh Mr. Russell, even at the ex pence of the sarcastic sneers of the British minister ? let us then prepare in pood earnest forwar. If the spring shall not bring with it peace, the cam paign must open in ; a style "of vigor and force calculated to inspire confi dence of success among ourselves and awe in the enemj-. The result of such a state of things will be as fa vorable to us, by depressing the spi rits of the adversary, as by making nurown troops undaunted nothing must be left to chance that is within the compass of our means wo must deserve to be fortunate. To be sue cessful our movements every where mu$t be in concert ; at the same mo ment we move on Canada, a corps of 10,000 men should from the Province of Maine threaten Halifax ; as a di- ef to pay regularaj than fight cruits aS'fistljieyf.arlw lyes. : : 'vv-"-': - ; be concehtratexJi;ndcitBcicy.e1 .;fMtii y a furyier ddpeindence on the fandd volunteer acts I - Experience M regiifatlit,;-- theybil(; huaUfiedtp 3hatntei4wereun4"' . r:fr'$$mm 0 tile- 91 . - idrtdict to pJ to the co3plainant 11 the acacTvbiehbe rrceircu uom u.nim ...JL.. .f ih iudrment oblamedM Uw ikkhurestfrom the tia be received it. ritctucf ulU Tram Jhdc f,V ClitVe- exr. he rt. ZechanaA E l-t i ctim. The thinl will made by the :ii:orVm.CUrke. though not executed .rtotlienroTisionsoi tnetictoi a rtrocatioo of the will o He red it jiroiute. c-'-taon Caret- r. Frederick FonrUle. 5t trial gricud. Yaw iredelL Ribn MCUnehan w. John Thomas Tl Hiiutiff aaar sue as a pauper, without -luj stcuntj. " j Amnrton r Battle. Each party to py I torn coaij, in the case of detinue in the Sr act ion. Arringtoo rouat pay coats, be tisi lie reicrees hare said so. frt t rw JTun rrrr. Dn ca the demise of Holmes 8c wife and lm ti Uobert Mitchell, j Judgntnt for i dtfendmt. ' ' rota Pervi moi. V -rVn m erois of Wm. O'Neal 8c other tw Jtfr Tomt. This case to be amended, by Lrth who it tbe heir of Foater Toma. From fltCktrford. J:7h M. Buck v James C Beattie- thl rttuatd. From Surrv. ivtn Mikhail . Jetc Lester. Judg 4icr u.c Ctlcndaot. ftfl the demise of Joseph Pipkin and tt ntiuj Uoor. Judgment Ibr the mass trho form the-, militia will find so now it As falsed iftheap thmse -Shall selves b absurd is equally Warning 6h them.' Tho I thousan d s of your braye country m en; i'ii vuaiiiuauf, uvfc 1 U3UVU vvy nn, field ot danger, rit was certainly not uhder the volunteer acts if dver on? scheme was better calculated to de ceive its authors than another, this surely is it. Ta say. nothing, about its unconstitutional character, it is a miserable contrivance perfectly nu gatory, except to accomplish disap pointment. Without-a head, its op-; cratiohsi to sav the least of them, be gin at the wrong end. The people are to manage the affair to associate to c; ill themselves to recom mend officers. Organize a regiment, it will be made up oi such discordant insubordinate materials, strangers to and ignorantvof each other, confidence cannqt exist in it ; but, above all, the volunteer is to indent himself for 3 years for the performance of one year s service. iiepeal these acts as the bill proposes, with a reservation of the rights that have accrued under them, and the services to the govern ment of the nrien who have enrolled themselves and, in their stead, au 15 B -41 version it will indisputably be felt : Thtse wou d form th rallying points such a force, if disregarded by the ot defence m periods of danger, and enemy, trusting to the supposed dim. will be sure to meet the approbation culty of approach, will be competent crxre wnoie country, wncn it snau to tne rcauction oi rjaiiiax. hav nlarH fir fnr it ntwif thnt f Ki f J I TK ihnrartpr nf nm frntrfrnfnrir Miry Crejroryr. Stephen Hooker itdms. proteciinir arm cfaovero mentis eve- had been sodenrcssed in Europe, not M cf ill uelcnaan ll tVir vtnrlorl 1 1 twill K.cnoi in It mnr fit? fni rrri thin 'Ynm.ctir mi.. I thnri. a rrtTM rf HTVl mfr nf on return its confidence and attachment, representation, as much even, within efficient regular character. When the For this objtxt also the care of go- these walls as without them, it