' ' vwWnerM W 5 .to .ihftfiit'bittha : the? sa and 1 1 which autortlieN:Pres!acit;of? Ad J!l . -ilcy .Bciviriofcd mVcfcN peaV5"tfeHv-ereti thesisHjret'upf Oi)stfe) Stated ttifdcccpt tls -services pt Vi to thViMmatiernWti toa i'daiiigbt c$cbrtcd bydctachV thewfaWj Kild' -Uvtus'sictt'oa tfieseW . j. decided io refer to toll to .gilinj theght. in the purchase of Pub- was rcad a "lilrd lime till fiom (be Senate .authorising M- WW""' frAm Rriih norta bevond L. lime and passed. I t Tisaee wai received from the " Ml W Ml ' cBli the United States, which w speaker decbred (o be of a confi- n-j d nature. And the;boutc was ac- - .1 . -1': 1 " ti THE JV.UL ' Yflkt Jcau 15. THE ENGLISH SHIP OF WAR, Which pursued a French ship yplhe Ha)', on Tuesdly nigh?( last, proves to hive bren theTartarus sloop s! war, Capt. Pasco, and, her chase the French merchant ship. lmeVUne Cap-- Dcsubechoy cujs irom oor- rich carco of wine, briudy and ry roods. Jhe Pilot, who was, per to a little confused by the coutinu. ed ere lrom,tne arwrusj ruu uci a. $bcrt on the Middle Ground, when br more circumspection on his part shin mixht have escaped her pur suers, and arrived &atVat her port of destinaua. The Tartarus, follpw- in her wake, run aground abo Liit 7&t ou during mc oigi uuuw- :a-nearly ail Her guns ovcrooara. . Sic however, fitted out her boats 'nh the 2nd Lieutenant, Boatswain, acd ZO men, and took jpossession ol fce Tamerlane. Capt. Destebeclio, mdthe Pilot, (Mr. Scidcn of Hamp toa") were scot on board the Tartarus, the Utter in Irons : ana a part cfihe French crt w were sent on shore ca Caps Crnries. in the man of war'a bunch. Next day the Tartarus stood awiy for the Capes, and was joined by .tirce otacr men oi war ; an Amen tia ship acd brig, outward bound, wttt boarded bv them. In the course cf the sime day, 2 pilot boats from , Hmpton visited the French ship cce of them (the Bee) took on board tk.e remainder of the crew and pas. itegm of the Tamerlanc and arriv ed here with them ycs:e daythe' o , tier (the Betsey) was chartered by the Englishmen to convey on board the Tar urus, as much-as she could any of the most valuable i fleets on kardthe Prize. Her hold was ac cordingly stowed with a qumtity of liis, b:esf he and the boatswain and three men, put on bOarci to guard ipoiU These mea considering 'themselves to be only passengers left tht management of the jboat entirely tAhe Pilot, while they went Dlow asd luned in to atrial of the French oaas Claret and Cogoiac, a supply cl which they bad brought away with licai. I hd wily pilot, disregarding e bjunttions of the cfor it r party teck advantage of their inebriation to L,tr the voyage; and having fasten dthc hitencs upon them, tacked and sj d into HamptouKoads, 'and ar rtTrd with his valuable cargo safe in lport. The four men were deli nrd iLin the custody of the Marshal -a me goods given into the hands oi e avenue omccr. 1 he prize trew p r " board the ship by the l ururus MJcrii?rs,m case they could not sue cia getting her off, to set fire to "wukt to their boats. It waar cud she woatii be got off. 1 cc pnvatcrr X ;K-hr. Cnt. Mood. fiU btea lying in this port for 'c went down yesterday for c ruiiiJH" f recapturing the Taraer . 