. U1 .V banyiSfc. Yirgm.y Jboo. iti-k cp . j.z, i c ltini wu corn rpijfes1 vif.ii; Jsaboii Wears" iSrirfcttW. fa corppi. . a.r i.,0 r)ii,Mf Hunter wu born - In' i:in 1. ------- K t 1". S Cirol nais 'J3 L .iwhu i x feet nirh. of fair,con ?o1 J eVeVbrowr. kair. sod by pre- finisand ! Lvf ? arc. YfIU.efei h.. im ' 'v "blue e jo. Uf k har, tad fZZ V believed thst f FrV induced I h.m to desert hit ? vV.it tnd bt profession a J nd dd rttj of Ue W!d peseTi- -Vnr OSctrii ib Armf t or cn Captain 1i AtuUcrj. BARGA1M W MN&r ut-A the lOhdtT of March next, to be tfld on tbe premites. rrHT nibble PLANT A HON md 1 LAKDS where'm Ivin Watkim, dee. Utrcf Do ecu..';. Uiely Inred. on Cj. 2. ted on both sidei uf the mam Uo4i, Jr., ,bcui 70 railes from X ewbern. A ere 5J two yciri will be givf r.on paying m lrt)f3Mbe er.d rf the first year, ind rrr rtJ.gatiootwitu ipprnred iarr)!y -y Xl xlt Land. whcn , do . not jen h iSif. on the time terni. ITbere a good I)einjA3cte, Kitcbefl. Baro tnd a nom. bfroleonpoent husei. orcaardi. &c. The had is m d od fertile ai any in ibat part .i..airr- annD. aed to W between seven j -..,. headed arrtj- with a luBkient. ttatitr of cleared land in tolerably good or itforfarmio and a sufficient quantity of timbered andoncuHiTated Und bdotJginff to ix. A plan of the said lands1 wM be prepared, isj ibe amber of acres ascertained, by tbe ixrcl sale Some Negroes and Corn, and da otker articles too tedious to mention,- A credit of s'x months for the Negroes and etier pmptrty, bj x'eiosiotcs with approyed Kcriry. On complying with t&e condmous.' te passers may take immediate possession ef tit proprrt) ! ' AD persons iodebted to tbe Estate of they'd derated, are requested to wule their aecooots, by payment or by note and all notes that are eae, and have been standing ever one year, mt be immfdiaielf paid or renewed. And all, who have cU'mt agiinst sa;d Estate, ate rqwsted to bring them forward n proper or dn for settlewem within the time limited by iw, otherwise they will be barred from reco. trry b the Act of Asrerobh iyrided in that cue. JOJIM XVATRINR.2 F. J AS, REARDON, 5 " rt Jin. S3. 3t j ' KOTICEl ON ct abaot tbe 27th of January Ust,.X gave a Note cf Hand to Jehn Koben ton of Jobn, tor Three Hiodrtd pole hn, made payable tbe Cd instant. I hereby forwarn all perjons from tradxsg for said oote, ail aa determined i not to pay it, inasmuch u it was fraJuently obtained. . Feb.3, 1813. DUR. UOGERS. WANTED. IVO JOURNEYMEN SHOEMAKERS who are good workmen, to whom con staat ecploj aad rtneroos wajres will be rr. TH03, HACKErT. ' ' m i , .. , - THE IMPORTED HORSE i STRAP,' IS IN FIXE QjRDKR. LIE wHl stand the ensuing year at Mr. ?ro bet Collier's, 5 mJes f rem Waynesboro icuneu nverj and wlU cover Marrs on bis cil accommodating tenns;.; STRAP, .for correctness of symmetry, gteat.beaery, per. fonmaoceson the British Turf, acknowledged wjrer rAang woco,' ana a aoal-geitr, "U 1 presume, stand in the esttmatm of on-b-$ed judges higher than any etlMr Hre America.-Strap hat not only come from ' eust racing stock in England, but of the 'st lare and elegant. Hit, aire, ening. is 5 feet 3 and a half , inches high i 2thitiah, full brother to eningbronrh..S wt inches ; Kin Firjros, their sire, $ feet nhrv and his aire Eclipse j of such powers Scarry JOSIbs.cn his bick'4mUe& 350 1 , (between '5 feet 4nd 3 inches hlgb) but uslowed to have beeh tbe best Hone ever rj an" S;rspsdam produced tbe Mor. 5!?.GeW'pS by CmndisoSir Bertrand.by T'"! agU who was, from his b4ood and rl87leaed by an agent; to tend to a No fnsa in RB,r. She i. tbe dam alio or fearer by Sbattle, who ax 3 yeart old. won 0l"nes, nmaing dieret courses fori are sul never was beat that year, Strap's Is neatly full sister i blood to the,c1arTj Jd Andrews. iworpf themcst eraisd runners mat baWcvet anneared n 't Braish Tcrr.