fntol the dust , the; weight, Sucride, ;V; . fis W 'Mmfr& a-d ooWer of Comrncrce and herder ; MOSES TlArte whUrtwJH firtt Prejiritions htfirt Janaafyr ROBBRT LASsfTjL? l tl ose soilbthe bew. series of tbeKLECVraa ctioo'StBdt i! v. L a I.1 i Depositor of Genius . The"djtoVhis rrcjrrd another Pom from hW friend Ja MbxroextJtY. jwhtch las never jet appeared in this Country. - - 'Tim PEXK iroimTATNS. ; (ft R roiy be useful Tor the beUrr InteWirence 6f the foUnwitigjSlaJUas, tjfl remark, tht the tfynr-rmiA the nirhbourbood of Buxton when suryejrd'froro atij of the suiTMiftd ;ia"r "eminences, xonsbts 'chiefly of nume. : pu and naked-bill, of which-many are ' yet unenclosed, hd th reat poorly com wifM th whol district, except in the Immediate Dircincta of the. Bat 'hi andbe .Sillare of FairBeld, . belsgniserabl ? bare 1 1 : fuwveei una Tjpusea., 1 v . - ; , Hk 4LTK oa thsse epm hills I seek, : , . uv inrae oeucjovi. ipringv u? Tm i , . The Rose on this deserted cheek '"- -A .Shall nerer bloos ajpun; . -.r -Tcr Youth fledf and lew by Time , . Than Sorrow Urn laray, .1 ' , " The pri3e, he airengtb of manhood 'a prime , Palla Xo decay; : ; . . ' Beatiess lnd fluttering to rxpire, Life's vcpovr abeda .a cold dim Kght 'Trail as the cTaneacmfir K Amidit the murky niht, . Tiut tempts the Ltarellcr from iJir , : To followVer the heath"; ; It batefol andhewildered Star , To toarea of feath.- - dreary torpor, namhi ray brain t v Now ahirfng pale,-oow fiuh'd with ;hcui.v , , ".lorried, then alow, from tein to etn Unequal pulses beat r, V-. . : . 4 XJukk pa)pUtion V.c m7 .Vf1 1 , Anon il atxna to amk t "' AUrm'd; at sudden aoundi 1 ftart,. Frora shadows thriok. . .-Bear toe, ray fUing- lixnba ! Ol-bear-- A roelinJioly auffertr forth, 'tl .Z .To breaihe abroad the liJoontain air x reah frorq tht vigoioua North s " w T4 ' icAbf prosp ct, waste ad wild, . V Tcir.jraftiQu or acretve,' . -yr . ? -Siill'dcar to me, as 'd ihchHd J . . x t The.Motber mien. J. v v . Ah ! who 'ea look on Nature's face, And"feelvnholy piona move f ' -IleT forma of majesty md grax . -1 cannot chusc but lore : lie frowns or smiles rnj woes dissrm, Care and repining cease; Her terrors jrwe, be beaut iet chsrta., My thoughts to peatfe. . Already ihfp mine inmost soul," A dep tranquil liijr J feci, ' tr eery rferrei with mild coatroul, Iter consolations steal i This fever'd frame and fretful mind. Jarring 'midst doubts and ft-art,. Are sooibcd to-harmony i find. . Delight in tears. . . k. 1 quit the path and track with toil Thejnoun:ains unfrequented maze Deep moat and heather clothe the soil, 'Aud many av spnnglet plays, . That welling from its secret source Down rugged clells is tostt ' Or spreads thro' rushy tens its cotse, SUenUvCTt. . , The flocks "and herdsthat freely range These moorlands, turn a jealous eje, . ' ' As if the form of man were strange, " . To Watch me. stealing by i The Heifer stands aloof to gaze, The Colt come boldly on X pause. be shakes his forelock, neighs, Starts and is gone, j . I aeek the rallty : all alone I seem in this sequestcr'd place Not so ; I.meeT, unseen, ct known, . Ify Maker face to face ; ! My heart perceives hh presence nigh, And hears hia Voice pioclaim, .Tiilc bright his glory passes by, . " . tl'u noblest. LikUie. ; LOVE is hat rrne.4-for GOD is LOVE Here, where unbuilt by rnoriil hands, Mountains below aud bearen a bore, ' His awful Ttiii 'le suiuds, I worship Lord !, though I am duit ' AndVshe in thii'ght. Be tt.ou tny strengdi; in Thee I trust ' Be ihoAi my liKhd .Frmm the National .Mvetue.f . - AVurilKK 3PLXND1D VICTOUTi On the Marriage ifCttpUu HULlrt f Ju i . . 