1 r ,,l,tn tnc lint ub. ' "tzd rsuud lrom one of the pri- tame up in the Pilot Boat there are 8 impressed A -srium ou board the Tartarus. MoiroLd Jai. 13. i. : e untlerstand that the French sj lr.erbnc -was Wown off the ouad where she lay,strand JV ia;S- . ? heavy gate daiWedncsday a drifted on xhi Shoals at the ,..au f the Capes. The EngHsh ;tn .tord (a Lieut, and 24 men) tf . ' ucir situation to Dcex t ,7 mdous ; (the Tartarus, i S Eooc off and It It them to shift abat.doncd-ihe ship Kk a!Uc 1 r Lnr;avcn beach 5 here nvmucof cccVssityjtbey went bill t. vim Spoilt : uiv 7T l0f vessels 'o wned Jby dtixent of :Ia Sutra of America, Nmh dybithe!ars1.vJTh6in ucr ucam eous, wjuw pianos wiarn i ?C.C$ P1 watcr.na ner masts and spars gone. Tt is; probable that she .will - go to pieces -with tie-first eatirlv mil,.-. ' . - ' 5 : -J aYK i VCA. ' THE Subscriber Jt.now openlo hind. DRY GOODS, and sgood Stock of HARD WARE and GROCERIES, in 'a htw Store oa Ftyetteville Street, opposite to"Captain Scott's Tavern, wbich , he vill sell low for Cib, fc . JOHN FAIRES. &aleisb, Jan, 1, 1813. , . "V, . State of North-Carolina; ' Aoson County. oicrff ory-ow uotfrr oj. equity t -""'r John M. LilUbd 7 , . unttitn BiH. Charles B. Mease TT appearing to the satisfaction of this Ho- norable Court, thai Charlei B. Mease Js lot an inhabitant of said State It is there fore'6rdfTed, that .unless the Defendant ap pear at the neat term of said Court to beheld for ihe Countyrof Anstin, at the Court-house rn Wadesborough, on the sccoim Monday of March reat, and answer, pleader demur, judgment w,I be enured gath.m pro con. Jc$o j and that publication of this order be maae tnres wccks in mc ivaieign negisrer. , Jan. 23. ' MARTIN HCKETr. ! ; , , Clerk &.M. E A CAUTION. A LL Persons are hereby forwarned, from uaoing icr ciincr oi iwu -noici g.vcn io to Malcom Morison, of Falling Creek, near Rockingham, dated Ner. 4, 1812, for 100 dollars, due about the.Slst inst. the other for 50 dollars,, payable one year after date, at. tested Norman Morison and perhaps another The aforesiid Notes were fraudulently ob tained lor Lands not the property of the Bar. gamer. Being illiterate, I was the more ea sily tmposed upon by pretended friendship ; but .1 am determined never to pay the atorv said Notes. , his ' MALCOM a MORISON, sen. Mar Laurtl UiU, msrk. Viji. 8, 1813. 1 juti published Price 13 Cents each, and to be had at J. Giles's Store, TO F.MARKABLE OCCURRENCES, dis- JLl. covered lately arsons the People called SHAKERS, of a treasonable and barbarous naiurr, or Miaberism devejopeu, oy j. sraiui -And Observations on reading the above Pamphlet.. Raleigh Academy. HPHE stated monthly meeting of the Trus- 1 tees will be held in one of the Rooms of the Secretary of State, in the State.House, at 3 o clock To-morrow. The weekly Visiting Committees are ex- pected to make their Reports at the monthiy meetings. 3 J iTRIDAY, JANUARY 29. 1813 We learn that his Excellency the Governor has appointed Robert Willi ams, Esq. of this city, Adjutant-Ge neral of the Militia of this Slate ; Dr. Calvin Jones,' who lately filled that of- nee, Having ocen appomteu a iiajor- Gcueral by the Legislature. On the 1 1th instant, an election took place in the Tarborough district, for a Member of Congress, to supply lhe vacancy occasioned by the death of Gen. Thomaa Blount, when Wm. Kennedy, Esq. was. elected. Only 1647 votes were received in the whole district, of which Mr. Kennedy had 1 145 and Mr. J.W. Clark 502. The Senate have, for some. flays past, occasionally had under consideration some proposition of a confidential cha racter, distinct from that Executive duty of the Senate which is always tran sacted with closed doors. On the sub ject of their deliberations, we do not hazard a conjecture .Yar. Int. Gen. Harrison has resigned the office of Governor of the Indiana