-ic. &c, Fnrther particulars J w,JJbtr.Ttnindoeume. ;: . 1 tv " . HENRY COTTEN, J N.CarohoS. spooresT- ? lb Vd profession V tab. uret : .'rktUr Hobbeldwaa r,ffW . bbirer' his scU?ee e-f residence 1 2Lrf5ttl conniy. N.C Cat r,er wil ?.i'hJe ' Hesomet.rncscslfs kim , M m Pendleton county. 5' M C. i bH 20 year sf r 5 feet fl' wh. of fa. eopliof; darfc.ey es. labourer. He H'isia 8 mmutes only running at his corn J rate, &c. Higbfiyef, tbe sire of Srrap'al ira was not onlv a -XXorse ofnncosnrno'a I "'".".U. Nov, 30, UIZ' .ITUDATV FEORtAEV ; lJ3.v ' COUNTERFEIT. KOTfe-We caution, bur rcadcra' 'agafnst rcctlTing tnrec aoutt siqc t)i-ijnc vapc .rear Bank without etamiitatioD, -tui'Wc Bart lately TxcciVcfroni a'cahsiydeni id one 9fthe.5?atcni,cotXntictotW a Counterfeit Kofe" of this denonination ; but, .after. the ptibltc. appriredthat there Jf'iuch Iii existence, 'We do pot C. :i ': ' i.'s ininsi LQii anr person woo ib xu mc na- bit of remng'Notei of Che Cape Fearj Dank .wii be an muett cangert' peine: imposed lipon. fhe jpaper of thVNote hat a thin, dark greasy appearance-; the ngTay5oj !a indifTerentIy(exeeutec; the payee's narne,. VVm.f Anderson, and the .'President and Cashier's, names are, all i .t ir rr.t rr L ' 1' wun iui(iiaiuro m 'join nvgg caimui be inisUken ;vand(the: signature ,of the President appears. more like 7hn Q -. In tBe violent and extraorclinary Phil lippteyhiclx Mr. Quincy, frortliMitssa: ehubet ts, delivered aspunst" tho Admi' nistrttion, in the debate on thc'hill for risir72G,006 additional troops, amongst cHherthinjrs, he aid, " That though at last e8sion' it .was asserted byVtbe riendaof the Administrauon, that ?here was nuitness enogn in ine; ar umcc for three.SocretarleSj 'yet the whole 'was at oresent laid upon iMr. monroih in addition to; all the important duties which he had to rform as Secretary of Stale.1 AVell. ' replied his Col league, Mr..ViDOEHT (a plain honest old merchant) is Mr. Monroe to be censured), because he csents, until an appointment-be made, to take thu ar du"us additional .duty 'upon him ? ' In his (Mr. VVV) opinion, instead of being- censured, Mr, Monroe ought to receive the thanks of the public for his extra ordinary exertions, Wh: ! (exefairaed he) shall tfeiv-Epgiand m'n, charge , a Virginia with the crime of iKpnsTRY 1 This is, indeed,' monstrous ! He had always heard the Southern People char ged In the Eastern States with pride and indolence ; but he believed this char, like many others brought a gainst them, .is without foundation For bia part, whet he first came to Congress he came with all his New England prejudices against his Southern Brethren; he'almost' concluded they1, were devils ; but, upon acquaintance' with jthe, Representatives of those Peo ple, he bad renounced his unjust pre judices; for he had found amongst them, men as intelligent, as active, at unostentatious, as patriotic and as virtu ous, as are to be met with from .any of the Eastern or middle States. He ho ped, therefore, to hear' no more of Southern pride arid indolence J" We cannot