ecbAt Vblch baa taken place on this T,, fich too loor for Insertion io a nil w . . kl paper. fnation-i I care not of what political JcctymaDy as there are who believes that the war is not undertaken oa just groundsthat we had not borne wilh their Indicmttiea till "we could have The following, pertinent K- . p . y. .f ' ...iMiAni hivn MiMmra - - - - r - - - .w.k'i will be &'! derins vour rirooertv and imnrcssiflfe uui stdujcu uu nig- uwwauf . ac cents have been sent into this nation M. MACON moved to strike to sow divisions among us, who ought i tie md insert fivt .years as the to be but one family. ,What crime cs 5 :. . Ji' 1 i i ir. vvt.4 ;n;.im . nrcnlilttnenu oc rcjzrciica as i uccu cu uuuuuc . law"1- - . j: t t llu . j K- " lib a SUV oqcuic disasters wnicn ii nc wc not suucicu . vuiu uuv- . d bcWicn thecountry ; and there II added to the catalogue: itseemstOj Kninnewav to Ouyuic inetr ex II me not ixo man iovc peace muc p .A that was bv risioe a u Deri or than I do. and if it had not been for pthem, as a part of the1 nation 'had Great Britain sendmg her agents to .'reidr done he nftant the Western our fire-sides, I do nut know but I . - L - 1 IJ L. ... U ....... trv where a-patnousmnaa oeennsnouia nave votca agaiusi. -K hlftd eaual to that -which micht It seemed to me like an attempt on a J . . . i- 1 : , 1 1 t i. l tlt ... .:.U man s aaturruer. iiot tuuvcuv wuu vcxine and harrassing you whenever you ivent from home, they cqme here to put strife into your family." 'You have been told, that the rnnce He- V cent and his ministers are firm. Sir, we never calculated on their "receding, but on the energies and force of the nation to obtain redress, and it we had been united we snouiu nave e- quailed our most sanguine expecta Hons Let us follow their example, ana determine to maintain our na tional rights, as they do to maintain their usurpations on them With respect to the term of s:r ..a ,,mS futlnwfH. Our obiert: vice, enlistments tor one Vear will wwcught to be to recover the ground look as if we were alraid to go the we have lost, and meet the enemy whole length of the war. Kaising with troops that will ensure success, men for five years would convince Wnrr told- sir. this war has united the enemy you meant to inaintam Mmd to a nun. Sir, I neverVex. and enforce youf rights ; but while ietrd aid from our enemies. Let you take meo for one year or cigh n follow so good an example, and u- Iteeo months they will think we are v, Hntinmitshed uorae-tn its best &i)S. Their zeal nequal to their Irarrrr aod the onlv drawback on their eoterpnze was the difficulty of I a.!Ing somctiung to e-n; in me wii dcrr es We mut riie after reverses. Whit. ir, aid fr. M. would have be cmc of H me, had he'despoqded j wh o Hannibal defeated Iter armms ? 1 She roe upon it, and became the niis tresi of the world. What would have J bcfnike situation of our ckusc in the ) Revolution, if, after the Uriiih sue-1 criises i Jersev, we hid despond-. d ? But tht men of Peonnjlvania andji New-Jersey rote pn it, and victory I foresaid, between the twenty-thinj day of June last, anc the fifteenth day of Sep tember last, the Secretary of the Trea sury is hereby directed to remit sj! Dnes) penalties and forfeitures, that may have been incurred under the sai acts, in consequence of such shipment importation or- importations, upon the costs and charges, that have arisen or max arise oeing paia, suia on paymeni of the duties which would have' been piyable by lavr on such goods, wares and mtr, handiz?, if legally import td ; and also to direct the prosecu'ion or prosecutions, if any shall .have been in stituted for the rcjrery thereof, to cease and be disctfn tin ued I .Provided nevertheless, That no case in which the pun haic i f such goods, wares and mer- chanue, was made, alier war was known to exist between the United States and preat Britain, at the port or place where suih purchase was made, shall be cniitlcd to the benefits of this act. " r H- CLAY. Speaker of the House of Representatives Vm. H. CRAVVFOKD, Prettdent of the Senate, pro tempore. January 2, 1813 Ar proved, ;JAMKS AlADISOIif. An Act to increase the Navy of the United States. , v . Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House of Re pretentatixet of tbe United States of America in Cvfigrest auemMed, That the President of lue United States hU be, and he hereby is authorised, as soon as suitable materials can be procured therefor, to cause to be built) equipped and employed four hps to rate not less thin ncvcnty-four guns. and six ships to rate lot ty -four gun eacht $ec. 2- And he it farther enacted, That there shall be employed uu board each ol the said ships of seventy fur guns each, one captain, ;x beutenan s, one captain, one frt lieutenant and one second Iieuten- A NEW STORE tTP HE Subscriber is novr opening; a hand some Assorrmerji or--DRY GOODS', and a good WARE and .GROCERIES TCVESERTED. Ir&riltiie CimnlfiM: TW - Stock 9f HARD- January; ROBERTOiASSITERa Ccrjfwrar : in a new Store in the: I8tlr Raiment Of the4X? States larifc rv aii on., rayciicvinc pucci, gupoj'ic m uiiu m iryf -uassicriwas Dum in oates ccuntn ana '; W I I 1 ? T -' m. ll -4 Ja "J? 111 IClA' A l' f k .. ' : ,.71 , j , . Jt , : t J ii scou ivern, wuicn r.c win scu iowhot 11 uvea pan or last year as viverseer far atahhf ' 1 ( j Saleiib, Van. 1, 1813 w old.LS ftet,9iiiite 8, hilffkiSh.lfli "';-! ii a tuauiciuii w eis nsviner been e-ntftv of et c Reward.-; : v:v ' J G BLOUNTif V V :l-Caflain lStb Jteg. Infaniryl ? Camp neararboro', Jan. 4r.' A ,t -' . :' TltPcat whfch wooJd Drevenr a suspiuon w eis naving been; eulfty of so XTOtwItHtandinr the Wood Work of tbU H a&e an act; Whoever VUf deli vci said JLas IN Academy has again been consumed 6v'f s,tcr to Ihe. Subsciiter, or aaf other Officer 'iofi r ire, rreparatjons nave peen rnaae iqr tnc re ception of Students, and the School will go into operation on Monday tbe 4th of January, 1813, under the supenntendance of Mr. Abel Grauai, as Principal Teachef.f'; This Gentlerran's moral character and lite rary improvements eminently 'Qualify him to discharge the dpties attached to his station. Tnenglisn Iangqage grammatically, the Latin and Greek Languages, and the usual branches of Sc'nce will be taujbt in this Institution. x - The Wood Vprk of the elegant Brick Building will be Completed again perhaps by the first of May for the reception c-Students and for the operation of the School. Catwei 'I County, C.Dec. 23. DESERTED, From Camp near Taiborot Dn the niint ef the 6tb instant. ISAAC SKlTTLETHORfE EDMUND SKIT .TLETHPRPF, BENJ, TITJERTON an4 JOSEPH SPROVEL, . Soldiers in ;the 18th Re tnent of Infantry. r Isaac Skit tlethorpe was born in VVjtahington'ccunJy,' . C. aged 25 yars, 5 feet 11 inches liigh, of dark com plexion, black ees, bfsek hair, a vd is stout LAUREL ;MILL ACADEltfT. 'T'HE TrusteesTfeel a p!easurenbeing 1ble t" to announce to the public, that Mr. M'Leak, an experienceof" Teacher, and a young man of integrity and talents, a G;adu ate of the University of North-C&rolina, has undertaken the charge, for -the present jear, where Students may be prepared for any Class in the University. The price of Tuition is Sir per annum ;f Washington ccunty, aged 32, 5&et 10 io he' high, ofda k couple .on, dark hair, well- savage countenarce.-Brnjaniui ;'J was bom in Washington county, i3f hi bu it, has Aiuetou was fcom an Washington county, it Y -.-.j high, light complexion, sn alrdark eyes; black ij ; hair'. Jcst'pu' Sbrayel.waa'bcrn in WashingivJ '-. ton cou.fyr age.iG years, 5 feet 7 inches & halfb1g4 , Jigtujconiplexjcn, blue eyesight j 'fc' hair, I sioops-tn-1 bta shoolderi. and has la hv- i , . ; "I V poyiticii whiue- when speaking.' J . ' A .ft' '-iml 1 have gepd reason to believi; that ths ab)7S memionea jjeierters Have returned to' the paid in advance, otherwise g20 and Boarding j Neighbourhood "j wbere'.they were borri.' T cite to a man; ictus reroemoer tnc m cmitneotal majcim " UNITED j 1 STJ1MJI DIVIDED VTL (FALL. If we were as united in defence of our rights, ts England is ia her usurp ti ns, this Tvar would not last a single caapaign intl I hopeln this respect ve shall at lean If am wisdom from S3 eoetny. The calculations about cceor two campaigns, however, in prefect circumstances, are visionary. Wc hare engaged an enemy not io ths habit