Territory. Intelligence has been received in BhI timorc from Ohio, stating that General Tupper with a detachment of Volun teers, had defeated a party of British 8c Indians,, two or. three, miles above the rapids of the Miami. The American force is stated to have been 1 500 strong ; the enemy's consisted of 300 British regulars and 700 Indians 5 70 or 80 Indians and 44 British were, killed, and Gen. Tccumseh taken prisoner. ; XVpt haTtceo me in cer- tain federal prints, and also on the floor, of tne House ot Hepresentatives, to in duce the people to believe! that the bill which' has just passed the House of Re presentauves, , for raising an. additional and 1 military, force of 20,000 men for one however,' he returned at the very moment year, provides an augnicotauon of the wrb" th lhirf X&fr pecamgr the contents mUnaryToree. of, thc,0..bui much repeals the acts already, iat1orce ccPyed tzortai JT,- .J ii i - jMr. Shawano of the, tnembers of Coriress'frcmi-Hhe. State ct?- yermbnt, has published several certificatasshevf- llirti tUt1- iTe ntfrrrA- tr somo ot tho Vermont atectorsana o thcra tum to have influence i the II Presfciehtial Election bysihefTrieKdsXl St. Georce Tucker, lsq. the erudite' commentator on iJiacjtsicne, is Appoints ed Judero of, the; United btates for the Virginia district, vice John Tyler, dec Lokgevitt,- On the -1 Oth instant. died at his farm near Little, River, Cum- iibemnid countyobert araitri, a native nor bcotunct, ago;years. . tie supf ported an unsullied character, .and the tatter so years oi ms me ne attcnoeu, closely to ms tarm. no nas ieit ainu merous onspring to aetena oar country. In the same neighbourhood, last spring. Archibald Buie,- aged 95, who was ono of the first settlers on Cape- bear River, and, assisted in cutting: (Town the timber from the spot on which Fayeltevillc how stands, 'and from his . . - , . inreninnH lamily havp sprung many ingenious rifle makers and marksmen. -At Lau rel Hill, in' August last, James Allen, aged 89, wno enjoyed such good health that for. several years before his death. he preferred walking to riding, andfre I quently walked 40 miles a day-In the same vicinity, John-M'Farland, senior, aged 97, whost eye sight waS so good, that for several years during the latter pan of his life, he could read the smalP est, print without spectacles.- John Fairleigh, aged 79, D M'Btyde, 81, Neal MNairi" 83, D. Carmichael, 87, A. M'GilI, 98, and E. Parker, 103, all of the same neighborhood. Capt. Jacob lewis, more commonly called Commodore Lewis, is to have the command of the Naval force to be employed in the de fence of ihe City of New-York. An article in a South-Carolina piper gives the following account oFthe State Bank, a law for establishing which passed at the late session of thtir Le gislature : " The charter of the Dink Is to continue till May, 1835 the State is pled red for the support of the Bank, and tho capital is to consist, of all tie public stock of the State., supposed to be worth a million of dollars. The President and Directors may issue bills to twice the amount of the capital they have power to nuke loans to the citizens. of the state, in the nature of discounts, on real and personal property, secured by mortgage, but the sum loaned mas: not exceed one-third part of the real value of the property mort gaged. The ldan never to be for si longer term than one year, nor draw more than 7 per cent, interest, which must be paid in ad' vance. .No loan can be renewed, without tho.tnterest be paid in advance. No