had be- Colonels shall have been selected fr vernment cannot be too early direct- come necessary to make war, to place their virtues and influence, give to rd to the. East Florida frontier : there ! our backs against the wall and prove U them the selection of their officers danger exists. In its present state, to European marauders, there is a they can betterjudge who ought to point beyond which we will not re cede. This good the war has accom plished ; but it has become more than ever necessary to prove that we will not only declare war, but can prose cute it with energy and courageous enter the rar&s He iipectei that these addul not full! v He apprehended this obiec V$ :M'i '$ I tton;was more specious than solid -, y, ;Ui?l';-!;!fii Considering ail ) th clixUmitancesia r ; . 7 ', ; .f? jf : ( relattOn th the armv thVrMriorl whh ' V. fV!-v rnised ana hqw omcered , he believed, i supposing the regiments only half fill ed it was indispensably necessary the bffi cers should be' coostantlvwith themr ,He was. much inistaken if the omcera were not as raw; as the private soldiers i-it vas as important they should be I familiar with the duties, as they iyhoni they are to commndn It ould be nothing shbrt, of butchery ' to send brave men into the 'field, under . such circumstances, -hen in our power to. f fou will save;' Vrifusirig these" ife-- iyis$ MiyMi additional bfficers, would ipo be worth ; 'i the Hfe of a single many to say nothimrr ;'t:T'.i-l' bf the possible slaughter of thousands f , rK. A" 'fv'.V -.1 ..-.: ,- it is improvable by the enemy to pur essential injury ; it is.penectly?with in his control for every military pur pose ht may contemplate, and will re quire an equal force, whether occu pied bv-the U. States or not. He THE next CAMPAIGN. f hliefwHovioar Speech of Mr. IX IL YttL l',CLajrmanofthe lilitary Commit- If fvn I V m , 1 t . Armj Dili, nexpiains me -! uai ummitte in reUUon to tlie r- ua conauct cf tne next Caapaipi : , Mr. D. R. WILLIAMS said.the rsmcct which he felt , on the ?:occasiCD not of a rdi 7 kiad he was so solemnly ira nsiedwith the importance of the Sett btforc the committee, he was 4fJl KS ltirr.it ml.U j . . . uiimi ill SUUIC uc rc t'Ped on his cObns'to susuin the chafJcV of his- countrv iX I Com"ted 'by the decisioti, fi, ."Jniore ably supported V. 'V wevcr .some confidence Ll circumitanccs that the ml- Utier 7 enuuea to me . . the House becauce It had aorrf mcf c f ragments to be av-1 uccau,?Dut a system on ct jj b iuiuro prosecution teritt Vr n explanation of "lis from thc-relatioD in which he cv.die object of.; aH. to iT, .Sla2ck td theUnavoid. would exemplify more in detail his enterprise. The honor, the charac views on the subject of defence, by ter of the nation requite that the liri enumerating the military districts and j tish power on our borders shall be de- the least number of troops which mohshed in the next campaign- her ought to be stationed in ea h. If the repiesrntaiives from those districts shall object tint the numbl-r of troops allotted to each is too 9 mall, and he 'elt confident some cf them would he replied, such objections served on ly to Mrengthenhis argument and the more satisfactorily proves the pre sent military establishment insufli cicpt and thu it ought to be increased. He ri quested that it might be recol lected his observations were intended to apply to all the bills or systems he had. reported, because they were allm some measure dependent on the suc cess cf the present motion. To Bos- why, say they, will you make w?r on them ? They have not injured us. ' Nor, sir, has the British tar injured us, although he is the instrument ftf plunder and impressment. It is to conquer the sovereignty of the soil, J to raape tne uruisn power, 10 reaca uy ton district, including Portsmouth such means her profligaie and unjust commmd, and who can raise men in their own neighborhood, than the President or the. Senate. This mode will only change the appointment of officers, from individual members of Congress to , the Colonels, who cer tainly will be more scrupulous-who he associates with him in danger, than 