help expressing a wish, that other Members from New-England, when they find they have been misinformed with respect to the character of the Southern People, would fellow the example of Mr. yidgery, nd candidly acknowledge it Such a course wo-ild tend to do away those frmtjudiiet which unhappily exist against us in mm country. Some days ago, the British block ade of the port of tfcw-Ydrk w,a said to be raised ; but, by the follow ing article from a northern paper, vc find it is resumed : ' BLOCKADE OF YORK RESUMED. mftevYork, Jan. '23. Last evening the pilot boat Ulysses came up irom dannyuoox, ana uie pi lots . informed usi that til yesterday, tbr'ee shins of war and a schooner were within 16 miles of Sandy-Hook, which they btrpposed to be the squadron. un der the command of Sir John Bonase '-Warren. The ship Protection, bound to Nor folk, to-load for Portugal, returned last evening, in consequence of the blockade of SanrSHook, and anchored at Staten Island.' r On Wednesday morning a division of the U States rlotilla unoer the com mand of C. Lewis, tempted to proceed to thVHcokVbut c're pi evented by ,the ice, 'after receiving considerable dam age," and; having lost their cables and anchors, it was w ith great difficulty the division was saved from being wrecked on Lone-Island ; one man had his thigh broke in two places . Another prool ot the necessity of a Hattety being imme diate! v erected on the Hook.' Another attempt, we' are tbld, will be made b) U Lewis to arrive at the nook, as boon aa'the damages can be repaired. , A schooner fitted cni by the mer chants of Boston, and officered and man ned by Comv Rodgers froni , his aqua I dron, sailed on 1 hursday week to cruize ofT.Cape Cod, for the 'protection .of the coasting trade. ' V We hope she will ptve a good account of the I Jverpobl: Packet which has commuted such' depredations onpurcoasiiaiciy, a ; Oh Friday last the- President com municated-, to Congress' le following Iettcrfrom;"Comfnodore Rodoms: to the Secretary I the Nvf .amornr other documents. , 'f 1" he leUershcwAh4tthi mXdi : V American al T T w ' ! ' ' I I ;. -tvii orwir January a ipwv Sir ftere with you will deceive two, muster booki. of hie Britannic majesty! ves-. tela Moaeue aiid Sappho-found on hoard toe BHtiH paeket SwaUow.-CV;,.; tJiBritishhaW. always denied tlytt they detained pr- board' their ahipi 6t ar. A'1 rncTican ciujeus, Knowing utcmio suco, I end vou theV enclosed, ai' 'at Dublic -docu - ment of thru nwn, tq preye bbtv illy such an assmion accbrda With Uietr, pficive-rii'' . . It, will appear ky theso twa muster booka that as late as AirVust iast, about ;h ciefath part of the Moselle and Sappho's cre ws were Americans t conaeouentlr. if' there. is oiilv a quarter part of .that portion- oo b.-ird their other, vessels,1 that they IhaVe. ah infinitely r. eater nnmherof Americansinlheir service than any American has yet bad an idea of.v 1 Any, further conimeht ubf',rnirie' on this Closed docuenci ta speak- but ton; plainly of themselves. (f t f-iXu:,;' :- . ,1 v I have the honor to be;.