person can borrow on his own account more. than 2000 dollars. The Directors to call in one tenth of loans a year, and may, if necessary, call in a fourth, on giving sixty days notice. The Directors are appointed by the Legisla ture. The principal Bank to be at Charles ton, and a Branch at Columbia. The loans on real property to. be apportioned among the several districts according to represen tation' . By a letter from the Collector of the port of Boston to Dr. Mitchdl, of Congress (which is inserted in the National Intelligencer) it appears, that during tneweet ending tne last yea-, goods to the amount of thirty thousaud.douai s, have heen snt to Mexico by the following route: From Boston to Pro vidence in waggons, thence by water thro' the Sound to Araboy, thence in waggon and by water to Philadelphia, thence in waggons to Tittsburg, then down the Ohio and Missi- sippi to New Orleans, and fiom thence b tand and in boats to Mexico. Thus trans porting merchandize, by inland conveyance, a greater distance than has ever beeirdonc by the people of any age or country, save by tliosc who trade between China and Moscow Hut what is moat astonishing, the expence to New Orleans is only four and a half per cent, on the cost of the goods in Boston, wnne the insurance alone on such as are sent by way of the ocean, is from 25 to 30 per ct. J At any rate, the freight, insurance and other charges n such as are sent coastways is not less than 30 or 32 per cent which makes a sav.nr irora jo io per cent, rrom mis .ingle fact, how obvioua is it, that the faci lity of transportation should be improved by canals and good roads I When involved in war, the beople make exerbons'nd disco- veries of infinite imnortanceth&aaion. which are overlooked during times of peace. . . 1 1 We publish the following occurrence for the purpose of putting our Store Keepers on their guard In cold weather, those who have charge of a store, generally retire dur ing the intervals of business to a back room to enjoy the comforts of a fire, where they eannot always see or hear the approach of persons coming in ; thus a robber might slip into the store, and conceal himself until the doors being closed he could watch his oppor tunity, to plunder the store, unbar the front door and walk off at his leisure. Sometime in the course of Wednesday, a negro fellow thi found an opportunity to conceal himself warehouse on Campbell's wharf, where he remained until after the doors were fastened the storekeeper' had gone out luckily, 1 - . 1 v . KiSK Wlow ' N. till he ae,- had Wie Lenon Hvenlrjjf (a, 13 sjteatJa 6t tain Is to b. driven from her broud eminence by iiecfe frie mtsWieads ttf av few fajbtdltjritr ate, ihiftned byj handful tfMtabtiMjoutUii&J&Htivi md st 4 thlr calf ,of John r?rtvrieni hears oi ne papiifrepi .me luuernere rru lio and MaeedphUffL; ; Y.-- ''True Xmetyj I'A r. 1 a ButTaJo Janitarn S. ' -Th& ditease, : which it was.expected,. would have disappeared upon tfie seuihe-lh of wiri tcf;'stiUcntihifes to rae; bf ies violent and djsicijveTbeM e riot exempt mits iirifluence i'Att Hlattat the.nbrihern linesi the 'vrnjortlUy- has been; dreadful : C 30 have died In oW nightt i Thet Physicians in this quarter1? are "detidedly of opinion yiai iucrp no aanger, prqviaing th patient haa prop moments 'of the attack; LVeV h)ddj&f tre'at rnent adopted hi Dr. Ross, cf fiatavia; has' wejjeiieye, peen-most succcsbiui. Twin severe Earthaiiakes were felt in;ihisr $ . - , , ? av , . t - -Tv- city, the first at 15 minntes past nine o'clock on Sunday .night, and the second at .a quar ter before -three yesterday morning',- i'hey were both siccoWipamedi withthe. usual rum bling noise, and undulatbry motions V'J.