7 Brsrt HCLL first woathe niitaTS bfill Vho wish Columbia's glory, , Uy forciog Dritorfs flag1 to fU Vett known ia recent tftory. . - 1 " ' But not content with Tictorr, 'His joy he must Imparl j And after conquering foes at sea. Now gains a female I Us-Tf. . - January 7$ j. - . " infernajsm. ' . Tr'en fie 27rti Cennnel tf Jan. 0813. l The sentiment J is hourly extend ior"and : in these xortuz&h stated will tdori be univcftal that yrt arc jb a condiitoo yjo better in felatjoa to the tctJTtt m that of a cojiqutBCD ?lo SLE Wchvc been compcHed with ou the lcst ceceaslty orjccasiqot to rerlo'trnre : our", habits, occupationi.; means of happiness and subsistence We are plunecf into a war, without a lense of enmity or a( perception of uf Yicient rovecntio'n And - obliged . to fight the b'auWs nfA CAB AL, whtch tmder the $innpAftcidtioh at re . - ' ( i. '-'Y .v.! rrWThrcti DoUari Yetr.or.on Dollar nd a halTfgr half a Year noi oea sou wiiuac " r - - 1 1 MnmerfCin r Ian. i. I so x rrr:-v' 1 retain tmdr the sUDerintewUttce ot Mr. abil t ttvea trt oi Jaatear.a&rw VJ. led aery of. sailors, are insulted .wtUflhe hypocrisy of i derptedness to aaj!ors rights", andLthe- arrogance of prttend-, crl skill in mantirae jurisprudence by thosV whose country: futaievoo na irifration bevond-the size'.of.a ferry boat or! ta . Indian" pane. We . HaVe. no' roorentctest in waging this sort of war, at this period and under these nrcumstances AT ,thk .hum x a4 J". VIRGINIA, than Holland in acce ler atin g he r 'ruin by uniting; her cs' tiny to France We reffmble BoU land. In another pauculiir-r-The oU f5ces";and power of evernmept ,are engrossed by Executive minions, who are selected on Account bf their known infidelity "to the interest of their fe. low.citizehsi to foment. -divisions what' impudence ! add to deceive and; distract the "people whom they carinot intimidate, f The land is Jite-. rallv'titen from Its 61d DOSJeSSOTS, . given t6 stranrers. : ,The cabinef hai no conhdentc tn-thpse wno enjoync cfinfidence of this nople, and oathe xther hand the soliJ .mass of the ta lent and property of this community is wholly unsusceptible of any4 favora ble impressions or dispositions to wards an Executive in rvhose choice tfuyhad no part, and by whom, they feel that toey shall be as they always ruve bee degr.'dtd andNm.jked a Jjjects- of opprsi'n .ind resentment The Consequence of this state' of things must then be, either that the Southern States must "dng the Nor thern Sutes further intc the W, o' tve. mtui drug them out of it; OR Tflt chain will BREav. This will be the imposing attitude" f the nXtyear. Wc must no longer be de.ifencd by yensck tsxlamors about a separation of the states. -It is aq event we do not tlesirc, not because wc have derived advantages from the compact, but be cause -we cannot foresee or. limit the r! anrers or t fTects ot re volution. - But THE STATES ARE SEPARATED IN FACT when ne section assumes 'an impos ing attitude, and with a high hand perseveres in measures fatal to the interests and repugnant to the opinion ot another section, by dint of a geo graphical majority. ; This would be 4 case not contemplated b the parties to the original compact. If t'Ms se paration in fact takes pfete, it will be the work of the present cabiaet. Such a separation alone is matter of sub stance the rest would be matter or roRM. USEFUL DISCOVERY. . j A schedule and draining- h we been lodged at the Patent Office Washing ton City, by Mr. Harrison of Con-! aecticut, whico secures to him an in- vention called a Double Lens which 13 composed of glass, a liquid sub stance, the use of which is particular ly adapted for reading, writing, the fiae artist, &c. The. Lens placed near1 the lamp or candle, diffuses a. ltar and conspicuous light, tinged with a beautiful green shade which hrs a delightful appearance upn th b iok or other object illuminated ; the use of which has a , most salutary ef fect upon the eyes'; and those who have weak eyes, and uhose eyes are failing, are enabled , to see with much more clearness ttwn with the common igbts. The light' product d by the Lens from one light is equal to the light f three candles ; of course a great saving is manliest, where a good light Is requisite. ' EDUCATION. . A T the soliciude of some Friends whe ate jesrous ofseeingms