&c.; r . W i v . JNORUDG8RS.M; The ffut Paid Hamilton, ; ' l - ; , v : . ,v harmv. yf : . Two acts have lately passed Congress which promise to'prrxluce an important bftcct in the 'course of the . next cam paign. The first act adds' one major to each ct the new regiment, and directs an advance to each soldier when re cruited of (brty dollars. Of thse, 16 arc a oouuiy, anu 4t a wymcui m aa ahce "6n the late increase of pay, The pay to each soldier, before the present session, was. five dollars per mbnthT ;It has been recently raised to eight ; the advance of 24 dollar, is to be made out of tiiis increase so thai, in effect,7 the forty, dollars are a bounty. By adding a'major to , each regiment (hgjying at this time one only) and a thlrdjieute nant to each company, the Government wi'l be enabled to carry on the recruit ing business without intermission, e eC after the regiments are completed. The second act authorises the Presi dent to raise an additional force, at his discretion as to the number, norrxt end ing 20,000 men, to scrveor 1 2 months. We entertained, at first, some doubt of the Jolicy of this act, lest it might in terfere with enlistments into the Corns to serve for five years ; but explanations which were given in debate were per fectly satisfactory on that head. The supenor encouragement given to the 5 years men in bounty, or what is equiva lent to it,, an advance ot pjy, and in 1 ind, will, iris presumed, secure the filling of those corps in the first instance; Beside s, it appears to be in contempla tion of the government to raise the 1 2 months' men in a way not t6 interfere with the recruiting for the. five ye-rs' service, it was saict ?o ne intended to raise the twelve month's men, princi pally in the states contiguous tp the the atre of war, and in , the parts of those states neate st to the enemy for ex ample, inv Kentucky, Ohio, N.dlump shire, Massachusetts, Vermont, and per haps in some of the seaport iowns mokt exposed to the enemy, such as New port, lew-York, New-Cirleans, lcc It is supposed; that in the neighbour hood of t he , eneray large bodies of,Te spectable citizens will turn out to serfe for one camp, ign, who would Dot cn- g.;go to serve xur five, or even more than one year, We know 'that almost the whole of the army near Lake E ie consists of this kind of force, and thai strong proofs of a similar spirit, monc I tne lnnaoiiams oi inc uuaucr i, ew- York, Vermont and otlier States in that qtlarter nearest -the epemy,. have" been exhibted. From this view ir seems probable, that the recniitfrigofmen t& " . i . !n'. "i-...!.:! ...i.i' weive montns, win not inierierc,wiui that for, five years. , The Lxecutue, Having the. direction of the vrliole . re cruiting business fn its hands, mav. ina- nage it so as to prevent such interfere ence, at least, in any essential degree Cut why raise men for 12 mpnths the cause rose in prpporrjbp to the jdfi t better toraise them for 5 years, and dare" is it not better to raise them lor 5 years mm or for the war I Undoubtedly it Is, Jif hey were to be had.N JDoes any one be- ueye, witn an tne encpuragemenx gi cn to enlistments ior nve years, mat moio than 5 ,000 men cin be raised for that' serm to be brought into the field in the' approaching campjigh ? AVhy then at tempt to raise more tnan mat numuer in that way ? By'hdding' 20,000, or even 50,000 more, on paper, we ihaH not get tnern into servioe.1 Is it even probable that we shall raised In due, time for the campaign, the -35,000 'jnen, or nearly that number ? 