- Cdn$ia(eiicy W ihe f'Muhvark of our lteUmioru IDean SwiffT'said.he was often puzxled when thinking ho W &mf, the. Pope and the King of England, could all be at the head of the Church;, but .tbe di mculty ; was- all rer moved 'when he learnt that the , Pipe wis th head of the Catholic? Church, the iJij' :the! bead of tbe -English ,Church,and. Chriit the uciiu ui ilia y wit vuui v-it hhwu uuicicu yiwr ly from the btHer two," "Accord tnir to tbe present state of tKinirafrCedrfre.rWt Gtiorire, is the head of the Episcopal Church m. Eng-. land head of the Catholic CnurcJi tn Can da-r-the head of thaPi esbyterian Church in scot una me aestroyer or te vainqucs in Ireland , and Uieir Protector in .Spain.' v The Russians have introduced an entire new system of warfare ; they beat their ene my by running- away lrom him, and harrass him by burning' the most splendid vcitym their ''Empire.! To this strange, ffprecon. cer ted method of vanquishing a toe, may be added, their, never failing" remedy of cur ing their sick and wounded frv thousand oi whom experienced its emcacy in the con- narration 01 Aioscowr , An Atexandria paper relates an Anecdote which occurred at the Navy-Yard at Wash ington, at tbe launch' of the Adams frigate. A a the vessel glided smoothly into the wa ter, ;a federal gentleman who was standing1 next td.Mr. Madison, observed toJUim, How bappy, would it be for the" country" if the ves sel of state would glide as smoothly into peace as this frigate does into its native; ele ment !--" So it would, Sir, (replied the Pre sident) if all hands would do their duty 'jiMltlCAjrpRlZE8.i f : 311. Brig Dart, 8 guns, of and for Port Glasgow, richly laden with rum, cotton and cocoa, captured near the. western islands by the America of Salem Mind sent mtb that port. The America has captured two othef vrry valuable vessels, which are expected daily and at tlie time the prize left her had upwards of 70 prisoners on board. . 312. Ship Queen, 16 guns and forty men, from Liverpool, with a carro invoiced at from 70 to lOO.OQOl. eteriihg, captured by the Ceneral Armstrong 01 New-York, but unior tunately wrecked off' Nantucket. She was, perhaps, the most valuahlc prize yet made This ship was bound to Surrinam, and was bravely defended, the Captain, his first ofn ccr and nine vi his crew beink killed before she was surrendered. ; i he tieneral Arm strong was not much, injured by the cohiest; 313. Brig James and, Charlotte, from Li verpool for St. John s guns i with eoaj, dry goods, kc sent into Salem by the Ame rica of that porg ' 314. SchoonerT--- laden with dry goods, &c. from Jamaica for the Spanish Main va- luable sent into Savannah by the Liberty of Baltimore. 1 he piize carries two. guns and had thirty men the privateer had only one gun - and forty men. j . MARRIED, ' -. At Fayetteville, a few days ago, Mr. John Adam, to Miss Sally Donaldson, daughter of the late Robert Donaldson, Esq. ot that ton. At Wilmington, on the 16th inst. Mr, Ro bert Rankin to Miss Ann Jennings, both of that place. ,' . f - . On the 21st inst. .air. James Oversrreet to Miss Charlotte Cole, both of Halifax county. . '. ; DIED, 7 . In Bladen County, on tbe 1st irtst. Captain John Brown, an officer in the revolutionary war. and a gentleman esteemed for his hos- o I pitality and integrity. - , j if Jk.i reicj suure i va. tmi me on iuu an. Daniel Ahderson, merchant of that town At .