engaged n .our for mer vocation, we propose casing una . ojt care a dumber of young Ladies and Gentle raea of tender age, With a view of grounding them in socW rri.cples as may cundoce to en. h nee tfce pleasure cf the Parents and pro mote their own happiness, by rendering them useful and ornamental Members of Society. Conscious how much depends upon a vigilant attention to the early bent 'of inclination, we assure those Parents aod Guardians that may be disposed to confide heJrJh4d en or Wards to our instruction and mansment, that ever) prtceptive duty shall be dJgently exercised that Persuasion and Excitement will be pre. ferred to Coercion and that their Kterary pur soi'S will be so varied as to Suit the g-nos," induce. emulation, and render them eaer of iroproFemer t." ' The School will be opened on the second Monday "of next month, which wiH be the ltta of January. 181 JT -v ; . . , VhL Ic S FALKENEIL irrtft. iec. 19,1812. . v VfXj"Termr for Boatd ng and Tu tioh,wU be 10$ dollars per annum i For Day Schrlars, 20 dollars per dittoy One half thereof to be tion vfx months. . The Boadeis are ex rctraq come imrt dtd with a pair of sheets, blanket, counterpane and towels, of ihey may k rumiihed with the isme. at a "reasonable rate. "M n. 5 w-.k; tnn i ,Vtnfr : Efcdof.NeWiYorkAu tbor or abnagM'-P0.8-? -f r .w- j-.. j;.v.Tii.l-d American Naval Oificers' accompanied -Wijh ? Biographical Sketches;- jt - 3iv , iThe 'wwk wiljt 'published itf tapnthty Humbers; pike live Dollars .mpa able on rne oeuvciy- w ueacayear.,. . u- v- Subscriptions receivea oy im Chesriuv street, rnuideipnis ; oj..-j. R;eighV.by D.ttae, Fay ettewile; and bf most otner i3ooxjcuers . THE Trustees of th above Institutionjre spectfolly Jn form, the .public that the Exercises for the ensaingyear wilUommence on Mbndaythe 4th of January, undet theso; erintendance bf the Rev.Wjt M'PBEBTraas. The Female. Depautmeni will be under the direction of Mss Bssworth, from the State of New,Yorfc--a young Lady; who, the Teds tees are auared, rs properly qualified for the undertaking, being well educated and- a per. feet mistsess'of the pole and fashionable acw complishrnents of bracing and every kind of ornamenral Netdle work. - -Both MrV M'Pheeicrs and Miss Bos worth vnll b ably assisted in their several depart- ments.v-. '. r ' The, Preparatory School -wiH be taught by Mr. Etmondsoi; a young Gentleman from (Vashington Collese, in Virginia, who is said to be well qualified for this department. . A puncual attendance at the opening of the session is desirable,' that the several classes may be formed to the greatest advantage. . Dec 16. WM. HILL, ec. State Bank of North-Carolina. r. a L . 1C 1QIQ Pr- oiaiB aanxp jci, Urchasers of Stock in the State Bank are informed, that a Power of Attorney au lonsing a trapsfer of a share pr shares held in the said Bank, must be witnessed either by thr Cashier of the Principal Bank, or of one of its Branches, by a Notary Public, or by two Justices of the Peace ; and if by the lat ter, their signatures roust be certified by the Cletk of the county,, with the county seal annexed- This regulation to commence on the first day of January , next, of which all who .aay be concerned will take notice. 1 WfH. HAY WOOD, Casbia. Just recci id direct from New -York At the Store of the Subscribers, ALarfce and general ASSOR f MENT of DRY GOODS ; amongst which are, Superfine Uioad Cloths Fine ditto ' ' . Cassimeres, Coatings and Stockinets Rose & Duich Blankets, Scarlet Cloaks v "Negro Cottons and Flannels Bombizets, Fancy Wa'.stcoating , Jubilee Cord.Cambric, 'Ginghams Mulrtiulf, Ginghams, Calicos ' Robe Patterns, Long Shawls, Fancy Silks Ladies Silk and Cotton Hose Furniture Calicos Mu&lms, Ca rUncs and Dimities, and a great variety of Fancy Goods Also Shoes df all kinds Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea Wine, Rum and Lqndoo Brown Stout : All of which will be sold low for cash,' ; JOHN U ROB. STUART. RaUig 