1 It is the fear that1 we shall not, and that in consequence thereof, the commencement of thefaty- UJirn will be delayed; to a late period which suggests the'Idea 'of some other kind of force in aid of the 5 years men. Shall we relv on militia? VVeliave acepr that vVhenever it has been pr opos ed, tOTthe militia corps, to pass the One, the Constitutional obiection is raised, which Creates division, and reduces tlie number fr service. The absurdity; of having a- force m the field, to march to a certain 'Une and' halt thereT, must be evideut to .everjr'obe 1 ?Theonly force to beTelied on must-be one,-willing KO uriy whet-e, and every where ''force completely trained nd well disciplined1. Shall Te rely- onoluteeriTheI ncr.itt wmcn ir is saw tney.wi i a ceriam II. it i:ilit7;7liila it 1 will fee in all re1 pectsyiti: pra tabjriaiv: compietel I laft v These corns beine raised fori singlo CampaiQ to resist an enemr.at. isclabletif otir arid 4ne placraJapM them belhtf Inowfluteemeanst peeled byrthem, vill be nbfedVVoltifit tpy :;Wiucnpcorps sclpiiheV' ?lri loougrirsincr wiii yetoe ne-enect t cuVbfl; by feasoh of Chrh m? Ch'aiir.ce v bfcett pying the jilei of Ontario tihat flow anjlV salt Were not to b bourht at anv nricThe'- inhabitants frfTtJppr Canada deDewaa4t!b grether upon our Salt Works for upTly ofi tS,'-, J:.. i.v' jLii-x: .'liLe ,' Jlthat article previous to 'jhe delaratjon'of 'war.1 iTfte'British have latelve,eri Yerynac- tivelyeroplbiedyinT reinlovjricie'eTafVhiecesr i nciu juia nying-artuieryv amiBunmoii yggv K wita, w;t un lf 1C,- li By; the latest accounts pears that on the 90 Ksq- who ffwnled to : tne aisrreaseu in frpn OHr,covernmt-nt in June 18l has. been ordered fafy from hruce r by .the despttict Spanish Ki'HnarchistSj .whahaveTfeseiitly con-4 quered xthe Pat riotsVof i that- province to-W w mrr wun ii oiqer Americans- uut .OF.nye vessels tbat!convvycu our donation. foulr wtr? detained near 6X' month's -:ty the' Visurrieirl. ' uunnp wnicn Time iney nave m-err neaMy ae strovedby the- worms of those seas and: were bbbired to be sacrificed by sale-ione only es i cs ped trbra tinder their batterie's; ' ' A -! j - The French flee a; Toulon, ready for seaV consists of 5 ships of 120 guns, 2 ofi SK), 1 1 of fl ana many inmates.; tvnen tne vind isi suitable for their return they rentnrWout tf phftrto exercise and manwuyre ther men.--; They are watched by altrong British quad- ron. ' - . '. . ' V'-.j ' 'U An Embargo is 'said th have been laid In France possibly to conceal 'the naval piepa rations foir the moment, r. to obtain, seamW Tlte iby owing" is" giyeri ina London paper as a list of the.lrenc Ueet l ying at tfiuihing ' ,y ' . Onnt. ... ' Gwt9. Charlemagne Ambuscade 84 Augustus v Vf 84 ' 2 ' 'Tilsit - 72 : Danterc 1 72 ' Ceres 8 IHustre'v 84 , riedlind i . i Ul?i: M Diip." K 44 Fiiesland '. 406'1 tfooplaar c Minerva ' 38 Eugene. ; . ,42- Terpsichore 42 Hussard "14 , Dulletih .v 8 ' f)eclsmates 84 ; La.Ville de- Helon Coneavcnti " - 84 Aiban 'x . 64 Trojan T2 Puhusk N -84 Pacificatur - 72 Hollenden Titimp 4 Chatham -S4 Commerce de .yon -' -. c ind en tiHine unknown. . (' Superb, and five others of the'liae, names! unknown. - . f '. : . ; Two Frenchhip of the line and four fri Kates, it is.positively asserted, have sailed from Rochfort for the coast of the U, States under the command of Com. La Hid!., ; - 1 A letter from Copenhagen, dated Kov. 2,', states that the Emperor of Utissia is rweo- sciuunenr, ramer tnan compulsion; j- c.i therarlally tyker)ed from Canada enreientt JUiat prbyincei vd belnt moat dp6ra(e'OT diUdnTherreaDD'fe froltMbnlrkt are - - j 'V. tifl'-C .iiaibiOvlannearsr mat naDirants -fir: caraeeas w w '"yli r VAJi r- ciating a peace nitb