4- ny.other can be : they mav be safely entrusted with this power, tinder the American provinces once wrested approbation of the President. With frora her, every attempt to recover such a provision the corps can be rais them, will be chimerical, except thro ed almost as soon 35 the officers can negociation, The road to peace then be nominated by th Jf resident, ap lies through Canada. When we shall proi'edby the Senae, and commis once, be in possession of it, peace, ho- II sioncd by the Secretary at War. Tjje norab'e peace, the scls objectfof us verm of enlistment li confessedly not an is secured, uut some gentlemen affect a sympathy for the Canadians 11 . t . 1 ana tne wnoie state 01 itiassacnusett, 600. To Newport, including the states of Connecticut and Rhode Isl and; 600. T New-York, inclusive bf that scste and New-Jersey, 1000 To" Philadelphia, comprising the states of Pennsylvania and Delaware, 400. To Baltimore, Annapolis, Nor folk, including Maryland and Virgi- ministrv. that war is wazed at all- u the unarmed will never fall on Ame-J rican bayonets- it is not against the people of either Canadaor Great-Britain, but against the English subjects in arms that the war i directed. By physical force then alone can we pro ceed. Mr.,W. here recapitulated at some length the amount of the force . . - f II ' I . T . 1-1 ma, 5UO. i o unaneston, including proviaeu ana mat wnicn was ncccssa: North and South-Carolina, 400. To ry for the various objects that should Savannah and the East Florida fron- be accomplished, shewing that at least tier, 20004; To N"W-Or!eansV com- twenty thousand additional regulars prising Mobilre, West Florida an si ought to be authorized. How, asked Natchitoches, 2500.. To Detroit and he, shall this7 deficiency be supplied?, all the Western frontier, 2000, ma- Shall we rely; tin the militia I Sound king an aggregate of 10,000 regulars pohcy, not less thaQy experience, tor- These taken from the establishment bids a draft op them tor permanent already provided for, leaves a force of service. However valuable they are 25,OCK3. The diiference between the for sudden emergencies, and in this numbers' enlisted, and effective: men. way too much reliance cannot be is very material ; in no service, how placed on ; tbera, 'economy, boh to ever actual, is it estimated at less than them and the government, forbid ;cne fourth, , with new levies at least their use for 'other purposes. Their one third : deduct only 10,000 from jstate of discipline and insubor-rlina- the whole number provided for,, we lion, (except ihUhelface of danger; hall, supposing our ranks filled, Have circumstances growing out of ; the in the field only 15,000 that can be freedom our institutions ; thb waste directed against Niagara, ; Kingston, of public property, which he could jil- Montreal. Lowe r, Canada "and Halt- lustrate by strong facts, , all iiniter 16 faxlr Is that number sufficient for the dissuade us from' this resort Call purposes of government I .'This must tneaa out on short terms of duty . for depend upon the number and qaali so much timers' lost io mareriing to ty. of the opposing 'forced It ought and from the places. 'of rendezvous, not to be estimated that the regular you are subject to pajr nearly double force in Uppcr.and Lower Canada is the force necessary t6 maintain any less than 12,000 ; besides these there one ppint--make the terni of service are several mausana ; muitit, ana at 1 ioog, ana you Disproportion ine our the most elic-ible to formsoldiers but, inasmuch, as it is doubtful whe ther you can get a fbrcej sufficiently strong on a long period, the present is proposed. But for the gallant and brave patriot .of the revolution before j him (Col. Stuart) he should have o- mitteu co aciu, tms mode was tound the most efficacious to raise men, du ring foe revolutionary war ; having been testcq ,-hy experience it may be again relied on. ' - - Having shewn the necessity of aug mentipg the regular forces, it was e qually material to provide for filling the ranks, and for keeping 'thent at their full' cbmplenient 'when $Ued.