-avannah, (Geo.) Mr. John J. Evans, Editor of theSavannah Republican. POSTCRlFtt. ' ' f LATP AM) IMPORTANT.' jticnmona, son. k Iatg &v njgiltj G Were r v, ... ' f 'n.J'ft;;wn,. favored with a slip of-news from ewr York of the Vlr F iK I hfi Marmmn hart arrived with London prinis to theTIOih ult. Ve have room only tor a tewtpar ticulars. The Prince Regent's Speech to Parliament oh the: 30th Noy.j-peak ing of this country says s w . v; f The declaration of war by the tX Staies jratfairs, with that countrV;: was maae unoer circumsiances w njen migiu 1 t4VJ- -V; k v 'vI W -w I ,n the amicable relations betweenthe two ma-J t. uons, wouui uuu ' . " " VVhal'wiU votf sav to cases f vU eo wnn smaereregret inon mised under enusbconvov: fi; nmdefeAed, niimr.t mi. mat tne co.auet ana preiensions 1 1 ... rrinrliisin r' anv rjacific arr'anVement. unirinn arruuvr'irir'iii. am i ' Their' measures ?. of hostility pave been were principally directed! against the adjoining; Britishjrovinces, and-every effort has been- j by uw deed mada to seduce the inhabitants ot them from :1 their kllegiance to Jms, Majesty, Tlie proof, however.' which I have TCceived of lJytlty & attachment from ; hia fajestvs subjects, in - America, - are highly Satisfactory. to Theattempts oivthe enemy to tinvade J Messrs. Scboremari,' StocUon, Cox ,aid 1 v SS uity, federadida f GoveCeiieral, and by the decisioh.and j poiidici land Vrrd, repoUlCan.-, yaffil VI skill with which teimlitaiy operavojiahji, ;. r 'j11" v - sembled for,llhatptup08e'in;onfrf4uart . bavtlpf compelleet toapiuJatei Vntf Irf artff other have heea completely defeated: ' ; My besterrffts.:are hot ;wafttinfor:fh I restbraUonorpac artd'amitv belWeenUhe J;; twb countries s bar:' urTtif'thYs Bbtc'anie Mtairfedi wiihout acf;ficjog'ihernaritim.' rtghts ofG;BrVaVn t halPre.vp6frour 'V'tlt cordial support in a vigorous ptvsecutioh f I In the debate on. the Speech the&farqui!$; 7 1 5I IVellesIey said the Order In, Cpfihc;wem?--- n8tih& cause bf the war, hut a deadly hfC ttjAr A to England arid a'deadJy Iqte' to Prane.Hef' t C blamed jniilisters for, the lAteciAly -i7 7 7. Which the war had been.a'Wdl4d-1JvirU pooi agreed as to the hostile !vieAv s of the A . v- v merrcao overnmenf, miu aemeu uiax;. uiqu: 1. ;, hostilities had beer inadequately ineC' ' d -'.z VftC? " j Ldrd GrinvUleuld'rjotxPre'ss-Vi astd. J iVj riihmeht,' his ind i gnat fanalr"t hosV who, pfP5 't" f fessed to aay that the5 alxindoiimentof the'O. in C-T ould necessarily; lead to "a teswratioia, J t i 1 j of peace.' There VaB a Umewheijsuch a-1 fj L . A. Li L J. EL . A iit" Alfa' T : ' 1, k .f. f i x;onceasi ,ancei always thpuffhl the! Addre&sAo' nled-reJ themselresiLtoT'thct' prosecution olf ' the; warj; 1 ' thoughot-'aydo.? ' eument tl'as produced to prove the justicerof f' s4ch a' measure, i -1 he. addresa wa$.jagrccd " towiWuUWsion:' lJrX: -In the, nouseof. Commonr.- the address - the r Declaration , of th Pnftce' Begcrit Iha restore- amity bet wfeijn -the two jtations.! . ; Mn Carinm g -wa 1SudVfor vlgour--hd waat astonished that the mighty navy .of JEngJaaoV- had alept wtnle her cbmmerce' was swept from the seas, 'or that Ihey shontd stiid an ambassador with their4 shiDa to, attack the- i .-trnerican oorts With Macs I trticS . thafc af tersix mQntns open j war, America snouta, t" boast theXonly uaval tropbvy. Lord Castle f': s r; j reagh said, )he;war. bad Leen conducted., .yW with all the means, bbib naval an'tl mihtary V- i wuim Hie vuuiury coimi iare spajcu. uuw other objects-Mr VhitbreaI regreue4.thet war as most fatal jidalaiiitcu4 to the in' tereats of G. Britain, &c. v. , A,', I i - fA fetter from Douranez Bay, speaks of the , v.? Frerich Fleet in Brest Roads,. 