France, whieh wil cotn Jjiouse resolved itself Irtb cmimtteotheii:-. pletcly' close that, country aganfS- a;rUUh;ibIiuse7: commerce. In opposition to this- accounts! ) the aei for arminvjmea from JsOttfturt say that Bonaparte had -sued for' ; an armisiice, as preparatory 10 peace, wuicn was reused hini. ; . - . , y ,. ' . JHJiltHtED,: -,- ' "On thoIst tilt, at tie house of William- ilainey&tq neaflbe BcdtOMse, CaswJf VI r.';'! rniup a. c,cn)is, to iuiss .Mary jC jacKon, ion ; On the 22nd inst. at the advanced aee 88. Samuel Ashe. Esq. This venerable c zen and veteran -patriot, expired al bif seat ' on K'cky tomtin ri. Hanover county, alier a- few days il Iness. native of this state, he Was descended trotn some ot its eailiest and moi,t respectable settlers-f Id heart and in princi hie. he was Durelv mmericah.KtvA earlvirn bibed those principles, of civil liberty wlvlch maturcr age brought int9 aetion. In the ear-: Iiest, stage of resistance to the encroachments of the administration of the .mother couHtry upon ther rights of ihfi4 colonists, he appeared conspcuos amongst the.iBost zealous of the American patriots. When measures ot hos (ih y Vere at length resorted $o, hia'ardoirr intrepid inirit; his enerey in counsels and his fortitude under tosses -and pivatia.hsj leva5 ed his character to S.high degree-of estima tion. ; . It would be difHculrrattlhis -time; 16 enumerate all the various departments he fiK led durink the. portentous period'.-of the Re- yolu ion.? 'It outht norhowever to'be ,6mi tea,r mat ne was a memoer ot vne convenyipn which established "the existing state.con'ati tutiorf i that he had a .large sharie in Ifiitfbi-; matio t and that he was ,raiscd-ibjLbVJudV' ctal Bench, oh itheHfirst oraranization cf the. Judiciary under' .that constitute 6ru 1 Uniing, acieu in uie nonoraoie stauon qjyuae fur vt number of vearsi he was afierwar'dii elect txh So the Chief Magislracyof th isfsLate fo-:ihre,' terms successively:. ; then retired tqpi ir vale Irfv, from, whh be was eafitd oh a tVvv crreat occastons bythe "voice-: of IdsVctmmry,. It'niaV. be aaid 'wiuV ruth "ofTtheT dn ef aied that though warm jn his politics, hi -frfcnd'. nhvo tor those wuo"were imDosed to him in pinion wasiever. ih any instance, t xtioicuis' r. : - r - t r . . . . c . v ed oVleSaened i that m his' domesxic crrcf ; be was always amiabW andalWaya exempli tuVf refiffiohl'and wasvp4ow'n'omoirtet' uon;,ii) rinc nis useiai;ure, niunicrfm5 virtttei. iVis venerable age:? the. Jhkt aid 4jgUie4 uuipna Ji ;fiUecL all. erotiu' tne 'cUectfsWd'excjVeatrd empiT ! iii tne 2aa u i.ai xurccuui, uie rcu.cic 'of JUaj. AjD.MooreVGeejr get! 50 yearaxi 'JtfV- Vt':'.'v ?Mf Newbetn a ew.4aH ago, Atrs' Alltst wife of Vjii Allen Esq. of thar place:.1 V-At tenf ociockVrf thej 23d ultiataheilJ 'tic iormei oi tne aooye mentioned' uauity remahider' of 4heni'jruvides' fori the claSfWY ibe latter of Lunen burg. County; Virginia.' - :)fication of life rnUUia'of me tite4'lBateJ On the Vlst; alt. MrJesse Hodgins, xff mti y i'ree classes I, tli'emiir toeoiisistrj jf M.-v' Ga es cotmty, to Miss Mary White, daughji thosbcwew4dSra terof TJapu Wiiitei deceased. . '.'iiv lf.W.-iMie' ' i - - ' . ' " ii ir. fllim-kf'wt& fit ms'A&--rtv'k.