5, Dec 17. Land in Warren. IWill sell, or barter for Lands in West. Tennessee, -the Tract of Land ling in Warren County, in the fork of Fishing Creek ad 'Snocco,. containing ,432 acres, 100 ot wnich are cleared, under good fences, and in good ord. r lor cropping. A further desct ption of the Land is deemed unnecessary suffice it to say, it. is surpassed by none in the neighbourhood in the advanta ge of its situation and the fertility of its soil. The Dwelling Hzuse is 28 by 18 feet, and will have borne repairs sufficient to render a small family comfortable. There is a Granary, Smoke-house, Corn -crib, &c . Also, about 500 iv res of unimproved Land, in the upper part of Halifax County, not very iertiie, but the beauty arid healthiness of its situation, and the excellent range which it would furnish would make a pleasant Sum. iner Retreat for any Gentleman living in the liwCouutry. EDMUND JONES. xiantonCt Bridge t Oct 9. f t Twenty .Thousand Dollars cash . Now afloat in the Potomac s? Shenan doah Navigation Lottery. oecona i.iass. 1 Piize 1 do. 1 do. 7 do. r 12 da. 30 do. of 20,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 iOO 100 Besides the following Stationary Prises : -lPrze of 15,000 ldo: i.ooo 5,000 2,000 i.ooo ; 500 . 1 1 '8 B 10 do. do do. do. do. of 100 Tickets each, in this . (Class. n j i c -ii . ucaiuE Yw.numBei amaii prizes, and no " - nca' I 1.2 .Blanks to a Prixe, Present pi ice ot Tickets Nine Dollars. - ; TICKETS & SHARES ' v . . v., sold by v ' ' JOSEPH MILLIGAN, r SooJtnUer, Gcvrcumn, ( Dist: Couni.J yftxo sold s great part of the Capital Prizes in , r the First Class. 4 y - 3 All orders for Tickets particularly at tsndedto. ;Pfirt Tickets in this aid other Lotteries taken i u payment- All lottery jn formation gratis.' ' - ' r ' -.V; ' - ? Tickets may also be tad of- the mana Pfcirv;, .V. ...'-V ,;;Novi;28. Itl lttCT9tottrprldt piaiaeuallj itiended to V :4. RALEIGH t Pi)rTX?BT JOSEPH GALES. to be rdindntnccibscnptiona r fiiaw skw as ftinciDarTeacber. LTT- -T-.-itI--fw itA'Mt ;f.ntii9nil' tit rary irtpfcVemenu?eiemIy him tv drsdTargel the duties attached to bis station. Latimand Greek Lan2uawsrAe jutnal branches oif ienceKwUlbc ; Janght -in this j instiruuon. , - . v - : , The' Wood Work, of the; elegant Brick Building wUl bcompletedgalnr perhaps byt the first,. of May, for the reception of Stu deau and for ihe operitton of the School. ' - . . i f ' Catweil County, jt? C.;Dec. V$? THE Trustees feel a i pleasure in beinble-l T to'.mnnpince vto ine puoiit, h, MTLeAN, in experienced tTeacher:' and a yoyng man of integriiy and "talents, a Gradu ate of th6 University of North-Carolina, has undertaken the charge for. the present j ear, where Students may be prepared for any Class m the University. - ; The price of Tuition is g 17 per annum.' if paid inadvance, otherwise $20 and Bearding maybe badtn decent families at the-raoderate rate oiSlO per .quarter; - - V The strictest at tention vrill be paid to the morals and general deporimentotthe students. The situation is handsome, a'nd esteemed a!i healthy as any part of "the Ste, affording the earliestjopportunity of receiving the pub lic papers' and other communications by the Mail Stage of the U. States passing' eVery other day in the week. : ' , ' . an.1,1813. ' THE SUBSCRIBER, BEING desirous to temovAnto the Coun. trr. offers the HOUSE and LO TS, which tie now occupies in Germanioni for sale. He deems it unnecessary to give a particular de- sciiption, as he supposes any person inclinable to purchase, will view the premises, suffice ii to-say, that the advantages which this Pro Dertv Doisesses.'either as to local situation ot convenient improvements, for atpre or. Ta vern, areedual, if not superior, o any in tne place, and perhaps not surpassed by any in the upper country. . r Cash or Negroes wiljt be expected in pay ment, and possession g ven wheneyerrequired ANDREW BOWMAN. Stoiaa County, June , THE EDITORS OF - '- The Ealeigh