of yielding very soon. But if ire were to unite, the question would la be settled. Thclrause and b jeettf this war has been rhore con cisely tinted by one of inosc actively tcjtged in it, than any other pcon I m?an Captain porter's motto Free trade aid Sa ldr's rights" m man could have given a fetter de wibn of it. It -appears to me th:it cce part of this, cootinentought to be 2-ous for the rights of seamen bother part for a free export trade if we were, Vs we ought to Oe '"td. tbe war wuM be carried on Wih nerg and with success. I pre with tbe gentleman from New Jcncy.thattiirsihing isnotto be done typaper men. Mv opinion is, that best thing we can do, is to raise ta lor rive years. et the Legis Jre of the country dp its duty. If 35,000 men now authorised be Kt enough, let us grt as many as wilt Jf sdequate to the end we propose. dcmen have thought proper to Jkv former transactions, J would wili ng to past them over. I be-r w almosi every measure adopted 7 we General Government would Me had its destined effect if adhered J You have always got the better F the irgument ; y6u have better 1 0nstioos ; but what avails all your power. Mr. M. concluded his remarks by moving to strike out one and insert Jive. i by Aumoitrrr. ntain has imnrraserl vour sea 10(5 ;ivrn you blows for good ds. you becQ hcrctofore lyourpper measures were worth T1: now, that it is proposed to Je fcow for blow! what is said? TOu ae departing from the pa . - rstem, whiqh tbe tame persons' h 'V rtPrted, and to which they fcotTie friendly only titer every. ly at-pieifi.ttlon has failed.-. mQsuccte(f or we must vield the n drnibt that the wariis iusdy Ua- Is there a ban in the In temporising, and instead of lowering of rr,ir:B onc 8"rKeon one chaP; rf .Kt- .. nMr.. la'i &e purser and three surgeon-' their tone by this means. you will raise ' ' , . iu exactly as you appear ncicie, rk,rt,J.Tht they will unite, and as you dnplay th -h.., K -mnluv . iu Cilth of the energy. you will disunite them. Do 9ajd sbipi carrying seven'y-four euns not loosen yourgrasp in an quarter, tnc following warrant officers! who shall out increase ii in every way wunia be appointed by tne tcsiaent oi me United Stales t one mas er, one second mdster, three master's mates, one boat swain, one gunner, one carpenter, one sail maker and twenty midshipmen ; and the following petty officers, who shall be appointed by ihe captains of the ships respectively in which they are to be employed viz. one armorer. ix boat wjin' mates, three gunners "mates, two carpenter's mates, one sail-maker's mate, one cooper, one steward) one master at arms, one cook) one coxwain, one boatswain's yeoman, one gunner's yeoman, one carpenter yeoman, ten quarter gu -n-rs, tight masters, and one cleik and one schoolmaster, al so to be appointed by. the captain. Ssc. 4i And be U further enacted That the crews of each of the said ships of cventy-fouv guns shall - consist of :w hundred able seamen, three hundred irin3ry seamen awd boys, three ser- ean's.r three rroorals, one drummer, onefifrarvd ixty marines. S. c. 5. And be it further enacted, That the nay of ihe sh. uUmasrer shall he twenty-five dollars per month and twB rations per dy. . Sec. 6. And be it f urther enacted, Tha the sum of two millions five hundie' thousand dollars be, and '' the same is hereby appropriated, outpf any monies . . r - ' . 1 ' T- in tne 1 reasury not omerwise appropn lted, for the building and equipping o the aforesaid ships of war. HENHV CLAY r Speaker of tbe House of Representatives, -WMiH. CRAWFORD, president of the Senate pro tempore Tanaar) 2, 1813 Approved. - ' T - JAMES iiADISON. . Tj be bad in decent families at the moderate rate of RIO per quirter- Ti. strictest attention will be paid to tbe morals and genera! deportment ot the students. The situation is handsome, and esteemed as healthy as any pnrt of tHe State, affording the earliest opportunity of receiving tbe pub lic papers and othei communications by the Mail' Stage i the U. States passing every other day in the week. v , $an. 1, 813. lLaVps at tbttynitto Stetr H ' An Act directing the Secretary of the Trea sary to remit Hnes, forfeitures and penal