-'-H': tyKloige meli;ar octt 1 flak liladclauar ' - lir-Jtv i : A.most inteist nr5oirt -faWfiWi p?'ekehtatifs bjrihei rarltte &M;&m rei Rc4ancprilaW hilinipottitbtihe HeJaSoriyofmfa cbotlirynWFoig ,RepoVt -andthev Bill togetberr ibep ougno De .receiyerjmo m$y&ymzgil& ? ThV imuries tbceied frcmi ifieje0 Uletn on ihe lUffhest4iod itndf mW. M ttivt: tr, W'tiBrt"it i rto- in h.r tiri i nst :ridl W yL'k : routine pqiions.jic4 r -WV i'TTvi r J T'W.lXjV . -frC:!s from taguira; it ijpVi; hiericanii nuthaturalixe : '''fM H and-tnat-1 VrrV rVwiii te atrainsa wi -. . i tb. ir.ttppct,:4 -ObllfSr IsleV beWde:jp latjr .t;heyr3 i h e : fo rrne r by I he fir St of !Dec tie xtf; n I vvf a'gemiemahhba'ip8engein .d cM;-r ul shin. Tontine ibm.Xtverpinfbrined Itltc him that(6XI0O ihtiafre; eMitl esruoisimenioi regoiar.roopsruu uwiwu ;-. v g EnS tand.tb(kehanKiSf tanfrdlBrWr i;oCthis;gwUanbdse v wqu.yiooer, Jed Hireip' ' nqy mat tneppunacuniiywswj -;..' mcrjrvat thi s thattf anyrevious Winsfnfe :' l' :t heyw ar?andc6nnation if t Wsst a'te-"Ax; rcei Icjief s'ry tor.tiue; st'a'tethatitre WbtnV ,flf at jhrbjpe .aMuBritaitt WillrCiperate'(wK ' fi&verniBfent inf. obtaihintr' that, hoibrabl na ci&catibii and cklioScdgemerrf t1:-t . til w.' c,,u t- wk cnla . LeibLiurc on the. pnoUited day i? a no after wrds d chried ine exhibition f jt tc that body altogether,. has prodticed.mBCb deubt jW- On motion of Mr.'D. ft: 'Williams, ibe s. m addition to sums readyin 1ke manner; permanently apteronrir ated- Tho i5e neX' sections are mere , de- V. tail ork th ; a. bead i The 6th section stui the 1 oth-waTj-obtaihvi ft't??4 lUoiiRrrahav;r0 iaded exhjblttbe '. model tf hisMathine tb 'i tc PeWsylVan if-., ft to the reality of his Perpetttal Motion r Talimigelspote' in oisiubh totit r of! I ?aid cdhciudeil bv I mftntot Strike out -ihfe K :: Z Mri William replied tor lrTattihadge and upppse!; tie jrnplion: jtOrjsitv firjw secti6nvhlchwaNri St ' --l ?ff 'rite"coniWtee;ji$ese wtt toaheiaousi wfolit.ame'odKehK''' V . ;f :'..':--i- f2i-.-'"v ;-, - ...; . . ..S-'- j'J!Vj -. tSQ. - ' - i.;- ' . . : " - MrGriyf y' , reigfii RelauiiavaUeSji driha U$y subject, whiih Shalt appear -in our siexWl Kf . The report ; conclude; joy fcommericm?v j ;:. tne pass ace or a pur ror tue regulation and iOOO .efet) w)ere orde,tc b pfinteqv f tfo b"ll 8timleTrteiitary to the act ibrarmjnf.? 7; 3. the-nihtis a d4br classic the iame.?'W ' iHsome of which Avere adopted and otla' e&atived. tAYnone:.: theses agreed o wa one YnOvetl py Mri Williams,' authoTasIhfir the 1 . - j r -n. :!' i i-. i 1 ; .t k.t L ' 'l. " And tne wu Jil oraertts w pe engrosser it ra mird;readini Ummk ? iTIie house wenl into aixommltteei en tho ' V SHI niakihj-vrpiuneratiotf to tLe ofScers ind I i rw. iif '4MvCbhstituti0ii fiigte: for the eap it" Mj" ur :dec8sr destru r iJJ ! f'lgate? dtirrtwrevtwjM ''i ftt. tiHhiapt ; 4V;rhe'mni4;ti'hu ite HousV-hiv,ing 4Eetct fe.beaprjr-T;.t.'; ijl ' tidiO, the -hill was ordered to bb4aotte4'.vA''f 1 '' Tor a third reanj vM VI : vl-?-' ' ' ...rri,4 ''r:,i'l.y 's maxca. iito? Boston, yfjljffe jtAlula, 4 very yaluafcle- . . . . v. . . r, .... mv j - f ty , WMli a cartro. oi xjtn a ayes i flic aerit '. .'r f by the V. S brlr llr; 1 I U Vjij rthjiCpocu ThCjbrig: wfirst talni byr J i gi.cn.oit o Wrrinxtl, sad then falijen m Vrw r wvY(hfe Ktvf byjCwlio into; w&i "U xti ifteciiaf 1ajhiltai;of.rjr:3r lejty ifaltoorCsfs W5I4)is saidta - a i..- -. i "-a :v a . it .ii tmW9 mmmr -t t Tlirce vessels , espttire4 V t.lv'vlW M-V I ( : I 4 Is lb rr t: I 4 :2?;, (, gallant atil Officer is failjr caJblVef ceieetod raised, tit a . , 1. t . ' ...... - . ; I if . r "ft' 7, " ' r.'v,. -v 7