Newspapers v RETURN thanks to those "of their Friends who, ia conformity to the Notice whick. they 'published some time ago, have paid up their accounts to the close of the present year; and, unwilling to part with the few remaining Subscribers who have not found it convenient, or may not have had an opportunity to do so, they , are respectfully informed that their pa pers will be, continued until the first of April next: on which day, if their accounts shall not then have been paid, or settled by Note, their names will certainly be struck off from the Subscription lists of said papers, and their accounts put into a tram for collection. Joseph gales, ' jones & henderson, LUCAS 8c A. H. BOYLAN. December 1, 1812. ,CC3 No.Subscriberis now received without the payment of half a year's subscription in advance, ' ' -' ; y ' ' ALMANACKS. For Sale, wholesale and retail, at JGaIes?a Store in Raleigh, and St the Store of D, Ochiltree, merchant, in Fayetteville, ano . retail at most of the Stores in tne State, Gales & Seaton's ' N. C AROLINA . . A L MA N A C K, For 1813. - The Astronomical Calculations by P Brooks f Richmond County, and the Weather Pre dfctton8 by John BcaSley, of Wake County. ;: ,Tts miscellaneous matter is, .as usual, ante resting, useful and entertaining. .' THE IMPORTED HORSE STRAP, IS Itf PINK'OiDEX, TTE will stand the ensuing year at Mr. Pro. 11- bet Collier's, 5 miles from Waynesboro' (on. Neuse River) and wrJl cover Mures on his usual accommodating terrts, STRAP, for correctness of Symmetry, great' beauty, .per formances on tne British 1 urt, acknowledged superior racing blood, and as a roal-getter, will. I presume, stand in the estimation of un biassed judges higher than any ther Horse in America. Strap has not only come from the best lacing stock m England but of the most large and elegant. His sire, Benin? brougn, is o reei o ana a nait inches Jiigh i Zscbariah, full brother to-Betungbrougb, i feet 4 mches ; King Firgus, their sire, 5 feet 4 inches, and his sirp Eclipse, of such powers ss to carry too lbs, on his, back 4 miles & 350 yards in 8 minutes only running at his com moo rate, &c. Highflyer; the sire Of Strap's dam, wasnot only 'a Horse of uncommon size, (between 5 feet 4 and 5 inches hieh) but was allowed to have been the best Horse ever j in England- Strap's dam produced tbe Mor tana oeiaingoy ivenaisn, sujLerjrand,by BenmrbroueL who was, trom his Wood and beauty, selected by an agent, to sdndtp a No bleman in Rnssia She is the darn alsont weaver by Shuttle, who at J years old, won 6 times, running different courses,, for large sums, and never was beat that year. Straps 4am Is nearly full sister To blood to the'dam of Joe and Jack Andrews, 4 wo of ' the mosi; cehbratsd runners tnat have- ever appeared orr tpe tirit;sh 1 urt, tec. &c J urther particulars -wtij be given indue ume. HENRTCOTTEN. TarboroV N- C. NoV50,l812v t : Its' -St- - T ' received by. the'Printers anrl breTcfy Pott miater n the State Ketterelf Gertie :countyJv uJ $xk thairndX rtment which .,j1s susidon of bis having been ter to m Subscwbery or any other Off the U. States'Army shall rJcehe S? f Campjiekr TarborpV Jan,4 'Mtrj, 'A'"' DESERTED, from-Camp near , - mthenigotof tVeethinstanV SKITTLETHORPE, ;EDMu4 srJf TLETHORPF,. BENJ TIT I 15 "en x r JOSEPH SPRUVEL. Soidmr was born in, Washington county n C 2iTyears,5 ft llheshlgb, ofdkrkS plexion, hfack eyes black hair, and i W buniEUmundkhUeth W ashington county aged 32, 5 feet 10 m l high, ot da-k cort.plexioiv,-; dark fcair wi,s built, has a savagetcountenaiVet iw,. :J Tit-.erton wiWn.W?