- With this view , was . the j 1st section Introduced. The greatest evil, inci dent to the recruiting 'servici results from the number of persons to whom tne puouc money was necessarily ais tributed ; in proportion to, he. num ber of persons with whomTit is in trusted, will' be its misapplication. To remedy this, it is proposed to an? jloiht officers to each regiment, for -I ; that partipular'purpose'j In no waydif- fere :it from those already appointed, w Hp shall be erfi plowed in recruiting for thfcif f espective Vegi mental these fio be tinder the ' ordeV- of a' Major, who shall receive; and be accountable for the issue of money and cJothesT for that service. THe ranks filled,' the presence of all the officers on the 'pre sent establishment ?ill be indispensa ble, asjinpur service me proportion of privates to the officers is greater than ift ''any, other Wmcanatjserj The iey organization, v which was given to; the armyat the jast session, tQcreased the number pf privates ia eachrcompany without a correspond ing increasje of officers ftwoiiieu-. tenants were necessary in ji. company, tor tne purpose 01 oiscipuner ana re cruiting; when it consisted ;of only" 64 't' without them. Of necessity, our 6f ncers neea instructron--tney snouia i-J:..J:p be deVoted to it during . theVmri8$v employed as witri 'ie.ir rgimentsoo; : duty. It is the ciiialitj not the' num'?; her of the trorips, that secures, aqi4 , improves victory'. . ,vj . ' ' V .'.(:-.,. One other objection he could antl cipateperh3 ps those w ho can kneec; at the disasters and misfortunes ot the late amp3ign,may object that there ia no encouragement to vote auaiiionai forces seeing thosle who have been aU ready raised havei Deen so 'iiiyemnioy : ed. It becomes us .di to be eauallv faithful to durajcobntry, Whether her arms are victorious, or not ; it is4. 1 ernes of discomfituie that the patri-. ors resolution- and virtues are most heeded; ; Jt is nojhiatter by whatrr -ty names we are distinguished, this our colmtry--w e are children of tHi same family, and ought to be brothers ' in a common cause. . The misfortune which befalls one portion, should sinjc deep in the hearts of the others also, yy hat misfortune so great as the loss of cnaracter I If impatience under back on the even 64 Hanfax 3000 regulars . .To drive this then of the war.- In ehbttftHe great privates, assured we shall forget pu? disgrace, apd looil is that have passed. with onlv as much candor as beppme us, this objection ni ust vani sh ' : Un der the circumstances in, which s found itself, without experience, cU f- ther "m itself or others to guide it, d- ministration ougnt not to ne censureq for the bad mllitiiryfappointrneBts i may have madei hbxveyer njuco . may'deserve, if it! shall retain men in S employ, when found incapable to dist Charge- tne auues, entrusted to tnemt He was fearless cf contradiction unlet c taring, all our disasters sprung fro ny v a cause wnicn no man in ; tne aauop ; could have anticipated it was nex$ Mm . f.iMu : i'f -ihl in 1 .7 b'ivt4 .wiil 7 1 f vi '4 . 1 J' A-TJip . .' -if . ... 1' 'v, UY- gainst it, It was with paia and reluc? t tance Ke felt it his duty, to speak : of an pfficrjjilep diiacedfr. Wished he could discover any. pause for the surrender'of Petrpitless hcii nous j than treachefy ,or7 cowalrl between, tem hp saw nothing tq choose. Justice will hereafterif pafj tyheat denies Lit now, proppuncelhe; pian pi ine campaign, as entrustea tQ ..- i 1 l -'tiipi ;l? ifflflJ1 'li: -f-ii i Gen. Hull, . easv and judicious ia commandant was 0 be acccm i u?. objects, ed v tv The urmshed With eve- r eap? necessary for su moymeti prb visions and'muni--;y ! hJpf t?arin:;. abuhdapcehaV oetn could; have been; ad op?ec'f tp prefemIndian hostility and ifi?er? ! mecrts pf . askacr ? fhatycr arF, uic; punu wjiu wuicn .cpmmuni caiiuof puld have been maintamed-LisL e v'4 L , ent. frord the ! events which fd Whatwas: there vtc$rncit ceedeiAp'aly an apojogy to sur render What if the other lull had com mi: .1 IIP A . Bi W J 1 1 hi - l ift - X7V: 7 H;: ft Iltp --r - '--. I: - 1 5 ; f ' 7:- :v .1. 4

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