6 saii'of .fhe ' , line,, 5 frigates,' fce. As we know they are . '-' ffoincr" to 'America', we shalt keer a sharp- r n look 6ur for them;'' - V ! - -V '. . Various gl oemy pictures are'drawn ef the , fate of Bonart ahd his 'detaduneqlsVJ . ; Jfotfve of&epreeeTtitt&iSt' v,i r V1 t: r ' w v, I . ' - . ' A . 1 ' ' vl . t 1 i . . J ' Tkttr9dav.Jan.bl. JTheT House met wiUi closed doors, and re. maiued in conclaverncu't ah houKi j , - When the doorir were "ptned f ' -' Mr Bassett.' friim th ference,. with the Senate on Whe.iau&iect of their amendment to the pjizei act, repbrte4 ,v? that vthe conferees could hot agfeer thereon. ; and moved that "the Hoiise. insist' on their I W"" disagreement to the amendment The question on rhsjstinff 'on the disagree-.. ment to Uie benate s amendment was, afteifc some discussion, decide in the negative, 45 k tp"44. r. " - -" , - . On motion of Mtl MKim. the House then. Receded from its said disagreement' J1,' j Mn motion oil wr. tthea, tho commirtee or Post Offices andPost Roads, wereinsuuetfd . to enquire what amendments, if any are ne- pessary to, the "bil,l providing3 forthe- safety and transportation- of the fniils of the'TJitited States j. and that the committeerh aye leave to ,rqport by bill or otherwise. ' . i t ; , 1 Some other private business wag doricu . i WKW.YOJIK BLOCKJIJXBD' Kew Yorhy J'arhiarXOs tiers, !laidstone " and Acasta;igates,'and Ophy brig were .ill yesterday cff. Sandj Hook, ancTthat tlPoiciiers h&i eveirihg'at nun sct Was not more than 6 miles from the Light House.' 1 r ; ' ' 1 From Cant. Bartletr. and several of otir pi!ots,fwho came.up from the Tiook last e. . vening, we learn that the abovsauidrori captured, five vessels ytferday. u " ffathihgioit Citti 3ani 25, 1813 In the Senate yesterday) the bill for raising an additional military force for , one year was further discussed, and moV dona to fill the blank in the bill, deca-f sibned by striking put the words ! one? year," with fiveLfers, three years, andf eighteen months, were successively lie-j gauved-The bill js. yet under discus't sioni. ItJs wortbV of ! remark, that eVeru- - Senator of the Unitedf-Sfates' fs how at his post, with the exception oCJVlr; Gon- du, whohas been j some time confitted. y severe illness. Nat. ,7f. , ty v fa A message ws1 received fromthe iMv E President bf the Spited States, tfanah ;'- v4l umung: a snoi i-corresponaencepetweefi ; the - Amei in, Agtitat Halifax for pris oners of war,' 'and the British Admiral 1 arid also a letfer from Commodore Ubd1, gersrespecting ccttain impressed sea men, whlchf iUall , appearin our ntxu - A letter fromUnfAniericaB:firentIe ! . man of much respectability' and infotv mation,1 fo his, friend in this city dated ! at Paris;- Nov 112, contains the following ' ciuir k,s irr rciauouj 10. me state OI our i4 tu;..u., . S i t its proposals for aaett ementof alldifhculi '.7 JJ: - - 7 - --r- - .... . ' '-it .... 1 . v. .a r. . lit- . a w leal ly American,! and this to be decided American commissioners, thete would' be 1 , uujianc ia uic iormsuon-oi a ireaiy, v ini. I hope .that there will be none.'; r , - Nezui 7ersev kctton. Tha Concrres -! sioaaVEiecuoh in JNfew-Jersey appears nave j eventuated in the ; choice, pt I ;vvJ . If 1; r 'ti 5 - '4 4' 1 -'i a 1 ''.li; ; I' i 1 1 fli r 1 4 . . r