tics, in certain cases. ' t . lie it enacted, bv tbe Semite and H.nue qf Retretcntaivet of tbe United Statet of Amen ta, in Canjpets mttembed. That in all cases where goods, wares and roerchindize, owned bv a citizen cr citizens of the United States, have been imported iu o the United Sutes from'the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 'which goods, wares : and merchandize were shipped on board vessels which departed therefrom between the twen- tr-third day of June last and the fif teenth day of September last, and thr person or prrsons ; interested in such goods, ware or merchandize or con cerntd is ihe importation thereof, have thereby incurred any fine, penalty and forfeiture, under an act, entitled 11 An act to interdict the commercial inter course between the JJmted 'States and Great Britain, and France, and their 9 - i dependencies, apd for other purposes, and en act, entitled An actconcernr ing the commercial intercourse between the United States and Gredt Britain and France, and thetr dependencies, and for other purposes," and th act supple mentary, to the act last mentioned, on such person or persons petitioning for relief Xo any judge pr court proper to hear ifae same, in pursuance of the pro visions of the act, entitled" An act to provide for mitigatinr remitting fines, forfeitures and penalties, in certain ca ses therein mentioned ;H and on the facts bing shown, on enquiry-bad by Xaid judge or1 court, stated and transmit tedas by) said act is required, to the Secretary othejTreasnryi tn all auch cases wherein it ehalijbe proyed to bis satisfaction that said good V wares and merchandize, at toe time of their ment, were bona fide owned by $ citi zen or citizen of the United StJtesand shipped and did depart from some port or place in , the . United .Kingdom , of Great Britain and Ireland, owned as a- r 'SELECT REVIEWS., , MOSES THOMAS, the poblisbe? of the new aeries of tbe SELECT REVIEWS, and SPIRIT OF FOREIGN MAGAZINES, rommenclnir Jan. It ll3, to be edited by wasntngton lnrmg, c.sq. ot new-s otk, ah thorof Salmagundi, be. proposes to enrich the work occasionally with Portraits of seve rai oi uic most Oisnnguisiica jnnciitu nivu Officers, . accompanied with Biographical .Sketches . - 1 The wmk will be published in roomhly numbers, price Five Dollars per annrp, pay able on tbe delivery ' of the sixth, comber ji eacb.'year.T . " i . Subscriptions received by the Publisher, r Cbesnnt'Suret Philadelphia $ by J. Giles, Raleigbj by D. M'Rae Fayette ville, and by moat mer aiooajeuexs u V PROSPECTUS Of a new' Periodical Work, to be publ'Shed semi-annually at Raleigh, by J. Gales, en tilled the " ' CAROLINA LAW REPOSITORY. ' To be edited by a Lav Character. J- The primary design of this Work, is to con-i vey to every pari of the State earl intelligence ot the Cases adjttlged tathe Supreme Coutt, ana abstracts of, tbe Pubic Laws passed at each session of tbe Legislature. One number will therefore be published on the" first o Marcn, and another on the first of September in each year, jnst before the corrmeccement of the circuits, so that the Profei.sjonr and the citizens in geneta!, may be apprized of ihe progressiye change and exp-sitiou of the uw, socn atter tney rtspectivciy occur, and at a time waen such informal icn s most d ai rable- Bui the plan will also cornprehend a vat iety of subjects connected wuh Legal and general Political Science, which, it is hoped, will render the work instructive and entertain ing, not merely to .the practising Lawyer and the Student, bat also to the Legislator and in -celligent Citizen, who desires to contemplate, n their origin, spirit aud effect, those princi pies of Legal Polity and Civil Freedom which lorm the basts of cur own admirable institu tions. Hence ea:'b number will contain se lect Biography of eminent. Judges and Law ers -Extracts frorii scarce and valuaole pub I. cations Opinions of foreign Jurists upon cases sefnt from Virginia and Nonh-Carolma oetoie tne Revolution neyer before published Arguments and Opinions of Judges and o uosel .a important cases, and such Lssays as liave a tendency to' enlighten tne pt ogress uuut ovmimcnt on