$hinpM ceSw 23 years oldiUt 11 inches i'?2$ ' high, I ght complexbn, small dark eyes bhVJ haii.JoseprvSpiuvel was born m Wa'shir? fialfhigh, light comples.on, blue eves. hair, stoops m his shoulders, and has a h pocntical wbine when speaking. mentioned. Deserters have retutned to t Neighbourhoocl where' rhey were born any person who w 11 deliver the said UJ, at TarboroV fore! the Compa.y' lo Wnth they belong marches from thence, I Wlii the above Reward, or ten dollars for Ch Should .the Comjiany have marched preview itotrtS?Ppr5b?lWi"t delivery ofemo any Officer of ;he U States Army W.ilaDsw the rrarnfisp. , T n rr .. r r ' 'i j w,ot.uuM wuii iivms. aaiuviv j jail, EXCHANGE . or ' ' ' : . v Old SiXPer Cent & Deferred Stock ptJRSUANTto thelctbf Congress, enti. .J tied An Act authorising a Subscr CI Mor the OLD SIX PER CENT and Defo red Stocks, and providing for the exchange 4 of the same," passed on the 6th diybl July 1812; books will be opened on thelsf dav ol October next, at theTreasury, ar,d atthe ,t. verai ioan offices, and will continue open ti!f the irth day of March next, for receiving Subscript'ons, of the Old S Per Cpnt,,5 Deterred Stocks, in; the manner prescribed by the said act. New Ceit.ficaws, bearing inteh teres from thtt 1st day of the quarter in which the Subscription shall be made, at the rate of Six Per centum rer Anmim, payabl quarter yeAiirMJi uiucuceratu amount otDtwr. pal of the Old Six Per Centum and Deferred Stocks whib may be Subseribed, will be issa. ed at the Treasury or at th Loari Offices res. -r . 1 I. .1. f-J . . .. 1 petuvcij wuere uic OlOCK aUDSCribed TMf it the same time stand credited ' Th w, - . a m A i v- n Stock wiltbe redeemable at the pleasure pf the United StatesTat any time after the 31st day ofLJ3ecember, 182; bu: no yeimburserr.ert will be made except; for the whole amount of the Stock standing at the time, to the crediuf any propnetpron the books otthe Treasury, or of the Commissioners of Loans respective ly, nor till after at least six months previous Dublic notice of such intended remthiirtrrnln ' ALBERT GALLATIN. ' Treasuf v Department Settember 1 0 . 1 813 , prospectus i, ; - Of a new Periodical Work, to be publisbed semi annually, at Raleigh, by J. Gale?, ea titled the , CAROLINA LAW REPOSITOH To be edited by d Law Character. The prjmary design of this WorV, is tofcon. vey to every part ot the State earlv intelliger.ee of the Cases adjudged in the Supreme Ccu't, and abstracts of the Public Laws passed at each session of the Legislature. One numkr v l therefore be. ipubiished on the first o March, and another on the first of Seprerobei in each year, just belFore the commenceotnt of the circuits so jthat the Profession, and the citizens in general, may be apprized the progressive change and expositien of the lawrsoon after they respectively occur, and at a time when such information s mos d v rable But the plin will alsor comprehend Variety Of subjects Connected with Legal aw v general Political Sconce, wh.cn, iino"i will renderthe work instructive and entertain , inc. not merelv to the nraciisirur Lawm Stid the Student, but also to the Legislator antf a tellgent Citizen who desires to contemplate, iaheir origin, spirit and ejfect, those prtucij. pies of Legal Polity aud Civil Freedom wM form the basisf of our own admitable mw tions. .Hence, each number wiU coutaf f lect Biography of eminent Judgt$ aod Wf" -yers Extracts from scarce and valuable put)- licattons Opinions, of foreign juries ur eases sent frpik Virginia and NortltCaroMBi before the Revolution, never before publ snea Arguments and , Opinions of Jtwg" " Ccuosef in important caser-ana suco of Public Sentiment on certain pojted rations of the Law, particularly ,,tbdeW nrerestmg topic, the reiormauon - - permanent interest, i discussed in the Ley j ture, will occasionally be .nserrew.4 . r : . p-.Vk n.imher will contain from 14Q to l60.octavo pages, VVot aDtZt mediiim paper, and with an elegant new OT cast in rni adetptwa icr inc - - .bi -Z- jm'-ZZIa fif.v cents oer vaam win w uu, uutiai uw "V 7 . -uflj. - : j a Ml,prv. Tee w XT IO, B u-ll u; w -r ' . wiies I mfi i in the nre&s. and WUlBC ,. v Subscriptions recerved oy the ruoi other Booksellers, ;and by Gentlemen Barn whose hands the F'Oii placed. "" r 1 N 1

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