certain projectea ae- rations ox the Law, particularly that deeply ntertsting topic, the reformauon of th Cri- miual Cede. Speeches of merit on subjecs of cimancni interest, aibcussea in tne iegisia ture, will occasionally be inserted. Cowoxi xons gach number will contain fiom iio to 160 octavo pages, printed on $ne medium paper, and with an elegant ner t)pe, cast in Philadelphia for the work. The price will be one dollar and fifty cents per number, four of which will form a volume.' Each num ber, to be' paid for on delivery. The first number is in the press, and will be published oh tbe first of March. " . Subscriptions received by tbe Publisher and other Booksellers, and by Gentlemen of tbe Bar in whose handa tbe Prospeaus baa been placed, , ' Jan. 14., any person wbowill deliver tbe said Deserters at Tarboro,.; before the Compai y . to - whica ' they belong marches from thence, I will pay) the above Reward, or ten dollal;s for each Should the Company have marcbejjf pievious to their appreherisjona delivery of $hera tor any Officer of the States Army will nswef ; the purpose. ( j ' ; J. G. BLOUNTi 'OaptaiuX&Mefr Jrfanirt, Camp near Tavboro?, Jan. 7. - "V I COMMITTED - : To Wake Jail, on the JoTth of December, reauestci to com. forward proyepropertyV pay chargei; and take him away; ' ' r V 'f - T wenty Dollars Reward 13 UN-A W Al from the Subscriber, on th JLSv v' ALMANACKS. For Sale, wholesale and "retail, at J. Galea's Store in Raleigh, and at the Store of U Ochiltree, merchant, in Fayettev J!e, , and mail at most of the Stores in the State, Gales & SeatoaV , - .( .4 N.CAROLINA A L M A.N AC K, a The AatTonomical Calculations by P.Brpoka at RicbmoBd Coimty, and the Weather Pife Actions JbyJobn Beaaley , of Wake County. ', lis miscKiiancoua juuci , ; uahj laic rating, useful and entertaini&g 17ih of December, a.1" MUL A MANl i named Tim. about 20 vW Alrf. js r-.i f Sor nine inches high, rather slender, has th4 mark of a burn on one pf his cheeks scarcely ..visible : Took with bim twe horses' a saddle, tacfd with d pliish; pne black 'Wone Whitl hat, one mixed bornespun nd one blade broad f '5f j cioin coat, two or;Utfee.firje Shirts and tWd or three ve?ts, an'perhaps other, clothing.I wne ot tne ncrses is a sorrel, IU years old! jiajms o iwnts nign, Maze laced, Wind o ttie netreye, and one foot wh jte, wiiS W shod. ; ?1 he ether a black, 10 yars bid, 1 ii4u3 anu a Hair gn, waze .isctr, blind the near eye,' and hi off hind foot white. It is probable that ;be has a white woman with brm, as pne.thafhe whs too intimate with was seerfwith bid 1$ m.les beyond Linl cointon. ane is very rau, has l ght hair, gre; eyes, good complexion arid, or so large i woman, may be called handsome. The abov- reward will be.giveu for said runaway an horses, by ; , (NICHOLAS GIBNEY. Mecklenburg County, N.C, Jan. 1 'lit or EXCHANGE or Old Six Percent cif Deferred $tdp& pURisjJANTto:the Act of Congress entji fJ JttledAri Act authorising a Subscriwic 1 fpr the OLD SIX PER CENT and Deir- red Stocks, and providing for jthe exchan - 'if th em. nnxh. Ak Aii-C l.UlJ f kw a veral loan ofnees, and.wiir'cdntinue'cpefl iii :ctv.M;nt if u CtA c D. r.. Deferred Stocks, in tbe manner pfesciibedb the said act. New; Cert cate.feear1nKmter7 terest rrom tne i pay ox me fjuarter in which the Subscription shall be made, at the Vate o Six Per Centura Per A or urn, payali quartet yearly, tor tne unredeemed amount of princi pal of tbe Old Sx Per Centum and Deferred flocks which may be Subscrjbed, will be lsst& pectively wbete tbe Oid Stock Subscribed miy at tbe same; rime stand credited. . Tbe Kev 5tocK wiune reaeemabie at tbt pieasore ot tts United Sutea at any rime after the 31st dir oi. ueceioocr, xo ; oui o reimDUTsepietJ wis be made except fat tJ;e whole amount injB ptocK stanomg at tne r:me, ro inecjait zny proprietor, oa tbe books of the Txeismz or of tbe Commisskmers of Loans rSFfectivi ? public notice of such; intended TeimbopeptH . 5 ALBERT GALl,ATW.v . Treaturt Xeahment Sctymfer lp f8fj y I, i a 1 A ft : f' The highetJrtcegwHM , f ' V- WV ... " -9 :.Z v! J -'f'iii - 4.-. rH v." t ' t . r

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